Pedaling Towards Zero Waste Areya Behrouzian
Pedaling Towards Zero Waste purchased a hybrid human-electric powered Zero Emission Eco Bike to be used by ReUSE, Campus Recycling and Refuse Services (CRRS), and other licensed and trained campus individuals, for transportation of various materials. If the pilot of the Eco-Bike is successful, it will reduce the use of fuel and emissions generated by campus gasoline trucks.
Timeline Spring 2013
Grant funded and received initial quotes
Summer 2013
Continued contact with Eco Bike seller
August 2013
Purchase order process started
October 2013
Purchase order received
October 2013
Truck Trike delivered
January 2014
Practiced riding the Eco Bike
March 2014
Eco-Bike Safety & Use Protocol finished
March 2014
Comprehensive guide for routes created, ReUSE staff begin using the Eco Bike
April 2014
All of CRRS staff trained to use Eco Bike
Metrics Example of metrics recording table that will be used to track the benefits of using the Eco Bike instead of the traditional gasolinepowered CRRS Dodge Truck.
Date Used
Total N umber of Miles
G allons S aved (TNM/MP G of the Dodge)
Route to Barrows Hall Used to transport reusables to the ReUSE Station using Eco Bike.
W eight (lbs)
Total g allons saved to d ate
Total W eight to Date