Good News December 2014

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December 2014





december 2014

Deck The Halls!


December 2014


Feed The Birds It’s getting colder and now is the time when wild birds are deciding where they are going to take up residence for the winter. It’s the

20% Off

perfect time to get your feeders filled to attract beautiful birds to your landscape. Deciding which bird feeds to set out can be as easy

The Purchase of Bags, Belts & Filters

as deciding which birds you are trying to attract with this chart.

Decorate with Timeless Style

Brenda Jellies, LMT

Massage and Bodywork

formerly at SolSpring/KCHA

Expires 1/15/15

3911 Gull Rd., Kalamazoo, 385-3100

Terrie Schwartz Wedel’s Nursery, Florist & Garden Center

Great selection - Multiple vendors 8411 N. 32nd St., Richland 760-1682 Tues. - Sat. 10-6, Sun. 9-4

Westnedge Wellness 269.870.0609 3244 S. Westnedge Ave., Kalamazoo

inside- December 2014

Page 2............ Feed the Birds Page 3............ New Year’s Fest Page 4............. Remember When: BE-MO Potato Chips Page 4............ Ask The Experts Page 5............ Create a Memorable Christmas for Your Pet Page 6............ Book Reviews Page 7............ Have a Greener Holiday Page 8............ Bringing Back Vintage Formalwear for the Holidays Page 9............ A Mother and Daughter Adventure Series Page 10-11.... Holiday Decorating Page 12.......... EAT: Crepes by the Lakes Page 13.......... Coping with Loss During the Holidays Page 14.......... Sniff Your Way to Relaxation: Part 2 Page 15.......... Tai Chi – The Slowest Person Wins. Really? Page 16.......... Taste of Heaven/Youth for Christ Page 17.......... Business Feature: La Vie en Orange Page 18.......... About December Page 19.......... Calendar of FREE Events

Editor and Publisher: Jackie Merriam Graphic Designer: Lauren Ellis

Good News Paper accepts advertising to defray the cost of production and distribution, and appreciates the support of its advertisers. This publication does not specifically endorse advertisers or their products or services. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the written permission from the publisher.

To advertise in an upcoming issue, please contact Jackie Merriam 269 217-0977


December 2014


new year’s fest Kalamazoo, many surrounding Bronson Park. Come hungry, there is plenty of great food to enjoy. Some of the venues will be serving food, along with many wonderful restaurants located in downtown Kalamazoo. Each year we visit the First United Methodist Church for a delicious homemade sloppy joe, and piece of pie. At midnight enjoy the excite ment of ringing in the New Year in Bronson Park, complete with a ball drop and fireworks! Bring the family downtown Kalamazoo for a night of fun and entertainment this New Years Eve at New Year’s Fest. Enjoy an array of performing arts: activities, music, comedy, magic and much more! I have attended New Year’s Fest for several years, and there are always more things to do than I can possibly pack into one evening.

Advance event buttons are encouraged and are only $5 each. They will be available starting on December 15th at all Harding’s Stores & Marketplaces, Kalamazoo Public Library, Maple Hill Auto Group and at the Radisson. Button prices will increase to $10 on December 31st. New Year’s Fest will begin at 5:30pm. For more information, including the entertainment lineup visit their website at

The Celebration has been taking place for 29 years. Each year there are many new entertainers, along with those who are back by popular demand. Yo-Master Zeemo is one of the longstanding acts, his zany humor has entertained children for years, including my own. The New Year’s Fest events and activities are centrally located at eleven venues in downtown

Welcome to the Good News Paper The best gift to give to those you love is time. I know you’ve heard this before, but it bears repeating. The gift given is rarely remembered and will likely be discarded within a few short years at best. However the time you spend will be etched in your loved ones memories for a lifetime. This is not to say don’t give gifts if the spirit moves you, but keep in mind that your time and attention are the most precious gifts only you can give.

December 2014




december 2014


Happy Holidays! Jackie Merriam

Like us on Facebook and view our website at


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Deck The Halls!

Cover Photo taken at VanderSalm’s


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December 2014


Remember When Be-mo potato chips For over fifty years Kalamazoo residents were able to enjoy crisp and delicious BE-MO Potato Chips fresh from the factory. A family size, full one-pound bag sold for only 69 cents.

