Metalcraft catalogue new zealand 2017 001

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Bike Racks & Retail Display

Balustrades & Handrails

Garden Metalwork & Furniture

Aluminium Roof Access Solu ons

Commercial Metalwork & Steelwork

Residen al Metalwork

Custom Metalwork

Glass & Window Storage & Handling Solu ons


Company Profile

Metalcra Engineering Co Ltd is a fabrica on and design house that work in all metal mediums. The company focuses on high quality, customer orientated fabrica on and values hands on involvement during design. Metalcra Engineering have strengths in architectural metalwork/steelwork and flat panel handling/transporta on solu ons for the glass, window and stone industry.

Bryn Thompson CEO / Founder

Founders, Bryn and Samantha Thompson, purchased Metalcra Engineering in 1991 as sole traders and have developed the business into a limited liability company with over 22 design, management and fabrica on staff and extensive manufacturing machinery and tooling, including CNC base machines. The value that Metalcra Engineering offers is in its flexibility of manufacturing and fabrica on. Our opera ons and workshop have been set up to be efficient from one off custom jobs through to manufacturing product ranges, we also site measure and install our work. Our design team collaborate with our fabrica on team from concept to delivery to achieve ul mate flexibility. We manufactured to order so consider our catalogues as a star ng point to develop project specific solu ons.

Samantha Thompson Administra on

Metalcra Engineering are confident in exploring new manufacturing techniques and don’t shy away from complex or technical problems. A company forte is in product development which has seen the emergence of light and heavy engineering products that effec vely hold a niche market na on-wide. Proof of this is the eleven plas c, eight rubber, and seventeen aluminium privately owned dies/moulds. Metalcra Engineering believe that co-opera on between local compe tors have benefits that strongly outweigh tradi onal territorial and compe ve a tudes. We look to build and maintain solid rela ons in all direc ons of the supply network.

Warwick Styles Opera ons Manager

Metalcra Engineering are commi ed to protec ng the health, safety and welfare of its employees and any person who visits Metalcra Engineering.

500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 2 Staff Capabili es CEO/Founder, Bryn Thompson, has a vast wealth of knowledge and experience from 26 years of owning Metalcra Engineering. In the early 1990’s Bryn, young and ambi ous, set his sights on building a business from his fi er/welder B trade skills. Problem solving skills and a natural networking acumen has helped see the company flourish into a solid player in both architectural metalwork and flat panel handling industries. Bryn has been advising the glass and window industry on opera onal techniques for over 20 years. Bryn also acts as a mentor and is a current director of Compentenz training ITO. He is always ready to hear your ideas and provide valuable feedback. Warwick Styles Metalcra Engineering’s Works Manager has been a share holder of Metalcra Engineering since 2007. Warwick is known for thinking outside of the box. He is an expert in opera ons management and product development which complements his hands on leadership style as well as his CAD drawing exper se. Metalcra Engineering’s design team are hands on. They excel at solu on concep on, product design and designing for manufacture. They u lise full CAD capabili es, customer/client involvement and ensure smooth produc on through clear communica on to all par es. Project management/QS team have great wealth of industry knowledge and base their success on extensive experience. Their key a ributes are accurate and elaborate project cos ng, schedule planning and communica on. The produc on leadership team are fabrica on based staff that lead our fabrica on teams from the floor. These senior staff have the experience to manage job and workflow. Fabrica on teams hold diverse skills sets, including working with mild steel, stainless steel, brass and aluminium. To develop our staff we rotate appren ces around working with our qualified and experienced staff. Aaron Greig Contract Manager Synergies between Metalcra Engineering’s teams mean that we can be flexible and fast to react to the market. The systems and processes set up enable us to handle small one off jobs, large commercial projects and design and manufacturing of product ranges. Machine and tooling capabili es CAD / 3D Modelling Experienced sec onal and plate fabrica on Machined fabrica on tables Cu ng and Punching machines CNC: Linear 5 Axis Plasma cu ng up to 50mm thick Mild steel Brake press 160 Ton Guillo ne cu ng Li ing: 3 ton over head gantry crane Sec onal rolling Tube/pipe bending Arc, Mig and Tig welding both in factory and on site

