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The importance of Norway in the world as a leading country due to its technologies should become an indisputable fact. It will ensure the national security and give opportunity to become one of the leading players in the international arena.

Archimedes' dream is 'microcosm' The easier, the faster. I suppose that the financial success of this idea which I am going to propose for the implementation will exceed all expectations of potential investors (investment funds). As a general rule, investment projects aimed at improving our ecological situation and preserving the environment are not popular with private investors. These very projects are considered low-profit and long-term. Investors are definitely more likely to give their preference to such projects that can be completed quickly rather than in the distant future. Also, these projects should be monumental in terms of making a profit. Of course, I took this factor into account before addressing to potential private investors with my idea, which proficiently combines the opportunity to improve the environmental situation in the world, get the maximum profit from the invested money and, at the same time, reach a fundamentally different, higher level of scientific and technological development, thereby ensuring a new quality of life for all the citizens.

Don't you think that the time has come in the real economy, especially in its transport sector, to carry out the transportation of goods and their vertical

movement not only due to the lifting force of various types of mechanisms, but also with the use of such an auxiliary element in the moments of movement of cargo, as a (or AT), that is, the effect of the state of weightlessness of the mass of the load. Briefly, I will explain that anti-gravity technology is a process of sequential interaction of natural minerals in a certain proportion and active medium, while the impulse catalyst affects on these minerals. Thus, this process is multiplied exponentially. As a final result, it could be possible to obtain such a physical phenomenon as human-controlled weightlessness, that is, anti-gravity. The physical properties of individual natural minerals are not yet well studied by the world of scientists, most of whom believe that there are only those physical phenomena that are already known to science. But that is not the case, because the list of scientific disciplines and whole sciences that no one thinks about is colossally extensive.

In addition, it should be added that not every scientist could be able, both physically and psychologically, to make an attempt to study these sciences. How is it possible to apply anti-gravity technology (or AT) in practical terms? An artificially created controlled state of weightlessness, that is, anti-gravity, inside a fully loaded cargo ship, Boeing cargo plane or in the cargo module of Elon Musk's space rocket, can significantly reduce the costs of operating these vehicles. I suppose that the modernized anti-gravity Boeing cargo plane with a vertical takeoff and landing system will not be such a fantastic phenomenon as the already

produced, but modernized anti-gravity cargo aircraft. Or how much more pleasant it will be for Elon Musk to load the cargo module, with the anti-gravity technology installed in it, in his rocket, and send a load of not 25 tons, but 125 tons into the space orbit? I suppose that anti-gravity technology (or AT) in the future can serve as a standard of maximum safety as a means of rescuing passengers when installed on Boeing 737 Max aircraft. "Initially, a thought is introduced and only then a worldview follows."

The turning point in the consciousness of society, associated with the use of anti-gravity technology in the economy, will at the same time be a turning point in the global ecologic situation and it will definitely lead to a radically better situation. I suppose that the range of use of anti-gravity technology will be very extensive and it will surely find its application in many sectors of the real economy. Potential investors may be interested in, especially in combination with the maximum cost reduction, an increase in cargo turnover thanks to modernized anti-gravity technology cargo ships, airplanes, and cars. Also, do not forget about the significant optimization of the cost of transporting goods from point A to point B for the shipper. Why all of these things are possible? Because the weight of the cargo on these vehicles due to modernization using anti-gravity technology (or weightlessness), will be zero. It is not difficult to calculate the difference in the amount of fuel consumed by a fully loaded usual ship, plane or car and an identical “empty” anti-gravity modernized one, while following the same route. What kind

of cargo ship, plane or car do you think Alibaba or Amazon would charter to transport their cargo? The easier (AT), the faster.