Charles H. Mott, a former office manager at Ryder Coal Company, and his son-in-law David BeshGetoor founded the BE-MO Potato Chip Company. The factory operated from the

1930’s - 1980’s in the Northside Neighborhood at 806 Cobb Street. The brick building is still standing and is alongside the Kalamazoo River Valley trail route.

outsold Frito-Lay and New Era potato chip brands. By Jackie Merriam

Local residents recall tours at the BE-MO plant, plugs by Buck Berry on the Buckaroo Rodeo children’s television show and their catchy jingle playing often on the radio: Be-Mo, Be-Mo, BeMo Potato Chips, Tasty, Crispy, Be-Mo Potato Chips, BeMo, Be-Mo, Be-Mo Potato Chips, Be-Mo! Be-Mo! Locally BE-MO

Experts Q & A Health Food Q: How can I “feel better” this winter season? A: Taking better care of our physical body helps us to keep healthy. Many factors contribute to our overall wellness. Mike One important factor is Wunderlin our intestinal flora (the good bacteria found in our gut). Our gut is home to over 500 bacterial species. These “visitors” form a bioreactor, which facilitates digestion, provides nutrients, aids in regularity and helps form the immune system. Research shows that probiotics can provide multiple benefits for our immune system. When probiotics are abundant in your body, it’s harder for bacteria’s that cause illness to get a foothold. Not all probiotics are equal. It is important to buy from a brand you can trust to ensure quality and potency. At NHC, we offer a wide selection of probiotics. One of our favorites, Solaray’s Multidophilus 12 is a high potency, multi-strain probiotic and on sale all month long.

Foot Health Q: I have always worn the same size shoe, but lately my shoes feel too tight. A: The human foot Steven Smith is very complex with C.Ped.,MC. 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. Over time, your feet elongate with just slight changes in width. The difference between a size eight and a size nine is only about one third of an inch, so your feet should be measured on a regular basis. Shoes that are too tight not only affect your feet but your posture and attitude as well, so make sure you can still wiggle your toes the next time you go shoe shopping.

Share Your Knowledge With Health ThousandsQ:ofIsReaders for it safe to kdjdk df? only $149viivid perdidimonth. tiora quo officium velluptatem corum Q & A Heaaslth expliam Expertoost Hfaceperibea ealth Et ut aut aut ma F fuga. d Health Foo nos elenis exere nempor molore repe velloria volutes volore essuntem quatquae corunt. Vendame nos volupic illandiam debitio eicipit, cum etumquat. Officipsam, si doluptatem simus aut architas remporis volor aborepta dendus Law ic ct ra op aut aceatriam nihit Chireosame cum nobis Hea ng maximus daniet eos abor rerum dites rernatecatur alis am ini arum qui omniraturem qui test, quid esti reperspedis cum eatur, net ullest lam, eaquid excerer untota nis illandipsus, ipis aut latur repelen dandem adis ni to volorum quatur? Ra sento velictis rerunt vendebitin ped .goodnew w w w t si quam ut de coret mdatios quia quae est, ore vi To find ou e to kdjdk Q: Is it saf i df? viivid did officium quo tiora m corum ing Gluten velluptate Q: Can eat y and afforda as expliam faceperibe ma Free be eas ut aut aut Et a. fug por able? is exere nem elen nos esDisease, an utes volore n vol mo oria com A: Celiac ne condition a vell lore repe . A: This is standing up mo unt ith cor autoimmu the intake Sm ae debitio tqu Steven by e when c illandiam suntem qua icate triggered genetically ed.,MC. issu upi ind vol C.P ld nos in Vendame . face and cou of gluten individuals is which is etumquat aut ed Mike on a flat surPlantar Fasciitis, s of the predispos the population, eicipit, cum doluptatem simus dendus Wunderlin , si of concern of ammator y procestissue or aborepta Officipsam infl to affect 1% ing some poris volor nobis a painful cia, the connective t. 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a stabbing Q: I feel heel pain in my out of when I get ld be cou bed, what s? causing thi

Natural Health Center 4610 W Main St, Kalamazoo (269) 342-9459

The Shoe Smith 6210 S Westnedge Ave, Portage (269) 327-0204

Lumber Yard 300 East Main Kalamazoo Contact Jackie Merriam, 217-0977 320-8989 or





December 2014


The holiday season is a special time to celebrate with family, friends and pets. We are sharing three things that will make this Christmas a memorable and safe one for your animal companions: 1. Goodies − The holiday feast served at the dining room table is probably not appropriate for your furry friends. However, local pet stores have lots of delectable delights that are made especially for dogs and cats. If you enjoy cooking or baking, the Internet is a great resource for locating recipes to make special treats for animals. What a great gift for your pets this Christmas! 2. Toys − Everyone enjoys toys, even lovable critters. There are plenty of pre-made options available in stores this time of year, pleasantly bundled and ready to put under the tree; however, if you prefer to craft a custom creation for your feline or canine friend here are some ideas! For Dogs why not make them a Sock ‘n’ ball? Everyone has an old sock laying around, put a tennis ball in the toe, tie the top


create a memorable christmas for your pet

and bingo you have a fab new toy for your pooch—probably one of the cheapest and easiest things to make! For Cats how about a Cat Nip Sock! Stuff an old sock with some cat nip, tie the end and let your cat enjoy! You can always take some old shoe laces and tie them around the end and let your cat chase you around the house! Easy, fast and CHEAP! Merry Christmas Cat! 3. Pet Safety − Keep safety in mind at holiday time! Remember that there are lots of twinkly, stringy ornaments around the house at this time of the year that aren’t usually there. The tree HAS to be climbed by the new kitten and those decorations make great soccer balls for cats! Dogs will try to get into gifts under the tree especially if they smell food inside! Here is a list of items to watch out for this Christmas—we don’t want you ending up with a hefty vet bill from Santa! •Holiday Plants − mistletoe, holly berries and poinsettia •Adhesives and glues are