Material capabili es Heavy and light fabrica on Mild steel Stainless Aluminium Brass Copper

James McGregor Preproduc on

Workshop Leadership Team

(03) 360 3373 3

Bike Racks

Metalcra Engineering design, manufacture and install cycle storage solu ons. We have bike rack designs for public areas, staff / student parking, residen al and retail display. These are fabricated in Christchurch for quality and longevity.

With the growing popularity of cycling as a means of transport and sport in New Zealand well designed cycle infrastructure is needed. So what does well designed cycle infrastructure look like? A lot of things contribute to designs but what is cri cal is understanding the par cular needs of bike rack users at each specific des na on. What do they value the most? Security, weather protec on, speed & convenience, bike protec on or aesthe cs? We have solu ons for all of these, get in touch to find out what will best suit your needs.

Metalcra Engineering have taken a par cular interest in func onal street art and see bike racks as a perfect way to contribute a fun and playful feel to an environment. We have some street art designs and also love to custom build our customers’ ideas. Check out our range of “Bike” cycle stands and the “Koru” stands from our street art range. 500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 4

An architecturally designed building should have complementary designed cycle stands. Don’t let your ugly bike rack ruin your visitors’ first impressions, choose a beau ful bike rack to show off in front your beau ful building.

For solu ons in low space environments we have space saving designs including wall hung bike racks, ver cal racks and semi ver cal racks. These systems are designed to reduce the cycle parking foot print while providing security and protec on to the bikes.

Call the team at Metalcra Engineering to discuss your project or to organise a site measure up.

See more of our Bike Racks on our website Or call us to chat about your project (03) 360 3373 (03) 360 3373 5

Balustrades & Handrails

Metalcra Engineering design and build balustrades and handrails for commercial and residen al projects. We work in a variety of metals including brass, pa erned plasma cut metals, stainless steel and aluminium and powder coated or galvanised mild steel . Our inďŹ ll panels include glass, stainless wire, laser cut sheets or bars. Our ďŹ ngs are designed to suit the customer.

Our quality of design and manufacture set us apart from other suppliers of balustrades and handrails. Our service in the design phase, our communica on during build and fabrica on, and our ease of coordina on during the installa on make us the preferred supplier of many quality Christchurch builders.

500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 6

Metalcra Engineering are quality local metalwork fabricators. We can site measure, design, fabricate, install and manage other project metalwork facets.

We can provide PS3 documenta on if required.

Call the team at Metalcra Engineering to discuss your project or to organise a site measure up.

See more of our Balustrades & Handrails on our website Or call us to chat about your project (03) 360 3373 (03) 360 3373 7

Garden Metalwork

Metalcra Engineering has been designing and manufacturing quality landscape and garden metalwork for over 25 years. Our garden metalwork selec on includes outdoor furniture, rose arches, gates, planter boxes and garden art features.

We are proud to manufacture extremely high quality and durable outdoor metalwork. We encourage our customers to take their me when considering our furniture because our product will last genera ons.

We have a wealth of furniture designs both classic and contemporary or can custom build to customers’ ideas or themes. Our furniture range includes pa o tables, chairs, bench seats and more.

500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 8

We can custom make garden art and features. If you have an idea in mind for your garden collaborate with us to see it come to life. In our history we have completed some great metal work for landscape projects. Metalcra Engineering donated design, labor and materials to help create SmileDial’s sensory garden in Christchurch.

Our gates and garden arches are made to order and will be ďŹ ed to the customers space.

Call the team at Metalcra Engineering to discuss your project.

