The Gibraltar Magazine - July 2017

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July 2017 Vol. 22 # 09

Sax to the Max - The four dimensions

Escape Rooms - Real-life gaming

Startup Grind - Powered by Google

Llanito ‘Rot’ - Crisis of bilingualism

Guest Code - Wedding attire

The Commonwealth - Time for a closer look







editor’s letter


Summer sun, something’s begun…’ and as we go about our usual beach routine, it’s interesting to note how things have changed over the years. Have there been many differences in beach customs? Do we go to the same places? Do we wear similar swimsuits? Richard looks at what things used to be like on the Rock and compares this with the trends of today (p. 31). And with ‘summer days drifting away to, uh-oh, those summer nights,’ a new and exciting band is playing at the Governor’s Parade on the 20th of July - Saxomania (p. 49). Featured on this month’s cover, these four talented musicians give us a taste of smooth jazz along with various other genres, all played on… saxophones! This nofrills quartet use nothing other than their nimble fingers to create magical melodies. During the cover shoot they treated us to a little demo and that was enough to secure the 20th as a firm date in my calendar.

There are, of course, many other concerts on our summer calendar, both in Gib and along the coast, and we’ll be running competitions on our Facebook page so make sure you visit regularly for a chance to win free tickets! With summer, too, comes the wedding season, and Julia’s put together a wardrobe ladies can choose from to suit a variety of fancy events, whether it’s a wedding, 4

engagement party, or just a glamorous evening out (p. 63). Early last month, I assembled a GibMag team with Sophie and Chris, and a guest member from Dead City Radio to solve a murder mystery and escape a locked room on the East side of the Rock. Room Escape is a real-life adventure game very popular in major cities across the world and the Gibraltarian edition is fantastic! Sophie chronicles our experience in detail on page 68. Meanwhile, Chris tells us about a different kind of escape, with his witty commentary on his travels in New York, the city that never sleeps (p. 72). Speaking of witty, if you enjoy a bit of dry humour, Marcus is back to tell us more about travelling with his parents (p. 46). All I can say, it sounds fun to be around his dad... On a more serious note, a new contributor, Molly tackles the issue of more and more Gibraltarian kids speaking only English. After Chinese, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and the opportunity we have here for our children to be bilingual should not be overlooked. Studies have shown that multilingual people enjoy more mental benefits; they are more creative, better at complex problem-solving and planning, and have increased focus to those speaking only one language. Molly also looks into Llanito, so I’ve prepared a

few exercises to test yours (p. 36). In another new column this month, we welcome Denise, who explains how she became the Chapter Director for Startup Grind, the popular platform for new companies to promote themselves (p. 26). If you have an idea for a business and it happens to be tech-related, her networking events are definitely the place to be. But when you are not thinking about business opportunities (like Ian advises us in his article about why we should look towards The Commonwealth - p. 21) or when you’re not cooking food very slowly (as Polly recommends in her parenting column - p. 96), what gets you out of the house on these hot summer days (p. 18)?



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contents 8 NEWS 16 Around town 18 Hello there: outdoor activities

BUSINESS 21 24 26 28

Overlooked Association – The Commonwealth: a closer look Shared Economy – The future of travel - is Gibraltar ready? Startup Grind – Powered by Google for Entrepreneurs Getting A Mortgage – Property finance in Gibraltar

LIFE 31 34 36 40 42 46

Beach Time – Now and then Release The Krakens! – The highly fecund Octopus Llanito “Rot” – Crisis of our bilingualism and Llanito Our Salvador – Man of the People The Defining Eight Years – Joseph Ernest Pilcher Espace vs Porsche 911 – how to operate a hearing aid...

SCENE 49 Sax to the Max - The four dimensions of saxophone 52 Earthy & Hearty – ‘Metamorphosis’ of colours 58 From dance to theatre – Erika relishes the stage 22#09 July 2017: Saxomania - Amanda Peach, Becky Moritz, Ruth Fortuna, Raphael Gonzalez Contributing writers: Ian Le Breton, Eran Shay, Ayelet Mamo Shay, Denise Matthews, Jorge v.Rein Parlade, Richard Cartwright, Lewis Stagnetto, Molly McElwee, Mark Montegriffo, Mike Brufal, Marcus Killick, Elena Scialtiel, Julia Coelho, Sophie Clifton-Tucker, Chris Hedley, Andrew Licudi, Peter Schirmer, Polly Lavarello. The Gibraltar Magazine is published monthly by Rock Publishing Ltd Portland House, Suite 4, Glacis Road, Gibraltar, PO Box 1114 T: (+350) 20077748 | E: Copyright © 2017 Rock Publishing Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without written consent of The Gibraltar Magazine.


Magazine & website archived by the British Library


The quality of a magazine reflects on the businesses that advertise within it. The Gibraltar Magazine is Gibraltar’s premier magazine packed with first class content. We don’t have pushy sales people, so get in touch if you have a business or strategy to promote. We will explain your options and help you with artwork if you need us to. We are passionate about what we do and about our home, Gibraltar.


If you are an artist with an exhibition, a club or charity with an event coming up, we’d love to hear from you. This is a community magazine with no VIP area. Everyone is welcome to contribute so drop us a line.


We’d love to hear from you. Sometimes we get a bit lonely in our office, and we like to get letters, phone calls and emails with your feedback and photos. We might even publish the best so keep them coming. This is your magazine so get involved.

Email: Tel: 200 77748 GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

LEISURE 63 66 68 72 80

Guest Code – What to wear to a wedding... Playful Healing – Too much drama in your life? Act it out! Escape Rooms – Interactive real-life adventure game New York – From vast parks to concrete skyscrapers Chianti Discerned – Memories from the 70s

82 84 93 94

Recipes: Chickpeas + Aubergine and Panna Cotta Guides and Information #GibsGems Cash Crunch - Whom the gods wish to make mad they pay in cryptocurrency 96 Slow Food - Cooking memories 98 Coffee Time and Schedules

Editor: Anna Kolesnik Sales & Marketing: Helen Reilly Distribution: Jordan Brett Accounts: Paul Cox 7




he Royal Gibraltar Police, in partnership with the Department of Education and the Care Agency, launched a campaign highlighting the issues and dangers of sharing explicit images online or via text messages (known as ‘sexting’), with the aim of engaging young people to encourage them to think about risks and what they can do to stay safe online.

our children from falling foul to “Sexting”. Children are growing up in an age of everchanging technology and are learning their social norms through technology and social media. It falls upon us as adults to educate them and support them through the safe use of these technologies”.

The campaign was commissioned by the Gibraltar Child Protection Committee on advice given to them by the Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Coordinator, after MAPPA representatives attended the UK National Conference for the National Organisation for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (NOTA). At the conference it was highlighted that young persons - as young as the age of nine - were engaging in “Sexting”, a trend which had also begun to gain momentum locally.

• Remember, even if you think you are having a private conversation; once you have hit send, where those words or images end up will be out of your hands.

RGP School Liaison Officers, as part of ongoing work with schools and other organisations, will be highlighting issues surrounding sexting and encouraging young people to think about their actions through the use of messages on posters, audio visual presentations and social media. The campaign features advice for victims and messages that warn those who request ‘sexual images’ that they are potentially committing criminal offences. Detective Inspector Enriles from the RGP Public Protection Unit, said: “Any image of yourself that you send, can and might be shared by the person you sent it to, or even be used for blackmail. Remember, once you press send, you can’t undo and can’t go back.” He added: “Sexting’ is an activity we have become increasingly aware of amongst young people and many may not realise that what they are doing is illegal or that it may be potentially harmful to them in the future. We have already seen a very real impact on local victims. Although our reported numbers are not as high as in other jurisdictions, we do believe that this is currently underreported and we wish to raise awareness in order to prevent 8

Take a look at this advice about sexting:

• Nudes, sexts, fanpics, whatever you call them, sending private pictures of yourself to someone else is never a good idea. Whether it’s to your boyfriend or girlfriend or someone you’ve met online, a quick snap can have long-term consequences. • If you have sent pictures and regret it, remember it is never too late to get help –the ThinkuKnow & The Parent Zone websites host excellent information on staying safe online.

• How you behave online can affect your future. Think about your job prospects. Do you really want future potential employers to see what you are about to post or send someone? • Make sure you check your privacy settings on social media. Do you really want the whole world to see what you are saying or the pictures you are posting?

• Children who are ‘sexting’ may actually be committing criminal offences. If a teenager were to have in their possession an indecent image of another minor (aged under 16), they would technically be in possession of an indecent image of a child, which is an offence under the Crime Act. If someone is prosecuted for these offences, they may be placed on the sex offenders register, potentially for some considerable time.

• Think about how much information you put online. Could it be used to steal your identity, or are you telling the world information that could be used against you by criminals - have you told potential burglars that your house is empty while you all go on holiday for two weeks?

• Tell your parent, carer, teacher or an adult if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, or if you or someone you know is being bullied online.

• Remember that information you find on the internet may not be true, or someone online may be lying about who they are.

• You can also seek advice from: − RGP specialist officers at safeguarding@ − The Care Agency at Referral. − ChildLine on the 8008 helpline Here are some tips when using social media • Pause before you post. What you write could come back to haunt you.

• Stay safe by being careful not to give out personal information to people you are chatting with online.

• Meeting someone who you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. Only do so with your parents’ permission and only when they can accompany you. • Tell your parent, carer or an adult if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, or if you or someone you know is being bullied online. To make a report, contact one of the RGP’s specialist officers at safeguarding@royalgib., or the Care Agency at Referral. GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017




he Port Authority would like to remind the general public and especially recreational users that there is a speed limit of 5 knots for all vessels in the inner harbour. Any vessel which exceeds this may be liable to prosecution under the Port Act. More generally, particular care should also be taken by speed boat and jet ski users when navigating in the vicinity of other vessels or swimmers in the busy waters off the coastline. The Port Authority would also like to highlight legislation regarding minimum age, adequate insurance cover and level of proficiency for speed boat and jet ski users. Further details can be found on the Government’s website at www. Deputy Captain of the Port, Manuel Tirado said “For the safety of everyone

at sea, as large numbers of pleasure boat owners take to the water this summer, it is essential that we all proceed with due care and attention for others, ensuring we take every precaution to minimise risk of collision, damage or injury. All boat users are reminded of the need to, at all times, proceed at a safe speed and not to

produce wake or wash that could cause a nuisance to others.” The ‘Safety at Sea’ booklet, produced by the GPA in conjunction with the RGP and the GMA, has been reissued, and is available online at safetyatsea, at the Port Office, and in the Pier Office at all marinas.



he Gibraltar Health Authority has approved an amendment to its In Vitro Fertilisation Policy to include female same-sex couples in accordance with the same conditions that apply to heterosexual couples. The decision was taken by the GHA board at its last meeting.

As in the case of heterosexual couples, there are several excluding circumstances for the treatment, such as: life-threatening illness, history of domestic violence, child abuse, drug or alcohol misuse, record of criminal behaviour and any interfering psychological/social factors.

In all cases the IVF treatment has to be recommended by a consultant gynaecologist with expertise in managing cases of infertility, after referral from a GP. The procedure also has to be endorsed by a second clinician specialised in the field.

Adoption of a child by either person does not affect eligibility.

The Policy is applicable to all Group Practice Medical Scheme entitled persons seeking treatment, subject to meeting a number of criteria. The partner to receive IVF must be between the age of 23 and 42, while the other partner must not be older than 55. The couple should also have a clinical diagnosis of infertility and be non-smokers prior to treatment, with the IVF recipient having never smoked, or having ceased smoking, at least six months prior to the application. GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

The Policy has also been further developed so that heterosexual or female same-sex couples who have been refused access to IVF treatment after assessment by the consultant gynaecologist may now apply for a review of the decision by a Clinical Review Panel by putting their grievance in writing to the Medical Director. Minister for Health, Care and Justice, the Honourable Neil F. Costa MP, welcomed the GHA initiative: “I am very pleased to note that the GHA board amended the IVF policy so that this can now be available not just to heterosexual couples but also to female same-sex couples. This scientific

technique will help many couples who in normal circumstances would have been unable to have any children to fulfil their desire for parenthood. As a forwardthinking and progressive administration we are confident that this is a positive addition to the services provided by the GHA to the entire community. I wish to thank my predecessor, the Hon. John Cortes, for having addressed this important equality question during his tenure as Health Minister. It is right and proper that in the interests of equality IVF treatment at the GHA will now be open to female same-sex couples as well.”





taff at the Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) carried out testing of a newly acquired Offshore Speed Sweep System Oil Boom in conjunction with contractors Brightside Services Ltd who are the Tier 1 and 2 responders locally. The system enables a single vessel to conduct the towing of the oil boom by use of a Ro – Kite (Paravane) and the collection of oil operation. This will enhance the Gibraltar Port Authorities oil pollution response capabilities in the Bay of Gibraltar. Commodore Bob Sanguinetti commented that these opportunities ‘provided priceless training to the GPA and its contracted responders in the event of a major oil spill affecting Gibraltar waters’.

He added that ‘this puts the GPA and Gibraltar in the strongest possible position to tackle the unlikely event of an oil spill in our bay, and we will continue with our efforts to achieve the highest level of preparedness’.

Minister for the Port, the Hon Gilbert Licudi QC, also commented that ‘Gibraltar is fully committed to the protection of its marine environment and these exercises underpin the Government’s robust strategy in this respect’.



he Med Golf Capurro Insurance Trophy event was hosted on Sunday 18th June by the El Pariaso Golf Club, a little further afield than the usual Med Golf’s venues. The course was in great condition. Recent improvements were very much in evidence but had been designed to minimise intrusion on play and the husbandry touches around the course added by Club members demonstrated an attention to detail that is often sadly lacking in course presentation. Notably, while not producing any runaway scores, the day did produce one of the highest scoring Med Golf averages for some time and 65% of the field scored 30 points or better. Chris O’Connor was champion of the day with a very fine 39 Stableford points. Chris won the Capurro Insurance Trophy and two green fees on the San Roque Club Old course. Together with his playing partner, Marie-Claire Serreols, Chris also won the best pairs prize with a combined score of 76 points. The best performance on the par 3 holes was Matthew Charlesworth with a gross score of level par. Matthew also featured in the nearest the pin winners list below.


The Longest Drive Trophy was won by Robbie Jones – a triumph of youth? The Best Gross Trophy, for which every hole must be scored, was won by John Hunter with a score of 76, just one shot better than David MacGregor, another regular winner of this trophy. Category 1 (handicaps 0 to 12): the runner up with 35 points was Roger Griffiths who also featured in the nearest the pin prize list. The winner was Robbie’s father, Kevin Jones with a score of 37 points. Category 2 (handicaps 13 to 22): the runner up was Chris Hill with 38 points. Chris also won the best senior prize. The Category 1 winner on handicap was Joe Sanchez also with a score of 38 points. Category 3 (handicap 23 and above): James Barr, having requested a 2 shot cut to handicap 25 before the event was the runner up with 36 points. Well done James, there is a lesson in there for all! The winner was Alexei Abramov with a score of 37 points. Nearest the pin winners were: Dermot Keelan, Peter Warren, David MacGregor and Mike Cowburn. Nearest to the pin in 2 on a par 4 was Matthew Hunter, and

nearest to the pin in 3 on a par 5 was Matthew Charlesworth. The prizes were presented by Capurro Insurance’s Patrick Sheppard-Capurro. The prize giving was followed by a card draw for a litre bottle of Johnnie Walker Red Label whiskey provided by Saconne and Speed and won by Kevin Jones. There were also invitation vouchers for 2 green fees on the San Roque Club Old and lunch at the Star Bar in Gibraltar which were won respectively by Jonathan Rix and Douglas Casiaro. Both vouchers were courtesy of Jyske Bank, the Med Golf Order of Merit sponsor. We are almost at the end of the current season but there are still three more qualifying events to go for you to enjoy a great day out on different golf courses and work your way into the Med Golf Masters in August 2017. GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017




n April this year, St Anne’s School took part in its annual ‘Health and Fitness Charity Challenge,’ organised by the PE Department. Through its ‘Health and Fitness’ scheme of work, the pupils had been learning about the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. The children learnt about the circulatory system, how the heart works, how to take their pulse and how to exercise safely. During the week leading up to the challenge, pupils and staff made a conscious effort to eat healthy and drink plenty of water. On the day of the event close to 500 children, staff, parents and friends took part in the 45 min jogging challenge. The event raised over £2100. Janine Pereira (GibFit Club, Piloxing MT) lead the warm up and cool down session. The pupils and teachers are grateful for the kind donation of bottles of water by Saccone and Speed. These bottles were then collected and recycled in school. A presentation was organised in school last week with representatives of each charity collecting their cheque during the

School Annual “Sports Awards and Charity Presentation.” This year’s charities include: • Brain Tumour Research: £500

such events. Other charities were invited to the School’s presentation to collect their cheques. The charities were:

• World Wide Tribe (for refugee children): £1500

• Save the Children: £400

Throughout the year, the school has been involved in other numerous fundraising events, such as cake sales, the selling of chocolate santas, the polar bear swim, Christmas jumper day, flag days and other

• Bloodwise (Formally known as Leukaemia Lymphoma ): £1100

• Action for Schools: £1200

• Calpe House: £1000 • GBC Open Day: £800



new project spearheaded by scientists from the Department of the Environment and the GONHS Raptor Unit will investigate the movements of Griffon Vultures migrating through the Straits of Gibraltar using lightweight GPS transmitters. This has been launched to coincide with World Environment Day, which this year aims to connect people with nature. Griffon Vultures are commonly observed in Gibraltar during the Spring. Their sheer size, as well as the uproar created by the resident Yellow-legged Gulls, has become one of the local highlights of the migration period. The project, known as Vulture track, aims to provide useful information on the wintering grounds of migrating Griffon Vultures in Africa as well as the movements and foraging patterns of the birds in their breeding grounds in Europe. GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

The first Vulture to be fitted with a solarpowered GPS tracker, known as Harry, was successfully released from the top of the Rock and it immediately continued with its onward journey North into Europe. It was also fitted with a unique wingtag to help scientists identify the bird in the field. The Vulture had been brought down by resident gulls earlier during the week and was cared for by the experts at the GONHS Raptor Unit. Footage of the release can be viewed online (https:// ©A.Yome/ GONHS). Project members will be now be closely analyzing the movements of the bird over the coming months and regular updates will be presented in the Department’s Thinking Green website ( In addition to providing valuable research information that can be used for conservation and

environmental education, the project will also help raise awareness on the importance of protecting birds of prey, some of which are threatened in Europe. This is the latest of several projects which are aimed to connect people with nature. They include the live underwater camera and the live swift nest cameras, all of which can also be accessed in the Thinking Green Website. 11




er Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar confirmed that there are now Mediators in place who will be able to mediate Employment Tribunal cases. The reforms have successfully introduced rules that are straightforward and make the Tribunal accessible to persons without substantial funds whether they be employers or employees. The reforms were carried out with extensive consultation from key stakeholders, including the Chamber of Commerce, the Gibraltar Federation of Small Businesses, Unite the Union, the Gibraltar Teachers Association and the Gibraltar General and Clerical Association. Having achieved the aim of simplifying and speeding up the employment adjudication process, the benefit of the reforms is there for the parties in dispute to enjoy.

For the first time in employment dispute history, free compulsory mediation services are provided to parties in dispute with the hope that cases will settle instead of proceeding to be heard in a more formal Tribunal setting. As a subsidised measure, it is one that will make mediation more accessible and less costly for those involved before the dispute is escalated to the Tribunal. These measures have delivered a flexible, effective and modern Tribunal system that meets the reputation and aspirations of Gibraltar’s modern day economy. The reforms have also seen the introduction of new forms and detailed guidelines aimed at easing the burden of initiating and defending a claim. Furthermore, The Government has

invested in training and maintaining the professional development of the Tribunal chairpersons by bringing over the very same people who train the judges in the UK and providing customized training courses. This training was also attended by Tribunal staff, building on their experience. Cases will start to be heard this month and it is hoped that the backlog will be cleared in the shortest possible time.



ibtelecom announced the abolition of roaming surcharges for Gibtel customers using their phones in the UK and Spain, as well as other European Economic Area (EEA) countries. With the introduction of ‘Roam Like Home’ tariffs from 1 June 2017 customers are able to use their phones as they do in Gibraltar. Gibtel mobile customers are able to take their inclusive minutes, data and text messages and use them anywhere in the EEA, as part of their plans, with no additional costs. This took effect ahead of the European Commission target for abolition of roaming surcharges in Europe on 15 June 2017. Gibtelecom’s CEO, Tim Bristow, said “The implementation of ‘Roam Like Home’ will provide great value to our customers, who can now benefit from up to 1000 voice minutes and 10 Gigabytes of mobile data whilst travelling in Europe [dependent on their mobile plan] without having to worry about roaming fees. Gibtelecom subscribers have seen their prices for mobile calls whilst roaming abroad in the EEA reduced by over 50% since 2007, with data usage savings of nearly 75%”. 12

Once allowances have been consumed, or if the customer does not subscribe to any bundles or plans with allowances, local offnet and out of bundle charges would apply in the same way as they do in Gibraltar.” Gibtelecom also announced that, following customer feedback, it was opening up data roaming outside the EEA to its mobile customers by default, allowing the flexibility to use mobile data wherever they wish with effect from June 2017. This facility was removed as a safeguard in October 2015 due to customers concerns over some operators’ high overseas roaming charges for data. Gibtelecom’s Head of Marketing and Business Development, Adrian Ochello, explained how “the Company believes there are enough measures now in place to help customers keep in control of their roaming spend and as such have decided to revert to have it open by default. As well as providing customers with detailed roaming pricing information on our website, and by text message on arrival to a roaming destination, we are constantly negotiating with distant operators in order to achieve favourable roaming rates. This

is the case in popular destinations such as the USA, Morocco, Israel and Switzerland, which have traditionally been expensive but can now benefit from more attractive roaming rates. Customers can also set their own financial data roaming limits to cap spending at a level of their choosing by contacting our Customer Services team.” The default data limit as at 1 June 2017 is the sterling equivalent of €50, which is £42 at current exchange rates. Should any customer have any questions or require assistance whilst roaming, a dedicated Freephone roaming helpline is available on +350 20052201. For further information visit GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017




he Ministry for Infrastructure and Planning, in conjunction with the Ministry of Commerce, announced new hours for commercial access to the Main Street Pedestrianised Area, in keeping with the recommendations from the STTPP and in light of heightened security measures. This initiative has been prepared in consultation with the Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce and the Gibraltar Federation of Small Businesses. As from Thursday 15th June 2017, commercial access to Main Street will only be allowed between the hours of 8am and 9:15am (last entry), with the last vehicle exiting by 9:30am, and further access will be permitted between 6pm and 8pm (last entry) with the last vehicle exiting by 8:15pm, Monday to Friday. The reduction in commercial delivery times will allow for better shop front exposure

for businesses and improved access for pedestrians with prams, pushchairs and wheelchairs to navigate their way through Main Street, including cruise liner visitors who are often on our Main Street early in the morning. As per STTPP recommendations, a system of loading and unloading hubs within town will shortly be implemented, exclusively for commercial deliveries, controlled by permits to compliment this initiative. These newly designated zones will allow businesses to load and unload goods close to Main Street throughout the working day, thereby minimizing any disruption caused daily in our Pedestrianised City Centre. This new scheme will be kept under review. Minister for Infrastructure and Planning Hon P. Balban said: “I am delighted to introduce this STTPP initiative, which compliments today’s

stringent security climate. By reducing delivery times within the heart of town, it may be possible to improve the environment to users of Main Street helping to showcase our unique commercial Town Centre to the thousands of tourists visiting Gibraltar. As a result, Main Street will be a safer and more attractive place to shop and do business in.”

60 wines by the glass 40 small dishes of Mediterranean cuisine

30 John Mackintosh Square GX11 1AA Gibraltar Tel: 200 70201 GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017





he Gibraltar National Dance Organisation is set to stage a Dance Extravaganza at the John Mackintosh Hall Theatre. The event, directed and produced by Seamus Byrne, will be held on Friday 14th July and will see the participation of dancers from both Gibraltar and Spain. GNDO President Designate Wendy Garro said ‘The dance extravaganza is organised as part of the 2017 National Team’s fundraising programme, for their participation at the forthcoming IDO Commonwealth Dance Games and IDO World Dance Championships. The main aim is for dancers to come together in an educational social and cultural exchange through dance.’ The organisers are confident that all local groups invited to participate in the Extravaganza will offer a positive insight into the quality and high standard of dance that exists on the Rock. Performing at the extravaganza are: DSA Sequence Dance, Gibraltar Academy of Dance, JF Dance, Mediterranean Dance School, Show Dance Company and Transitions Dance Academy. For more info visit

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he Fine Arts Association announced the Alwani Summer Painting Exhibition 2017. The event, replaces the Fine Art Association’s Summer Show and aims at becoming a regular event within the Association’s annual calendar. The competition is open to paid up members of the Association and it has a single winning prize of £5,000. The winning entry will become the property of the Alwani Foundation. The show will be curated by Mr. Gino Sanguinetti. The Association would like to invite all its members, art lovers and the general

public to the Opening Night to be held on Wednesday 5th July at 7pm. Artists were invited to submit up to two works with a maximum dimension of 1.5 metres tall by 1 metre wide by end of June. The Association would like to thank Mr. Kishin Alwani and the Alwani Foundation for donating the prize and for sponsoring the event and is very grateful for his continued support of fine arts in Gibraltar. For further information please contact Paul Cosquieri via email or telephone + 350 57857000



he Gibraltar Heritage Trust is inviting nominations from the public for this year’s round of Heritage Awards. The Heritage Awards have been presented annually by the Gibraltar Heritage Trust since 1993. The awards will be made for outstanding sensitivity or contribution to Gibraltar’s heritage. They may be made to an individual (including juniors under the age of 16), group, team, club, firm or company for a positive contribution, of any kind, that has enhanced Gibraltar’s heritage, or for exceptional, successful efforts in preserving a part of Gibraltar’s heritage. The object of the awards is to recognise heritage conservation projects and developments and encourage the involvement of the community in achieving high standards of restoration of buildings, structures and monuments in Gibraltar, thus promoting public recognition and awareness of Gibraltar’s heritage and history. There are four categories of Award:

Junior Heritage Award: Awarded to projects carried out by a school, youth group or individual under the age of 16. Group Heritage Award: Awarded to companies, groups or developers.


