A-Z of The Glasgow School of Art, 2023/24.

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Welcome to The Glasgow School of Art (GSA). This short A-Z guide is designed to help you with just some of the things you might need to know at the GSA, or explain some terms that you might not be familiar with. This guide is not exhaustive, and there will be much more to discover during your time as a student at the GSA. You will find more information on Canvas, the Student Intranet, from your department, tutors and other staff and students.

Any term mentioned in italics has its own entry in this guide.

Our Community

Working with difference and promoting equality underpins our ambition and purpose. Our studio-based learning, research and collaboration transforms thinking and our individual and collective contributions influence the day to day lives of people across local and global communities.

As a community we are committed to creating and sustaining learning and working environments where difference is respected and the widest possible range of cultural and social perspectives are valued. We treat each other fairly, according to need, and minimise barriers to participation for all. By fostering environments in which difference nourishes new questions and possibilities, and where respect is a catalyst for the removal of barriers, we support the learning and development of individuals and our collective contribution to the common good.

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art 2023
A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Academic Registry

Academic Registry is responsible for ensuring your student record is kept up-to-date with your personal details and academic progress, from the point of admission and enrolment through to graduation.

Academic Registry is located at 6 Rose Street, Level 3 (next door to the GFT). Office hours are: Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 17.00 excluding public holidays.

Academic Registry can be found on the Student Intranet under Professional Support.

Accessing Buildings

All GSA students and staff have a card that allows them access to our buildings. You will receive this during enrolment on campus.

You should keep this card safe and bring it with you to access any buildings on the GSA’s campuses in Glasgow and the Highlands.

To gain access to buildings you will need to swipe your card at the entrance and again to pass through safety barriers.

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Email: registry@gsa.ac.uk Phone: +44(0) 141 353 4512

Accessing Buildings continued

You should not admit anyone who is not a student or staff member into GSA buildings, and all staff and students should swipe their own card to gain entry to buildings and barriers and again to exit. Guest access must be arranged with the your Programme Leader and the Estates department in advance.

If you have trouble entering a building or if you an encounter an issue gaining access, contact the Reid Building reception. You can do this by visiting the reception, or by calling 0 from any internal phone within the school. If you attend the Highlands Campus, you can report to the Altyre campus offices where a member of staff will be able to assist.

See also Student Card, Student Card Loss/ Replacement and Enrolment.


If you are living in GSA Halls of Residence, please see the GSA Halls entry in this guide for more information. To speak to someone in the GSA Halls of Residence Accommodation Office, you can contact accommodation@gsa.ac.uk

Student Welfare can provide advice and guidance to students looking for or living in privately rented accommodation. They have a range of guidance available on the Student Intranet which provide a useful overview of renting in the private sector as well as links to a range of resources and support.

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Accommodation continued

If you have a specific issue or question or would like to speak to someone in Student Welfare about your accommodation, please email welfare@gsa.ac.uk .


All students who study a programme at the GSA for three months or more are considered to be GSA alumni and an essential part of the GSA’s Creative Network.

See Creative Network and Enterprise Studio.

Archives & Collections

A key resource for your learning, teaching and research. GSA’s Archives & Collections comprise a wide range of material - from GSA’s institutional archives to artworks, architectural drawings, textiles, sculpture, ceramics, metalwork, plaster casts, photographs, furniture and a large number of items by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Based in The Whisky Bond at Speirs Locks (see Campus Map) on the Forth and Clyde Canal, just a short walk from Garnethill, GSA’s Archives & Collections are open Monday to Friday 10.00-16.00. Please get in touch to make an appointment before visiting so we can prepare material for you and ensure staff are on hand to help.

Email: archives@gsa.ac.uk

Website: gsaarchives.net

Phone: +44(0) 141 566 1418

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Barnes Building

9-11 West Graham Street, Glasgow G4 9LE

See Campus Map for all buildings and functions.

Blythswood House/Offices

200 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 4DQ

See Campus Map for all buildings and functions.

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is the GSA’s governing body. It carries the ultimate responsibility for our overall strategic direction and for the management of our finances, property and affairs. The Board of Governors arranges an annual Stakeholder Meeting for staff, students, members of the public and our wider community, to hear reports from The Chair of the Board of Govenors and the GSA Director on the year’s activities, achievements and performance.

Board of Studies

See Student Voice

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Bourdon Building

Renfrew Street, Glasgow, G3 6NU

The Bourdon Building is the principal base of the Mackintosh School of Architecture studios and workshops.

The GSA Library is based in the Bourdon (South) Building.

See Campus Map for all buildings and functions.

British Sign Language (BSL)

The GSA has published a BSL Plan demonstrating how the GSA will fulfil its obligation under the BSL (Scotland) Act 2015.

See also Supporting Students with Disability.

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Campus Map

We have two Campus Maps for our campuses in Glasgow and the Highlands. You should refer to the online campus map for details about the the GSA’s locations, buildings, departments and functions within them.

Our Campus Maps are available on Canvas and the Student Intranet.

Campus Tour

Join a guided video tour of the GSA campus in Glasgow. The tour visits studios, the Library and workshops, and is led by GSA’s Student Ambassadors Martha & Maja, third year students in Painting & Printmaking and Architecture. You can also explore the workshops and studios on campus in 360 degrees in the Technical Support Department panoramas.gsa.ac.uk

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Canvas is the GSA’s learning management system where you will find your course reading lists and digital resources. You will be enrolled on a separate Canvas course for each elective you take as well as your main programme. Information from the Technical Support Department, Library, Media Studio, GSA Students’ Association, Learning Support, and school communities can also be found on Canvas. Once you are inside Canvas just click on ‘Courses’ from the side menu to see all your enrolments.

Your username and password allowing you to access Canvas are provided to you by Registry shortly before enrolment. You can then go to canvas.gsa.ac.uk or download the Canvas app and search for The Glasgow School of Art.

Also see Courses and Intranet.

Before you are enrolled at the GSA and have full access to Canvas you can access limited, relevant information on the Pre-Enrolment Gateway.

Website: canvas.gsa.ac.uk

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Part of Enterprise Studio. This service offers support including bespoke careers guidance and advice, via one- to-one guidance appointments, professional practice seminars, events, vacancy sharing and links to creative career resources and opportunities. You can find out more about the Careers Service and Enterprise Studio on the Student Intranet

See also Enterprise Studio

Email: careers@gsa.ac.uk

Follow GSA Careers Service: gsacareers.wordpress.com

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Centre For Advanced Textiles (CAT)

CAT is the GSA’s resource for research into the application of digital textile technologies and provides digital textile printing for education, research and a commercial service to industry and individuals. It is the home of Classic Textiles, a collection of 20th century iconic designs recreated and produced using state of the art digital printing technology, including designs by Lucienne Day and Robert Stewart.

CAT offers a volunteer placement programme to all GSA students interested to learn more about the process within the textile industry, with the opportunity to pursue a personal project during their time at the Centre.

In addition, the CAT Bursary is awarded each year to a Year 4 Textile or Fashion Design student. The successful candidate receives digital print credit, consultation time with expert staff and a cash lump sum to support the production of their Degree Show collection.

