Out of your comfort zone
Sometimes what keeps us from getting what we want in life is our reluctance to change our routines and habits. Whatever it is—you can break out of these patterns and create positive change. Here are some ways to step out of your comfort zone and into greatness:
Face a fear you have
Do you have a fear that’s been hanging around awhile? Does it come to mind and then go dormant for lack of pushing yourself? Think of that one fear that may be holding you back from your potential and set a goal to tackle it in the next three months.
Do what scares you
Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” How powerful would that be to make a conscious effort to do what scares you? What would open up? Start out by making a list of three things at the beginning of the week and challenge yourself to do each one during the week. Make it fun and see what good things transpire.
Make a bold move
Sometimes we just need to take a big risk for big rewards. The first step is to set a goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timelimited. Then create a plan with action steps. Now take one small action every day towards your goal, or at least once a week.
Have tough conversations
“A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have,” says Author Tim Ferris. Having a conversation with a friend, loved one or neighbor about something that bothers you in the relationship is one of the most difficult and courageous things to do.
Try something new
A way to step out of what is familiar is to explore new and different things. You can start by creating a bucket list, a list where you write down all the experiences you would like to do in your lifetime like travel to certain places, run a marathon, do yoga, write a book, play an instrument, become a tutor. A bucket list is a great way to help you think of new ways to step out of your comfort zone. FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL (623) 594-1630