Disco 68:Discover 26
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discover E July–Sept 2014 INSIDE: Jesus in control, Acts, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Colossians, Christmas
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Find a place where you can be quiet and think
Get your Bible and a pencil or pen
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Find a time when you can read the Bible each day
Ask God to help you understand what you read
Pray about what you have read and learned
We want to... • Explain the Bible clearly to you • Help you enjoy your Bible • Encourage you to turn to Jesus • Help Christians follow Jesus
Martin Cole
Rachel Jones
Read today’s Discover page and Bible bit
Discover stands for... • Total commitment to God’s Word, the Bible • Total commitment to getting its message over to you
Discover devisers Kirsty McAllister Alison Mitchell
André Parker
Discover is published four times a year by The Good Book Company, Blenheim House, 1 Blenheim Rd, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9AP, UK. Tel: 0333 123 0880; Email: discover@thegoodbook.co.uk UK Website: www.thegoodbook.co.uk North America: www.thegoodbook.com Australia: www.thegoodbook.com.au NZ: www.thegoodbook.co.nz
Disco 68:Discover 26
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How to use Discover Here at Discover, we want you at home to get the most out of reading the Bible. It’s how God speaks to us today. And He’s got loads of top things to say. We use the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. You’ll find that the NIV and New King James Version are best for doing the puzzles in Discover. The Bible has 66 different books in it. So if the notes say...
Read Luke 22 v 1–6 ...turn to the contents page of your Bible and look down the list of books to see what page Luke begins on. Turn to that page.
“Luke 22 v 1–6” means you need to go to chapter 22 of Luke, and then find verse 1 of chapter 22 (the verse numbers are the tiny ones). Then jump in and read it!
It’s easy!
Here are some other symbols you might come across...
weird words Splonkifying These boxes explain baffling words or phrases we come across in the Bible.
This box usually has a tricky personal question on what you’ve been reading about.
Challenges you to put what you’ve read into action.
This box contains a mindbending fact that sums up what we’ve been reading about.
pray! Gives you ideas for prayer. Prayer is talking to God. Don’t be embarrassed! You can pray in your head if you want to. God still hears you! Even if there isn’t a PRAY! symbol, it’s a good idea to pray about what you’ve read anyway.
Disco 68:Discover 26
1 Luke 22 v 1-13 Oct 1 Fri
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Luke: Jesus in control There’s no time to waste! Flick straight to chapter 22 of Luke’s book about Jesus. Important people wanted Jesus dead....
Read Luke 22 v 1-6 Fill in the missing vowels (aeiou). Who turned against Jesus (v4)? J__d__s
weird words
He was one of the tw__lv__ disciples (v3), Jesus’ closest friends.
He wanted to help the ch__ __f pr__ __sts kill Jesus so he could earn some m__n__y (v5).
Made without yeast
Passover Special feast to remember the time God rescued His people from slavery in Egypt
Chief priests and teachers of the law Important Jewish leaders
Satan The devil
The Twelve The 12 disciples
Consented Agreed
But who was really in control of Judas (v3)? S__t__n
The devil (Satan) tempted Judas to betray Jesus, his friend and master. Even today, the devil tries to tempt Jesus’ followers to turn against Him.
pray! Ask God to help you fight the devil’s temptations to turn away from Jesus.
Sacrificed Killed and offered to God
But Jesus knew what was happening. He knew He would have to die soon. He was in control.
Read verses 7-13 I told you Jesus was in control! Everything happened just as He’d said it would. Jesus knew where the disciples could find a room for the feast.
He knew all about the plot to kill Him too. But Jesus knew He HAD to die (more about that tomorrow).
Jesus knew EVERYTHING that would happen. He was always in control.
Jesus is God’s Son. He is in control of everything. If you ask Him to, He’ll be your King, in control of your life!
Disco 68:Discover 26
2 Luke 22 v 14-20 Oct 2 Sat
Jesus is going to eat one last meal with His disciples before His death. But what’s this Passover feast all about?
Apostles Disciples, the men Jesus taught to tell people about Him
Kingdom of God Eternal life
Fruit of the vine Wine
Covenant Agreement between God and His people
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Meal deal Passover Feast A feast to remember the time God rescued His people from evil Pharaoh in Egypt (see Exodus chapter 12). They had to put the blood of a lamb on their doorposts to escape the punishment God gave the Egyptians. The Jews celebrated the Passover feast every year to remember God rescuing them.
