Competence Uprightness Service
Caraga State University endeavors to produce globally competitive and socially responsible human capital toward the sustainable and inclusive development of Caraga Region and beyond.
A globally-engaged university excelling in sci ence, engineering, and the arts.

Caraga State University shall primarily provide ad vanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and training in the fields of agriculture and environmental studies, fishery, engineering, forestry, industrial technology, education, law, medicaine, and other health-related programs, information technology, the arts, and sciences and other related courses. It shall undertake research and extensionservice and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization.
VANTAGE POINT 8 VANTAGE POINT TULFO’S BRAND OF CHISMIS RESURGENCEOPM‘Rango’: Identity Crisis In The Weird Wild West 32 34 36 whoTag,is it? John Ray Bantasan Tag, who is it? Kasal:walangBilangguangRehasALL-IN-ONEPOLYMERS A SHOT IN THE DARK WILL THIS COME TO AN END? TRAINED TO ACADEMICALLYBEFRAUD Media Diet made me Pregnant STONEWALLREVISITING FORESTAMAZONFIRE 10 28 20 11 26 16 14 24 18


ABOUT THE COVER Complementary forces. The mythical koi represents courage, longetivity, and strength in Asian cul ture. When paired with the Yin-Yang symbol, the koi transcends this represen tation and becomes, as a pair now, an emblem of energies coming together. An emblem of blance – of harmony. But the human body is more of a vessel of these complementary forces than being koi itself. We are but the coming up of the ripples behind their wake: uneven at times, folding over themselves, before ceasing to exist. Amidst the struggle to maintain our perceived harmony, we carry burdens upon burdens of flaws and defective judgements. And perhaps that is how we stir – that we stop and ask, get the answers and remedy. That is how we ripple out and leave marks.

The human condition, if nothing else, is a mixed bag of complementary forces— of concocting chaos and of the innumerable attempts to forestall it. Humankind has seen many a victory in its ventures to obtaining stability and sustaining it; but we were not always good at getting off on the right foot, so we got better at something else. To console ourselves, we have painted necessary the shortcomings of a mind desperate for tangible answers and achievable growth. Out of this neces sity, arise the many faces of evil that we have learned to acknowledge and em brace for the sake of keeping the balance. But some evil is more evil than others. This latest issue examines balance at its very core. It’s think pieces dedicated to deconstructing ethical, moral, political, and social notions that have long plagued the society as a whole, and as a unit comprised of unique individuals. Ultimately, these pages exist to disrupt the unjust scales. To tip the balance.
JOHN RAY M. BANTASAN Editor-in-Chief


whoTag,is it?

The PNP’s reckless attempt at putbuttoseemedmightthebrainwashingstudentshaveharmlesscasuallistenersthefactthatitthe labelled in the crosshairs of public judgement should not elude the senses.” “
Looming legalization of red-tagging It is one thing to vilify critics and an entirely an other thing to legalize the act of doing so. And by legalization, I mean penalizing ‘’potential terrorists’’ out of mere suspicion. This growing penchant for red-tagging, as exhibited in the aforementioned, renders Senate Bill no. 1083 (or the Anti-Terrorism bill) a danger to dissenters. Introduced by Tito Sotto, Ping Lacson, Imee Mar cos, et. al.; the bill seeks to prohibit and penalize terrorism in the country, and all the while serving as a more effective replace ment for the Human Secu rity Act of 2007. While the bill maintains that dissent, protests, and mass actions are not necessarily terror ism, although vaguely; some of its sections imply more harm than safety. Such implications in clude the allowance of an arrest of 14 days without judicial warrant. Not to mention the 60-day sur veillance a suspect will be put under by the mili tary. But what if they got it wrong? A compensation perhaps?Thisis not 2007 any more and the Anti-Terror ism Bill makes sure we remember just that by re moving a section from the Human Security Act which is supposed to protect suspects from wrongful accusation and detention through compensation. Under this proposed bill, suspects would have to file a suit against the govern ment first if they wanted to challenge the charges wrongfully filed against them. This section is, to an extent, dangerously para doxical because cases of wrongful detention could prove the very measures included in the Bill inef fective. And if such is the case, can the government admit to being wrong? Who’s It?
Equating dissent and criticism to terrorism can be likened to comparing apples and hyenas—it just does not make any sense. One exists to instil terror and destabilization; the other exists to challenge ideals for the creation of better ones. If the pres ence of the latter stirs the general consciousness of the people in power into considerable amount of fear and intimidation, then something is most certain ly amiss and we better up our dissenting game. One can only be a terrorist and campus journalists, activ ists, dissenters, and critics cannot be it.
The Gold Panicles An unsettling epi sode in the Philip pine National Po lice’s orientation for CSU freshmen just this August of 2019 has sparked in trigue among very few spectators. What was first promised as a downright anti-drug campaign turned out to be a ploy for a vi cious agenda: red-tagging. If anything, the act was a direct insult to the institu tion and an unforgivable one at that. Red-handed, red-tag ging Defined as “an act of State actors, particularly law enforcement agencies, to publicly brand individu als, groups, or institutions as...affiliated to communist or leftist terrorists” by the International Peace Ob servers Network (IPON), red-tagging or red-baiting has begun to claim its own spotlight in the Philippine political scene as of late. The malicious practice, which sprouted from polit ical figures’ petty attempt to gag and vilify critics, has already targeted a wide range of personal ities. The long list of vic tims coonsists journalists, political parties, non-profit organizations, politicians, and ultimately student ac tivists. While the practice may come from various sources, of which confi dentiality of identities is given utmost attention to divert finger pointing, it is a surprise that some have enough nerves to take on the dirty work to the bar est. For starters, the PNP was a very convincing em bodiment.Through a video pre sentation of how the com munists (CPP-NPA, et al) have supposedly infiltrat ed state universities and colleges in the Philippines, and subsequently how the recent spike in student activism relates to this; the PNP personnel in attendance disclosed a list of entities which, in their own words, are breeding grounds for the left-lean ers. This being in a man ner of certitude, as if they have labelled them right and Amongjust. the tagged entities were the General Assembly Binding Wom en for Reforms, Integrity, Equality, Leadership, and Action (GABRIELA), Stu dent Christian Movement of the Philippines (SCMP) (a functioning organization inside the campus), and College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP). If we did not know bet ter, we would have let it slide into oblivion—which could have been easily the case by the way. It al most seemed like no one noticed the cheap move, and cheapening it more is PNP’s taking advantage of the audience’s collective disregard towards the mat ter. Everybody went home without a single word of disapproval and that should worry us. It was as ruthless an assault to us as it was to the labelled. The PNP’s reckless attempt at brainwashing the students might have seemed harmless to casu al listeners but the fact that it put the labelled in the crosshairs of public judge ment should not elude the senses. The practice poses unwanted risks in an already thinning demo graphic space.

To put it simply, herd immunity is like playing a game of
13 VANTAGE POINT T he year is 2019; early in the month of April when the Department of Health (DOH) is due to submit a monthly Vac cine-Preventable Disease (VPD) report. Within this dos sier are the names 34,387 people, 494 of which share something in common—they are dead.Togive you a further sense of urgency, let us use measles as a shorthand. Out of these 494 deaths, 469 lives alone were claimed by measles. Furthermore, the April 2019 report saw 33,900 measles cases which trans lates to a 314% rise in the morbidity rate in contrast with the entirety of 2018, which had 8,182. To add insult to injury, one of the salient is sues within the country is the air of apprehension around vaccines; owed primarily to the Dengvaxia controversy. Are vaccines still safe? The answer is a resounding yes, and this article will explain why.To understand the is sue, one must understand the nature of vaccines. Vac cines work by exposing the body’s immune system to foreign bodies that trigger an immune response; that being weaker or inactivated bac terial/viral strains, weaker toxins (toxoids), and the im portant bits of the virus/bac teria that carry the necessary antigens called subunits in order to prevent the more de bilitating form of the disease. In essence, vaccines work by infecting you to develop the antigens required to fight a bigger threat without the repercussions of disability or death.One of the latent ben efits of vaccination is called herd immunity. To put it sim ply, herd immunity is like playing a game of biological minesweeper where you are less vulnerable to infection as an unvaccinated individ ual when a majority of the people around you are vac cinated. These unvaccinated individuals are people that are too ill to receive vaccina tions like cancer patients and patients with immunodefi ciency disorders. That being said, herd immunity is a nec essary social responsibility that public health organiza tions aim to move toward. Now that the basics have been covered, let us address some of the ele phants in the room. First, the claim that vac cines cause autism. This claim was the brainchild of Andrew Wakefield in his 1998 article in The Lancet, where he claimed that the Measles, Mumps, and Ru bella (MMR) vaccine birthed a condition called autistic en terocolitis that develops into autism. The results of his study were largely problem atic as the alleged smoking gun in the form of thiomersal (which contains ethylmer cury) , a vaccine preserva tive, posed no threat on the concentrations present with in the vaccine thus making related studies unreplicable; along with undeclared con flicts of interest by Wakefield himself, and transparent ev idence of data manipulation related to those conflicts of interest. Second, the idea that vaccines instigate disease. There are many factors af fecting the efficacy of vac cines, such as adherence to vaccination schedules, the kind of disease you are vaccinating against, the spe cific strains of disease you are vaccinating against, and the enigmatic case of people being non-responsive to vac cinations. How the vaccine interacts with your body is a variable medical experts cannot control and the idea that vaccines are essentially magic bullets is porous. Third, the possibility of the adverse effects of vacci nation (Vaccine injury). This is pretzel logic at best, since cases of vaccine injury are very few and far between. But what about Dengvax ia, you ask? Let us look at the facts first. One of the concerns brought up by the manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur is antibody-dependent en hancement (ADE). ADE am plifies the effect of the sec ond infection because the administered strain acts as a trojan horse, allowing the lat ter strain to affect more red blood cells. The vaccination program vaccinated 830,000 public school children and 130 of them have died; but only 19 have died of den gue, suggesting ADE played a hand at some of these deaths. The vaccine was de clared safe to use by a vac cine panel under the World Health Organization;but only for children at the ages of 9 above and who had dengue at least once, although it can’t be denied that an inde terminate amount of damage had been dealt. The premature use of the dengue vaccine was a case of irresponsibility by medical authorities in the country. While that may be true and the people behind it must be held responsible, that should not abase medi cal endeavors that did work towards an effort to mitigate disease.We have made it so far as a society with the help of medicine. There will be set backs and there will be peo ple who would want to take advantage of what we don’t know; and that is scary. But who would you rather listen to; a person bent on a dis cipline that dates centuries back and has worked in our favor; or your local armchair activist/fringe theorist that did a google search on vac cines two minutes ago?

vaccinated.”aroundtheaindividualantolesswhereminesweeperbiologicalyouarevulnerableinfectionasunvaccinatedwhenmajorityofpeopleyouare “
The Gold Panicles AKIN PONCE
The portrayal of sex ual content on many various form of entertainment, in media form of literature has become norms this day. We can still remember those good old days when we are re stricted by our parents to watch any show with any sexual content and we are only allowed to watch car toons with their guidance. No cellphones, no tablets and laptops are only avail able for college students. But teenagers nowadays spend their time glued in their gadgets, almost nev er having the time to con nect, communicate and interact with a true person. Many things contrib ute to developing sexual beliefs and behavior and one of them is media. Ac cording to most theories of media effects, the in fluence of media depends on how long the exposure of someone is and how dynamic the sexual con tent is. How online activ ity can negatively impact adolescent self-esteem and contribute to high-risk adolescent behavior. So cial media has its various forms such as Mass Media Entertainment Industry, Electronic Entertainment, and Social Apps. From dif ferent kind of media forms and from different content, users tend to choose from the array of aspects of media content they would want portray. Individuals may acquire set of beliefs and desire due to expo sure of sexual content. Moreover, exposure to such content might be linked with earlier progres sion to sexual activity, unsafe sex and worst, might lead to unwanted pregnan cy. Adolescents may likely to gain beliefs and de sires about sexual matters when exposed to media or literature entertainment such as magazines, music videos, and Video games. How this activity we called “media diet” can result in real world consequences with lifelong results. So cial media is a new rising platform of sexual and re lationship content. As we know that teenagers has unlimited access to Social Media Platforms but little did we know what content might teenagers are view ing. Most of it has a great amount of sexual content. One of the most influential is how sex portrayed in media. Media portrayed sex as if everybody does it and makes it normal for every one to do it. Media enter tainment and literature ap pears to commend sex as a norms and it lacks infor mation about the negative consequences of careless decision. What mostly women do not understand what is the responsibility after bearing the fruit of reckless decision. Take for example Wattpad. One of social media platform that belongs to literature enter tainment, where it is the internet community for read ers and writers, to read and publish fascinating stories that lives up your virtual self and dream life or biggest “once upon a time in life” turns to “and they lived happily after” in life. Millennials tend to go with this media diet spe cially girls because of this different point of view, dif ferent genres, such as hor ror, historical fiction, clas sic stories, teen fiction and of course the romance that made it so convincing. Surprisingly, this applica tion is accessible for ev eryone and only means that even if you are just 12 or let’s say not allowed in this 18+ stories era, it is still possible for you to have this stories with the help of course of the in ternet. Cecelib stories and Jonaxx stories Rainbow coloredmind, is one of the most popular author of this time. Based on the audi ence opinion about this au thor and stories, the author really convey stories with so much eroticism involve in the story that may add spice to curiosity of most young women. While men on the other hand are also at higher risk of having this sexual desire due to great amount of sexual content they encountered. Mostly of the video games on line are sexually themed, and exposure to this might prompt to an action of rape, unsafe sex and even teenage pregnancy. Schools here in Phil ippines lack of proper sex educational programs, be cause they grow up to the environment where sexual content is sensitive topic for adolescents. Teachers are afraid to teach about it because of the reactions they can get from commu nity. They did grow up to the beliefs and culture that waiting to engage in sex is probably after marriage. Teenagers are curios and would likely to engage ear lier than what their peers told to do so. We should note that talks about prop er sex education is not being biased and insensi tive but rather having such knowledge will guide us to the careful decisions and made choices wisely. The relationship be tween portrayal of sexual content in any media form and the viewer’s percep tions is how the viewers will take action or approach such things, their ability to negotiate and their per ceptions towards sexual activity and their beliefs and will about the conse quences of their actions. For example the expo sure to portrayals of neg ative side such as doing it more cause likely negative comments and outcomes might leads to negative at

Media Diet Made Me Pregnant MARIA LUISA DICHOS

The Gold Panicles VANTAGE POINT
titudes towards the depict ed behavior not promote its portrayal. Viewers of the negative consequenc es reported more negative views of premarital sex. As a responsible citi zen there are some things we can do about this problem. Educate parents about the power of sexu al content in many media platforms. Parents should be involved in teen’s media consump tion, discuss the content with them and use the con versation as an opportuni ty to share the healthy val ues about sex with them. In doing so, not only do we help young people the aspects of being sexually active, the differences be tween themselves and the television characters they are viewing.Educators should in vest in continuing develop ment of having discussion of sexual media content and its influence to the stu dents in schools. Media portrayed sex as if everybody does it and makes it normal for everyone to do it. Media entertainment and literature appears to commend sex as a norms and it lacks information about the negative consequences of careless decision.“ “

