Graduate Showcase 2021: Pt 1

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The Glasgow School of Art







Support: GSA team


Supporting Roles + Biographies


Digital Platform


Events Programme


PR, Press and Media, Marketing and Comms


post-Graduation Support



This is the first of a series of guides to your Graduate Showcase 2021.


This part serves as an overall introduction. Further guides will be shared covering specific elements of your Showcase, and will be accessible on the Student Intranet on the Graduate Showcase page, along with a toolkit of online resources, a calendar of workshops, and opportunities for one-to-one sessions. Graduate Showcase 2021 and its events programme will be developed in conjunction with students and schools:

Digital Platform

Showcase Events

Your Events


The digital platform will feature a dedicated space for each graduating student, and students can populate and preview their pages directly. A framework of support and resources is in place for you. You should check the Student Intranet and Canvas for details. The Graduate Showcase site will be navigable by discipline, and/or by a series of thematics, which will be informed by the work of all students participating in the Graduate Showcase.

The digital platform will also host a series of 6-8 online events, including a launch, and events from each academic school. These are aimed at an international audience of industry, VIPs, gallerists, buyers, employers, funders and the GSA's wider Creative Network.

Students are also encouraged to produce and deliver their own student-led events over the Showcase and potentially beyond.

In order for you to effectively digitally document your work for uploading to the Graduate Showcase site, it may be possible to book a temporary studio space on campus.

The Graduate Showcase launches on 9 June. The events programme runs until 20 June, and the site remains online for the following 12 months.

The programme will be developed and delivered in consultation with schools and graduating students. Don't Google It, the Showcase producers and event coordinators, have begun engaging with staff in each school, and have issued a survey so that students can help shape a programme that best represents them. Ranging from key-note talks, presentations, panel discussions, Q&As, Pecha Kuchas, provocations, interviews, performances and more, the programme will comprise both live and prerecorded events. Events will be open and accessible and should ensure wide representation of participants, contributors and invited speakers.

These events - whether digital or a blend of both physical and digital - should be agreed with your tutors and Head of School and proposals should go to your academic school in the first instance to consider logistics and support e.g. social distancing restrictions, resources. We will be issuing some proformas shortly for you to complete to guide you through this process. Your student events will have access to additional support from the Producer, Curator, and Marketing and Communications and Press, Media and PR teams above the support from your School and Programme and agreed events will be promoted as part of the overall Showcase programme. TSD, Library Services, and the Graduate Showcase web designers Rectangle, can also provide various sources of technical support and advice. You should refer to the Student Intranet shortly for more details

Access to space is subject to Scottish and UK Government guidance on social distancing, and the GSA's COVID-19 risk assessments, and will be subject to an individual event risk assessment. Should you wish to install work on campus for documentation you should contact your Programme Leader for support and advice in the first instance.



Student survey issued from Don't Google It requesting student feedback to develop thematic stimuli and content of the programme of events. View here.



Workshops and other sessions with the Digital Curator, Producer and other key staff begin for students, running until June. You should refer to the Student Intranet and email for updates on the programme of activity. The upload system for the Graduate Showcase site is tested with Class and Lead reps. Feedback will be incorporated where possible into the site.



The upload site for the Showcase opens to all. A comprehensive guide on how to upload to the site is issued, along with your login details. You will be able to start to upload images, video, audio files and text to the site, and preview your page from now until the deadline.



Deadline for uploading to the Showcase to allow for site testing, further build and event population.



- 20


Graduate Showcase kicks off with a launch event, followed by an aftershow party online event from GSASA, supported by the GSA and Friends of Glasgow School of Art. The Showcase runs for ten days and will close with a closing event and GSASA Aftershow.



GSA TEAM A range of support for students, including promotion, advertising and PR for the Showcase, will be supplied by staff from the GSA's Marketing and Communications, Library and Learning Resources, TSD, Creative Network, Exhibitions, and Enterprise Studio. Staff within your academic school will provide you with a range of support as they would usually do for your physical Degree Show. Overleaf, you'll find details of additional specialist staff who have been brought in to complement our existing expertise.