Individual Heritage Award: Awarded to projects undertaken by private individuals Special Commendation: Awarded at the discretion of the Board of the Heritage Trust to individuals, groups or companies felt to have contributed to the positive promotion of heritage issues.

It is very difficult to define ‘heritage’ and for this reason the scope of the awards are wide. Consideration is given to the nomination of any Gibraltar-heritage related project such as the preservation or sensitive refurbishment of a building, structure, monument or historic garden, school projects, publications, heritage related events, a piece of research or a work of art, protection of an important tree or trees that would have been felled, or preservation of important records that would have been lost, recognition of the

efforts of an individual who has worked towards the preservation of Gibraltar’s Heritage. Entry is open from any individual, group or organisation for example: developers, architects, engineers and contractors involved in restoration, new or maintenance work; landlords and property owning bodies; schools and youth groups; organisations and societies; businesses; private individuals. Further details about the awards and nomination forms can be obtained from the Trust’s office at the Main Guard, 13 John Mackintosh Square, Mondays to Fridays, during normal office hours or can be requested by email from heritage@ or downloaded from our website. The Trust hopes that members of the public will participate by nominating candidates. Closing date for nominations is Tuesday the 19th of September. 15

around town



around town



hello there

Patryk Mozdzynski, 6

Kieron De La Rosa 35 Air Con Engineer

I just played when I was little, now I’m six, I like to play football with my brother Filip, he’s the one who gets me to do stuff. Now I’m also learning karate and how to play the piano and I like riding my scooter after school.

I used to love playing football with my friends and because there were no assigned areas for us to play in, we used to play in the streets around the estates. If we became bored with football, we’d head to the beach as all of us enjoyed being outdoors. Nowadays, all I see is kids playing consoles and not realising there’s more to life than a TV screen.


David Crome, 51 Retired

Steven “noni” Belilo, 34 Prison Officer

There was no reason for us to stay in so my friends and I would always be out during the summer. We were always on the beach playing games, swimming and having fun. If we couldn’t go on the beach then we’d hike up the Rock and when possible, we’d go camping. Then, when I got to my late teens, it’s was clubbing that got me out of the house.

I remember my friends and I would spend hours in Queensway or Landport playing basketball. There would always be someone there to play against. I was saddened when Landport was turned into a carpark.



hello there

Deepti Samtani Manager at Deepti Samtani

Kristel Hook, 30 Owner at The Hair Loft

We went outside to the park to play with our friends, we might go cycling, play tennis or even football. As we only had five channels on TV, it wasn’t that much fun and there was more appeal in going out than staying in.

Dancing got me moving, dancing motivated me. While I love all forms of dance, my favourite had to be Modern and Jazz which I used to do with Stylos.


Deborah Davies, 49 Sales Assistant at Polka Dot

Helen Darvill, 31 Owner at Aphrodite Beauty

I adored roller skates! I remember my sister and I being super excited to get a pair each for Christmas. We were terrified it would snow and we couldn’t use them. We practically lived in them until we outgrew them and couldn’t wear them anymore.

I was brought up in the Lake District so was surrounded by farm lands, fields and trees. Motivation to be active and outside wasn’t needed at all, we were never in. Every day was a new adventure as we played outdoors, climbed trees, went conker hunting, built dens and generally got up to a little bit childish mischief!



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OVERLOOKED ASSOCIATION The Commonwealth: is it time to take a closer look?


claim to remember the British Empire at its n all the talk about Brexit, there is one Flag of the European Union – are flown zenith. I don’t agree. Just ask the citizens line of thinking that keeps emerging. at important public spaces, including the of Cameroon, Mozambique and Rwanda. Given that our trade relafrontier with Spain, at the top of Confused? Read on. tions with the European The Rock and on the Parliament When Union will be substantially alBuilding. When we formally leave we formally tered in the very near future, the EU, the latter banner will be By way of context, I developed a fascileave the EU, and given that those with the replaced with the Flag of the Comnation for the Commonwealth as a small the latter rest of the world have been monwealth of Nations. I thought it child having been introduced – as many of banner will be filtered through the prism of might therefore be appropriate to my generation were – to stamp collecting. replaced with EU membership since 1973, delve a little deeper into this ComFor me, this interest turned into an obsesthe Flag of the monwealth. shouldn’t we urgently be sion and, because it’s summer and seeking to forge new relation- Commonwealth hopefully, fewer of my acquainMany people of Nations. ships on our own behalf? tances are at large on the Rock, I The public perception consider the presents a challenge. Commonwealth can seize the opportunity to come out of the philatelic closet and Of course, North America, Asia and the Many people consider the to be outdated at admit that my infatuation persists Middle East spring to mind as key players Commonwealth to be outdatbest and a relic today; indeed, I was recently “outin the global marketplace, but there is ed at best and a relic of impeof imperialism at ed” in the office when my monthly perhaps one international association that rialism at worst – an attempt worst... copy of The Stamp Magazine has been overlooked for decades. Step to cling on to a vision of long arrived. The Commonwealth is a forward, the Commonwealth. lost imperial greatness that favourite theme for many philatelists, and no longer holds any relevance in the 21st so it is with me. century. Many of these former dominions, Here, in Gibraltar, our government sent colonies, protectorates, mandates and othout a powerful signal with a recent aner territories have been independent for Before considering the trade opportunities, nouncement. Currently, three flags – the decades and few people alive today can perhaps we should clear up some misconFlag of Gibraltar, the Union Jack and the GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017



International business is all about commument and has emerged as a de facto lingua ceptions. The organisation is not, please, nication and language is a good place to franca over much of the country. the “British Commonwealth”. Granted, start. One of the key advantages most (but not all) of the member countries were once part of the British Empire, HM of the Commonwealth nations is And there is more, much more. Start looking The Queen is head of the that, with just one or two Most Commonwealth members now at the organisation, and it is headexceptions, English is spohave adopted legal frameworks The opportunities ken – if not as their mother quartered in London – but based on the English system Commonwealth further afield... it is formally known as the tongue then as an official – a good example perhaps of is a favourite Commonwealth of Nations language. Consider India, by common law (pun intended). theme for many far its largest member, which has 122 Most of the members are also governed and its stated aims are to philatelists, and major (spoken by more than 10,000 promote development, using a “Westminster” model, generally so it is with me. people) languages and innumerable democracy and peace. And with elected parliaments and a separate dialects. English, along with Hindi, is for development, read business. Hence my decision to focus on this one of the two languages permitted in the intriguing bloc in this month’s column. Constitution of India for business in ParliaCommonwealth nations



business head of state. In the case of 16 members – known as “commonwealth realms” – HM The Queen is actually the monarch. If we share common law, common language, common institutions and common parliamentary structures, it is not difficult to see that this should also give us a de facto advantage in respect of trade. After all, the statistics concerning this group of otherwise disparate naMost tions are staggering. Commonwealth

members have

Today, the Commonwealth is made adopted legal of up 52 independent countries frameworks that boast a combined population based on the of almost 2.5 billion – put another English system... Commissioner is in place penny may be about to drop. It may be a way, one in every three people in very sensible insurance policy. Although rather than an Ambassador, the world lives in a Commonwealth country – and well over half this huge total you have your answer. This is because Am- the Commonwealth does not have a multilateral trade agreement, research by the is under the age of 30. It also includes 20% bassadors are exchanged between foreign Royal Commonwealth Society has shown countries; Commonwealth members cruof the world’s land area and spans all six that trade with another Commonwealth cially consider that they are not “foreign” inhabited continents. Although almost half member is up to 50% higher than with a to each other. of the member countries are termed small non-member on average, with smaller and island developing states, at the other end less wealthy states having a higher propenof the spectrum are established economies For international business, post-Brexit sity to trade within the Commonwealth. like Australia, Canada and New Zealand, planning will become ever more importand massive emerging markets such as ant as Britain’s future position in Europe I have alluded a couple of times to the India, Malaysia and South Africa. Malta becomes clear. We do not yet know – fact that most Commonwealth countries and Cyprus, of course, are both Commondespite many assertions during the recent were once British territories and use wealth and EU member states. UK election campaign – what a reduced English as their official tongue. But what EU will look. It would be unwise to underabout my earlier reference to Cameroon, estimate the massive gap that the UK’s As Foreign Minister Boris Johnson recently Mozambique and Rwanda? None of these departure will mean. We can only hope pointed out, the Commonwealth will soon countries was ever formally under the that Brussels resists any pressure to adopt overtake the EU in terms of the size of its a “punitive stance” and that a future agree- “British yoke” but they all elected to join economy. “It is a stunning fact that when the Commonwealth – the first two in ment will contain favourable the UK joined the Common Market back 1995, with Rwanda following in 2009. trade provisions for doing in 1973, the 28 countries then had about Members They did so to benefit from being part business in and with Europe. 38% of global GDP. The Commonwealth crucially of such a large, influential international then was about a quarter of that,” he said. consider that club. “The EU and the Commonwealth in GDP, But we cannot just assume they are not in output terms are now roughly level-peg- that. After all, every EU “foreign” to We are about to start bidding farewell ging and the Commonwealth is growing far member state will be seeking each other. to some of the closer EU bonds we faster.” to protect their own interests currently enjoy and here, in Gibraltar, and new rules and regulawe do so reluctantly. But there is a much tions may be introduced to make life diffiOne easy way of determining whether a wider world out there. The Commonwealth cult for the UK. My suggestion therefore is country is a member or not is to look at its is waiting. is a great to start looking now at the opportunities representation in London (and vice versa place to start. further afield and the Commonwealth for British diplomats abroad). If a High What are you waiting for?

Ian Le Breton is Corporate Services Director, Sovereign Group Tel: +350 200 76173 Email: ilebreton@ GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017



SHARED ECONOMY The future of travel - is Gibraltar ready?



uch has been written and that they are matching mainstream hotels debated in recent years about and transportation companies in convethe Gibraltar tourism product nience, and usually beating them on price. and how it needs to be transformed, but an aspect that has The growth of collaborative conbeen largely ignored in this sumption is not just about cashTrust in debate is the silent revolution strangers, and a strapped travellers settling for a that is already transforming less luxurious option, however. desire to travel the tourism industry worldIn fact, it is growing in popularity like a local rather for high-end consumers. Trust in wide - the shared economy. than a tourist are strangers, and a desire to travel also on the rise. The shared economy, or as like a local rather than a tourist some call it the “collaborative are also on the rise. Sharing and communing with loconsumption economy�, is not new, but it has exploded in recent years thanks to cals is the best part of The shift consumers’ increased awareness of idle participating in collab- from ownership assets and technological innovations. orative consumption. to access is Consumer-to-Consumer vacation rentals transforming and ride share bulletin boards have been While the majority almost every around for years, but efficient online of us have heard industry... payments and trust in e-commerce have about Airbnb, Uber, made sharing into a viable alternative for and ToursByLocals, the mainstream. Startups like Airbnb, Carthere are a wide range of shared economy pooling and Lyft have enjoyed tremendous service providers nowadays, encompassing growth. They now operate on such a scale the entire range of the travel experience.


The shift from ownership to access is transforming almost every industry, and travel is one of the most affected. Having advised a number of local operators on the impact that the shared economy may have on their business and how they should be reacting, it is important to stress that traditional travel providers should take heed and understand the changes in the market to be able to compete effectively. So how can the shared economy be used to enhance the Gibraltar tourism experience? From CouchSurfing to Home-Swapping On many occasions, travellers to Gibraltar do not stay the night in a hotel in Gibraltar because they simply cannot find an available hotel room, or that the available rooms are simply too expensive. Indeed, the choice of hotels in Gibraltar is very limited, and the laws of Supply & Demand dictate a relatively high price level. GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

business Accommodation



Encouraging peer-to-peer accommodation options (including home-swapping) would serve to increase the availability of holiday accommodation locally and will mean more visitors staying overnight, spending locally on restaurants or groceries and having more time to shop along Main Street or visit more of the local sites, thereby further benefiting the economy.

a call, the request is then automatically redirected to a private driver. This way, the peer-to-peer service does not compete with the taxis but instead fills a gap in the market. It helps the locals earn some extra money, which in turn can translate to more tax receipts to the government.

a whole new sharing economy space based on this idea lets travellers set aside their travel guides and immerse into a foreign culture at the dinner table. Services such as Eat With Locals and VizEat do just that. Aside from a unique dining experience and extra earning potential, meal-sharing platforms also give locals the opportunity to meet and interact with Efficient a lot of people from all corners online payments of the world, tell them about our and trust in culture and they can share their e-commerce have experiences. Home chefs and made sharing even professional chefs can also into a viable use the opportunity to flaunt alternative for the and test their culinary skills.

Shared-riding can also be encouraged to bring people to The sharing economy should not be and from Gibraltar. Services viewed as a threat to the hotel industry. such as Blablacar and CarThe meteoric rise of Airbnb, booking more pooling allow travellers to pick than ten million nights since its inception up a ride to another city at a in 2007, should not cause the hotel indusmoment’s notice. Prices are try to worry about the vacation rental mardramatically cheaper than taxis mainstream. ket. Both business models have co-existed and faster than buses or trains. for a significant amount of time without Such services feature a mobile In summary, the sharing econinfringing on each other’s growth. Sleeping app that shows you rides departing nearby, omy is still in its early infancy and compaon someone’s couch will never compete which removes the need to travel to a bus nies like Airbnb, Lyft, RelayRides and their with sleeping in a 5-star hotel room. station or hire a car. You can book through peers are the hottest topic in the startup However, hotels should aspire to implethe app very quickly and never have to world right now. The legality of these startment some aspects of the personal touch exchange money in person. Blablacar’s ups has been in the grey from the start, provided by the peer-to-peer accommoprices are capped to ensure that drivers do as they push against the incumbent laws and regulations. Local businesses should dation: the person who greets you at the not make a profit. With very limited public seek advice on how to best adapt to the door of her or his own home might not transport options between Gibraltar and changing business model of the tourism be a tourism professional, but he or she is Malaga Airport, and throughout the Costa industry. Gibraltar has the opportunity to definitely someone who knows the area del Sol, encouraging these shared forms of reap the benefits from this innovative sharwell. As one travel blogger highlighted: “Do travel can make Gibraltar more accessible I remember the guy who checked me into to holidaymakers and can help locals get to ing-economy business model, due to the unique profile of the local market which my last hotel room? Nope. Do I remember Malaga Airport without having to use their often makes the traditional asset-ownmy last Airbnb host? You bet I do.” car or take an expensive paid service. ership model not economically viable. If decision makers in the government would As with peer-to-peer Hotels should Ride-Sharing be willing to embrace the changes that the aspire to implement accommodation, there is shared-economy brings to tourism rather a social element as well. While Uber and similar sharedsome aspects than oppose them, Gibraltar could actuSpending time with a ride services have faced much of the personal stranger in a small car might ally experience the transformation it has opposition in many cities around touch provided by wished for in its tourism product… perhaps sound like a special type of the world, in Gibraltar, such serthe peer-to-peer even at a much lower cost! hell for some people, but vices could bring a much-needed accommodation... you can at least choose solution. The local taxi service has the stranger you ride with. been the subject of much critiRiders and drivers choose one another cism in the media and is certainly insuffiaccording to their ratings, the type of car, cient to handle the huge volume of visitors their driving style, and social networking to Gibraltar. Allowing an Uber-like service profiles. Finding rides from friends of to operate in Gibraltar has the potential to friends is a key feature of ridesharing. solve the shambolic state of the existing situation and should not be viewed as a threat to the existing taxi service but Come Dine with Me Eran Shay is Managing Director & simply as a way to better utilise existing Ayelet Mamo Shay is Business Development vehicle availability. For instance, it can be The idea of entering a complete stranger’s Director of Benefit Business Solutions Ltd. implemented that if the taxi service is not home in a foreign country to eat a homeTel: (+350) 20073669 available for a ride within five minutes of cooked meal might seem well, foreign, but Email: GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017


startup words | Denise Matthews


Powered by Google for Entrepreneurs


a business development manager, was dehere is a revolution going on — the tion in the world powered by Google for lighted to support me on my new venture. global startup revolution. It should Entrepreneurs. Startup Grind’s model is only be a question of time; a short very simple; each chapter hosts monthly time before Gibraltar events, usually from 6 – 9 pm, that I started my journey of entrepreneurship at becomes part of it. consist of networking, listening to the age of 22 launching my first company Startups are and interacting with a speaker and in PR and promotional work ‘DM Prochanging the then drinks, food and more netmotions’. Over the past 20 years, I have Our economy has grown as world together. working. There is a small ticket fee combined working for other people with a result of financial services, They are involved but this simply adds value freelancing which has finally brought me to shipping, tourism and the fact challenging the to the event, the costs involved explore the world of startups. As recently that it is now an e-gaming status quo... should be covered by sponsorships. as six months ago, it became obvious to hub with an integral frameme that what the communities surwork powered by the ICT and rounding this movement represent is data centres sector. The native creativity of The online application process Every city something I needed to be a part of. Gibraltarians has combined smart strategy for Startup Grind was not has the right and sound business sense to ensure prossomething that I expected to participate Startups are changing the world perity, despite challenges. Our community to get a reply from, but I did, in the global together. They are challenging the represents a spirit of sheer determination until eventually, after getting with a proud entrepreneurial resolve. through all of the stages and startup status quo, putting new ideas to work, some serious presentations, and holding fast to the belief, the revolution I was appointed Gibraltar Last year, I founded a startup ‘One Media and reap the knowledge that anyone, anywhere Chapter Director. Professionshould be able to participate in this & Events’, a Digital Marketing and Events benefits... ally, I am showcasing the serrevolution. Every city has the right Management business. I spent considervices I provide as a business, to participate in the global startup able time doing voluntary work with other taking the concept from the idea to a first revolution and reap the benefits of job startup organisations. Setting up social sold out launch event in March with Mike creation, innovation and economic growth. media campaigns brought me to Startup Balfour who, having hired me previously as Grind, the largest startup event organisaSo, how far have we come today in ensur-



startup ing we become part of it? Recently, the Digital Currency Summit has seen the Financial Services Commission emerge with strong plans and foundations to attract Fintech, Distributed Ledger Technology or Blockchain and create an environment in which they can flourish. Similarly, the startup events that are part of the monthly Startup Grind series are putting us on the global map but the question to ask is - is this enough? Locally, we have some retail, tourism or hospitality opportunities for small businesses, but with the lack of physical space, we need to focus our future in digital space. Technology is the industry. It has seen struggling econWith the omies like India and Afghanistan lack of physical grow as a result of building hubs space, we together with financing ecosysneed to focus tems within their communities.

our future in digital space. Technology is the industry.

There has to be a starting point at an educational level. In USA, a case study conducted in 2014 by Stanford University professors “Stanford University’s Economic Impact via Innovation and Entrepreneurship� estimated that companies formed by their student entrepreneurs generate revenues of $2.7 trillion annually and have created 5.4 million jobs since the 1930s. Innovation centres as part of University programmes have resulted in billion dollar turnover. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a venture accelerator is a launchpad for student entrepreneurs, including up to $20k in equity-free funding. Its student run $100k Entrepreneurship Competition has led to the creation of more than 130 companies and 2500 jobs. Early-stage startups are highly dependent on their surrounding startup ecosystem, and so if we create a healthier startup ecosystem, we can generate more successful startups. In the UK, the government offers tax relief and incentives which create a highly favourable environment for businesses and those who invest in them. In addition to the growing diversity of sources of finance, such as crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending, there are schemes and incentives devised to help companies of all sizes secure funding. If your business meets certain criteria, it may also qualify for help with business rates or tax relief for research and development. Perhaps similar incentives need to be implemented locally. See

March Launch with Mike Balfour founder of Fitness First and James Balfour 1Rebel UK

Events are a platform to communicate, carefully building a strategy behind every event that will produce scaling them up to provide the right balance to achieve results will only be value to the communityin the possible through sponsorships. Support long-term. Organisations that provide a backbone to the advancement of from Government and companies that feel a social responsibility to create entrepreneurship or technology something new include fundentrepreneurship are special Early-stage ing, space and programmes for guests at the events. My secstartups our startups. To this end, we are ond guest Alex Capurro, local are highly introducing a monthly column in founder of payment technology dependent the magazine that will provide an business Easy Payment Gateopportunity for local startups to inway, was the ideal inspiration on their troduce themselves. We would like for the kids from Young Entersurrounding to thank those who are supporting prise. Professor Daniella Tilbury startup in one way or another; it helps was part of the Female Founder ecosystem... tremendously. month as a speaker, joined by Girls in Tech and Women in Business. This is how I hope to continue For more information on Startup Grind but the hard truth is more support is need- Gibraltar please visit: www.startupgrind. ed on every level. com/gibraltar. Female Empowerment May Event with Cristina Turbatu MD, Girls inTech and Marlene Hassan Nahon Independant MP

The challenges ahead are evident but Gibraltar has become a cosmopolitan city buzzing with technology-based businesses. These are providing new recruitment and product outsourcing opportunities. So far, the goals I have set myself out to achieve and support a local ecosystem are through GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017



GETTING A MORGAGE Property finance in Gibraltar


to generate income via residential lettings. Once the relevant decisions to purchase are made, we will pay a visit to the differAnd up to 85% in the case of a property being purchased to live in it. All the above ent local banks, ideally, with a personal are to be considered as general cases. introduction from a local lawyer, business consultant or estate agent. Banks in Gibraltar work along similar lines of other 2. Proof of income. This is quintessential The first European banks in other jurisdicThe first decision to be made to the loan application being approved tions. Their requirements to lend, decision to be and is part of the well-known “subject to is probably whether to buy status� requirement. The bank has a guaras a personal buyer or to do made is probably especially after the recession, are fairly strict and all the paperwork antee via step one. But it needs to make so via a company. This could whether to buy must be 100% on the dot or else absolutely sure there is sufficient income slightly affect the amount of as a personal our application will find it difficult money which the financial to pay its monthly dues so far as mortgage buyer or to do so to get the approval we need to get payments plus rates and other expenses institution is willing to lend via a company. the much desired finance. Amongst are concerned. De facto, few banks will us. Primarily, because the other requirements, the banks will lend without securing this prime condition. bank will lend us a certain normally ask for the following: percentage if it is for personal use in which the property in question will be used as The most Again, we may encounter adour everyday dwelling. In this case, a per1 . Guarantee of the loan. Or collatcommon type ditional requests or conditions sonal purchase is the norm. If, on the other eral to back up the finance requested. that might apply according to is known as hand, the property is being purchased to Being a mortgage loan, the main guareach banks lending policies. the capital let out to a third party and generate an antee will come from the property Your business consultant and interest income, the bank, in general terms, will being purchased. In Gibraltar, banks should study your personal mortgage. lend less as the risk factor is slightly higher. could lend –generally speaking- up case carefully and advice you In this last option, one can consider buying to a maximum of about 70% in the accordingly. Together, you will via a Limited Company which could have case of a company mortgage loan and in aim at buying and financing the property interesting tax advantages. which the chosen property is being bought of your choice that best suits your needs. et us assume that we have found the right property to purchase in Gibraltar and would like to look into the different possibilities to finance part or most of the acquisition price.



property The final amount one can borrow will be closely related to your earnings or income, which must somehow be proved, your age is also relevant, and the real value of the property you wish to buy. Considering that your mortgage may, without a doubt, be one of your main financial commitments, it is a must to get your priorities right and to look deeply into your choices well before you sign. In Gibraltar, there are several types of mortgages available. The most common type is known as ‘the capital and interest mortgage’. This could well be the simplest of the choices where monthly repayments cover simultaneously the capital and interest of the loan. On matuThe main rity of the mortgage, loan one will difference with have no further payments pending.

a repayment

mortgage lies Another possible option is ‘interest-only’, also known as pension in the fact plan or endowment policy mortthat the actual Your age at the time of applying and the additional payments are made gage. Basically, each month, repaypending debt year in which you plan to retire will be imto an insurance company to ments cover merely the interest, does not reduce fund a savings plan. The purportant factors to consider along the rest. enjoying what is known as ‘Holiday over time... pose is to make enough to on Capital’, the total amount of the pay off the capital when the Mortgage loans can have variable or fixed loan is repaid by placing additional date arrives. For obvious reasons, there is rates of interest. Each option can be carefunds in long-term investments. The main an important element of risk and no guarfully evaluated with your consultant or difference with a repayment mortgage lies antee that the endowment policy will be lawyer. The choice very much depends on in the fact that the actual pending debt sufficient to pay the debt off. This is more whether you have a fixed salary and theredoes not reduce over time and there is no complex than the normal mortgage and is fore prefer to have a fixed rate of interest guarantee that your investment will cover probably aimed at investors in order to budget more accurately the total cost when the loan maturity date who either sell on just beor if you are self-employed and you arrives. The most common option to reThere is fore maturity of the loan or are doing well, you may wisely opt pay this type of loan is via an endowment an important very likely have a substantial and prefer a lower but variable rate where just interest is paid to the bank and element of portfolio of properties and of interest. risk and no investments. guarantee that Bottom line: The key factor to sucthe endowment cessful mortgage borrowing is never policy will be to rush into anything bearing in mind sufficient to pay that we are facing a long-term financial engagement. And to get the best the debt off. advice you can afford. The correct choice and decision could make a difference of thousands of pounds saved on interest and other fees. Well worth it.