The idea of using anti-gravity technology (AT) in practical terms is not new, you can easily remember such ideas made up by H.G. Wells. But the modern "Platelike-type" technologies available today for obtaining the anti-gravity effect (AT) are not very suitable for practical implementation in real economy. Everyone understands that those loud statements that are not backed up by action are definitely worthless. In this case, I will cite two of Todd's political principles. The first principle - No matter what they're telling you, they're not telling you the whole truth. The second principle - No matter what they're talking about, they're talking about money. As for the first principle, judge for yourself. It would be the height of frivolity on my part to describe the unique scientific and technical algorithm for creating anti-gravity technology (AT) in detail. You all know very well about the existence of industrial espionage, but this is not so bad as it seems, because in the world there has been for a long time such a phenomenon as espionage carried out by an interested party at the mental level, that is, trying to extract the required information from the subconscious of a person. I know what I am writing about, because I myself have encountered this phenomenon more than once.

In this case, the opposite side must take some kind of countermeasures to prevent information leakage. Regarding anti-gravity technology in general, and whether I can be trusted at all in particular, I could tell in great detail during a personal meeting with a potential investor. Also, a polygraph can be used during this meeting. Regarding Todd's Second Principle: First, a potential investor should initially secure himself by obtaining, if possible, a patent for the technology of transporting goods using anti-gravity technology on vehicles such as a cargo ship, an airplane, a car, or a cargo space rocket. Secondly, a potential investor should acquire five mining licenses for five deposits of natural minerals which are necessary for the creation of anti-gravity technology. Thirdly, a potential investor should take into account the need to preserve the know-how of the unique technology of impulse catalyst. Similarly, how in the United States they protect the know-how of a special microcircuit set (chipset) of Intel’s computer motherboard. The concept I can suggest is aimed at protecting the financial interests of potential investors. A year ago, in terms of its technical parameters, antigravity technology (AT) was much more «cumbersome» for practical use than it is now. I suppose that after the involvement of the scientific and technical base of potential investors, the technical side of anti-gravity technology will be able to be further minimized and we will be able to implement it easily even in primitive electric

quadcopters, which will require a primitive electric motor only for horizontal movement in the air. I do not exclude the situation when the potential investors have some inertia of thinking and a decrease in their level of materiality during these times of economic hardship and the economic crisis. Therefore, I can propose my plan to all those people who are interested in the idea of antigravity and wishing to take part in the practical implementation of AT. Let’s jointly create a fund for innovative technologies "Archimedes +". Branches of this fund, if required, can be opened in any country in the world. People with experience in organizing investment funds, scientific and technical centers and joint-stock companies are well aware that the "cream" is skimmed off by the one who first recognized the profitability of the project.

I suppose that this startup even at the initial stage will have enough involved efforts of the jointly created “Archimedes +” fund to demonstrate a model of an electric quadcopter with an anti-gravitational technological component to any potential investor. The lever created on the basis of anti-gravity technology with the reciprocating actions will be able to bring any generator turbine from Siemens AG into operation. I suppose that after the implementation of the idea of anti-gravity technology (AT), other scientific and technological discoveries will occur along the way, which will be in demand for use in various sectors of real economy. The more fantastic the goal of Archimedes seems at first glance, the more realistic it is. If the

goal is proclaimed, then at least people who are keen on scientific and technological progress should try to check whether this goal can be achieved. A lot of people think that something realizable will still be ahead in their lives, but in most cases this does not happen. There are such concepts as life strategy and survival tactics, and it seems to me that right now, a lot of people are given a chance to understand how to live their lives. A correctly made decision will allow you to provide a new quality of life and you will not need to save on literally everything. The old age will be defeated!

