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Using Interiordesign to convey corporate Identity
performance levels.
The ri;iht flooring for the right situation — there is a huge range of resilient and attractive natural hardwood flooring,luxurious deep pile carpeting, and ceramic tiles for high density areas, vinyl, pres tigious marble and slip resistant solutions for wet areas.
Moving on to ceilings — sus pended ceilings offer considerable advantages over a conventional fixed ceiling. Concealing con structions they allow easy access to all pipe work, data carriers and air conditioning ducting in stalled above. Maintenance ofthese items and additional installation of equipment can be carried out eas ily. Suspended ceilings also offer enhanced sound insulation, and present a clean uniform look to a building. Existing joints need not be level or even straight to install suspended ceiling.
In short, if your offices look messy, disorganized or just plain tired, that glimpse can turn into a lasting image of your company that is very hard to change.
A well planned and designed of fice layout can help you to win new business, recruit talented employ ees and establi.sh reladonships with suppliers. Unfortunately, many offices just say go away.
Wonderfully evocative, well designed spaces show us that it certainly doesn't have to be that way.
Creating office space that evokes a product or a corporate brand means answering challenging ques tions. What kind of company are we? Do we want to come across as informal and hip or serious and ex perienced? Are wc into European, Asian or Midwestern values? Do we favour collaboration or solitary work or some a combination of tables, to really trendy state of the art office furniture.
Furniture restoration — often in Gibraltar some of the offices have a wealth of wonderful old furniture that has been sadly neglected and formed wood rot or termites, this is often well worth restoring.
Building and office refurbishment. from initial concept through to detailed designs — a designer will consider your unique requirements, advise on increasing storage and seating capabilities,recommended options for specific tasks and effec tive work environment solutions
Partitioning systems offer an ideal solution to creating offices, meeting rooms, staff, dining, toilets and other areas tailored to your exact requirements allowing highly effec tive use of space available.
Lighting — the careful selection and deployment of lighting has beneficial effect on staff tiredness the two?
What is the area an interior designer looks at when they are called in? Office furniture most important, this again depends on the image your company wants to betray, from wonderful antique re production desks and board room
Decoration — to enhance your working environment, it is impor tant to select the right colours and finishes when decorating. Window blinds enhance the look of any of fice and can be used as low cost and attractive privacy screening for of fices with glazed partition walls. Bespoke^niiture truly reflects the style and image of your business.
With almost unlimited options in traditional and contemporary designs, you can design unique pieces of furniture — tailor-made boardroom tables, call centre fur niture,storage walls and seating to your exact specifications, drawing on a wide range of materials such as hardwood and leather.
Corporate identity is much more than a name. It reflects the compa ny's goals, strengths, personality and philosophy. Used wisely, in terior design can convey all this in the first meeting.
Jane Hart, Denville Designs, 62 Engineer's Lane, Gibraltar. Tel:44012 email:jane@denvilledesigns.com iinm denvilledesigns.com.