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On top of the world
To coiiKide with Think I'lnk day, the staff at PricewaterhouseCoopers Gibraltar organised a raffle with the proceeds going to Cancer Research UK.
Thanks to the efforts of Maria Balchin and Alex Trico they were able to secure,through the generos ity of many businesses in Gibraltar, an incredible range of prizes to raffle amongst staff members. The staff responded with incredible support resulting in significantly higiicr sale.s of raffle tickets than anticipated.
In keeping with their tradition, the partners at PricewaterhouseCoopers agreed to match the amount raised by staff and then topped it up to £1,500.
Colin Vaughan, the managing partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers Gibraltar presented the cheque to John Zayas, representing Cancer Research UK. Also in the picture are Maria Balchin and Alex Trico.
A Requiem Ma^ anldJIHnner in honour of Lieutenant Commander Leslie Edward Ayling Royal Navy was held last month in the Holy Trinity Cathedral on the anniver sary of his death.
Touching performances by Na than Payas and Aaron Monteverde plus the choir led by Lili Olivero were heard. Sculptress Sharon Keenan produced a bust of Leslie which was unveiled in the dinner at HMS Rooke where Squadron Leader James Vinaies gave the main speech, with Ray Pilley and Doctor Maskill following.
Leslie's wife, Margaret, an nounced the foundation of the Leslie Ayling Trust which has as its first project the initiation of a chemotherapy unit at St Bernard's Hospital. Donations of nearly £60,000 were presented in his mem- ory ^ £10,000 to the Rock of All Ages Campaign, £10,000 to Saint Bernard's Church, £10,000 to the King Edward Vll hospital, £5,000 to the Alameda Garden, and other donations to hospices, Nazareth House,Red Cross, Mother Theresa etc. It is hoped that soon the oncol ogy unit will also be funded in Leslie's name.
Morrisons to invest in Gibraitar
UK based supermarket operator,Wm Morrison Supermarkets the time is right for a significant injection of capital to bring the full Morrisons offer to the Rock."
PLC submitted a planning application to the Development and Planning Commission in mid-October which confirms its future commitment to Gibraltar.
The Westside store will undergo a multi-million pound redevelop ment if the plans for extensions on three sides of the existing building are approved.
Roger Owen, Morrison's Main Board Property Director said:"We have addressed a number of is sues since we acquired the store as part of the Safeway acquisition some two and a half years ago and
Grant Henley,Business Develop ment Director, said: "The current stable and prosperous economic climate in Gibraltar has given us the confidence to proceed with this major investment in our store. We were really convinced that we had a future when wesaw the last Budget Statement issued by the Govern ment which said just how impor tant we were here in Gibraltar,and that gave us tremendous heart. We followed this up with a meeting with Minister Holliday recently and,of course,subsequent to that, we are now aware of the details of the Cordoba Agreement which should improve frontier fluidity. Border restrictions gave us a major problem in terms of distributing to the store on a regular basis, par ticularly at weekends. Thatis now set to go, which will give us more freedom and enable us to present our full range of products to our customers more consistently."
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