*Copying what is not yours and what you have not learned yourself is a *cheating and a crime. It sounds like a © copyright infringement

uniquenessincludesliterarydoesCopyright©!infringementnotonlylimititselftoworksbutalsoittheingenuityandofsomeone’s work; be it social, scientific, pedagogical, mathematical, or any field of interest. In ad dition, plagiarism is a form of copyright infringement. It is just like *copying with re newed and rephrased sen tenceWhatstructure.makes it as pla giarism is like you are *cheating without even rec ognizing that you are *copy ing the content by rephras ing article or any literary works. To define, copying means a thing made to be similar or identical to one another. Basing on its ter minology, most things have similarity and common idea origin. Transcription and translation in other words. Since then, transcribing and translating have been a pa perwork. However, we have these so-called laws to reg ulate these excessive “tran scribings” but some were allegedly bribed by their positions, lawsuit immunity, and paper bills historical ly so they got away from the government charges. Exempli gratia, the wellknown, ‘I Have A Dream’, civil rights propagandist Martin Luther King Jr. whom loved by everyone with his Emancipation Proclamation speech; but little do they know, there were several allegations that M.L. King Jr. had plagiarized his doc torate speech. According to the Stanford University, the group organizing the papers learned that portions of his earlier writings, including his ‘I Have A Dream’, were taken from other authors. Jane Goodall is well known for her lifetime study about chimpanzees. However, there were proposal about the ‘Seeds of Hope’ pla giarism. That stated there, it was taken from andriculumnewaldigmsfaileddialess-desirable-than-Wikipeotherreference.Falsemodelingandeducationalparathusleadingtoreofpedagogicalcurjusttomaintainconsistwhatmadethe
16 “Mtutulong-tulongtayoakaka-graduate‘pagmag tayo sa tuwing may pasulit na makakaharap natin.”; “Walang maiiwan sa atin na luhaan at ‘di gra-graduate, lahat maka kapagtapos basta walang damutan ng mga sagot na mangyayari.”;“Hindiako nakapag-re view ng notes ko. Tatabi ako sa’yo mamaya ha?! Ikaw ang pag-asa ko.”; “Ano’ng sagot sa num ber 1? Lilibre kita mamaya pagkatapos“Bibigyannito.”;kita ng one whole sheet yellow paper basta pakopyahin mo ‘ko mamaya sa exam.”: These are the common statements we accidentally heard or eavesdropped in side the classroom, comfort room, jeepney, library (but in a whispering manner), and/or anywhere it could happen. Hearing those nas ty and cringing complaints from “self-pitied” and “nar cissistic” students saying the common abovemen tioned are nonchalantly and blatantly ignorant to the consequences.Todifferentiate, ac cording to Google accepted definition, *copying means to make similar or identical thing from one to another; while *cheating is an act of dishonesty or an act of tak ing advantage of someone whom their works are more knowledgeable than ou and particularly in universi ty terms – who has much studied their notes before taking the exam.

17 BANDWIDTH students excellent are like trial-and-error mathemati cal concept: the Commis sion on Higher Education (CHED) or Department of Education (DepEd) could monthly, annually, bien nially, or perennially (or whensoever they seem to appoint their curriculum renewal) amend it if they wish to and if they find it unbeneficial to the obedient students. However, there will always be a situation where students, who have lower attempt in learning, tend to indulge themselves to indolence. Where their only “intelligent” technique is to take what they have not learned themselves a thing from someone or from the internet without even recognition. From what we perceived as “immoral” and “bad”, now seems to be normal and acceptable to the next generation – and turns out naïve to some especially this generation’s “professionals”. What is happening to the purpose of education? Why do we resort our selves to *cheating? Is this the only thing where we could get A+ but not our own hardIswork?learning still “learn Alternatively,ing”? is “learn ing” just for “passing” the Howsubject?wellaware are you that you are not actually cheating? The truth is, as of this generation, we tend to drive ourselves to what is already established and imitate someone’s idea without the author’s recognition or ref erence to feed our egos. To be neutral, we are all cata lyst of someone’s ideas. In other words, we do not own and we are just continuing the pre-existing concepts like linguistics, politics, sci ence, engineering, etcet era; because it was created by other historical ingenu ines (such as Socrates, Ar istotle, Plato, Gregor Men del, Robert Koch, Charles Darwin, et aliae) right be fore these “modern” brilliant minds (such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zucker berg, etcetera) ever exist ed. To contrast, this does not give you the motive to *cheating further. Cheating becomes only unacceptable if dis honesty and disrecog nition are your principles in learning. They might find it as a “learning” but it con siders a crime. If this goes normal, the essence of the word Competence, Service, and Uprightness will soon become vague and irony. Is this the prime purpose of education? Instilling and continuing some pre-estab lished legacies that are not even ours? Even this arti cle’s terminology is taken from pre-existing and pro created terminology. A crime could only be done if the culprit does not recognize their “mishap”. The only resolution to un recognition is to retaliate it by the opposite – that is recognition; the unlearning to learning; close-mindedness to open-mindedness; unwilling to willing—that’s how things should be done in ‘educational way’, honest and recognitive. The Gold Panicles VANTAGE POINT
The truth is, as of this generation, we tend to drive ourselves to what is already established and imitate someone’s idea without the author’s recognition or reference to feed our egos.
“ “

AKIN PONCE T alking about sex and sexuality is considered a taboo conversation on your av erage Filipino household. Trying to bring it up to your mother will earn you a good slap on the face, while bringing it up to your drunk uncle might get you teased; or worse, molest ed. This is a fact of life for many and as long as it stands, those innocent questions will barrel down to bigger problems along the way.

Six decades ago, The Stonewall Inn stood as a safe haven for people who had similar problems with the norm- the place were filled to the brim with homeless teenag ers, prostitutes, and drag queens; all of which are from the LGBTQ+ com munity. The place was run with the guise of the mafia and upon the discovery of homosexual activity; the place was raided, thus sparking the first major gay rights movement in America and ultimately, the world.
Unfortunately, this was not the end of the yellow brick road for the LGBTQ community. In the midst of major strides like the psychiatric community repealing homosexuality’s status as a mental disor der in 1973 and the pass ing of gay marriage and non-discrimination bills in the early 2000s; it was the dawn of the 80s when the AIDS epidemic when the community suffered the greatestDuringloss.the early days of the AIDS crisis, AIDS was not even called “AIDS”. Before it was called Acquired Immuno deficiency Syndrome, it was referred to as GayRelated Immune Disease (GRID) due to it occuring in a higher frequency in gay men, and is also col loquially known as the gay cancer or the gay plague. This obviously set the movement a few steps back because it reinforces the conservative and morally-abhorrent idea of divine retribution, and therein lies the problem.

ILLUSTRATION BY DAVID JONE HERRERA ing but a playful joke, only to be found beaten and left for dead days after with signs of struggle and their genitals unsanctimo niouslyFurtherviolated.along the line, the don’t-ask-don’t-tell culture can be seen in the Philippine AIDS crisis. The reason why the disease is so prolific in the country is that the government re fuses to acknowledge that most of the cases origi nate from male-to-male intercourse due to the influence of certain reli gious sectors and the lack of sex education in the country. The Philippines also lags in other related preventative measures, as the pre-exposure pro phylaxis (PrEP) treatment was introduced as recent ly as October 2019. While the solution to the problem might be glar ingly obvious, the political and religious aspects of Philippine Politics are so close-knit; and that puts a damper on any progres sive movements that want to get the presence of the law Theinvolved.concerns of the LGBTQ+ community, the AIDS crisis, and the dis mantling of a mainly-pa triarchal system that fuels these problems took gen erations to mitigate on the more developed parts of the world, and yet disap pointingly, it still exists. To tell you honestly, solving these issues are a matter of personal choice. Call out your homophobic rel atives; and if possible, ed ucate them. If your child asks about their genitals, answer it. If your daughter has a crush on another girl, don’t make her feel bad about it. To quote Harvey Milk; “It takes no compromise to give peo ple their rights...it takes no money to respect the indi vidual. It takes no political deal to give people free dom. It takes no survey to remove repression.”
Back in the Philippine setting, the uncanny lack of an open narrative to wards sex and sexuality in their families only puts non-LGBTQ+ children in a postion where they are left to make choices that might not be the best for them, and what makes it worse is that when you put that child in an envi ronment where other chil dren think that kissing will get you pregnant, imagine how creative they would get if they find out that their genitals can make them feel some type of way?This situation pres ents a pronounced psy chological disarray for LGBTQ+ children. Aside from the andwhoisbeingpains,psychosexualaforementionedgrowingapivotalpartofanqueerpersoncomingintotermswithyouarewithyourselfsociety,whichiscommonly referred to as “com ing out”. In the traditional Filipino setting, coming out can be difficult for religious and patriarchal rea sons. Stories have been told time and time again of young males being beat up, then being cer emoniously put in sacks tied to a branch above an open flame just because someone decided to play with mom’s heels or when little girls are told that the unwelcome advances of their uncles is just noth

19 “ The Gold Panicles
Image source: Studio

Many of us superfi cially know what plastic is, especial ly those who are not well oriented of how it is done and what material it is be ing extracted from. The word ‘plastic’ comes from the Latin word plas sein, meaning “to mold”. Plastics have been used as an exterior to any means of human convenience; for buying commodities at the grocery store, at the divi soria, and/or at any place where it could be usable. We all know that curiosity kills the cat, but have you not been wondering where the plastic originated and how the word ‘plastic’ apTheplied?plastic is a semi-or ganic material which is usually taken from various sources: it could be an animal or a plant (or any befitting source for polymers). For instance, a rot ting carcass of an animal that is being degraded by decomposers of nature, and those leftover mole cules of the carcass can be chronically exposed to other molecules, and when those molecules are bonded to compatible ele ments in its environment, then they will soon form a monomer; eventually a polymer. The four basic el ements that could be found in almost abiotics and bi otics: Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, in cluding also the essential elements. Those we see daily are types of poly mer not just only ‘PETs’ or ‘plastics’ we perceive as polymer. Polymers are substance which are chief ly consisted of bonded alike chemical elements to form larger molecules such as plastics, papers, rocks, bones, and other mundane convenient ma terials that could be used for consumption. The word ‘polymer’ comes from the Greek poly-, ‘many’ + -mer, ‘part’. We have dif ferent kinds of polymers in terms of bonding: A starch, a butter, a satu rated oil, and other bigger in volume and denser in size commodities. These polymers can be viewed through a microscope that has a greater magnification power – Electron Mi croscope – if you want to see the bonding of those molecules.


Polymers are repeated subunits of a substance or elements. Those subunits constituting are called as monomers. Those group of atoms that are used to make unit cells are called as monomers. Monomers are the basic and funda mental unit of a polymer and are not easily degrad able or denatured (search Rudolf Clausius’s Laws of Thermodynamics) for they are variables which means they are transformable to any kind of material. An element is considered as usable but indestructi ble energy particle. To further explain, elements are found almost everywhere and cycle where it could be brought through its own concept of space and time. Through segregation, those materials consid ered recyclable will be reprocessed and pushed through a heated cham ber until it melts where it could be reformable. After reshaping the concocted and reshaped plastics, it will be cooled down until it reaches its feasible solid form. Cutting excess is an optional method. To break the norms, plas tics or what we called as PETs can be papers. A group of Mexican re searchers discovered a way to redeem and re duce the tree cuttings, they turned those collect ed plastic bottles or PET bottles into refined papers. For further explanation, read ZME Science: Mexi can Researchers Turn Old Plastic Bottles into Water proof Paper. If promptly compressed, pulverized, segregated and reformed, rocks can be a source for polymers. Plastiglomerate is an evidence. Scientifically speaking, a rock can be composed of almost anything as long as polymerized or bonded together. Those rocks we see in our environment are polymerized. Therefore, plastics can be rocks. If finely pulverized, rocks can be turned into finely writeable sheets of poly mer which is called as bio plastic Accordingpaper.to Bioengineer ing, if meticulously refined, biotics could be another contributing factor to eco logical relations and to polymer contribution. With the aid of science to nourish human indolence, almost anything can be refined, recycled, and/or reformed into somewhat human convenience. Even us humans could be a contributing factor to eco logical and geological rela tions. If feeling depressed or unpurposive, just keep in mind, you have a pur pose in life; it may be good or bad. However, Earth is overpopulated of Homo sapiens; therefore we are in between of contributing to global warming or to Earth’s nutrients and min erals.


Two projects from Caraga State Uni versity dominated the 2019 Regional Inven tion Contest and Exhibit (RICE) held on September 3-5 at City Hall, Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur af ter “BugTech” emerged as Regional Winner of the Outstanding Student Creative Research (Sibol Award) for College stu dents, at the same time, “VolTech” placed second. RICE is one of the ini tiated activities of the De partment of Science and Technology (DOST) which is a nationwide activity conducted in the different regions to recognize the Filipino inventors especial ly in the field of national economic development. It is open to all innovators and inventors within the region with 5 categories including the Sibol Award that the CSU students had participated.Thetop invention named Solar Powered Rice Black Bug Light Trap ping Machine or BugTech is invented by Elaine Grace Q. Lariosa, Jetro Juntilla and Glenn Villa fuerte. On the other hand, VolTech or Smart fire De tection and Alarm System is innovated by Mike C. Baba, JL Joshua B. Grado and Dean Joshua L. Solis. All of them studied Bache lor of Science in Electron ics and Communications Engineering (BSECE) here in CSU. BugTech is a machine that is designed to trap rice black bug automatically with less human interven tion. It has an automated packing system with GSM based monitoring system and is powered by solar photovoltaic system. It aid ed the problem in farming particularly in eliminat ing black bugs in the rice fields. This has been a major problem in the coun try which really needs an immediate solution espe cially that rice crops are extremely important. In an interview with the inventors of BugTech, Lariosa said that, “ Black bug infestation was one of the worst problem of the farmers since it can result to zero percent harvest, so we created this study to be of help to the farmers com munity.” Villafuerte add ed that, “My parents are both farmers and the most common problem in the rice fields are black bugs actually . So we decided to create a solution for this problem and we come up with the said machine. With the use of BugTech, black bugs will be caught easily and the use of pes ticides which is harmful to health will be minimized.” Securing the second place, VolTech is a ma chine that deals with the automatic sending of data from one device to anoth er. Mr Solis, one of the innovators, called it the “Internet of Things”. He explained that, “VolTech have a design of a mul

