Gallery Row Art Walk News Vo. 4 No. 4

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MAP T h a n k y o u f o r r e a d i n g ! ! ! VO. 4 NO. 4





Stories involving freedom of expression and those who use their gifts to help uplift others by bringing positive artistic change to Downtown Los Angeles.

Behind Bars

Wanna find the best happy hour menu, night time music or sporting event? Read Behind Bar’s intoxicating bar reviews.

Dress Me Sheik: Boutique Critique

Dress to impress, the Dress Me Sheik tours the fashion boutiques of Downtown.

FULL PAGE MAP Pg.5 Galleries Restaurants Food Trucks Bars Live Music Lodging Parking Rest rooms Metro and more...

Expresso Self

Every month we will pull the best beans to give you our honest opinion when it comes to the local cafes in Downtown from coffee, to tea, to hot cocoa, to what food is on the menu. We’ll lead you to the coffee pot and leave it up to you to drink.

Fresh Express - Farmers Market Review

Downtown has four separate farmer’s markets operating four days out of the week. Support local farmers, enjoy fresh fruit and vegetable samples, and partake in a variety of healthy food choices including authentic hot food plates.

Gallery Row

Just a sneak peak...Join the guestlists of Downtown’s Gallery Row’s 12 art galleries for invites. Bring friends and mix with buyers while discussing some of the most thought-provoking art pieces in the world.

Health in the City

If you’re into getting in shape and staying that way don’t miss our monthly fitness and food showcase featuring the best in healthy cuisine and activity the Historic Core has to offer.

Monuments in Time

One hundred years ago, they built this city on rock n roll. Well, marble and granite, but still they were some of the finest architects in the world. Read Monuments in Time and find out who was responsible for their momentous creations, what mysteries they hold, and what the future has in store for them.

Pet Shop

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A healthy pet is a happy pet. Vaccinations, food, exercise, training, and grooming, along with being a responsible pet owner, all work towards the overall good health of an animal.


Tattoos or taboos?....Send us a picture of your awesome ink. If we like it we just may write a story on pun intended.


To the Beat

A famous person once said, the best way to exercise is on the dance floor. Follow our Boogieleader report of the hottest DJ parties and music related stories from behind the velvet rope.

Law Art with Tom O’Leary

Former Mayor of Covina turned Intellectual Property Attorney Tom O’Leary gives us his law advice for people in creative industries.

At the Movies or Movie Buff Spoiler Alert! ...Need we say more.

Grow Your OWN!

Each quarter grow your own will feature new ideas and techniques to help you grow your own fruits, veggies, herbs and spices.

Money Matters

Coupons and discounts and advice to help you save dough! See more...

Letter from the Publisher: Hey DTLA, I hope you enjoy this Art and Architecture issue of the Gallery Row Art Walk News. It’s loaded with history and design exhibit info taking place in Downtown this month. It was my pleasure to be able to work with Behn Samarah and Lisa Ames on this one, and if you haven’t noticed we added a bar guide. Downtown Los Angeles has some really fascinating bars and restaurants, so we feel its our duty to help when it comes to promoting fun and excitement in this town...and visiting the bars of DTLA is always and adventure because you never know if you’re gonna find yourself drinking on a roof top, in a basement, out doors, behind a hidden wall or even in an old bank vault...! Plus I have plenty of friends that love to drink and always ask me what’s going on? And I can never tell them, so the bar guide when its completed (sometime in the summer) will list happy hours,locations, and nightly events of all the bars that participate. HAH! Special thanks to our sponsors and the City of Los Angeles for believing in us and supporting us in our efforts to support the community. I would also like to thank our many writers, volunteers and staff who work hard to help bring this paper to our wonderful READERS!!! We are looking forward to our 4th year telling stories and supporting the arts and local businesses of DTLA. Please join us in our endeavors. (GET ON THE MAP! JOIN OUR TEAM - SPONSOR OUR EVENTS-FOLLOW US ONLINE!) Thank you very much for your support... And to our fine men and women in uniform, our public safety officials who help keep us safe, you guys make public safety look good! .... And....LAST BUT NOT LEAST Thanks to the many talented artists of Los Angeles and beyond for making it all look good and feel wonderful! - - Keri Freeman Publisher - Gallery Row Art Walk News


APRIL 2014






VO. 4 NO. 4




By Keri Freeman

Behn Samareh is a professor of Architecture teaching afternoons, (M – W - F) at Cal Poly, Pomona. His class of 18 to 20 academically focused students, seek an educational experience that will ready them for today’s scientific and technical world, but also get an added bonus by taking Behn’s class. As founder of Machine Inspired Art Gallery (MIA) on Main, Behn can open his studio as an annex to the program, allowing his students and team members to design and produce art Behn’s gallery showroom/workshop and event space, on Main Street. The highly unique machine artistry found inside of the MIA Gallery is just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to the designs Behn has and will create. His outside projects include, interactive school displays, décor for the hospitality industry, stage design, art commissions and massive commercial projects from all over the world.