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poisonous to dogs and cats too •Ribbon, string, yarn − can be swallowed by cats and dogs and get tangled in their intestines •Candles can easily ignite dogs and cats tails ending in severe burns •Foods for your pets to avoid − chocolate, small bones, onions, avocados and don’t give pets milk! As a rule, stick to their normal diet and water over the holidays. However tempting it is to give

them special treats (like scraps from the table), you don’t want to be up all night with pets who need to use the bathroom! Maintain their daily, physical, exercise routines— they still know it’s THAT time even at Christmas. By Kim Bourner and Danielle Wallis KAR Friends December 2013 article reprinted with permission from Kalamazoo Animal Rescue


December 2014


The top books published this month that librarians across the country love. In the Company of Sherlock Holmes Stories Inspired by the Holmes Canon Edited by Leslie S. Klinger and Laurie R. King

“A unique, engaging collection of short stories written in honor of Sherlock Holmes. It’s wonderful reading all of the different styles with twists on the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle tales, such as a Facebook-type narrative and a story written from the point of view of a horse. Sherlock aficionados will appreciate the whispers of the great detective on every page.” Paulette Brooks, Elm Grove Public Library, Elm Grove, WI

JANE AND THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS: Being a Jane Austen Mystery by Stephanie Barron (Soho Crime)

“Jane, her sister Cassandra, and her mother are spending Christmas with her brother’s family at Steventon Parsonage. They’re invited to visit the Vyne, where the weather and then a murder (or two) keep them houseguests. Jane’s personality and all of those around her shine throughout this story. I’m now planning to start back at the beginning of the series.” —Kim Storbeck,Timberland Regional Library, Tumwater, WA

Mermaids in Paradise

US: A Novel

“This delightful book starts out as almost chick-lit, turns into a fantasy adventure, then leads into an underdog heist. The tone reminds me of Libba Bray’s Beauty Queens, with just enough absurdity in a tropical location to keep you on your toes. Protagonist Deb’s husband, Chip, is a total babe (in a nerdy way) and her BFF, Gina, is the best kind of snarky. A highly entertaining read.”

“Every once in a while you stumble upon a book that makes you wish you could meet the characters in real life. This is the case with Us, the poignant story of a middle-of-the-road British family spiraling out of control, and one man’s attempt to win back their love. Quirky, delightful and unpredictable, the novel delves into what makes a marriage, and what tears it apart.”

Amanda Monson, Bartow County Library System, Cartersville, GA

By Kimberly McGee, LakeTravis Community Library, Austin,TX

by Lydia Millet

by David Nicholls (Harper)

For book recommendations from your Kalamazoo Public Library Staff go to

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December 2014


Protect the environment The holidays are here! Read these tips to find out how to have a greener holiday!

gas mileage by up to 33%. Also, packing light increases the gas mileage of a vehicle or a plane due to the reduced weight.

When traveling you can do your part to help the environment. Drive safely! Aggressive driving can decrease your

Want to do something unique this holiday season? Reuse old greeting cards by cutting them into different shapes and sizes for unique gift tags! You can also used recycled paper to make

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custom cards, or check the backs of greeting cards in stores to see if they are made of recycled paper. You can even put your computer to work by emailing virtual greeting cards to your friends and family. By Judy Smith High School Student Galesburg-Augusta/KAMSC

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Cold Beer - Live Music - Fun Times 402 E. Kalamazoo Ave. Downtown Kalamazoo • 381-5677

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December 2014


Bringing Back Vintage Formalwear for the Holidays dresses made complete with fur collars and cuffs. There is a fur to be had for any special occasion. In formalwear, ladies often wore stoles. Mink stoles were and continue to be outrageously popular year after year, but keep in mind there are other types of vintage stoles and wraps that can be pulled out for this holiday season. While on the hunt, look for fox, raccoon, curly or persian lamb in a stole to be different.

Everyone has heard of the Ugly Christmas Sweater trend that seems to come on bigger and better than the year before. It seems in every office, every business, and with each holiday gathering the ugly sweater-craze is the only clothing to grab and go. Instead of being like everyone else this holiday season, why not be different by bringing out a vintage formalwear item? Formalwear, semi-formalwear or black tie seems to change from year to year and decade to decade, just like every other clothing or style trend. Most people have in their closet or a relative’s closet a few key vintage pieces that are begging to get out of storage and be put on for display and the holiday season is a perfect time for it. Pull out the stoles! Throughout fashion history authentic fur or faux fur has been a staple in anyone’s wardrobe. From overcoats, hats, and even jewelry to satin

Bling is back! Yes, even if it’s hard to believe the 1980’s are indeed considered “vintage”. Beaded jackets made a huge splash in the fashion industry during the 1980’s and there is a pleathera of them in the secondhand markets from Goodwill and consignment shops to Etsy and Poshmark. Teens and twenty-something’s have fallen in love with these beaded lovelies and revamped them by pairing them with skinny tights and boots, jeans and tshirts, and even leather short shorts. This is a great way to bring back a bright and blingy jacket for any casual holiday gathering.

