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InGen® We Make Your Future of Healthcare -Unit 6B -511 Struan Street G4 6EF -Greater Westerton Business Park


Dear Mr Stuart,

Team on 01784 326481 contact our Prostate Cancer

At any point during the 3-year fo any relevant clinical trial l ow-up pathway, patients may be contacted to be s that may become avai offered access to lable.

Dear Mr Stuart

ongoing care, they wil need:

After having treatment for prostate cancer Ray Stuart has st able prost cancer and has now transf ate erred self-management fol ow-up onto our supported programme.

They have had a consul tation which covered t • Their diagnosis and prognosi he fol owing topics: s • The treatment they have had, any ongoing treatm • ent, and possible side ef Signs and symptoms to fects report • Where to find furt if they have any concerns her help and support – including how to contact the dedicated helpline

At the end of 3 years, in sert patie ongoing treatment regim nt name wil be discussed in a virtual MDT in order es in lig to update any let er wil be sent to both ht of latest evidence. Any plans from this review you and the patient to provi wil be actioned and a de in discharge them from the trust supported self-management formation regarding any changes and to pathway.

For any queries, please

methods of cancer detection available. With higher

Please find enclosed a copy of th Your patient also has a copy eir treatment summary which outlines what was discussed with them. of this.

D-Tect™ system is one of the most highly reliable

As part of your patient’s

methods, we would like to inform you that our InGen

0 Annual/six monthly PSA tests f appointment and results or a period of 5 years. The patient wil be contact fed back to you and the ed directly with an patient.

history. We notice your interest in Cancer Detection


We are writing to you regarding your recent search

accuracy rates than even NHSS endorsed detection kits, InGen is truly the only option for those really seeking the correct answers.

In getting an InGen D-tect™ Kit you will also be

fast-tracked to one of our many care routes, by simply

entering your reuslt into our patented system along with your D-tect™ Kit ID Number - found within the user manual. And begin your journey with the UK’s best Cancer treatment organisation*.

*This is not a binding statement and therefore cannot be held as fact

InGen Dear Mr Stuart

After having treatment for prostate cancer Ray Stuart has stable prostate cancer and has now transfer ed onto our supported self-management fol ow-up programme. g topics: They have had a consultation which covered the fol owin • Their diagnosis and prognosis possible side effects The treatment they have had, any ongoing treatment, and • Signs and symptoms to report • o contact the dedicated Where to find further help and support – including how t • helpline if they have any concerns

which outlines what was discussed with Please find enclosed a copy of their treatment summary them. Your patient also has a copy of this. As part of your patient’s ongoing care, they wil need: 0 Annual/six monthly PSA tests for a period of 5 years. The . appointment and results fed back to you and the patient At any point during the 3-year fol ow-up pathway, patient any relevant clinical trials that may become available.

patient wil be contacted directly with an s may be contacted to be offered access to

in a virtual MDT in order to update any At the end of 3 years, insert patient name wil be discussed plans from this review wil be actioned ongoing treatment regimes in light of latest evidence. Any ovide information regarding any changes and a let er wil be sent to both you and the patient to pr pathway. and to discharge them from the trust supported self-management For any queries, please contact our Prostate Cancer Team

on 01784 326481



Dear Mr Stuart 76p

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After having treatment for prostate cancer Ray Stuart has stable prostate cancer and has now transferred onto our supported self-management follow-up programme. They have had a consultation which covered the following topics: • Their diagnosis and prognosis

• The treatment they have had, any ongoing treatment, and possible side effects • Signs and symptoms to report • Where to find further help and support – including how to contact the dedicated helpline if they have any concerns Please find enclosed a copy of their treatment summary which outlines what was discussed with them. Your patient also has a copy of this. As part of your patient’s ongoing care, they will need: 0 Annual/six monthly PSA tests for a period of 5 years. The patient will be contacted directly with an appointment and results fed back to you and the patient. At any point during the 3-year follow-up pathway, patients may be contacted to be offered access to any relevant clinical trials that may become available. At the end of 3 years, insert patient name will be discussed in a virtual MDT in order to update any ongoing treatment regimes in light of latest evidence. Any plans from this review will be actioned and a letter will be sent to both you and the patient to provide information regarding any changes and to discharge them from the trust supported self-management pathway. For any queries, please contact our Prostate Cancer Team

on 01784 326481

Ray is contacted by a commercial organisation that is trying to persuade him to become a customer, based on his search history on Cancer diagnosis

Ray studies the advert and begins to wonder if he should follow its advice and contact the company. He isn’t sure how reliable they are or if they’re government approved


He recieves his Solace

Ray begins trying to research the company online. He

recieves contact from the NHSS about the new Solace, due to AI understanding his search topics the

connection is made between his paranoia and health



Dear Mr Stuart

After having treatment for prostate cancer Ray Stuart has stable prostate cancer and has now transferred self-management onto our supported follow-up programme.