Jerry Moreno

The members of the MIA gallery team are builders – architects – and they are constantly moving forward, because of this, Behn, instructor, organizer and mentor, is constantly surrounded by a group of admirable talent. Jerry Moreno is Head of Production. Jerry bolsters the projects while ensuring their overall quality and safety during the building process. Jerry puts the final touches on everything that comes out of the MIA Gallery. “We thrive on collaborative work. Hardly anything in here is the work of one person”. Says Behn. And it’s a good thing, because there has been an up flux of work for the gallery lately as Behn and Jerry have recently concluded an installation for the lobby of the IBI Group Building, a desk for V.I.C.E Magazine and a geared up stage for Ever Dream Pictures; not to mention the inside the MIA is constantly changing as more and more art is created, or returned from places where it’s been on installation in the past.

The CNC laser cutting machine in the sublevel workshop is responsible for all the action. It’s a modern mill tool that doesn’t differ all that surprisingly from the original mill built in 1952. It’s a table that moves on the X and Y axes, and a tool spindle that moves on the Z (depth). The position of the tool is driven by motors through a series of step-down gears and motors direct-drive in order to provide highly accurate movement in modern designs. Pretty basic cutting machine, all except for the computer programing and high-powered laser it uses to quickly mass-produce while it drills, taps cuts and engraves. From the smallest of projects such as wood burned cell phone cases to their huge upcoming commission of hundreds of 2 by 2 foot tile cast destined to cover a Colorado building with a Jurassic tile façade, the MIA Gallery is the main source for education and opportunity in machine inspired creativity.



Dr. Behn Samareh of MIA

In April they will launch cultural event programs, featuring prominent lecturers and symposiums, spreading a new version of own education and experience for designers in Downtown. MIA also seeks other creators with like minds to exhibit in their gallery space. For more information visit @miagallery

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FINE ARTS ART MEETS BUILDING ARCHITECTURE Designed by Albert R. Walker and Percy A. Eisen, the richly embellished Romanesque facade of the Fine Arts Building on Flower and 7th was accented with the architectural sculptures of Burt Johnson and the legendary tiles of Ernest Batchelder in 1906. Two colossal designers of their time, under their artistic wings they completed a perfect castle of terra-cotta with a majestic atmosphere inside and a stunning monument to history outside - The giants, Architecture and Sculpture; are two nude men relaxing on the third story ledge, reminding the public of the Fine Arts Building’s original purpose. Originally constructed for use as artist studios, artisan workshops and dealer showrooms in the lobby, the building was constructed in an age when sculpture was integrated into the architecture as a way of expressing the meaning and purpose of the building. In 1926 the Los Angeles Times wrote, “The Fine Arts Building is a tribute to the awakening interest in art among Southern California residents and organizations.” Today, the Fine Arts Tower is fully refurbished all

the way down to its newly repaired signature fountain. Its original glass cases hold the works of artist/photographer Mark Peacock’s exhibit, Route 66 - Americas Historic Highway. Starting from Chicago in the 1920’s moving west thorough California, Route 66 was the main east-west thoroughfare. To this day one can find roadside architecture, novelty attractions, motels and fueling stations that have become a part of the American Highway. Inconjunction with this month’s Women of Art Art Walk Theme, Lisa Ames of Art Meets Architecture curate Caryl M. Christian Levy Monotypes: The Vestment Series. Art Meets Architecture believes art is enhanced by context and when set within architecture has historical precedent and an intimate relationship with human experience. In the same way that a frame changes the way we view a piece, the space in which the viewer stands also affects the experience. 811 W. 7th St., Los Angeles. 213-4894054. FMI:

“I’m Afraid of Americans” LACDA Celebrates Tenth Anniversary with Collectives, Winners and Tiffani Trenda Courtesy LACDA Digital art defines the contemporary. The Los Angeles Center For Digital Art is dedicated to the propagation of all forms of digital art, new media, digital video art, net art, digital sculpture, interactive multimedia, and the vast panorama of hybrid forms of art and technology that constitute our moment in culture. This month LACDA celebrates its tenth anniversary with the winners from last month’s juried competition headed by Kristin Skees, 2014 Tenth Anniversary Competition Solo Winner selected by Eve Schillo, of LACMA. Also in attendance, The Los Angeles Art Collective (LAAC)’s installation Los Angeles Art Collective “I’m Afraid of Americans” which explores the manipulation and intimidation of the US government using surveillance technology. The public and private lives of the United States citizens are being recorded by the National Security Agency. Returning to the LACDA also is visual light performance artist, Tif-

fany Trenda whose performances and installations explore the qualities of human flesh as represented in media. Trenda, becomes the digitized version of the human body and my actions are replicating that of a computer. The viewer is physically and visually immersed in the process of how the psyche evolves to relate to the screen (LCD, television, cinema, or a computer). We are not only dealing with issues of machine-implemented bodies but our identities and our human connection is through this notion of the screen. In my practice, I question the authenticity of this relationship

as being a perpetual state of hyperrealism. As technological objects continually become a part of our daily lives, we relate to these devices as if they are part of our skin. This will change how we see others and ourselves with the assemblage of the human body with new technology. “Body Code” LACDA Tenth Anniversary Exhibit will run from March 13th to April 6th, 2014. LACDA is located at 105 W. 4TH STREET. FMI:WWW.LACDA.COM




