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In a blender, combine frozen watermelon, ginger beer, vodka, and lime juice. Blend until smooth. (If it’s not slushy enough, add ice and blend again.) Pour into glasses (or copper mugs!) and garnish with mint leaves and lime slices.

In a large blender, combine ice, Pimm’s, ginger ale, lemonade, and ginger and blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and garnish with mint and fruit.
Add Sour Patch Watermelon gummies to vodka and soak overnight. In a blender, add 2 ounces flavored vodka, Sprite, lemonade, pink food coloring (if using) and ice. Blend to combine. Garnish with Sour Patch candies and serve.
If the scar of a cantaloupe is rough or has a stem attached, the melon was picked too early and won’t ripen as good as one with a smooth scar. Also, check the net pattern over the outside; it should be even and an overall tan-yellow color, not green or mottled.

To bring out the natural sweetness of corn on the cob, try sprinkling a little bit of salt in the pot after the water has come to a boil.
You can remove berry stains from your fingers with lemon juice. Got berry juice on your tablecloth? Pour a generous amount of milk on the spot, let it soak for 15 minutes or more. Then soak in cold water with soap for an hour or more. Wash, rinse and dry.
Soak raisins in cold water before chopping so that they won’t stick to your knife.
Need to chill some drinks for a party fast? Pile on the ice, of course, then add the secret weapon: water. Icy water chills drinks quicker than placing them in ice alone.
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