Instagram: @catdigital @catdigital_ bursary

Website: catdigital.co.uk classictextiles.com

Blog: centreforadvanced textilesbursaryaward .wordpress.com

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China: Representative Office

The GSA Archives and Collections reveal that the GSA hosted visiting Chinese painters from The Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) as far back as 1902. Since 2009, the GSA has had a Representative Office in Beijing that supports partnership work in China. Our Chinese partners Tsinghua, CAFA and Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts have participated in staff and student Exchange, and we work with many other Chinese partners on collaborative activity.

新浪微博 (Official Weibo Account): 英国格拉斯哥美术学院中文微博

Homepage (Webpage Version): https://weibo.com/glasgowschoolofart/home

Homepage (Mobile Version): http://weibo.cn/glasgowschoolofart

微信公众平台 (Official Wechat Account): 英国格拉斯哥美术学院 (glasgowschoolofart)

Class Meetings

See Student Voice.

Class Reps

See Student Voice.

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Our students and staff benefit from being part of a vibrant creative community within and outwith the GSA, including our neighbours in the city of Glasgow and local communities around our Highlands and Islands campus in Forres.

Creative Network

The GSA Creative Network has been established to create a vibrant and dynamic approach to supporting and maintaining relationships within our global network of students and graduates. If you attended the GSA for three months or more you are automatically eligible to become a part of this community - a Creative Network of over 22,000 GSA students, graduates, industry partners, collaborators and supporters. Spanning all disciplines, representing a multitude of industries and residing in over 95 countries around the world, the Network aims to connect a large and diverse creative community through virtual and real-life local, national and global activities, networks and groups. GSA graduates are valued members of our Network and continue to have access to a range of services and support which are also available to you while you are a student at the GSA.

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These include Enterprise Studio, the Library and additional networking and marketing support. GSA graduates also receive our quarterly Creative Network e-bulletins and either a digital or print version of our twice yearly Creative Network magazine, Flow (see below).

See also Alumni, Working Space and Live Map.

Community Engagement

The GSA has a dedicated Community Engagement Officer working with our local community to develop a range of projects and initiatives that bring together our students with local residents, businesses and the Garnethill and the Blythswood and Broomielaw Community Councils. Students who are living in Garnethill and Blythswood and Broomielaw Community Council areas can also join the Community Council.

Website: garnethill community.


communitycouncil.org.uk/ blythswood andbroomielaw

Twitter: @GsaCommunity Flow

The GSA Creative Network magazine, issued twice per year in print and regularly as an e-bulletin. Submit your stories to marketing@gsa.ac.uk

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Creative Network continued

The GSA Student Intranet is a source of news and core non-learning resources which will be important to you throughout your studies. It includes information about the Academic Registry, Fees & Finance, Health and Safety and Student Support and much more. Log in to the Student Intranet using your GSA student email address and password once these have been issued to you. For learning resources students should access Canvas. You should log in to the Student Intranet regularly for up-to-date news, opportunities and information, and to Canvas for programme and learning information.

Instagram Takeovers

The GSA Instagram account runs takeovers for up to two weeks, reflecting life at the GSA as widely as possible, and providing a showcase for projects, events and departments. Recent takeovers have focused on student exhibitions, collaborative projects, technical facilities and much more. As a student, you can propose a takeover of the account to tell the story of a project, either by yourself or as part of a group. To get involved, and to find out more, contact marketing@gsa.ac.uk

Follow on Instagram @glasgowschoolart

Website: studentintranet. gsa.ac.uk

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By setting up your own LinkedIn account and registering The Glasgow School of Art as your place of study you will have access to a database of over 11,500 fellow students and graduates that are also registered. Use the platform to promote your work, share your ideas and explore our alumni database to find connections from across our Creative Network.

See also Creative Network and Enterprise Studio.

Live Map

The GSA’s Live Map is a useful resource for preparing for life as a student at the GSA. Based on a Google Maps format, it offers a student’s guide to places of interest, music venues, galleries and creative spaces in our campus locations in Glasgow and the Highlands and Islands, as well as providing a visual insight into our global Creative Network and connections.

Website: linkedin.com/ school/the-glasgow -school-of-art/


Student Intranet see Creative Network

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GSA Hub gathers public social media posts from across the GSA community, including posts by students, staff, and graduates, in one place. Take a look at what is happening both on and off campus right now, among the many locations in which our community live, work and study. Share your work on the GSA Hub via Instagram or Twitter via #glasgowschoolofart or #GSofA .

The GSA Hub can be found at the bottom of the homepage of the Student Intranet.

News from the GSA

This weekly communication circulated to all staff and students, usually on a Monday afternoon provides institutional news, as well as information about relevant events and projects being undertaken by students, staff, alumni and other parts of our Creative Network. It’s really useful for keeping up to date with what’s going on across the GSA community.

Staff and students are welcome to submit material for consideration for News from the GSA. If you have something you wish to submit, please complete the Event Promotion form on the Marketing pages of the Student Intranet

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You will be issued with an official GSA student email address ending gsa.ac.uk. You should check this regularly, as important information about your studies and all email communication from the GSA will be sent to this address, and only this address. If you prefer to receive all information to your personal email account you should set your GSA account up to automatically forward to your preferred address. This includes e-bulletins featuring GSA news, important announcements, upcoming events and opportunities.

Social Media


22 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art @GSofA @glasgowschoolart
/glasgowschoolofart glasgowschoolofart/photos/glasgowschoolart @glasgowschoolart /GlasgowSchoolofArt


Although we would hope that complaints can be resolved by speaking directly to your tutor or Programme Leader, a formal complaint procedure and online form is available for students, staff or the general public to register a formal complaint.

Connect 2

Connect 2 is the booking system for all TSD/Workshop resources. You can use the system to book consultations with a technician, equipment, inductions and workshop slots. You can also use Connect 2 to book study spaces in the GSA Library.

See also Workshops, Technical Services Department, TSD Bureau, Induction.

Counselling / Mental Health & Wellbeing

The GSA Counselling service offers students the opportunity to talk through personal and troubling issues in a safe and confidential environment with a professionally trained counsellor. Appointments can be made via the Student Support Bookings Portal, and you can find links to this on the relevant Student Support pages of the Student Intranet. Similarly, Mental Health & Wellbeing are on hand to provide support to students with long-term conditions, current issues or difficult circumstances. More information can be found on the Student Support Services pages on the Student Intranet

Website: gsa.ac.uk/ complaints

Website: tsdbookings.gsa. ac.uk/connect2

Email: counselling@gsa.ac.uk

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You are enrolled on to a programme of study but there are courses, some elective, some compulsory that form part of your study at the GSA. The list of courses you are enrolled on is available by clicking on the ‘courses’ menu item on Canvas. All courses available in your programme of study can be found in your programme handbook. They comprise a wide range of non-studio based courses on specialist topics including history and theory. Reading lists for all courses are also available to view on Canvas, or by visiting gsa.keylinks.org

Also see Reading Lists.