Curated Festival

30 Films


Countries Plus...

Director Q&As Courtesy of ADFF After its fifth successful festival in New York City, the highly acclaimed Architecture & Design Film Festival is proud to announce that it is adding Los Angeles to its annual cycle. From March 12-16, 2014, The Los Angeles Theatre Center is hosting the nation’s largest film festival devoted to the subjects of architecture and design, featuring screenings of 30 short and feature-length films from eight countries curated by Festival Directors Kyle Bergman and Laura Cardello. The screenings are organized into 18 programs that are shown during the five-day festival, accompanied by a unique program of panel discussions and Q&As with filmmakers, architects, designers, and industry leaders. The City of Angels joins New York and Chicago on the Festival’s circuit, expanding the ADFF’s scope from coast to coast. According to Festival Founder and Director Kyle Bergman, “Los Angeles’ blend of architecture and passion for film make it a natural fit for the Architecture & Design Film Festival. There is no other city in the world with this rich combina-

tion.” The Festival opens on March 12 with If You Build It by Patrick Creadon, the Director of WORDPLAY and I.O.U.S.A. The film offers a captivating look at a radically innovative approach to education, following designer-activists Emily Pilloton and Matt Miller as they lead a group of high school students in rural Bertie County, North Carolina through a yearlong designbuild project that challenges the students to not only reinvent their town, but their own sense of what is possible. If You Build It is about the power of design, but it is also about empowering youth. The Architecture & Design Film Festival also presents urbanism as one of its main themes, with films such as: The Human Scale, a Danish film that is based on the work of revolutionary city planner Jan Gehl; My Brooklyn, which explores the pros and cons of gentrification; 16 Acres, an in-depth look at the rebuilding of Ground Zero with an architectural, political, and emotional perspective; and Lost Rivers, a Canadian film that visits cities around the world, retracing the history of their lost urban rivers and meeting vision-

ary urban thinkers, activists, and artists along the way. There are also film screenings about beloved design icons like Massimo and Lella Vignelli, Tadao Ando, Paul Smith, and Paolo Soleri, as well as the world premiere of a film on the futuristic, yet naturalistic work of maverick architect Eugene Tssui. In honor of its new host city, ADFF also features films that pay homage to Southern California and its rich and oftentimes complex architectural and design heritage. In addition to five days of films, ADFF will present panel discussions with design leaders, critics, and filmmakers; a Hennessey + Ingalls pop-up book shop; and unique architectural driving tours of Los Angeles, presented by The Lincoln Motor Company. The official lineup of speakers and topics will be announced at a later date. Tickets for the Architecture & Design Film Festival can be purchased at The Los Angeles Theatre Center Box Office (514 S. Spring Street) and online at beginning February 12. Pricing is $14 for General Admission, $11 for AIA members, and $8 for students with valid ID.

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Each month ART THEME PARK will take a different theme to present to the visitors of the Downtown Los Angles Art Walk. This months theme entitled, The Shamrocks of Wonderland, features art installations by Debi Cable and special guest performances by Hyperhoops, and the Beat Juggers Break Dance Crew. Stimulating visual art works, and various live artists keep ART THEME PARK exciting and innovative. ART, CRAFTS, JEWELRY, FASHION, SPIRITUAL, NON PROFIT AND ARTS INSTITUTIONS WELCOME...for booking contact

Art Meets Architecture.

Route 66 - America’s Historic Highway. Roadside architecture, novelty attractions, motels and fueling station all apart of this American highway landscape as photographed by Mark Peacock on display at the Fine Arts Building. 811 W. 7th St., Los Angeles. 213489-4054.

The Arty.

Stay On Main contribution to the arts, the Arty Gallery host the abstract expressionism of artist Len Aaron (of Aaron Brothers fame) and the works form international and local artists. Opening reception held during Art Walk March 13th. 634 South Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014. http://www.

Art Mart & The ART Walk LOUNGE

New location from the LA Theater to the Merchandile Loft. Visit the Downtown LA Art Walk Art Mart presented by Lexus. The Deviant Art IS 350 F SPORT first featured at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas will be showcased in Downtown LA for the first time. 620 S. Main. from 6:00 to 11:00 pm. ART WALK LOUNGE - Women in the Arts located at 634 S. Spring, For more information visit

Blackstone Gallery.

