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Our interest is in your best interest!
Our Financial Advice Service offers a highly personalised and Independent approach to your finances that makes us more than a one-stop shop.
By taking the time to listen to your individual requirements, we put together tailor made solutionsfrom across the market with a view to yielding the best possible results.
We consider you to be a life-long client and as such,are here to discuss your changing financial needs, reviewing your^ circumstances on a regular basis. ^
Find out how we can help you{pake the mostfrom your money by giving us a call, or drop into our branch on Main Street^ can occur when a stock is reclassified from one sector to another, with the new sector having a different P/E ratio, iii Directors dealings.Directors can not buy or sell shares in their own company in the two months preced ing their results. Purchases either ^ust before this period or after good results are published and the stock has already gone up,are regarded as bullish signals. iv Stock Splits. A stock trading at £40 may undertake a 10:1 stock split for liquidity reasons thereby reducing the price to £4. Although the value of the company has not actually changed, these splits can exaggerate a strong up trend result ing in the stock re-listing at above £4 after the split.