LEARNING and LEEDing @ CAL Green building/leed Certification services for campus projects
BS@C Intern Team Background
The Building Sustainability @ Cal Intern Team offers green building certification services for campus building projects. Students use LEED to support consultants managing LEED certification.
Interns began drafting a specialized renovations checklist for UC Berkeley by sampling other building renovations checklists from organizations such as StopWaste and USGBC. As the interns documented the credits on pilot study campus projects, such as Anthony Hall and Pat Brown’s Grill, they also noted the efficacy of certain items on the checklist and tailored them to become accessible and applicable to the UC Berkeley campus. The findings were presented in a meeting with project managers, who reviewed the feasibility of the checklist and made suggestions to further streamline the documentation process and prompt wider use of the checklist objectives.
BS@C Intern Team
The BS@C program relies on collaboration between project managers and student interns
Context The UC Policy on Sustainable Practices requires LEED certification for all new buildings and major renovations greater than $5M in cost. However, the policy offers limited direction for smaller projects, does not require formal certification, and does not apply to renovation projects, even though a substantial amount of change in the built environment occurs at this level. Anthony Hall; used as a reference site to assess efficacy of checklist credits.
Objective To further encourage green building performance, interns are working with UC Berkeley Capital Projects to establish a campus-wide Green Project Certification recognition program for projects below the $5m threshold for LEED certification set by the UC Policy on Sustainable Practices. The checklist will increase incentives for cost-effective, smaller green projects, allowing the campus to further reduce their environmental footprint. Because of this program, future building projects can easily integrate more green building practices into their operations. The student interns are also given a chance to learn green building certification techniques and achieve professional LEED® accreditation.
Pat Brown’s Grill; used as a reference site to assess efficacy of checklist credits.
Calvin Hall; used as a reference site to assess efficacy of checklist credits.
Key Stakeholders BS@C Interns: Tanya Vashchenko, Co-Lead Program Coordinator and Intern Coordinator Priscilla Chan, Rosanna Ren, Lilly Adams, Stacy Naglestad Other Collaborators: Judy Chess, Assistant Director, Green Buildings Program, Green Facilities Services at UC Berkeley UC Berkeley Capital Projects
Contact Info Website: buildingsustainability.berkeley.edu Email: sustainabilityatcal@gmail.com BS@C Interns drafted samples of the checklist on Illustrator and Excel. The checklist will be available online and as a handout for easy reference for project managers.