13 minute read
Chapter 5: Havilah, Land of Eve, Land of Creation
The ancient land of Adam and Eve is designated as Havilah in Genesis 2 and it is represented by three resources which lead to only one nation even today. The Bible is proficient. This reminisces of the Rivers from Eden which we will test in Chapter 17. We truly attempt to leave no stone unturned in this expedition.
Genesis 2:10-12 KJV And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
When studying this passage, most scholars read it, even cite it and deviate from it to dock on assumptions which they do not return and validate with scripture. We will. However, this island (not India, Ethiopia nor Yemen) surrounded by the Pison River from Eden is named Havilah in antiquity. It’s interpretation divulges much more than solely some incidental estate.
חליוה: havilah: that suffers pain; that brings forth, circle. [41]
“That suffers pain, that brings forth” refers to childbirth – Eve’s curse from the Garden of Eden. What many miss is this word Havilah is a direct Hebrew variant of Eve’s Hebrew name as it is a reference not just to Eve’s curse but to Eve’s land named after her because Eve was not named until after the exile from the Garden. Notice also, this word
Havilah means “circle” which is doubtlessly an allusion to the basis that it is encompassed by the Pison River. We will demonstrate the Pison is still there and still functions. We will also locate Havilah.
Genesis 3:20 KJV And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
חוה: chavvah: life-giver; Chavvah (or Eve), the first woman:—Eve. [42]
Eve is the life giver. Compare the two words and they are the same Hebrew letters. Havilah as a variant adds an “YL” or in Hebrew, a “Y,” YAD and an “L,” LAMED. Interestingly, “IY” is the Hebrew word for isle even and perhaps this is a prophetic forerunner to the Philippines, Havilah which will become over 7,000 islands after the Flood. Before the Flood, the Philippines was known as the Mountains of Eden but was one isle. Therefore, if one can locate this ancient land of Havilah, you have found the land of Adam and Eve as it is named for Eve. Let us unearth it now.
Genesis 2:11-12 KJV The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
Three resources define this nation so now we assess. First, there is gold but not just some gold. The gold of this land is towb: בוט or abundant as in wealthy, prosperous or bountiful especially. [405] In other words, this is not just any land of gold, it is the land of gold defined by having the most gold. Where is that? We already demonstrated the Philippines is the leader in all of history in gold. [10] [11] [12] Next, we have bdellium which some scholars argue over yet it is a very simple topic to resolve. They generally claim it is either pearl or African resin. Please note the resin they mention as African is also found in the Philippines thus not specifically African even. This is an attempt to stretch the scripture for Africa to fit yet it cannot on many levels
especially since it’s in the wrong direction, far too close and in Ham’s territory. The Hebrew word bdellium is only used twice in scripture. The second time does remedy.
Numbers 11:7 KJV And the manna was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdellium.
Would it make sense that the Israelites ate manna the color of nasty, gritty, dirty looking blackish-brown resin, or pearly white? The entire Old Testament never mentions the word pearl in Hebrew except these two times but has a name for every sacred resin or spice used and none known as bdellium ever. It’s pearl and there really is no question. The largest pearls on all of earth indisputably are found in the Philippines. The very largest pearl to date which has been found on all of earth is the 34-kilogram “Puerto Princessa Pearl” found in the Palawan Sea in 2006. This is the largest on record. [43] There are several found near that size including a 28-kilogram pearl also found in the Palawan Sea owned by a family from Canada who thought they had a stone until it was examined. [44] Also, the aforementioned 1492 globe map of Behaim pinpoints one of the islands next to Chryse (Luzon) in the Philippines as “Thilis” which is known historically as the “Isle of Pearl.” [394] That is far more likely Palawan and again, legendary from ancient times.