Jorge v.Rein Parlade MBA Business Consultant Tel: +350 54045282 Email: jorgeparlade@




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words | Richard Cartwright sketches | Gil Podesta

BEACH TIME Now and then


trangely enough, even on the Rock, to bye-byes, truly making a go of it after there are those who don’t care having carted down everything imaginmuch for summer and say that able for a day at the beach which would beach-going is a ‘no-no’! However, include, yes, the kitchen sink! We’re talking come the summer months – and about tents, umbrellas, comfortthey’re here now - our sandy shores able beach chairs and folding Let’s not and other places become overeven mention tables, games, beers, wine, soft whelmed with bodies seeking the drinks, plenty of water, cooler food, that sun’s rays and a fresh dip in the sea. bags or containers, watermelons would put to be buried in the sand washed Morrison’s to by the cool (or warm) MediterAround the Rock, there are a numshame! ranean Sea on the shoreline, ber of beaches, waterfront clubs, and let’s not even mention food, hotel pools, and nowadays, even that would put Morrison’s to homes and private estates with swimming shame! And how about binoculars and perpools, not to mention other bathing spots haps a fishing tackle and and locations across the way in Spain. It so much more, those could would be difficult to say summer on the Some men beach, or elsewhere, was more or less pop- be included also. A ‘military wore stylish, operation,’ you could ular in the 50s and 60s. I would suggest tight-fitting say, undertaken by some going for a swim was as popular then as Jantzen families even today, right it is now, with its differences, although for swimming through the season and essome families, the trend of old remains: trunks. pecially, when school’s out rising at 7am, getting all the food ready for summer. The routine – much of it prepared the night before would - and still does for some - continue setting off to the beach nice and early, and past the new school term in September. remaining there till the sun has long gone


In recent times, a great day at the beach is also spent on National Day where hundreds flock with red and white everywhere. However, the less fussy nowadays will order takeaways, now that the Hungry Monkey delivery service has become so popular. But there certainly are differences between today’s trip to the seaside and how it was in the 50s and 60s. I met up with local, amateur historian, Gil Podesta who has a number of publications to his name. Books coupled with interesting sketches, Gil really knows his stuff when it comes to Gibraltar-related customs of days long gone and the Rock’s history in general. We reminisced at length and recalled how swimwear looked decades ago... Most ladies wore swimsuits or twopiece bathing costumes – bikinis really came into their own in the 60s - and I remember some men wearing stylish, tight fitting Jantzen swimming trunks. The less privileged could be seen wearing 31


Eastern Beach c.1953

an old pair of shorts or even a modified, bespoke pullover worn upside down, with the wearer’s legs pushed through the ‘holes’ where the arms would go! When

you returned from your dip in the sea the pullover-cum-swimsuit would weigh heavily with a couple of kilos of sand in between your legs!

Multi-coloured lilos and other assortments of beach toys were rare: I remember one or two boring olive green lilos lying on the sand or offering a wet bed for a bather off shore and Gil reminded me of the An interesting large rubber rings being paraded around feature at the the beach which were the inner tubes beach was the off the under carriages of military aircraft man with his or from car tyres. Street vendors would cauldron full of frequent the beach selling ice-cream from their tricycle barrows or pushcarts, boiling water... the cake man would be there with his baskets full of pastries just in time for tea time, the Calentita vendor attended too.

Spanish fishing boats c.1953 32

An interesting feature at the beach was the man with his cauldron full of boiling water where beachgoers would line up with their kettles, saucepans or a couple of thermos flasks ready for a fill-up for an old penny or two, to take back to their tents for their families...It was, indeed, tea time! Spanish fishermen would come closer to the shore and would often swap fresh fish for loaves of bread and bottles of water to quench their thirst whilst spending the day out in the bay fishing. During the very early morning, before the human overflow covered every patch of sand, gharry drivers took their horses on the beach for a bit of exercise and a cool down on the shore. GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

life Not to be forgotten are the other swimming locations spotted around the Rock like the Calpe and Mediterranean Rowing Clubs, the Yacht Club, Rosia Club, the Nuffield Swimming Pool and other clubs, which tended to be, and still are, for private members and guests only. Some hotels eventually had pools also. One other swimming venue – apart from the five beaches still available today for all and sundry – was the Montagu Sea Bathing Pavilion situated at the northern end of Queensway where The pulloverMontagu Gardens stands today on cum-swimsuit reclaimed land. However, the enwould weigh trance building to ‘El Montagu’ still stands, housing the STM FIDECS heavily with a offices. For four old pennies (that’s couple of kilos of Montagu Sea Bathing Pavilion 4d - £1 was worth 240 pennies sand in between metres ‘out to sea.’ The Monduring the summer season for their beachpre decimalisation) you could your legs! tagu was an open swimming es, hotel pools and caravan sites. During get in and the lady at reception area, not a pool, which meant the days of a closed frontier, Ahlen Village, would give you a key attached to if you swam out far enough past ‘New outside Tangier in Morocco, became very a wooden block (in case you dropped it in Camp,’ the RAF Sea Rescue station, you popular also. the sea) which gave you access to a private would meet the tug boats in the harbour! cubicle. If they were all taken, you would Spending a few hours almost daily at the These days affluence is in the air and a trip be directed to a communal men’s changing to the Caribbean where it’s room. To the left, past reception as you en- Montagu brings back great memories. summer at any time, Cancun tered the Montagu building, was the ladies During Frequenting beaches nearby was in Mexico or locations deep section and men’s on the right and each the days of a not uncommon either... Getares just sector on the first floor had a sun terrace closed frontier, into the Eastern Mediterpast Algeciras, Palmones and other ranean are very popular, sandwiching a cafeteria. On the bathing Ahlen Village, beaches along the east coast were but our beaches and other side, by the water’s edge, there was a outside Tangier venues are still overflowing popular. Marbella and Estepona were mixed bathing area so sweethearts and in Morocco, just fishing villages in the 50s and 60s during the summer months. couples could bathe together. There were and perhaps are visited more today Summer on the Rock is and became very diving boards and a raft to swim out a few was, for living! popular also.

Exercising the horses at Eastern Beach GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017


environment words | Lewis Stagnetto, The Nautilus Project

RELEASE THE KRAKENS! The highly fecund Octopus


are highly fecund, producing he marine environment is home to also been recognised with hundreds of eggs per brood. a group of very advanced molluscs the introduction of protection called Cephalopods which literally being bestowed upon them during means ‘head foot’. their breeding season. This In this instance, the legislation is helpHistorically, sailors lived in has been an important move by the ing to prevent over exploitation by giving The Octopus complete terror of one such Department of the Environment the animals a chance to secure breeding boasts the species, the Kraken, which and Climate Change in protecting and hatching, before fishing can recomaccolade of was known for attacking sail our wildlife; it is also a move which mence. The logic is undeniable and is good being the most should extend further to some ships in unchartered waters. news for ecologists and fishermen alike. In German, Krake means Ocother species and here are a few intelligent topus and co-incidentally, the thoughts on why. Up to now then, everything is which was images drawn of the beast Male octopus good. But nature can have a recognised in from those times, more closeA species fecundity is way of throwing a spanner in have to breed legislation... ly resemble the Octopus from its reproductive pothe works. Octopus mating is a by getting close all the other Cephalopods. tential. Species with a very dangerous affair as most enough to deposit species are sexually dimorphic, high fecundity produce a high Gibraltar is home to at least two species number of young but built in is a spermatophore with the female being the larger of Octopus, Octopus vulgaris (the common) the expectation of a very high under the female’s of the two. Therefore, like with and Eledone cirrhosa (the horned octomortality rate. By contrast, low black widow spiders, male ocmantle without pus) with the former being found most fecundity animals have a very topus have to breed by getting being eaten... abundantly. Of all of the invertebrates, the high offspring survival chance close enough to deposit a sperOctopus boasts the accolade of being the as they invest time and energy matophore under the female’s most intelligent and this was recognised in into a low number of individuals. Consemantle without being eaten; sexual cannilegislation when they were added to the quently, fecundity can be used as a proxy balism is bad news for breeding. Males ofprotected list within the Animals (Scientific to assess a species potential sensitivity to ten have to sacrifice an arm to the females Procedures) Act 1986 in the UK. over-exploitation. Highly fecund species to ensure they escape the encounter. This tend to have greater tolerance to over-exloss of males has a pronounced effect on ploitation than low fecund ones. Octopus the male/female ratio. Locally, their ecological importance has 34


environment Females, on the other hand, will sit by the eggs and protect them from any possible predators. She diligently and tenderly forms currents over the eggs as good water flow increases the chance of them hatching. During this time, she will not eat anything at all. This is regardless of whether an opportunity to feed comes her way. It is not known why they do this but females frequently starve to death during this period. Either way, her sacrifice ensures that the next generation get the best start possible.

Males often have to sacrifice an arm to the females to ensure they escape the encounter.

Sexual cannibalism and hunger strikes do come at a cost though; within the family of Octopus, the consequence of mating or its produce, generally means that most individuals will only mate once, on average, over a lifetime. This is the key to why this fecund species is still sensitive to overfishing but also exposes why the new protection may not be enough. The tacit assumptions being that breeding is always successful and that at least two offspring survive to adulthood and breed. In any event, this would only ensure a maintenance of the number of individuals within the population if recruitment from other areas is ignored.

Otto the Octopus Octopuses are highly intelligent animals with personality, memories and emotions. They are considered the best escape artists of the marine world. One such octopus lived in a German aquarium but since there was not many visitors during winter, Otto was bored. From time to time, he would decide to completely redecorate his tank, to suit his taste better, by throwing around its contents. Sometimes, he just threw stones at the glass. At other times, he entertained himself by juggling hermit crabs living with him...

One morning, the lights in the aquarium wouldn’t come on, there was a short-circuit. This happened the next morning and the next... For three days, the employees were trying to figure out what was happening until one night, Otto was spotted climbing to the rim of his tank and carefully squirting a jet of water at the 2000 Watt spot light above to turn it off. The director of the aquarium said Otto was constantly craving attention and always came up with new stunts keeping the team on their toes. Pretty cool animals these octopuses are!

But it is a very positive step for the survival of these animals and should not be overlooked. As with most good environmental protection laws, often a hunting window works better than a breeding one. This strategy has already been applied to tuna fishing locally and the benefits of applying this to Octopus should be obvious.

help full population growth. All the environmental legislation in the world will not stop a man in the desert from dying without access to some water! Therefore, the health of the ecosystem as a whole will be an important consideration and this work is urgently required locally to establish where we are presently.

Finally, hunting windows themselves may not be enough without ensuring that the Octopus prey items are in abundance to

So much like in the ancient Greek myths of Perseus – I am with Zeus in saying “Release the Krakens!”

She diligently and tenderly forms currents over the eggs as good water flow increases the chance of them hatching.



education words | Molly McElwee


El bilí ng wal izm n’Hive r tá tá n’peli gro!

Crisis of our bilingualism and beloved Llanito

go r a o m e r a Kwándo ? a e s o n n í pa k’as

ish-speaking, or Llanito-speaking, student I think it is an important crisis - we if you don’t give it the time that it merits at all ages of schooling is seen as perhaps need to stop the rot, but it’s got to a to teach the language properly?’ Spanish point now where I don’t know whether is a core subject of our education system, less intelligent, and less likely to do well. we will be able to set meaning everyone will take Spanish Of course, our education system is English, and as such the language should be enthe clock back!’ Discussing right up until they are 16, yet if you The limited couraged and improved in students who Gibraltarian bilingualism, or compare the time allocated to other and erratic struggle more, but entirely denouncing the lack there of, with the core subjects, like English, Spanish Spanish former head of the Westside struggles to gain half of the classroom the spoken use of an alternative language teaching in School Spanish department hours. As a result, Vila was given no seems narrow-minded. primary and unsurprisingly provoked an option but to trade in the former impassioned response. Peter middle schools Spanish state curriculum textbooks to The other hugely prevalent issue affecting sets us up for Vila, undoubtedly like many a course designed for teaching Spanour bilingualism as a nation is the very failure... teachers, has watched the ish as a foreign language to our local obvious political complication with our decline in students’ handle students – and even then neighbours. ‘Usually, with towns of Spanish for the past three decades, and it was a struggle to complete which share a border, you will find “How can cites a combination of factors to blame, the full curriculum in the that the population on either side of you expect none more so than our education system. time allotted. He also cites that border will speak the language to develop a schooling hierarchies’ ‘stigof the other, and it’s not a problem’ society to be matism’ and discouragement Vila explained, ‘unfortunately, in our The limited and erratic Spanish teaching in bilingual if you case, the aspect of being bilingual or of students who wanted to primary and middle schools sets us up for don’t give it speak Spanish or code-switch bilingualism is politicised’. failure in his opinion, and the compoundthe time..?” in the classroom as a factor in ing factor of not nearly enough lessons granted a week to the language at compre- the language slump, ‘whereas And the same thread of thinking was it’s a well-known fact being bilingual offers hensive level is the final nail. ‘How can you reiterated when I met with Ronnie Alecio, many, many advantages’. Instead, a Spanexpect to develop a society to be bilingual who over the past year or so has conduct-



education ed interviews on the Rock for the University of Essex’s Professor Andrew Canessa’s research project, Bordering on Britishness: An Oral History Study of Gibraltarian Identity, which traces the evolution of Gibraltarian identity. After conducting almost 100 interviews with locals, Alecio became increasingly aware of the links between our identity as a people and our language tendencies. ‘I think that the closing of the border, sort of Franco’s turning on Gibraltar, had an effect on the Gibraltarian population, obviously on their identity,’ he explained, ‘making anything Spanish a no-no, so language as well.’ He feels the border closure’s effect on language has been felt most drastically in the last 20 years, in the current younger generations, as a result of the ‘generation that had the doors closed on them’ shifting in attitude towards the Spanish language, and bringing up their children “Closing of accordingly by speaking to them predominantly in the border had English. That delayed effect an effect on the has meant that the younger Gibraltarian generations of today, who The development is a population arguably have not been tricky idea to get your head making anything directly impacted by the around, and David Alvarez, Spanish a no-no...” a Gibraltarian Professor border closure and have very different ideas when in English at Grand Valley it comes to national identity in relation to State University, Michigan, finds our neighbours, do not have that second the slump bizarre. After moving language so readily at their disposal. to the US in the 80s, Alvarez has

“We neighbour a country rich in culture, in literature… and you get kids struggling to order a cup of coffee...”

been a sporadic witness to the gradual decline in bilingualism during his annual visits home, benefitting from an insider/ outsider perspective in his observations. ‘What’s striking to someone who left Gib in the mid-80s is the sharp

TEST YOUR LLANITO: Escoge la palabra de la lista que debe sustituir la palabra subrallada. 1. El gamberro le tiró un patuca al perro. 2. A mí me gusta el pisup. 3. Se dió una pechá de caramelos. 4. El cartero picó a la puerta. 5. La pompa se averió. 6. Se reventó una pipería. 7. Nadamos al raft. 8. El policía reportó al conductor. 9. Necesito un sacatapón. 10. Juguemos a la tablita.

1. El niño aguantó al amigo por el brazo. 2. Me gustan los bizcochos. 3. Mi padre compró un saco de cinén. 4. Tomé cuécaro esta mañana. 5. Encontré un chapú para el verano. 6. Me encantan los dulces. 7. Saltó como un esprín. 8. Lo pegué una mascá. 9. Me dió un palpit de que me engañaba. 10. Compré un pan de lata.

sopa de guisantes llanó bomba balsa podrusco

galletas avena pasteles agarró resorte cemento

atracón tubería denunció parchís sacacorchos

tortazo empleo pan de molde corazonada



education the level of proficiency in each language spoken independently from one another – arguably, a hugely subjective tracer. Vila also observes this misinterpretation of the word bilingual among many Gibraltarians, saying that despite many identifying as bilingual, ‘a very big proportion of people in Gibraltar I would call quasi-lingual because they speak neither [language] properly’. That, of course, if investigated further and validated is a worrisome prospect, and yet, the issue has hardly been given much spotlight whatsoever, much like the decline of the other victim of what Vila dubbed a linguistic ‘crisis’ – our native “Llanito” or “Yanito”. This, our unique form of communication, is also a difficult one to define. Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has been quoted describing it as our ‘local patois’, Tito Vallejo, author of The Yanito Dictionary calls it ‘gibberish’ – its definition is far from concrete. In conversation with me, Vila said, ‘I don’t really think that it is a language as such, I think that it is an adaptation, a pigeon, a crossover of one language and the other, to suit our needs’ made from a combination of linguistic influences on the Rock. Alvarez has a similar take saying he would describe “Zhanito” ‘as a largely Spanish-based dialect that splices Andalusian Spanish with British English in unpredictable ways and that, to make matters even more complicated, includes loan words from a variety of other languages, chiefly Arabic, Hebrew, and Italian’.

students attending university has decline of Spanish and “I don’t really drastically risen over the past 20 “Zhanito” [Alvarez’s chosen think that it is years, are all arguably additional spelling for the more a language as causes in the switch to predomicommonly used ‘Llanito’] such, it is an nantly English speech. Interestingly speech among the generathough, Alecio noticed a lack of tions born since the border adaptation, a was fully re-opened in the crossover of one understanding and self-awareness in the younger participants in the study mid-80s, and across all lines language and of class and status.’ Vila also the other, to suit when it came to bilingualism. ‘A significant percentage of the younger expresses incredulity at the our needs...” generation spoke English predomflip in our linguistic pracinantly,’ he observed, ‘however, if tices, and calls it a ‘crying shame’ that we neighbour ‘a country which you asked them, they said that they were bilingual or they spoke Spanish as well but is rich in culture, in literature… and you get when then you spoke to them in Spanish, [Gibraltarian] kids struggling to order a cup they would reply in English. So there was of coffee and a sandwich’. a bit of incongruence between what they said and what they actually practiced.’ Both Vila and Alvarez describe Spanish as And this is unsurprising seeing the language of the home and socialising as the term bilingual is one generally when they were growing up, “There is no that is unstable even among but it is just no longer in universal use right or wrong linguists and scholars, dependacross the peninsular. The introduction of way of speaking ing on the ability a person has widespread British and American media it, because it is code-switching between two and increased travel among Gibraltarians, not an official languages and determined by especially to the UK as the number of

Alecio, however, offered a much less secure definition when probed, perhaps resultant of the fact that of my three interviewees, he falls into the younger generation of Gibraltarian post-border closure millennials. He describes language...” it as a vernacular with ‘no rules’, yet harbouring ‘unspoken rules’, whereby some words are always spoken in the English, some social situations demanding the official tone of our British influence, and yet others being chiefly expressed in Spanish or code-switches. Unlike Vila and Alvarez, who both experienced first-hand adolescence and young adulthood within the confines of a closed border Gibraltar, Alecio does little to describe the words unique to our peninsular, and associates Llanito in much more general terms with code-switching and simply altered pronunciation and accentuation of chiefly Spanish words. He is cautious to provide a secure definition of Llanito, citing the way language is always changing, and developing and, even if Llanito is not technically a language, trying to standardise its use by writing it phonetically or otherwise is a pointless exercise. ‘It changes and it varies from family to family – even from




‘Quarri’ table to ‘Quarri’ table they might say things differently!’

“We used to have worksheets in school with Llanito exercises, but I had to give up using them...”

The point he makes is that ‘there is no right or wrong way of speaking it, because it is not an official language’ and so to treat it as such, by trying to pin down definitions somehow defeats the freedom, natural fluidness, and in many cases unconscious way it has always been used. Vila connotes the stark reality he feels the situation has come to, as unlike Alecio, he feels practising the dialect, much in the same way as you would a language, is the key to keeping it alive, and that means in its written form too. At this point though, he sees the crisis as too far gone to fully recover: ‘I mean we used to have worksheets in school with Llanito exercises, but I had to give up using them, it got to a point where it was ridiculous because [the students] didn’t have a clue, and that was so sad.’

And you can hardly disagree with them, nor can you call their passion unfounded. Llanito is undoubtedly an expression of our very individual and unique identity as a population that has been caught between two cultures for over 300 years – not to mention the wealth of numerous other Mediterranean and North African influences. We are arguably British by historical accident and no matter how proud we are of that cultural heritage, the Latin/Mediterranean side to us which is “Hopefully, farsighted politicians rooted eternally in our and educationalists geographical position in the world should not will see that be denied, especially bilingualism would not on account of flucbe a boon for Gib.” tuating political issues. After all, the point agreed upon by all three of my interviewees – and me for that matter - was that our bilingualism and the added component of our inimitable Llanito, is a resource far too valuable and important to simply allow to fade out, or as Vila put it, ‘rot’ away.

also our Llanito, ‘that which so distinguishes us from other places that are bilingual’. He sees code-switching and Llanito use as ‘minimal’ these days, ‘watered down…[to] linkages; “fu”, “colega”, “mira”, “tu sabes”, “quillo”’. To get back to the great diversity of language he experienced growing up, the government must make a commitment to educational reform. Alvarez has similar ideas, saying ‘hopefully, far-sighted politicians and educationalists will see that bilingualism (in an even more robust version than my generation knew it) would be a boon for Gib.’