BANDWIDTH tisensory Arduino-based fire detection and alarm system using GSM Com munication and RF module with an Android application for fire monitoring. The de vice and its system were made to aid the response of fire departments and to reduce damages caused by fire. This is very useful to all buildings especially those who are prone to fire incidents.”Way back in their preparation stage, the researchers faced a lot of challenges since they only have 6 months to finish the project. There are changes in the de sign and additional fea tures to ensure reliability and operationability. They are doing research while building the machine at the same time just to get it right. They conducted their study at NAVIGATU with the help of Engr. Is agani Roma and Engr. Alexander Demetillo, their advisers.Aside from prepar ing the documents and all the necessary papers, they undergo screening with the DOST, conducted coaching and mock-de fense just to make them prepared and get trained. After knowing that only few had qualified, the researchers were already expecting that they have a chance to win in the event. Aside from being prepared, they believed that there studies have great impacts and feasible. Talking about their inspiration in making their projects, Lariosa shared that, “While we were doing our study, we had faced lot of discrimination from people who doesn’t have faith on our study but we keep on going cause we believe that it can help the farmers so we go for it. When you do something just always give your best and set your eyes on the goal and not on the obsta cles.”When asked about the edge of thier studies, Engr. Roma, one of the advis ers, stated that, “Since ag riculture is the backbone of our economy and we have many farmers here in the region, BugTech re ally have the greatest im pact. The contribution that it gives to the community especially to the farmers puts the study on top.” Ac cording to Solis, “Since we are trained to make thesis that are marketable, the edge of our study is that, VolTech is naturally for commerce.” Solis encouraged the students to try joining and make use of the facilities in the school especially that there is NAVIGATU. Lariosa also shared to all aspirants that, “Always be prepared and equipped. Be confident enough to share the knowledge you have about your project or study.”After the successful win of these two research teams in the 2019 RICE, it really proved that the research projects here in CSU are really great and are one of a kind.
The Gold Panicles VANTAGE POINT23

The Amazon is also home to the most unique and most bi zarre animals and serves as a sanctuary to some critical ly-endangered species like the red-faced spider monkey, spectacled bear, and giant river Thisotters.shows how spe cies-rich the Amazon is and how little we still know about it and also shows how we made the forests in danger last August 15, 2019 where the Amazon rainforest starts to go ablaze. The pro-defor estation policies of President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil that championed the expansion of farming industry in the forest is the reason why deforesta tion rates in Amazon rainfor est could further increase. So far this year, more than 72,000 forest fires have started in Brazil’s rain forest, that’s a 70% increase over the same period last year. By 2030, wildfires could destroy 55% of the Amazon rainfor est, that’s in addition to the 20% that’s already been de stroyed if deforestation and climate change persist.
Lungs on Fire Mayke Toscano / Mato Grosso State Communication Department via Getty Images file
BANDWIDTH 24 Recently, forest fires have become an issue towards different parts around the world especially in Amazonia and Indonesia. Scorching flames consumed the greenest trees; drying, killing the soil and its organ isms and an insane loss to animal habitat. Forest fires are one of the common natural hazards aside from the other natural calamities. It causes enor mous long-term damage to the location where it occurred as it harms the vegetation of the area, forces animals to flee to other places because of losing their own habitat, and takes on a huge loss to the production of oxygen on this planet.There are only two pos sible reasons how this disas trous phenomenon occurs: either caused naturally or man-made. Long droughts with scorching heat can generate embers from dried leaves that can cause the emergence and proliferation of this blaze. On the other hand, man-made causes in volve the generally known kaingin for agricultural pur poses or human sole reasons that sometimes goes out of control.Aside from providing the majority of the air that we breath, forests also serve as a safe haven for differ ent specie ranging from the most common to the critical ly endangered. Forests play a huge role as they take on different cycles that keep our planet balanced and livable.
The Amazon Wildfire Halfway across the globe, the world’s largest tropical rainforest, widely de scribed as the world’s lungs, a reference to the forest’s ability to produce 20 % of oxygen and 86 billion stor ing of carbon dioxide that would otherwise be polluting our atmosphere and a home to about 30% of the planet’s species, is in flames.

The Amazon rainforest has more plants and animals than any other terrestrial eco system on Earth. It is home to around 40,000 identified plant species where some are en demic to the said ecosystem. It also hosts more than 25% of herbal medicines we use by which others are deemed to be herbs that fight lethal diseases such as cancer.
The Indonesia Rainforest Wildfire Meanwhile on the other side of the globe, Indonesia, the treasure chest of incredi ble wildlife in the east, is one of the world’s richest nation in terms of its biodiversity where it has similar patterns to that of the Amazon. Indonesia’s tropical peat swamp forest plays a critical role in mitigat ing climate change because they act as a carbon sink soaking up carbon dioxide. It is the largest terrestrial car bon sink in South East Asia. On average, it stores around ten times more carbon than rainforests of equal size growing on mineral soils. Indonesia ranks fifth among the top global Green House Gas emitters, after China, USA, India and Rus sia. Emissions from peat fires are the origin of smoke haze pollution that spreads all over Southeast Asia that, if more keenly felt, causes respirato ry problems for an estimated million people.

25 BANDWIDTH In 2015, the smog and haze from the peatland fires were so severe that it may have led to the premature death of 100,000 people. Re cently, on the 4th of Septem ber, 2019, 178.43 million peo ple were exposed to smog. In Indonesia alone, at least ten people died. Since 2015, wildfires in Indonesia have been causing damage not just to the coun try but also to its neighbouring countries because of smog and haze emissions. The presence of El Niño has also contributed to the scorching of the country creating the “dry-season effect”. It has already been ad dressed by Pres. Joko Wido do himself to take down offi cials who take these issues lightly as it has become a “national embarrassment” to the country itself. Resolutions on these issues have already been settled to prevent mas sive damages to forests as wildfires have become inevi table. The Agusan Marsh Wildfire The Agusan Marsh is one of the biggest wetlands in the Philippines. It is a huge fresh water ocean in the Caraga Region, Mindanao, Southern Philippines. It is a swamp habitat for over 200 species of migratory birds and freshwater crocodiles that spread across sub-lakes and river channels. Other no table wildlife within the Marsh is “Lolong”, the world’s big gest crocodile. According to Gab Mei ja, a National Geographic Explorer on his Inside Nat Geo assignment in the Agu san Marsh, In April, 2019 28-hectares of peatswamp forest were scorched out of existence. 62-hectares were burnt as the destruction con tinues to grow. Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary Protected Area Management Office fur ther confirms the news. “Without Agusan Marsh all of Butuan City will be un derwater.” Said by Hon. Fer dinand Amante Jr, M.D, May or of Butuan City. These fires aren’t only happening in Brazil, it’s hap pening in our very own coun try in the Philippines. Two distinct looking worlds show ing both fragility and beauty–when truth is we only live in one. A world threatened by climate change and immense socio-economic develop ment like agriculture, palm oil plantations, mining, and land grabbing. Yet, despite our depen dence on forests, we are still allowing them to disappear. Across the Pacific Ocean, local impact of forest fires is multifold, scientists say. The immediate impacts of fires can be devastating to human communities and forest eco systems. In the longer term, they can adversely affect the supply of environmental services necessary for the well-being of local communi ties, threaten the survival of endangered species, simplify the structure and composition of biologically important for est. While they can be de structive and sometimes even deadly for humans, for est fires do play an important role in nature. They can help a forest by removing harmful insects or diseased plants and they can clear thick can opies to help sunshine reach seedlings on a forest floor. By being aware of the conditions necessary for forest fires to occur, they can be managed and prevented.Prevention, after all, is the most important pillar of a successful fire management system.

VANTAGE POINT The Gold Panicles Forest fires are one of the common natural hazards aside from the other natural calamities. It enormouscauses longterm damage to the location where it occurred as it harms the vegetation of the area,”

Will this Come to an End?
Endo is not a new dilemma for many employees and workers in the Philippines. Before, “endo” is less tackled in the soci ety but as time goes by, labor groups are constantly making new reforms to end la bor problems or issues such as “endo” that causes burden to a lot of people in the coun try. That’s why the recent election is a good timing for this issue to be heard by the gov ernment. Millions of Filipino are subjected to “endo” or contractualization way back. That means their company gives them tem porary employment for about 5 to 6 months and terminating them after in order to have less fees on employment benefits that the regular employees are enjoying. Some of this benefits includes social insurance such as SSS, health insurance like Philhealth, PAGIBIG housing fund contribution and 13th month pay among others.
E ndo has been in the forefront issue of the latest presidential debates way back 2016 during the election period. The colloquial term “endo” is de rived from the phrase “end-of-contract” that relates to the period of employment of a person. But is “endo” a novel problem?

Labor Day is celebrated a few days before the election. During the Presidential campaign, labor groups on the other hand have an opportunity to include their concerns of government labor-related issues. They narrated their working conditions such as increasing wages, increasing benefits for workers and their families and to termi nate the contractualization. No wonder that all of the Presidential candidates are fond of making promises since when they elect ed fulfillment are still left unanswered.
As what Duterte mentioned during his first year as President, is that he will abol ish contractualization or “endo” in the Phil ippines by urging the lawmakers for this to happen. A new bill was drafted by De partment of Labor and Employment which is SOT or Secure of Tenure that seeks to stop the labor contracting scheme. This RENANTE TABUDLONG ILLUSTRATION BY ENGR. ISAGANI ROMA JR.

bill states that illegal contractualization is prohibited like the labor-only contracting in which workers are prone to exploitation and neglection of employee benefits. After a long period of time, the bill has lapsed since Duterte was not able to signed it. This bill has been vetoed for the reason that it might adversely affect the country’s economy and workers as what is stated by the big companies in the country. Many labor groups are not in favor for the decision of the President to vote the bill. Duterte said that they are weighing the pros and cons of this bill and what is im portant is to have a balance in the econo my. The labor-only contracting maybe pro hibited but the legitimate job contracting is allowed since it ensures the workers safety and appropriate employee benefits. If we try to convince the individual’s politician, almost everyone has at one point felt unheard or powerless (an) employee. As such, the government needs to show brilliance in providing a resolution that these such people deserve to receive the rewards, indeed the also need to be offered such rewards for the good of society. For example, the factory workers, they actually maybe more important to the survival of the society since they could get in maintaining the needs of consumers, their health condi tion should be the top priority of the cooper atives especially they are the ones dealing with the priority needs of everybody. That’s why whenever you are a stu dent, fresh graduate, an employee or what ever is your status in life is that you should be vigilant on what is the illegal practices happening in our country whether that is good or it creates an unsophicated, inef ficient, and unequal Philippine economy. Specifically, in the labor condition of many Filipinos and let our voice be heard, so that illegal contractualization will be vanished and for us to be able to make new solutions for the improvement of the lives of Filipinos.

Pilipinas na lamang maliban sa Vatican ang wala pang diborsiyo. Sa kasalukuyan, muli ay binuhay ang prosesong maipasa ang nasabing diskusyon na nasa lebel na ng komite sa mababang kapulungan ng kongreso. Ang tawag dito ay Marriage Dissolution Bill o House Bill 100 ni Albay Rep. Edsel Lagman- isa sa may akda ng ‘divorce bill’. Marami ang tumutu tol kabilang ang simbahang katoliko na naglalayong harangan ang pagsasabatas nito. Mayroong 80% o mahigit 74 milyon ng populasyong 105 milyong katao ang katoliko sa Pilipinas na posibling maging sandigan ng simbahan sa pagpuksa kontra nito. Umukit ang tanong sa bawat mamamayan ‘ito na kaya ang pagtutuloy-tuloy tungo sa diborsiyo sa tanging bahaging ito ng mundo’?

“Upang pakawalan”- ito ang diborsyo na naglalayong ka lagan ang bigtis ng kasal dahil sa pagkalagas ng pag-asang maisalba pa ang isang relasyon. Ito ay ang nakikitang lunas sa iilan na nakakaranas ng emosyonal at pisikal na pang-aabuso sa loob ng bisig ng buhay may asawa; gamot sa pagtitiis ng bawat pagmamalabis. Dahil sa dagok na bunga ng pagtataksil muli’t muli ay inaasam. Pinagsisigawan. Inilalaban sa lehisla tura. At patuloy na umaandar sa komite. Sa kabilang banda, simbahan ang katunggali nito dahil sa usaping kasalan—al ituntunin ng simbahan ang ipawalang bisa ito, sa kadahilanan na ang diborsyo ay nagmistulang elementong ‘labag sa pala tuntunan ng Panginoon’ ayon kay Bro. Eddie Villanueva, kabil ang sa mga kongresistang lubos na hindi sumasang-ayong maisabatas ang usapin.

