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SPROUTS St udentPr oj ect sRedef i ni ngOurUni ver s i t i esTr as hSus t ai nabl y Zer oWas t eBas ket bal l

1 1.SPROUTScoordinatedzerowastebasketball


game 2.Out s i de:ZW pl edgeboar d,ZW di s pl ayboar d, andPos t er s 3.Bi nMoni t or i ngi ns i deandoutus i ng vol unt eer s 4.Wor kedwi t hCalDi ni ngf orcompos t abl eand r ecycl abl epr oduct s 5.Di ver s i onRat e:95. 7%

Zer oWas t eBoar ds 1.Cur r ent l yi mpl ement edi nCal i f or ni aHal l 2.Sl at edf ori mpl ement at i oni nWur s t erandCar l et on


Cal SO 1.SPROUTSandCalDi ni ngwor kedt oget hert oens ur eal ll unchesandbr eakf as t swer ecompos t abl eandr ecycl abl e 2.Wedi dt hi sbychangi ngpr oductpackagi ng,s et t i ngupeventf r ames ,andmoni t or i ngbi nsateachCal SO.


5 Cal t opi a

1.SPROUTSandCalDi ni ngSus t ai nabi l i t yTeam par t ner ed t oget herf orCal t opi a. 2.Boot hi ncl udedzer owas t edi s pl ayboar d,t r i vi agame,andt he zer owas t epl edgeboar d 3.Out r each:Di r ect ~700,i ndi r ect ~20000


Zer oWas t eFoot bal l

1.I mpl ement edcompos t i ngandr ecycl i ngi nMemor i alSt adi um 2.SPROUTSl abel edbi nsbef or eeachgame 3.Bi nsl ocat edont heconcour s e,eas tr i m,andcl ubl evel s 4.Bi nmoni t or i ngbef or egameandathal f t i me 5.Wor kedwi t hCalDi ni ngt ogetal lpackagi ngcor r ect l y r epr es ent edons i gnage 6.GameDayRecycl i ngChal l engedi ver s i onr at e:74%

Soci alMedi a 1.SPROUTSr ol l edoutZer o Was t eSoci alMedi aPr ogr am 2.385Li kes 3.Hi ghes tPos tr each:994,1. 2K engaged Hi ghes tpos tl i kes :88

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