3 minute read
Datatec:ingineering in Gibraltar
;i., ooIIqh all arm ind the world in their yacht.When tl-
Now Roy runs architectural and engineering consultants Datatec, along with his daughter Gaye who is director in charge of quality control and safety. The rest of the family arc directors or sharehold ers too.
So, what exactly does an archi tectural and engineering consul tant do? "We mainly design the complex mechanical and electrical systems in new buildings, or in buildings being refurbished," replied the friendly and very good-humoured Roy "Mechanical and Electrical engineering are our main strengths. We designed all the complex engineering installations for Cassava at Europort, which is the world-famous 888.com com pany; and we are currently also heavilv involved in the design of mechanical and electrical services at the new King's Bastion Leisure Centre, which is an exciting and adventurous project."
1 learned from Roy that Volker Stevin are working on the Leisure Centre project,which explains why they have so many site offices at Reclamation Road but little sign of external activity. Once the Leisure Centre is well under wav the Dutch company will then start work on the 32-storey tower block in Naval Ground No 2, Reclamation Road.
"We are the only local consul tants to have been engaged for the Leisum Centre," said Roy, when his equally good-humoured daughter Gaye prompted him. "The other members of the design team are mainly northern European profes sionals."
Gaye added that Datatec does tend to be appointed the local spe cialist consultant for many large international companies.
In fact it transpired that Datatec hasbeen involved in a great deal of Gibraltar's modernisation,includ ing, currently, the dome-topped new building next door to the NatWest bank in Line Wall Road, the new exciting Cliff Top House project and the new 9-storey Filomena House which is to be con- to love engineering " especially CAD, (computer-aided design) — but not all. What appears to be missing here is career guidance, to point young people in directions that arc most suited to their inter ests and abilities." s tructed next toStTheresa's Church in Devil's Tower Road. Described as 'affordable-plus' housing, the project has been designed around an ancient tree, which eveiybody wanted to save. iAcommitted and proud Freema sonfor thelast44years, Roy takesa deepinterestin all Gibraltaraffairs and social development. He regrets that the family unit appears to be breaking down as, increasingly, both parents are forced to work to provide for their mortgage. "So children now do not get the home life that we of the older generation were fortunatetohaveexperienced. And it is going to get worse — not just here but all over Europe as economic demands on the fam''y unit become greater," he said, his good humour briefly replaced by real sadness.
How did Datatec come about?
"Weall lovedGibraltarat firstsight, but at that time there were labour restrictions which meant the only way wecouldworkwithin Gibral tarwastoformourowncompany," hetold me.ThusDatatecbeganlife; firstly at Garrison House, then the Cornwall's Centre and finally in Fish Market Lane as part of Ocean Heights.
Roy and Gave are always looking at innovations to include within their designs, particularly the use of sustainable energy sources such as solar power.'This could reduce carbon emissions by as much as one tonne per dwelling per annum, Rov said.
As well as being appointed by international concerns,Datatec also works with many Gibraltar contrac tors and architects. "Sometimes we work for them," he said,"and sometimes they work for us. But most of our clients usually end up becoming our friends as well."
Before setting off on the world tour by yacht with his family, including the cat and dog, Roy held an exalted position as senior Engineering Manager for Ford of Europe. Coming from Westclifteon-Sea in Essex,he studied at Lon don University and came away as a Doctor of Philosophy in alternative energy sources,one of his passions, although he uses traditional meth ods as well on many of Datatec's projects. _ .
Datatec also provides training for students from the College of Further Education, providing work experience to a mixture ofstudents, "Often they are placed on a course of study because they are not sure of what thev really want as a ca reer"Roy told me."Some are often surprised to find that they come
He brightened again though, as he added, "But Gibraltar is the greatest of all places. I have lived and worked allovertheworld,and it is definitely the best community ofall inwhich toliveand work.The wonderful people,lackofcrime,the climate, and no VAT, everything... Even the problems with ourSpan ish neighbours tend to add to the rich tapestry oflifewearefortunate to enjoy," he said.
Datatec is in Fish Market Lane, beside the entrance to the Ocean Heightsapartments.Thetelephone numbers for any enquiries are 78362 and 74636 or email them on datatecSS'gibraltar.gi.You'llbehard pressed to find such a combination of friendliness and professional knowledge in such technical fields as Datatec's.