Read Luke 22 v 14-18 This is my last Passover meal with you before I die.
Read verse 19 The broken bread was a symbol of Jesus’ body, which would be broken (killed) very soon. Eating the bread showed the disciples that they would share in the good that came from Jesus’ death for them.
Read verse 20 When the disciples drank the wine, they were reminded that Jesus was going to give His life for them, so their wrongs could be forgiven. Jesus is saying that His death is even more important than the first rescue from Egypt. Jesus’ death doesn’t rescue people from a country, but from their sin — the wrong things they do. And from God’s punishment for their sin. God has made a new agreement (covenant) with His people — everyone who trusts Jesus to rescue them from their sin will not suffer God’s punishment. It’s the only way to be forgiven. How awesome is that?!
The meal they ate is known as communion or Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper. Christians still eat it today. And it’s just the same: bread and wine. Very simple but very special.
If you want to take part in this meal, ask an older Christian about it.
weird words
Disco 68:Discover 26
3 Luke 22 v 21-30 Oct 3 Sun
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The nerve to serve Jesus and His disciples are eating the Passover feast together, and Jesus has some shocking news for them...
Read Luke 22 v 21-23 This got the disciples talking! And then they started arguing about something else...
Read verse 24
weird words Son of Man Jesus
Decreed Commanded by God
Woe Punishment
From the phrases below, pick the ones that describe the disciples, and put them in the left column. Add your own. serving others humble selfish expecting to be served happy with any position proud caring wanting the best
Now choose the right attitudes from the list and put them in the right column.
Which column are you like?
Read verses 27-30 Jesus’ followers (all Christians) should serve others, just as Jesus did (v27). Jesus served us in the most amazing way. He died on the cross in our place for the wrong things we’ve done!
Think of two ways you can serve people this week.
Gentiles People who weren’t Jewish
Right attitude
Exercise authority Boss them about
Benefactors People who help others (but these people were just pretending)
Despite their selfishness, Jesus told His disciples they would rule with Him in His kingdom! That’s what verses 28-30 mean.
Tough times
Confer Give
Read verses 25-26
Ask God to help you serve people just as Jesus did.
Disco 68:Discover 26
4 Luke 22 v 31-38 Oct 4 Mon
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Tough times ahead By the way, in today’s verses the names Simon and Peter refer to the same disciple — Simon Peter.
So far, people have been giving you gifts and food to help you survive (v35).
Read Luke 22 v 31-34 Jesus told Peter that the devil would test and tempt him. Unscramble the anagrams to show Peter’s answer (v33). Jewish leaders are out to murder Jesus. And He’s going to be betrayed by His friend Judas. But at least His disciples will stick with Him, won’t they?
I would go with you to p_____________ s n i p o r and d___________ h e a d t But Jesus knew what would really happen (v34). Before the cockerel crows tomorrow morning, you will say t__________ times that h e r e t you don’t k_________ me. w o n k
weird words Sift all of you as wheat
In a few days we’ll read that Peter did let Jesus down. But later, God helped Peter to tell many, many people about Jesus!
Test you
Transgressors Sinners. People who disobey God.
Fulfilled Come true
But I’m soon going to be arrested and taken away from you (v37).
Read verses 35-38 Sounds confusing? Don’t worry, the disciples misunderstood Jesus too! (v38) Read the speech bubbles to see what Jesus was saying to them.
Then you’ll be in great danger. People will be out to get you (v36). People who follow Jesus often get hassled for it.
pray! Ask God for the strength to cope with any hassle you get for talking about Jesus. Ask Him to help you stand up as a follower of Jesus.
For a free fact sheet on Facing Tough Times write to: Discover, The Good Book Company, Blenheim House, 1 Blenheim Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9AP, UK or email: discover@thegoodbook.co.uk
Disco 68:Discover 26
5 Luke 22 v 39-46 Oct 5 Tues
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Prayer in pain Jesus knew sorrow far deeper than the gloom we sometimes feel... Jesus was perfect. He never sinned.
Are you happy all the time or do you get low sometimes? Don’t worry, even Jesus was really down sometimes...