Alecio was less pessimistic about the decline in its usage, as he said he does not think we will ever be a monolingual, solely English speaking country, and that ‘some form of Llanito, what people speak on the Rock, will carry on’. Alvarez though, puzzled by the decline in both Llanito and bilingual practices, was equally hopeful that the situation could be improved: ‘After all, if Basque-speakers, Catalan-speakers, and even the Maltese can be fully bilingual, why can’t we?’ But the question is what the difference will be moving forward to reverse the slump and spark a new era of bilingualism on the Rock. The task is that of ‘political will’ in Vila’s eyes, to save not only Spanish speech in our community but GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017


life words | Mark Montegriffo


Man of the People


uly 1st marks the 20th anniversary of politics’. He clearly saw the value of a party that we had someone special in Sir Joshua. the death of Sir Joshua Hassan. Last representing the wider Gibraltarian public, week, I was shown footage from not just in terms of policy but actually The father of the Gibraltarians led the 1997 of the service in the constituted of a range of people in the political movement that secured House of Assembly (now styled community recognising the need for change democratic emancipation on the It seemed as the Gibraltar Parliament) the and their capacity to fight for it. Rock. The Association for the like the entire day after his death, followed Advancement of Civil Rights, abpopulation of by the journey of the funeral Risso’s faith in him was undeniably informed breviated as the AACR, undoubtGibraltar had cortege from the synagogue in edly achieved its self-evident aims. by Hassan’s ability to be the brains behind presented itself Sir Joshua, known as Salvador to Irish Town, through Main Street the movement, but also by his personal and to say their last his many friends, gave at least the and Casemates Square to the social attributes. My grandfather, Aurelio goodbye... North Front Jewish cemetery. Montegriffo, was a minister in Hassan’s better part of 50 years of his life AACR team for almost three deto frontline politics. It seemed like the entire population of cades. Their electoral success and Sir Joshua Gibraltar, and every community within it, political partnership was nearly as Indeed, the AACR name was gave at least had presented itself to say their last goodindefatigable as their friendship. suggested by Sir Joshua. The the better part bye to a man who gave his life to, as he But even in times of great political foundation of the party has to be of 50 years would address in his speeches, ‘nosotros, challenges, Hassan remained on credited in large part to the partof his life el pueblo de Gibraltar...’ (‘We, the people the telephone directory, often kept nership between Sir Joshua, the to frontline of Gibraltar’). He received unflinching apan open-door policy at home, and bright leftist lawyer (Leita Cazes, politics. plause for his delivery of that phrase in his invariably had time to listen to evgirlfriend to Hassan for a period political life, but no applause can struck a eryone who stopped him in town. in his early 20s, called her boymore emotional chord than the ovation of The man must have had an insurmountable friend ‘mi novio el rojillo’ – ‘my boyfriend, gratitude to Sir Joshua Hassan’s whole life degree of patience and care for the memthe little red’), and Albert Risso, the trade while the cortege left Casemates Square bers of the community, and it would not be unionist and first AACR president. Hassan – a unified ‘thank you’ for his unwavering surprising if he saw it as his duty for most wrote in his memoirs, ‘I did not want the commitment to Gibraltar and her people. of his adult life, having served so long as AACR to be started as a party created by No one could be left with any hesitation Mayor and then Chief Minister. just another lawyer who was getting into 40


©DM Parody (

life The political apple does not fall far from is unaccounted for. Getting the Gibralthe proverbial tree. Sir Joshua’s daughters tarian interest across is not as easy as it Fleur and Marlene have retained their sounds, especially when it involves getting father’s vocation in Israel it across to a government that is and Gibraltar respectively. arguably sidelining its own devolved The man must While they are both facing administrations. A huge benefit that have had an different times and distinct insurmountable Gibraltar enjoyed under Hassan’s challenges, the genuine leadership was that his name was so degree of caring vibe that Hassan is well-respected in the British corripatience and often described as having dors of power, so much so that he care for the projected has definitely was capable of getting Gibraltar back members of the been passed on. As the on the agenda with supreme verve. community... sisters continue to carve their own destinies in the With the high stakes of the EU demidst of an uncertain political world (albeit parture deal for the UK and all the discussome six thousand kilometres apart), one sion that comes with it around the single wonders how Sir Joshua’s leadership might market, customs union and the Northern have influenced a post-Brexit Gibraltar, or Ireland/Republic of Ireland border, it is at least, looking back and thinking of what paramount that Gibraltar does not get lost sort of lessons can be taken in from his in the shuffle and, before May called the time at this juncture in Gibraltar’s politics. snap election, we briefly saw that public interest in Gibraltar over in the UK was Elizabeth Nash’s obituary in the Indepensubstantial enough for the Rock to return dent published on the day of Hassan’s to national debate for a number of weeks. death features an extract from an interIn these times of zealous political lobbying view with him two years prior capturing on Gibraltar’s behalf in London and Brushis humility: “What, I asked Hassan finally, sels, it is Gibraltar’s strength in unity that did he think was the destiny of Gibraltar? ‘I plays so well into our hands and this was am not a prophet,’ he said, ‘only an expired no less the case than with Hassan’s leaderpolitician. So we shall have to wait and ship during the 1967 sovereignty referensee.’” Despite this, we can still hazard a dum, the 50th anniversary of which is being celebrated this year. The AACR movement few educated guesses as to what he might under Hassan was able to capture Gibralhave thought had he been alive today. tar’s imagination like never before and it The man who led Gibraltar at a time when remains to be seen as to whether we will Spain was occupied by the brutal Franco ever see such a long-lasting capturing of regime, which was intent on strangling not the national imagination again. just the Rock but also its own people, can surely “I am not a pass on a lesson or two on prophet, only defiant leadership.

Joshua with young Fleur (left) and Marlene (right)

From fortress to democracy (also the title of the political biography written by Sir William Jackson and Francis Cantos just a few years before Hassan’s death), from radical socialist lawyer to elder statesman, Salvador left his utterly indelible mark on the Rock and her people forever. 20 years on from his passing, we look back with great admiration to the father of modern Gibraltar.

an expired politician. So we shall have to wait and see.”

For starters, and this is perhaps the most ‘obvious’ point, Sir Joshua would likely have continued to oppose the integrationist position, perceived by many to effectively undermine the long struggle for civilian democracy and autonomous governance for Gibraltar, by Gibraltar, and in Gibraltar. Integration as a principle appears in contradiction with the forward march of self-determination and political freedom that we hold as unassailable, as well as at odds with Hassan’s twin slogan, “With Britain but not under Britain. The Right to our Land”.

That slogan might give us a clue concerning a Salvador attitude to something like the Brexit negotiations. One imagines that Hassan would be indignant at the prospect of the Brexit negotiations having a minimal regard for Gibraltar. With Britain, or with whatever the make-up of the UK government by the time negotiations are in full flow, means a productive partnership and not one where the Gibraltarian interest GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017


life words | Mike Brufal



A job was obtained at the City Council as oseph Ernest Pilcher, 64, is the son Whilst this can be effective at certain of Richard and Alice Pilcher and has times, it can also lose friends and supportan assistant administration officer in the a younger brother, Clifford. His faers, in particular in politics. electricity department. Promotion was not ther, universally known as Pepe, was by ability or drive but by how long the civil servant had been employed. The stultia senior member of the TGWU Joe revealed that when he was fying atmosphere in the department was and contested the Gibraltar City The tall a school boy, there was a divide Council elections in the late such that Joe was unable to work there. between those who lived in the Brother 1950s. His father ensured that His main task was to read meter books south and those who live in the Murphy was there was far more talk about loand nine meter books covering nine areas north. The majority of boys at strict but cal politics than in most Gibraltarthe Grammar School lived in the on the Rock had to be dealt with every helpful and month. This took him to two days to comian homes. He was anti Spanish north which included the town instilled in him plete which meant that he had following the Franco shenanigans area. For some unknown the necessity to reason, not many boys after the Queen’s visit in 1954. absolutely nothing to do on the There help others... remaining days of the month. from the south passed was a divide Upon registering a complaint Joe was a pupil at St. Joseph’s the 11+ and instead between those that more work was needed, he First school, Bishop Fitzgerald Middle went to St. Jago’s school and so, who lived in was told to relax, read the local School and passed the 11+ into the Gramas a Grammarian, he became more the south and papers and go for walks. This mar school. He remembers with considerthan a friend to these boys many a those who live led to depression. able affection the tall Brother Murphy who time acting as their leader. in the north. was strict but helpful and instilled in him the necessity to help others, less fortunate In less than a year, he resigned O and A levels were passed but and was employed by Johnny Risso as a than himself. Brother Murphy also had no at that time, there were few scholarships hesitation in calling a spade a spade which available to go to university. Unless the pu- Restsso driver. Up to this point, he had was also to become the centrepiece of pil was in the top six of his year, then there shown no interest in becoming involved Joe’s attitude in both politics and business. in local politics and union matters. He was was no chance of further education.




GSLP Electoral win on 24th March 1988: Ministers toasting (left) and driven down Main Street in celebration (right)

not really the average driver and delivery Between 1980 and 1984, at Joe Bossano’s tar Council. He represented Joe whenever man. But interest in socialism started at he was away from the Rock. Pilcher was instigation, Pilcher became more active Restsso. A move to the MOD as a driver also the shadow minister for matters conin politics and represented the GSLP did not improve matters as he in debates and media interviews cerning Gibraltar Ship Repair and Tourism. was overqualified for the job outside of the House of Assembly. Upon but although a TGWU memThis involved a great deal of work In the 1988 elections, all eight GSLP registering a ber, he was still not involved candidates headed the poll. Joe complaint that outside of his job. in active trade unionism. Pilcher was appointed as Minister Pilcher more work was responsible for Gibraltar Ship Repair In the 1984 election, the was one of needed, he was In 1976, he was elected the and Tourism. He came second in the GSLP presented a slate the founder told to relax, drivers’ shop steward. This individual poll and was therefore of eight and in the early members of read the local was the point at which his life nominated as Deputy Chief Minishours of the morning GSLP and papers and go were on course to win. changed when he met, whilst ter which post he held until he left became for walks. on union duties, Joe Bossano, politics in 1996. The late ballot boxes the first the TGWU branch officer. moved the count towards Chairman. After long conversations, Pilcher realised the AACR who eventually won In 1981, a decision by the Minister that his thoughts on socialism and trade the election. Bossano came of Defence, John Nott, to cut back unionism were along the same lines as second in the individual count. The prime the Royal Navy surface fleet meant that Joe’s. Things were going well in the garage political issue was the commercialization the dockyard was no longer financially and he was promoted to Superintendent of the dockyard which the GSLP fiercely viable. This was one of the main issues in and appointed the TGWU non-industrial opposed. Pilcher became deputy leader of local politics with the GSLP fiercely opposconvenor for the whole of the MOD. the GSLP and was a member of the Gibral- ing the closure of the dockyard. In 1985, In 1976, Joe Bossano formed a new party, the Gibraltar Democratic Movement (GDM) and, as four members of the GDM were elected, became the Leader of the Opposition. The other three members became uncomfortable about Bossano’s radical policies and left the party. This led to Bossano passing to Maurice Xiberras the position of Leader of the Opposition. Joe Bossano formed the Gibraltar Socialist and Labour Party (GSLP) in 1978. Pilcher was one of the founder members and became the first Chairman.

Joe crowning the Miss Gibraltar winners. Here with Miss Gibraltar 1991 Ornella Costa and her two princesses Gillain De Los Santos and Gail Summerfield.

In the 1980 election, the GSLP fielded six candidates. Pilcher was asked to stand but declined as he was not politically ready and had a young family. Bossano came second in the election but none of the other GSLP candidates were elected. He became an independent member of the opposition.



life which the GSLP and successive governments have today with many successful joint venture companies operating within Gibraltar. In fact, one such successful joint venture company is the Gibraltar Joinery and Building Services (GJBS) which can be seen operating all over the Rock. Gibraltar Ship Repair took up considerable ministerial time but he was also responsible for tourism. In the 1992 elections, because of the closure of GSL and because of his penchant to call a spade a spade, he became unpopular with the electorate which resulted in him coming last of the eight successful GSLP candidates with 7737 votes. Joe had moved from second to eighth in the four years between the elections. The Chief Joe, Minister for Tourism, represented Gibraltar in Canada in the Commonwealth Conference Minister insisted that he remained Deputy and was given the privilege of closing the Conference. Chief Minister and he became the Minister for Tourism and the Environment being the first Environment Minister in Gibraltar. the MOD passed the In the early 90s, the dockyard was handed Joe had dockyard into the hands moved from to the Norwegian company, Kvaerner, who During this term, Joe Pilcher took over of the A&P group ( known ran it until 1996. The dockyard then closed more and more of the internal workings of second to government whilst the Chief Minister dealt locally as Appledore). The for approximately 18 months. In 1997, eighth in the Cammell Laird took over the operations with the increasing workload of external GSLP ferociously opfour years matters which meant considerable time posed this decision as it but in 2001, the Cammell Laird Group ran between the into financial difficulties and the dockyard outside Gibraltar fighting for and presentwas always critical of the elections. ing Gibraltar’s case. Joe stressed that way the yard was being was closed once again. The Bossano still had time to discuss managed. When the GSLP local senior management, Joe Pilcher every aspect of local government got into Government in 1988, Joe’s role with the backing of the and his wife, although by the time that he left poliwas to cancel A&P’s contract which he did Gibraltar Government, was were given the tics in 1996, he had dealt with almost during the first few months of Government successful in a buyout. The VIP treatment every government ministry either disetting up Gibraltar Shiprepair Limited company continued to trade which any rectly or otherwise except Health. As which took over the running of the yard. as Cammell Laird Gibraltar Head of State the Chief Minister was in New York The Government closed down the facility until 7 December 2009 when gets. at the time of the huge anti-cigarette but not before it had minimised the effects it was renamed Gibdock. and fast boat demonstration, it fell to on employment by creating many joint Pilcher to accept the petition at No 6 venture companies which primarily dealt Joe Pilcher sowed the seeds which resultConvent Place. with subcontracting services. ed in much of the joint venture philosophy Joe delivering a speech in the UK to the Tourist Trade. With Tourism Manager Mr. Joseph Viale.


The 8th May 1995 marked the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and the Prime Minister, John Major, invited many heads of state to London to celebrate this monumental event. The Queen invited them to lunch at Buckingham Palace as the centrepiece of the celebrations. There were also a number of white and black tie events. The Chief Minister of Gibraltar had to decline his invitation because he never wears white or black ties. Joe Pilcher was sent instead. This was the social highlight of his political career as Gibraltar was treated as any other country within the Allies and its representative, Joe Pilcher and his wife, were given the VIP treatment which any Head of State gets. After a lunch at Buckingham Palace, there was a parade in Hyde Park to which all the guests were taken by bus. Fate decided that Joe sat next to Princess Diana whilst his wife was next to Prince Charles. When they got out of the bus, they were confronted by banks of photogGIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

life raphers waiting to photograph the Royal couple. During the eight years of GSLP Government as Deputy Chief Minister, he was the centrepiece of the creation of many new legislations and working systems although he lists his main achievements as the creation of the Upper Rock nature reserve and the charging mechanism which provides a substantial income to the government. Also, much against the wishes of some of his ministerial colleagues, the pedestrianisation of Main Street which albeit was finished after his term and officially inaugurated by the GSD Government Fate decided in their first two months. With regret that Joe sat in his eyes, he says that he was never next to Princess ever invited to the official inauguration even though it was purely of his making. Diana whilst Another important moment was, with his wife was the help of Dr John Cortes chairman of next to Prince Norway: Joe activating Shipping Market by visiting Gib Shiprepair agents. the Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural Charles. History Society, now Minister in the new GSLP Government, the creation of the course of buying a warehouse and was Joe says, “I think that Gibraltar is what it the Marine nature reserve, the start of the acquired by pure luck is today due to the eight years of GSLP liner terminal, preliminary planning for a government. If you look back in history, new airport and the creation of many joint although there have been many crises Pilcher is now 64 and has no intention of venture companies. such as the Brussels Agreement, Gibraltar retiring until ill health forces him to stop has always come out the winner due to work. Today, he works every day of the The Government dealt with the acute the versatility of its people and in partnerweek except for Wednesday which is a housing shortage, the reclamation, the ship with the British Government day for himself. The weekend is start of the finance sector, attracting more support. The future of Gibraltar spent with his family. He lists commercial activity such as the gaming post Brexit is unknown but the his main companies. The commercial success of GiAll profits from the enterprises achievements now Chief Minister, Fabian Picarbraltar today was started during this eight do, is exploring every avenue and were invested into property as the creation making contingency plans looking year period. and today he holds a property of the Upper at the USA and the Commonportfolio. All the various strands Rock nature Joe decided not to stand in the 1996 wealth. Gibraltar is a unique nation now come under the umbrella reserve... elections because he realised that he was state and this will continue for of Mandelson Holdings. This has not popular with the electorate. He also as long as its people want it to nothing to with Lord Mandlefelt his sell-by date had been reached and always in partnership with the British son and was an off the shelf company. and he was young enough to start a new Government”. Medrock now deals with administration. career in business. However, the GSLP lost the elections and he helped the GSLP for Mr and Mrs Bossano, the Governor, Joe and his wife at the time, a year and this included running the party and the President Bush and his wife in the Convent Gibraltar newspaper ‘The People’. By the end of the twelve months, he did not consider himself to be an active member of the GSLP although he has always been available to give advice when asked. By 1998 he had no official role with the GSLP. Joe went into business by opening a company which traded as Medrock consultants as he knew he could provide valuable advice to clients who wanted to know about the machinery of local government. This was successful and he was able to start up different businesses. One was Cinebank which was an automated video system supplying dvds and videos. This ran from 1998 until it was closed down in 2004 when the internet began to supply films and tv programmes at virtually no cost. Another profitable company deals with Revlon cosmetics which was acquired in GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017


life words | Marcus Killick

ESPACE VS PORSCHE 911 and how to operate a hearing aid...


half term, and therefore, when we stopped y father is partially deaf. title, so children have entered these preMy father makes comments viously ‘adult only’ domains. Gone are the for lunch, the car park of the pub was to my mother about other days of my childhood when on the occaalready packed with Renault Espace’s with people. My father thinks they sion a public house was visited by my parthe seemingly obligatory “keep back, baby are “asides”, which only she can hear. My ents, I was left in the Volkswagen Beetle on board” stickers on their rear window. I am not sure why anyone bothers to put father is mistaken. They are with a bottle of Coca Cola and a said at the same volume as a straw, perhaps with some Smiths these stickers on an Espace as there is no Restaurants Chelsea fan, sat in the middle Salt and Vinegar crisps to make reason anyone would ever own one unless have become tier at Stamford Bridge, exit all more nutritionally balanced. they had a baby on board. Put it on a far more child If I was lucky, some chicken in a plaining to the referee the erPorsche 911, then respect, but an Espace? tolerant in ror of his recent decision. This basket would appear through the recent years. can cause issues in restaurants. car window as if by magic. I whiled We entered. Clearly, we had missed the away many a happy hour in pub car sign advertising the fact the pub had a parks, wandering around checking tax discs fun area, involving ball pools, slides and Occasionally, the result is covered by the on other vehicles, noting the general noise that tends to be a feature a bouncy castle. Clearly, everyone registration numbers of the else had missed the sign saying it of modern eating establishments. To the We were expired ones before contactgreat relief of my mother, a comment, for was closed for repair. As a result, we ushered to a ing the relevant authorities. example, concerning a garish floral dress entered a place packed with chilcorner booth, often passes unnoticed by the wearer. this allowed my dren, and children who, having been promised that their boring morning Regretfully, this was not such an occasion. Now, children of all ages and mother and I to at the retail park would end with behaviours are welcome in every food serving emporium. sit either side of an hour on an inflatable pirate Restaurants have become far more child my father... My father does not approve. ship, were feeling more than a little tolerant in recent years. Indeed, as pubs ripped off. And we had my father. have moved from pure drinking establishThe seeds of conflict had been sown. ments to include the word “gastro” in their Our latest trip was mistakenly timed with



life six words. “Madam, kindly shut that child We were ushered to a corner booth, this allowed my mother and I to sit either side up”. I still do not know how the “madam” to whom he referred knew, from across of my father, so restricting the risk of any sudden movement involving his walking the restaurant, that it was her. All the other mothers were still surprised by their stick and a small child. The offspring sudden silence and did not food was ordered, the drinks It was exactly served. Phase One had been the pitch that is move. But she rose and marched towards him. successfully reached. warned about

in instruction

On arrival at our table, she exThen, in the background, a manuals for small child’s began a wail. plained, in far more syllables than hearing aids... even Donald Trump could tweet, the It rose from the general huberror of my father’s comment. My bub like an air raid siren. As it turned out, it was exactly the pitch that mother did not help by responding, having is warned about in instruction manuals for been told that the child was unwell, hence the noise, that hearing aids, as it produces a resonance All the other not unlike having a pneumatic drill placed “perhaps it was a bit cruel to mothers were bring the little chap out then”. in your ear. My father paused, then winced as if stung. To his credit, he did nothing more. Then, the tone changed. The wail became a tantrum, the tantrum became a series of screams. The camel felt the last straw land. In its own way, it was impressive, an 84-year-old man silencing a room full of disgruntled children in a instance, or rather


still surprised by their offspring sudden silence and did not move.

The waiter arrived and suggested the angry parent may now like to return to her seating. She did and my mother and I starred in shock and disbelief at each other before turning to face my father. The serene look in his eyes surprised us. A man, not known for keeping his views to himself had kept quiet

during a minute of detailed verbal abuse. Seeing our gaze, he reached to his ear and turned his hearing aid back on. Apparently, after his outburst, he had turned it off to get some peace. He hadn’t heard a word she said.





words | Elena Scialtiel

The four dimensions of saxophone


repertoire, they are also fully ‘portable’ and orchestration is at stake. “The technique is erhaps the kind of dream-comeunplugged, which means they don’t need alike for all saxophones, but the ‘bari’ is the true band for Lisa Simpson, biggest, hence the heaviest around your electricity at their venues (unless Saxomania is, in fact, neck, and fingers are stretched further they are large locations where a saxophone quartet It was instant apart to reach the keys. The musician also microphones are added merely to with a difference, actually a success because carry the sound), and so they can needs to blow more air through to produce uniformity: all instruments they are fully play virtually anywhere, free of caa sound,” Amanda explains. are saxophones, in their four ‘portable’ and ble entanglements, from the beach dimensions of baritone, tenor, unplugged... to the park bandstand and church alto and soprano. The quartet prides themselves to be able ceremonies for a ‘mellow sound’. In to read music and get the feel of a piece fact, the only power they need is the wind virtually immediately. They often write They formed just over a year ago, when in their lungs and the response from the down notes by ear and re-arrange tracks four musicians from the Royal Gibralaudience to their varied arrangements of that caught their fancy: “Most of our music tar Regiment band realised that a small instantly recognisable songs in is written and we can all read ensemble with a large repertoire may be styles that range from folk and music well, so most of the time needed for smaller venues and intimate They often classic to pop and rock. we are ready to perform it after events, like investitures, official dinners write down a few quick rehearsals, but some and weddings, and because the four notes by pieces we play do allow room for Amanda Peach plays baritone ‘gel so well together’ and are versatile ear and reimprovisation, like for standard sax, the largest of the family and players, they went for the novel idea of the one that usually provides the arrange tracks jazz bands.” a group that could exploit and maximise that caught tempo with its bass feel, making the potential of the many nuances of one their fancy. the addition of backing drums instrument. Each member’s part meshes with unnecessary most of the times, the others, when the melody is although the quartet doesn’t shy away carried mostly by ‘sop’ and ‘alto’ while the It was instant success because, besides from electronic help when a more complex others harmonise and give the beat, but being flexible in their arrangements and GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017



she is an accomplished flute and ukulele a round of applause from the dignitaries individual voices are given their chance to teacher at the Gibraltar Academy of Music gathered,” they say. But there’s plenty of steal the limelight with solo stunts to show and Performing Arts, where the alto sax of jazz on the menu, since soprano sax off their prowess, right because player Raphael Gonzalez is a staunch the quartet, Ruth Fortuna, coaches buddythey all bounce off one another It pretty ing pianists and clarinettists. Her instrument, so well. It pretty much works as much works fan, and the golden oldies from the alto sax, sounds quite similar to French a choir, they say, but there are as a choir but the fifties and sixties, a soft spot of horn and often plays its lines. Amanda’s next to hard rock. no lyrics, unless the audience there are no wants to sing along, which haplyrics, unless “It’s funny how we’re three girls and pens regularly for their ‘poppy’ Clarinet is the instrument that introduced the audience one bloke in this band, and he gets toe-tapping numbers. Raphael, Amanda and Ruth to the wonders wants to sing to play the smallest instrument with of music from a tender age, the first two in along... Gibraltar and Ruth in the UK, from where the acutest voice,’ says tenor sax Saxomania promises their mushe moved to the Rock on a temporary player Becky Moritz, who moved to sic to be the ideal backdrop for transfer to the Royal Regiment Band from Gibraltar from Shetland Isles where she formal engagements, where they offer soft the Honourable Artillery Company Band. had played the flute in Lerwick Orchestra accompaniment to your conversation with for twelve years. Her on-againtheir classic pieces, but they can also step off-again love affair with music up to dance-floor fillers with up-tempo Raphael attended the Music “It’s funny stopped after her school years pop and rock items like, ‘Happy’, ‘Viva La Centre, at the time under Hector how we’re and restarted in Germany, intensiVida’ and ‘Living on a Prayer’ just to name three girls and Cortes’s direction at Wellington fied in Gibraltar, where she learnt a few. Front and then furthered his one bloke in how it is never too late to take musical education with Charlie this band, and up a new instrument: “I started Chappie in comprehensive school Hair metal is piece of cake for them – not playing sax at the age of 46: when he gets to play to join the junior and later the sejust because they’ve got good hair and the smallest someone claims they’re too old nior symphony orchestra, where shiny brass – as they cheekily proved at a instrument...” to learn an instrument, I reveal he was classically trained. At 17, formal dinner when they blasted Europe’s how old I was when I picked up he joined the Rooke Band where ‘The Final Countdown’ in honour of Chief the sax for the first time and prove that it’s he says he developed his music skills even Minister Fabian Picardo who is a great never too late for a new skill.” Nowadays, further and had the honour of playing with fan. “Detected in a few bars, it earned us



music his band mates in countless St. Michael’s to being so ‘well gelled’, Becky admits, and venture is independent from military band Cave concerts, at the Guildhall for the that is the virtual impossibility of finding a commitments, to which they contribute Gibraltar Day in London and at substitute for anyone of their talents in playing their Saxomania the British Embassy in Rabat. them unable to particfirst-choice instruments, Rapha“We listen to el, Ruth and Amanda on clarpromises their ipate in a gig and thus each other and inet, Becky on flute. Thy also “We listen to each other and music to be the having to make it work learn what the teach their respective instrulearn what the others must feel, ideal backdrop nevertheless, without others must feel, one ‘limb’. ments at the Gibraltar Academy in order to keep the dynamic for formal in order to keep of Music and Performing Arts. of the piece balanced, without engagements... the dynamic one sax’s sound ‘drowning’ the Although they met and of the piece next,” Raphael says, and Becky practised together for Visit for balanced...” adds that their chemistry and intuition are years in the ‘ranks’ of the Gibralinformation on their repertoire bordering telepathy. There’s a downside tar Regiment, their Saxomania and private bookings. Raphael Gonzalez, Becky Moritz, Ruth Fortuna, Amanda Peach






“In my paintings, it is always the eyes which speak.”

words | Elena Scialtiel


‘Metamorphosis’ of colours and watercolours


The subject matters are almost exclusively atercolourist Tessa Neish is Living in the vibrant university town of Boportraits, some of which in the form of having her artistic homelogna, the buzz for inspiration is beckoning coming this month with a from the quaintest and most recondite me- personification of zodiac signs - although much anticipated dieval lane as much as contemthe few landscapes do deserve the onlooker’s attention and awe - or, as Tessa solo exhibition at Sacarello’s, porary ateliers, but Tessa knows “The message describes them, ‘portraiture of emotions guaranteed to make your coffee how to keep her voice out of in my artwork through the sitter’s eyes, regardless of who sweeter and your day brighter. the choir, and style original is that the and true to the Mediterranean he or she is’. “I favour portraits because language of art light shining in her Gibraltarian that is what interests me: the challenge of Despite being a seasoned exunites mind, facial proportions and depicting emotions gaze when it fuses with the hibitor both in Italy, where she body and soul.” through paint fascinates me, and I will earthy – and hearty – hues of resides, and in Gibraltar where never tire of it,” she says. central Italian sceneries. No she already graced the walls surprise then, if a kaleidoscopic collection of Faceframes Gallery with her innovative both in colours and subject matters was Her style is a sapient blend of Impressionstyle, this is her ‘coming of age’ introducassembled in just over two ism, Art Déco and Expressiontion to the local community at large. Havyears around the central theme ism stirred within the abstract ing rippled waves within the international “It is important of personal artistic growth: “I palette, but still varnished with artistic community, her watercolours feanot to stagnate titled it ‘Metamorphosis’, and it a patina of expert attention to ture a contemporary and yet fantasy vibe, by always represents my own emotional banking on the wondrous versatility of figurative detail and technicalipainting with the ty, and the outcome is charming metamorphosis since I emsaturation and reinventing what is usually same people.” barked on my artistic journey,” and uplifting, not just because considered a classic tranquil medium for Tessa says about the 30 paintof the elaboration of shapes, picturesque landscapes and picture-perings on offer, mainly watercolours, but also but also for the liberality in the use of jewfect village scenes into a dramatic bold mixed media and pencil sketches, sized A4 el hues, sharp contrast, and the audacity statement of avant-garde search for novel to A1 and priced between £250 and £600. with which they are juxtaposed to sculpt avenues of abstract portraiture. GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017



dimensionality, and often blurred in the dripping effect that seems to suggest how a painting is never truly finished and most importantly, that art will never dry out. “The message in my artwork is that the language of art unites mind, body and soul,” Tessa adds. “It gives us the opportunity to express ourselves, revealing our inner world into a concrete reality. In my paintings, it is always the eyes which speak. The eye of the observer is drawn to, becomes part of, and unites with, the Tessa used to look and feelings tell her students of the sitter, joining not to be afraid them in the univerof making sality of the feeling I mistakes, am trying to express because you can in that particular always learn painting.”

from them...