sang permanenteng buklod ang pagpapakasal. Usaping hindi biro; samahang hindi laro. Sa mga alituntunin sa harap ng altar nagiging legal ang isang pagsasama. Subalit hindi lahat mayroong kwentong mala-fairytale. Likas sa pag-aa sawa ang pag-bot sa puntong may dalawang pagpipilian; ang isalba ito sa laylayan ng pagsubok o hayaan itong gibain ng karupukan at kataksilan. Upang matugunan ang suliraning ito, naipanukala ang solusyong diborsyo.
“Hindi diborsiyo ang sisira sa isang pagsasama. Sira na ang pagsasama, kaya nga kailangan na ng diborsiyo,’’huni ni Lagman. Tinuturing na masalimuot na problema at kari ma-rimarim na samahan ang ugat ng pagkabuo nito. Pagka buyo sa bisyo, alak, sugal, droga at pambubugbog ng asawa ANN ABARICO
pakawalan”-Upang ito ang diborsyo na pagmamalabis.pagtitiisasawa;ngsapang-aabusoatngnakakaranaslunasayisangmaisalbangsangkalagannaglalayongangbigtiskasaldahilpagkalagaspag-asangpaangrelasyon.Itoangnakikitangsaiilannaemosyonalpisikalnaloobngbisigbuhaymaygamotsangbawat
29 at anak ang kadalasang tinit ingnan na suliranin na kada lasan ay naiuugnay sa mga lalaki. Sa mga babae naman ang pagtataksil o pangangali wa ang kinikilalang dahilan ng hiwalayan. Hindi kanais-nais na gawi ang nagpasilang sa katuusan na ito at dahilan na rin kung bakit binigyang atensyon ang pagsasabatas ng nasabing legal na papel. Buklod ng pamilya ang lakas ng lipunan. Subalit hindi lahat ng tahanan ay mayroong pay apang pagsasama. Layunin nitong igarantiya ang respeto sa karapatangLumalabaspantao.sa isang isinagawang surbey ng So cial Weather Stations (SWS) noong 2017, nasa 53% ng mga Pilipino ang pabor na gawing legal ang diborsiyo sa bansa upang mabigyan ng karapatang magpakasal sa iba o makalaya ang mga magasawang wasak na ang relas yon. Umabot lamang sa 32% ang hindi sang-ayon ayon sa tala na posibling tumaas o bumaba na sa kasalukuyang pag-aaral. Tanging legal sep aration o annulment lamang ang maaaring gawin ng magasawang sawa o ayaw na sa piling ng isa’t-isa. Kung susu riin ay mas mura ang prose song diborsiyo kumpara sa annulment na umaabot ng mahigit kumulang daang libo hanggang milyong piso ang halaga. Ito’y hindi problema sa mag-asawang mayaman o mayroong kaya sa buhay. Sa kabilang panig, sa mga mahirap, hiwalay na lamang. Walang pakialamanan. Kung kasaysayan ang pagbabatayan, hindi ganoon kabago ang diborsiyo sa ban sa. Ayon sa certified life coach na si Christine Maple-Francis co, bago pa ang pananakop ng mga Kastila, ang diborsiyo ay nasa legal na sistema na ng mga tribo; Tagbanua sa Palawan, Gudang ng Nueva Vizcaya, Sagadan at Igorot sa Cordillera, at mga Mano bo Bila-an Moslems sa Bi sayas at Mindanao. Maging sa Karatig bansa, legal na ang batas na ito. Isa na rito ang Spain na matagal tayong pinamahalaan at nagdala ng Kristiyanismo sa ating bansa; ang Italy kung saan ay kalapit lamang ang Vatican na sentro ng Katolismo, maging ang Israel at ang Brazil na may 212,559,417 na populasyon, ayon sa 2020 na tala. Iilan lamang ang mga ito sa mga bansang mayroong pinaka malaking bilang ng katoliko sa mundo.Anu-ano pa man ang ka tayuan ng pamahalaan upang ipatupad ang katuusang di borsiyo ito’y dagok pa rin at mananatiling dilema sa mata ng simbahang katoliko. Ang kasal ay kinilala ng Konsti tusyon. Ayon kay Archbishop Gilbert Garcera, Chairman ng Catholic Bishops Confer ence of Family and Life (CB CP-ECFL), tutol siya at hindi sang-ayon sa pagpapalegal ng diborsiyo sa Pilipinas na pinagtibay ng mababang kapulungan. Sa halip ay imi numungkahi ng simbahang katoliko na ang kahalagahan ng pagtitiyaga at pagsakop sa mga paghihirap bilang mag-asawa ay panatilihin sa bawat pamilyang Pilipino upang maging matatag ang lipunan. Ang mga bata ay nar arapat sa isang tahanan kung saan naghahari ang pag-ibig, katapatan at pagpapatawad. Ang diborsiyo ay prose song may naghahabla, may inihahabla. Kapag tuluyang isusuko ng mag-asawa ang isa’t-isa malaki ang tiyansang ang labis na maaapektuhan ay ang mga anak nito. Lu bos na apektado ang estado ng anak lalong-lalo na kapag magkaiba ang mag-asawa ng takbo ng isip. Isang kini kilalang epekto ay ang pag kalihis ng landas ng bata at posibling maglagay sa kan ya sa rurok ng depresyon at maging biktima ng pambubu las na siyang makakapag pabago sa buhay ng bata hanggang sa paglaki nito. Da hilan rin na lilihis ang landas patungo sa pinagbabawal na gamot. Sa ibang panig, mas werte na lamang kapag may malawak na pag-uunawa ang isang anak at hindi maapek tuhan nito ang kanyang pa nanaw sa Adhikainbuhay.ng pagpapa kasal ang pagtibayin ang sa mahan ng may basbas mula sa Panginoon. Pahabain at palawakin ang lahi ng pami lya bilang isang mahalagang sektor sa lipunan. Layunin naman ng diborsiyo ang pa kawalan ang isang pagsa samang naging bangungot ng paghihinagpis at pasakit. Hindi tagpuan ang simbahan sa dalawang taong ang pon dasyon ay hindi matibay, na kaya lamang anurin ng anu mang bagyong susubok sa samahan. Hindi rin takbuhan ang diborsiyo upang lisanin ang binuong pagsasama sa dalawang nag-alay ng alitun tunin sa harap ng sakramen tong Itoaltar.ang mga bagay na dapat pagtuunan ng pansin at atensyon na ang pagkila la ng maigi sa taong mama halin mo at makakasama sa habang buhay ay dapat lubos mo nang kabisado bago dal hin sa altar. Bagkus, hindi biro ang pagpapakasal ni hindi rin laro ang pakikipagdiborsiyo. Ang dalawa ay may pare hong halaga sa magkaibang sektor; relihiyon at gobyerno. Nasa sa tao ang desisyon dahilan kung saan nagmula ang magandang pondayon at maling aksiyon na siyang pagsisisihan. Sa huli karapatan ng tao ang magpasya, anuman ang kanyang batid na makakabuti. Bumitaw. Umalis. Mamuhay nang payapa at masagana. Sa diskusyong ito, anuman ang hatol ng dalawang batas; batas makatao at batas ma ka-Diyos, nasa mag-asawa pa rin ang pasya kung alin ang nakakabuti sa kanila— ang tingnan ang kasal na kulungang walang rehas o gawing tagpuan ito gamit ang susi na sumisimbolo ng dibor siyo na sa anumang oras ay maaari nilang lisanin ang kini kilala nilang piitan ng maling pagsasama at kalimutan ang mga pangakong binigkas sa simbahan.Angkasal ay isang bagay na magtatali sa dalawang nag-iibigan upang maging wakas ang pagmamahalan. Dalawa ang pagpipilian ng mga may-ari ng bahay, ang gibain ito o isalba.


PROFILE ‘Rango’: Identity Crisis In The Weird Wild West Image credits: Paramount Pictures BANDWIDTH 32
Think of Zootopia, now make it Western but on acid. That is not exactly 2011’s ‘Ran go’, but it should be close enough. Because for all its bazaar of bizarreness, ‘Rango’ endures and hits heavy and complete with allusions to politics, West ern cinema, and existential query. Proving once and for all that not all animated films are ‘The Emoji Mov ie’. The titular character (voiced by Johnny Depp), a crook-necked, wise cracking chameleon with camouflaging difficulties, begins his story inside a terrarium, travelling in the back of a car. Unnamed as of yet, he stages a play in which he voices a de capitated Barbie doll, a bug, and a wind-up plastic goldfish—his fellow ac tors—all at once. At some point in the play he faces Viktor, a non-talking palm tree, which he thinks is under the impression that his character is undefined; to which he responds: “I could be anyone!” Later on, he realizes that the palm tree has a point and that what he “needs is an ironic, unexpected event that will propel [him] into conflict”, consequently defining him at long last. This is fulfilled promptly when the car swerves and spills the terrarium on the ground, breaking him free and scalding. The Name’s Rango Lost in the des ert, thirsty, he chances upon an iguana named Beans(voiced by Isla Fish er). She takes him to the town of Dirt where he dons the made-up name Ran go and the made-up sto ry of his being an outlaw gunslinger to save himself from a conflict with an as sortment of tough-looking locals. Following luck-rid dled encounter with a hawk, he becomes Sheriff Rango, under the authori zation of the town’s mayor, a tortoise stuck in a wheel chair. Rango welcomes the idea with pleasure and wears this new if not tem porary identity as his own, shining just as much as his sheriff badge does. For a children’s mov ie, ‘Rango’ is surprising ly littered with adult el ements which director Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3, Lone Ranger) balances well with conventional cartoon fares. In doing so, he pres ents two substantial cri ses that need resolving: Rango’s identity crisis and Dirt’s water crisis. Dirt’s Water Crisis Water is Dirt’s curren cy. The locals pay their bills through it and in more ways than one, it helps them survive the scorching town. In one scene, Dirt’s parched populace attends a ritual called Wednesday Water where they head for a large spigot that is sup posed to supply them wa ter, only to find mud out of it; suggesting that a crisis is at hand. Dsappointment elevates even more when the bank’s stash of wa ter also disappears. This illicits a mob, which sub sequently urges Rango to organize a posse that will investigate the mystery. Dirt cannot lose its water. Water is to Dirt’s towns people what money is to humans.Verbinski exploits this allegory to call out Ameri ca’s flawed economic and political culture. It is explic itly implied that the mayor, alongside his cronies, has been controlling Dirt’s wa ter supply for their personal gain and profit. “You con trol water, you control ev erything,” the mayor even says at one point. This plays out as an effective metaphorical gut-punch to political elites whose main interest is to enrich them selves by putting into haz ard those who can barely make ends meet; ever expectant of an absolute power which feeds on the disenfranchised people’s last-ditch effort to get by. A precipice of total submis sion.But ‘Rango’, following almost every animated movie’s formula, promotes hope through its charming characters. Beans, for ex ample, envisions a place where there is enough water for everybody. This dream reflects the concept of a socialist society in

which prosperity is shared all throughout, just and fair. A society where people will not need worry about their country having enough money one day then hav ing none the ofhere‘Rango’’snext.messagesureleanontothemespoliticalgreed,elitism, and financial balance; but Verbinski dials its weight down to a point where a casual child viewer can fol low just enough, and dials its emphasis up to a point, making good use of subtle visuals and expositions, where a casual adult view er will begin to think about what is being shown. It is mostly a success. That much too can be said about Rango’s pursuit of identity. Rango’s Identity Crisis Rango starts out as an empty canvass, a blank square inside a glass box. Unlike most chameleons, Rango struggles to cam ouflage which implicates his difficulty to blend in, unable to keep things low without him sticking out. Upon his fateful spilling over the roadside, just before his meeting with Beans, he comes across a run-over armadillo who tells him: “We all have our journeys to make!” So begins Rango’s chase for identity. With prior social en gagements limited only to inanimate objects, Rango loses his bearing in keep ing up with a new, hostile and ever moving surround ing. To cope with this nov elty, he assumes a fake identity—a hero—filling himself in with imaginary experiences to support it. But along the way, the pretension proves to be a hard going. So much so that Rango finds himself facing the nagging task of, not just finding himself a place in all of Dirt but also, settling into a resolve wherein his true self is re vealed and is finally open for external scrutiny. In the end, with reliable compan ions and legitimate albe it flawed experiences to boot, Rango settles for the identity he has initially de cided to embody: a hero. While Rango’s strug gle in identifying who he is may fall just short of the chief target market’s line of grasp, it leaves enough thoughts for the adults to chew on. And it pays off well for both sides of the audience. Weird Wild West To add onto ‘Rango’’s already engaging societal and philosophical themes is its detailed attention to its visuals, action set piec es, and musical score, which collectively sets it apart from the typical ani mated films most consum ers have already grown tired of today. The overall look is gritty. The cinema tography(thanks to Roger Deakins) is a beaut, an choring firmly in the realis tic. The character design, surreal—Rango, with his googly eyes and crooked neck; Beans with eyes set so far from each other; Rat tlesnake Jake with a gat tling gun for a rattle; Ser geant Turley, a turkey with an arrow protruding from his eye; Doc, a rabbit with one ear; and a lot more. All of these blend well to action sequences that are so well-put, it will render most of live action movies today bland. Just that one canyon chase scene—with bats as planes, roadrun ners as horses, and a toad manoeuvring a gattling gun with one hand—is worthy of the sitting time. Now cue Hans Zimmer’s musical‘Rango’score.is weird, bi zarre even. It is so that it doesn’t forget its selfaware nature which al ludes comically to its ob vious cinematic influence: the Western. Much like animat ed films (most especially talking-animals), the West ern genre has become overly saturated. While re cent efforts like ‘No Coun try for Old Men’ (2008), ‘Django Unchained’ (2013) Wind River (2017), and ‘The Ballad of Buster Scruggs’ (2018) set ex amples of decent modern Westerns, there is no de nying that the genre is al ready way past its golden days.The Western genre was in full swing in the 1930’s up until the 1960’s, being the most popular genre of cinema during the time. Some of its ear ly, most notable works are ‘The Red River’, ‘A Fist ful of Dollars’ (1964), and ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’ (1966). The later years of the 20th centu ry however saw a decline in quality among Western movies. This has contin ued until the arrival of the 21st century. Ironically, the Western genre, known for its gunslinging heroes, is suddenly in need of its own hero.This is where ‘Ran go’ comes in. Boasting its hard-bitten goal to break pre-established tropes, the movie proves that West ern can still be fun if mov ie-makers found wise ways to apply innovative tweaks. The result: A weird wild western adventure that is obviously not suffering cre ative drought. Rango Endures One can say that ‘Ran go’ is an effective parody equally as one can say that it it is a piece of cin ema whose borrowed nu ances all add up to an orig inal masterpiece, which as far as animated movies go, is rare these days. Sure enough, much like its titu lar hero, ‘Rango’ is many things at the get-go, but this changes the moment the credits roll. While Rango himself finds out that the people we surround ourselves with help define us as much as our own percep tion about what we really are does, and that it is just a matter of acknowledg ment and acceptance; we find out that the movie, despite risky efforts to be many things in the length of almost two hours, has still succeeded in every sense of the word in find ing its identity in the end. That being said, ‘Ran go’, out for more than 9 years now, endures be cause it knows what it is and does a good job at be ing one. ‘Rango’ endures because it acknowledges the fact that to pretend to be more than what it ac tually is is to become un truthful. Now isn’t that what identity is all about?
Verbinski exploits this allegory to call out America’s flawed economic and culture.political It is explicitly implied that the gaintheirwatercontrollingcronies,alongsidemayor,hishasbeenDirt’ssupplyforpersonalandprofit.” “
The Gold Panicles
RAY BANTASAN GUHIT NI DAVID HERRERA 34 Ang Pantasya ng Justice Express


Isang bucket nga ng gatas para kay Juan. Samahan mo na rin ng isang order ng Justice Express. Ano? Wala? Gaano kabulok ang sistemang panghustisya ng Pilipinas? Kung naka kahinga’t may malay ito, malamang sa malamang ay ilang beses na itong nai pa-Tulfo. Ngunit maging ang naturang programa ay naging representasyon na ng mabagal na usad ng pagpapatupad ng batas at hustiya sa bansa. Subalit, nararapat ba na isisi sa kakulangang ito lamang ang pamamayagpag ng hustisya de Tulfo? TULFO JUSTICE Hindi na baguhan sa agresibong uri ng pamamahayag sa radyo at te lebesiyon si Raffy Tulfo. Noong 2011, kasama ang mga kapatid na sina Ben at Erwin, unang naitampok sa TV5 ang programang “T3” o “Tulfo Three”. Binan sagan ito noon bilang “pinakamaangas na programa sa balat ng telebisyon”, na ang pangunahing layunin ay ibahagi ang iba’t-ibang hinaing ng publiko at agaran itong resolbahin. Nabibilang naman sa daliri ang arsenal ng mga solusyon na naisipan ng magkakapatid: pang-iinsul to, pamamahiya sa harap ng publiko, at hindi patas na pagtrato sa mga nasasak dal. Kung anong inilabis nito sa angas ay ibinawas naman sa responsableng pag gamit ng medya. Wala namang daing dito ang publiko na suya na sa walang katapusang siklo ng kawalang hustisya. Huling sumahimpapawid ang pro grama noong 2016. Hindi naman dito natapos ang panghahatol ng “Tulfo jus tice”. Patunay rito ang kasikatan ngayon sa Internet ng programang Raffy Tulfo in Action. Sa tulong ng 15-milyon nitong subscribers sa YouTube, nakahanap ng mas moderno at mas madaliang plata porma, hindi lamang si Raffy, kung hindi pati na rin ang mga ordinaryong mam amayan, sa paghahanap ng agaran, at hindi maikakailang panandalian, na hustisya. Ganoon pa rin ang siste; hindi kalayuan sa atakeng kinagisnan ng “T3”. At kadalasan nga ay mas nag-uugat pa ito ng panibagong gulo, kaysa magresol ba, gawa nang kawalan ng maayos na proseso at pagsisiyasat. TATAK TULFO Tanungin mo pa si Teacher Melita Limjuco. Nitong Nobyembre 18, naitampok sa Raffy Tulfo in Action ang reklamo ng lola at mga magulang ng isang Grade 2 student na diumano ay ipinahiya ng nasabing guro. Bagamat humingi ng tawad at aminado na nagawa nga ni yang paupuin sa labas ng klase ang bata bilang parusa, sa kadahilanang nakalig taan nitong isauli ang kanyang report card, hindi pa rin nakaligtas si Limjuco sa walang-tuklap na paniniil ni Tulfo. Doon mismo ay pinapili si Limju co kung mas nanaisin niyang makasu han ng “child abuse” o ang mabawian ng lisensya sa pagtuturo. “Yayariin ka namin,” ani Tulfo. Pinili ng guro na isuko ang kanyang trabaho. Umani ng pagkondena mula sa pub liko si Tulfo pagkatapos ng naturang in sidente. Bumuhos ang simpatya sa guro na, kung ang publiko ang tatanungin ay, umakto lamang upang magturo ng di siplina. Iginiit naman ng Department of Education na may wastong proseso na dapat sinusunod sa usaping reklamo na dawit ang mga guro at estudyante; na dapat ay patas ang pagkilatis sa magk abilangIsangpanig.halimbawa lamang ito ng ka kapusan sa konkreto at balidong hus tisya na may kagitingan kung ilako ng programa. Pilitin mang takpan ng pagtat apang-tapangan, sumisilip at sumisilip pa rin sa siwang ng kakulangang-pros eso and badya ng huwad na hustisya. Pasensiya na talaga Juan at pantasya na lamang ang Justice Express.
TULFO AT ANG KULTURA NG TSISMIS Higit sa pangakong agarang solusy on sa mga hinaing, mabenta rin sa mga manonood ng programa ang malaya ni tong pagbalandra ng klase-klaseng suli ranin (kadalasan ay domestikal) na kung minsan ay mas naangkop na ihimpil na lamang sa lokal na baranggay. Malakas din ang hatak ng kwentong pananaksil ang tema at mga usaping may kaug nayan sa pamilya. Hindi na ito nakakagulat sapagkat bahagi na ng kulturang Pilipino ang tsis mis--kung may pambansang pampalip as-oras, ito iyon. Mula sa nakaka-intrig ang sigawan sa kalapit-bahay hanggang sa matunog na hiwalayan ng isang sikat na love-team, walang pinipiling paksa at kalagayan sa buhay ang tsismis. Malay dito ang programa ni Tulfo at ‘di hamak na maging ang mga manon ood nito. Sa bandang dulo, viewership lamang ang habol ng programa; bagay naman na mapag-uusapan ang hanap ng mga tagasubaybay. Hangga’t may tumatangkilik at may katangki-tangkilik para sa panlasang pinoy, mananatiling masigla ang tanggapan ng Raffy Tulfo in Action. At maaari ngang tumirik na lamang ang kamalayan ng publiko sa kalagitnaan ng ideyang walang ibang angkop na alternatibo sa pagkamit ng hustisya maliban sa naturang programa. 35 Sa kabuuan, masisipat na ang ugat ng tagumpay ng programa ay nakatarak sa dalawang hindi kaayaayang parte ng kulturang Pilipino. At angdapatnaunawaanngpanghinaanmaaaringnalamangloobsiJuankapagniyanghindibahagingkultura kawalang hustisya.” “
The Gold Panicles BANDWIDTH