Cultural Engagement

Cultural Engagement activity at the GSA includes a series of Public Lectures and a range of events during the year seeking to celebrate, challenge, inspire and inform the next generation of artists and designers, engage with our local and national community, and encourage our students’ creative voice.

See also Race, Rights and Sovereignty also Events and Talks.

Website: gsa.keylinks.org

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Degree Shows

The GSA usually holds two Degree Shows each year. Degree Show, usually held in May, is the annual exhibition featuring work from final year undergraduate students and two-year postgraduate programmes including the MFA and MDes Communication Design. The MFA Show runs in parallel with the undergraduate show and usually in an off-campus exhibition space.

Postgraduate Degree Show is the annual exhibition of work from graduating one-year postgraduate students and is usually held in August/September.

Both shows are supported by dedicated Showcase websites which contain pages created and curated by exhibiting students showcasing their degree shows and professional portfolios and projects.

Degree Shows can be physical or digital, or a combination of both. Where, due to circumstances outwith the control of the GSA, a physical show or event is not possible, alternative arrangements will be put in place.

Direct Entry Student

A direct-entry student is a student who started their studies at the GSA in the second or third year of their undergraduate programme. There are a lot of direct entrystudents at the GSA. They usually join us from further education colleges, Foundation courses, other art schools and universities, and elsewhere.

Website:: gsashowcase.net/ gsapostgradshowcase.net

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Penny Macbeth is the GSA Director.

Deputy Directors

Rachel Dickson is the GSA’s Deputy Director, Academic.

Irene McAra McWilliam is the GSA’s Deputy Director, Research and Innovation.

Supporting Students with Disabilities

Students who have a physical or sensory impairment, medical condition, specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia or long term mental health condition, can contact our Learning Support and Development Service to explore how disability related needs might be met in the context of learning at the GSA. You can find our Disability Disclosure form on the Student Intranet.

See also BSL Plan.

Website: See Directorate pages on Student Intranet

Instagram: @penny.macbeth

Email: learningsupport @gsa.ac.uk

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Registering with a Doctor (GP)

All GSA students are encouraged to register with a Doctor (GP) once they have enrolled (see Enrolment), many of our students register online at Woodside Health Centre with Dr Leslie and Partners.

However you can register with a GP of your choice, and it’s a good idea to register with a GP close to your accommodation, so you can access healthcare easily when you are unwell.

NHS Inform has information about registering with a GP practice in your local area.

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Discretionary Funds

The Discretionary Funds are hardship funds allocated by the Scottish Government via the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) and administered by The Glasgow School of Art. The funds are intended to provide assistance to students in financial difficulties, to enable them to access and continue in Higher Education. These funds may be awarded to contribute towards essential living costs such as food, rent and utility bills. Funds cannot be awarded to pay for tuition fees, studio fees or material costs.

Discretionary Funds are available for UK students in receipt of the maximum amount of funding available to them from their UK Student Funding body.

International, EU and students not in receipt of Student Finance can consider applying to the Short Term Assistance Grant.

See Student Intranet for more information about Discretionary Funds. If you have any questions please contact welfare@gsa.ac.uk

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art


Employability and Enterprise

Part of Enterprise Studio. Get involved with a comprehensive range of enterprise and business focused seminars, projects, the SHIFT programme, Working Space, networking opportunities, creative and business competitions, business advice (including self-employment, business start-up and social enterprise) and sources of funding and support.

Contact: Libby Anson, Student Employability & Enterprise Manager, l.anson@gsa.ac.uk

See also Enterprise Studio.

Website: gsacareers.


Instagram: enterprisestudio_gsa

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Enrolment is in two parts.

1. Before you arrive on campus, Academic Registry will contact you by email, asking you to complete online registration. Once you have done this, you will be able to access your student email and Canvas sites including the GSA Induction site which will help you orientate yourself to life and study at the GSA.

2. At the start of the Academic Session you will receive your Student ID card. Academic Registry will email new students with details on how to collect their cards prior to the start of the session.

See Student Card.

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The Enterprise Studio provides a range of employability, entrepreneurial and careers support, information, activity and advice to GSA students at any stage of their learning experience during their studies and professional life. Enterprise Studio has two core areas of practice:

GSA Careers Service for Advice, Careers Development and Opportunities

Find out what career and professional practice opportunities are available to you as a GSA student or graduate. Arrange a meeting, attend, tweet, like, or follow the GSA Careers Service. Support available includes bespoke careers guidance and advice, via one-to-one guidance appointments, professional practice seminars, events, vacancy sharing and links to creative career resources. Contact: Lesley Black, GSA Careers Adviser careers@gsa.ac.uk

Website: gsacareers. wordpress.com

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Enterprise for Innovation - Making Your Ideas Happen and Launching Your Creative Business

Instagram: @enterprisestudio_gsa

If you are thinking of starting your freelance career as a professional creative practitioner, or starting your own creative business as a commercial venture or social enterprise, you can arrange a one-to-one session to discuss your ideas. You can also access a range of enterprise and business-focused seminars, projects, networking opportunities, workshop programmes, creative business competitions and awards, business advice and funding opportunities. Contact: Libby Anson, Student Employability & Enterprise Manager, enterprise@gsa.ac.uk

Find the Enterprise Studio online at gsacareers.wordpress.com or the Student Intranet.

See also Careers Service.

Equality and Diversity

The GSA is committed to creating and sustaining learning environments where difference is respected and the widest possible range of cultural and social perspectives are valued. Our Equality Outcomes Plan can be found online. For more information on Equality work at the GSA equality@gsa.ac.uk

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Enterprise Studio continued

Estates Department

This department maintains the buildings on campus as well as overseeing a programme of improvements to the campuses including sustainability and energy management.

The Estates Department ensure that students and staff work and study in a safe environment, are responsible for, among other things, the GSA’s Health and Safety processes, facilities management and our Janitorial and Cleaning teams.

Any issues with any of our buildings should be reported to a staff member who will in turn log on the Estates help desk for action.

See also Green Team, Health and Safety and Janitors and Cleaners.

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Events and Talks

The GSA’s four schools host guest lectures and visiting speakers throughout the academic year, open to all students. Details of these opportunities are shared via your student email and Canvas. Regular events include the School of Fine Art programme of Friday Events, the Architecture Friday Lecture series, the Race, Rights and Sovereignty series and Working Space talks and events. Information about events and talks run by your school or programme will be communicated to you via your student email or Canvas. Cross-school and public events are publicised in the Staff and Student Bulletin, News from the GSA, which is usually circulated to all staff and students every Monday.

See also Exhibtions, Community.


The Glasgow School of Art has an extensive student and staff exchange programme with over 75 of the world’s leading Art, Design and Architecture schools. These partnerships have been built up over a number of years through academic relationships and collaborations and extend to all corners of the world. Students must apply to the School through a specific exchange application process (for both incoming and outgoing students), and must be studying at a registered exchange partner.

Search our exchange partner directory online and look for partner institutions you may be interested in applying to.

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Exchange continued

Exchanges happen in all of our Schools and typically last for a single semester. Applications are made in the year prior to the student’s Exchange taking place. Students studying BEng/MEng Product Design Engineering can also participate in Exchange, however, this is organised by The University of Glasgow.