I Keep It All In Check. Don’t Worry Bout It Baby.” LA Artist Timothy Lynch presents a solo exhibition of his work. Opening reception: March 13th, 6pm to 9pm. Runs through April 5th. 901 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, 90015. (909) 746-6308.

Carol Cirillo Stanley Studio Gallery.

A haven for fine arts photography in the heart of the Fashion District, past shows of Ms. Cirillo-Stanley’s have included “Paper Walls,” a photography exhibition that presented “the shapes, colors, and fantastic design found along the walls in Tuscany, Italy.” 112 W. 9th St. Suite 507, Los Angeles 90015, 949-6338961,

CB1 Gallery.

CB1 Gallery. “Ground” feat. Emily Davis Adams. Brooklyn artist Adams presents her first solo exhibition following a series of group shows and residencies in New York, Berkeley, and France. Runs March 23rd through April 27th.

The Soft and Sweet Eclipse feat. Timothy Nolan. The Los Angelesbased painter showcases his geometric artworks and sculptures. Runs March 23rd through April 27th. 215 W. 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013.

CLADE Gallery.

Developed and produced in Los Angeles by designer Maya Reynolds, CLADE’s arsenal collection is made in exclusive runs from high quality, natural materials. Aside from displaying their wares, their outpost on Spring St. plays host during ArtWalk to events like photography exhibitions from Dig Wayne, jewelry galleries by artists Delovo, Valou & Ray Wiley, and other fashion-centric shows. 600 South Spring Street Studio 105, Los Angeles, California 90014.



Gallery Mujo.

Taking its name from the “Buddhist concept of impermanence, of nothing lasting forever,” this gallery collects spiritual artworks that place an emphasis on Buddhist values and “a special impact on the heart. Hours: Tue – Sat: 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm. 137 East Third Street, Los Angeles CA 90012. (909) 573-3627

Gary Leonard/Take My Picture.

The artist presents exhibitions drawing from a wealth of his acclaimed photographic work. Call for Opening Hours. New location on 9th and Broadway, Los Angeles 90014, 213-622-2256,

Gallery Mujo. Taking its DAC Gallery.

Mario Canali. In their new space at 431 South Broadway Street, DAC presents new works from painter Mario Canali, who finished them all during a year-long visit to LA in 2012. Preview during Art Walk on March 13th, 7-9pm; Opening Reception: March 10th, 6pm-9:30pm. (213) 627-7374.

Dysonna City Art Gallery is proud to pres-

ent our newest expansion and partnering with BLANKSPACES in Downtown Los Angeles. Our exhibition is entitled “Emerging Artists”, which represents 9 different artists, and over 50 pieces of art. Opening reception on March 13th, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., which will include Art, Laughter, and music at 529 Broadway Blvd., #4000, Los Angeles, CA, 90013. (323) 857-0030.

Diego Cardoso Gallery.

738 S. Los Angeles Street (Santee Village Courtyard), Los Angeles 90014, (310) 625-5861

District Gallery.

Presents Critters & Other Creatures works by A. S. Ashley running January 23rd through March 9th. Also, Richard Ankrom who became notorious when he disguised himself as a Caltrans worker and installed a highway sign and Suzi Moon who is most well known for her portraits of LA art scene nightlife ends January 19th, 2014. 740 E 3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90013

El Nopal Press.

The 5th Street gallery “publishes fine arts prints and lithographs addressing social issues relevant to the cross-border dialog between Los Angeles and Mexico City artists.” Look for monthly Art Walk demonstrations and showcases.

Farmers’s & Merchants Pop Up

Featuring Architect and cans that help feed the hungry, CANstructionLA has announced this year’s competition will take place during the March 2014 Downtown Art Walk. 401 South Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013

name from the “Buddhist concept of impermanence, of nothing lasting forever,” this gallery collects spiritual artworks that place an emphasis on Buddhist values and “a special impact on the heart. Hours: Tue - Sat: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm. 137 East Third Street, Los Angeles CA 90012. (909) 573-3627

Gloria Delson Contemporary Arts.

Equations - a group show celebrating the mediums of Painting, Photography, Mixed Media and Sculpture. Featured artists are: Qathryn Brehm, Jonas Bienenfeld, Joseph De Sanze, Austin Irving, Paul Lopez Sr., Stuart Marcus, Christopher Naylor, Eugenia Ortiz, J.W. Pippen, Robert Toll & VoVA. Thursday, March 8th, 6pm-10pm. Runs through March 31st. Gallery Hours: 12 noon– 7pm (Tuesday – Friday), 12 noon-‐3pm (Saturday & Sunday), Mondays and evenings by appointment. Visit or call Petra at (323) 309-2875.