BANDWIDTH Diversity Over Competition MARROL LOR MIOLE 36


37 Lao Tzu said that mu sic in the soul can be heard by the universe. While Plato described it as a giver of soul to the uni verse, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. With this, we can say that mu sic has something to do with someone’s soul or maybe for a nation in the larger picture. Filipinos are known for being both good musicians and song lovers not just in the Philippines but also to the world yet Filipinos are sometimes ignorant to change. Here in the Philip pines, we have our very own ‘Original Pilipino Mu sic’ or what we call OPM. It was originally referred to Philippine pop songs, par ticularly ballads, that were popular in the Philippines during the late 70’s to the present. Good lyric, pow er voices, well-made beat and relevant meaning, those are what make our OPM excel. However, as our music industry strived to reach the top there were many competitors that overshadowed us. Being a social ani mal, competition is every where even in music. Our OPM have lots of foreign competitors, mainly West ern Music and the catchy music that ascended from East Asia, Korean Pop. Both of this music have a great impact in this era and some says that they were the main problem and hindrance for our own music industry to prosper. The citizens play a big role in the recognition of a mu sic, let alone its popularity. However, our people, our youth in general, seems to be unruly bias, as they prefer to patronize the for eign music over our own. Despite of the com petition, Filipino artists still prove that we aren’t left behind, as we are still on the race. As reported by the popular global audio streaming service, Spotify Philippines as top songs for 2019 were De cember Avenue and Moi ra Dela Torre ‘s “Kung Di Lang Rin Ikaw” followed by I Belong to the Zoo’s “Sana” and This Band’s “Kahit Ayaw Mo Na”. Who haven’t shed tears or went melancholy upon hearing these songs? Beating for eign songs that were also on the list, indeed we’re in resurgence.
In addition, the revival of Sarah Geronimo’s 2016 song, ‘Tala’, has contrib uted to the resurrection of the OPM spirit in the Filipi nos’ hearts. After approxi mately 4 years since it was released, it now achieved a rare local feat of more than 150 million views on YouTube, hailed as the most viewed OPM music video on the streaming site. Not just that but also, it took its debut on the Bill board World Digital Song Sales chart on January 17, entering at No. 12. In point of fact, foreign music is on demand both locally and international ly. Despite the nonsensi cal lyrics of these songs, some Original Pinoy Mu sic is of no excuse to this nonsensicalness. If we are still going to apply our crab mentality, we better not aim to be triumphant. However, if we just support the art of music, in all form, in all language, in balance, and without any bias maybe one day, we’ll see us all victorious, when we practice diversity over competition.





PROFILESIMULACRA HONORSAWARDSMOVEMENTOCCUPATIONBORNNAME Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg 3 January 2003, Stockholm, Sweden Student environmental activist School strike for climate Fritt Ord Award (2019) Rachel Carson Prize (2019) Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019) Right Livelihood Award (2019) International Children’s Peace Prize (2019) Time Person of the Year (2019) Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity (2020) Doctor honoris causa, University of Mons 44

NATURE’S SAVING GRACE She was eight when she first learned about the climate crisis. When most kids her age were just trying to enjoy games and ice cream popsicles, she, on the other hand, has started making efforts to lessen her carbon foot print and became veg an. Flying on airplanes did not come necessary, because for her, boats that emit less carbon dioxide would suffice. She has made her fami ly follow her ways; doing their part in saving the world believing it was enough.Itwas not enough. At fifteen, she wore thick coats and skipped school to protest outside the Swedish Parliament while holding a placard that says “School strike for climate”. She has sparked conversations in social media. Her actions did not come without criticisms. Inter net trolls reduced her to a meme. Politicians backlashed her pro tests. Why does not she just attend school? How much could she know about the climate prob lem? What is her prob lem? She was branded as an activist. A Nazi propagandist. A poster girl if you are bad at par enting; a consequence when you raise a mentally ill of a daughter who lacked attention. None of it mattered though. Her passion to save the Earth could not be dampened. She did not tire of explaining. “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction.” Protect endangered species and rainforests; Preserve wildlife sanc tuaries; Fund things that can help the Earth, not destroy it- she demands over and over again. We are consuming oxygen faster than na ture could provide. We have destructed forests of resources and seas of sanctuaries with our ideas to make the world a better place even if what we are doing is the exact opposite. In a society that op poses opposition, she continues to challenge world leaders to act on climate problems and deal with it as it is. Be cause what is the point of going to school pre paring for the future when our governments are not listening to the educated? How is the youth the future when that future is nowhere in sight?Her blunt speech es about the reality of the climate problems has also earned her allies from around the globe. Along with oth er concerned youths throughout Europe, she launched Fridays for Future. A youth collec tive who protest outside an embassy, school, and other government institution they deem responsible for climate problems action. Pro tests did not mean skip ping school and rallies. It can be as simple as demanding immediate transition to 100% re newable energy through resolutions and laws, or doing community clean ups.Recently, she has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize but lost. She has been named as one of the world’s most influential teen by TIME Magazine. She was honored at a Stockholm ceremo ny held by the Nordic Council, a regional body for reducedtriesitneedmovementthehesitation,cooperation,inter-parliamentarybutwithoutsheturnedprizedown.Climatedoesnotanymoreawards,needsaction.Today,alotofcounandcompanieshastheirplasticus age due to laws and or dinances being passed on. She drew the picture of what is going on and slapped the hard truth to everybody, both in au thority and not, around the globe. Some people did not listen, but what matters most is who did. The climate justice was a backwater, so she act ed on it and did not stop until she succeeded. Her name is Greta Thunberg and she is Nature’s saving grace. Panicles

The Gold
In a society that oppositionopposes , she continues to challenge world leaders to act on climate problems and deal with it as it is.“ “

Like a river, we all go with the flow -- the flow of being a menace in our nature; and we always will.
We are like vehicles that go back and forth from our doing, as if there is no dead end; unmindful of the consequences awaits us.
We are like boats, carrying packs of problems towards the deep; waiting to be sunk by our own burden and doing.
As what John Donne said, “No man is an island.” Nature can survive without us, but we can’t. We’re surviving because we’re destroying them. This is the time to balance ourselves and give a stop in destroying the beauty of nature.

Rest NaturewhileHeals

We imagine our lives now as a hamster rolling wheel -- doing same routine all over again. We woke up preparing to school, go to work, and going home ex hausted, sacrifing even a tiny rest to complete a task.
Yes, some people’s life are as calm as the still sea. However, some wants tranquility, away from the chaos from their prem ises; others are lazy enough to determine the fault or go forward for change.

Let’s appreciate what nature of fered to us. A place to relax and have peace of mind; provider of life. As much as we love nature, let’s obtain responsibility in main taining and preserving it. Everthing in nature represent something in our life. Take a wa terfall for example. It may repre sent our journey with uncertain challenges. We go with its flow regarding how massive the ob stacles can be. As we fall, it’s up to us if we continue to go with rapids or just stop. This idea may present our rela tionship with nature itself. If we continue to the flow of destroying the nature, just like our forefa thers, it will be a risk for us and the next generation if we can sur vive the fall. Simple actions like proper waste disposal, coastal cleanup, reduc ing plastic production, and pro tecting wildlife, can alter the fate of our children from danger. There are many sunsets and sunrises in our lives. We can still change the nature before the worse came over the horizon.

Photos by Sean Audie Buscano

47 SIMULACRA The Gold Panicles

Afriend of mine just won’t go to school if he can’t find a proper shirt or a fashion-worthy polo to match his overly trimmed pompa dour. Oftentimes he skips classes and usually goes out with his dudes and eventually gets a below-average score in tests and even loses his confidence during oral rec itations. This is the routine he usually performs day-in and day-out, but it does not seem to bother him at all. I asked him why he does not feel any guilt with all the marks he re ceives. He claims that it does not seem to get his temper as long as he looks good. That is where it all came in; my friend is just one of the millions of people today who value good looks over good grades. In their defense, in a society where one’s value is measured by how they look, to look good is perhaps the best option to navigate your way through the tides of mod ern society, even if it means having a tainted report card. Beauty and brains in popu lar culture It has become a famous meme in the Philippines where a particular voter was asked as to why she would still vote Bong Revilla despite cases of graft and corruption. Revilla has a long history of corruption cases. In response to the question, the voter confidently answered “… kasi gwapo siya (…because he’s handsome)”. Many have been infuriated by the re sponse and pointed out some reasonable argumentations as to why that should not he the case. But the point has been made. Thanks to Revil la’s long years in the showbiz industry, he still has managed to retain some loyal voters to his side—that is of course, thanks to his looks. A 2019 study published in American Politics Research suggests that better-looking candidates fared better in the 2016 midterm elections. In an obvious thought, looks can be a political leverage. In the case of Revilla, his looks earned him some 14 million ballots which put him to the Senate seat. Even in popular teen age-themed movies, pop ularity is often championed by hunky jocks and curvy cheerleaders. Those who wear nerdy glasses and bring session books get to portray a background character or at times, a good, smart friend of the protagonist. This is often the redundant narrative of ev ery teenage movies out there; be it local or international, smarties are nothing less but supporting actors. In a society where the standard of looks is defined by celebrities, confidence and beauty are becoming more synonymous. Nevertheless, people also have the tenden cy to define other people’s overall character based on what they look like. We call this as the ‘halo effect’. This, however, is a valid assump tion. We may argue that what we look like is not always who we are, but sadly, it is through our looks that we are judged


The Gold Panicles first. Beauty is visible while intelligence has to be dis cerned.The perpetuation of such storyline is a continuous re flection of the modern society. Where how good you look, determines your place in the ladder. Beauty Premium Imagine yourself walking in mall aisles and eventually bumping into some mobile phone stores or even some cosmetics booths. Tenden cy is, you will be greeted by some good-looking store workers and will be enticed to buy their new products. To spew out the most obvious fact, you will less likely get to see some below public stan dard beauty being put in the mainWorkplacedesk. culture is cru el, but it is reasonable. Har vard Business Study in their research suggests that in vestors are more likely to put their money on ventures if the employee making the pitch is handsome. Obviously, beauty is a leverage—be it clad with thick cosmetics or natural elegance, beauty sells what needsTheselling.logic is simple, you are likely going to earn more if you have the advantage of being beautiful or handsome. Data show that good-look ing people earn 17% more than their work counterparts. Harvard studies define this income gap between attrac tive and unattractive people ‘beauty premium’. This phe nomenon tells us that bet ter-looking individuals has bigger chances of signing deals and secure a better paycheck for themselves. Beauty and personality But it is quite irrational to just simply say that having a pleasing appearance and a slick hairdo will do the trick. For most parts, good-looking people have an advantage that their looks has readi ly stored up for them. In an avenue where everything is a game of convincing, con fidence spells the difference between signing deals and getting to lose them. And yes, having good looks is an impe tus for confidence to sprout. Surprisingly, how we look has a direct and tangible effect in our self-confidence. A poll conducted by Lloyds Pharmacy found out that nearly a third are scared to go into the office when they feel unattractive, with 42% of respondents admitting their self-esteem was directly linked to their appearance.
Surprisingly, being aver age-looking will not hurt that much. Sure, it is indeed an incentive to have a face that stands out from the rest; but those who lack the fortune in being blessed to have an above-average look secure their luck in being life-smart. The point is, even if so ciety has a special spot for apple-of-the-eyes, the means to navigate its shifts requires less of beauty and more on wisdom. You cannot, after all, assure that having an an gelic face will secure you an exemption in health problems and even life dilemmas. Life acknowledges no man at the very least, be it beautiful or otherwise, suffering is noth ing but a mere ingredient that composes life. For years, researchers tried to unravel this uncanny phenomenon and tried to dis sect the very notion of beau ty premium. In this voyage of seeking truth, what their study found out is beyond the realms of mascaras and lip sticks or even six pack abs. What researchers found out is that rather than physical beauty alone, it is the com bination of attractiveness, intelligence, good health and a certain combination of per sonality factors that drives higherObviously,salaries. having a face of a goddess will not assure you an amazing skill in inter acting with people nor will it assure you that you will have the confidence to begin with. At times as well, confidence can be misplaced, and being beautiful is not always the best asset to have. Beauty is relative to begin with. How people de fine beauty is contingent on the culture they were raised from. From this perspective, we cannot really define what is beautiful and what is not. To invest and rely on beauty alone is a risk that one has to consolidate. What wins is be ing life-wise. It still pays to be an intellectual.
The reason for this is simple: people who have gorgeous looks believe that they belong to a higher so cial class and indulge in the gratification of being beau tiful. With such, the person bathes in a feeling of domi nance and thus, confidence is built. Psychology Today shared that beautiful wom en have a bigger-than-life persona; moreter-lookingisself-esteem.higher-than-normalThismindsetthedrivingforcewhybetindividualsfaredintheworkplacesimply because they become even more beautiful when clad with a confidence that only a few possess. Why Beauty is not enough
SIMULACRA49 In their defense, in a society where one’s value is measured by how they look, to look good is perhaps the best option to navigate your way through the tides of modern society, even if it means having a tainted report card.” “
Looking back, inves tors are more likely to put their trust in ventures when the one making the pitch is good-looking. In the busi ness world, convincing the investors is top priority. It is unlikely seeing some paper signings in a meeting room full of entrepreneurs if it was just about a display of beau ty. Surely, there has to be the talking: in this sense, an ex tremely confident talking.
50 Follow us thegoldpaniclesCSU thegoldpanicles@gmail.com issuu.com/thegoldpanicles @thegoldpaniclesCSU

51 SIMULACRA John Ray JavechanRavenRenanteJeremiahBantasanNaponeTabudlongMikeFerolDarylMaeSuarezJohnAissacCejuelaMarrolMioleHolyBusterCupin Rolito Aloyon III Nikko Curayag Maria Luisa Dichos Kim Louis Aro Akin Ponce Richel Ann Abarico Maita Angelica Arenas Milkah Lei Bungaos Arvin B. Buyser Shane Airah Jakosalem Vernon Jio Viajar Arvin John Pene Xanthe Absalon Nicole Light Villabeto Sean Audie Buscano Jesryniel Plaza Rafaella Utrera David Jone Herrera THE SCRIBES THE CREATIVES

When a tree is on fire, the seeds lay calm beneath the dampened ground. Despite not knowing what happened or what lay behind, they have patience. And when the fire is over, the tree is charred to the shade of ebony and foliage of ashes cover the ground. The seeds then peek, scorched by faint embers and suffo cated by the dense cloud of ashes. Yet, the seeds hold their heads high beaming at the sun with pride because they know, this time they are unstoppable. The fire might burn a tree but the roots of its seeds will reclaim the land. All they need is the patience to wait while the time is not right and to be unstoppable when it finally is. As Lao Tzu has once believed, nature does not hurry, yet everything is ac complished.