They have had a consultation • which covered Their diagnosis the following topics: and prognosis • The treatment they have had, • Signs and symptoms any ongoing treatment, and • to report possible side Where to find effects further help and if they have any support – including concerns how to contact the dedicated Please find enclosed helpline a copy of their Your patient also treatment summary has a copy of which outlines this. what was discussed As part of your with them. patient’s ongoing care, they will need: 0 Annual/six monthly PSA tests for a period appointment and results fed of back to you and 5 years. The patient will be contacted the patient. directly with an At any point during the 3-year follow-up any relevant pathway, patients clinical trials that may become may be contacted available. to be offered At the end of access to 3 years, insert patient name ongoing treatment will be discussed regimes in light a letter will be in a virtual MDT of latest evidence. sent to both you in order to update Any plans from discharge them and the patient any this review will from the trust to provide information be actioned and supported self-management regarding any changes and pathway. to For any queries, please contact our Prostate Cancer Team on 01784 326481

concerns and the Solace is suggested

Ray sets up his Solace. He keeps it on his desk as

this is where he spends most of his time and it will be easily accessible when he needs it



Ray has now After havingfor prostate cancercancer and gement follow-up treatment stable prostate self-mana has concerns topics: Stuart d onto our supported side effects have any if they the following of this. transferre e. , and possible helpline a copy covered programm also has on which prognosis ongoing treatment the dedicated consultati any contact Your patient had a diagnosis and have had, how to with them. they They have Their to report support – including discussed to The treatmentsymptoms • what was help and fed back and outlines Signs find further results • which to nt and summary Where appointme treatment with an may of their directly a copy trials that contacted will need: clinical will be find enclosed care, they relevant The patient to any ongoing of access patient’s of 5 years. in light of your to be offered for a period regimes n contacted PSA tests treatment informatio may be monthly any ongoingpatient to provide patients update 0 Annual/six the pathway, the patient. order to you and follow-up you and MDT in to both the 3-year pathway. in a virtual will be sent gement point during discussed a letter At any available. self-mana will be actioned and name supported will be become patient insert this review from the trust 3 years, from end of Any plans discharge them At the 326481 and to on 01784 latest evidence. any changes Team Cancer regarding our Prostate contact please queries, For any As part



Mr Stuart


Once again, Ray considers the contact he recieved regarding signing up to commercial Cancer diagnosis

He raises his concern using the Solace which responds with ithe interpretation of all of the Collective Intelligence available on the topic and organisation. Ray asks about what sources he can trust on the subject of diagnosis and where he can access them


Ray is informed about a workshop that has been set up in his community to deal with issues surrounding Cancer detection and the worries associated with it. The information is sent to his device from the Solace



Ray attends his local community centre to engage with the cancer detection workshop and screening held there


Based on other users in Ray’s community raising similar issues

within a short period of time, Solace has put them in contact with a community health outreach initiative that is carrying out a

screening and diagnosis workshop in their community, made

possible through information sharing and collective intelligence around the community. Bringing together Solace users with organisations like the NHSS and healthcare experienced professionals and community volunteers.

Such gatherings are of particular benefit to these users as

their tailored Solace input/responses inform the community workers of their precise needs and desires and group them together based on these for increased value

SOLACE InGen® We Make Your Future of Healthcare


-Unit 6B -511 Struan Street G4 6EF

Dear Mr Stuart

-Greater Westerton Business Park




After having

treatment for prostate cancer Ray Stuart has stable cancer and prostate has self-managementnow transferred onto our follow-up programme. supported They have had a consultation • Their diagnosis which covered the following • topics: The treatment and prognosis • they Signs and symptomshave had, any ongoing • treatment, and to report Where to find possible side if they have further help effects any concerns and support – including how to contact Please find the dedicated enclosed a helpline copy Your patient also has a copy of their treatment summary of this. which outlines what was discussed As part of your with them. patient’s ongoing care, they will need: 0 Annual/six monthly PSA tests for a period appointment and results of 5 years. The fed back to patient will be you and the contacted directly patient. At any point with an during the 3-year any relevant follow-up pathway, clinical trials patients may that may become be contacted available. to be offered At the end of access to 3 years, insert ongoing treatment patient regimes in light name will be discussed letter will be in a virtual of latest sent discharge them to both you and the patientevidence. Any plans from MDT in order to update any from the trust this review will to provide information supported self-management be actioned regarding any changes and and a pathway. to For any queries, please contact our Prostate Cancer Team on 01784 326481

Dear Mr Klich, We are writing to you regarding your recent search

history and purchase trends, which you kindly sold us

access to last month. We notice you may be interested in Cancer Detection and risk factors we would like to

inform you that our InGen D-Tect™ system is one of the most highly reliable methods of cancer detection

available. With higher accuracy rates than even NHSS endorsed detection kits, InGen is truly the only option for those really seeking the correct answers.

In getting an InGen D-tect™ Kit you will also be

fast-tracked to one of our many care routes, by simply

entering your reuslt into our patented system along with your D-tect™ Kit ID Number - found within the user manual. And begin your journey with the UK’s best Cancer treatment organisation*.