Contact international@gsa.ac.uk for more details.


The Glasgow School of Art Exhibitions Department curates a year-round public programme that links into GSA staff research, teaching and learning, student experience, the GSA Creative Network, our communities, contemporary practice and heritage.

See also Events and Talks and Galleries.

Twitter: @GSAExhibitions

Instagram: @GSAExhibitions

Blog: gsaexhibitions. wordpress.com

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Tuition Fees

If you are required to pay tuition fees for your programme of study these will have been advised at the point of us offering you a place to study at the GSA. Your tuition fee covers all appropriate teaching, supervision, assessment and examination relating to your programme of study. You can find Tution Fee Payment Options and more information on the Fees and Finance Student Intranet (see Fee Policy for full definition).

Additional Fees

There are additional costs of study which are either compulsory or which you may incur depending on your own choices and decisions. Information on programme fees, additional costs of study and how to pay them can be found online by visiting your Programme of study’s page on the GSA website where you will find a section on Indicative Additional Costs.

Website: see gsa.ac.uk and Student Intranet

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Fee Policy

Our Tuition Fee Policy applies to all undergraduate (UG), postgraduate taught (PGT) and postgraduate research (PGR) students studying at the GSA’s Glasgow and Highlands and Islands campuses. It also includes Associate Students studying at our partner further education colleges, although students should also refer to their College Fees Policy for fees and costs applied by their College. It does not cover students studying on our Open Studio programmes where specific fees policies apply.

The GSA Fee Policy can be found on the Finance pages of the Student Intranet.

Finance Office

The Finance Office processes payments for fees. You can pay securely online or make a bank transfer direct to GSA.

You can contact the Finance office at fees@gsa.ac.uk to discuss payment of your tuition fees.

See Online Payment of Fees

Foulis Medal

The Foulis Medal is the highest award offered to the top taught postgraduate student at the GSA and is issued annually at Graduation

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art


The Reid Gallery is GSA’s main public exhibition space and is home to GSA Exhibitions. It is home to a year round programme of public events and exhibitions and can be found on the ground floor of the Reid Building.

See Exhibitions.


Our Garnethill campus (see Campus Map) is in the heart of Garnethill, a vibrant and diverse neighbourhood in the heart of the city of Glasgow. Students living in Garnethill, Blythswood and Broomielaw areas can also participate in the local Community Council.

Also see Community.


Situated on Rose Street next door to the GSA Rose Street offices, the Glasgow Film Theatre (known as the GFT) is a national centre for film and moving image media where audiences and filmmakers experience and debate cultural practice and ideas through diverse, unique and quality programmes that transform the way people see the world, through film.

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Green Team

The Green Team is a new initiative within the Estates department which offers staff and students a forum for organising practical action towards making the GSA more sustainable. More information on how you can get involved will be communicated throughout the year.

You can get in touch with them at greenteam@gsa.ac.uk


The GSA usually holds Graduation twice a year, normally in June/July and November/December. There is no graduation fee but there will be additional costs for gown hire and photographs if attending a ceremony. Full details are sent to eligible students when they are invited to register to graduate by Academic Registry.

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The GSA Students’ Association (GSASA) is a charity which supports, represents, and advocates for students at the GSA. They develop co-curricular activities and learning programmes, as well as a number of initiatives through the Student Representative Council such as societies, campaigning and funding opportunities.

GSASA has elected student representatives who ensure that student voices and concerns are heard at the GSA. It also provides independent advice and advocacy for students at the GSA going through complaints, appeals, or disciplinary procedures. Through GSASA you will have access to a range of learning, exhibition, and programming opportunities in venues such as the project spaces and Assembly Hall.

Check out the bios for the Student Engagement team and Sabbatical Officers on Canvas and the GSASA website to find out more about the staff and officers of the Association this year.

See also Student Voice

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Student President

The Student President works with the GSA and the Students’ Association to the benefit of students across the school, with a focus on academic matters. They contribute to and influence learning and teaching strategy and lead on partnership initiatives between the Association and School. They lead the Sabbatical team to publicly represent the student voice, and advocate and campaign on issues which matter most to students. They organise student involvement in the Students’ Association and support and develop student-led structures like the SRC and student representation roles across the school. They co-develop the charitable activities of the association, and work on projects which enhance the student experience at the GSA. They represent the student voice to senior leadership of the School. They have significant governance responsibility, and sit on the Board of Governors for the GSA, and chair the Board of Trustees for the Students’ Association.

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Vice President

The Vice President works with students to develop studentled activities, events and projects. They support students to develop their professional practice outside of the curriculum, particularly through supporting and advocating for a programme which supports students learning and development, as well as their welfare. They also programme and curate talks, workshops and discussions with the Students’ Association. They promote student involvement in the Students’ Association and support and develop student-led structures within the Association like the SRC. They co-develop the charitable activities of the Association, and work on projects which enhance the student community at the GSA. They represent the student voice to senior leadership of the school. They have significant governance responsibility, and sit on the Board of Governors for GSA, and the Board of Trustees for the Students’ Association

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Student societies and groups can offer an invaluable perspective and you will have the opportunity to hear from many of GSASA’s current societies during Freshers’ Week and beyond. What’s unique about the majority of student societies at the GSA is that their interests and concerns are not tethered to the concerns of studio specific disciplines. Instead, societies at the GSA address interests, concepts and ideas for which there is no dedicated, formal provision. Current societies include the likes of GSA Christian Union, Grupa (Central & Eastern European Society) and the GSA Queer Society. For a list of societies and information on how to start one, please refer to the Students’ Association website.

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Student Representative Council

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is a student-led body in GSASA which provides funding and opportunities to students at the GSA, oversees the activities of the Students’ Association and advocates on behalf of the GSASA membership. It is an essential function of the Students’ Association, distributing funding for programming including and innovative student Initiated Project fund, a Campaigns Committee and overseeing societies activity at the school.

GSASA members can be elected to the SRC in three ways. The most common is to be elected as a class rep by their peers at the start of the academic year in elections facilitated by their programme leaders. Class reps are automatically members of the SRC and can choose which committee(s) they would like to sit on. Other GSASA members can put themselves forward for election to the SRC at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and be elected by a simple majority of those present. Finally members can stand for one of the new Liberation Officer roles. Liberation Officers have more specific roles and responsibilities and recieve an honorarium for their service. For more information on the SRC, visit the GSASA Website

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Haldane Building

30 Hill Street, Glasgow, G3 6RN

See Campus Map for all buildings and functions.

GSA Halls

For Glasgow based students we have two purpose-built site: Blythswood House and Margaret Macdonald House. Both sites are located a 3-5 minute walking distance of the main Garnethill campus. For session 2023/24 we have a partnership with IQ student Accommodation at Elgin Place. IQ Elgin Place is very close to our own halls and 3 minutes from campus.

Students at our Highlands Campus can stay at The Royal (self-catered), in a variety of private flats (self-catered) or at our new site Knockomie Inn which offers full catered experience in the town of Forres.