See more of our Garden Metalcraft on our website Or call us to chat about your project (03) 360 3373 (03) 360 3373 9

Roof Access Solutions

Metalcra Engineering have been building and installing roof access systems for over 20 years. We u lise componentry from both Ullrich and Juralco systems as well as fabrica ng customised ďŹ xing. Our comprehensive design and fabrica on ability allow us to manufacture and install solu ons for any type of project.

Projects we have worked on include prisons, sports facili es, supermarkets, commercial factories and Sco base in Antarc ca.

Aluminium roof access and walkways are ideal for addressing the health and safety issues for maintenance services. These products are light weight and can withstand harsh weather elements.

500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 10

If you have a complex and not “off the shelf” type of problem Metalcra Engineering can help. We specialise in custom system to meet your specific needs.

Call the team at Metalcra Engineering to discuss your project or to organise a site measure up.

See more of our Roof Access Solutions on our website Or call us to chat about your situation (03) 360 3373 (03) 360 3373 11

Commercial Metalwork

Some examples of recent projects we have collaborated on include: Rangiora Pak’n Sav with Armitage Williams Awly Development with Arrow Construc on Rangiora Library & Museum with Hawkins Construc on Kaiapoi Town hall with Naylor Love The Crossing Carpark with South Base Construc on The Isaac Royal Theatre with Naylor Love Jucy Snooze Hostel at the Christchurch Airport with Arrow Construc on Washington Skatepark with Hunter Civil University of Canterbury Engineering department with Hawkins Ara Ins tute of Learning Gymnasium with Hawkins Saint Andrews Chapel with Armitage Williams Knox Church with Higgs

500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 12

Metalcra Engineering have worked on some fantas c projects around Canterbury. As the main metalwork contractor we have developed great working rela onships with many of the construc on companies in Christchurch contribu ng strongly to see projects completed to a quality finish in a mely manner. Metalcra Engineering have the flexibility of opera on to undertake large commercial size projects as well as one-off small jobs.

The rewarding part of collabora ng on large scale project like is being able to walk around the site a er comple on and admire how much design, planning, communica on went into

See more of our Commercial Metal on our website Or call us to chat about your project (03) 360 3373 (03) 360 3373 13

Residential Metalwork

Metalcra Engineering is a leading fabrica on and welding company with the skills to complete even the most complex architectural metalwork projects. We are a team of skilled sta using an extensively equipped workshop designed for fabrica on and welding, we have the capability to meet all your architectural, metalwork and steelwork needs. We work in all metal mediums and can take on large and small projects.

Our residen al work includes: Stair stringers, pa o shelters, decora ve features, steel supports, high end le er boxes, water features, entrance, interior metalwork, architectural down pipes, and much more.

Customers of custom metalwork project typically contact metalcra with an idea or a problem which we will then work on with them to ďŹ nd the best solu on. Metalcra Engineering enjoy working on a project from idea to design to manufacture to ďŹ nished product.

We can provide a PS3 when required. 500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 14

Metalcra Engineering believe that co-opera on between local compe tors have beneďŹ ts that strongly outweigh tradi onal territorial and compe ve a tudes. We look to build and maintain solid rela ons in all direc ons of the supply network. We are excited to work with other supplier especially for nonmetal components of mixed material jobs. We have great rela onships with suppliers of all kinds of materials and are always looking to further our capabili es through network rela onships.

Contact our team to discuss your residen al metalwork or steelwork projects.

See more of our Residential Metalwork on our website Or call us to chat about your project (03) 360 3373 (03) 360 3373 15

Custom Metalwork

Metalcra Engineering is proud of its 26 year history as a jobbing shop / manufacturer of custom and bespoke products. Today Metalcra Engineering have the ability to take on both the bespoke one o jobs and manufacture runs of products. Our sta are highly skill fabricators that engage in projects and the project's objec ves. We have access to an extensively workshop of machinery and design tools. We specialise in high end and architectural ďŹ nished products in all metal mediums.