Hatakeyama Gallery. 905 S. Hill St, Los Angeles CA 90015, 213-293-8633, www.

The Hive Gallery.

“Morpheus” feat. Luciano Martinez, Stephanie Weitekamp, Kyle Abernethy, Lydia Burris, and many more. The gallery presents this White Matter-curated “exploration and investigation” into the different permutations of dream worlds. Opening Reception: March 8th, 8-11:30PM, $5 Suggested Donation. Runs through March 29st. 729 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014.

Hollywood Junkys.

Exhibiting their wares and ethos during Art Walk, this Los Angeles St. space creatively markets and recycles the interesting and forgotten specializing in objects, clothing, music and books.” 721 Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, 323 356 0777,

The Jungle


Art Walk gala featuring Manny Fernandez with his Roots of Hip Hop exhibition. Live art, live music & special DJs tba. 727 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90014. (855) 711-7552.


Jennifer Main Gallery.

The artist presents her works of vibrant color in all mediums, but mostly acrylics as well as mixed media, incorporating collage and painting.” Call for Opening Hours. 617 S Grand Ave. , Los Angeles, http://www.jennifermaingallery. com

LA Artcore.

Sangeeta Reddy and Yari Ostovan The gallery presents this tandemsolo exhibition from Denver-based artist Reddy, whose paintings were influenced by the topographical features of the Colorado Plateau, and also Ostovany, a Bay-area artist immersed in abstract paintings that reveal natural phenomena through light and form. Runs through March 30th. Union Center for the Arts, 120 Judge John Aiso St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. (323) 276-9320,


Celebrating its Tenth Year Anniversary with the winners from last month’s juried competition headed by Kristin Skees, 104 East Fourth Street between Main and Los Angeles Streets. (323) 646-9427.

Machine Inspired Art (MIA).

Artwalk Exhibitio, aiming to “explore and showcase the role and application of technology, in specific computational technology, within the creative process, the Main St. gallery celebrates Art Walk while exhibiting works from resident artists. Sept. 12th, 6pm – 11pm. 530 South Main Street, Los Angeles, CA. (213) 293-9442.

MB Abram Gallery.

Celebrated architect and artist Ted Tokio Tanaka presents a monthly selection of drawings and paintings, which fall under contemporary, tribal, and African art. Open for Jan. 8th Artwalk. 525 West 7th St, Los Angeles, 90014. 310-7385235,

Miguel Osuna Art Studio.

The Spring Street studio is the brainchild of the Guadalajara, Mexico-born Osuna, who specializes in evocative landscape and abstract works. Past exhibitions include “Spin,” where several artists contributed to spinning paintings, drawings, photography, sculpture and video.” 410 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90013. www.

REDCAT Gallery.

Enlightenment Discourse on the Origins of Architecture” feat. Pablo Bronstein. London-based artist Bronstein comes to REDCAT for a “staged essay” in which he“assumes the roles of art historian, architect and choreographer as he reconstructs historical moments and mimics them in tableaux vivants.” Daily performances: Tuesday–Sunday, 3–6pm or through intermission. Through March 15th. 631 West 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. (213) 2372800.

Robert Reynolds Gallery.

The workspace of the legendary artist opens its doors monthly for Art Walk, displaying permanent and touring exhibitions to the public from 1pm-9pm. On display currently is Reynold’s hand made flying machine. Check it out!

Spring Arts Tower.

GATHER - Artists David Lovejoy, Liz Huston’s Art and Curiosities, Andrea Bogdan’s Studio, Jena Priebe’s The Fold, and Evi Piorunek’s Gather share a nest of galleries above the Last Bookstore, while artist/painter Mary Antonelli exhibits her work on the ground floor. Open during Feb. 13th Art Walk, 6pm-10pm. 453 S Spring St., Los Angeles, 213-623-4636, www.

Steven Rowe Art Studio. The Australian-born artist

exhibits his diverse range of drawings, paintings and window installations in his space in The Arty gallery. Open during December Art Walk. 634 South Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014.

Think Tank Gallery.

Previous Exhibitions Include: Ritual - Artist Allison Hueman Torneros presents her solo project, wherein she used her research of other LA artist’s daily routines, show rituals, and superstitions to expand creatively, and creates her own interpretation of those feelings across the gallery. Call For Exhibition Info. 939 Maple Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90015. (916) 670 -3801


Recent Acquisitions and Works From The Collection.” Featuring “selected large-scale works or single-artist presentations from MOCA’s renowned Permanent Collection”, take a glance at exhibitions from names such as Nan Goldin, Fischii & Weiss, Marnie Weber, and others. Through March 31st, 2014. 250 South Grand Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90012. http:// php?

NWO Gallery.

Artist/Photographer Curtis Simmons gallery offering a daily Wine and Art happy hour. 200 S. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA. 90012.



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The Happiest Hours ACE Hotel 929 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-623-3233.