Claiming that she feels an inner ‘urge’ to all budding painters know: mistakes. “As express herself about particular moments, opposed to oils that take much longer to Tessa reveals how her inspiration derives dry, so you can always paint over them, from personal emotions and life situations watercolours are usually difficult to correct. experienced prior to deciding to put brush This is because you cannot paint over it as to paper. She is still ‘revelling’ in the novelit dries so quickly absorbing itself into the ty of her artistry lifestyle, which allows her card. However, the more you practise the to ‘grab the paintbrush and the card with technique the better you become and the both hands’ and just let her fewer mistakes you make. I have “As opposed emotions drip on paper, as now painted over 50 watercolours to oils that take repeating the same technique over this has been her dream since a young age. As a watercoand over again. The key is practice much longer to lourist, she seldom paints on and perseverance.” dry so you can canvas, but she always uses always paint card, and the thickest at it As a teacher, Tessa used to tell over them, that she hails, in-keeping with watercolours are her students not to be afraid of the pride of her adoptive making mistakes, because you can usually difficult always learn from them, and the Italian region, as the ‘Ferrari’ to correct.” of all watercolour papers. worst case scenario simply lies in having to throw the paper away, There’s a downside to watercolour, as but the best case scenario is the discovery 54








art that an apparent mistake may actually turn into the centrepiece visual effect. “You must approach painting with confidence and an open mind.” Watercolours are versatile, she preaches – and successfully practises, and they can achieve dizzying heights to shed the undeserved repute they are a démodé pastime for Edwardian forlorn gentlemen with too much time on hand, but they actually become a powerful instrument in asserting the artist’s independence within the whirling currents of decorative minimalism.

Keeping watercolour funky is easy if you use plenty of bright colours, and you invest in good quality paint and paper.

According to Tessa’s tips, keeping watercolour funky is easy if you use plenty of bright colours, and you invest in good quality paint and paper. “The Italian “Think outside the box postal service when it comes to techrequires a special niques and subject matstamp from the ters, without limiting your Accademia to expression to the same old landscapes. Watercolours prove they are are much more than that.” not stolen!”

She names her mentor maestro Demetrio Casile as her main influence, together with his circle and other hubs around Italy he liaises with. “I have learnt to develop my style and I continue to learn by watching other artists. It is important not to stagnate by always painting with the same people. Italy has offered me this opportunity.” If inspiration free-flows through borders and can break boundaries, some practical difficulties arose when Tessa took her Bologna-produced artwork to Gibraltar for framing and exhibiting. “The Italian postal service requires a special stamp from the Accademia, which involves copious amounts of paperwork, to prove they are not stolen! It took one week to deliver other paintings by courier and I ended up buying an extra suitcase for my flight.” All worth the wait for Gibraltar art lovers to be able to appreciate them at Sacarello’s after the official opening last month.



drama words | Elena Scialtiel

FROM DANCE TO THEATRE Erica relishes the stage


am usually able to switch off from the versatile performer who can feel and complexity. “It’s all about finding the equally at ease with dancing, her subtleties that can help an actor visualise current character when off stage, I still first and lifelong passion, and and bring their character to life.” carry Bernadette in my heart, and I jokingly acting, her relatively slip some of her lines and mannerisms in my conversation. Being about a society newfound talent, Erica McGrail So it was up to her performing It is important ruled by a words budget, the play taught was awarded Best Actress talents to engage the audiences to really trophy at last Drama Festival. me - and I hope to have put that message for a full hour, with virtually no understand across to the audience - about alternative set, no props and only one coone’s character non-verbal communication, the importance Not new to the Drama protagonist keeping the action and give it rolling. Erica and Tim Seed carried and significance of facial expression and Festival, having played a Welsh layers, depth body language, abbreviation and of course barmaid in Dylan Thomas’s it off as the seasoned performers and complexity. they both are, never stalling or literally measuring one’s words.” play Return Journey, a role that had her speak in a popular disappointing the audience in their delivery of a strictly In fact, Erica enjoyed the ride Welsh accent without affectation, and Gila “It’s all about so much that she is already in Harold Pinter’s chilling and political play word-counted dystopian rehearsing with director Daniel One for The Road, Erica admits that the message way chillier than a sip finding the Strain-Webber and a six-strong role of Bernadette in Sam Steiner’s lemony of the proverbial lemonade. subtleties that dramedy surely was her most challenging cast for a production to be staged can help an character so far. And she relishes the this autumn: “I don’t want to give “Since the action goes back actor visualise too much away, but it touches challenge. “I auditioned for it because I and forth in time and may and bring their on current themes and my part was curious, and when I read the script appear disjointed, I drew a character to life.” will be completely different from I was intrigued by the characters, the chronological flow chart to Bernadette’s.” She praises Daniel themes, the language and the story.” For help me remember what her, it is important to really understand as a director who knows how to maximise scene came next. It was a demanding one’s character and give it layers, depth each actor’s strengths, and to guide them role, but a fulfilling one, and although I 58


drama to find their own way towards their own interpretation, instead of burdening them with the struggle of second-guessing the director’s abstract vision.

a team: drama carries a lot of transferrable skills applicable to other subjects and careers.”

“I am not Erica is a fan of physical theatre, Not acting her age or myself for a while and would like to see more of it nationality seems to be one in Gibraltar. And of course, she’d when I get in of Erica’s fortes, besides being love to watch a locally produced character, and I a multiple award-winning musical, ‘with special effects, can experience dancer – and the proof is in revolving sets and elaborate someone else’s her success as a Norwegian costumes’, but she acknowledges life and feelings...” the practical difficulties to it and grandma in the theatrical adaptation of Roald Dahl ‘The yet wishes the audiences were Witches’: it wasn’t just about pulling off the more exposed to professional theatre. white-haired wrinkly-faced cardigan-clad look offered by costume and make-up, but However, she is pleased that Gibraltar is also the mannerism and posture. doing ‘exceptionally well’ with dance and exporting high-standard dancers, while The beauty of acting is in fact pretending amateur theatre is stepping in the right to be someone you are not and actually direction with its inspiring youngsters to becoming that someone, she says: “I carry on the tradition and pepper it with am not myself for a while when I get in innovation. Regrettably, drama season character, and I can experience someone is too short in Gibraltar, after amateur else’s life and feelings, speaking and productions concentrate in just one week gesturing in a way different to my own. and aren’t encored during the year, with So drama becomes an escape and actors only a few further productions dotted in bringing home to Gibraltar a wealth of can always learn valuable lessons from the the rest of the calendar. medals. She grew up learning ballet, jazz characters played.” and contemporary and completed her RAD While dance has been integral part of ballet exams and ISTD Modern Theatre As a teacher, she claims that her job, like Erica’s life since longer than she can Dance exams achieving promising results. others, sometimes requires her to put up remember, drama came in later. “They Later, she developed a passion for musical a ‘persona’ and a performance to inspire demand a different set of skills, but not theatre after having experienced it for and motivate her students. She truly that different, since they are both telling the first time at a summer school at the believes that drama is a crucial subject a story, though with different means, Royal Academy of Dance. “I loved the to teach as part of the school curriculum movement the first, speech the second. integration of dance, singing and acting as it improves student’s confidence and The journey is similar, and the dancer and so I decided to pursue that career and self-esteem or, said with a pun, ‘it builds needs to remember the choreography as auditioned for a prestigious vocational character’. “Drama at any level on your much as the actor needs to do with lines.” performing arts school called Laine résumé introduces you as a creative, Theatre Arts in Epsom, Surrey.” She “Drama articulate, imaginative applicant with She has been performing completed my Trinity Diploma in carries a lot of refined public speaking ability, good since a young age and has Professional Musical Theatre in 2012 memory and presentation, and at ease in transferrable competed internationally, and decided to further her academic skills applicable studies to achieve a BA (Hons) in to other subjects Theatre Studies at the Guildford School of Acting. and careers.” One year later, she completed her PGCE in Secondary Drama and now teaches Dance and Drama at Westside School: “I am passionate about what I do. Teaching is an avenue through which I can inspire, empower and share my passion for performance with others. It is a career that will allow me to engage with younger minds and share my knowledge with them. I also continue to develop my own skills as a performer to improve my practice, so I bring my own personal experiences into the classroom. I also teach dance and musical theatre after working hours and I find these classes greatly satisfying: how rewarding it is to witness the student’s excitement for dance and musical theatre! Cards and gifts from the students at the end of term simply saying ‘Thank You’ make my hard work worth it, and I will always treasure these mementos.” GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017


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Dr. Marco Vricella is the founder and chief surgeon at Aria Medical Group, and a familiar face to many in Gibraltar. Twice a month Dr. Vricella offers free, private and confidential consultations at College Clinic. Dr. Marco Vricella qualified as a Doctor in Medicine in 1992; and became a Specialist in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in 1997. He has since focused on private cosmetic surgery; saying, ‘It allows me to combine medical science with creativity and artistry, things close to my heart’. Read our latest client case studies online. If you want to find out more, then Dr. Vricella holds free consultations at College Clinic, Regal House, Gibraltar every 2 weeks.

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DR. MARCO VRICELLA Interview with Specialist Cosmetic Surgeon, Aria Medical Group

Why do people have cosmetic surgery? Is it simply vanity? Well, the reasons for having cosmetic surgery as are varied as the people that choose to have an elective procedure. It has taken many years, but we are now seeing an erosion of the perceived wisdom that cosmetic surgery is simply for vanity. It is understood that the benefits of surgery can be physical and emotional. There will always be high profile media cases of movie stars and public figures having noticeable surgery to supposedly ‘turn back the clock’; yet in my experience, my clients choose cosmetic surgery to address a near lifelong issue – not simply to look younger. For example, sagging, tired looking eyes can be improved with eye surgery, called Blepharoplasty. For men, it’s the most requested procedure, with the British Association of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) suggesting a 15% increase in operations for men. Women choose breast reductions and uplifts not to simply have a more attractive figure, but because they have suffered years of back and neck pain, and discomfort from their bra straps cutting into their shoulders. Mothers and people who have lost a lot of weight, who have lived for years with unsightly sagging stomach tissue, choose abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).

These are all issues that cannot be addressed by diet or exercise. Only cosmetic surgery can offer the results that these people have been thinking of and dreaming of for many years. The results, in my experience, lead to significantly higher levels of self-confidence, self-esteem and well-being. This is much more profound than just simply vanity. What are the most requested procedures? For women, this is undoubtedly breast augmentation. One might expect that this would be for younger women wanting fuller breasts, but in fact, we have many mature women who want a better shape, following aging, weight-loss or having children. Breast reduction is also increasing at about 12-13% a year, as is face and neck lift surgery. For men, as I mentioned, eye bag removal is the most requested, and male breast reduction – both procedures that offer excellent results. My team and I pride ourselves on our discretion so many clients turn to Aria, as they can be assured of total confidentiality. In addition, we offer all our procedures in Marbella, so clients have privacy in our private hospital.

His reputation and volume of procedures probably make him Gibraltar’s favourite Cosmetic Surgeon.

What’s the first step for someone who wants to have cosmetic surgery? Without doubt, the most important thing is for a person to be fully informed about the procedure they want. Our website features videos on the main procedures, together with in-depth information. We also have a section dedicated to case studies, so one can read about how others have felt about a procedure, their recovery and the aftercare. At Aria Medical Group we offer free, private consultations, so if a client is interested in a procedure and wants to understand how well they are personally suited to cosmetic surgery, then they can meet me at College Clinic, without any obligation. Each person should expect different results based on their health, age and physique, and it is only with a surgeon consultation that one can become properly informed. When you attend a consultation, make sure it is with a surgeon, not a nurse. Ask the surgeon about their qualifications, (for example, I’m a registered specialist in Cosmetic Surgery), and make sure they are more than a general surgeon; ask too about the hospital; the medical team and very importantly, ask about aftercare - we include aftercare with all our procedures.

Aria Medical Group, College Clinic, Regal House, Queensway, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA, (+350) 200 77777, (+34) 671 639 353 GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017




words | Julia Coelho

What to wear to a wedding...


hances are that your summer when there are numerous within the space absolutely cannot. God forbid! But you is jam-packed with a variety of of a few months. You can give me all the really don’t need to break the bank to find functions; weddings, engagement notice in the world, but for some reathe perfect guest dress(es). There are so parties, baby showers son, last minute panic shopping many affordable and gorgeous styles dominating the high street this season. And and hen dos, especially if you always seems like the way to go! Summer more expensive ones, of course, if that’s are in your twenties or thirties. In addition to this, if you are like (especially in I don’t know where the time me and struggling to get a grasp your vibe! Gibraltar) is has gone, but I now find myon your already limited finances, the season for self situated very firmly in that the inevitably expensive nature This year, I’m a bridesmaid (winning!) so weddings and age range where those invites of the wedding-attending-world I have the luxury of sitting back and browsdressy events. are flying my way. And if you can bring about another set of ing through wedding guest outfits without are into your forties, fifties or challenges. Finding the perfect so much as a hint of panic! But for those of sixties, you are probably attending your dress, not to mention matching shoes you who actually need to choose your own friends’ kids’ weddings and your friends’ and accessories - and if you are being an outfits, I’ve compiled an entire selection of 25th wedding anniversary parties! Either extra committed guest and having your ideas below to suit all budgets and styles! hair done too - there are no two way, summer (especially in Gibraltar) is the season for weddings and dressy events. ways about it; being a guest can Last minute A different neckline be a drain on your bank balance. panic shopping As soon as wedding season begins to I love nothing more than an always seems like approach, the anxiety starts to kick in. For Some of you will probably have elegant high neckline, but this the way to go! someone who is most comfortable wearing several weddings to attend summer, I have to say, I’ve a pair of skinny jeans and a casual t-shirt, this summer, and most of them been absolutely loving the sexy as I am sure many of you are, finding the I’m sure involving a similar crowd, which Bardot styles I’ve been seeing everywhere, means you can’t be a repeat offender! Well especially when they involve ruffles; one of perfect wedding guest outfit can become a little daunting and tedious, especially you can, but social norms dictate that we this season’s hottest trends it seems!



fashion Cold shoulder detailing has taken the highstreet by storm this year; a style I wouldn’t normally have considered wearing to a wedding, but after seeing some incredible pieces online, I’m a convert and new fan! Suit it up

Flirty florals

Who says that you can only wear maxi dresses and jumpsuits to a wedding? Some events may call for a more casual dress code – and I wish more of them did. Why not opt for a fun and flirty There A-line dress with a wrap-around topare so many half that is sure to flatter any body affordable and type.

I honestly wish I had the coolness and confidence to gorgeous styles wear a snappy suit to a weddominating the Wild botanical prints are all over ding one day, but unfortuhigh street this the high-street this season, and are nately, I’m not Cara Delevabsolutely ideal to strike that perfect season. ingne, and I’m really not sure balance between fun and elegant for if I could pull it off. If you can, any summer wedding! hats off to you! I think the closest I’ll ever get to that is a jumpsuit; another fantastic style that I think many people have started Show-stopping accessories warming to over the past couple of years! Once you’ve found the perfect wedding guest outfit, it’s the accessories that will In a similar vein, why not consider mixing really take your whole look to the next and matching gorgeous separates? Maybe level. The best part is that you really don’t some sleek satin trousers and a delicate have to glam it up too much if you don’t embellished crop with a funky pair of want to; something as subtle heels. This allows more room for as a dainty lariat necklace can I’ve been individuality, as well as a larger make all the difference and turn selection of unique pieces; not absolutely any simple and casual outfit to to mention the minimal chances loving the sexy something so much more sleek of someone else rocking up with Bardot styles and elegant. the same outfit! Lace

Jumpsuit with Lace Bodice and Contrast Satin Trouser ASOS £50

I’ve been seeing everywhere...

Whether you are after a more traditional style, or you prefer keeping up to date with the latest trends, you really can’t go wrong with lace. From floor-skimming maxi dresses to whimsical midis and delicate crop tops, there’s a reason why lace comes back into our lives time and time again!

Opt for a pop of colour or funky print with your clutch bag or shoes, and you are onto a winner!

Botanico Print Maxi Dress coast £139

Wiggle Dress With Cold Shoulder ASOS CURVE £42

Satin Peg Trousers with Split Hem and Belt ASOS £19,50




Gabi Statement Earrings coast £19 Waterlily Lace Maxi

Jarlo Tall All Over Lace Bandeau Maxi Dress


Why not consider mixing and matching gorgeous separates?

ASOS £69

Gold Choker Chain Layered and Lariat Necklace DesignB £16

Felicity Embellished Top coast £49

Heeled Sandals ASOS HAZARD £42

Ammie Grey Floral Wrap Dress

Something as subtle as a dainty lariat necklace can make all the difference...

Floral Scuba Ruffle Bandeau Maxi Dress ASOS £60




health words | Elena Scialtiel

PLAYFUL HEALING Too much drama in your life? Act it out with dramatherapy!


he first fully qualified and games, drawing or crafting when dramatherapist in Gibraltar, Nyree projection and transfer is in order, which Turnock Robinson is introducing is most common, but not exclusive to, the local community to children’s therapy. a novel mental hygiene method “The word applied in schools, day centres, ‘drama’ in the In dramatherapy, a group session hospitals and prisons worldwide. job description may perform ad lib or follow In her open evening to be held a script with assigned or selfdoesn’t make this month, Nyree will promote appointed characters, fixed or justice to the its benefits as a tool of relaxation interchangeable roles; what variety of and positive interaction, with a counts isn’t working towards activities we distinct fun edge. the staged perfection of a can explore...” premiere for the audience, but Increasingly popular in the “Externalising United States, Denmark, Belgium, to build on the progress one’s fears Netherlands, Israel and Malaysia, this achieved each time in or trauma by therapy is mainly based on role playing acting out own issues acting it out and acting to confront one’s phobias, or sometimes solving can help to grievances, short and long-term conditions conflict. It is irrelevant feel it more like personality disorders, autism, whether the script is tangible and depression, stress and social anxiety. But followed to the letter or if manageable.” it is much more than acting a part you are there is one at all, as long assigned: you can choose; write or even as the characters and improvise your script, and the action can their interrelating actions are therapeutic also involve puppets, marionettes, toys to the patient or the group involved.


“The word ‘drama’ in the job description doesn’t make justice to the variety of activities we can explore during any given session: as part of my job, I can be whomever and whatever the client wants me to be,” says Nyree, who has a diploma in performing arts and is an accomplished amateur actor and singer. “I behave as playfully, as interactively or as quietly as necessary, should they need an antagonist in their performance, or an audience instead. So I may be asked to participate, direct and inspire the action, or simply just watch, and perhaps offer feedback. I may be leading the group with sprightly attitude, for example working with children or youngsters, or in a calm and soothing manner with excitable or easily confusable patients like dementia sufferers or persons with learning disabilities. A lot of my work focuses on building self-esteem, self-confidence, self-expression and creativity, conflict resolution or counteracting the damage caused by bullying or abusive relationships. GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

health Externalising one’s fears or trauma by acting it out directly or with the help of disguise and props can indeed help to feel it more tangible and manageable.”

works wonders with autistic and ADHD children, she assures, but it can also be a welcome perk to sedentary classes as an outlet to bottled physical energy. In fact, Nyree hopes to start collective sessions for the autism spectrum as “I am indeed soon as this September, to top up a therapist, her current individual ones with the but I am first added bonus of peer interaction.

developing practice. It is a profession that entails continuous education and research; in fact, I am soon travelling to Belgium for further training about trauma work.”

The mood is set after a short When she was a little girl, Nyree wanted assessment of the new client, to become an actress and she pursued or clients for group therapy, that career with a B Tech in performing to figure out what treatment arts, the usual triad of singing, dancing and foremost a could work best for their and drama, as well as light and sound, performer who Nyree says that intuitivism is an issues, as well as their personal but she realised she wanted to apply her encourages response to verbal and nonadvantage in her job, but she talent and expertise to helping others: others to verbal communication. Stimuli is extensively and continuously “My younger brother has cerebral palsy perform.” can be varied, using props, trained to professionally facilitate and the discovery of dramatherapy at the pictures, dolls, scents, shapes any sessions and she is supervised age of 19 allowed me to marry my passion and sounds similar to sensory rooms, and by a senior dramatherapist in UK, with my vocation. I obtained a degree in own initiative is welcome when it can be especially with sessions that may see her Dramatherapy at Derby University and channelled towards constructively venting doubling up as a ‘psychological punching returned to Gibraltar to work in a nursery and possibly cleansing one’s system from ball’, which could in its turn take its toll on and gain experience in child development subconscious ballast like anger or guilt, or her own sanity: “I am indeed a therapist, before returning to the UK for my Master at least coming to terms with issues like but I am first and foremost a performer and being registered with the Health & disability or loss, and even dealing with who encourages others to perform. I am Care Professions Council and the local depression or body image disorders. like a blank canvas on which the clients Medical Board.” She worked in Plymouth can freely express their feelings in an until a few weeks ago updating her skills active and pro-active manner, and this after maternity, when she returned to “When I first meet someone set to may have an impact on me as a human Gibraltar; there she worked with Syrian undergo dramatherapy, I look past their being, whether with empathy or negative children and as part of the training in issue, disorder, illness and find the healthy emotions. I am constantly supervised and a mental health hospital attending to side of the person, in order to help them counselled, and when I get paranoia, depression and personality bring that health to the fore and thus “The too involved in issues that disorders. identify and rationalise the problem,” discovery of resonate with my private Nyree explains. Sessions can be long and life, I do attend therapy to intense or short and casual: “In America, dramatherapy An experiential interactive untangle my own from the for instance, dramatherapists go around introduction to Dramatherapy will take at the age of th th others. Also, I hold video schools and remove the most active 19 allowed me place on 10 and 11 July at 7:30pm conferences with colleagues at the John Mackintosh Hall. The children from the classroom and deliver to marry my from all over the world and event is free of charge and everyone ten-fifteen-minute sessions of ‘rough-andpassion with we exchange ideas and is welcome. For further information, tumble play’, to blow off some steam in a my vocation.” experiences for what is still a like NyreeDramatherapy on Fb. safe controlled environment.” This system



leisure words | Sophie Clifton-Tucker


Interactive real-life adventure game


Escape rooms are still a relatively new ’m anxiously struggling with a lock that Even Barack Obama has tried his hand at is stubbornly securing a drawer hiding an escape room. In 2016, the US President concept, but unlike most you may see around the world, Rock Escape Rooms a necessary code. With one eye on the and his family visited Breakout Waikiki in timer that informs me I have just minutes Honolulu during their Hawaii vacation after are not a franchise. Because they are not a franchise, they endeavour to create left, a bead of nervous sweat drips the escape room tweeted: “Hey original and unique storylines for people to down my furrowed brow… wel@POTUS, if you think running a The idea come to Rock Escape Rooms. country is hard, try breaking out come and lose themselves in. All aspects originated from of Rock Escape Rooms were created of one of our rooms!” He sucthe ever-popular cessfully completed the Mission completely from scratch by James Grimes, Some of you may have already ‘point-and-click’ Manoa room with 12 seconds Ben Clark and Jack Brown. They each used heard about these popular ‘escomputer games remaining. (Of course he did. their specific skill sets in order to provide cape rooms’ and may have even of the 80’s... He’s Obama.) a completely unique expegiven one a shot yourself, but rience to locals and tourists for those of you who haven’t, In 2016, the alike. James, a former leisure here is the low-down: The idea originated These live ‘escape-the-room’ adUS President provider owner and Ben, a from the ever-popular ‘point-and-click’ venture games are set in a variety and his family former manager in the gaming computer games of the 80’s, where the of fictional locations such as prison visited Breakout industry, are the operations user would use a variety of clues and obcells, hotel rooms, dungeons and Waikiki in directors; the friendly faces jects around a fictional room on-screen in even space stations! The games Honolulu during you’re greeted by as you folorder to solve it and escape before moving require strategy, critical thinking, their Hawaii low a series of coloured queson to the next one. These were brought to concentration and determination vacation... tion marks up their stairs and life by a 35-year-old Takao Kato from (surin order for players to escape a enter the dimly-lit reception prise surprise) Japan, in 2007. Soon after, locked room within a set time. The the game snowballed into other parts of days of sitting around and passively watch- area. Jack is the third mastermind of the trio, and the creative director. Although he Asia, gaining huge popularity in Singapore. ing something are over, and in its place is is based in the UK, he is back in Gibraltar By 2015, there were over 50 different an opportunity to get involved and grab a often, constantly designing and upgrading games in Singapore alone. piece of the action for yourself.