5. Climax forest begins After the struggles of recovery, at around 150 years or more, this is the point where nature has fully recovered. More hospitable conditions encourage taller trees and vines. The floral and faunal diversity within the area continues to surge up. The species that grow within this area may or may not be the ones that used to be but it is safe to say, it has completely healed. At some point, na ture’s recovery from vast destruction may require some helping hand through clearcutting debris, re planting seedlings and at instances, gradually,environmentalstrengtheninglaws.Butinnature’sown will, the flames that have once devoured it will only be burnt scars that are simply part of its history. At the end of the day, nature, at its own pace, in its own time will rise unscathed from the ashes.
The Gold Panicles In August 2019, an unprecedented number of fires raged throughout Brazil of which more than half were recorded from the Amazon. In Septem ber of the same year, 2.12 million acres of Indonesian forest domain was swal lowed by the sea of flames. And, in 2020 Australia hit the headlines when it was continuously ravaged by bushfires destroying large swaths of the country. Lo cally, more than 140,000 hectares of forest in differ ent provinces in the high land Cordillera burned in the first three months of 2019. Another fire sparked in the estimated 63-hectare wetlands near the protect ed area of Agusan Marsh in landlocked Agusan del Sur province. With the major fire events globally, Insid er has estimated 56.5 mil lion acres burned. Not only that, deforestation, land slides, and other natural or anthropogenic activities have further eroded natural forests and our environ ment as a whole. When it was swept by waves of avalanche or de voured by bellowing fire, we might have thought that it is the end because all that is left is a scratch, but the law of nature does not always think so. History itself has the proof. When an aster oid supposedly wiped the ancient Earth, all trees and vegetation were erased and yet today diverse spe cies of flora still thrive. And all of these are because of a process known as the Ecological Succession. Ecological Succes sion: how nature sprout from the Regenerationashes from burned and damaged for est depends on several factors including the cli mate (temperature, rain fall, wind, and humidity), state of community struc ture (species richness and species diversity), types of landscape and the degree of damage.Whatever may be the differing factors, na ture finds its way to begin again even from the tiniest scratch. It may be altered but it will live. In prima ry ecological succession, it begins in a blank slate with no vegetation left after an avalanche or volcanic eruption where it begins to recover when lichens, algae, and fungi pioneers to “normalize” the habitat. Meanwhile, on second ary ecological succession, the devastation is due to a prevalent disturbance caused by natural disas ters such as wildfires, land slides, hurricanes and an thropogenic causes. This is how nature sprout from the ashes through secondary ecolog ical succession: 1. Ephemerals creep in The first to creep in after a fire or physical soil disturbance within 1-2 years are ephemerals also known as wildflowers or forbs. They are short-lived plants with seeds that can persist in the soil and ger minate. They quickly ger minate, grow and produce a new crop of seeds. They act like plows aerating the soil and they are little tes ters if the soil is viable for further vegetation growth. 2. Grasses follow the trace When the conditions soon become unbearable for ephemerals and their seeds become dormant, grasses move in and replace most of the forbs at around 3-4 years. The grasses’ root systems al low them to conquer ex tended drought until such time that it can completely prevent forbs from re-es tablishing. It can also be accompanied by perennial shrubs.
3. Pioneer Trees peek After the grasses have established, nutrients that are leached in bare soil are retained. With these, tree seeds that have laid dor mant finally start to peek out. These trees are scrub by, slow-growing trees that are often unpalatable to livestock. They mature at significantly reduced sizes in arid, nutrient-poor soils, under harsh conditions. In the Philippines, pioneer trees include species from Euphorbiaceae including Hamindang (Macaran ga bicolor), and Binunga (Macaranga tanarius).
Once these trees estab lish themselves and thrive to germinate, the existing grasslands begin to re cede. As time passed, the pioneer trees became ram pant. 4. Canopies tower up As the pioneer trees thrive longer, more species of trees grow and compete for space and nutrition. At this stage, the species that dominate will have the op portunity to grow crowned with thick, lush canopy. In the Philippine forests, these species are those under the Dipterocarpace ae, Fabaceae, and some Malvaceae species. When the leaves litter down, it forms a mulch that will soon produce a layer of rich, crumbly topsoil. The canopy also shades the soil, thus, humidity within the environment increases.
“Hey guys, welcome to my vlog!”—These words are downright a cringe. Nobody would dare to utter these words in the public from before. But today, these words are worth the bills.

The Manifest found out that the Generation Z comprises the majority of the visitors of You Tube. By 2020, it is perceived that these people would make up 40% of the customers of the online world. While Ipsos found out that 80% of teens agreed that YouTube have made them more knowledgeable and 70% conceded that they have gained new skills by utilizing such online platform. What was once a site for plain entertainment before has metamor phosed into a digital society.

We may have once considered the mil lennials as the king of the social media world, but their reign is now over. A new faction arises and it seems that the throne is not fit to meet their demands. In a world ran by technology, those who better navigate themselves in the tides of the media world gets the bigger payloads. Matt Kleinschmitt in his article in Vision Critical has enumerated some contem porary characteristics of the Generation Z. Comparing from their preceding gener ation, The Millennials, this generation differs greatly in media consumption. The av erage time of smartphone us age is with a staggering 15.4 hours per day than watch ing TV. Products also weigh heavier than experience; the old adage, “experience is the best teacher”, might just be something but an obsolete proverb. What’s latest is what sells. That, perhaps, is the mantra of such generation. These compeers are also best known for being tech no-savvy and techno-pre neurs. Next Generation Em ployment jots 2.52 billion Gen Z’ers that are currently employed. Their media litera cy skills helped them secure a list in the payroll. They also co-create culture. Consump tion of entertainment is not just their day job, but they also help create it. With media being em bedded in the Gen Z lifestyle, it is not a surprise that You Tube has become one of their online mecca. YouTube is not just a repository of cat videos, ran dom guys building a pool in the forest, or even the justice system of the Tulfo broth ers. No, it isn’t. This site was originally created as a dating site by Steven Chen, Chap Hurley, and Jawed Karim on February 2005. It has only become a video-sharing site when Google bought it for $1.6 billion on October 2006. YouTube has gone a long way since then. It has reached its peak when the Generation Z took the online driver seat. It has immensely grown and has become the number one social media site for the aforementioned generation according to The Manifest. But in its upgrade, there are skeptics that are hesitant to accept that You Tube is in the ‘right path’ of modernity.Jamie Cohen expressed in her article in Medium that YouTube is ‘a place to up load nothing and everything’. The concern was clear, or at least to those who value the meaning of a good message. Julia Alexander also claimed that the ‘golden age’ of You Tube is now dead. What was once a platform to display what people love to do is now corrupted by the thought of conformity. For the golden rule of YouTube has always been the survival of the fittest. If you cease to adapt, then you’re less likely to be seen in the recommended videos. Point is, what you love to do isn’t always the trend. You Tube Influencers oftentimes have become the story of oth er people’s lives. Thus, You Tube has become a world of conformity rather than a world of expression. Generation Z is best known as the YouTube gen eration. Majority of the driving force of this online platform is geared towards the activity of such cohort. As the prime perpetuator of such site, it is, perhaps, justifiable that the Generation Z is a YouTube generation.Ifyou serve something new to the table, then you might get a shot of fame in the YouTube world; and if you’re luckier than lucky, you might even get a shot at the enter tainment world! The likes of PewDiePie with 102 million subscribers, Logan Paul with 20.1 million subscribers, and even Mimiyuuuh of the Phil ippines with 1.6 million sub scribers are few of the people who get to enjoy the drug of public approval. These You Tubers have something in common--- they provide an entertainment that isn’t hap pening elsewhere. As techno-preneurs, the Generation Z acknowledges the unfolding economy within the landscapes of YouTube. Where fame is in its abun dance, business corporations who seek to popularize their product are magnetized to the influence of these YouTube influencers. Such then, You Tube isn’t just a video-sharing site, but also a market. The more popularity you build, the deeper your pockets will be. However, for a YouTu ber, keeping the status quo is not as easy as cooking fried egg. The YouTube world is an ocean. Tides can change rapidly.Promolta shared some common problems that You Tubers face. First, viewership is inconsistent. Popularity is detrimental on the views a YouTuber collects. Some times they have a catch, at some days, they just don’t. Secondly, it is impossible to make videos that would hit if you don’t have a budget for it. Money in this sense is both the means and ends of such a play. Lastly, what to video next is the greatest challenge. Viewers dislike obsolete and redundant concepts. Thus, being a YouTuber needs a lot of brainstorming.Despitethe never-end ing cornucopia that You Tube offers, it is, but a dou ble-edged sword. Some people who are intoxicated in the pot of gold of such so cial media platform would opt out in giving up the degree that they are pursuing. Why strive for four years or more in the academe and end-up being underpaid if you could just video yourself, do some stuffs, adjust some lightings here and there, upload it in YouTube, and wait for your ATM to be filled, right? Sure, that sounds a better option, but in YouTube, everything is a game of chances. To be totally dependent on YouTube is like waiting for a rain in the most arid desert. The point is, we just can’t hang our hats on YouTube. The online community will never assure a food in our plates. It still pays to be an intellectual.We’ve gone far beyond the era of online mediocrity and have created a world in what was once a barren land of complex algorithms. We’ve come this far and changed many, and surely, we’ll con tinue to change some more. The Gold Panicles 55 SIMULACRA Generation Z is best known as the generation.YouTube Majority of the driving force of this cohort.”activitytowardsplatformonlineisgearedtheofsuch “
The thing is, it is not usual to begin with. Teenage pregnancy is a deviation thus making it abnormal. Only today do we see it as normal because there have been too many people committing the same transgression. In this sense, something is created, accepted, and then NAPONE

There have been many teens becoming moms to day and society might probably have something to do with that. Considered as one of the remaining religiously sensitive and traditionally oriented country, the Philippines is not as outstanding in terms of living its reputation. In Mind anao alone, Davao Region averaged 17.9%, Northern Mindanao with 14.7%, and Region 12 or Soccsksargen in 14.5% among the percentage of teenage pregnancy rate in the Philippines. These regions in Mindanao alone comprise of 41.1% compared to the national average of 8.6% according to the National Demographic Health Survey in 2017. With teenage pregnancy becoming a usual trend in the Philippines today, we may believe that these num bers changed horribly for the last two years. We ought to understand why these things are happening but to blame a person for all of this is futile. We might be miss ing a vital link as to why we suffer these things today; and yes, society might just answer that. Seeing a young mom walking in the street no longer surprises us today. We may think “what’s new about that?” Sure, to see a girl in a pregnant facade is nothing new at all, simply because we got used to it. We’ve wit nessed different developments unfold in our very own eyes. We saw cellphones getting thinner, cars getting smarter, and almost everything become hi-tech; but nothing prepared us to this--- teenage pregnancy be coming a usual thing.
57 SIMULACRA normalized.Now,we have an ag gregate of teenage moth ers facing society; but then, society’s not that kind to them. Different structur al barriers such as lack of education, poor social status, and poverty made these moms unable to ac cess the best opportunities thereof. In such case, so cial exclusion comes. The existence of so cial exclusion is an imped iment that these mothers are greatly facing. So cial exclusion as defined by England’s Social Ex clusion Unit (SEU) is ‘a shorthand for what can happen when people or areas suffer from a combi nation of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime, bad health and family breakdown’. This problem comes in many forms: discrimination, prejudice, and inequality to name a few. A socially disadvan taged teenage mom is not a stranger to this problem at all. Social exclusion is both a cause and conse quence of teenage preg nancy. As the old adage goes, “Education is the key to success”. Howev er, how will we achieve success if we can’t afford it? Education is the very epitome of success; hav ing a degree gives great er odds to get a job while those who haven’t plays a game of chances. Those with high educational at tainment gets to enjoy the paychecks--- and thus, get no degree and suffer an earthly pandemonium. Social exclusion hampers people to access these opportunities simply be cause it excludes people to gain access to educa tion because education is expensive.According to Philip pine Statistics Authority, the proportion of poor Filipinos registered at 21 % in the first semester of 2018. With poverty on the line, we expect people to have a hard time finding the re sources that they need; and surely, money is in the top of the list. These are desperate times, and des perate times call for des perate measures. Some people do things that goes even against their own will. Poverty explains why there are drug pushers, snatchers, and other petty crimes; but it can also ex plain why we have great number of teenage moth ers. Prostitution is an uproot of poverty. Who would think of selling their purity if they have mon ey? Those who often sell themselves are those who have to feed themselves three times a day because they simply don’t have the luxury of work. Some, in their quest of finding a de cent meal, often encounter tragedies. Tragedies like physical abuse, rape, and even unintended preg nancies. This is one of the reasons why teenage girls are at risk to teenage preg nancies. Poverty knows no gender and age after all. From this unfortunate fate, to think that these people are socially disad vantaged to begin with, and having a child as an extra mouth to feed is definitely head-scratching. With no time and no mon ey to get a diploma and a degree, people fall to be ing socially excluded once more; and thus, the cycle continues. Somehow, amidst the dark clouds, a ray of light pierces. There is hope. The government is heeding the call of these mothers and helping them emancipate themselves from this in tergenerational dilemma. Laws like Republic Act 9710 also known as Mag na Carta of Women pro vides salient hope to these mothers. This law provides provision for equal access and elimination of dis crimination in education, non-derogatory portrayal of women in the media, and equal status given to men and women to name few. There is also Re public Act 9262 or the AntiViolence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 which some notable features protect both wom en and children from physical and other harms. Also, Republic Act 10931 or the Universal Access to Free Quality Tertiary Education Act of 2012 provides free access to education both in senior high school and in college.These laws help these young mothers counter the effects of social exclusion by filling the necessary things that is vital to gain access to the opportunities that are necessary to live life. Society definitely has something to do with the current problem that we face; however, it is also through society that we get to solve the problems that we currently are and will be facing. The Gold Panicles From unfortunatethis fate, to think that these people are disadvantagedsocially to begin with, and having a child as an extra mouth to feed is head-scratching.”definitely “
The Philippines is one of the richest forest land in the world. Based on what I had read during pre-colonial period our forest covers at least 90 percent of the country’s total land area. Imagine that you can really have a hard time travelling in our country.Astime goes by, some things will never remain as it was before, as what I had read during Spanish colonization, trees were felled to build roads, bridg es, docks and ships for the galleon trade, followed by the American during 1900’s which they had 21 million ha of old-growth forest coming 70 percent of the land Anotherarea.one is by the 1940’s, only 9 million ha of forest covering 30 per cent of the Philippines land area were left, furthermore the over-exploitation was not yet ended, because during Marcos regime from 1965 to 1986 our country had lost 7 million ha of forest, that really de stroys our homeland.


