I Entered On The Deep And Savage Way - Julia Diago

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Julia Diago Text by

Victor Diago and many others.

Audio piece by

Porpita Prunella

I ENTERED ON THE DEEP AND SAVAGE WAY Photographs by Julia Diago. Text by Victor Diago and many others. Audio piece by Porpita Prunella.

Methought that such a building then I saw; And, for the wind, I drew myself behind My Guide, because there was no other shelter. Inferno, Canto XXXIV (Dante Aligheri)

CANTO I. Midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within a corridor dark. How did I get here? When? No one to ask, not a slight “Then.” No birds flew upon the sky To show where north awaits. Not a star would shine up high To guide this sailor’s way. Just A suicidal fly tap-dancing on the ceiling. “Please answer kindly winged friend: If light bulbs do not set and shadows deathlike dwell ¿How on earth would I know? If it’s night who dies ahead or soon the day will fall?” Buzz-buzz, nothing else Buzzed, my heart remained.

Right, left, right, left Straight I went Left, right, left, right bakwards it all looked the same Right, left, right, left might aswell one be dyslexic Left, right, left right, all I’m finding are dead ends.

CANTO II. While I was rushing downward to god-knows-where, Before my eyes did one present himself, Who seemed from long-continued silence hoarse. Middle-aged man: detergent agent, bald long-sleeve coveralls, cleanser & soap. Lastly: jasmine tea, a key chain that read: “Hope” Have pity on me – on him I cried – I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers, whoever you are. He answered me: Hear me out. Lend me an ear. You seem to grasp but fail to heed. I’ve seen it all. I was put here with the first wall. It is them, Deadalus, who made these endless pathways for the maze. They just birthed ME here to scrub, scrape dissolve and absolve.

I’ve seen them all, fall for one another, fall for the hole, bear children, lose them too. Even when they thought they had them (just as we have here: me and you) they stired too much the prescribed burn they tied the leash too loose. We are all mice in this maze, don’t you see? Me and you. You’re all in for the cheese chase, I’m just here for the cruise. Then he moved on, and I behind him followed.

Right, left, right, left Straight we went Left, right, left, right bakwards it all looked the same Right, left, right, left What a bad time to feel dazed Left, right, left right, ¿Do they serve Valiums in hell?

CANTO III. I entered on the deep and savage way, and I mantain: do not go gentle into the good night – but specially – do not go barefooot. Mother, mother… mommy please… will you buy me some new boots, like those leather clad we saw? For this hall is deep and blue and its carpets made of claws. Forgive me father for I have sined – every man wants to feel like Jesus on the cross at some point – and I too wished to be your son. How dreary to be Somebody! How public like a Frog! What a shame the need of others. What a waste of love. LISTEN: If you cannot make your life as you want it, at least try this, as much as you can: do not disgrace it in the crowding contact with the world, in the many movments and all the talk. Halls and walls, and walls and halls. Silence, calm and thought, Is it that what I long for?

I am Thine, for I was born for Thee! Reveal what is it Thou dost ask of me. All I see is blue, blue may be my only soul. and my guide can only point: beneath the blue base moldings, blood. Halls and walls, and walls and halls Our love broke down from overuse. We never thought of winter. But winter comes.

Right, left, right, left Straight we went Left, right, left, right bakwards it all looked the same Right, left, right, left What the fuck are you talking about? Left, right, left right, Can someone please get me out?

CANTO IV. Blessed are you who beg and seek with eager desire now. Damned you, who are lost, if not a single tear you shed. Ok. I will confess, If that’s what needs to be done: I’ve lusted for life I’ve lost for sex I’ve fallen in love… You know... some broken bones and sadly not a very decent end. But I’m a good man! – I cried – And a good man is hard to find.

We are all mice – he said – We are all mice – carried away – Father, father, where are you going O do not walk so fast. Speak father, speak to your little boy Or else I shall be lost, The night was dark no father was there The child was wet with dew. The mire was deep, & the child did weep And away the vapour flew.

Right, left, right, left Straight we went Left, right, left, right bakwards it all looked the same Right, left, right, left things may be coming to an end Left, right, left right, I no longer see that man.

CANTO V. My guide, his righteous figure, farewell, goodbye, adios – as soon as I glanced back I was there all alone. We are all mice – a baffled voice from the void – you find pleasure on escaping I found business in turmoil. All things must come to an end, even pain, unforseen the needle came unforseen was smoothly gone And after this and that – and that thing further on – calm came wielding light through the windows of the hall. and, you know what? It was not day who came after. It was not night - but its cracks. Over the roofs like cherry blossoms – Thence I came forth to rebehold – the stars.

I entered on the deep and savage way takes us on a journey of self-doubt and loneliness. An endless maze where the reader often loses the beginning turns left for another path and turns right for a dead-end while seeking the exit. The corridors with their monotonous blue carpeted floors, just seen as a place of transition, now took a form of a labyrinth—a suitable metaphor for these times where every day seems long and the same as the day before. This place may seem familiar to the people lost in the deep abyss of uncertainty. Once the images captured and highlighted specific spaces’ materiality, which now are transformed into a book. The photographs are woven in with a text by Victor Diago, which is inspired mainly by Dante’s Divine Comedy and many other authors. An audio piece composed by the musician Porpita Prunella acts as a background score and brings a more profound feeling of anxiety and claustrophobia. These alliances create a more intricate dialogue where the narrator explains his journey while encountering a mysterious figure as his guide.

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