James Grimes

the games within the rooms. He is a masters qualified psychologist, specialising in behavioural psychology, a skill he has most certainly put to use in the creation of these rooms!

Since opening their doors on May 15th 2017, Rock Escape Rooms have welcomed through a whopping 300 avid adventurers. At present, there are two rooms to


Rock Escape Rooms have concentrated be cracked: The Box, and Room their efforts on both the themes and puz83. Their third is currently under zles of both rooms, making the construction, and they are The rooms challenges relevant to an implanning a fourth as you read. One will be an incontain various mersive theme that is centred around Gibraltar. The rooms tense, compact, challengchallenges, contain various challenges, riding, shorter time room riddles, codes dles, codes and hints all framed and the other will be Rock and hints all within an exciting storyline. Escape Room’s biggest framed within The idea is to use your skills, game yet, with possible an exciting and those of your teammates, links to the culture and storyline. in order to find your way back history of Gibraltar... stay tuned!

They endeavour to create original and unique storylines for people to come and lose themselves in.



‘Room 83’ - There are always vacancies at out of the room in one Both games were deliberately created They were this mysterious hotel and you’ll soon see why, hour, after which you will to be completely different in terms of designed to all is not as it seems. Check-in is easy, checkremain locked in the room theme, storyline, and challenges. They create the out is harder. Can your team solve the murder forever. (Or at least until were designed to create the feeling feeling of being of being in a completely and escape in time to catch the killer? James comes to let you out.) If there is some spare in a completely different world - and boy The games time after your booking, do they succeed. It’s quite From the moment you enter Room are aimed different the GamesMaster might the challenge itself just to 83, you are immersed in the thrillat everyone, world... be kind enough to let you tell you about these rooms ing and chilling world of a detecproviding have a little bit of extra without actually telling you tive. Just as you feel you’ve almost an exciting, time to finish the game, depending how about these rooms (now that cracked the room… a new surprise alternative close your group is to the finish. If not, and would be cheating), but here comes out of the blue to turn the 60 minutes is up, better luck next time! is a short description for each: leisure activity... investigation on its head. ‘The Box’ - Welcome aboard! We have intelligence that there are enemies in the area who want to attack. Your team will go and meet Lieutenant Jenkins to make sure the secrets of Gibraltar and the box are safe. The Box is arguably a little more ‘hands-on’. As you work your way around the room, every aspect of your senses is challenged as you diligently work together to rescue ‘the box’. If you’re wondering am I old enough to play? Can I bring some friends? Will I be able to complete the room? The answers are yes, yes and... that’s for you to discover. There is no demographic audience as such; the games are aimed at everyone, providing an exciting, alternative leisure activity for families, friends, couples and work colleagues. Since opening, Rock Escape Rooms have welcomed children as young as eight and groups including more mature thinkers to play. The minimum number of 70


leisure players required is two, with a maximum of five. It’s a fantastic way of exercising those mental cogs, whether as a team-building exercise or simply a fun excursion with friends or family. There are very few aspects of either room that involve physical challenges. All of the puzzles included can be solved to escape the room without the need or use of physical exertion. The path to escaping the room involves mental, visual and audio based obstacles with varying levels of difficulty and all requiring a different approach to successfully solve, and no previous knowledge of any subjects are needed to progress through either of the games. Result!

As you

work your way Now, I know what you’re wondering. What has been the around the quickest escape time? There ture as “highly stimulating”, “more the streets, and for this they would like to room, every have been over 50 games over fun than the PlayStation!”, “a say a big ‘THANK YOU!’. aspect of the course of a month, and so mind-teasingly, titillating, tour de your senses is far the quickest escape time force” and “a highly recommended This is an exciting, alternative leisure challenged... for ‘The Box’ is 50:19 (escaping challenge that will get activity for local families, friends, All of the with 9 minutes 41 seconds to you working together couples and work colleagues to spare), while the quickest time for ‘Room as a team… or never speaking puzzles included come and try. No matter your age 83’ is currently standing at exactly 50:00 to each other again”. or interests, this activity is guarcan be solved (escaping with 10 minutes to spare) - the anteed to be unlike anything you to escape the latter time set by yours truly, dear reader. Rock Escape Rooms have had have experienced before. Do you room without such a great response locally have what it takes to beat The the need or The Gibraltar Magazine headed over to from the people of Gibraltar. Gibraltar Magazine? There’s only use of physical There has been nothing but show those rooms the correct way to be one way to find out. Tick, tock, exertion. support, both online and on escaped. Our team described the adventick, tock…



travel words | Chris Hedley


From vast parks to concrete skyscrapers


Mediterranean. Being stuck behind slow f you’ve ever watched a movie in your 1500’s, who claimed the area for France walking tourists is annoying in any town or life, chances are you’ll at least have a (for some reason). Furthermore, before rough idea of what New an actual citadel was constructed, city (especially Main Street when a cruise New York York looks like. Walking it was known as New Netherland. ship arrives) but you definitely don’t want to be ‘that guy’ on the streets of New York. around the metropolis is like is made up of Nowadays, New York is made up walking round one big movie of immigrants from close to 200 immigrants The list of things to do here is endless, so set. Surrounded by skyscrapcountries, making it one of the most from close to ers, you can grab yourself cosmopolitan cities in the world. start off with a couple of must-see attrac200 countries, an incredibly watery coffee tions. The Empire State building is known making it one around the world and harbours beautiful ‘to-go’ and wander off into the Generally, the cheapest and best of the most panoramic views of the city from its viewconcrete jungle shouting ‘I’m way to get to know the city is to cosmopolitan walk around. You may decide to take ing deck. After you’ve taken a couple of walkin’ here!’ at the mass of cities in the lifts up to the 102nd floor, you only have yellow cabs, safe in the knowla ride in a cab at some point, but world. edge that you’ve managed to to climb one set of stairs to reach doing so frequently will the circular balcony. From up here, blend in seamlessly. Spend leave your wallet a lot The pace of the first afternoon walking around in awe lighter. When your legs get your average New the other gigantic structures look like Duplo blocks and the shape of at the sheer scale of your surroundings, tired, you can take some unYorker is a fair Manhattan Island is clearly visible. generally looking up until your neck hurts. derground shortcuts with the bit quicker than Looking into the city, you have a help of the Subway system, that of someone great view of Central Park, which You may have had a friend proudly teach however, it’s not as pleasant from the cuts into the otherwise all-encomas walking and most of the you that, due to the Dutch arriving in the Mediterranean. passing cityscape, allowing you to area first, New York used to be called New stations are ugly, even by fully appreciate it in all its green Amsterdam. This is only half true. While world metro standards. The expanse. It’s as though some divine park the place was once called New Amsterpace of your average New Yorker is a fair of the gods occupies the central space of bit quicker than that of someone from the dam, it was first visited by an Italian in the 72



Empire State Building, Manhattan

the island whilst all the buildings crowd around, peering over each other in order to sneak a glimpse.

since. If oysters aren’t your thing, just concourse, on top of the informarvel at the tiles and arches. The archway mation centre, is the four-faced brass clock you may in front of the restaurant has its own Due to the have seen in films. architectural quirk; a person standing Dutch arriving facing one corner can hear someone Dodge the crowds whispering in the opposite corner. and make your way in the area On your way out of the terminal, look to the Oyster Bar, first, New which opened at up at the astronomy themed ceiling. York used to the same time as the station be called New In the 80’s, this was almost comand has remained open ever pletely obscured by a layer of a black

Walking around the metropolis is like walking round one big movie set.

A short walk away will see you arriving in another recognisable landmark, which fortunately for the locals, also doubles up as a train station, Grand Central Terminal. In the middle of the vast, ever-busy main


Manhattan; view from the Empire State Building




Central Park, Manhattan

substance, thought to be caused by coal lakes and you’ll be walking a lot further. It’s lion dollar price tag. However, even if you and diesel smoke, on closer inspection, it a great place to relax and stare at the sky do have the goods to purchase apartment turned out to be tar and nicoand the ducks (where do they go 46, there’s a chance you might not be able tine from tobacco. During the in the winter?) and forget that to buy it. Celebrities from Judd Apatow, It’s as though renovations, a patch was left on you’re in the bustling city that to Billy Joel and even the queen of pop some divine the ceiling to remind people of never sleeps. herself - Madonna, have been denied the park of the gods how grimy the place once was. opportunity. Yoko Ono, Lennon’s widow occupies the Huzzah for the smoking ban. Central Park is also home to John (they married in 1969, in Gibraltar no less!) central space of Lennon’s memorial, ‘Strawberry still resides in the building and has even the island... claimed to have seen Lennon’s ghost there! Having seen Central Park from Fields’. A 2.5 acre landscaped When asked by CNN why she hadn’t left atop the dizzy heights of the section of the park containing the Dakota, she replied: “Because it was our Empire State, it’s impossible not to want the famed mosaic disc; inside, a single home. You don’t just leave home. to go and have a wander within it. Allow word: ‘imagine’. Adjacent to Every room is where he’s touched. yourself half a day to saunter through the park, you’ll find the Dakota It’s a great How could we leave that?”. in the sunshine, marvel at the boulders apartments where Lennon lived, place to relax dropped by Ice Age-old glaciers of the past and was shot dead tragically and stare at (apparently, the place was blanketed 1000 in 1980. Beatles fans can stop Leaving the park (most people the sky and the metres deep in ice), or stop to admire the outside the south entrance of don’t visit New York for the ducks and forget various sculptures, perhaps step into one the building, although, it’s just tranquillity), you can become that you’re in the one of the 50 million people of the restaurants for another weak coffee a building. Albeit widely-re‘to-go’. There’s also a zoo for those who nowned, an incredibly expensive bustling city that a year to visit an area rather never sleeps. don’t mind the capture and retainment of building. The infamous Lennon arrogantly referred to as the animals in confined spaces. End to end, apartment has been on and off ‘crossroads of the world’: Times the park is about three miles long, but a the market for the best part of eight years, Square. For full effect, wait until night falls relaxed saunter and an amble around the probably in part due to its hefty 14.5 miland stand amidst the lights shining from Central Park


Alice in Wonderland, Central Park



Grand Central Station

this world famous landmark. All things that old monument gifted to the USA Street is in the area. Slap on your $3000 American can be found around here in from the French, The Statue of Liberty. suit and bluetooth ear piece to fit in with the form of neon lights; The Unfortunately, trying to see the the hot-shots on the street that boasts A person Disney Store, The Hard Rock statue from the shore will prove the New York Stock Exchange. For those Cafe, Planet Hollywood, Coca uninterested in rich people making money, standing facing difficult - the use of the zoom Cola, all enticing you to sucWall Street is still worth a visit for its one corner can function on your camera will come cumb to their capitalist desires. historical attractions, for example: Federal hear someone in handy here. Obviously, for the best view, and in order Hall, where the first president of whispering in to gain the full effect the USA, George Washington, A full day is needed to explore During the the opposite of the Lady, a boat was inaugurated. Still in Lower lower Manhattan, which renovations, a corner. trip to Liberty Island is Manhattan, you can walk to a harbours your standard grand patch was left required. Perhaps even scale buildings as well as few on the ceiling to memorial site which acts as a more unfortunately, the ferry reminder of the day New York’s notable sites, which you’ll want to phoremind people queue is frequently astronomskyline changed forever and tograph. After you have tried to recreate of how grimy the around 3000 people lost their ical, which combined with the the many famous photos of Brooklyn place once was. lives. The newly built One World boat ride will take up most of, if Bridge (probably best to take the photo not all of, your day. Fortunately, Trade Center now stands as the from Brooklyn rather than Manhattan in you can turn around and head into the tallest building in New York, The States, order to capture the famous Manhattan city to see some more famous sites. Wall and the entire Western Hemisphere. skyline), you can turn your attention to Grand Central Station


Strawberry Fields, Central Park

Dakota building



As you walk along 41st street on your way Who likes beer? The cool place to go tendo Store, even that toy shop with the to another site in lower Manhattan you out at night is in Greenwich Village. ‘The giant piano on the floor which Tom Hanks might recognise from blockbuster village’ started to become known played on in Big. Another full day can be films, you may notice some bronze for its Bohemian scene in the passed here, with something for everyone. You can plaques on either side of the road. become one of 50’s, with writers, students, These are inscribed with quotes Throughout the city, there are many hotels, the 50 million poets, and artists all inhabiting from famous poets and writers, the area. Nowadays, you’re more each with their own quirk, for example, people a year likely to run into hipsters with which are purposefully placed in The Museum of Modern Art has an actual to visit the an attempt to rouse your literhigh flying jobs as the village piece of the Berlin Wall outside it, and the ‘crossroads of has transformed into a place ary interest on your way to the Jewish Heritage Museum has planned for the world’... New York Public Library. This eye with a hefty price tag on the real a beautiful garden of the future by planting catching piece of art constructed estate. Walking around this part trees in rocks and watching them slowly from stone and marble has featured in the of town, you won’t be short of bars and break out. But, if you only have time to greatest movie of all time, Ghostbusters restaurants to dive into, make sure you visit one museum on your trip, you should (1984). Say hello to the lions guarding the bring your ID though, even if probably make it the Metropolitan entrance apparently nicknamed Patience you’ve got wrinkles and grey Museum of Art, or ‘The Met’. Luckily, Slap on and Fortitude by mayor La Guardia, as he hair, you will get ID’d. The Met is on a stretch of road known your $3000 thought these were the personal qualities as Museum Mile (housing nine musesuit and New Yorkers needed to embody in order to Shopping. For many of us, our ums in one stretch), so you’re unlikely bluetooth ear make it through the Great Depression. The knowledge of how to shop to have to choose just one. piece to fit in library does more than hold a collection in New York is limited to the with the hot- Throughout the article, while referof over 50 million. In keeping with New stores we have heard about shots on the ring to New York, all of the sites have York’s character, it offers public services in ‘Friends’. Macy’s is a shop. street... to immigrants including free work and Barney’s sounds familiar… been located on the island and most life skill classes as well as an abundance Fifth Avenue is a haven of all famous borough of Manhattan. There of non-English speaking materials to help things shopping related. Bloomingdale’s are, of course, four more boroughs to get them acclimatise to life in the US. (where Rachel worked), the World Ninyour head around. In Queens, you can Wall Street


Times Square



Brooklyn Bridge

stroll around Gantry Plaza State Park. Up proud of, its diversity, with its official motto parks and a smattering of rides which don’t at the waterfront offers a lovely view of being: Unity Makes Strength. Traditionally belong to either park. Mixing rollercoasters midtown Manhattan. It is also home to immigrants, the place and rides from the modern era and the the borough to visit if you’d like is becoming gentrified, similar to early 1900’s, you definitely get a feel for Say hello to treat yourself to a baseball what happened with areas such as Coney Island’s heritage. Besides the rides, to the lions game as the recently constructDalston and Shoreditch in London, there are your standard throwing and guarding ed New York Metz stadium, Citi with tech startups and men with shooting carnival games along with plenty the entrance Fields, is easily accessible. There unruly beards appearing of opportunities to practice your apparently is an area in Queens, where it more frequently. Pretty Skee-Ball skills (rolling a ball up a The Met is nicknamed was perfectly legal to graffiti soon, ordering a coffee slight incline into walled holes). on a stretch of Patience and without ginseng or called 5 Pointz. The building was road known as Fortitude... covered in murals of artists from turmeric, or eating food Have you ever wanted to witness Museum Mile all over the world until plans to from a regular plate will the natural beauty of Japan withhousing nine develop the area led to its eventual dembecome things of the past. out the 14 hour flight? Or perhaps museums in olition in 2014. You can still go to the site you like a more familiar culture? one stretch... and shed a tear for the lost artwork. Within Brooklyn, you’ll find Welcome to Brooklyn Botanical Coney Island (no longer an isGardens. After World War One, Brooklyn is the most populous of the five land), which has a long history with theme the Japanese gifted the botanical gardens a boroughs and is especially known for, and parks. Currently, there are two amusement few cherry blossom trees, world renowned Brooklyn Botanic Garden


New York Public Library



for their delicate pink flower, now there are over 200 of them and a festival is held every spring for the blossom. For your viewing pleasure, there’s also a Japanese pond garden, complete with a Shinto shrine, koi carp, and one of the cute little Japanese bridges. Like trees but some-

Brooklyn is the most populous of the five boroughs and is especially known for its diversity...

Bethesda Fountain, Central Park




The Bronx

Staten Island

times feel insignificant due to their size? Enter the bonsai tree collection and feel like a giant. Each exhibition feels genuinely authentic and the gardens alone are a good reason to visit Brooklyn. They also have non-Japanese stuff too.

There are two amusement parks and a smattering of rides which don’t belong to either park.

Throughout the 20th century, The Bronx was known for its gangs and its poverty; today, the best place for tourists to go in The Bronx is the zoo. The days of animals in bare cages are rapidly going out of fashion in most parts of the world, and Bronx Zoo choses to keep bars, walls, and fences to a minimum, Greenwich Village



Charging Bull, Wall Street

City Field Baseball Stadium, Queens

using natural barriers such as cliffs, rocks, ums or its botanical gardens (not as good Even with leisurely two or three weeks in and water in their stead. The zoo hasn’t as Brooklyn’s), or you can take the view of the city, one may not visit the borough, always been so progressive; in 20th century poet Ogden Nash, with the others offering more by way of 1906, a young African named Ota who wrote a short and simple tourist attractions. Feel free to cast your In 1906, a Benga was caged with an orangown judgment. young African piece expressing his thoughts utan as an attraction for the pleaat the time: “The Bronx? No named Ota sure of the public. After eventualThonx!” The words needed to fully describe New Benga was ly being released, struggling with York could fill many books, and indeed caged with an ensuing depression and trying to they have. From vast parks to Sometimes referred orangutan as Sometimes find his way home, he eventually concrete skyscrapers, abject to as the ‘forgotten an attraction... borough’, Staten Island shot himself in the heart. The zoo poverty to extreme wealth, referred to as is now known for its impressive the city is certainly diverse in enjoys relative quiet in the ‘forgotten collection of animals in both numbers comparison to its counterparts. borough’, Staten more ways than one. There is and diversity. It comprises of a huge 265 so much more to see and do in An area often neglected by tourIsland enjoys acres of habitats including the River Bronx, New York that couldn’t possibly ists, it hosts a collection of parks, relative quiet in which flows through the parks. museums, and historical sites be contained in one article, so comparison to its now it is your turn to take a that might pique the interest counterparts. You can either chose to visit The Bronx’s bite out of the Big Apple. of the holiday maker looking to other attractions such as its many musebe far from the madding crowd. Staten Isalnd Ferry



wine words | Andrew Licudi AIWS

CHIANTI DISCERNED Memories from the 70s


by suit and tie, ex-public schoolboys with t would appear that memory distortion in others. Wine is cheaper, where it is made, posh accents. Supermarkets would change in humans is common and according than oranges and lemons which, in England, to scientists, no one is immune. This are not the privilege of the rich. Wine is. all that and within a few years, wine would suggests we should be cautious when Why? Simply because wine is taxed so heavily become widespread as living standards rose and people became more advenrelying on “living memory” that none but the rich may enjoy its “Wine is a turous as package holidays abroad took which, studies point out, can message of good health and good will. over from Blackpool and Skegness. With a be poor at recollecting past May the day come, and the sooner it friend, wine events accurately. According comes the better for all, when wine will closed frontier, here in Gibraltar, we would is a joy; and, to researchers, it is easy to no longer be penalised as it is at present have been pretty much the same even like sunshine, though wine culture would have been inimplant false memories in on reaching these shores, and when it wine is the subjects and just as easy for will be once again within the reach of all.” distinguishable from that existing in Spain, birth right of at least until the border closed. subjects to romanticise past all, rich and events or describe them in Simon is right, of course, Such was the poor alike...” worst terms than they were. The advent of cheap wine started that wine was the privinovelty then in the 70s, ask anyone from that lege of the few. I clearly that Italian era and with a smile on their face, Only recently, it was brought home to me recall looking forward to our restaurants they will inevitably recall Chianti, when my wife bought me a 1956 edition weekly bottle of wine early in would use that ubiquitous, raffia covered botof Andre L Simon’s book on wine “A Wine our married life. Always on a the empties Primer” at a local charity shop for a fiver. Friday and always Cap Bon, a tle produced in their millions to be as candle quaffed in Italian eateries all over This is how Simon ends his introduction of powerful red wine from Tunisia holders... the world. Such was the novelty his book: which we felt was good value then that Italian restaurants would for money. It is easy to forget use the empties as candle holders, their that wine even back in the early 70s was “Wine is a friend, wine is a joy; and, like red candles slowly dripping wax on to the not only expensive but also available only sunshine, wine is the birth right of all, rich from specialist wine merchants manned red paper tablecloths whilst the heady garand poor alike, in wine-producing lands and 80


wine licky atmosphere enveloped us like a warm blanket in what we thought a genuine Tuscan experience - in reality as false as the waiter’s Italian accent. The raffia should have been a dead giveaway - dressing mutton as lamb and no wonder that many preferred sweet wines with food. Anything to get rid of that mouth-puckering lean and mean acidity, the only known cure a quick mouthful of spaghetti. What is Chianti anyway?

were relaxed and growers were encouraged to increase yields and to plant clones with the sole purpose of producing large quantities of wine irrespective of quality. Irrationally, it was deemed illegal to make 100% Sangiovese wine and as many as 40 other grape varieties were permitted. Is Chianti a single wine region? No. Chianti is made up of seven sub zones and you will normally see the word Chianti followed by the name of the sub zone for example Chianti Rufina or Chianti Colli Senesi. In theory, Chianti followed by the name of a sub zone should provide a higher quality than otherwise and there are notable producers to be found in their ranks. A wine simply labelled Chianti without a sub zone will be of questionable quality, usually produced in very large quantities for supermarkets and the like. Avoid.

At its best Chianti can be beguiling, at its worst it’s downright unpleasant.

Chianti is a region between Florence and Sienna in Tuscany. Here, the Sangiovese grape, Italy’s most planted variety, is turned into the red wine we know as Chianti though other grape varieties are also permitted within limits (some would say too many). Chianti is a red wine, high in acidity described as having a “dusty” cherry flavour. At its best Chianti can be beguiling, at its worst it’s downright unpleasant. Chianti is generally not for the long haul, however, wine from some good producers keep for decades. Whilst too much is made of food and wine matching, Chianti and pasta generally go well together. Has Chianti improved since the 70s?

Yes and no. The raffia bottle seems to have disappeared but the quality of Chianti remains variable from exceptional to downright poor. In the 60s, as people migrated from the country to cities, the authorities decided that quantity rather than quality was the way to regenerate the area. The bottom line is that regulations


So what about Chianti Classico? This is also a region producing wine from Sangiovese and considered a region capable of producing top notch wines. It was given its own DOCG and is no longer a sub zone of Chianti. Its regulations are the strictest in the region and there is impetus amongst many producers to concentrate on quality rather than quantity. Look out for the Gallo Nero or black rooster which is the symbol in bottles of Chianti Classico. Notable producers include Fontodi and Antinori (available from Anglo-Hispano). Some Chiantis are labelled Riserva - are these superior?

