Storyboard - Andrew Smith

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Sam is a new employee at a marketing firm. He somewhat regrets his career choice as he is not very passionate about this line of work and does not enjoy it or the organisation he works for.

He discovers that his employer is adopting productivity monitoring software, to increase efficiency and ensure employees are meeting the mark set by them.

Sam is pulled up several times by this new system for low productivity and attention to work. He becomes frustrated and feels as if he is not valued by his employer.

Sam finds a flyer about on his desk, he is not sure who put it there, but he has been talking about his frustration with colleagues and has been met with similar sentiment to his own.

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Sam receives the package and places it on his desk. He is relieved to find that it does not make him stand out in the workplace as a renegade

He opens the package and explores the contents. Setting up the Top on his desk and augmenting his webcam so that HighTime can take over the productivity monitoring software

Sam initialises the Top before proceeding with his work

He gets back to work now that he has the system in place

Initially, Sam makes checks often, using this as a quick distraction from work as it’s a fascinating artefact

As Sam becomes more and more bored with his work and drawn into getting it completed to avoid any further productivity warnings, he checks the artefact less and less

The webcam augmentation monitors Sam’s attentiveness to the artefact and notes a lack of engagement. The top begins to slow and wobble, an initial indicator to try and nudge Sam into breaking focus on his work.

After this fails, the system logs a significant lack of attention and causes the top to tumble and snap Sam out of his working daze

Sam takes this moment to self-assess whether he feels the need for the intervention and thinks back on his recent working behaviour

Having realised that he has become too entangled in his work and worry over productivity, he decides to go ahead and take a microdosage.

Sam feels the effects of the Microdosage and benefits from an increased sense of mood and focus. Ironically, increasing his working efficiency as well as his wellbeing and frame of mind.

Snap out of it! Sam takes time out to reflect on his experience using the kit. He thinks back to the new measures his employer is taking and his initial misgivings about his line of work. While he decides to remain at his job, his experience plants the seeds of doubt about working practices such as these.

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