Buzz Bottle Shop and Bar 460 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-622-2222.

Angel*s City Brewing Company 216 South Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012 -213-622-1261.

Cana Rum Bar 714 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-745-7090.

Artisan House

Happy Hour: Mon - Fri 3pm - 7pm & 10pm - 1am, featuring $5 Steam Punk Russian Standards, and from the menu: crispy calamari, steamed muscles, and crunch jalapeno popper madness. Every Sunday there are bottomless mimosas with brunch followed by Industry Sunday*s acoustic showcase. Open Monday through Wednesday 7:30am to 11pm. Thursday - Friday 7:30-2am. Saturday 10am - 2am, Sunday 10am - 11pm. 600 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90014 213-627-7385. Association 110 E. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-627-7385. BadMaash 108 W. 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-221-7466. Baco Mercat 408 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-687-8808.

Sixth Street Tavern 630 W. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-614-1900.

La Cita 336 S. Hill Street, Los Angeles CA 90013 213-687-7111.

Peking Tavern 806 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles CA 90014 213-988-8308.

Spring Street Bar 629 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-622-5859.

The Lash 117 Winston Street, Los Angeles CA 90013 213-687-9923.

Pete*s Café 400 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-617-1000.

Standard Biergarten 550 S. Flower, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-892-8080.

Las Perlas 107 E. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-988-8355.

Perch 448 S. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-802-1770.

Sugar Fish 600 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017.

Figueroa Hotel 939 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-627-8971.

LA Brewing Company 750 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-622-0500.

Pour Haus Wine Bar 1820 Industrial Street, Los Angeles, CA 90021 213-327-0304.

Coco Laurent 707 S. Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90017 -213-623-0008.

Five Star Bar 267 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 323-428-4492.

La Costena Bar 271 S. Main Street, Los Angeles CA 90012 213-680-9455.

Portofino Cucina 464 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-239-9019

Cole*s 118 E. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-622-4090.

Flemings Steak House

LeKa Restaurant 800 W. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-688-3000

Redwood Bar Grill 316 W. 2nd St., Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-680-2600.

Les Noces Du Figaro 618 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-622-2116.

Rooftop Bar 550 s. Flower Street, Los Angeles, CA 90069 213-892-8080.

Library Bar 630 W. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-614-0053.

Ritz Carlton 900 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 -213-743-8800.

Lexington Bar 129 E. 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-291-5723.

Rivera 1050 S. Flower Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-749-1460.

Lucky Strike 800 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-542-4880.

Savage 717 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-688-7755.

Mas Malo 515 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-985-4332.

Suede 404 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90071 213-489-3590.

Mayan 1038 S. Hill Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-746-4287.

Senior Fish 422 E. 1st, Los Angeles, CA 90012 - 213-625-0566.

Continental 116 W. 4th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013. Coronado*s Mexican Bar 212 W. 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-489-0138

Crane*s Bar

Crocker Club 453 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-239-9099.

Black Sheep 126 E. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 -213-689-5022.

Down and Out 501 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-489-7800.

Broadway Bar 830 Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213 - 614-9909.

Dublin’s Irish Pub 815 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-627-6900.

Bunker Hill Bar & Grill 601 West 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 -213-688-2988.

Ebano*s Crossing 200 S. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 -213-935-8829.

Belasco 1050 S. Hill Street. Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-746-5670

Edison 108 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 -213-613-0000.

Biltmore Gallery Bar and Cognac Room 506 S. Grand Ave, Los Angeles CA 90071 213-624-1011.

Elevate Lounge 811 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 -213-623-7100.

Bottega Louie 700 S. Grande Ave, Los Angeles, cA 90015 213-802-1470.

Pattern Bar 110 W. 9th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-627-7774.

Club Nokia 800 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-765-7000

Big Wangs 801 S. Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-629-2449.

Bonaventure Brewing Company 404 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-236-08092

King Eddys 131 E. 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-629-2023.

Chaya Downtown 525 S. Flower Street, Los Angeles CA 90071 213-236-9577.

Casey’s Irish Pub 613 S. Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90014 -213-817-5321.

Bar Ama 118 W. 4th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 -213-687-8002.

Blue Whale 123 Astronaut E. S. Onizuka Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-620-0908.


Happy Hour: Tues - Fri 4pm - 7pm Hidden inside Little Tokyo lies a few charms from the past. One of which may just be the very Heart of Little Tokyo itself. The Far Bar! Located inside of the Historic Far East Building built in 1896 serving the ever delicious food varieties of the Far East. Open Monday - Friday 11am - 2am, Saturday and Sunday 10am to 2am.. Sunday - Monday 4pm - Close. 347 E. 1st, Los Angeles, CA 90012 - 213-617-9990.

Hollywood bar owner, Built inside the National City Bank vault (1924), Cranes opens Monday through Friday at 5pm in time for happy hour and at 10am on the weekends in time for morning sports. 810 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90014, 323-7877966.

