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Cupid is a gentle and relaxed cat who would make a won derful family home pet. He is good with children and gentle with grandparents.
Cat Welfare Society
Tel: 4Z301
TrixieisaSyearoldcal who recently joined the shelter after living in a home. An affec tionate character who loves to be included in family life, he would make a lovely com panion for years to come. Tel: 42301
Smokey-Jo just loves to play. Given a chance she'll just cuddle, tease and run after anything that moves. With lots of energy and bundles joy she is patiently watting to become someones centre of atterttion. Tel: 42301 hobbies<?l IK
Family Research
Have your Gibraltarfamily tree professionally researched contact Fay on Tel: 77620 email: gibroots@gibtelecom.net
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