Christian Dior and Calvin Klein or Vera Wang, a new twist on the standard little black dress (a major challenge for any designer) can make for a stunning gown. For trendy vintage little black dresses, I suggest looking for a dress that has extra elements to it, such as this black gown from the 1930’s, that is complete with sheer organza, ruffled lace, but is so tightly fitting to her hourglass shape. Other popular styles for the holidays would be

a 1950’s black tulle dress (some people call these cupcake dresses), a black shift from the 1960’s with a rhinestone or jeweled collar, or a velvet mini dress from the 1980’s would all be smashing for the holidays! Dare to be different with your style and look to quality vintage items to round out your formalwear wardrobe for this festive season! Happy Holidays! Mrs. Janice Glasser is an expert in Vintage clothing and styling. Follow her on Facebook at www. For 15 years she has partnered with her mother in operating The Clothing Connection Consignment Boutique in Kalamazoo

The “Little Black Dress” never dies either and is ideal for any semi-formal holiday event. From fashion designers such as the recently deceased Oscar de la Renta to

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December 2014


In Search of our Super-Powers: A Mother and Daughter Adventure Series that I pull into the driveway on this overcast Saturday morning. But the yard looks nothing like I expected. It is full of people, none of whom I know and they seem to have nearly completed gathering all the leaves. They don’t look up as I park my car. What’s going on?

Ellen: The first snows of the year have fallen much to the distress of my summer-loving soul. The icy wind that made this possible also shook free the last of the leaves from the trees in my parents’ yard. I spent countless hours of my childhood playing on this acre of land and respect the amount of time it takes to rake, mow, and prepare this lawn for winter. Hours of tarp hauling, stick retrieval, and leaf bundling await us, accompanied by a few blisters. It is with an apprehensive heart

Jane: I am not only puzzled, I am not only dumbfounded, I am wordless. I arrive home to find this crew of cheerful young people tidying my yard. When I approach the smiling woman in the knitted cap, she explains that they are a church group who are in the neighborhood and who heard that we could use some extra help this year. Although my husband had emergency surgery in the spring, he is now as strong and healthy as he ever. I try to persuade the group to find some more needy neighbors, but they are mostly finished, so they just grin and keep raking. When I question them further, they re-check their

information and discover that the family they meant to help lives four doors down the street. Oops! This leads to much laughter and they scamper away to the correct house. Thankfully, they don’t put our leaves back in our yard. Ellen: Charity comes in many forms, including in the guise of superheroes in winter caps and

fingerless gloves. I never cease to be surprised by others’ kindness. It makes me wonder if I use my own powers enough. Good thing there are plenty of leaves to go around! By Jane & Ellen Knuth

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December 2014


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December 2014



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December 2014

EAT If you haven’t had the chance to enjoy a delicious crepe by Crepes by the Lakes at the Kalamazoo Farmer’s Market or on the downtown Kalamazoo Mall during the past several months, you’ve truly been missing out on some amazing culinary delights. But don’t despair; you have another chance to taste their yummy crepes through the month of December indoors in the revitalized Washington Square area. Owners of Crepes by the Lakes, Danielle Barney and Stephanie Lenhart, have brought their love of good food and their culinary talents to Kalamazoo. Danielle landed her first restaurant job in Battle Creek at the original Arcadia Brewing Company. She started out as a server then moved to the kitchen, and this is where her passion for food was born. Wanting to learn more about the culinary world and explore a big city, Danielle moved to Chicago where she worked and trained under top chefs at restaurants such as Tiny Lounge, Girl and the Goat, and Odyssey Cruises at Navy Pier. Stephanie spent her adolescent years living in Paris, France, where her love for crepes began. Her family ate crepes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. She also lived in Bangkok, Thailand and Manila, Philippines, where her passion for international food and culture grew. She worked in finance for several years, but often felt unfulfilled and had the feeling that something was missing in her life. Stephanie decided to roll up her sleeves and attend culinary


crepes by the lakes Kalamazoo County Land Bank to bring their crepe cart inside for the month of December at Washington Square - 1301 Portage Street - Here is a look at their schedule for the month of December: Holiday’s in the Square – Friday’s Only December 5, 12 & 19 Lunch 11:30am-1: 30pm

school at Kendall College. Danielle and Stephanie met in Chicago and became fast friends sharing their love of creating fine foods. While visiting friends in this area a few years ago, the duo quickly realized that Kalamazoo was in the midst of a revitalization boom and housing was cheap. They packed up their things and moved from Chicago to Kalamazoo. Stephanie began working in the deli at the People’s Food Coop., while Danielle went to work at Martini’s, and subsequently at Irving’s Deli. The food truck culture was just starting to make a buzz around town and they wanted to be a part of it. They spent the next year brainstorming and trying to figure out their culinary focus, the possibilities were endless.