The Guinness Book of World Records began registering the largest pearl in the 1930s. At that time, the largest was 15 kilograms also found
“Puerto Princess Pearl” found in 2006 is the largest pearl in recorded history at 34 kg (75 lb.). –Forbes Magazine [43]
in the Palawan Sea. From that time until today, every pearl who has set this record has originated in the Philippines and no other nation even makes the cut. There is a reason why the Philippines is called “The Pearl of the Orient” as Dr. Jose Rizal coined though not new in his time. There is no other land on Earth which could compete. Let’s examine the third element – the onyx stone. Many think jewelry but this instead is the onyx stone used in construction, a cousin to marble. Even in ancient history, Egypt used onyx in construction. Many called it alabaster but it tests often times as brown or yellow onyx. [395] The very strongest marble and onyx stone on earth is found in Romblon, Philippines – the strongest, not Italy. [45][46] Therefore the Philippines is Number 1 in onyx stone as well. No wonder Job 28:16 ties in onyx with Ophir because he knew Havilah was Ophir. We just broke down an ancient verse from Genesis 2, from thousands of years ago and the Philippines leads the world not in just one resource but all three and we will continue to prove this out. The Philippines is the ancient land of Havilah, the land of Adam and Eve, surrounded by the ancient Pison River from Eden which we will vet further and it matches as well. The Book of Jubilees defines this land even more.
Jubilees 3:32 (R.H. Charles, 1903) And on the new moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife went forth from the Garden of Eden, and they dwelt in the land of Elda, in the land of their creation.
Jubilees 4:29 (R.H. Charles, 1903) And at the close of the nineteenth jubilee, in the seventh week in the sixth year [930 A.M.] thereof, Adam died, and all his sons buried him in the land of his creation, and he was the first to be buried in the earth.
Genesis 3:23 KJV Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. (land of creation)
Adam and Eve’s land of exile in Genesis 2 is called Havilah and we have located it in the Philippines. The Book of Jubilees now equates
this same land in which they were exiled to Elda, the Land of their Creation twice which we now realize Genesis 3 identified all along as it is literal. Odd, Elda even sounds Filipino. The Philippines is the Land of Creation as it is Havilah. However, we can test this further scientifically. We are certain most have heard of the “Out of Africa Theory” based largely on the dating of old bones of pre-flood man of which science does not remotely understand today. We will cover that deeper in the Rivers From Eden chapter. However, there was a world-wide Flood event. On top of every mountain range on the earth, marine fossils have been unearthed. How did they get there? The earth was flooded to 15 cubits above the tallest mountain. However, many in modern science would answer with yet another theory unproven. The mountains rose up out of the seas they would explain. Understand, even the Himalayas and Mt. Everest have marine fossils. What sea did the Himalayas ascend from? This mountain range is massive in scope and in the middle of a continent not by a sea. Even worse, if there was such extreme, abrupt plate movement at the time of the Flood that would cause the Himalayas to rise as much as over five miles into the sky, then you are not reading this book and we are not writing it. We are all dead already. Little life, if any, could survive the earthquake that would ensue. There was a global flood as recorded in over 300 flood accounts in credible, valid history that science ignores because that is not their discipline. Some attempt to use the one that they claim does not represent a global event yet it actually does as the ark in that story landed on a mountain thus the volume of water necessary would require a world-wide Flood. 2 Peter 3 is very clear in warning about this “willing ignorance” in our era and we are there. Mankind and land animals rebooted during the Flood and are no firm scientific measure to determine the origin of species. However, marine life was not wiped out by the deluge as such. Therefore, we have a credible measure by which to allocate the root of life in region. If we can locate the most bio-diverse marine population on earth, we would have actually found the Land of Creation scientifically. In the past twenty or so years, marine biologists have now determined that this center of life, without even realizing what they have actually found, is the measure of
the origin of species. Sorry Charlie, Darwin that is.
