Full Assembly BSL Athletics training session – 3:00 p.m. at the Garrison Savannah. MONDAY Full Assembly – Sandra Bruce-Small – Physical Education Department – Theme … Preparation The Duke of Edinburgh Awards club meets today. Come, join and be inspired. Rehearsals for Speech Day directly after Full Assembly.
The funeral of the mother of DawnMarie Sealy (BHL Athletics coach) will take place this morning at 10:00 a.m. at the Breath of Life Seventh Day Adventist Church, Whitehall Main Road, St. Michael. “Our sincere condolences are extended to the newest member of the Graydon Sealy family on your lost.”
TUESDAY FRIDAY Year Prayers. BSL Athletics training session – 3:00 p.m. at the Garrison Savannah. Regular session of the #14 Cadet Company.
WEDNESDAY Form Prayers.
Speech Day. End of Week 13.
From the Desk of the Deputy Principal The Home/School Partnership
From the beginning of time, we have all sought
If we as a society want our children to do well,
to know more. We have educated ourselves
we must work together. There must be that
and sought out the wisdom and advice of others
home/ school partnership to guide and support
whom we thought to be more knowledgeable
our children. This is not just the desire of a
than we were.
hopeful educator but a desperate plea from a member of this Barbadian society, if we do not
Today, schools have formally taken on the role
work together, we will lose our children. Our
of educating our people. However, while in the
future will simply begin to fade; in fact, I think,
past, the idea of school was held up as a place
based on the current happenings in society
of honour and respect and teachers were seen as
today, I am saddened to say that in my opinion
honoured members of society, respected and
the decline has already begun.
revered. That however does not appear to be the case today.
Our children are not our friends, they are not the little man or woman we created to fill some
It seems that with the inevitable shifts and
void in our own lives. They are the legacy that
changes in societal and personal priorities,
we will leave behind. They will be the beings
schools and by extension, teachers, have lost
that we leave behind. They will be the
that respect. It seems as if we (teachers/school)
representatives of what we have created good
are now perceived more as adversaries where
or bad.
we are always 'picking' on our charges. The situation now seems to have come to a virtual
Teachers, if we see ourselves as guides or
stand off - teachers/school against
facilitators, there to provide learning
students/parents/home. The problem with this
experiences and opportunities for our charges,
scenario is that we are inevitably setting up our
then having students who have the fullest
children to fail. The same children that we are
support of parents and guardians, will make our
all charged with protecting and educating.
jobs exponentially easier.
And parents, if we view school as an extension of our sphere of influence and trust them to reinforce the values and morals that we have instilled in our children, then our jobs of raising our children would also become exponentially easier. We, teachers and parents, must do our respective jobs and do them well. We must work together in order to pull our children along, to get them to a place where they share our vision and aspirations for our society, our Barbados, our world so that when we let them go, we can be confident that they will do what is right, what is required to get this society back on track. I don't know about all of you but I want to know that when I eventually leave this place, that my children, our children will be safe, confident, intelligent, empathetic, kind and resourceful. I want to leave behind a Barbados that I can be proud of again.
Home – School Partnership
When Things Go Well
Successful home-school partnership working
What it looks like when things go well.
depends on the development of mutual trust and respect between school and parents. Schools
need to use the skills, knowledge and experiences that all parents and all staff bring to
Parents feel that they are welcome in the
There are a lot of opportunities for parents to get involved in different activities and
the school to support children's learning.
there is evidence that they do get involved. The development of good relationships when
parents and develops ways of working
things are going well can make it easier for both
which are supportive and inclusive.
parents and teachers to approach each other if they are concerned about something.
The school understands the needs of all
People are asked about what is important to them, and what they would like to see happening.
There are many opportunities to contact parents informally:
what is important to them and how they
Day-to-day contact in the playground or at
want parents and others to be involved and
the school gate
Breakfast or after-school clubs
Fundraising events
Community activities
School events - sports day, concerts, etc
Introductory home visits.
these ideas are used to increase the involvement of parents.
their lives.
pick things up later if circumstances
opportunities are available to staff to support
them in communicating with parents. For
most of one-to-one meetings with parents' can help develop ideas and skills.
Parents are able to take part when and how they can. It is easy to step back and then
want to consider what staff development
best out of parent evenings' and 'Making the
Everyone recognises that parents have other commitments and responsibilities in
new to some staff, who may also need support
example, workshops for staff on 'How to get the
Parents are motivated to continue their own learning.
Working in partnership with parents may be to make this work effectively. Principals may
Students are contributing their ideas about
Parents have the confidence and skills to take part and the skills that parents have are used appropriately within the school.
Teachers engage with parents in a variety
Good Communication
of ways on a day-to-day basis in order to
Good communication between school and
build a positive relationship.
The process recognises the diversity
Both schools and parents agree that the basis for
among the parents at that school and is
developing positive relationships is good
inclusive. For example, there is
communication. Thought needs to be put into
information about the ways parents can
this and some schools have developed
take part in the life of the school in
communication strategies which outline some of
different formats and languages.
the principles of good communication and the
Interpreters and signers are provided when
various ways it will be done.
necessary to ensure that all parents have access to important information.
These are some ideas that have been suggested by parents and teachers:
The school recognises the reluctance of
Use local media such as TV, radio,
some parents resulting from their own bad
newspapers, magazines and posters to let
experiences at school and provides positive
parents know what is happening in the
ways for parents to be involved in their
school and share 'good news' stories about
own child's school at a level which they
what the school and students are doing.
are comfortable with.
All information should be attractive and easy to read, using colour and pictures
Support and development opportunities are offered to everyone who is taking on a new
where possible.
role such as membership of the parent
Avoid the use of educational jargon or terms that parents may be unfamiliar with.
advisory council or volunteering to help
Have one-to-one conversations.
teachers with school activities.
Have a direct approach to communications with parents - 'just ask them'.
The school development plan clearly
indicates the different ways in which parents can be involved in the school and their children's learning.
Use electronic methods, for example text messages and email.
Build relationships through contact with parents at drama, music and sports events, and parents' nights and school concerts.
opportunities to develop closer partnerships.
Make use of parent-to-parent contacts, for
Ways for Principals, schools and parents to
example 'snowballing' (where one parent
involve students include:
agrees to bring along or introduce another),
school gate, parents' nights, and
Student councils
information sessions led by parents.
A District-wide student forum
Make use of existing opportunities, for
A representative on the Parent Advisory
example focus on transitional phases (elementary to middle, middle to
Council (properly prepared and supported)
Circle time - where teachers and children
in elementary schools have a chance to talk
Share key facts such as the research
together and share news and information
findings on the difference parents make.
How Students Can Help Students have a really important role in
Planning networks
encouraging their parents to get involved with the school. Once they are made aware of how
Youth involvement in Community Notice boards which act as a permanent comment board
Scope for joint work or projects between
important it is that their parents get involved and
staff/parent members and student
support the school they often have a host of
good ideas about how this could be done. They
Including them in formal and informal
often know what would work best for their
consultation processes when new ideas are
parents and their families.
being developed
Student Councils and clubs can also be a great resource. All of these groups could be asked to
Being part of the social events
Helping in practical ways with activities at the school.
consider how parents and the wider community could be involved and support their learning in
Article adapted from
these areas.
Parent Advisory Councils could benefit from
These materials were adapted from Parents as
establishing closer links with young people in
Partners in their Children’s Learning produced by The
these groups, both from the cross-over of interest in topical issues and from gaining opportunities to develop closer partnerships.
Scottish Government, Crown Copyright 2006
Shonell John