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V i I V e r s hb p
Place ft Sacarello Coffee Shop,Irish Town. For info and credit/debit card purchase contact Angelo Tel: 72134
Friday 17th 6 Saturday 18th
Stylos Dance Academy Choreography Festival at John Mackintosh Hall Theatre. Contact Lilian Montero 42896
Saturday 18th
Gibraltar Heritage Trust visit to the King's Chapel led by Pepe Rosado. Meet King's Chapel 10.30am. Gibraltar Heritage Trust Tel: 42844
Gibraltar Botanic Garden Tour meet George Don Gates (at the south end of Grand Parade) 10.30 am. No fee but donations welcome. Tel: 72639 Email alameda@ wildlife.gib.gi
Thursday 23rd b Friday 24th
Gibraltar Bird Breeders Association Live Birds Exhibition at John Mackintosh Hall. Contact 56175000 Email: peter@alcomdata.com
Thursday 23rd
Gibraltar Museum talk by Geraldine Rnlayson "Llevame Donde Naci" poems, prose and promises at John Mackintosh Hall Theatre 8.30 pm. Entrance free
Sunday 26th
Caipe Rambles meet Spanish Side of the Frontier just to the right of the Aduana Vehicle Exit at Sam.Contact Ray Tel: 71956 or John Tel: 74645
November-5th December
Tuesday 28th
Gibraltar Amateur Drama Festival. For a full programme • Ministry of Culture Tel: 48063 Email: minculture@gibtelecom.net
4 silver & cubic /jrconlum necklace & earrings £64
Gibraltar as much as it helped Spain. Franco's era was on its way out — though not yet completely eclipsed—and atlocal government level, in the Campo, there was a similar sense of urgency," he recalls. "The eagerness of all three parties was almost tangible."
Though Reyes did not regard it as a drawback,or go so far as to de scribe his approach as 'autocratib — a view that not all observers will share — he stresses Sir Joshua's reputation as "the Octopus".
"He enjoyed having a finger in every pie," Reyes recalls. But then the same can be said of Sir Joshua's successors — Sir Robert (Bob) Peliza, the present Opposi tion leader Joe Bossano and Peter Caruana.
"They all come in proclaiming their policy of giving free rein to their ministers to take decision... but it doesn't last for long," he chuckles and the laughter is re flected in sparkling hazel eyes. "Pretty soon everything comesback to decisions at, and by. No 6."