Covid-19 SOS Budda

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Covid-19 Super vaccine or antidote - made in the USA. "From general to specific". Plato. I would like to propose to take one of the non-standard steps towards finding a universal vaccine that destroys covid-19 and can also potentially neutralize all upcoming coronaviruses that will appear on Earth. Some time ago one could observe that it was confirmed in the United States at the highest official level that UFO or in other words, alien spaceship exists. The fact that extraterrestrial civilizations have been far ahead of earthlings in scientific and technological development for many years is clear to every intelligent person. But if we compare our development with the scientific and technological progress of an alien civilization, then the question arises - "What level is their medicine at? Definitely, at the highest!" In order to seek help from extraterrestrial civilizations to solve the problem with the covid-19 pandemic, we definitely require the services of an mediator, I mean a person who has phenomenal abilities. Where can we find such a person who has the abilities of God? Many of us know that, in the religions (religious denominations) of our world, the souls (consciousnesses) of physically deceased founders come back to earth from time to time and are embodied in newborn children (the so-called reincarnation) for a purpose, which is known exclusively by them. It happened that the nearest time for us when the soul (consciousness) of the founder of Buddhism was embodied in the newborn child, according to the spiritual leader of the followers of Tibetan Buddhism - the 14th Dalai Lama, was in 2011. I mean to say that on Earth now there must exist a person, who has already lived past 7 years of age, and who possesses the potential abilities of God, but who does not realize his personal abilities yet. There are hundreds of millions of Buddhist followers in the world, many of who consider the 14th Dalai Lama to be an astonishingly good person. The United States even established an American Institute for the Study of Buddhism, which has close contacts with the 14th Dalai Lama. Why don’t you contact the 14th Dalai Lama with a request to determine the necessary geographical and topographic location, as well as in which wealthy family the girl, in whom soul (consciousness) of the Buddha has embodied, was born in 2011? Having determined the location of this child, in whom Buddha’s consciousness will wake up after specific Buddhist religious rites, the United States will definitely find a potential mediator to carry out a noble and purely peaceful mission to come into contact with the Alien Civilization. The combination of the religion and science (the 14th Dalai Lama always encourages us to do it, but it still seems absolute nonsense to us) will undoubtedly lead American scientists in the time period of six months (maybe earlier) to the discovery of a super vaccine that destroys covid-19 and all other coronaviruses that will appear on our planet. Of course, there will be people who can react skeptically to all of the aforesaid. But why can’t US citizens try one of the proposed chances to survive during the covid-19 pandemic? Can we bet? Though it’s better not to bet, but to ask what Americans think about this proposed chance, those poor Americans who have lost their

loved ones because of covid-19 and even those people who are affected by this disease and now are undergoing a treatment in hospitals. Covid-19 does not have mercy on either billionaires or ordinary US citizens. Every day the United States loses millions of dollars and hundreds of its citizens are dying due to covid-19. Someone may accuse me of being cynical because I put money ahead of people’s lives. Let's get real. in the modern world, a person who does not have money cannot be a decent member of society, a freeman. If the US economics continues to lose money because of the covid-19 pandemics, then this situation will have a very bad effect on citizens.

" Attack while defending!" Military rule from the code of the Roman Empire. Wishing you great health. Eduard Isupov Tel. +7-914-903-21-22 email: 22.06.2020

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