4 minute read
Legends on the Rock LORD NGLSON CASEMATeS
Starters & Snacks
FVesli Local Vliisseis Beef In Special Sauce £5.25
Our Signature Dish £5.95 TfndiTUiir-iuflM-trnndfn'^hvrjtflnble*
Krv*li niiiMi'ls in h white wine, giuiie. iiml ii i" "»e ehtT* speeial prn>> vremn smiee. served with i-risp) bread Also CalatllflrCS £4 25 tivnilnlile ns ii main emirse Htillereil s«|iiid Imd The Classic Bruachella £2.75
\ dieev ol eriM'Inndell eiubatin bread, ,\llIieja.S - Babv OaniS X4.95 topped with Innuilnes,(Uii'lii' iind fn-sh basil Ceded in a iinriie and while wine stuiiT
Blue Cheese & Rocket Monlatiilo •...£2.00
Bruschella £5 15 ^'"'"^••'"''^'■''"'""■"'''^rennptvrknilel
Gibraltar hit the world stage last month for charity. I say the world stage because the following night on national television John Barnes, ex- England and Liverpool midfield footballer mentioned he'd been playing in Gibraltar the night before. I think he felt proud actually having played at such a venue as the Victoria stadium, the Rock behind it and a Monarch jet taxi-ing less than 100 metres away from the Liverpool goal. Which though unusual, not unusual enough to put Liverpool legendary goalkeeper Bruce Grobbelar off his game as the Gibraltar 'legends'team, or 'Rock 11' as they were billed, failed to score.
Liverpool trotted home worthy 20 winners but the Rock 11 did them selves very proud indeed and nearly scored on several occasions. Marvin Cartwri^ht and Paul Lyon were both superb in goal for Gibraltar stopping a couple of certain strikes each half with aplomb.The rest of the lads did well too, Chiqui Fava a lone figure up front showed that being an ex rugby player has it's advantages when facing Phi! Neal, John Wark and Gary Gillespie at the back for Liverpool. Another light Colin Ramirez as always showed some of the skill that made him a first call up in whatever team he played.
All in all the full stadium enjoyed anevening'sentertainment, RBSand the other sponsors, of which there were many, enjoyed dinner after wards at the casino with the players and an auction of memorabilia.
Well done to Dennis and Christian
U (^t(kc Ea.r6/^
The fir-St Annual General Meet ing of Triads of the Earth Gibral tar will be held on Thursday 9th November at 8pm in the Charles Hunt Room of the John Mackin tosh Hall. All members should aim to go along as important items are up for discussion. If you want to submit an item or nominate someone for an elective post(Co ordinator, Secretary or Treasurer) please contact Friends of the Earth Gibraltar,33 Marina Court, Glacis Road Tel: 77655. There is also a social evening and dinner on
Santos ofSantos Productions as well as Chiqui Fava who between them came up with the idea. Well done to the Liverpool Legends who came, played with such great spirit and en thusiasm being mobbed everywhere they went. Finally well done to all the fans who made the evening so enjoyable and profitable for Research into Childhood Cancer to the tune of more than £28000.
Gibraltar: Marvin Cartwright, Paul Lyon, Dennis Santos. Ian Payas, Frank Barton, Peter Moreno, Johnny Moreno, Anthony Bayers, Colin Ramirez. Mick McElwee, Francis Caruana, Ernest Gil bert, Chiqui Fava. Adrian Olivero and Michael Yome.
Liverpool: Bruce Gobbelaar, Phil Neal, Alan Kennedy, Gary Gillespie, John Wark, Michael Thomas, Ronnie Whelan, Mark Walters, John Barnes, John Durnin, Paul Walsh, David Fairdough, Ian Rush, John Aldridge, Jan Molby and Jimmy Case.
Wednesday 8th November at Charlie's Tavern, Marina Bay from 8pm. Tickets £10 per person plus drinks. Again contact 77655 (not Charlie's).
TDrai/n^ QirfJ2.007
Dream Girfof the Year 2007 will be held on Friday 2nd March 2007. closing dates for applications is Friday 1st December 2006. Girls between the ages of 10 and 13 are invited to sign up for this Beauty Pageant, entry forms can be col lected from Blossoms, Unit F22, First Floor, ICC building or contactBianca on mobile 54000377.