Wishing you great health. Eduard Isupov Tel. +7-914-903-21-22 email: 27.07.2020

To Potential Investor Communication just like in the good old days. Unfortunately, I do not trust modern means of communication due to their complete transparency for the outsiders interested in receiving confidential information, so I can propose to build our relationship on the following steps. First step. We will organize a meeting where your trusted people may also be present at. I will tell you about myself and, in general terms, about the constituent principles of anti-gravity technology, and I will answer all

your questions. You can take a polygraph and a dictation machine to our meeting, of course. Second step. When you come back home, you can analyze the information received from me with any specialists you will need and a potential private investor. Third step. If you receive permission for further interaction, I will need to come to you so that we can make a feasibility study which is related to the implementation of the anti-gravity technology project. We will also need to decide on the choice of a manufacturer of demonstration models which will be modernized with the usage of the anti-gravity technology. List of models 1. The Boeing 737 Max equipped with an anti-gravity passenger rescue system in case of an emergency situation during the flight, for example, an engine malfunction. 2. Boeing all-cargo aircraft, equipped (firstly) with an adjustable zero-gravity system (anti-gravity technology) in the cargo compartment, and, secondly, equipped with a vertical take-off and landing function system. 3. A commercial helicopter of the Sikorsky company, equipped firstly with the same passenger rescue system as it is on the abovementioned Boeing 737 Max, and, secondly, equipped with the antigravity technology system to greatly increase the ability to stay in the air. (If a potential private investor demonstrates the potentialities of these planes and helicopters at the Aviation Exhibition in Paris-Le Bourget in France, then what planes and helicopters would be chosen by potential aircraft customers? What do you think?) 4. Cargo semi-trailers modernized with the usage of anti-gravity technology for Nikola corporation trucks. (Weightlessness of the transported cargo.) 5. Quadcopter, working with anti-gravity technology.

6 A space rocket with two Boeing jet engines installed, which are also modified for propellant fuel usage. Aircraft engines are needed only to move the rocket in outer space. The using of anti-gravity technology will allow a rocket to be launched into space without the help of a rocket engine and is absolutely safe for crew members and space tourists. We are not even talking about the financial and environmental components, namely the preservation of the ozone layer of the earth. After all, the rocket engine is primarily designed to overcome the gravitational force of the Earth. Or am I wrong? I hope that by giving such examples of the possibility of antigravity technology, it does not seem like an indirect attempt to point out to Elon the mask that he is selling "technologies of the past" to his customers. But this is new innovative topic for a productive dialogue regarding tesla electric machines. In case of a favorable coincidence of circumstances for the implementation of the anti-gravity technology project, I propose that the time that we will need for organizational measures, for efficiency, should be simultaneously spent on solving the problem related to Fukushima in Japan. Otherwise, in the near future, we will definitely be left without decent seafood. This will undoubtedly raise the rating of the “Archimedes +” ecological fund in the eyes of world public opinion. In 2011, I sent this suggestion two times to the Japanese embassy located in the city of Khabarovsk with a brief description of the technology which can absolutely eliminate the radiation contamination on the territory of the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. But I assume that the people who were responsible for the emergency management of the Fukushima-1 accident considered my suggestion insignificant. Of course, the implementation of the anti-gravity technology project may be hampered by the situation with the covid-19 pandemic in the world. But in this case, I have two options for a fast solution to the problem with covid-19. So, all this can be discussed there at our meeting. At first glance, the projects that are proposed for implementation seem fantastic for modern scientists who use traditional sources of scientific information. But if we have an access to an alternative source of scientific information, I mean having certain opportunities for interaction with

such information, as well as if we have favorable conditions for the analysis of this information, I mean free time for this process, these projects are not difficult to implement. In our modern high-tech world, the main advantage for a private investor is low cost and high profitability. Figuratively speaking, you do not need to conduct 1000 scientific studies to find out the truth. You can get the information if the answer is “right” or “wrong” at a faster pace to save time and money. I can assume that for every $ 1 invested in an anti-gravity technology project, a potential private investor will receive $ 1,000 in profit. A certain percentage of the profits will be transferred to the “Archimedes +” fund to deal with environmental problems in the world. I suppose that at the moment a potential private investor may not have the opportunity to participate in projects for the implementation of antigravity technology, the valid reason for which will be economic viability. But, subject to specified requirements, a private investor will be able to reserve his participation in further projects using anti-gravity technology. The implementation of the project for the introduction of anti-gravity technologies in the industrial sector of the economy can be c a r r i e d

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