Disco trial 3 (reprint 2010):Disco trial 3 new
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E ... the meaning of life
INSIDE: Life-changing lessons from Jesus; How to become a Christian
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Find a place where you can be quiet and think
Get your Bible and a pencil or pen
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Find a time when you can read the Bible each day
Ask God to help you understand what you read
Pray about what you have read and learned
We want to... • Explain the Bible clearly to you • Help you enjoy your Bible • Encourage you to turn to Jesus • Help Christians follow Jesus
Read today’s Discover page and Bible bit
Discover stands for... • Total commitment to God’s Word, the Bible • Total commitment to getting its message over to you
Dynamic Discover Dabblers Martin Cole Kirsty McAllister Andre Parker Anne Woodcock Nicole Carter Richard John Discover is published 4 times a year by The Good Book Company, 37 Elm Rd, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3HB, UK UK phone: 0333 123 0880; email: martin@thegoodbook.co.uk UK website: www.thegoodbook.co.uk USA: www.thegoodbook.com Australia: www.thegoodbook.com.au New Zealand: www.thegoodbook.co.nz ISBN: 9781907377730. Printed in the UK
Disco trial 3 (reprint 2010):Disco trial 3 new
How to use Discover Here at Discover, we want you to get the most out of reading the Bible. It’s how God speaks to us today. And He’s got loads of awesome things to say. We use the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. You’ll find that the NIV and New King James Version are best for doing the puzzles in Discover. The Bible has 66 different books in it. So if the notes say...
Read Luke 13 v 22-23 ...turn to the contents page of your Bible and look down the list of books to see what page Luke begins on. Turn to that page.
Luke 13 v 22-23’ means you need to ‘L go to chapter 13 of Luke and then find verse 22 of chapter 13 (the verse numbers are the tiny ones). Then jump in and read it!
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It’s easy, honest!
Here are some other symbols you might come across...
weird words Sesquipedalian These boxes explain baffling words or phrases we come across in the Bible.
This box usually has a tricky personal question on what you’ve been reading about.
Challenges you to put what you’ve read into action.
This box contains an astonishing fact that sums up what we’ve been reading about.
pray! Gives you ideas for prayer. Prayer is talking to God. Don’t be embarrassed! You can pray in your head if you want to. God still hears you! Even if there isn’t a PRAY! symbol, it’s a good idea to pray about what you’ve read anyway.
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Disco trial 3 (reprint 2010):Disco trial 3 new
1 Luke 13 v 22-27
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Learn from the expert narrow door!
Read Luke 13 v 22-23 Rearrange the words to show what this person asked.
saved? only going be to Are few a people
Ever wondered what life’s all about? Over the next few days we’re going to be taught by the leading expert — Jesus Christ.
Read verses 25-27 That’s like someone saying... Read Jesus’ answer in verse 24
through narrow
But Lord, I’ve been to church all my life. I’ve been good. I’ve even read the Bible. Surely it won’t be too late for me to be saved later... Some people put off turning to Jesus, and having their sins forgiven by Him. If they keep putting it off, they may leave it too late.
Get ready to discover the meaning of life. This guy wanted to know if everyone would have eternal life with God. Jesus says NOT EVERYONE will be saved. In this issue of Discover, we’ll find out how Jesus can rescue us, so that we’ll live with Him for ever!
Jesus says don’t worry about exactly how many people are saved. We need to make sure that we’re among them!
pray! Do you know anyone like that? Maybe yourself? If it’s a friend, pray that they will turn to Jesus and be saved by Him. If it’s yourself, maybe you could talk to an older Christian about it. More about eternal life tomorrow...
Disco trial 3 (reprint 2010):Disco trial 3 new
2 Luke 13 v 28-30
Yesterday, Jesus told us that not everyone will be saved and live with Him forever.
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Shocking news JEWISH FACT FILE The people who Jesus was talking to were Jewish. This means they were descended from God’s special people, the Israelites. They thought that because they were Jewish, they had a right to be the first ones into God’s kingdom. But Jesus didn’t agree...