Our Halls of Residence have valuable inter-departmental links with the rest of the GSA including departments such as Student Support Services, Finance, Students’ Association, Student Societies and GSA Sustainability

Find the Halls of Residence Accommodation Team at Blythswood House, 200 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 4DQ.

50 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art
Contact: accommodation@gsa. ac.uk Phone: +44(0)141 566 1121

Health and Safety

All of the School’s health and safety policies are available on the GSA Student Intranet and you should familiarise yourself with these. These policies include the Student Safety Guidelines, the GSA Student Guide to Lone Working and Practical Health and Safety Solutions for Art Installations. Students will be provided with induction, instructions or codes of safe practice covering various aspects of the curriculum including use of machines, hazardous substances, wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), etc. All health and safety rules must be followed, not only for your own health and safety but also that of your fellow students and others who may be affected. Key health and safety information to make yourself aware of before you arrive is also available on the Pre-Enrolment Gateway.

51 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

GSA Highlands and Islands

The Glasgow School of Art Highlands & Islands is located at the stunning category A listed Blairs Steading on the Altyre Estate near Forres. This unique campus provides high quality facilities for research and teaching in spectacular surroundings. Given its rural location, GSA Highlands & Islands is uniquely placed to offer exciting opportunities for visiting staff, students and graduates from The Glasgow School of Art and its international partners. The School of Innovation and Technology’s seasonal Winter School is also hosted here, creating a meeting point for students and faculty from institutions across the world.

For more information about the facilities and accommodation in Forres, please visit the GSA website.

The Hub Building

Pacific Quay, Glasgow, G51 1EA

Some programmes in The School of Innovation and Technology are based at The Hub Building in Glasgow’s digital media quarter.

See Campus Map for all buildings and functions.

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IA–Z of The Glasgow School of Art


During induction and throughout the first weeks of the academic year, you will be introduced to members of your programme team, facilities and more. Workshop inductions covering essential health and safety information will be provided. Other workshop inductions can be booked through Connect 2. Information about booking workshop inductions is available on the TSD canvas page including links to online training.

Also see Technical Support Department, Workshops and Health and Safety.

Support for International Students

Student Welfare offer visa and immigration information to students who are studying on a student visa. For support around VISA’s, immigration or other international issues contact welfare@gsa.ac.uk

See also Student Support Services

Email: welfare@gsa.ac.uk

54 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art


The GSA has staff and students from over 80 countries and over 75 international partners across Europe, Asia and North America. Being international is embedded in our curriculum, aiming to offer all students, regardless of their cultural, social or economic background, an intercultural experience that values both the local and the global, and prepares them for the global creative ecosystem beyond art school. Through international projects, study trips, student engagement, student exchange, history and theory with a global perspective and events and talks, students are encouraged to embrace the global nature of their discipline and the borderless nature of our shared visual language.

55 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art I


For support and advice for student email, passwords, desktop and software issues, Wi-Fi, photocopying, printing and more.

How to Log in to the IT Helpdesk

Use your GSA user name and password (the same password you use to access your GSA email and Canvas).

Here you will: Find helpful information and FAQs; Be able to log an IT support request online

You can also:

- Visit the IT service desk in person on the 2nd Floor at 6 Rose Street (next door to the GFT)

- Call +44(0)141 566 1333 (off campus), extension 1333 (on campus).

- Access the IT Helpdesk from the Intranet

IT Helpdesk: gsaservicedesk. sysaidit.com

Email: gsaitstudentdesk


Intranet: studentintranet. gsa.ac.uk

56 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art
A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Janitors and Cleaners

The GSA’s Janitorial staff (colloquially ‘the jannies’) and cleaners are the professional teams of support staff who are responsible for the smooth running of a variety of important services for the School, including cleaning, delivery of mail, general portering of goods, building support, security and to act as custodians. They will often be your first point of contact in GSA buildings, and as with all staff and students it is expected that they should be treated with respect. Janitorial staff are based in the Reid Building and can also be contacted via Reception by dialling 0 or on extension 4471. Jobs for Janitors must be logged by a member of staff on the Estates Helpdesk.

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Learning and Teaching

The GSA is committed to providing the very best learning experience for all of our students and to delivering high quality teaching and learning activities. Learning is a partnership between students and staff with students taking an active role in their learning. Students are responsible for engaging in their learning, managing their time effectively, attending teaching sessions and providing feedback on their experience to help inform enhancements.

Staff take responsibility for the quality of teaching, providing information and guidance to support learning and working in partnership with student to enhance learning and teaching practices.

Learning Support & Development

Learning Support and Development Tutors provide students with help and advice about learning at the GSA and is available to all students. Specific support is available to disabled students for example those with a long term health condition, a mental health condition, neurodiversity diagnoses such as Dyslexia, ADHD or Autism or a long term physical or sensory difficulty.

Register online to make an appointment or to access study skills support.

See also Student Support Services and Supporting Students with Disability

Email: learningsupport@ gsa.ac.uk

60 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Lead Reps

See Student Voice.

Library Services

The GSA Library Services provides a physical and virtual library and learning technology service for students. The Library’s aim is to provide access to high quality information, rich and diverse collections both physical and online, study spaces and services including comprehensive library and technology user support and training. It has one of the most comprehensive art, design and architecture collections in the UK. The Library has collections of specialist books, zines and films as well as subscriptions to a wide range of print and online journals. Find books, online resources and more at: lib.gsa.ac.uk .

You can find your specific programme reading list at: gsa.keylinks.org

See also Connect 2 and Zines

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Mackintosh Building

Following a fire in June 2018 there is no access to the Mackintosh Building. Access to the GSA’s extensive Mackintosh Archive, one of the largest Mackintosh collections in public ownership, is available through Archives & Collections.

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art N


Newbery Medal

The Newbery Medal is the highest accolade awarded to a graduating undergraduate student from the GSA. The winner is announced annually at summer Graduation.

National Student Survey

The National Student Survey (NSS) is an annual survey of nearly half a million students across the UK.

See Surveys.

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art


Online Payment of Fees

If you are eligible to pay tuition or departmental fees directly to the GSA you can do so securely online.

If you are resident in GSA Halls you can pay your rent and view information and messages about your accommodation through the Accommodation Portal. GSA Halls will provide access to the portal directly to residents.

See also Fees and Fee Policy.

Opening Hours

Opening hours and the dates the campuses are closed (see Semester Dates) change each year and you should refer to the Student Intranet for current times and dates.

Open Studio

Offering short, part-time courses for adults and children, the GSA’s Open Studio programme comprises evening, weekend and week-long learning opportunities throughout the year.

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Email: fees@gsa.ac.uk
A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Paint & Mortar

Situated on the Garnethill campus on the corner of Scott and Renfrew Street, Paint and Mortar is an independent art and design supplies store. Offering a 20% discount to all GSA students and staff on a wide range of creative materials, the shop caters for fine art, architecture and design.

Facebook: /Paint&Mortar

Instagram: @paintandmortar

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30

Saturday 12:00 to 17:00

Photocopying and printing

General printing and photocopying services are available close to your study space. Specialist and large format printing is available through the TSD bureau service.