Custom metalwork is what we are good at, it is where are roots are. We are a solu on based jobbing shop, not limited to a product or even type of material. We have an extensive network that we draw on for non-metal elements of projects. We also are not afraid inves ng in product development, evidence for this is our 17 aluminium, 8 polymer and 11 plas c dies injec on moulding dies.

500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 16

We have the exibility of opera on to take on small one o jobs to large runs of products.

If you have a metalwork project big or small we can help. Contact our team to discuss op ons.

See more of our Custom Metalwork on our website Or call us to chat about your project (03) 360 3373 (03) 360 3373 17

Handling & Storage

Metalcra Engineering have a range of handling products designed to aid in processing of materials. These products increase efficiency of processing, support safe and easy transport and storage and protect materials from damage.

Profoams protect you product in transport and onsite. These can be the difference between easy profit and rework due to damage. They are high quality and easy to use.

Metalca Engineering is the Australasian agent for KS Schulten li ers such as the KS400 Offroad robot. We’ve imported these li ers for NZ clients and tailormade some componentry. Key features and benefits include the accurate manipula on op ons for the head, plus the ability to pick and carry items while on site. Op ons exist for weight and reach.

Our Carry mates are a brilliant product to aid in li ing and carrying awkward and heavy flat panel products.

500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 18

The Portman door li er makes hanging and securing doors a breeze.

Metalcra Engineering make high quality trolleys. Our trolleys are customised to suit speciďŹ c needs and can be made in base shapes A, L, harp or tooth. They can also be made for forkli loading.

Please contact the Metalcra team to discuss your needs.

See more of our Handling products on our website Or call us to chat about your situation (03) 360 3373 (03) 360 3373 19

The Glass Racking Company

Metalcra Engineering created and developed The Glass Racking Company brand to market transport, handling & storage solu ons of glass, window & flat panel products. Bryn has been advising this industry for over 20 years and has developed world leading products and solu on for the transport, handling and storage of flat panels.

The products under TGRC brand were developed for the glass and window industries but are directly applicable to any flat panel industry including stone and joinery.

The designs have been op mised for extremely high care in handling, transport and processing.

For a complete The Glass Racking Company (TGRC) catalogue contact the team at Metalcra Engineering

500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 20

Our flat panel product categories include: Van frails and internal fit outs Fabrica on handling equipment Light site trucks Transport trucks Site installa on equipment Factory storage & handling solu ons Transport trailers Trolleys Factory li ing And more… Go to the website to see the complete range.

See more from The Glass Racking Company Or call us to chat about your situation (03) 360 3373 (03) 360 3373 21


Metalcra Engineering designs and builds truck bodies for custom service customers. We manufacture pper truck bodies, general purpose flatbed truck bodies and custom transport solu ons.

Our factory is set-up for heavy truck body manufacture with gantry cranes, swing cranes, good access, and plenty of space. We have the designers, CAD skills, equipment and staffing to allow us to specialise in one-off truck body builds. If your needs for a vehicle are not available off-the-shelf then please get in touch to discuss op ons.

Metalcra Engineering provides internal fitouts for vans and trucks. We design and build custom fitouts including pull-out drawers and racks, shelving, supports and mounts for equipment, ladder racks, and storage compartments.Our van drawer systems are mainly provided by Camco Rolaworx, based in Cambridge. Rolaworx drawers feature smooth opera on with mul ple locking points for safety and ease of use.

500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch 22


See More On Our Website Interested in seeing more of the things we do? Check out our website.

On our website we have product resources and informa on including:

www.metalcra We are a metalwork jobbing shop at heart so please use our past work on the website as a sample of what we can do. We can fabricate to suit your personal ideas and designs.

Instruc onal videos

Links to local regula ons

Technical drawings

Care instruc ons

(03) 360 3373 23

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500a Wairakei Road, Harewood, Christchurch P.O. Box 5134, Papanui, Christchurch

www.metalcra info@metalcra 03-3603373

2017 Rev 002

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