ness after operating for ten years, because they were ready to retire. This turnkey crepe cart business was a deal of a lifetime and they jumped at the opportunity. This past March, Danielle and Stephanie bought one-way tickets to Florida to pick up their new business venture. Two months, and a mound of paperwork later, they launched Crepes by the Lakes at the Kalamazoo Farmers’ Market at the end of May. On the heals of the approaching winter weather, they were given an amazing opportunity by the

Holidays in the Square - Weekend Hours Saturday & Sunday Breakfast/brunch/lunch 8am-3pm I have sought out their crepes over the past several months and have tried their breakfast, lunch and dessert creations…I’ve loved them all! Visit Crepes by the Lakes at their Washington Square temporary location and enjoy a taste of France right here in Kalamazoo. Follow them on Facebook at

Michigan’s Superstore and Clearance Center Over 100 TV Stands and Desks!

Finally, they landed on crepes, because they are an affordable, perfect street food. The next step was to find equipment. They ended up finding the perfect solution on eBay! A family down in Del Ray Beach, Florida was selling their crepe cart and bistro busi-


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December 2014

Mindful Parenting Changes that affect our family lives are keenly felt during December. The holidays, more than any other time of year, serve as a marker of time. Most of us can remember where we were last December and how our family celebrated Christmas, Hanukah, or New Year’s Eve. We also remember how we gathered with our parents, friends, and children. These traditions are very important for the cementing and maintaining of families— and our memories. Holiday experiences are multisensory; smells of baking and evergreen trees, songs sung, the feel of a fresh, packed snowball, the taste of candy canes, and the luminous sight of candles burning are all evocative sensations that touch deep emotions. When these sensations and memories are put together with old, familiar ways of gathering with our family, deeply felt emotions surface sometimes even long after the loss has occurred. These sharp surges of sadness may catch you by surprise. James E. Miller’s book, How Will I Get Through the Holidays?, outlines 12 strategies for coping with loss. He recommends the following: 1. Accept the likelihood of your pain. 2. Feel whatever you feel. Emotions are not bad; they are just feelings. Anger, sadness, anxiety, guilt and numbness are all typical feelings associated with grieving. Allowing these feelings to emerge will help you heal more quickly. As a therapist, I have found that different family members cycle through these feelings at different times. Everyone’s experience of grief varies. Be respectful of other’s feelings of loss as well. 3. Express your emotions. Don’t keep them all in your body. Talk, write, draw. You can

encourage your children to do the same—and encourage them to play. Children may play out their stories of grief with dolls, toy soldiers, animals, clay or legos…. whatever they most enjoy. 4. Plan ahead. Make a plan for the holiday celebration before it arrives, and then follow through with it. I work with my clients to articulate what worries them most about the holidays. What do you need others who will be around you to understand? What can they do to help? Brainstorm with others, including your children,

about new ways to celebrate this year. Be open to suggestions. 5. Take charge where you can—and be gentle with yourself where you can’t. Pick your battles. Concentrate on what you can control: yourself. Get enough sleep. Exercise. Eat wisely. Watch the alcohol; it is a depressant. Choose activities you enjoy. Get outside; nature has a calming effect on the psyche. 6. Turn to others for support. Let others know what you need. Be direct. Go to holiday events with others. Ask a friend to help you put up holiday decorations— and put things away after the


Coping with Loss During the Holidays holidays are over. Consider joining a support group related to your loss. 7. Be gentle with yourself. Slow down. Allow yourself some sad days. Do some things that have been comforting to you in the past. Get a massage. Pamper yourself. Play soothing music. Lower your expectations in terms of what you think you should accomplish. 8. Remember to remember. For those that have lost a loved one due to death, feeling linked to that special person may be very

comforting. Wearing a piece of special jewelry or using a personal object that belong to your loved one, like a familiar cooking spoon, may become gentle reminders. Other families develop healing rituals at the table: lighting a candle or telling stories about the person you have lost. 9. Search out and count your blessings. Look at what is working in your life. At least once each day ask yourself and your children what you are grateful for…the smallest things count and can bring you joy. 10. Do something for others. Grief is very self-absorbing.

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Volunteer. Give some attention to others. This may put your loss in a bigger perspective. And you are likely to feel appreciated and valued. 11. Give voice to your soul. You will have profound questions about why this loss happened… about what your life means now… about how you want to spend the next part of your life. Questions about God or the lack of God may arise. Central questions about your belief system may emerge. Affiliating with spiritual community, retreat center, prayer group, 12-step program or church may be especially helpful. Find a quiet time for daily reflection, mediation or journaling. 12. Harbor hope. You will feel better with time. Next season’s holidays are likely to be a little less intense. In the meantime, reach out to a trusted friend who can have hope for you. Many find that grieving makes them more, not less, connected to others…. and to what is most important in life. Finally, do not weather holiday blues alone. Fight inclinations to withdraw and isolate. Therapy, participation in a hospice support group or joining a divorce recovery program can help you navigate this journey. If your grief intensifies, persists well into the next year, or hinders your ability to complete your daily routine more often than not, you may benefit from contact with a counselor or physician. By Lindsay P. South, MA/LPC Registered Play Therapist In addition to treating adults with an array of concerns, Lindsay works with children and adolescents who are experiencing difficulty in the areas of learning and attention, eating and body image, as well as relationships with family and peers.

