The Graydonian Sentinel Vol. 9

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WorldSkills Barbados Juniors Preliminaries Excellence in Skills

Hairdressing: (Left to right) Graydon Sealy student, Rho-Andrea WarnerSmith, works diligently as she create a woman’s catwalk hairstyle with braiding on a mannequin. Making careful note of her progress is Hairdressing judge, Akeila Chaoman.

Forty competitors from ten secondary schools across Barbados gathered at the Grantley Adams Memorial, Queen’s College and St. Leonard’s Boys for the preliminaries of the inaugural WorldSkills Barbados Juniors (WSBJ) competition last week. The students were vying for a chance to reach the finals of the competition which is scheduled to take place November 26 – 28, 2019 at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre (LESC), Two Mile Hill, St. Michael. Rho-Andrea competed with students from the Barbados Seventh Day Adventist School, Deighton Griffith, Ellerslie, Frederick Smith, Christ Church Foundation, Grantley Adams Memorial, Graydon Sealy, Queens College, St. Leonard’s Boys and The Lodge. Adapted from:

On Thursday 31st October, Mr. Andrew Wharton celebrated his birthday. This gentleman, one of our security guards, was recognised on his special day by the members of the Physical Education department. The importance of being there for the people you work with and recognising each other as a part of our extended ‘work family’. Well done! Hope you had a great day, Mr. Wharton. to the P. E. Department.

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