Not necessarily. It means different things in different parts of Italy. Usually, a minimum time in barrel or bottle. Old stock has been known to be re-labelled as Riserva. Approach with caution. The rise of the Super Tuscans – are they worth three-figure sums?

Such were the irrational practices demanded by the DOC authorities in the 70s, such as the obligatory practice of using white grape varieties in the Chianti blend, that some innovative producers left the DOC system to find their own Regulations way in life. In so doing, they were were relaxed and obliged to sell their wines as Vino growers were de Tavola, the lowest quality level, encouraged to or simply Table Wine. Antinori, increase yields... amongst others, started to use international varieties such as Cab Sauvignon in their mix (leaving the DOC regulatory body would have allowed him to make wine any way he chose). Antinori’s Tignanello and Sassicaia sold as simple Table Wine but achieved international recognition and astronomical prices much to the embarrassment of the authorities. Many tried to follow the Supertuscan route to stardom and riches though other producers stuck to the Sangiovese route. It would seem that demand for Supertuscans, after decades, is on the wane whilst demand for ultra-quality Sangiovese is taking over. Perhaps many feel that Antinori’s efforts to make the Sangiovese acceptable to international palate by adding Cab Sauvignon, whilst hugely successful, missed the point of Sangiovese. Today it would seem we crave that our wines reflect indigenous grape varieties, terroir and tradition – as long as the quality is there, of course. 81

recipes Recipe by Jane Heyman

CHICKPEAS + AUBERGINE = Mediterranean / Indian fusion


DIRECTIONS 2 tsp ground cumin

1 400g can chickpeas, rinsed and drained

3 tbsp chopped parsley

340g tomatoes, chopped

4 tbsp olive oil

1 large aubergine, cubed

salt, pepper

3 tbsp green olives, pitted and sliced

½ tsp salt and ground black pepper

1 medium onion, finely chopped

⅓ cup (80ml) vegetable oil

2 garlic cloves, minced

3 large pita bread, toasted, to serve

2 tsp ground coriander

½ cup (120g) tahini

1 tsp chili flakes

2 tbsps natural coconut yoghurt

½ tsp garam masala

2 tbsps lemon juice


In a large pan heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion, chili flakes and spices and sauté for 3 minutes. Add the aubergine and cook for 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Add the chickpeas and tomatoes and simmer for 15 minutes or until the aubergine is soft. Stir in chopped olives and parsley, season to taste and serve. GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

recipes Recipe by Rithika Ramesh


Lime and coconut Italian dessert



½ cup water

Dissolve the agar agar powder with ¼ cup water in a saucepan. Let it stand for about 5 minutes. Warm the coconut milk in another saucepan.

½ cup coconut milk ½ teaspoon agar agar powder ½ teaspoon lime extract 3 tablespoons or more agave nectar Lime zest Green food color (optional) Chopped pineapple or berries GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

Put the saucepan with the dissolved agar agar over a low flame and stir continuously. When it comes to a boil, add in the warm coconut milk, rest of the water, lime essence, sugar, zest and colour. Stir till all

the ingredients are incorporated. Taste it and add more sweetener if you desire. After 3 or 4 minutes take it off the stove and put it into small bowls to set. This usually sets at room temperature, but tastes better when it is cold. So let it set in the fridge for a while and serve cold with chopped pineapple, berries or some berry coulis if you like. 83

restaurants, bars & pubs

food & drink directory e to wher drink eat &e Rock on th

Casa Pepe

A delightful terrace, bar, restaurant on the prestigious Queensway Quay Marina. Wonderful location for business meetings, weddings, anniversaries and other special occasions. Specialising in fresh fish caught locally with daily specials including seabass, dorada, sole, and bream, plus a very comprehensive a la carte menu. Also available are tapas and raciones (double size tapas) to share (or not!) prior to a main course. Mixed paellas also available, as well as fish cooked in rock salt, whole suckling pig and baby lamb to order. Open: Tues-Sat lunch & evening, Sunday lunch only, closed Mondays. Casa Pepe, 18 Queensway Quay Marina, Tel/Fax: 200 46967 Email: Visit:

The Lounge Stylish Lounge Gastro Bar on Queensway Quay Marina serving best quality food prepared by passionate, qualified chefs. Popular quiz on Sundays from 7pm and a relaxed friendly atmosphere. A separate Lounge Bar Area serving a wide range of hot drinks, wines, beers, spirits and cocktails at reasonable prices, with large TV’s for sports and events coverage. Open: 10am-late Mon - Sun Be sure to arrive early to ensure a seat! The Lounge 17 Ragged Staff Wharf, Queensway Quay Marina Tel: 200 61118


Nunos Italian

Nunos Italian Restaurant, overlooking the Mediterranean, is popular with hotel guests, tourists and local residents. This 2 rosette rated, AA restaurant is renowned for its eclectic interior, intimate atmosphere and fine cuisine. Savour a wide selection of freshly prepared Italian delicacies, including bread, pasta, meat and fish, followed by delicious desserts. In the summer months, the hotel offers alfresco dining for private parties in the Garden Grill. Sitting nestled in the colonial garden you can enjoy a mouth-watering menu of charcoal-grilled meats and freshly prepared salads in candlelit surroundings. Open: Mon-Sun 1-3pm lunch, 7–11pm dinner Nunos Italian Restaurant and Terrace Caleta Hotel, Catalan Bay Tel: 200 76501 Email:

Solo Bar & Grill Solo Bar and Grill is a stylish and modern eatery — perfect for business functions or lunches — and part of the popular Cafe Solo stable. Serving everything from Goats’ Cheese Salad, Mediterranean Pâté and Cajun Langoustines to Beer Battered John Dory, or Harissa Chicken, and Chargrilled Sirloin Steak. This is a delightful venue in Europort with a cosy mezzanine level and terrace seating. Well worth a visit, or two! Available for private functions and corporate events — call 200 62828 to book your function or event. Open: 12-8pm. Solo Bar & Grill, Eurotowers Tel: 200 62828

Café Solo Modern Italian eatery set in lively Casem a t e s s q u a re . Everything from chicory and crispy pancetta salad with walnuts, pears and blue cheese dressing, or king prawn, mozzarella and mango salad to pastas (eg: linguine with serrano ham, king prawns and rocket; smoked salmon and crayfish ravioli with saffron and spinach cream) to salads (eg: Vesuvio spicy beef, cherry tomatoes, roasted peppers and red onions; and Romana chorizo, black pudding, egg and pancetta) and pizzas (eg: Quatto Stagioni topped with mozzarella, ham, chicken, pepperoni and mushroom) and specialities such as salmon fishcakes, beef medallions and duck. Daily specials on blackboard. No smoking. Café Solo Grand Casemates Square. Tel: 200 44449

Jury’s Café-Wine Bar Next to the Law Courts, with a terrace seating area, Jury’s has a selection of Ciabattas, paninis, baguettes and wraps, plus popular sharing dishes, such as Your Honour’s platter. Jacket potatoes, main courses, pasta and some innocent salads too. For those with a sweet tooth, there are tantalising homemade desserts, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, as well as Lavazza coffees and frappes. Open: 7am-midnight Mon-Sat, 9am-midnight Sun. Jury’s Café & Wine Bar 275 Main Street. Tel: 200 67898



restaurants, bars & pubs

All’s Well


e to wher drink eat &e Rock on th

Lord Nelson

Traditional pub in fashionable Casemates area. Named for the 18th century practise of locking gates to the city at night when the guard called ‘All’s Well’. All’s Well serves Bass beers, wine and spirits plus pub fare. English breakfast all day, hot meals such as pork in mushroom sauce, sausage & mash, cod & chips and steak & ale pie plus a range of salads and jacket potatoes. Large terrace. Karaoke Mondays and Wednesdays until late. Free tapas on a Friday 7pm.

Traditional Irish bar with full HD sports coverage and Irish breakfast from 8am (Sunday from 9am). Guinness on draught. Food includes salads, jackets, beef & Guinness pie, Kildare chicken, chicken brochette, gourmet burgers, wraps, children menu, homemade desserts, daily specials and more. And just like in Ireland there’s no smoking inside, so a great atmosphere for all.

Situated in the corner of Casemates Square, the bar is a celebration of the life of Lord Nelson. See the collection of nautical art & memorabilia, including a brass pin from HMS Victory itself. HMS crews’ breakfast served from 10am, full menu including steak & ale pie, traditional fish & chips & much more served all day until 10pm. Jam session Thursday, live top local band on Friday & Karaoke Saturday nights.

All’s Well Casemates Square. Tel: 200 72987

O’Reilly’s Ocean Village. Tel: 200 67888

Lord Nelson Bar Brasserie 10 Casemates Tel: 200 50009 Visit:

Bridge Bar & Grill

Star Bar

Located on the w a t e r ’s e d g e , Ocean Village, just across the bridge from O’Reilly’s. This bar & grill is a fusion of an American themed menu with Tarifa chill out style. Open for breakfast from 9am serving healthy options, freshly squeezed orange juice and Italian Lavazza coffee. Try the spicy Caribbean rum ribs, southern fried chicken bucket, the popular Texas burger or a selection of tasty salads and homemade desserts. London Pride, San Miguel & Carling beer on draught, live sports. Bridge Bar & Grill Ocean Village Tel: 200 66446

Gibraltar’s oldest b a r, j u s t off Main St. Small cosy and famous for its full English breakfast from 8am (9am on Sunday). A full menu including fish & chips, until 10pm. The home of Star Coffee, draught beers include Heineken, Old Speckled Hen, Murphys and Strongbow cider. Managed by Hunter Twins from Stafford, England, also home to Med Golf & Tottenham Hotspur supporters club.

Located next to Pizza Hut in Casemates and in Eurotowers, serves a variety of salads/baguettes (white, brown, ciabatta) filled with a deli selection such as roast chicken; smoked salmon & mascapone; ham, cheese and coleslaw; or humous, avocado & roast red pepper. Salads fresh and tasty (Greek, Waldorf, cous cous, tuna pasta etc), great value. Jackets, quiches, coffee plus cakes (flapjacks, muffins) available all day. Eat-in area. Soups in winter.

Star Bar Parliament Lane. Tel: 200 75924 Visit:

Solo Express Grnd Flr, ICC, Casemates & Eurotowers Tel: 200 62828

Gibraltar Arms

Your Restaurant, Bar, Pub, Cafe... The Gibraltar Magazine’s appetite guide is a perfect platform to reach local customers as well as tourists. Here you can advertise all the info anyone needs to know about your establishment. Is yours the best food around? Do you cater for special dietary needs? Are your opening hours attractive? What’s your vibe? Tell everyone on the pages of your local magazine! The Gibraltar Magazine Portland House Tel: 200 77748 Fb & Tw: @gibmag


Solo Express

Everyone will see your advert here. Take a nice photo and invite new customers! Or remind the old ones why they love your place :)

On Main Street opposite the cathedral, enjoy a meal, coffee or a cool beer on the terrace and watch the world go by! Bar decorated with rare military plaques from regiments and navy ships visiting Gibraltar. Full breakfast menu served from 7am, draught beers on tap include Old Speckled Hen bitter, Murphys Irish stout, Heineken lager and Strongbow cider. Gibraltar Arms 184 Main Street. Tel: 200 72133 Visit:


1 Raj’s Curry House 1 Ragged Staff Wharf, Queensway Quay, Gibraltar Comorant Wharf










Casa Pepe

Queensway Quay

The Waterfront Restaurant & Bar 4/5 Ragged Staff Wharf, Queensway Quay, Gibraltar

Rendezvou Chargrill 14 Ragged Staff Wharf, Queensway Quay, Gibraltar

The Landings Restaurant 15 Ragged Staff Wharf, Queensway Quay, Gibraltar

The Lounge Bar (Lunch & Dinner)

17a Ragged Staff Wharf

18 Ragged Staff Wharf, Queensway Quay, Gibraltar Telephone: 200 46967 Email:






The Lounge Gastro Bar 17b Ragged Staff Wharf

(Breakfast, Lunch & Snack)

Queensway Quay, Gibraltar Telephone: 200 61118 Email:




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clubs & activities Arts & Crafts Cross Stitch Club: John Mackintosh Hall, 1st Floor, Mon 6-8pm, fee £1. Gibraltar Arts & Crafts Association: Children: Mon&Fri 12.30-2pm, Mon-Fri 3.45-5.15pm Adults: Wed 5.45-7.15, Sat 10.30 to 12.30, Tel: 20073865 email: Knit and Natter Group: Tues 11am-3pm, Thurs 5.30-7.30pm, at Arts & Crafts Shop, Casemates balcony. Free to join and refreshments provided. Tel: 20073865. The Arts Centre: Prince Edward’s Road, Art classes for children and adults. For more info call Tel: 200 79788. The Fine Arts Association Gallery: At Casemates. Open 10am-2pm, 3-6pm Mon-Fri, Sat 11am-1pm. The Gibraltar Decorative and Fine Arts Society: Affiliated to UK NADFAS meets third Wed of month at 6.30pm at Eliott Hotel - lecturers & experts from the UK talk on Art etc. Contact: Chairman Claus Olesen 200 02024 Membership Ian Le Breton 200 76173 Board Games Calpe Chess Club & Junior Club: meets in Studio 1, John Mackintosh Hall Thursday, Juniors: 5p.m. - 7 p.m. / Tuesday & Thursday 7p.m. - 10:30 The Gibraltar Scrabble Club: Meets on Tuesdays at 3pm. Tel: Vin 20073660 or Roy 20075995. All welcome. The Subbuteo Club: Meets in Charles Hunt Room, John Mackintosh Hall. Dance Adult Dance Classes: Wed evenings at Kings Bastion Leisure Centre from 7-8.30pm. Contact Dilip on 200 78714. Art in Movement Centre: Hiphop/Break Dance,Contemporary Dance, Pilates, Capoeira, Acrobatics, Street Kids & Tods, Modern Dance. Performance and Film opportunities. Judo & Jujitsu Classes: Tue/ Thur with Sensei Conroy. All ages. Budokai Martial Arts Centre, Wellington Front. www. FB: Art In Movement A.I.M, tel 54025041 or 54007457 Ballet, Modern Theatre, Contemporary & Hip Hop: weekly at Danza Academy. Training from 3 years to Adult Advanced. 68/2 Prince Edward’s Rd Tel: 54027111. Bellydance Classes, all levels, Tue 8-9pm at the Ocean Village Gym (non–members welcome). Contact 54005593. DSA Old & Modern Sequence Dancing: Sessions at Central Hall Fri 8.30pm, beginners 8pm. Tel: 200 78901 or Everybody welcome. Modern & Latin American Sequence Dancing: Mon at Catholic Community Centre 8pm. Tel. Andrew 200 78901. Modern, Contemporary, Lyrical, Flexibility, Hip Hop & Dance Theatre: Classes weekly at Urban Dance Studio, 2 Jumpers Bastion. Tel: Yalta 54012212 or Jolene 54015125. Rockkickers Linedance Club: Governor’s Meadow 1st School. Salsa Gibraltar Salsa: Tues at Laguna Social Club, Laguna Estate. Beginners 7-8.30pm. Intermediates 8.30-10pm. Tel: Mike 54472000 or Zumba Classes at Urban Dance: Jumpers Bastion, with certified instructor Tyron Walker. Tel: 20063959 or 54012212 or Twitter: @UrbanDanceGib History & Heritage The Gibraltar Heritage Trust: Main Guard, 13 John Mackintosh Sq. Tel: 200 42844. The Gibraltar Classic Vehicle Association: Dedicated to preservation of Rock’s transport/motoring heritage. Assists members in restoration / maintenance of classic vehicles. New members welcome. Tel: 200 44643. Garrison Library Tours: at 11am on Fri, duration 1h 50mins. Tel: 20077418. History Alive: Historical re-enactment parade. Main Street up to Casemates Square every Sat at 12 noon. Music Gibraltar National Choir and Gibraltar Junior National Choir: Rehearses at the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Tel: 54831000. The Calpe Band: Mon & Wed. For musicians of brass/woodwind instruments


of all standards/ages/abilities 7-9pm. Tel: 54017070 or Jazz Nights: Thurs at 9pm at O’Callaghan Eliott Hotel. Tel: 200 70500. Outdoor Activities The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Gibraltar: Exciting self-development programme for young people worldwide equipping them with life skills to make a difference to themselves, their communities and the world. Contact: Award House, North Mole Road, PO Box: 1260. mjpizza@, Social Clubs The Rotary Club of Gibraltar meets the Rock Hotel, 7pm Tuesday evenings. Guests welcome. For contact or info Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes: (Gibraltar Province) meets RAOB Club, 72/9 Prince Edward’s Road ­- Provincial Grand Lodge, Thu/month, 7.30pm. William Tilley 2371, Thurs 8.30pm. Buena Vista 9975, monthtly, Social Lodge. www.akearn1.wix. com/raob-gibraltar, william.tilley.lodge@, Clive, tel: 58008074 Special Interest Clubs & Societies Creative Writers Group: meets up on Tuesday mornings at 10.30 in O’Reillys Irish Bar and it is free to attend. Tel: Carla 54006696. Gibraltar Book Club: For info Tel: Parissa 54022808. Gibraltar Horticultural Society: meets 1st Thurs of month 6pm, J.M. Hall. Spring Flower Show, slide shows, flower arrangement demos, outings to garden centres, annual Alameda Gardens tour. All welcome. Gibraltar Philosophical Society: devoted to intellectually stimulating debate. Frequent lectures and seminars on a range of topics. Tel: 54008426 or Facebook: Gibraltar Photographic Society: Meets on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. Wellington Front. Induction courses, talks, discussions, competitions etc. For details contact the secretary on, Harley Davidson Owners’ Club: Lions Club of Gibraltar: Meets 2nd and 4th Wed of the month at 50 Line Wall Road. St John’s Ambulance: Adult Volunteers Training Sessions from 8-10pm on Tues. Tel: 200 77390 or The Royal British Legion: For info or membership contact the Branch Secretary 20074604 or write to PO Box 332. UN Association of Gibraltar: PO Box 599, 22a Main Street. Tel: 200 52108. Sports Supporters Clubs Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Club: Meets at Star Bar, Parliament Lane, when Spurs games are televised - call prior to matches to check game is televised. Great food for a lunch if KO is early or an early supper if the game is later. Gibraltar Arsenal Supporters Club: Meets match days upstairs at Time Out Café, Eurotowers. Gooners of all ages welcome. For info/news visit Tel: 54010681 (Bill) or 54164000 (John). Gibraltar Hammers: Meets on match days at the Victoria Stadium Bar, Bayside Road. All league games are shown live. All West Ham supporters and their families are welcome. For details visit www. or gibraltarhammers@ Sports & Fitness Artistic Gymnastics: Gibraltar Artistic Gymnastics Association. Tel: Angela 200 70611 or Sally 200 74661. Athletics: Gibraltar Amateur Athletics Association holds competitions through year for juniors, adults and veterans. Two main clubs (Calpeans 200 71807, Lourdians 200 75180) training sessions at Victoria Stadium. Badminton: Recreational badminton weekdays at Victoria Stadium (Tel: 200 78409 for allocations). Gibraltar Badminton Association (affiliated to BWF& BE) junior club/tournaments, senior leagues/ recreational. Ballet Barre Fitness: Adults on Wed 10am & Fri 6pm at The Arts Centre. Tel: 54033465

or Basketball: Gibraltar Amateur Basketball Association (affiliated FIBA) leagues/ training for minis, passarelle, cadets, seniors and adults at a variety of levels. Tel: John 200 77253, Randy 200 40727. Boxing: Gibraltar Amateur Boxing Association (member IABA) gym on Rosia Rd. Over 13s welcome. Tuition with ex-pro boxer Ernest Victory. Tel: 56382000 or 20042788. Cheerleading: Gibraltar Cheerleading Association, girls and boys of all ages. Chearleading and street cheer/hip hop at Victoria Stadium. Recreational / competitive levels. Tel: 58008338. Canoeing: Gibraltar Canoeing Association. Tel: Nigel 200 52917 or Arturo 54025033. Cricket: Gibraltar Cricket, National Governing Body & Associate Member of ICC. Governs International & Domestic Men’s, Women’s, Boys’ & Girls’ cricketleague & cup competitions and in-school coaching., info@, Twitter: @Gibraltar_Crick Cycling: Gibraltar Cycling Association various cycling tours. Darts: Gibraltar Darts Association (full member of WDF & affiliate of BDO). We cater for men, ladies & youth who take part in leagues, competitions and a youth academy for the correct development of the sport. Tel: Darren 54027171 Secretary, Alex 54021672 Youth Rep, Justin 54022622 President. Email: info@ Football: Gibraltar Football Association leagues/competitions for all ages OctoberMay. Futsal in summer, Victoria Stadium. Tel: 20042941 Gaelic Football Club (Irish sport): Males any age welcome. Get fit, play sport, meet new friends, travel around Spain/Europe and play an exciting and competitive sport. Training every Wed on the MOD pitch on Devil’s Tower Road at 7pm. Andalucia League with Seville and Marbella to play matches home and away monthly. Visit www.gibraltargaels. com or Hockey: Gibraltar Hockey Association (members FIH & EHF) high standard competitions/training for adults/juniors. Tel: Eric 200 74156 or Peter 200 72730 for info. Iaido: teaches the Japanese sword (Katana), classes every week. Iwa Dojo, Kendo & Jujitsu: Classes every week, for kids/adults. Tel: 54529000 www. or Judo and Ju-jitsu: Gibraltar Budokai Judo Association UKMAF recognised instructors for all ages and levels at Budokai Martial Arts Centre, Wellington Front. Tel: Charlie 20043319. Ju-jitsu: Gibraltar Ju-jitsu Academy training and grading for juniors/seniors held during evening at 4 North Jumpers Bastion. Tel: 54011007. Karate-do Shotokai: Gibraltar Karate-do Shotokai Association - Karate training for junior & seniors at Clubhouse, Shotokai karate centre, 41H Town Range. Monday: 9:30 p.m. & Wednesday 9:45 p.m. Karate: Shotokan karate midday Mon beginners, other students 8.30pm. Thurs 8.30pm. In town at temporary dojo or privately by arrangement. Contact Frankie 54038127 or Motorboat Racing: Gibraltar Motorboat Racing Association Tel: Wayne 200 75211. Muay Thai and Muay Boran Club: Tues & Thur at Boyd’s Kings Bastion Leisure Centre at 6:30pm, Tel: John – 54024707 FB: Gibraltar Muay Thai Netball: Gibraltar Netball Association (affiliated FENA & IFNA) competitions through year, senior/junior leagues. Tel: 20041874. Petanque: Gibraltar Petanque Association. New members welcome. Tel: 54002652. Pilates: Intermediate Pilates: Tues & Fri 9.30am, beginners Pilates: Fri 10.50am at the Shotokai Centre, 41H Town Range. Tel: 54033465 or Gibraltar Pool Association: (Member of the EBA) home and away league played on Thurs through out the season, various tournaments played on a yearly basis both nationally and internationally, Tel: 56925000,

Rhythmic Gymnastics: Gibraltar Rhythmic Gymnastics Association runs sessions from 4 years of age, weekday evenings. Tel: 56000772 or Sally 200 74661. Rugby: Gibraltar Rugby caters for all ages from 4 years old to veterans (over 35’s). It organises competitions and sessions for Juniors; 4 x Senior Clubs; Veterans team; Touch Rugby and a Referees Society. Email admin@gibraltarrfu. com or visit Sailing: Gibraltar Yachting Association junior/ senior competitive programme (April - Oct) Tel: Royal Gibraltar Yacht Club at 200 78897. Shooting: Gibraltar Shooting Federation. Rifle, Europa Point Range (Stephanie 54020760); Clay pigeon, East Side (Harry 200 74354); Pistol, near Royal Naval Hospital (Louis 54095000). Snooker: Members of European Billiards & Snooker Association - facilities at Jumpers Bastion with 3 tables. Professional coaching for juniors/seniors. Organised leagues/ tournaments and participation in international competitions. Tel: 56262000 / 54000068, or Squash: Gibraltar Squash Association, Squash Centre, South Pavilion Road (members WSF & ESF). Adult and junior tournaments and coaching. Tel: 200 44922. Sub-Aqua: Gibraltar Sub-Aqua Association taster dives for over 14s, tuition from local clubs. Voluntary sports clubs: Noah’s Dive Club and 888s Dive Club. Tel: 54991000. Commercial sports diving schools available. Time - Thursday 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.. Telephone, Jenssen Ellul - 54027122 Swimming: Gibraltar Amateur Swimming Association (member FINA & LEN) opens its pool for leisure swimming. Junior lessons, squad for committed swimmers, water polo. Pool open Mon&Thurs: 7-10am, 12.30-4pm. Tue, Wed, Fri: 7-10am, 12:30-5pm. Sat: 3-5pm. Sun: closed. Mon to Fri from 5-6pm groups training. 6-7.30 squad training. Mon, Wed, Fri 7.30-8.30 swimming joggers, Tues & Thurs 7:30-8:30 junior Water polo. Mon, Tues & Thurs 8:30-10pm Adult water polo. Tel: 200 72869. Table Tennis: Gibraltar Table Tennis Association training and playing sessions, Victoria Stadium, Tues 6-10pm and Thurs 8-11pm with coaching and league competition. Tel: 56070000 or 20060720. Taekwondo: Gibraltar Taekwondo Association classes/gradings Tel: Mari 20044142 or www. Tai Chi: Tai Chi for children and adults. Mon-Thur 6.30-8pm at Kings Bastion Leisure Centre and Sat 9am-1pm at the Yoga Centre, 33 Town Range. Tel: Dilip 200 78714. Tennis: Gibraltar Tennis Association, Sandpits Tennis Club. Junior development programme. Courses for adults, leagues and competitions. Tel: Louis 200 77035. Ten-Pin Bowling: At King’s Bowl in the King’s Bastion Leisure Centre every day. Gibraltar Ten Pin Bowling (members FIQ & WTBA) leagues, training for juniors and squad. Tel: 200 52442. Triathlon: Hercules Triathlon Club organises swimming, running and cycling training sessions and competes regularly in Andalucia and Internationally. Contact chris.walker@york. gi or Facebook “Hercules Triathlon Club” Volleyball: Gibraltar Volleyball Association training, indoor leagues, beach volleyball competition, 3 v 3 competition, juniors and seniors. Tel: 54001973 or 54885000. Yoga: Integral Yoga Centre runs a full programme of classes from Mon-Fri at 33 Town Range. Tel: 200 41389. All welcome. Theatrical Groups Gibraltar Amateur Drama Association: Meet at Ince’s Hall Theatre Complex, 310 Main Street. Tel: 20042237. Trafalgar Theatre Group: Meets 2nd Wed of month, Garrison Library 8pm. All welcome.