But He would become full of sin to take the punishment for our wrongs. He would have to take the terrifying punishment and anger from God, His own Father. No wonder Jesus was so upset.
Read Luke 22 v 39-44 By saying “take this cup” (v42), Jesus was saying He wanted to avoid all the awful things that were about to happen to Him... • He would be full of SIN
weird words
• He would take the PUNISHMENT for it on the cross
Mount of Olives
• He would face the terrible ANGER of His own Father
A hill near Jerusalem
Anguish Fear and worry
Earnestly Seriously and desperately
But Jesus was prepared to do what His Father wanted, not what He Himself wanted (v42). Even though Jesus knew it would cost His life.
There was no other way of saving sinners. No other way of saving YOU and ME from the terrible punishment we deserve. (see 1 Peter 2 v 24)
pray! Notice that God answered Jesus’ prayer for help (v43). What things make you sad? ______________________ ______________________ Will you ask God to help? And were Jesus’ friends praying for Him too?
Read verses 45-46
prayer action! When we’re facing problems or worries, we need to take them to God in prayer. And make sure we ask what GOD wants, not what WE want. Talk to God right now...
Disco 68:Discover 26
6 Luke 22 v 47-53 Oct 6 Wed
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Arrest in peace? Go forward one letter (A=B, B=C) to complete Judas’ plan.
Judas’ Plan PLACE Mount of __ __ __ __ __ __ N K H U D R TIME Late at __ __ __ __ __ M H F G S It’s night time; Jesus is in a quiet garden with some of His disciples. The perfect time for Judas to hand Jesus over to His enemies...
METHOD A crowd armed with __ __ __ __ __ __ R V N Q C R and __ __ __ __ __ B K T A R SIGNAL Judas would __ __ __ __ J H R R the right man
Let’s see if his plan worked...
weird words The Twelve Jesus’ twelve disciples
Son of Man Jesus
Rebellion Fighting against the people in charge
Reigns Rules
Read Luke 22 v 47-53 Jesus stopped the disciples from having a massive sword fight with the mob. Jesus knew He had to be arrested. The chief priests could have arrested Jesus at any time, such as when He was teaching in the temple. But Jesus had done nothing wrong, so they arrested Him in secret (to avoid scandal).
Read verses 49-51 again Jesus was surrounded by an angry crowd with swords.
But who was really in control?
All the armies in the world couldn’t have touched Jesus without His permission. But Jesus let them arrest Him!
Jesus had no need to fight. He wanted to obey His Father and die on the cross for people’s sins.
It was all happening just as the prophets had said 100s of years earlier.
pray! Read Isaiah 53 v 7 and then thank and praise Jesus that He willingly gave Himself up to die and save us.
Disco 68:Discover 26
7 Luke 22 v 54-62 Oct 7 Thurs
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Petrified Peter panics Read Luke 22 v 54-62 Using the Bible verses, number these events from 1 to 9, in the order they happened . “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Suffering? Who was suffering?
Servant girl accused him u of being with Jesus Jesus has been arrested by the chief priests, who want Him dead. Maybe Jesus’ friend Peter will help Him out...
weird words High priest Most important Jewish leader
Kindled Lit
Galilean From Galilee, the same area that Jesus was from
Disown Pretend not to know someone
Peter went away, upset at what he’d done
Peter sat in the courtyard and waited
A second person said Peter was with Jesus
“Man, I am not!” said Peter
Peter told her he didn’t know Jesus
A man recognised r where Peter was from The cock crowed and Peter remembered what Jesus had said
What do you think made Jesus suffer the most? a) the mocking and beating from the guards (v63) b) the cursing and denying by His friend Peter
Now in the same order that you numbered the events, write down the letters from the right-hand side of each box. Write them in the box up on the right.
Have you ever denied knowing Jesus or being a Christian? Maybe you were ashamed afterwards, but who did you sadden the most?
pray! Say sorry for times you’ve been ashamed of Jesus. Ask God to give you the courage to stand up for your belief in Jesus. He will!
Disco 68:Discover 26
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Criminal or Christ?
Luke 22 v 63-71 Oct 8 Fri
Read Luke 22 v 63-65
The chief priests want Jesus dead.
