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health & mecJical directory
Lon-Lee Htllman BSc iHonsl LicAc MBAcC Valmar Medical Clinic, 11 Main Street Tel: *44471 & Central Clinic. 1A Centre Plaza, Horse Barrack Lane Tel: 59955
Email: iorihillman@hotmaiLcom
CHEMISTS Bell Pharmacy 27 Bell Lane Tel: 77289 Fax: 42989
Louis' Pharmacy Unit F12.International Commercial Centre, Casemates. Tel: 44797
John W Miles BSc(Podiatry). MChS College Cimic. Regal House Tel: 77777
Dr Steven J. Crump BSc, DC. MCC ICC F5C 1st Fir, Casemates. Tel: 44226
Gillian Schirmer MA, DC. MMCA McTimoney Chiropractor, Clinic (Claudia's), 1st Fir, 58 Main St Tel: 41733 After hours: 40026
Dr Carsten Rudolf Steiner BSc. DC Steiner Chiropractic Clinics, College Clinic, Regal House Tel: 77777
Jenny Ndiweni Life Line Counselling Services 3/2nd floor 29 City Mill Lane Tel: mobile 54002090 email; jennYndiweni@hotmail.com
Madeline Andlaw PG Dip(BACP Reg) 19a Line Wall Road Tel: 74814 Urgent: 54028785 nPNTAI SURGEONS
Or Daniel N Borge BDS MSc
7-9 Cornwall's Lane Tel,'Fax: 75790
Mike Clark BDS
The Dental Practice, Baudelaire House. 15D-1 Town Range Tel/Fax: 52882
Dental Surgeon
Unit FSB ICC.2a Main Street Tel/Fax: 40747 i UK)
Hnierecncv After Hours: 78756 Stortc
5 City Mill Lane, Gihraltar. Tel: 73765
Suppliers of Glucosamine, Ginkgo Biioba and all vitamitts. New large range of American products now in stock.
Body Building Products(Creatine etc)
Gpeiv 4.im - 1pm & 3pni - 6.30pm
You pre-pay at today's prices, we provide your chosen service whenever it is eventually required and whatever it eventually costs itmrfiiim en Pn-PaU Funeral PlanmufAmlaMefrom: 11 Convent Place, Gibraltar Tel: 75747
Codali Funeral Services
Dr Keith J Vinnicombe BDS(Wales) LDS RCS(Eng)MFGDP(UK) Unit F5B ICC. 2a Main Street Tel/Fax: 40747 Emergency: 78756
Dr Norbert V Borge FRCP(London)
7-9 Cornwall's Lane Tel/Fax; 75790
The Health Store 5 City Mill Lane. Tel: 73765
Ken Oftedai BSc, MAEHU
At Claudia's Beauty Clinic(Wednesdays) 58 Main Street, 1st Floor Tel: 41733 (or Spain 95289 64 24)
Cache & Co Limited 266 Main Street. Tel: 75757
L. M. Passano Optometrist 38 Main Street. Tel: 76544
Complete Fitness Unit G3, Eliott Hotel Tel: 51113
The Essential Services 60km Charity Walk took place last month, with approximately 60 people tak ing part from Gibraltar's Essential Services and their families.
The group was dropped off at Jimena in nearby Spain,from where they walked the 60km, mainly along roadsides, back to Gibraltar
Flu Vaccination
with rest stops at Ventas along the way.
Organised by Sgt. Fields of the Royal Gibraltar Police the walk was a tough challenge but worthwhile, and was helped on the day by very good weather. The walk started at 7.20 am and ended at 6pm in Casemates Square.
Primary Care Centre, Mc Fridays between 2pm and 4pi:^ The vaccines will be administer^^ at the Treatment Room. ^ Individuals who have prevM ously received the vaccine maf* attend without prior appoii^i ment. Individuals who have nla previously been vaccinated shou^ make an appointment with th^ G.P. who will then refer to tl®' vaccination clinic.
Mike Cbrk B.D.s.
The flu vaccine iis sellable
For further details contact Primary Care Centre on 701<
Homeopathic Remedies arnicoy
the cells and promotes healing. Mountain goats eat this plant after sustaining falls or other injuries.
The central idea for the use of arnica is trauma,soreness to the touch is also a central theme.
I recommend that everyone should have arnica at home in various potencies, such as 30C, 200C and IM (in Spain you have to add an "H", for example 30CH, to obtain it from the pharmacies). Higher potencies are used for more sever injuries, but any potency you have will serve.
Arnica is often called the boxer's remedy. This is a very good description as it is good for all sorts of blows and should be the first homeopathic remedy given in any trauma. It calms
In Spain you can obtain arnica from any pharmacy, which is the only place to get homeopathic rememdies from in that country. Otherwise it can be obtained by mail from Helios or Ainsworths in the UK, links to which can be found on my website www. homeopathy.euni.org.

by Ken Oftedal BSc, MAEHU
the UN asindependent states did not apply to Gibraltar's application as it was made before that particular rule was introduced.
"Anyway, that rule has already been bent several dmes in favour of smaller associations," Bubi points out. Initially the main thrust of Gibraltar's application, which he and the GFA president Joe Nunez have spearheaded from the outset, was to develop football locally and improve levels of football.

"However,now we have our own leagues — there are seven big clubs, five of which play in the premiership — as a UEFA member we could con sider entering European preliminary rounds or join in amateur and junior foreign competitions. That creates a new scenario and certainly estab lishes new and stronger incentives for youngsters to become players."