“A network of experienced therapists in private practice who support Kalamazoo area individuals, couples and families” Professional Clinicians and Consultants, Inc.


December 2014



Deep Pressure vs. Deep Tissue

Sniff Your Way to Relaxation Which is right for 2you? part

Last month we began discussing aromatherapy. We overviewed why the body reacts so strongly to scent and how your brain links an emotional state with smells. Scents can create a sense of relaxation and well-being- if you pick the right ones. Let’s start by outlining some common scents and the emotional/ mental/ physical properties they invoke.


The most well-known of relaxing scents… and for good reason. Lavender studies have shown the fragrance slows down the sympathetic nervous system (the body system that responds to stress). Lavender reduces stress, relieves tension, is an anti-depressant, and helps with insomnia. It is also known as a strong anit-inflammatory & antiseptic, skin balancer, and immune stimulant. Recommended use: place 2-4 drops of its essential oil on hands or add to 2-3 cups of boiling water and inhale the vapors


Often used in tea, this little daisylike flower packs a very relaxing punch. It can treat a cough and

helps with insomnia. Chamomile has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects as well as antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. *Not recommended for use if allergic to plants such as ragweed, or if pregnant* Recommended use: pour a cup of boiling water over 2-3 tablespoons of dried chamomile; soak for 10 minutes and drink


Ylang-ylang oil has a euphoric and sedative effect on the nervous system and helps with anxiety, tension, shock, fear and panic. It

is particularly useful with rapid breathing and rapid heartbeat, it can also help with reducing high blood pressure and is useful for intestinal infections. Recommended use: add 4-6 drops to ½ cup of Epsom salts and add to a warm bath


Though not commonly thought of as a ‘relaxing’ scent, tangerineand many in the citrus family of fragrances- is a mood booster. It is also restorative (helping you get over the ‘wiped-out’ feeling), fights acne, and balances the nervous system.

Recommended use: add a few drops to diffuser *remember to clean you diffuser regularly to prevent unwanted scents from mingling* Try one, or combine a few scents and smell your way to a more relaxed state of mind! If you would like more information about these and other relaxing scents, I recommend visiting www. By Rebecca Byron; LMT, CAOBT Owner of Water’s Edge Day Spa

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December 2014


the slowest person wins, Really?

When you’re referring to tai chi, the answer is: ABSOLUTELY! American culture emphasizes speed, the faster the better. Fast cars, fast food, fast service, everything fast. So when an activity emphasizes slow and deliberate motion, it catches us off guard. So it’s often difficult for Americans to embrace an activity that must be very slow in order to get the benefit. Yet the discipline has been around for thousands of years, primarily in Asian countries. So what’s the deal? No less than the Harvard School of Medicine did its own examination of tai chi exercises, looking at the benefits of a series of tai chi movements called “forms.” It’s often described as “meditation in motion” but the results from practicing it can also be called “medication in motion.” Unlike other types of exercises, tai chi exercises are circular, the muscles are relaxed, the joints are not fully extended


significant improvement in upper and lower body flexibility. Perhaps most significant, it improves balance, thereby reducing falls. Falling has become a major health concern for people over 60. The ability to sense the position of one’s body in space declines with age. Tai chi helps train this sense which is a function of sensory neurons in the inner ear and stretch the receptors in the muscles and the ligaments.

or bent, and connective tissue is not stretched. Furthermore, tai chi can be adapted for anyone, from the most fit to those confined to wheelchairs. Contrary to the mantra “no pain, no gain” tai chi can claim “no pain, big gains”! Although tai chi is slow and gentle and doesn’t leave you breathless, it addresses key elements of “being

fit” by addressing muscle strength, flexibility, and balance. For example, Stanford University tested 39 men and women, average age 66, with a below average fitness level, and at least one cardio vascular risk factor. At the end of 12 weeks, they showed improvement in both lower body strength and upper body strength. Similarly, the women in the same study showed

The Kalamazoo area is fortunate to offer a number of tai chi classes, one of which is the Moving For Better Balance class offered by the YMCA of Greater Kalamazoo. The class is free to members but is open to the general community. For more information, feel free to call 269345-9622. By Ken Dettloff ACE YMCA Wellness Coach


December 2014

non-profit spotlight


Taste of Heaven

When you think of the word drizzle, it may bring to mind a cold, damp day, but that’s not the case within the walls of Taste of Heaven. At Taste of Heaven this word is celebrated every day when chocolate is “drizzled” over rich buttery caramel corn.