For questions about or problems with printing, see IT Helpdesk or contact gsaitstudentdesk@gsa.ac.uk

Also see Technical Support Departments


69 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art
paintand mortar.com
Tel: +44(0)141 3326294
Email: hello@paint andmortar.com

Planet eStream

Planet eStream is GSA’s media streaming platform. You will find a large collection of art-related programmes, GSA lectures, and Hollywood films. Access is free for all GSA students, just log in using your GSA username and password at gsa.planetestream.com.

See also Library Services.


You can find various official School policies on the Student Intranet on a range of important matters including use of IT, appeals, absence and attendance.

Pre-Enrolment Gateway

If you are an Offer holder, you should visit the PreEnrolment Gateway regularly throughout the summer for online access to essential pre-arrival information including to up-to-date enrolment information from Academic Registry, induction information from your school and programme, your timetable, reading lists, Student Support Services information and more.

Once you have enrolled and have been issued with your GSA student email address and password, you will be able to access student learning resources and programme information on Canvas and news and non-learning information on the Student Intranet

Website: See Student Intranet or contact your Programme Leader.

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Pre-Sessional English

Pre-Sessional English for Creative Disciplines is a specialist language course tailored to the needs of international students who have been offered a place on an undergraduate or postgraduate course at the GSA on the condition that they improve their English up to a level required by a given GSA programme.

Programme Handbook

You should familiarise yourself with your programme handbook. It contains information to help you navigate your programme of study, including the aims, structure and credits, assessment and feedback methods, exchange opportunities, study skills advice, support and professional development opportunities.

Your Programme Handbook will be available on your Programme pages on Canvas.

Programme Leaders

Your Programme Leader has overall responsibility for all students who enrol on their programme. In practice at the GSA, students may find that their first point of contact during the course of their studies will be another member of staff, for example, a Personal Tutor, Stage Leader or Year Tutor. Clarification regarding your first point of academic contact will be provided at your programme induction

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of The Glasgow School of Art R

Race, Rights and Sovereignty

Race, Rights and Sovereignty is a series of public events encouraging audiences to consider the relationship between race, place, and creative practice established as a partnership between GSA Students’ Association (GSASA) and GSA Exhibitions. The current programme strand, Caring Between Practices, invites practitioners working at the intersections of art and somatic practices to deliver workshops, walks and talks, to help us consider how somatic and healing practices can be used as ways to care for ourselves and each other within our own practices.


RADAR is the GSA’s research repository, providing a digital archive of research and enterprise output produced by staff and postgraduate students. RADAR (which stands for Repository of Art Design Architecture Research) makes information publicly available about a wide range of research outputs, from books and journal articles to exhibitions and artefacts. Full text is available where possible, and some additional content is available on request.

Website: racerightssovereignty. com

Website: radar.gsa.ac.uk

73 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art R

Reading Lists

Find all the resources recommended for your courses and how to access them. All our resource lists are publically accessible through the Resource list website, so if you would like to see what other students will be reading/watching/listening to for their courses you can find all of our lists at gsa.keylinks.org. You can also find a list of Inclusive resources compiled by the library, and organised by discipline on our Inclusive Library Collections padlet .

For more information on navigating your resource list, and other helpful videos take a look at our Introduction to Resource Lists for Students video

Website: gsa.keylinks.org

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The GSA’s main reception is in the Reid Building, Renfrew Street. The reception desk is staffed 09.00 to 17.00 Monday to Friday and is a point of contact for visitors, students and staff and can usually help direct queries and questions. Outwith these hours the reception desk is staffed by some of the GSA’s team of janitorial staff.

Another reception is located in the Stow building and is staffed 09.00 to 17.00 Monday to Friday for visitors to that building.

All visitors, except those to the Stow building, must report to the Reid Reception, be issued with a visitor pass and be collected by the appropriate person.

Any visitors for students must be prior approved by your Programme Leader.

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Reid Building

164 Renfrew Street, Glasgow G3 6RQ

Principal base of the School of Design studios and workshops, Reid Gallery, main reception, and Director.

See Campus Map for buildings and functions.

Rose Street Offices

6 and 26 Rose Street, Glasgow G3 6RB

See Campus Map for buildings and functions.

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art R

Safe Campus

The safety and wellbeing of our creative community is our priority. It is important that together we all play our part in ensuring a safe campus for everyone. Please familiarise yourself with the safe campus guidance on the Student Intranet and Pre-Enrolment Gateway and whilst on campus please follow Safe Campus rules with regards to safe studio working, using equipment and keeping yourself and others safe.

School Forums

See Student Voice.

78 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art


Within The Glasgow School of Art, there are four schools covering specialist subject areas. Your programme of study will be based within one of these schools:

• Mackintosh School of Architecture

Based in the Bourdon Building, the Mackintosh School of Architecture (MSA) is led by Professor Sally Stewart.

• School of Design

Based in the Reid Building, the School of Design (SoD) is led by Professor Stephen Bottomley.

• School of Fine Art

Based in the Stow Building, the School of Fine Art (SoFA) is led by Professor Rebecca Fortnum.

• School of Innovation and Technology

Based in the Haldane Building, the Hub Building at Pacific Quay and at GSA Highlands and Islands, the School of Innovation and Technology is led by Professor Gordon Hush.

You can refer to Canvas for information related to your programme.

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Semester Dates

These are the (correct as at August 2023) general school semester dates for 2023/24 for all programmes with the exception of BEng/MEng Product Design Engineering, for which you should refer to information provided by the University of Glasgow.

Semester 1:

Monday 18 September 2023 – Friday 26 January 2024

Semester 2:

Monday 29 January 2024 – Friday 24 May 2024

Semester 3:

Monday 3 June 2024 – Friday 13 September 2024

View the full Semester dates calendar on the Student Intranet


Winter Break

Student Winter Break:

Monday 18 December 2023 – Friday 5 January 2024

80 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Short Term Assistance Grant (STAG Funds)

STAG Funds are hardship funds available for applications from students who are in financial hardship. They are open to applications from international and EU Students, as well as students who may not have student finance for other issues.

STAG awards are one off grants intended to pay towards essentials such as rent, utility bills and food and are not designed to pay towards course costs, fees or cover a students entire short fall.

Further information, the application form and how to apply can be found here on the Student Intranet.



Staff Student Consultative Committee (SSCC)

See Student Voice.

Stow Building

43 Shamrock Street, Glasgow, G4 9LD

The home of the School of Fine Art studios, offices, and a number of Workshops

See Campus Map for buildings and functions.

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Student Card

Your student card is issued to you when you complete your enrolment on campus. It’s important to remember your student card when you come on to campus as you’ll need it to access buildings when you attend classes, access studios or workshops or use the GSA Library.

See Accessing Buildings and Student Card Loss / Replacement.

Students’ Association


Student Card Loss/ Replacement

Please note that you cannot access to GSA buildings without your student ID card. If your card is not working please contact Registry to have it checked. If necessary you will be issued with a replacement. If you have lost your student card, please inform Registry staff immediately to allow it to be de-activated.