Bar 107 107 W. 4th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-625-7382.

Far Bar


Engine Co No 28 644 S. Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA 90017 -213-624-6996 Ensenada Mexican Bar and Grill 517 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-489-2950. Exchange LA 618 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, A 90013 213-627-8070. The Falls Lounge 626 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013

LA Live*s hidden Happy Hour Gem, with $5 appetizers, $5 wines by the glass, and $5 cocktails at the bar before 7pm. 800 Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90015 - 213-745-9911. Garage Pizza 100 1/2 7th Street Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-622-3390. Golden Gopher 417 W. 8th Street Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-614-8001. Gorbals 501 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-908-2646. Grand Star Jazz Club 943 N. Broadway Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-626-2285. Guild 611 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-688-0808. Ham and Egg Tavern 433 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-891-6939 Hooters 1248 S Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 213-222-9464. Hank’s Bar 840 S. Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Honey Cut 819 S. Flower Street, LA 90017 - 213-688-0888. Invention: Athletic Club 431 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-625-2211. Ion Rooftop Bar 900 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angles, CA 90015 213-743-8800. Jalisco Inn 245 S. Main Street, Los Angeles Ca 90012 213-680-0658. Katsuya 800 W. Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-747-9797

Melody Lounge 939 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-625-2823. Mignon 128 E. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-489-0131. Morton*s Steak House 735 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA, 90014213-553-4566. The Must 117 Winston Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-628-2000. Nola’s Taste of New Orleans 734 E. 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-680-3003. Onyx and Aqua 118 W. 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-891-1123. Original Shrimp Place 327 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-687-8565 Orsa and Winston 122 W. 4th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-687-0300.

Seven Bar 555 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-223-0777. Seven Grand 515 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213 -614-0737. Spitz 371 E. 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-613-0101.

Silo Vodka Bar

Once a month Silo give away large prizes like a brand new bike, an ipad, apple tv, Go -pro! Happy Hours: 4pm-2am Tuesday - Sunday Monday: Silo is closed, Tuesday: Karaoke at 7pm Wednesday: 1/2 Off all bottles of wine. Thursday: Ladies Night, with $4 Champagne all night. Saturday and Sunday: Brunch from 11am - 5pm with $12 bottomless Bloody Marys, $12 pitchers of Craft Draft Beers, $12 bottomless Mimosas with your choice of Peach, quava, pineapple, grapefruit, cranberry, and mango... AND Silly Shit Bingo not your granda*s version. 221 W. 7th Street LA, CA 90014 - 213 - 221 - 7956

Sushi Gen 422 E. 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-617-0552 Sushi Zo 334 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-935-8409. Takami Sushi 811 Wilshire Ave Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-236-9600. Terroni 802 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 323-954-0300. Tony’s Saloon 2017 E. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90021 213-622-5523. Unami Burger 852 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-413-8626. Varnish 118 E. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-622-9999. Villain’s Tavern 1336 Palmetto Street, Los Angeles CA 90013 213-613-0766. Wokcano 800 E. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-623-2288. Weiland’s Brewery Underground 505 S. Flower Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-622-1125 Wendell Bar 656 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 213-622-7200. Wolf and Crane 366 E. 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-935-8249. Wurstkuche 800 E. 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-687-4444. XLanes LA 333 S. Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-229-8910. GALLERY ROW ART WALK NEWS 2014 DTLA BAR GUIDE HAPPY HOURS - DRINK SPECIALS - MONTHLY EVENTS (c)Copyright Gallery Row Art Walk News 2014 CONTACT EDITOR@THEGRAWN. COM