Taste of Heaven. Peg said that this would free up the time spent on fundraising and allow them to spend their time ministering. Customer favorites include Drizzled Caramel Corn, Sea Salt Caramel Corn, Jalapeno Cheddar, K-zoo Corn (caramel & cheese), Dipped Caramel Krispies and Gourmet Pretzels. Some of their new flavors include...Peppermint Crunch Drizzled Caramel Corn and Sea Salted Dark Chocolate Drizzled Caramel Corn...all of their delicious creations are gluten free and peanut free.

This one-of-a-kind popcorn shop is known for their handmade drizzled caramel corns, cheese corns and confections. What is extremely unique about Taste of Heaven is that all of their proceeds go directly to fund ministry efforts; the popcorn shop seeks to positively impact the lives of young people through the production and sales of these delicious treats. Taste of Heaven provides financial support for the ministry of Youth for Christ but also has impacted the lives of many in our community. Ministry happens directly through Taste of Heaven by the production of their products. Many area youth and volunteers work to produce and sell their gourmet gifts and treats. Their volunteer staff is made up of area youth, community service workers, students, senior citizens and church groups. They partner with local youth organizations by welcoming a variety of volunteers. From local schools to the Kalamazoo County Juvenile

Stop in for great holiday treats and gifts, while giving back to the community. Taste of Heaven is located in Kalamazoo at 4502 West Main, in the Westwood Plaza. They are open Monday – Saturday and can be reached by phone at 349-0849 or email at You can also check out their website at

Justice System, they provide a place where young people learn job readiness skills. Their mission is to help young people gain job-training skills and find encouragement. This amazing venture began In January 1999, when Richland Bible Church handed out single bills of various denominations in unmarked envelopes to those in the congregation. The charge was for the congregation to invest for ministry, based on the parable of the talents. Peg Throop found $10 in her envelope. She made caramel corn, drizzled it with chocolate and

sold it to friends. In November 1999, Peg was pleased to return $800 back to the church. After much consideration and the support of its customers, Taste of Heaven became a business, but not a business in a traditional sense; the proceeds would always fund ministry efforts. In 2005, Kalamazoo Youth for Christ took over complete ownership of the

Buy one get one 50% off on Peppermint Crunch Drizzled Caramel Corn. -Gluten and Peanut FreeIn-store only. One time use. One per customer.

4502 W. Main St. - Kalamazoo (Westwood Plaza) 349-0849

Expires 12/31/14


December 2014


La Vie En Orange

I met Kori Jock owner of La Vie en Orange, a business that specializes in custom underwear last spring at the Kalamazoo Farmers Market. Her creative display caught my attention; she had her underwear designs attached with close pins to a string, resembling laundry hanging out to dry. Some of her creations were also displayed inside vintage suitcases. You couldn’t help but be drawn to her booth, her smile and her fun underwear designs. Starting a business making undies never seemed unusual to Kori, her grandmother has been making them since the late 1980’s. The undies making began in her family when her grandma took a class to learn how to use a serger, and making undies was one of the projects. She found a pattern for undies for Kori’s Grandpa that she thought he’d like and made a pair. He loved them, and so she had to make more pairs. Before long, Kori’s dad saw the undies that his

mom had made for his dad and was envious, so she started making his undies too. Later she started making her own, when she could no longer find the brand and style of undies that she had loved for years. She took the undies apart and copied them to make her own pattern. Many of Kori’s clothes growing up were handmade, either by her grandma or her mom; underwear was just one more thing that they could make themselves. Kori has been making her own underwear since 2005’, and started La Vie en Orange a few years ago to offer her comfy undies to other women. She even provides a Hot Booty Guarantee, which assures a perfect fit. Alterations are happily provided at no cost. The panties are hand cut, hand screen printed and handmade. They are also made with ecofriendly materials: 100% cotton thrifted t-shirts, unbleached elastic and water-based screen print inks. Undies are available in

sizes 0 – 30. The cost for a pair of handmade custom underwear is around $26. La Vie en Orange undies can be purchased at Cakes Boutique in downtown Kalamazoo, or on the website at For the month of December you can also find her undies at two pop-up shops: Handmade Kalamazoo on

South Street, and at Kori’s home in the Milwood Neighborhood on December 11. Details are available on her website and on Facebook. If you’re a Bell’s fan, be sure to check out the limited edition Bell’s undies made from vintage overstock t-shirts available at By Jackie Merriam

Hurry While Supplies Last

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December 2014


History December was originally the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar. It gets its name from the Latin word “decem” which means tenth. However, when the Romans added January and February to the calendar, it became the twelfth month. They still kept the name, though. Fun Facts about December It is the first month of winter and the last month of the year. National Cookie Day is December 4th. Other snacks celebrated this month include pie, cotton candy, chocolate brownies (mmm!), cocoa, and cupcakes. The first day of Winter is on either December 21 or 22 (this year it is on the 21st.) This is the shortest day of the year and the longest night. It is called the Winter or Southern solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Courtesy of