Meanwhile let us take a look back to our school Caraga Sate University was once a virgin forest. It was passed by the Ameri can Gov. to the Philippines Francis Burton Harrison declaring the reservation of a 232 hectare virgin for est land in Barrio Ampay on in the municipality of Butuan, province of Agusan del Norte on Feb 14, 2010, Proclamation No. 4, as the ground of the young school. Caraga State Univer sity was first conceived in 1918 as the Agusan Agri cultural High school, thru the passage of an Om nibus Bill filled by the 1st Congresswomen of the Philippines Honorable. Eli sa Rosales Ochoa. The first school established was Agusan Ag ricultural High school on 1946 during World War II. Then became Northern Mindanao State Institute of Science and Technology on Nov 11, 1982 and last ly became Caraga State University on Jan 5, 2010 signed by Pres. Arroyo.
Truly development and success comes in hand if we really also work hand on hand, but the thing as progress rise buildings and road works takes place. Which our University natural resourc es specially forest land is being put into chaos and the biodiversity is dis turbed.As of now as being estimated forest land in our school is just 10 per cent covering the total land area, but the thing is the land is really built for school building so it is re ally expected that defor estation will take place, but we can balance things and create equilibrium of build and preserve. For us to witness how great and unique ecosystem is. Today in terms of bio diversity in our University, we have the rice field and our very own eco-park and there are still more Philippine premium trees in our University, and we should be proud of, for the reason that ours is a host of premium tree species. Thanks to our University representative body together with the De partment of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in connection also to Energy Development Corporation (EDC) and Binhi let the future take root for conserving one of the Caraga State Universi ty forestWonderingland. why we should treasure our eco system? Especially for est area, it is because they give a lot of benefits, based on research our for est supplies oxygen and store atmospheric carbon. In addition as what Mr. Joel B. Mercado a for ester and instructor in our University said that “our forest gave shading and it is different from shading to other manmade object, because trees releases moisture during transpi ration and that makes the cooling of the environ ment, also it is a habitat for wildlife including birds, snakes and insects this in cludes bees for pollination, furthermore it intercepts rain by using its parts, prevent splash erosion, in crease filtration and helps preserve the aquifer or wa tershed, which makes the river always flowing, addi tion is it gives timber and food”For short it gives “LIFE” to us. That is why trees are very significant to us. We can cut but we need to replace for the upcoming generation, because if deforestation without refor estation takes place, for sure calamities and crisis will arises this includes climate change, famine which will head to starva tion and probably death uponAsus.of now we felt some of the effects of our actions climate change, large number of typhoons annually, flooding and landslide, hence we can mitigate this nightmares or even erase to the picture, if we could just protect and create.By protecting and cre ating our government has created environmental law that has been mandated. The National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) was passed in 1970 along with the Environmental Quality Improvement Act and the National Environment Ed ucation Act. Also Rep. Act no. 9147 An act providing for the conservation and protection of Wildlife re sources and their habitats, appropriating funds, there fore and for other purpos es. Also there are ac tions of reforestation into our country by more than 200,000 ha from 2000 to 2008. The largest was on 2008, with about 43,610 ha. Due to the enactment in 1992 of Rep Act No. 7858 on the National Integrated Protected Area System (NIPAS), that gives me the essence how important action is. Does some of you is curious what is the recent situation of our country’s forest land area? The recent status of our Philippine forest land as of 2010 is 23 percent or about 6.8 million ha, based on research via electron ics. That gives me sigh and the emotions that will not come high. On the other hand as a Filipino citizen we can also contribute little things to conserve, protect and even add our forest area like regulated and planned cutting of trees; control over forest fire; reforesta tion and afforestation; and proper utilization of forest and forest Anotherproduct.thing is in formation dissemination thru social media, let us express to them how valu able our forest and what are those things that we can do to conserve our forest land. As what they said small actions, when put together turns to great. Then let us take a mo ment to breath and wonder what lies ahead if we pro tect or destroy? Then it is up to you. The Gold Panicles For short it gives “LIFE” to us. That is why trees are generation,”thetobutus.significantverytoWecancutweneedreplaceforupcoming “

Photo by: SpaceX, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, States

“The thing that really surprised me was that it projected an air of fragility. And why, I don’t know. I don’t know to this day. I had a feeling it’s tiny, it’s shiny, it’s beautiful, it’s home, and it’s Michaelfragile.”Collins, Apollo 11


The astronaut checks coms, re views calculations, and gazes ahead. In the next eight min utes, the void known to man as the Cosmos will gaze back. As such, de spite the piercing black and the life less feature that is only heightened by time and space, there is too much to look forward to. A glance back home is improbable. But he does— probably as a farewell, a promise of return, a mere involuntary reflex, but unbeknownst to him, an awakening. He leaves a scientist; he returns a humanitarian.Coinedand conceptualized by Frank White in his 1987 book The Overview Effect—Space Exploration and Human Evolution, the overview effect is a cognitive shift in aware ness experienced by some astro nauts when viewing the Earth from space. Various reports from astro nauts suggest identical attestations; the experience is profound, power ful, and life changing. To be flung so far away in space and to have a shuttle cockpit’s view of the blue marble that is home is considered a dramatic, psychological process of bringing about the sense of mental clarity into the self. The changed perspective comes with the over whelming realization that at a certain vantage point, the world’s boundar ies—be it geographic aspects, race, politics, culture, and wars—begin to lose physical relevance. Out there, there’s nothing but this fragile ball of life, “hanging in the void”, all of its trouble unrecognizable however ex istent.Ron Garan tackles this in his book The Orbital Perspective. “In spite of the overwhelming beauty of this scene, serious inequity exists on the apparent paradise we have been given” Garan explains, citing the “countless number [of people] who go to bed hungry every night, the so cial injustice, conflicts, and poverty.”
While the psychological pro cesses involved in this phenomenon are indistinct, there is however a definite proof that it is characterised by a strong emotional response. This is largely towards the recognition of the planet’s fragility as viewed from space. The ever present fact that, in addition to the countless internal borders, the atmosphere and mag netic fields that serve as this planet’s protection are petty and irrelevant in contrast to the nothingness that surrounds it, inspires inside these astronauts an overwhelming urge to protect our home. Or perhaps ‘pro tect’ is an outdated word now, for we have gone so far as to ruin this world that the word ‘cure’ would be more fitting. But moving on, several astro nauts took notice of the connectivity catalysed by this distant separation from Earth. “It’s an emotional ex perience because you’ve removed from the Earth but at the same time you feel this incredible connection to the Earth like nothing I’d ever felt before,” NASA astronaut Sam Durrance put it. It is quite fascinating how be ing removed physically from some thing evokes a sense of emotional connectivity to that very thing. This upholds the adage that separating ourselves from the things that matter to us is great because then you ap preciate them in a different way. And in the case of these astronauts, the connection is brought upon by the idea that they represent a part of this “pale blue dot” in a vast veil of rocks and darkness. That they are part of a huge system, a system which in cludes the great rivers that dot the Earth’s surface like a necklace, the trees of Amazon that paint it green, and the civilization that supposedly tends to it; and the separation draws out a connection that is not solely towards Earth but also with the rest of the universe. A connection so im mense that the degree of need to sustain it is of peak urgency. And this can only be addressed if we still have something to connect to. Existing virtual space travels are almost inaccessible and it’s a long way before plans of space trav el finally get off the ground, bringing with it civilians to eventually expe rience the effect. But shouldn’t we be ashamed of ourselves if we in tend to wait that long to pick up the slightest realization that the world is on its final lung expansions and we are too pre-occupied waging wars and belching smoke? Thankfully, the overview effect highlights the big picture that it’s more about the ‘us’ than the ‘them’. The coherence and unity of it all as viewed from space should bear more weight when viewed down here. The beauty and bounty that this planet offers is too great to feel wasteful. We can’t all be astronauts but there is no denying that we are all gifted with the capa bility of seeing this big picture. As far as recent explorations are concerned, our home is like no other. The current state of the world may get us feeling like we would rather not be part of this planet and find someplace else to settle in for good. However, we should make peace with the fact that we may as well ruin the next one as much as the first should this small rational human within us all fail to pluck up the courage to act with any will. This planet cannot survive the void if the void is within itself. 61
Are you feeling drowsy as early as eight o’clock in the morning or still wide awake even if you already done drinking a ton of ex tra strong coffee and till awake up until dawn. You already did all silly things just to make your eyes fall asleep but your body won’t cooperate. When you have an special errand for tomorrow that’s why you want to wake up voguish but apparently your bod betrayed you that’s why end up like a cadaverous soporific mortal. It is all be cause your body clock was messed up. You used to have a healthy body clock but due to some factors it was now vitiated and you are now in trouble.
The body’s internal clock system that is de signed to regulate feeling of sleepiness and wakeful ness over a 24-hour period is what we call body clock or circadian clock. Many people observe that they naturally experience dif ferent levels of sleepiness and alertness throughout the day and these patterns are caused by sleep, as it is regulated by two body systems:the circadian bi ological clock and sleep/ wake homeostasis- that is being governed by the body clock. When functioning optimally, this rhythm means you will get sleepy in the evening around the same time, and wake in the morning at about the same time each day. Aren’t you confused why after a long stressful day our bodies demand for a rest and that it is time to sleep? It is because of the sleep/wake homeostasis. If this restorative process existed properly then it would mean that we would be most alert during day time and that the longer we are awake, the more we would feel like sleep ing. In this way, sleep/ wake homeostasis creates a drive that balances sleep and Thewakefulness.body’ssleep clock function is influenced by a combination of external cues (like sunrise/sunset and temperature) as well as internal cues (like hor mones, neurotransmitters, and genes) and behav iors (like delaying sleep or activity levels). The cir cadian biological clock is controlled by a part of the brain called the Superchi asmatic Nucleus (SCN), a group of cells in the hy pothalamus that respond to light and dark signals. From the optic nerve of the eye, light travels to the SCN, signaling the internal clock that it is time to be awake. The SCN signals to other parts of the brain that control hormones, body temperature and other functions that play a role in making us feel sleepy or awake. Normal biolog ical variation exists, with some people naturally pre disposed to earlier sleepwake times and others to sleep-wake times. To an extent, genetics influence sleep habits but behaviors and the environment also play a Ourrole.internal circadian biological clocks, on the other hand, regulate the timing of periods of sleep iness and wakefulness throughout the day. The circadian rhythm dips and rises at different times of the day, so adult’s stron gest sleep drive generally occurs between 2:00-4:00 AM and in the afternoon, between 1:00-3:00 PM. Although there are some variation depending on whether you are a “morn ing person” or an “evening person.” The sleepiness we experience during these circadian dips will be less intense if we have had sufficient sleep, and more intense when we are sleep deprived. The circadian rhythm also causes us to feel more alert at certain points of the day, even if we have been awake for hours and our sleep/wake restorative process would otherwise make us feel sleepier.During our adoles cence, the change in circadian rhythm occur. Majority of the teens experience a sleep phase delay. Not to mention the change in our class sched ules that may start as early as 7’oclock in the morning and end by 8’oclock in the evening. This shift in our circadian rhythm causes us to naturally feel alert lat er at night, making it diffi cult for us to fall asleep be fore 11:00 PM. Since most teens have early classes along with other commit ments, this sleep phase delay can make it difficult to get the proper amount of sleep and students end up sleeping during class hours. Especially during exam weeks, when we need to study hard to catch up by procrastinat ing. Admit it or not, you are one of those procrastinator that wouldn’t study ahead of time instead would only study if the exam would be on the next day. There are lots of ac tivities that leads to sleep deprivation, which can af fect the circadian rhythm. This isn’t only occurring in daytime but most fre quently in nighttime. First is binge watching movies and TV series... If I am this person, how can I re sist myself from watching, when it seems like each scenes leads to the most thrilling climax even if it just started. Second is the mid night shift. This emphasiz es those who work beyond office hours. For example, those jobs that operate 24/7 just like telecommu nication companies and graveyard shifts of pump attendants or even balut MIOLE
SIMULACRA 62 Know your Limits

BY VERNON JIO VIAJAR vendors. Third, are social media and online games addiction. These two are the most rampant activities that lead to sleep depriva tion.As a living organism, as a human specifically we must be healthy not just physically but also mentally. There are many tasks as a student that we need to accomplish successful ly in order to do that we must know how to balance our time to the various activities that we need to be done but still we must not forget to take a rest. We must not deprive ourselves. We only have one body and we can’t buy one in the market if it’s already totally damaged. That is why we need to take care of it. Cut down those insig nificant stuffs and focus to finish every single task efficiently so that you won’t need to redo it, and waste another hour that you can spend on resting instead. It’s all about how you balance everything you do. If you are tired then rest, if you are sleepy then sleep, if you have things that you needed to do, then finish it as soon as possible to avoid cramming. You are just a mortal. Your mind may dictate that you can do it but at the end it’s your body that will suffer as for now, know your limits.
The Gold Panicles
When yourhythmoptimally,functioningthismeanswillget sleepy in the evening around the same time, and wake in the morning at about the same time each day.” “