InGen Dear Mr Stuart

After having treatment for prostate cancer Ray Stuart has stable prostate cancer and has now transfer ed onto our supported self-management fol ow-up programme.


*This is not a binding statement and therefore cannot be held as fact

topics: They have had a consultation which covered the fol owing • Their diagnosis and prognosis possible side effects The treatment they have had, any ongoing treatment, and • Signs and symptoms to report • contact the dedicated helpline Where to find further help and support – including how to • if they have any concerns Please find enclosed a copy of their treatment summary whi Your patient also has a copy of this.

ch outlines what was discussed with them.

As part of your patient’s ongoing care, they wil need: 0 Annual/six monthly PSA tests for a period of 5 years. The appointment and results fed back to you and the patient.

patient wil be contacted directly with an

At any point during the 3-year fol ow-up pathway, patients any relevant clinical trials that may become available.


Dear Mr Klich

After having treatment for prostate cancer Ray Stuart has stable prostate cancer and has now transferred onto our self-management follow-up programme. supported They have had a consultation which • covered the following Their diagnosis topics: and prognosis • The treatment they have had, any ongoing • Signs and symptoms treatment, and possible • side effects Where to find further to report if they have any help and support concerns – including how to contact the dedicated helpline Please find enclosed a copy of their treatment Your patient also summary which has a copy of this. outlines what was discussed with them. As part of your patient’s ongoing care, they will need: 0 Annual/six monthly PSA tests for a appointment and period of 5 years. results fed back to you and the patient.The patient will be contacted directly with an At any point during the 3-year follow-up any relevant clinical pathway, patients trials that may become may be contacted to be offered access available. to At the end of 3 years, insert patient name ongoing treatment will be discussed regimes in light in a virtual MDT of latest evidence. a letter will be sent in order to update Any plans from to both you and any this review will be the discharge them actioned and from the trust supportedpatient to provide information regarding any changes self-management and to pathway.


Klich Mr Marek Street Willowbankr Flat 3B West Calde EH55 8AJ

For any queries,

please contact our

Prostate Cancer

Team on 01784

may be contacted to be offered access to

in a virtual MDT in order to update any At the end of 3 years, insert patient name wil be discussed plans from this review wil be actioned and a ongoing treatment regimes in light of latest evidence. Any formation regarding any changes and to let er wil be sent to both you and the patient to provide in pathway. discharge them from the trust supported self-management



For any queries, please contact our Prostate Cancer Team

on 01784 326481


Marek is contacted by a commercial organisation regarding his recent purchase and browsing history, he has sold these to his internet provider for discounted fees.

He reads over the information provided and begins to think about his risk of cancer as well as which route to take. He believes the organisations material but has never heard of them before.



During a visit to his local pharmacy, Marek utilises the on-site Solace that is for complementary public use

For any




name be actioned supported insert patientthis review will the trust 3 years, them from end of Any plans from At the discharge and to 326481 latest evidence. 01784 any changes Team on regarding Cancer our Prostate


and cancer After havingfor prostate cancer self-management prostate treatment has stable our supported onto Ray Stuart concerns topics: transferred side effects have any has now programme. the following if they and possible of this. helpline follow-up a copy which covered treatment, also has the dedicated ongoing and prognosis contact had a consultation had, any Your patient how to Their diagnosis they have report with them. – including discussed The treatmentsymptoms to and support to you what was Signs and find further help fed back which outlines to t and results Where summary appointmen treatment with an of their directly a copy may will need: contacted trials that find enclosed will be clinical care, they relevant ongoing The patient to any patient’s of 5 years. access of of your in light for a period to be offered regimes PSA tests contacted treatment information monthly may be patients any ongoingpatient to provide 0 Annual/six pathway, update patient. order to you and the and the follow-up MDT in to both the 3-year in a virtual will be sent point during ment pathway. discussed and a letter At any will be self-manage available. As part


They have • • • •


Mr Stuart



Marek begins to worry about his choices and whether he should listen to InGen or if they are just trying to make a hard sale

He poses his concern and recieves feedback based on similar concerns being raised by those in his community. He is invited to a local Cancer diagnosis workshop and screening.


I’ve heard it’s a real concern now. That anyone who vapes with one of those new ones is at serious risk of cancer!!! xx Oh! I’m not sure Mama, I always heard its the opposite and it can make me better from smoking x Call me L? xx

Layla is contacted by her Mum, who she looks up to and usually is the first point-of-call for any health issues

Layla’s Mum tells her how she has recently read about Vape products causing cancer, Layla has used vape products for a while now

Am I Is that true? then? more at risk

Layla asks her Solace about what her Mum told her regarding vape products. Since the query is generic she recieves a quick and reliable answer, however as research has not drawn any concrete conclusions she remains unsure- although, she’s now less worried than before.

She begins to worry about her risk of Cancer and whether the information her Mum gave her can be trusted

Later, Layla’s Solace contacts her regarding the Cancer workshop at her local community centre and invites her to join based on her recent enquiries

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