Normally there is a charge of £5 for a replacement card if it has been lost or forgotten.

Queries related to student ID cards should be made to registry@gsa.ac.uk

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Under the umbrella of Student Support & Development Services, the following specialist services are available to all GSA students:

• Learning Support & Development

• Student Welfare

• Counselling / Mental Health & Wellbeing

They are based in 30 Hill Street (next to the Haldane building). Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Please visit the Student Intranet to find out more about our services, to access online resources and to book an appointment with an adviser.


learningsupport @gsa.ac.uk

counselling @gsa.ac.uk


83 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art S


The Student Voice is all about student representation and engagement at the GSA. It exists to inform and empower the student body to work in partnership and take action. It is an initiative run jointly with GSASA and the Student President.

Student Voice

Class Reps

Each undergraduate and postgraduate programme identifies one Class Rep for each year group to represent students views and opinions in relation to their learning experience. There are two Class Reps for the two-year Masters Programmes. Students interested in becoming Class Reps should speak to their Head of Department/ Programme Leader. Class Reps act as an official spokesperson and representative for the students in their year group, communicating student opinion from the programme.

For further information, including details of opportunities to be a Class Rep or Lead Rep, visit the Student Voice section on Canvas

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Lead Reps

Lead Reps are senior student representatives within each of the GSA’s four academic schools. Working with Class Reps and staff within schools and professional services, Lead Reps work to promote the Student Voice across the GSA, ensuring students have a strong voice in the way the GSA works. This is a more demanding role than Class Rep, and this additional expectation and responsibility is reflected in the award of an honorarium for the role. Lead Reps are appointed through an application and short interview process, with applications made via the Student Voice Canvas site at the start of each academic session.

Class Meetings

Class Meetings are arranged at a course or programme level and are vital in ensuring ongoing and constructive communication between students and staff and between Class Reps and Lead Reps. Each department/programme will schedule their Class Meetings as appropriate, and will make sure that Class feedback relevant to the Staff Student Consultative Committee (SSCC) is taken forward by

Class Reps with the support of the Lead Rep. The Student Voice is best served when local issues are resolved locally, with prompt feedback on progress being returned to Class Reps.

Where an issue is harder to resolve or where it connects with other wider issues in the School, the SSCC is there to support at the next level.

For further information, including details of opportunities to be a Class Rep or Lead Rep, visit the Student Voice section on Canvas

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Staff Student Consultative Committee (SSCC)

Once per semester, each programme holds an SSCC meeting. Class Reps and the school’s Lead Reps attend along with staff, including Programme Leaders/Heads of School and the academic and technical staff responsible for delivering the programme.

Board Of Studies (BOS)

The Board of Studies discuss and make recommendations to the Education Committee on all matters relating to academic programmes. BOS will feedback to Class Reps on how the school/GSA has addressed the issues raised and report to the Education Committee on action taken or proposed as a result of student feedback

School Forum

Each of the GSA’s four Schools will host a School Forum once-per-semester, organised and convened by the Lead Reps and supported by the Class Reps. The School Forum is an opportunity for regular and open discussion on all matters of concern for that school.

See also Surveys

For further information, including details of opportunities to be a Class Rep or Lead Rep, visit the Student Voice section on Canvas

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Summer Schools

The School of Innovation and Technology: Summer School, based in Forres at the GSA Highlands and Islands campus, is one of two seasonal schools creating an international meeting point for students and faculty from across the world, alongside Winter School.

Enterprise Studio:

In collaboration with the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Queen Margaret University and the Creative Entrepreneurs Club, the SHIFT summer school offers a free week-long programme of activities for students and recent graduates. The programme is developed to support you to make the transition from being in education to practicing as a creative professional. SHIFT is open to creative entrepreneurs, freelancers, artists, designers, musicians, producers and performers.

Website: gsacareers. wordpress.com

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Student Conduct

The GSA requires students to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and comply with GSA policies and regulations in their day-to-day interactions and activities. Students who fail to do so may be investigated under the Student Conduct Policy and Misconduct Procedure and sanctions may be imposed as a result.

You can find the Student conduct and Misconduct Procedure on the Student Intranet.

Student Welfare

Based in Student Support Services, our Student Welfare team offer support and advice on practical issues including accommodation, funding and finances, childcare and the practicalities of being a student. They also provide support and advice to international students around VISA’s, US Loans and other common subjects. You can also access advice and support for Care Experienced students and Looked After Young People. You can find more information about Student Welfare services and resources on the Student Intranet


Students should familiarise themselves with studio rules, posted in every studio, and local rules, which will be provided during Induction

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Email: welfare@gsa.ac.uk

Study Abroad

Study Abroad is our fee-paying programme for incoming students only, which is an alternative option of single semester or full-year study for students who do not come from one of our Exchange Partners. Study Abroad students will only be considered for Years 2 or 3. Study Abroad students will be entered into the most appropriate year entry point based on their portfolio and application. Contact international@gsa.ac.uk for more details.


The Student Experience Survey is part of the GSA’s ongoing work to enhance the student experience and support students to have a strong voice in shaping that experience. The survey is just one of the many ways in which we work with and listen to students’ views and experiences of life at the GSA.

Undergraduate students in years 1–3 and all postgraduate students are invited to complete the Student Experience Survey, which takes place once per academic year. Additionally postgraduate students are invited to take part in the Postgraduate Student Experience Survey which occurs at the end of their studies. Final year undergraduate students are invited to take part in the National Student Survey (NSS), a UK-wide, independent survey.

See Student Voice for more details.

Website: thestudent survey.com

89 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art S

GSA Sustainability

GSA Sustainability supports GSA’s staff and students investigating environmental impacts and social justice within the materials they use and the subjects of their practice and recognises that environmental and social justice – issues such as race, gender, class, sexuality and other characteristics - are intersectional and must be addressed together.

Design offers the chance to remake a more equitable society: Creative people are central to alerting us to that need to change and emotionally connecting us to it.

GSA Sustainability works in partnership across the GSA community and curriculum and globally within art, design and architecture. Students are supported through funding, awards, and advice. The programme also brings in speakers, workshops and films to encourage a questioning, positive, discipline-led approach.

Website: gsasustainability. org.uk

Twitter: @GSoASustain

Instagram: @gsasustainability facebook.com/ SustainabilityAtGSA

90 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Sustainability in Action Group (SiAG)

The GSA’s student and staff environmental group, Sustainability in Action Group makes environmental and social action relevant to students and staff at the GSA. The group raises awareness of the effects of our practice on the planet, reducing those effects, simultaneously enhancing the student experience and championing innovative practice across the curriculum. Since 2009 the Sustainability in Action Group has brought together staff and students to discuss their interests, strategise work and prioritise actions. They are led by the GSA community, and the GSA employs a sustainability coordinator to deliver those actions.

See also GSA Sustainability.

Website: gsasustainability. org.uk

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art T



TSD takes care of all the technical aspects and equipment needed for your creative making activities. They are the go-to people who assist students, teachers, and staff with making. We provide guidance, troubleshooting and work to ensure the making process runs smoothly with safe, student-focused facilities to support specialist study, whilst encouraging interdisciplinary work.