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. George Patton

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December 2014


free December Events Through Dec. 24, 2014 Santa’s Village Bring your camera Kalamazoo Mall Plaza Dec.5-20: Fri. 4-8pm, Sat.11am-4pm, Sun. noon-4pm Dec.21-24: Sun. noon-4pm, Mon.-Tues. 11am-4pm, Wed. 11am-3pm 344-0795 Through Jan.19, 2015 Voices for Social Justice Exhibit Kalamazoo Valley Museum 373-7990 Through May 17, 2015 Kalamazoo for the Union Exhibit Civil War history through the Eyes of people in Kalamazoo County 373-7990 December 1 Annual Loading Trees for Troops event Wahmhoff Farms 11121 M-40 Hwy., Gobles 10am 628-4308 Dec. 2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24,30,31 Kalamazoo Indoor Flea & Farmers Market Kalamazoo County Expo Center 8am – 2pm 383-8761 December 3 Meet the Artists Holiday Walk Night W.K. Kellogg Manor House Stroll through the decorated house and meet many of the local artists and vendors selling gifts for the holidays 6:30pm - 8:30pm 671-2160 December 5, 12, 19 Holidays in the Square Lights decorations, food, holiday

gifts, Local vendors Washington Square 11:30am – 1:30pm 762-6191 December 5 Art Hop Downtown Kalamazoo & In Park Trades Center 5 – 9pm 342-5059 December 5 Art Hop “Holiday Member’s Show” Find gifts & glittering goodies galore West Michigan Glass Art Center Park Trades Center 5-9pm 552-9802 December 5 Kalamazoo Mandolin and Guitar Orchestra (classical) Kalamazoo Valley Museum 6pm 373-7990 December 5-6 Holiday Greens & Gifts Sale Kalamazoo County Expo Center Fri. 9am-6pm, Sat. 9am-2pm 349-4227 December 5-6 Santa’s Workshop At Wedel’s Family fun, music, Santa & more! Fri. 5pm – 8pm Sat. 9am – 4pm 345-1195 December 5-7 K-9 Fanciers Dog Show Kalamazoo County Expo Center Fri. 3-11pm, Sat. 8am-5pm, Sun. 8am-4pm (986) 860-9845, ptanner@kibbe. com

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December 6 Candy Cane Hunt Bronson Park Santa, live music, arts & crafts And more 12pm–2pm 337-8295 December 6 Visit with Santa Tot-To-Teen Village Bring your camera! 1pm – 4pm 381-7800 December 6 Natural Health Foods Holiday Open House “Shift your shopping local” Local vendors sampling products, great sales & more! 10am – 2pm 342-9459 December 7 Citizen Science: Great Lakes Find out what the Great Lakes Alliance Is doing and how you can help collect data for scientific study Kalamazoo Valley Museum 1:30pm – 2:30pm 373-7990 December 11 Crafty Needles Knitting Night Boathouse Brewery 4-9pm 808-3455 December 11 Men’s Shopping Night Free Tibbs Beer & gift wrap Chance to win prizes Van Sweden Jewelers 6-8pm 342-9631 December 13 Buy Local Art & Gift Fair Kalamazoo Nature Center 9am – 4pm 381-1574

December 13 Traditional and Celtic Christmas Tunes by the Crescendo Fiddlers Portage District Library 10:30am – 11:30am 329-4544 December 13–14 Christmas Expo & Craft Show Kalamazoo County Expo Center Sat. 9am-4pm, Sun. 10am-4pm December 14 Kalamazoo Record & CD Show Kalamazoo County Expo Center 11am – 4pm (734) 604-2540, December 14 Thornapple Brass Portage District Library 1pm – 2pm 329-4544 December 21 Township Series: Portage Kalamazoo Valley Museum Tom Dietz offers an updated look At the 19th century Portage Twsp. 1:30pm – 2:30pm 373-7990 December 21 Classic Holiday Film: It Happened On 5th Avenue (1947) 2pm 329-4544 December 24 Christmas Eve at the Boatyard Holiday Beers only released On Christmas Eve 12pm – 4pm 808-3455


December 2014


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Present your Spark Dining Booklet to receive one complimentary main entreé with purchase of one other main entreé of equal or greater value. Offer does not include beverages, appetizers, desserts or other à la carte menu items. Offer is not good for take-out orders, unless restaurant is take-out only. You may use the card at each restaurant only once. Spark Dining Club Booklets are not valid on these holidays: New Year’s Eve/Day, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter, July Fourth, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Spark Dining Club Cards are not good with any other offers, coupons or discounts, all-you-can-eat specials or senior discounts. Suggested tipping should equal 15 to 20% of total BEFORE discount. Please call for reservations. Dining Club offers expire Nov. 30, 2015. Spark is not responsible for lost or stolen cards. No refunds or replacements given.

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