The Greenhill JCL Torch: Volume II Issue VI

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The GHS Torch

May 2015

The official publication of the Greenhill Junior Classical League “Per aspera ad astra”

Middle School JCL Celebrates Big For Rome Story by Sam Bovard, MS Staff

Friday There was Certamen and the annual Roman banquet. Wednesday and Thursday Certain grades built edible Roman roads and worked on an authentic Roman Coin. Tuesday The Middle School had toga day. The Latin classes worked on their various edible creations, and the 8th graders performed a play for the 5th .graders. Monday Monday kicked off the week with an after-school JCL meeting filled with games.

Synopsis Latin week is a way to celebrate Rome’s birthday in the Middle School by spending a week learning Rome’s history and culture. It provides many activities for each grade each day. Here is a glimpse at what happened.

Page II

Q&A with new JCL Officers

Page III Animals in Togas and final announcement

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