Read Luke 13 v 28 Jesus is saying that being from a Jewish family isn’t good enough to get you into God’s kingdom. People who relied on that would see their heroes, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, enter but they themselves would be thrown out!
Read John 14 v 6. The ONLY way into God’s kingdom is by trusting Jesus to forgive your sins. Nothing else counts! So these people wouldn’t get into God’s kingdom, because they refused to ask Jesus to forgive them. But many non-Jews who turned to Jesus would live with Him forever! (v29)
Read verses 29-30 Unjumble the anagrams to show what Jesus said. Some of t___________ e s h o t
weird words Prophets Men who told people what God wanted to say to them
who are f___________ will t r i f s be l_________, and those s t a l who are l_________ will a t l s be f___________. s t r i f
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Do you assume that you’ll have eternal life because you go to church? Or because you’re from a Christian family? Or because you’re a good person? Jesus says that’s not good enough. The only way is to turn to Him and ask Him to forgive you for all the wrong stuff you’ve done.
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Disco trial 3 (reprint 2010):Disco trial 3 new
3 Luke 13 v 31-35
Nothing can get in his way.
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Determined to die Jesus was really determined to do something too. To find out what, cross out all the Cs, Js and Ps.
HEPMUCJSTBPC EKIPPLLCEDACPND OJJNTHCJETHPPIRD J P D A CC Y B E R J C PA I S C E D TJ O L P I FJ C E Sam is determined to become a top soccer player.
Read verses 32-33 Jesus wasn’t worried by crafty threats. He would carry on until He reached His goal — death on the cross in Jerusalem.
Would anything get in His way? YES/NO _______
pray! HE ___________________ ______________________ ______________________
Thank Jesus that He wouldn’t let anything stop Him from dying on the cross to rescue people from their sins.
______________________ ____________ Luke 9 v 22
weird words Pharisees Very strict Jews who were mostly against Jesus
Herod Local ruler
Prophet God’s messenger
Jesus knew He had to die on the cross, and be raised back to life, to rescue people like you and me from our sins (wrong stuff we do).
Would He let anything get in His way? YES/NO _______
Read Luke 13 v 31 Herod wants to kill you. Better run for it!
Desolate Abandoned
Blessed Happy
Do you think this threat would stop Jesus? YES/NO _______
Read verses 34-35 Jesus was upset that the people of Jerusalem rejected Him even though He had shown such great love to them. People who continued to reject Him would not spend eternity with Him.
pray! ...for people you know who continue to reject Jesus. Ask Him to change their hearts.
Disco trial 3 (reprint 2010):Disco trial 3 new
__ __
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__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __?
__ __
Nasty illness with swelling
__ __
__ __ __ __ __ __
__ __
Sabbath Saturday — the Jewish holy day when people rested from work
weird words
What clever question did Jesus ask them (v3)? Find it by taking every 2nd letter, starting with the top I.
Read verses 4-6 Jesus healed the man and then asked another tricky question. If your son or ox fell into a well on the Sabbath, wouldn’t you save him?
Read Luke 14 v 1-3
Or which bits of cutlery to use?
Jesus was being watched like this. A Pharisee had invited Him to dinner, and the guests were watching to see if Jesus would break their rules and heal someone on the Sabbath. They wanted an excuse not to trust Him.
Ever been for dinner at someone’s house and felt awkward because you’re not sure when to start eating?
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It’s horrible when you suspect that people are waiting for you to make a mistake before they pounce on you.
Luke 14 v 1-6
Sabbath stress
If the Pharisees and experts said YES, they would be breaking their own made-up rules. But if they said NO, they would sound cruel and heartless. So they kept quiet!
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Old Testament law said it was okay to help animals on the Sabbath. So it’s definitely okay to help a person who is ill. People are more important to God than animals. These Pharisees had added extra rules of their own. And now they were using them as an excuse to trick Jesus and not believe Him or follow Him.
Are you looking for excuses not to live for Jesus? Why not ask God to clear up any doubts you have?
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