3 sfKvsoriiHLsiedeiHbBlla bread. Iitfiped nidi Stultcd PeppCfS £4.75 diced tnmain. blur cheese ami rresh nn-kel SliifTcd peppers with lima tupped with a ].or,ly's PoUlo Skins £4,25
Our tainiius skins, lopped with Cheddar rll-PU PrawilS X4.95 chresr, erispv bni»n and {Uirlic mnvnn- l^'"" us Miiierd with garlic, white wine, noise (in the side spices (iiul liinittio
AUanlic Prawn Cocktail £4.45 Chicken Plnchilo's ..............£3.50 The imditionni sinrier. Aiinniic prawns on - mnnimtrd and gnllrd chicken kebabs a bed of kebenj icuuce with tomato a Ballcn'd Ring Prawns X5..50 nicumbrr and Mars Rose sauce p^esh Kin^ prawns deep-rried and served Grilled Cliorizo Sausages X4.25
ClaMic Spatiisli snicv sausape. served with g Prlfd Mo/zaivila SUcks X4.25 cri*pv hrrno Cmp nnd gtiltk'n ihi ihr (Hiliwlr nnd bit in Uw Spicy Chicken Wings £4.75 V""" » a siHcv dm ki-n vvinp. served vviih a sweet Ellglaild expectS that evePy tdiiiii wucr dip man will do his duty
Main Courses
Fresh Local Mussels - Our Fillet Of John Dory X7.25
Signature Dish £6.95 •'''•csbnilcliifJohiiDorvcnokedlnapreen ivcsh miiksels in n while wine, garlic, and a I*"*!" *»"'** Inpped with c^heese nu gratia tream same, served with mspv bread Chilli CoH Came £5.75 BrllLsh Fish And Chips £5.75 Hn'ttemadechllll sened on a bed or rice
■Our laniotis (iulnness balierefl fish and liiHne- Spaghetti Bologliaise X5.25 madechipswrvedwilhatanarsaui-c npu iil llHlliin piiMa dish with iiiiiiced Chicken Milanese £8.75
Kresh chicken nilel coated in brendrrumbs l,aSHSIie £5.50 and pan-fried. Sencd with a fresh luiimlii Thr llaliun t'avourilc. lasers of pasta and nnd moTxarFlIn salad and crisps potato minced beef, senetl with homemade dtips
HMS Breakfast X5.00
Chicken & Cheese .£7.95 l egg. 2 sausages. 2 mshers of bacon. tuoRt. "fvinling skillet of onions nnd peppers, mushriMons. (nmnloes. baked beans, and logethrr wilh garlic-marinated chicken chips breasts lopped with cheese. Sened with Vegetarian Pasla Baked .£5.25 tmr homrmadr t hips Spnghelli coi4ipd in a nch Uimato sauce.
Chicken & Mushroom Pie ...i5.50 lopfx-tl clx-e* and baked in the «nen Chefs homemade cnistv lopped pie served IjOlUSiaiia Pork £ 6.25 Hilh homrmndr chips Medallions ofjuicv pork morinaled in AdnilraLs Mine FliJet Steak -£11.50
Serv ed with MushriKtm, Pepper. Brands or Steak & Ale PtC £ 5.50 Bourbon sauce, homemade chips A salad Our own steak A ale pie served wilh garnish homemade chlp.s
Desserts Servedwith cream oricecream
Apple Pie £3.75 Lemon Meringue Pie ....£3.25
TrndliionnI Apple pie served hot or cold A pastes base, with n lemon filling lopped wlili meringue
TVipic Chocolale Riol....£3.75
Kver> womon's dreaml Double chiHtilale inke CarrotS And n. Ff. rti cx nK Cocoiiut Cakc £3.45
Creamy BanofTie Pie ....£3.25 i,-s,hec«ptmnsr«vourite!
Sticks lolTec served on n biscuit base
Also available a selection of Burritos, Sandwiches, Salads,