“Philippines is not only part of the center but is, in fact, the epicenter of marine biodiversity, with the richest concentration of marine life on the entire planet.” –Carpenter Report, 2005 [351]
“The Philippines sits at the heart of the Coral Triangle, the global center of marine biodiversity. About halfway between the provinces of Batangas and Mindoro, the Verde Island Passage boasts the highest concentration of marine species in the planet.” –CNN, 2012 [352]
“Some 100 scientists have declared the Philippines as the world’s “center of marine biodiversity” — not the Great Reef Barrier off east Australia — because of its vast species of marine and coastal resources, according to the World Bank.” –The Philippine Star, 2006 [353]
What none of these sources realize is that their efforts to report and applaud “the Center of the Center of Marine Biodiversity on Earth” as they should, serves as scientific evidence for the very land of Creation. Not only is this the Philippines but the Verde Island Passage between Mindoro and Batangas “boasts the highest concentration of marine species on the planet.” We had always thought this was the Great Barrier Reef but the Philippines eclipses that by a large margin. Also, consider that the Coral Triangle area in which the Philippines is the Epicenter offers broader evidence that the origin of species occurred there as it is not merely a tiny pocket, though the Philippines is the Epicenter, it is a vast area as would be expected for thousands of years of marine species population. The Land of Creation is the Philippines and Moses knew it thousands of years ago and defined it in a clever way that could not be mistaken today. For the Philippines leads globally in gold, pearl and the onyx stone as well as marine biodiversity. It is the only land who could even fit this ancient writing of perhaps 1700 B.C. The world has forgotten much. How exactly has this even become a mystery? Though marine life is certainly the best way to track the Creation event, we find two biodiversity studies that further support this track.
The first was released in 1998 by Conservation International and results are published through World Atlas, RedRank and others which ranks the Philippines as #5 in overall biodiversity internationally including plants and animals. [389] Remember, this study predates the marine discoveries we just covered. However, the Philippines ranks fifth among nations that are 4-32 times it’s size in area thus this is really not a comparison. In fact, when you add the areas of Southeast Asia together including Papua New Guinea #6, Malaysia #7, Australia #9, Indonesia #10, China #11 and India # 16, this ranking of 17 countries clearly points to the Orient area around the Philippines with the Philippines as it’s leading epicenter yet again. However, in recent years, The Field Museum in Chicago in conjunction with the Philippines, conducted a study on Luzon Island especially which offers major support for this vein of thought. It boasts the “World’s greatest concentration of unique mammal species is on Philippine island.” The Field Museum circulated a Press Release with this title with these findings in July 2016 and published them.
“Where is the world’s greatest concentration of unique species of mammals? A team of American and Filipino authors have concluded that it is Luzon Island, in the Philippines. Their 15-year project, summarized in a paper published in the scientific journal Frontiers of Biogeography, has shown that out of 56 species of non-flying mammal species that are now known to live on the island, 52 live nowhere else in the world. Of those 56 species, 28 were discovered during the course of the project. Nineteen of the species have been formally described in scientific journals, and nine are currently “in the works.” “We started our study on Luzon in 2000 because we knew at the time that most of the native mammal species on the island were unique to the island, and we wanted to understand why that is the case. We did not expect that we would double the number already known,” said Lawrence Heaney, the project’s leader, who is the Negaunee Curator of Mammals at The Field Museum in Chicago.” “All 28 of the species we discovered during the project are members of two branches on the tree of life that are confined to the Philippines,” according to Eric Rickart, a team member who is based at the Natural History Museum of Utah.” “There are
individual mountains on Luzon that have five species of mammals that live nowhere else. That’s more unique species on one mountain than live in any country in continental Europe. The concentration of unique biodiversity in the Philippines is really staggering.” –The Field Museum, Chicago, 2016 [390]
This is an interesting and indeed staggering find. The thing is how can there be so many unique species on one island? Even this article from scientists discounts the landbridge theory of the Philippines being connected to mainland Asia at one time as does this find really. Additionally, we will cover, chicken migration patterns even demonstrate the Philippines as the place of origin in populating the Polynesian islands as does a DNA study we will review. [391][123] Is this confirmation bias or confirmation that leads to a conclusion one may call bias once they conclude such? Critics have only that allegation but cannot deny Genesis 2. The Philippines is indeed the Land of Eve, Havilah and the Land of Creation supported by science and this is only the beginning.
The reef spreads color and life. Tubbataha Reef, Philippines.