VO. 4 NO. 4






By Veronica An

Attention!! Artists. Businesses & Event Coordinators

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BADMAASH serves up eclectic Indian food with a side of attitude. After all, the restaurant’s name, roughly translates to “badass” or “rebel.” While Badmaash may not be the best place to take your traditionalist eighty-year-old grandmother, it is the ideal place to bring a date when you want to show off your wit and sense of humor. Badmaash stands out from other downtown eateries because of its unique, and slightly irreverent, take on Indian cuisine. Where else can you sample Indian beer, watch corny Bollywood movies, and order from a menu that has a section titled “Food Porn?” Badmaash’s entrees are deliciously presented—they make dining a visual as well as a tactile experience. With the beats of Bollywood pounding in the background, diners are treated to a host of flavorful offerings, all with a signature badass style. Badmaash offers traditional Indian dishes as well as unique fusion items. All food is served a la carte; Badmaash offers warm naan, fresh roti, or fragrant basmati rice to accompany your entrée. Don’t skimp on the condiments—5 Pepper Hot Sauce (the “Boss Sauce”) or the standard Tamarind & Mint-Cilantro chutney are robust and colorful additions to your meal. Fans of Indian food will appreciate the Traditional Samosa and gharwalla achaar (Indian Pickles) appetizers. The Traditional samosas, crispy dough triangles filled with a piping hot mixture of spiced potatoes and peas, are a classic Indian dish. Badmaash also serves two playful variations on the typical samosas--Butter Chicken and Slow Cooked Short Rib. Nakul Mahendro, co-owner of the restaurant, explains that these samosas “take traditional and present it in a new way.” They are crispy and rich without feeling heavy and pair well with the refreshing Indian Pickles. This small plate features a colorful, refreshing assortment of red onions, curried cauliflower, matchstick carrots, and button mushrooms. The pickles have a slightly sweet and tangy flavor while each vegetable retains its unique flavor profile—the carrots taste slightly sweeter while the cauliflower has more of an emphasis on cilantro. For more adventurous eaters, Badmaash offers a range of spicy and savory entrées. Ghost Chili Lamb Vindaloo, one of the restaurant’s most fiery dishes, exemplifies Badmaash’s rebellious attitude. Although vindaloo is a classic Indian curry, Badmaash makes it contemporary by infusing the dish with ghost chilies, one of the hottest peppers known to man. Mahendro also recommends the Spiced Lamb Burger, joking that he eats one almost every day. Badmaash blends Canadian comfort food and classic Indian fare with their Chicken Tikka Poutine. Mahendro feels this dish exemplifies the restaurant’s style—it pays homage to the family’s Indian roots while acknowledging their Canadian upbringing. Poutine, fries with cheese curds and gravy, could justifiably be Canada’s signature junk food. This nontraditional take on poutine falls under the #FoodPorn section of the menu is a food blogger’s dream come true. This Instagram-worthy item is unique to the L.A dining scene—Chicken Tikka Poutine is worthy of the hype (and social media shares). Badmaash has a surprisingly diverse assortment of sweets. Check the chalkboard menu for their offerings (as well as the title of their daily film screening). The Alphonso Mango Mousse provides a palate-cleansing end to any meal while it is tempting to make the Sweet Carrot Pudding (gajar halwa) shredded carrots with milk and cardamom, a meal in itself. Badmaash also offers delicate ice cream sandwiches made with Indian Parle-G biscuits and vanilla ice cream. The restaurant rounds out its menu with a variety of beverages including Indian sodas, beers, and wine. The dessert-like Bombay “Cutting Chai”, spiced tea with plenty of milk and sugar, is a perfect way to end a meal and comes served in colorful wire frames. Another option is the Mango Lassi, a chilled combination of mangoes and creamy yogurt. Coinsurers of Indian culture should also sample Limca, Indian lime soda, and the Kingfisher Lager. Badmaash offers a playful take on Indian flavors, as Mahendro described, it is not a typical Indian restaurant but a gastropub with Indian flair, operated by Canadian-Indian immigrants. Like the city itself, Badmaash is a fusion of different cultures with a distinctly urban feel. The restaurant’s playful combination of flavors and laid-back vibe blends seamlessly into downtown Los Angeles. As Mahendro remarked, “Los Angeles has a refined metropolitan feel, good opportunities… and the weather’s great.” What’s not to love?

2010 - 2014 © GALLERY ROW ART WALK NEWS Vol 4 - No.4 MARCH 2014 PUBLISHER Gallery Row Art Walk News P.O. BOX 13845 LOS ANGELES, CA 90013 EDITOR@THEGRAWN.COM

EDITOR Keri Freeman

WRITERS Keri Freeman Charlie Schmidlin Veronica An Anthony Maldonado Diana King George Martin

ARTISTS Cover Art: Keri Freeman Layout & design: Keri Freeman Comics: Greg Gould


ADS & MARKETING George Martin Ami Magal Thelma Alfaro EVENTS Keri Freeman

SPECIAL THANKS TO Stay on Main Jason’s Wine & Spirits Sub_Urban Riot Create Your Health Papi’s Pizzeria Eat Natural Selections Salon Pure MOPLA Nimaga African Arts Collection Nail Salon Lab3 Ebano’s Crossing 5Star Bar Silo Vodka Bar Tapatio Tax Service DTLA Maids Crepes Sans Frontieres Joe’s Parking LAFD LAPD Department of Building & Safety Department of City Planning DLANC Historic Downtown Downtown Art Walk Contact

Gallery Row Art Walk News All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without expressed written permission from the publisher. The Gallery Row Art Walk News is published monthly to support and report the stories of the many galleries, attendees, artists, local residents, friendly visitors and pioneers of Downtown Los Angeles and its largest self-guided tour: the DTLA Art Walk. Readers are recommended to make appropriate inquiries before wagering any sum in relation to any ad, article, or feature published herein. The Gallery Row Art Walk News will not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his/ her accepting, offering to accept or following any invitation or advice contained in any ad, article or feature published herein.

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