Took a great photo of Gib and think Brightly She Sleeps everyone should see it? by Stuart Santos Email it in high resolution to and you might see it published here! #GibsGems

Support Support Groups Groups ADHD & Learning Difficulties Meetings at Fellowship Bookshop Catholic Community Centre, Line Wall Road. Coffee, chat, books and info on display. Tel: 54027551 or 54014476. Alcoholics Anonymous meet 7pm Tues & Thurs at Nazareth House Tel: 200 73774. A Step Forward support for single, separated, divorced/widowed people, meet 8pm Mon at St Andrew’s Church. Mummy & Me Breastfeeding Support Group those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have breastfed to get together for coffee / support.

Business Information Financial Serv. Commission Tel: 200 40283/4 Chamber of Commerce Tel: 200 78376 Federation Small Business Tel: 200 47722 Company Registry.Tel: 200 78193 Useful Numbers Airport (general info.).Tel: 200 12345 Hospital, St Bernards.Tel: 200 79700 Weather information.Tel: 5-3416 Frontier Queue Update Tel: 200 42777 Gibraltar Museum Tel: 200 74289 18/20 Bomb House Lane 10am-6pm (Sat 10am-2pm). Admission: Adults £2/ Children under 12 - £1. Exhibitions also at Casemates gallery. Gibraltar Garrison Library Tel: 200 77418 2 Library Ramp Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm. Free Library tour offered every Friday at 11am. Registry Office Tel: 200 72289 It’s possible to get married within 48 hours. A fact taken advantage of by stars such as Sean Connery & John Lennon. Emergency calls only: Fire/Ambulance ����������������������������������������� Tel: 190 Police ���������������������������������������������������Tel: 199/112 Emergency Number Tel: 112 92

Partners and older children welcome. Meets 1st Wed / month at Chilton Court Community Hall at 1.30pm. Enquiries and support 54014517. Childline Gibraltar confidential phone line for children in need. Freephone 8008 - 7 days a week 5pm - 9pm Citizens’ Advice Bureau Open Mon-Thur 9:30am-4:00pm, Fri 9:30am- 3:30pm. Tel: 200 40006 Email: or visit at 10 Governor’s Lane. Free & confidential, impartial & independent advice and info.

Rock Tours by Taxi Tel: 200 70052 As well as offering normal fares, taxis provide Rock Tours taking in the Upper Rock, Europa Point etc. John Mackintosh Hall Tel: 200 75669 Includes cafeteria, theatre, exhibition rooms and library. 308 Main Street 9.30am 11pm Mon-Fri. Gibraltar Public Holidays 2017 New Year’s Day Commonwealth Day Good Friday Easter Monday Workers Memorial Day May Day Spring Bank Holiday Queen’s Birthday Late Summer BH Gibraltar National Day Christmas Day Boxing Day

*Monday 2nd Jan Monday 13th Mar Friday 14th Apr Monday 17th Apr Friday 28th Apr Monday 1st May Monday 29th May Monday 19th Jun Monday 28th Aug *Monday 4th Sept Monday 25th Dec Tuesday 26th Dec

*For 1st of Jan and 10th of Sept. Non-urgent calls: Ambulance Station ������������������������Tel: 200 75728 Police.................................................Tel: 200 72500 Emergency Nos: .................Tel: (5) 5026 / (5) 3598

COPE Support group for people with Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia or Rheumatoid Arthritis. Meetings at Catholic Community Centre Book Shop at 7.30pm first Thur of each month. Tel: 200 51469 Email: Dignity At Work Now Confidential support and advice for those who are being bullied at work. Tel: 57799000. Families Anonymous Support group for relatives and friends concerned about the use of drugs or related behavioural problems. Meet weekly on Thurs at 9pm at Gladys Perez Centre, 304A Main Street, Tel: 54007676 or 54014484. Gibraltar Cardiac Rehabilitation and Support Group meets on the first Tues of every month at 8.30pm at John Mac Hall, except for Jul & Aug. Gibraltar Dyslexia Support Group 72 Prince Edwards Rd Tel: 200 78509 Mobile: 54007924 website: Gibraltar Marriage Care Free relationship counselling, including pre-marriage education (under auspices of Catholic Church, but open to all). Tel: 200 71717. Gibraltar Society for the Visually Impaired Tel: 200 50111 (24hr answering service). Hope miscarriage support Tel: 200 41817. Mummy & Me Breastfeeding Support: Meets every Thursday 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous Tel: 200 70720 Parental Support Group helping parents and grandparents with restrictive access to their children and grandchildren. Tel: 200 46536, 200 76618, or 54019602. Psychological Support Group, PO Box 161, Nazareth House. Meet Tuesdays at 7pm, Fridays 8pm. Tel: Yolanda 54015553 With Dignity Gibraltar support for separated, divorced/widowed or single people. Meet Weds 9pm, Catholic Community Centre, Line Wall Rd. Outings/activities. Women in Need Voluntary organisation for all victims of domestic violence. Refuge available. Tel: 200 42581 (24 hrs). GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

The Gibraltar Magazine is published and produced by Rock Publishing Ltd, Gibraltar. Tel: (+350) 200 77748





prose words | Peter Schirmer

CASH CRUNCH Whom the gods wish to make mad - they pay in cryptocurrency


he gods were breakfasting. Since And it was a world where there was a need central Greece leaving a trail of litter and leaving Greece, this had become for hard cash. But the gods were broke... discarded life-jackets in their wake. And the only meal where the Olymas Hera frequently reminded him, in the pian family sat down together. nagging sort of way wives seemed to have They had taken wealth with them when - to escape the crippling austerity of their Hera had insisted on it - the last remnant they emigrated - part of the treasury once-rich homeland where local poverty of the old ways. And though of Delphi which the Oracle had CocoaPops, over-sweetened had reduced the sacred offerings of fruit, guarded and archaeologists had not It was a cereals, Seville orange marmawine and the occasional sheep or goat to found; the gold they had ‘borrowed’ world where lade and Nescafe had replaced a level that would bring tears to a family from Croesus’ hoard; and a chest there was a of mice. traditional nectar and ambroof gold and silver trinkets provided need for hard by petitioners over long millennia. sia, the breakfast gathering cash but the But when changed into sterling and had remained sacrosanct. So, encouraged by Apollo (who, after gods were euros, this had seeped finding the Rock on one of his broke... daily travels, often stopped for a Punctuated by arguments, away - frittered on elecThe celestial night-cap in one of Gibraltar’s nucomplaints and petty rivalries, tronic gadgets, various piggy-bank breakfast was the time to share news and furnishings from Ikea, fast foods was empty and merous bars as he journeyed back to Olympus) and Athene (who had views of the world seen and experienced (which his children preferred to it seemed that from the New Olympus. A very different nectar and ambrosia) and the researched Internet entries and each of the world from that which they had fled. A duty free drink that abounded found that ‘Gibraltar’ was a ‘tax younger gods heaven’), they had emigrated from world of mobile phones and lap-tops, of in Gibraltar. wanted to buy cloudy Olympus. No one was sure posture-paedic mattresses and duvets something. what ‘tax’ meant, and though their (which all agreed were considerably more The gods had left Olympus and Attic ‘heaven’ had been dilapidatcomfortable than the marble benches settled on this particular Pillar and drapes of cloud that for millennia had ed and in need of repairs, they could all of Hercules to escape the constant noisy furnished their bedrooms). remember its balmier halcyon days. throng of refugees who flowed through



prose Attempts to earn the cash they needed had not been successful. Hermes, briefly had held a job with the GPO. But his eons of experience as the Messenger of the Gods, gave him a speed delivering mail that his fellow workers could not match. And when management called for them to equal Hermes’ efforts, something called a ‘trade union’ intervened - an organisation whose main purpose clearly was to ensure that workers received maximum pay for minimum effort. Threatened with ‘strike action’, the GPO had ‘dispensed’ with Hermes’ services. Poseidon had been similarly unfortunate. His application to become a diver at the Naval Dockyard had failed because he lacked ‘the necessary papers’ (whatever these were). And when he turned his trident to fishing, his catches soon threatened to exceed Spain’s EU quota. And, under pressure from local fishermen, markets refused to buy his fish. So the meal that morning was glum. The celestial piggy-bank was empty - and it seemed that each of the younger gods wanted to buy something. HerFrom their mes needed an expensive pair of Adidas trainers; Athena had earliest days in Nothing left in the kitty... been fascinated by a new elecGibraltar, it was tronic tablet; Hebe had been ofaccepted that fered the ‘absolute bargain’ of a no matter what ‘The last thing we want is to algorithms. Mortals mine it and use it to dozen bottles of Moet; Artemis, befell - there draw the attention of the Tourist pay for goods and services.’ who had given up hunting to would be no Board’, Zeus had thundered. become a vegetarian’ and now ‘If it doesn’t exist, you can’t mine it,’ Zeus supported Women’s Lib, intend- magic-making... ‘They would turn us into a crowd-pleasing an interrupted. ‘You can mine gold, and silver, ed to make a large donation to Aristophanes comedy or these and that black stuff they use for fuel but a charity for down-trodden Somali women; bloody apes’. And had glared at Bacchus you can’t extract what isn’t there.’ and Apollo reckoned his daily travels would (several jugs of Pimms already under his be more comfortable on a Honda. belt) when he muttered: ‘Aristophanes ‘Aha, but that’s the point Pop. What they has already done that in “The Frogs” and call “mining” has nothing to do with digging Zeus merely wished to satisfy the craving “Lysistrata”.’ ore out of the ground, it’s a mathematfor fish and chips, doused with coarse ical process and when they find it, the Spanish vinegar, which stemmed from his But that morning, as the family non-existent money is gathered sole visit to Casemates Square soon after conjured increasingly outlandinto a “blockchain”... or I think the Olympians had arrived on the Rock. “It’s what that’s what happens...and then Unlike his offspring, the Father of the Gods ish ideas on raising money, they call a it was Bacchus forced to the blockchain is launched into had refused to wear modern garb, and had crypto-currency, sobriety by his personal cash cyberspace and used to pay for drawn prolonged stares from the horde of crunch - who offered a workand it represents things.’ shoppers and cafe customers - escaping able solution. money that detection only because he seemed little ‘Bitcoins? Blockchains? Cyberdoesn’t exist...” different from the straggle of Spanish ‘Bitcoin!’ he shouted suddenly. space? I’ve never heard such buskers in Main Street. ‘We can mine Bitcoin, and pay a load of bollocks,’ said Zeus. for everything we want! ‘Though he doesn’t look, or sound drunk,’ Of course, any one of the family could he muttered to Hera. have exercised their Panagaeic powers to The gods looked at him blankly. However, transmute into pounds sterling and pence as he explained the improbable concept, ‘No, Pop’ (that dreadful Americanism again) the leaves and pebbles which Hera swept their interest and excitement grew. Only he’s quite right. It exists because they out from their living quarters twice a day; Zeus seemed unconvinced. believe in it - just like we exist, because but from their earliest days in Gibraltar, it Plato and Pericles and Sophocles believed was accepted that - no matter what befell ‘I’m not quite sure how it works,’ Bacchus in us...’ - there would be no magic-making, nothing admitted. ‘It’s what they call a crypto attract the attentions of mortals... to-currency, and it represents money ‘Mortals,’ grunted Zeus, ‘I don’t suppose I’ll though it was permissible to exploit any that doesn’t exist - except as a series of ever understand ‘em.’ human foibles they encountered. GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017



SLOW FOOD Cooking memories


t’s the summer holidays and BBQ season is well and truly upon us, but what will you be putting on your grills?

In fact, how much do you think about what you put in your supermarket trolley? What you fill your fridge with? What you line your stomachs with? What you fill your family’s plates with?

thing fast. Most current recipe books put the emphasis on “quick and easy”. What is this deal with speed? Fast cars, fast weight loss results, fast facts, fast answers, fast dating, fast internet, Most current recipe fast food, the list goes on. It’s an books put the age of convenience. Ironically, these days people spend more emphasis on time watching cookery shows than “quick and preparing meals.


Never ever has there been a time that there has been so much pressure on parents. The internet is full of contradictory advice and social media adds to the illusion that we are all constantly being judged. Whether you choose to buy all organic meat, heat up ready-made meals, or serve vegetarian food, there’s an article on the internet somewhere telling you that you’re doing it all wrong. (Oh, and that BBQs give you cancer.) However, we all have something in common. We are all time pressed, or so society tells us. The media convinces us that we all need every96

As Michael Pollan shares in his book Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation: “The ads have helped manufacture a These sense of panic about days people time, depicting families spend more so rushed and harried time watching in the morning that cookery shows there is no time to cook than preparing breakfast, not even to meals. pour some milk over cereal. No, the only hope is to munch on a cereal bar (iced with synthetic ‘milk’ frosting) in the bus or car.”

Is it time that we learnt to slow down? Claudia Le Feuvre, Nutritional Therapist and Eating Psychology Coach touched on this subject as she gave her talk at the Gibraltar Health and Wellness Day on “Why is it so hard to keep eating healthily?”. I asked her to share some advice on slowing down with The Gibraltar Magazine readers. “Slowing down around food benefits everyone. In particular, it is such a simple solution to two key issues I see in my clinic: weight gain and IBS. We eat less when we slow down and it is less taxing on the digestive system. When we are in a relaxed state while eating, more blood can flow to the digestive system to support the digestive process. So many of my IBS clients have fewer symptoms at the weekends or on holiday because they are slowing down. When you make the connection it’s easy to put a plan in place to slow down in the week.” GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017

parenting Claudia’s top tips: Carve out time to eat So many of us end up eating on the run, gobbling a few bites for breakfast while prepping the kids lunches, or maybe a sandwich at your desk between meetings. Enjoy every mouthful Stay present with food. You will eat less and enjoy it more. Create a slow down competition If you are a family of fast eaters, challenge yourselves to slow down and see who can savour their food the most. Set the mood for family meals Turn off the screens and put on some music. Create quality family time every day. The junk food challenge As you begin to slow down We eat less something we should all think about. shrink significantly. We made time to allow and savour your food, you when we slow It’s not a luxury, but a necessity for a our toddler to “help” with cooking and sudbecome more discerning down and it is healthy gut and healthy relationships. denly greens were much more appealing to about what you are eating. less taxing on her. Soon, we weren’t just making dinner If you have kids or a partthe digestive but making memories too. Slow eating also gives us time to think ner who love junk food, tell system. about and appreciate what we are them the one condition for eating. Since proactively attempting I am taking part in The Kin Project chalthem to eat it is they have this practice in our own household, I have lenge to change one habit every week to slow down and savour every mouthful. found myself veering further towards vegfor the betterment of ourselves and the Fast food doesn’t taste good when eaten world around us. While this isn’t one of the etarian dishes. I simply feel better when I slowly! It will soon put them off. eat less meat, both ethically and physically. challenges that has been set (at least not so far), I invite you to trial slow At a time when gadgets and the internet eating for a week. Everyone can We made have such an intrusive presence within It was also a pleasant surprise family homes, mealtimes are a wonderful to notice how fast it was to time to allow our manage one week. opportunity to reflect, interact and bond. put together vegetarian meals toddler to “help” Mindful eating and conscious eating is and to see my grocery bill with cooking and Life flies by, kids grow up faster suddenly greens than we can keep up with, we’re all working longer hours, seasons were much more come and go in the blink of an appealing to her. eye. Carve out some quality family time on a daily basis, and create habits that can be passed down from one generation to the next. We only have this one life. Don’t rush it. Visit to start changing your habits for the better now.

Polly Lavarello is Editor of Mum on the Rock Email: Web: GIBRALTAR MAGAZINE JULY 2017


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First prize lunch for two at

Completed crosswords to be returned to the Clipper by 20th July

Last month’s winner:

Stefan NicholsonBrympton

1) World’s highest mountain (7) 8) New Zealander who first reached the top of 1) across (7) 9) Scan; test (7) 10) Italian wine shop (7) 11) Divorce; Croatian resort (5) 13) What hire purchase offers! (4,5) 15) Made neater (9) 18 Large Asian country (5) 21) Old boy’s name. Cartoon character Useless (7) 22) Thin pasta strips; silly people (7) 23) Soaked in brine (7) 24) Female relatives; members of a nunnery (7)


17 18


17) What infinity has (2,4) 19) Research (5) 20) Donkeys (5)

1) Low starting price (5) 2) Modern communication (1-4) 3) Adverb relating to the philosophy of Sartre etc. (13) 4) Greek city which features in the myths of Cadmus, Odysseus etc. (6) 5) Falsely complimentary and shallow (13) 6) Life’s work; run fast (6) 7) Road around a town (6) 12) Baby’s vehicle (4) 14) Long skirt (4) 15) Member of a Nepalese people one of whom accompanied 8 (6) 16) Area of Eastern France (6)

Flight & Cruise Schedule - July 2017 Day Flight



Arrives Flight

Mon ZB7240 Monarch Gatwick 10:15 EZY8901 easyJet Gatwick 11:00 BA492 British Airways Heathrow 11:05 BA490 British Airways Heathrow 16:20 ZB064 Monarch Luton 19:10 ZB574 Monarch Manchester 19:10 ZB446 Monarch Birmingham 19:30 EZY8905 easyJet Gatwick 20:35 Tue EZY6299 easyJet Bristol 10:30 EZY8901 easyJet Gatwick 11:00 BA490 British Airways Heathrow 16:20 ZB574 Monarch Manchester 19:10 ZB064 Monarch Luton 19:10 Wed EZY8901 easyJet Gatwick 11:00 BA490 British Airways Heathrow 16:20 ZB064 Monarch Luton 19:10 ZB574 Monarch Manchester 19:10 ZB446 Monarch Birmingham 19:30 EZY1963 easyJet Manchester 20:20 EZY8905 easyJet Gatwick 20:35 Thu EZY6299 easyJet Bristol 10:30 ZB7240 Monarch Gatwick 10:55 EZY8901 easyJet Gatwick 11:00 BA490 British Airways Heathrow 16:20 AT990 Royal Air Maroc Tangier 18:45 EZY8905 easyJet Gatwick 20:35 Fri EZY8901 easyJet Gatwick 11:00 BA492 British Airways Heathrow 11:05 ZB062 Monarch Luton 11:30 from 21st EZY1963 easyJet Manchester 12:05 BA490 British Airways Heathrow 16:20 ZB574 Monarch Manchester 19:10 ZB446 Monarch Birmingham 19:15 EZY8905 easyJet Gatwick 20:35 ZB7244 Monarch Gatwick 20:35 Sat EZY8901 easyJet Gatwick 11:45 BA492 British Airways Heathrow 14:35 BA490 British Airways Heathrow 16:20 Sun EZY1963 easyJet Manchester 10:20 EZY6299 easyJet Bristol 10:30 EZY8901 easyJet Gatwick 11:00 BA492 British Airways Heathrow 11:15 BA490 British Airways Heathrow 16:20 AT990 Royal Air Maroc Tangier 18:45 ZB064 Monarch Luton 19:10 ZB574 Monarch Manchester 19:45


ZB7241 EZY8902 BA493 BA491 ZB065 ZB575 ZB447 EZY8906 EZY6300 EZY8902 BA491 ZB575 ZB065 EZY8902 BA491 ZB065 ZB575 ZB447 EZY1964 EZY8906 EZY6300 ZB7241 EZY8902 BA491 AT991 EZY8906 EZY8902 BA493 ZB063 EZY1964 BA491 ZB575 ZB447 EZY8906 ZB7245 EZY8902 BA493 BA491 EZY1964 EZY6300 EZY8902 BA493 BA491 AT991 ZB065 ZB575



11:00 Gatwick 11:30 Gatwick 12:20 Heathrow 17:10 Heathrow 19:55 Luton 19:55 Manchester 20:20 Birmingham 21:05 Gatwick 11:00 Bristol 11:30 Gatwick 17:10 Heathrow 19:55 Manchester 19:55 Luton 11:30 Gatwick 17:10 Heathrow 19:55 Luton 19:55 Manchester 20:20 Birmingham 20:55 Manchester 21:05 Gatwick 11:00 Bristol 11:40 Gatwick 11:30 Gatwick 17:10 Heathrow 19:35 Tangier 21:05 Gatwick 11:30 Gatwick 11:50 Heathrow 12:20 Luton 12:40 Manchester 17:10 Heathrow 20:00 Manchester 20:05 Birmingham 21:05 Gatwick 21:20 Gatwick 12:15 Gatwick 15:20 Heathrow 17:10 Heathrow 10:55 Manchester 11:00 Bristol 11:30 Gatwick 12:05 Heathrow 17:10 Heathrow 19:35 Tangier 20:00 Luton 20:30 Manchester

Arrival Vessel

ETD Pass



Sat 01, 08:00 RIVIERA 18:00 American Oceania Cruises Mon 03, 08:00 TUI DISCOVERY 16:00 British TUI Cruises Mon 03, 13:00 MAGELLAN 19:00 British Cruise & Maritime Vgs Tue 04, 09:00 PAN ORAMA II 22:00 - - Wed 05, 08:00 ORIANA 14:00 British P & O Thu 06, 08:00 BRITANNIA 14:00 British P & O Fri 07, 08:00 STAR BREEZE 13:00 Int’l Windstar Cruises Fri 07, 08:00 VENTURA 14:00 British P & O Mon 10, 08:00 BALMORAL 13:00 British Fred Olsen Tue 11, 10:00 NVGTR OF THE SEAS 16:00 Int’l Royal Caribbean Int’l Wed 12, 08:00 PAN ORAMA II 04:00 - - Wed 12, 12:00 AZURA 18:00 British P & O Thu 13, 14:00 STAR BREEZE 19:00 Int’l Windstar Cruises Sat 15, 08:00 TUI DISCOVERY 2 18:00 Int’l Royal Caribbean Int’l Mon 17, 07:00 CELEBRITY REFLECT 17:00 Int’l Celebrity Cruises Tue 18, 09:00 PAN ORAMA II 22:00 USA/Eu Variety Cruises Tue 18, 10:00 INDEP OF THE SEAS 16:00 British Royal Caribbean Sat 22, 09:00 THOMSON MAJESTY 15:00 British Thomson Cruises Mon 24, 09:00 ROYAL PRINCESS 18:00 British Princess Cruises Tue 25, 12:00 NVGTR OF THE SEAS 18:00 Int’l Royal Caribbean Int’l Wed 17, 08:00 PAN ORAMA II 04:00 USA/Eu Variety Cruises Sat 29, 08:00 TUI DISCOVERY 2 18:00 Int’l Royal Caribbean Int’l Mon 31, 08:00 VOYAGER 18:00 British Voyages Of Discovery Mon 31, 08:00 TUI DISCOVERY 16:00 British TUI Cruises



EZY8905 easyJet ZB446 Monarch ZB7244 Monarch


Arrives Flight

Gatwick 20:35 Birmingham 20:40 Gatwick 20:45

EZY8906 ZB447 ZB7245


21:05 21:25 21:40

1250 1804 1452 1880 4324 212 3096 1350 3114 3100 212 1804 3046 49 3600 1462 3600 3114 49 1804 540 1804


Gatwick Birmingham Gatwick


Generation 4




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