Academic Schools

Technical Services

Library Services

All academic schools will provide students with a range of support to deliver the Graduate Showcase including support for work, curation, ethics and events. Refer to your tutors and Head of School for guidance.

TSD support is available to book via Connect 2, and staff have also produced a range of helpful resources available via Canvas.

The Library Services team will be sharing a range of sessions and resources designed to assist with skills development, and advice regarding your uploads to the showcase. See Canvas and the Student Intranet for details.

Creative Network, Enterprise Studio + Exhibitions

Marketing + Communications

Creative Network, Enterprise Studio and Exhibitions staff will provide resources and assistance for skills development relating to your Showcase via the Student Intranet.

Marketing and Communications staff will manage the digital platform, launch and events, marketing and promotion, and press and media relations for the Showcase.

Additional Specialists We have brought in additional specialists to support you, and to complement our existing community of specialist staff. Details next >>

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in addition, additional specialist staff have been brought in to support students with the curation of your showcases, producing a programme of events, and maximising your reach and impact:

The Digital Curator will host a series of workshops and oneto- one/mentoring sessions with students to support you in the curation and selection of your work in digital space.



Digital Curator

Press, Media + PR Additional PR staff will complement the GSA’s existing Press and Media lead, delivering a high profile campaign, and targeting media in the digital space, extending the reach of the Showcase and events.

Producer + Event Co-ordinator The Producer will produce a core programme of events, in partnership with schools, programmes and students. In addition they will provide support for students with fringe events around the Graduate Showcase. They will be supported by an Event Coordinator to ensure smooth running of events.

Workshops Workshop sessions and opportunities for one-toones with the Curator, Producer and Press and PR team will be held. Details on how to access these will be announced on the Student Intranet.


BIOGRAPHIES Susanna Beaumont Digital Curator Susanna Beaumont is a curator, producer and mentor who has been brought in to work with students on the Graduate Showcase 2020.

Susanna is an energetic thinker and innovator. She is passionate about advocacy, reaching a wide public audience and supporting the contemporary.

She has wide-reaching experience of working with artists and designers to deliver site-specific projects, commissions and exhibitions in Scotland and beyond. In 2018 Susanna launched Design Exhibition Scotland, a pioneering project that celebrates exceptional objects and ideas for the everyday. Celebrating experimentation, excellence and exploration through debate, exhibitions, conversation and public advocacy, DES aims to raise the profile of the energetic brilliance of the many contemporary designers, makers and artists working across Scotland today. Design Exhibition Scotland has presented two showcases of design to a wide public audience – DES 2018 and DES 2019 & presented DES Debates at Edinburgh’s Lyon & Turnbull. In April 2020, Susanna launched DES, a new online journal & design showcase & a series of Studio Visits via Zoom.

She is currently mentor to GSA 2020 product design graduates Catriona Brown & Alistair Byers. Susanna was the founder director of doggerfisher in Edinburgh (20002010) the celebrated contemporary gallery where she championed the early careers of many now critically acclaimed artists. Other positions include director of Frith Street Gallery, London; guest curator at Jupiter Artland; acting director Outset Scotland and mentor to the Fleming-Wyfold Foundation. In 2016 she co-curated with Amanda Game NL20 commissions to celebrate the 20th anniversary of North Lands Creative Glass, working with the artist designer maker, Geoffrey Mann, on a sitespecific installation for Dovecot, Edinburgh. She has also worked as a journalist & arts writer. She was art editor of The List & more recently wrote at catalogue essay for Sara Barker’s exhibition at Cample Line in Dumfries. She is a board member of Collective, a publicly funded contemporary art gallery on Edinburgh’s Calton Hill and a trustee of Outset Scotland.

Don't Google It Producer/ Event Coordinator

Rectangle Developers/Designers

O'Leary Jeffs PR

Don't Google It have been brought in to work with you and your academic school and you to shape the programme of events for this year’s Graduate Showcase.

Rectangle will be building the Graduate Showcase web platform 2021.

Owen O'Leary and a team of freelancers will support GSA's Press and Media Manager by targeting media in the digital space, extending the reach of the showcase and events.