Look what Jesus says later, in verse 69. Use the code to fill in the box below.
But can they get Jesus to admit something that would send Him to His death?
weird words Prophesy Predict
Council The Sanhedrin, the most important court for Jewish people
The Christ/ Messiah The King who would rescue God’s people
Testimony Evidence
Read verses 66-71
Jesus was treated like a criminal. In these verses, who are the real criminals? Who are the ones attacking God’s Son? Who are the ones deserving punishment for their wrongs?
Jesus admitted to being the Son of God. At last the chief priests had a charge against Him that could be punished by death! No one was allowed to say they were God.
THE SON OF MAN... __ __ __ __
__ __
W I L L BE __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __
__ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
T HE R I GHT __ __ __ __
__ __
For anyone else, it would have been untrue. But Jesus really is the Son of God!!!
HA N D O F __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __
T HE M I GHT Y __ __ __
GO D Jesus is saying that in the future He will be the Judge, and the people who turned against Jesus will be punished.
pray! Jesus is God’s Son. Thank Him for what He went through for us. Ask God to help you live in a way that gives Jesus the respect and honour He deserves.
Disco 68:Discover 26
9 Luke 23 v 1-12 Oct 9 Sat
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Claims to frame Jesus Read Luke 23 v 1-2 Fill in the 3 claims the chief priests made against Jesus.
Pilate The chief priests thought they had enough evidence to have Jesus killed. So they took Him to Pilate, the local ruler.
weird words Subverting Misleading
Caesar Emperor who ruled the country
Jesus is _______________ our nation Not true! Jesus did have a large following, but He didn’t mislead people or try to start trouble.
Jurisdiction Within the area where Herod ruled
Vehemently Forcefully
Read verses 8-12
CLAIM 2 He tells people not to pay _____________ to _____________________ Rubbish! In Luke 20 v 20-26 Jesus told the people they should pay taxes!
CLAIM 3 He claims to be _____________________ It’s true, He did. But only because He is the King who rescues God’s people! Jesus was telling the truth!
Judea Area around Jerusalem
But they hassled Pilate, so he sent Jesus to Herod, the ruler of Galilee, where Jesus was from.
All of their claims were lies or twisted truths. And Pilate wasn’t fooled.
Read verses 3-7 In your own words, write what Pilate said (v4). Use the speech bubble, top right.
Herod wanted to see Jesus perform a ______________ He didn’t care if Jesus was God’s Son, or if He died. He just wanted to see a miracle. These powerful men could have freed Jesus, but they didn’t. Yet this was all part of God’s perfect plan to rescue His people from their sins. Later, we’ll see how...
God is in control of everything. He is more powerful than anyone. That means you can always trust God to keep His promises. Thank God that He will never let you down.
Disco 68:Discover 26
10 Luke 23 v 13-25 Oct 10 Sun
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Speak out or wimp out Both Pilate and Herod found no good reason to kill Jesus.
Read Luke 23 v 13-16 Pilate wanted to release Jesus, but he had a problem. If he set Jesus free, the chief priests would be out to get him.
The chief priests have taken Jesus to the local rulers to try to get Him sentenced to death.
A strange custom at Passover time was to allow the people to release one prisoner. So Pilate picked out a really dangerous criminal, Barabbas. Then he let the people choose between him and Jesus. Surely the people would release Jesus, rather than evil Barabbas. Then Pilate could blame the people for the decision!
From these phrases, decide which are true for Jesus and which are true for Barabbas. Put them in the correct boxes. healing people causing riots robbery
teaching truth
amazing miracles
Barabbas was guilty of
Jesus was guilty of
weird words Inciting Stirring up
Rebellion/ Insurrection Fighting against the people in charge
Crucify Kill by nailing to a wooden cross
Pilate took the coward’s way out of the situation.
think & pray!
Do you ever take the coward’s way out? Maybe pretending not to be a Christian? Or going along with something you know is wrong? Ask God to help you please Him in everything you do.
Prevailed Won
Read verses 18-25
Amazingly, they chose to release Barabbas! It’s easy to think that we wouldn’t have shouted against Jesus. But it’s hard to stand up against people, isn’t it?
pray again! Say sorry to Jesus for the times you’ve not spoken out for Him. Ask Him to help you stand up for Him at school.