“badly-written” and “image-confused”, did not mean half of the dichoto my to be valued more than the other. Postmodern versions of this concept maintain the same idea: that we all have Apollonian and Dionysian sides within us, and both are equally important. Of course, the portrayal of either drives should be constantly bal anced and regulated to suit various occasions. We cannot be overly chaotic as much as we cannot be overly purist. Us acknowl edging this can most likely save the future generation the trouble of double-think ing complete self-expression; and if we are early just yet, we can very well have fun crushing into bits the notion that acting what we are is mere rebellion.
Nietzsche Takes Two to Tango JOHN RAY BANTASAN
Surviving a highly expectant environ ment such as ours requires fundamental ac knowledgment of how life should consist largely of carefully calculated choic es and well-executed decisions. A Filipino household tweaks this up a notch and makes sure it is bred-inthe-bone. Our bones. We have of,asinhibitions,Actingtoourselves,asself-expression.thinggardedoneveryknown—discountingalwaysourself,thatis—somewhohasalwaysretheirlifeassomedeprivedofcompletePerhaps,restrainedindividualsthereislittlenoreasontodisagree.ontoaddressthesehowever,andwemaybewellawarewouldonlygetusthe
A good deal of restraint and modesty is expected of us if we ever wanted to endure, and any action out of impulse is consideredalways detrimental to growth.”acceptablesocially“

raised brows (and the oc casional bum-whooping). “Look at that rebel!” Are we rebels, then?
The old Friedrich Ni etzsche comes to the phone and says, “can I interest you with some Greek mythology?” I urge you to say yes. In his first book, The Birth of Trage dy, Nietzsche proposes a literary dialectic through the examination of the art in Greek form: the Apollo nian and the Dionysian. In Greek mythology, Apollo and Dionysus are sons of Zeus. Apollo is the god of the sun, logic, and order. Dionysus, on the other hand, is the god of wine, dance, irrationality, and chaos. While the an cient Greeks did not re gard them necessarily as rivals, Nietzsche’s usage of the concept maintained the dichotomy as two es sential drives within hu mans which extend to arts, psychology, and culture. This is to suggest that the presence of both is not en tirely negatory and horren dous, even though there is this misconception that the Dionysian is bad. Take us, students, for example. As early as grade school we are, more often than not, asked to sit down and get oriented about how the real world out there is supposed to be a battlefield. A good deal of restraint and modesty is expected of us if we ever wanted to endure, and any action out of impulse is always considered detri mental to socially-accept able growth. As we age further, we find out that the real world really is an as sortment of many battles, each of which on-going synchronously within indi vidual human psyche. Lim ited now by the great ex pectations of abiding to the pure Apollonian state—to prudence and purity—we are left struggling in finding a place in a relentlessly Di onysian world. And some how, the constant sidelin ing of our Dionysian selves denied us the ability to be complete. Nietzsche’s philosophical model insists we should not be so. Music, a Dionysian artform, is just one outlet our chaotic emotions can travel through without in tervention from the ratio nal mind. Music primarily appeals to feelings; over hauling deep-seated fren zy for love, loss, anger, and fear which are often set aside to prioritize logic. Meanwhile, drunkenness is considered the pure Dionysian state. Drinking and partying symbolize the do er’s untethering away from the constraints of order and Themodesty.Dionysian also covers the taking-apart of social order and the de construction of cisnorma tivity. Unlike other male Greek deities, Dionysus is often described as having an image in large contrast with traditional masculinity. While other gods are por trayed nude, Dionysus is usually presented wearing feminine clothes. Accounts of his exploits also include his habit of attracting wom en followers away from their socially-sanctioned gender roles and making them utterly powerful. Ni etzsche did not touch this subject in his book, but when put into context, it helps propagate the notion of the Dionysian being a vital tool in bringing dis comfort and query to our collective consciousness, allowing us a panoramic view of the many issues concerning social status and Withsexuality.thatbeing so, it is just as unfair to antagonize the Apollonian. There is al ways a time for the imposi tion of logic and order, and such organized structure helps us distinguish each other from one another. Studies, work ethics, and basic social responsibil ities require us to value, above all, logical reason ing and order. Without it, there can only be un checked

Too Good to Be True?
The Lost Cause for Perfection
Short and Svweet
From us enterprising young adults to another; it is absolutely none of our business to play a hand on whatever you want to do. But all we ask is please, please take care of yourself. Katya Zamolodchikova said it best when she said “the key to swollen privates is courage.” Now do what you want with that information.
The biggest pitfall of online dating is that it removes the human essence of evaluating a person for yourself because what they say is entirely different from you think they are. As a sensible person, it will be more efficient to pull yourself away from seeing people as a rolodex of potential mates and just take the risk of meeting them because that how online dating works- it allows people the chance of making a personal connection. Like we both agreed on before, people are fickle friendsand if you want things to work in your terms, be smart about it. It’s not something we could directly give you wise words on be cause at the end of the day, you have to trust your guts. Who is that perfect man? We don’t know either; we didn’t go to school for math.
In this battlefield we call dating applications, we meet a variety of people who want a plethora of things. Some just want their earthly, vile, and promiscuous desires to be quenched; some try to hook you up on selling your body for a price but never really pay you at all; and in the rarest and most marketable of occasions you get to find “the one”.
The concept of someone having to pay for your bidding in exchange of sex can be very appealing; even for the least desperate of us. But what if that offer doesn’t have to ask for that all? If you are an average, reasonable person, that sounds stupid; and it is. What is even more stupid that if you, a new and proud owner of a savings account decides to give that information to someone you never met. When you are really desperate, always suggest sending money via a direct transfer account (i.e Western Union, MLhuillier). But a discerning individual with a conscience might say “what about them; surely, they can’t be stupid enough to do that, right?” Sweetie, one of my IS (International Studies) buddies talked to me about power rela tions, and they said you are the one in charge. Control the damn market. Self-regulate. As an intersectional feminist I say; your body, your rules.
Everyone has a tendency to play dumb, but that’s none of our business. In the haze of emotions that we experience; the rationality of our minds gets lost in your libido or you just want to curb your disbelief and say to yourself that this is “the one.” But enough of this clownery; we are here to teach you how to protect yourself from predators who just want a slice of you no matter what the cost and from yourself.
Bridging the Gap When you meet someone online; even if they seemingly have the most pure and unadulterated intentions, one of the biggest issues is how far apart you both are. Though we hear these success stories that are few and far between and is most appealing to anyone who takes a dip in these risky waters; ask yourself if you have the means to make both ends meet. Taking the spotlight again (annoyingly so because my correspondent refuses to talk) is me, and I just called off a relationship over this. He was a sweet guy, but if he wants a trans-Pacific bridge without meeting me in the middle and thus puppy-eyeing his way to milking me for sexual favors; I can’t just let that happen. My mom didn’t go through morning sickness just to watch me cry over a man doesn’t know his worth in salt.
Relationships- Who needs them? Who wants them? Who’s got them? You do. Allow us, two biological women with a PhD in online dating and a Master’s at finding the right man for at least a week to teach you how to nab the perfect person; well at least until they ghost you; but mostly it’s just how to defend yourself from thirsty predators. But who knows right?
The Gold Panicles SIMULACRA67
A Vessel for Pleasure Out of Reiss’ 16 basic desires; one of them involves romance; which was poetically described by The Bangles’ song as an “eternal flame”; and thus, if you are not careful that fire may keep singeing the wrong bits of you every now and then.
People want to put their best foot forward, and that comes with a price of the truth. People are fickle friends, and every single one of us wants to be in our prime. When you brag about your online hookup that owns a business in god-knowswhere, always keep your expectations in check because they might just be some average joe who works 9 to 5. You know, I had someone from Cagayan de Oro City that had a bare-all attitude and showed me all his assets and even with the alluring charm of my words he had none to show for it at all. To those who are on the other end of the line; play it smart when you bluff. We didn’t get our PhDs for nothing boo, and please most certainly do not brush my wins off poker night aside.
When you’re up for a bit of fooling around; always keep in mind that no means no, and when you do the deed, you get to call the shots when you should or should not keep going. For the record, my correspondent here has never done the deed (al legedly), so allow me to take the spotlight. By nature, I was a picky child; and I most certainly did not feed on fruit feasted on by wild vermins. There are exceptions to the rule of course, but the choice must be made smart- smart in the terms that you both respect each other’s ideals, and hopefully, by good faith, you should be safe.
All About Deception
Following the progres sive drift of mod ern-day society, more and more people get diag nosed with Attention-Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorer (ADHD) in the years fol lowing the 2000’s. These people who have been labeled ditzy, good-fornothing, inattentive people finally have a chance to reclaim themselves, but unfortunately it would not be as easy for the people aroundADHDthem. has been named as a novel illness for reasons of inatten tiveness and impulsivity beyond their expected age, and around 5.1 % of people carry this bur den towards adulthood. A person with ADHD can be classified into three types, namely ADHD-I (in attentive), ADHD H-I (hy peractive-impulsive) and ADHD-C (a combination of bothYoutypes).can recognize a person with ADHD for very common; overlooked traits. When a friend is fid gety, always on edge, and misses out on the specifics of often-repeated details, and often does things at the last minute, there is a good chance that this person might have ADHD. Behavioral oddities like a distinct defiance to au thority, hyperactivity, an inclination to sleep, and a general sluggishness to wards everyday behavior may indicate a subtype of ADHD.Ina setting like Cara ga State University, these people are labeled as slack-offs, permanently uninterested, or are even too occupied to even both er caring for a world other than their interests. In this university, you will always see a good number of peo ple struggling to keep their minds straight, though it cannot be said that these people may have ADHD because of a lack of of ficial diagnosis. Strictly out of probability; out of 4,435 students, around 5% (222 students) may have ADHD, as suggest ed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men tal Disorders (DSM-V). It would be convenient to la bel these students as peo ple who give no immediate worth towards the ideals of this institution, but that is simply not the case. In an institution that prides itself over its di versity, these people with neurodivergent charac teristics bring a lot to the table. While the inatten tiveness may be hard to understand, these people spout a lot of creative po tential and a piquant sensi tivity towards certain interests. In a rapidly-evolving world, the presence of psychological therapy and medicine may maximize the creative potential of these people and even be fore the rising interest over the disorder; older folks who display similar char acteristics went on to live relatively normal lives. On the other side of the coin, the hypersensi tivity of people with ADHD does come with a price. We must not forget that these people are a mixed bag of behavioral ex tremes comparable to the proverbial immovable ob ject and unstoppable force and as such, it will always remain a challenge to find equanimity and under standing in the peaks and valleys of their interests. There is also concern over marginalized people with ADHD, since Filipino cul ture does not brandish the same interest over psy chological deviance and helping them will require some investment from government institutions to level society’s predilec tions towards deviant behavior.Our understanding of people has increased ex ponentially over the advent of modern psychology and medicine. We have moved from making the mental ly-feeble as court jesters to raising cretins with same degree of love and com passion towards an aver age person would; even giving them accessibility towards making a living and even some like Greta Thunberg; a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder that also encompasses ADHD traits (she particu larly has Asperger’s Syn drome) has a semblance for altruism strong enough to make her a figurehead for climate activism. A popular adage we often toss around is that “successful people take risks”. As such; people who have ADHD traits fit the bill of a visionary with a drive strong enough to pro pel them poetically against the current. While some require a harder push than others, it remains a strong social responsibility to guide people towards where they are best at, re gardless of someone hav ing ADHD or not. When people do not understand something; the initial reaction would be one out of fear, and not of empathy. People with this condition need empa thy-not just that; everyone must be met with empathy. The last time this studen try checked; even in the haze and hustle of get ting a coveted degree, as an institution we stand for uprightness. We must not forget that.
When people do not ofwouldinitialsomething;understandthereactionbeoneout fear, and not of empathy.” “



The thing is, in the journey of looking for fromsinceitalsogain,personalsuperioritybringswithabadimageitroots behavior.narcissistic ” “
The thing is, in the jour ney of looking for personal gain, superiority also brings with it a bad image since it roots from narcissistic be havior. The need to lead, to be heard, to be appreciated or the need to be needed by others are also some of the building blocks that make up narcissism. They give little to no concern for others. Yet, even if you fit in the superiority box descrip tion, it does not mean you are downright and officially a narcissist. Take into account that striving for superiority is merely a mindset and a mo tivation towards completion whilst narcissism is a feature that may lead to a serious mentalBut,disorder.when feelings of inferiority become too over whelming for an individual to handle, it may result to infe riority complex or an over stated feeling of being weak. When inferiority complex is present, superiority complex begins. It is the manner in which a person overcompen sates himself and is exagger ating his sense of self-worth and importance.ToAdler,inferiority com plex and superiority complex are tied together. One cannot exist and thrive without the other. Most of the time, supe riority complex hides failure, weakness and mediocri ty while inferiority complex hides the desire to power and dominance. In Adler’s theory, this may be rooted from the person’s drive to personal superiority. A goal that comes from a failure in the belief sys tem of the individual. Gold Panicles SIMULACRA71
Have you ever looked at someone and won dered, “How could the sum of all air fit into such a regular-sized head?” In a workplace, an organization or any group, one could always expect a person who does a job outside their job descrip tion in a “know-it-all” manner. Albeit the intention is to help, to make the job lighter, no person on the other end have ever been pleased to have their task done by other peo ple. And we could only stretch our patience that much. But whether we agree or not, at least once in our lives, we would feel a little flutter when we think we are better at something than others –when we thought we can do better with the jobs that they did had it been assigned to us. Feeling superior to others is normal, however, it is not always and entirely a good thing to maintain. To Alfred Adler, as we grow old, people develop drives that motivate them –they are either driven to strive for superiority or success. Since humans are born with weak and deteriorating bod ies, they tend to compensate these physical inferiorities by moving with a goal to com pletion – a belief system to be more than just skin and bones; the final goal. The final goal then is manifested in two ways: suc cess or superiority. Success gives off endless hope while superiority becomes the hopeless end – the system failure.People who strive for success also aims for the success of others. Adler stated that psycho logically healthy individuals are motivated by the suc cess of all humankind. That is, all the things that they do as aimed for the success of everyone in the group or the community. They are more concerned of the goals that are beyond themselves and they are also able to help others without the need to be duly recognized or appre ciated. They see people not as competitions but as con tributors with whom they can cooperate with for social ben efit. Their sense of personal worth is tied closely on how they contributed well to the success of the society. In contrast, people who strive for superiority aim for personal gain. Their goals are personal and Adler further emphasized that asserting dominance or superiority is the defense mechanism of a person who suffers from feel ings of inferiority. This is to say that people tend to assert dominance over others as a way to convert the inhibitions brought upon by inferiority. Since life for humans begin as frail and breakable, normally, people acquire the desire to overcome these physical inferiorities by be coming more superior – dom inant, strong, and indepen dent. However, even after attaining the goal or superi ority, some people may still think they are weak, small and inferior.Inshort, people who strive for superiority may be come boastful to others but most of the time, it is their way to hide shortcomings and failures.However, feeling superi or is not as bad as it seems since it also establishes a good and strong self esteem and a sense of self impor tance.
72 Huy! Ayaw diha ba. Dako baya ni ug bukton. Asa niNawalakaubanningnamanmganako?ramansila’gkalit.Dzai...Angatonglabactivityugmadawipasa. Hi TagaDong!asa ka? 555555 Ma! Dia pako sa CSU unya pako makauli. DIHA RAKA TULOG! AYAW NAG ULI!!! YEAHHH!!!!!!!

73 Ayaw ragud pag una-una ug gank!!! KA NINYOBUGOUY!! Adto rata didto makakita.walaykaytao ugma!raMagbulaggihapmoPre, naay drone oh! Chuy ra lage nag kuha unya. This song for you guys. Hope you like it. it Gamay ra siya noh? Bun-on nato bi... Dire nalang ko matulog uy. Awit!gatenamanGisirad-anangsadorm. WIPED OUT!diayDocumentationnisaEEP