A bit about Don’t Google It (DGI). We’re a group of programmers based between Glasgow and London. DGI is an online platform which presents nuanced and complex socio-political discourse. We commission artists, community organisers, researchers, academics (and more) to create visual and audio episodes. Series 1: Institutions was released in February 2021, and Series 2: Toolkits is coming in late April. Have a look at what we do on

Rectangle is a graphic and interaction design studio based in Glasgow, Scotland and founded by Daniel Powers and Lizzie Malcolm in 2017. They work with information and technology and content and form to develop projects in various media. They write software, build tools, create archives, design interfaces and explore technologies. All projects are designed and developed in-house. Outcomes encompass the physical and digital. Computation is central, but not always visible. Both Lizzie and Dan teach Interaction Design and Coding in the Non Linear Narrative masters programme at the KABK in The Hague. Dan previously taught in the Interaction Design department at ArtEZ in Arnhem for 8 years and Lizzie in the bachelor programme for Graphic Design at the KABK for 4 years, as well as the the Communication Design department at The Glasgow School of Art for 2 years. More at:

Following years working with the world’s largest arts festival, Owen built on his passion for working with artists and supporting organisations by delivering local, national and international coverage for a range of clients, specialising in design, architecture, visual art and the environment. From putting degree shows on the front page of daily newspapers to Scottish design talent in spreads of Vogue and contemporary Scottish craft in a range of international titles, Owen’s artist first approach continues to find new ways to champion cultural work and share it with the widest possible audience. Projects include: Art Night 2021 Lofoten International Arts Festival Block Universe E-WERK Luckenwalde CAMPLE LINE Fruitmarket Gallery Collective SCAN LUX Scotland Eden Project Hospitalfield

DIGITAL PLATFORM Uploading to the platform

What can I upload?

Themes and Navigation

Deadlines and Lifespan

In the last week of April you will receive a login for access to your page on the Graduate Showcase digital platform, following testing of the upload process with Class and Lead Reps.

Most image, audio, and video file formats are acceptable and a full technical guide will be issued with your login details. However you should consider what best represents your work in a digital space. You can work with your tutor and local school staff, TSD and Library staff, and the Digital Curator to explore how to present the best showcase of you and your work.

Your page will appear under your programme on the Graduate Showcase digital platform, and be searchable by name or discipline. However the Curator and Producer are also exploring a series of themes and provocations which you will be able to tag in your work. These themes will be used for PR and social media, and are designed to give the showcase and your page an extensive life outwith the 10 day main event.

We ask that your page is finished by 31 May to allow Rectangle and GSA staff to thoroughly test and review the site before launch.

A full guide will be sent with the login, but in summary the platform works as follows:

Events The home page of the Showcase will feature listings for the programme of live and pre-recorded events, links to your events, and embedded streams of the live events.

You can upload, test and replace as much as you like on your page until the upload deadline on 30 May. You should also caption/give context to your work. Large videos can be embedded from Vimeo or YouTube, and audio can be linked from Bandcamp etc. Other web-based platforms can be integrated, and full guidance will be issued with your login in the last week of April. There is no limit to the number of items that you can upload to your page, however again you may want to ask for guidance on this and what works best to engage an external audience.

About You You should upload a short biography/statement to your page, along with any of your social media or web links. Guidance on writing this will be available from schools and from the Student Intranet Graduate Showcase pages.

Can I sell items in the showcase? You can price items and refer buyers to your email but there will not be a shopping cart on the Graduate Showcase digital platform. You may wish to explore setting up a personal or programme/group store e.g.on Etsy/Bigcartel. This can be linked to your page, and we can also centrally promote these stores via social media. Guidance on setting up stores will be found shortly on the Graduate Showcase pages on the Student Intranet. You might also want to consider adding to your page, if appropriate, links to crowdfunding sites for projects in which you feature.

You can continue to upload to your page after launch. The digital platform will be regenerated weekly to ensure the Showcase is kept up to date. The Showcase will be live until May 2022, after which it will be archived.