We want TSD to be an inclusive welcoming environment for all students. We encourage you to experiment, make mistakes, re-make and learn new skills, no matter the project. Our staff will support the practicalities of your work, helping you turn ideas into finished pieces. Workshop locations & available facilities can be found on the TSD Canvas pages.

You can also take a virtual tour of some of our facilities.

93 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Studio Teams

Each building has a Studio Lead & Studio Assistant team. They provide safety & support during opening hours and act as the first point of call for any queries. If they cannot help you, they will be able to contact the right staff member for you; whether your question is about a technical process, accessing support and advice, or where to store chemicals. The studio team can be identified by their green lanyards.

Studio Lead contact details are listed on canvas .

94 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Booking TSD Services

Connect 2 is the booking system for all TSD workshop slots, workshop inductions, loan equipment, and Library spaces:

• 3D printing

3D Printing is offered as a service to all students. You can book a 3D printing consultation on Connect 2. This will provide advice on preparing a file or the chance to check a file before sending it to print. If you have any questions, you can email 3dprinting@gsa.ac.uk

• Large Format Printing

You can access our high-end archival photographic printing service through the Photography Technical team. For this, book a print consultation on Connect 2.

• Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is offered as a service to all students. You can book a laser-cutting consultation on Connect 2 to reserve your cutting slot. If you have any questions, you can contact lasercutting@gsa.ac.uk More information can be found on canvas


95 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

TSD Bureau

The GSA TSD Bureau is a place to pick up equipment and materials and a central point for advice about technical areas and processes. We’re based in the Reid ground floor corridor. You can find out more information about The Bureau on the TSD Canvas pages.

The Bureau is open Monday to Friday 9:30-12:30 & 14:0016:00, (except Wednesdays which is 14.00-16:00).

Also see Workshops, Connect 2, Induction.


Your programme timetable will be available on the PreEnrolment Gateway before the start of Semester 1, along with your reading list for each of course of study to help you prepare for the start of the academic year. After this, your timetable, and any additions, updates, changes or other related information will be added to Canvas by academic staff from your programme or by your school team.

See also Pre-Enrolment Gateway and Canvas.

Turing Scheme

The Turing Scheme is a student exchange programme established by the UK Government in 2021 as a replacement for the European Union Erasmus Programme following Brexit.

Email: bureau@gsa.ac.uk

Tel: +44(0)141 566 1212

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

University of Glasgow

The GSA is an accredited institution of the University of Glasgow, which has validated its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes since 1992. GSA students have associate institution status at the University which allows access to some of its facilities. GSA students on joint programmes and research students have full access to facilities at both institutions. GSA staff are formally recognised as lecturers of the University.

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Useful Information Telephone numbers GSA Main switchboard +44(0)141 353 4500 GSA Halls +44(0)141 566 1414 Registry +44(0)141 353 4512 IT Helpdesk +44(0)141 566 1333 GSA Highlands and Islands Campus +44 (0)1309 678124
A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art V


The Directorate of the Chief Medical Officer and Public Health at the Scottish Government have requested that all entrant students under 25 years of age ensure that they have a Meningitis ACWY immunisation before arrival at University.

In addition, you should also have had two doses of MMR vaccine to protect from Measles, Mumps and Rubella. If you have not then you should contact your health practitioner to arrange this before arriving in the UK.

More information about vaccinations can be found on the Student Intranet.


Students from outside of the UK and Ireland planning to study at GSA for more than 6 months may need to apply for a UK Student Visa to live and study in the UK. Information for new international students can be found on the Student Visas pages on the website. Current students can get support and advice around their Visas from Student Welfare

Visit their Intranet Pages for more information.

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A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

Working for the GSA

During the year there may be opportunities to earn money and develop your professional experience by working for the GSA on events such as Degree Shows, exhibitions and more. Opportunities are posted on Canvas and may also be advertised locally through your department.


Making is central to everything that we do at the GSA and we offer a range of workshops, facilities, and professional technicians to support your work. Details are available in the Technical Support Department section on Canvas.

Workshops can be booked on Connect 2.

Website: panoramas.gsa.ac.uk

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Term-time Workshop Opening Times

Workshops are open across 3 sessions Monday - Friday: 10am - 12.30pm Morning session for scheduled inductions and academic project access.

2pm - 4.30pm Afternoon session for general access supported by technical staff.

5pm - 8.30pm Independent access to make without advice and assistance from a technician.

Saturday 9am – 5pm is independent access.

All opening times are subject to change when required. Changes to workshop availability will be communicated to students via Canvas. There are times of the year when access changes or certain year groups or student cohorts may be given priority.

Working Space

GSA Enterprise Studio and Creative Network produce Working Space, a series of professional practice and creative sector networking events. These early evening talks bring together students, graduates and employers throughout the year to explore a range of career and professional development themes. The Working Space programme is open to any students interested in learning key tactics, tips and strategies to help you make the best use of your time at The Glasgow School of Art and to support you beyond graduation.

See also Employability and Enterprise

Website: gsaworkingspace.com

103 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art W

Whisky Bond

2 Dawson Rd, Glasgow G4 9SS

The Whisky Bond is home to GSA Archives and Collections.

Library Special Collections

Room 6.01 6th floor.

You will get the opportunity to visit rare and unique materials held in the GSA Library Special Collection housed at the Whisky Bond, To request a viewing search our online catalogue at gsa.ac.uk/life/gsa-library/ and complete a request form, we will then contact you to arrange your visit. This collection includes over 8000 rare or historical volumes across 15 themed collections. They are a great source of visual material, and cover art, design, architecture, society and culture.

See Campus Map for all buildings and functions

Winter Break

See Semester Dates.

Winter School

Hosted by the School of Innovation and Technology at the GSA Highlands and Islands campus, Winter School is an international meeting point for students and faculty from across the world.

104 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art
A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art


Check out the Zine Library in the GSA Library for lo-fi, DIY and self-published zines covering subjects as diverse as identity, gender, the environment, society, and culture. We make a special effort to purchase Zines to reflect our communities at the GSA and across Glasgow, so if you make Zines please let us know at library@gsa.ac.uk and we can look at purchasing these, or if you would like to donate your Zines to the library we have a postbox at the front desk.

106 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art
A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

200 Renfield Street

For session 2023/2024 part of the School of Fine Art will be at this location which is a 5 minute walk from the Garnethill campus.

30 Hill Street

Home to Student Support Services, and located next door to the entrance of the Haldane Building.

See campus map for full details of campus buildings and functions.

108 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

This A-Z is a general information guide to The Glasgow School of Art. The information it contains is as far as possible up to date at the time of publication (August 2023), but is subject to alteration without notice. The GSA will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver programmes and services in accordance with the descriptions set out in this publication but reserves the right to make variations to the contents or methods of delivery of programmes, to discontinue programmes/services and to merge or combine programmes/services. In the event that circumstances beyond the GSA’s control interfere with its ability to provide these programmes or services, the GSA will undertake to minimise, as far as is practicable, any disruption.

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110 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art
111 A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

A–Z of The Glasgow School of Art

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