EVENTS PROGRAMME Graduate Showcase Events On April 20, Don't Google it are sending a short survey to students asking for your input into what you want to see represented in your Showcase programme. In addition, a series of workshops and consultation sessions begins from Monday 26 April. The dates and Zoom links for these will be added to the Student Intranet. From this period of research and consultation with students and schools, the Producer and Curator will develop a clear programme structure for students to allow you access support help you represent your work effectively on the online platform or main programme of events.

Your Events Programming for the Showcase will comprise 6-8 core, curated events, alongside student-led fringe events.

Events run from the launch on 9 June, until the closing event on 20 June. We will work with students to ensure considered representation and diversity of voice Events will comprise a mix of key-note talks, presentations, panel discussions, Q&As, Pecha Kuchas, provocations, interviews, performances and more. Access services will be embedded into events (BSL, speech to text, live-captioning, audio description, etc). A ‘support’ or ‘introduction’ piece from a student will be programmed before each main event. The GSA's industry contacts and networks will be utilised for speakers and content. Events will be a mix of live and pre-recorded. All events are free. Special focus will be given to the launch and closing events. GSASA will support the opening and closing events with an online 'Afterparty' - details soon from the GSASA.

Students are also encouraged to produce and deliver their own studentled events over the Showcase and potentially beyond. These events - whether digital or a blend of physical and digital - should be agreed with your tutors and Head of School and proposals should go to your academic school in the first instance to consider logistics and support e.g. social distancing restrictions, resources. We will be issuing some proformas shortly for you to complete to guide you through this process. Your student events will have access to additional support from the Producer, Curator, and Marketing and Communications and Press, Media and PR teams above the support from your School and Programme and agreed events will be promoted as part of the overall Showcase programme. TSD, Library Services and the Graduate Showcase web designers Rectangle, can also provide various sources of technical support and advice. You should refer to the Student Intranet shortly for more details.

Careers Advice and Support

In addition to TSD and Library pages on Canvas, and support from your programme, there are a range of tools on the Student Intranet to help guide you through preparing for your showcase. These will be added to over May, and already include:

You can also book one-to-one sessions with the GSA Careers Advisor to discuss your CV or creative practice statement, for use on the Showcase or for applications.


Adobe Creative Suite Guides Building a Website Documenting and Recording Your Work

Creative Network Professional Social Media Communication Channels for Students Digital Curation Writing an Artist Statement Identifying and Understanding your Audience Instagram Professional Practice Writing Your Design/Artist CV Writing Your Creative Practice Statement Useful Websites Video - Portfolio Tips by Kat Loudon

These are all accessible on the Graduate Showcase pages on the Student Intranet.

To arrange this, contact Lesley Black

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Resources - Student Intranet

Marketing + Communications

Our internal Press and Media lead, alongside the additional PR team, will promote the overall Graduate Showcase, the programme of events, and student-led fringe activity.

The GSA's Marketing and Communications team will work with the web designers, Rectangle, to produce the Graduate Showcase digital platform.

They will put out calls directly to staff and students for potential stories and images from end April/beginning of May.


As other opportunities come along for press and media, we will make them available to students.

Additional promotion and support will include: An online teaser campaign for the showcase starting in May, with ongoing social campaigns until the end of June. Digital and printed invitations to events to the School's' Creative Network contacts, with input from academic schools and students. A mix of printed and digital advertising and promotion, including large-scale outdoor advertising in Glasgow. A media partnership with The Skinny, featuring guides to the Showcase and more. Writing, images and photography will be student-led with professional skills development from The Skinny editorial team. Advertising in the Guardian online and print editions. World promotion on key international social channels.

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Press and Media + PR



Funding is also available for postGraduate Showcase activity, with support from your academic school. In previous years this has been used by graduating students to support attendance at showcases such as New Designers, and the production of catalogues. You should contact your Programme Leader with any opportunities or queries.

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The GSA's Careers Service, Enterprise Studio, Creative Network and Exhibitions teams are working together to develop a mentoring programme for our 2021 graduates, and series of career-focused events and talks. We will be in touch with programme details via the GSA Creative Network, so please ensure that we have an up to date personal contact email for you.

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