• Invented the Acronym “CORN”
to easily introduce the unique features of BSFC. • Measured customer opinion of affordability and other areas in
• Increased BSFC
DISCREPANCY between the kWh our refrigerators are supposed to be using and actual energy usage
publicity by getting us featured in
• Created the “Refrigerator Cleaning Guide” to increase their efficiency.
• Promoted REUSE to
• Hosted workshops to challenge the way we think about the source and access of our food.
↓BSFC’s Waste
• Shared information learned from the RFC National Summit to BSFC members via mini-workshops, with more details in the online ppt. Promoted existing Bottle Return Programs by products carried in the store.
Created our own
Jar Return Program.
HERB CRACKERS Mary’s Gone Crackers
$ 4.49
Used in Food Prep with $1.50 deposit.
MILK + $1.50 deposit Strauss
$ 3.99
1 gal
BULK SOAP Dr. Bonner’s
$ 5.19
TOILET PAPER Seventh Generation
$ 4.49
• Developed RFC icons and designed the current prototype of Labels with two other BSFC members. • Gathered over 156 hand-drawn food pictures to increase awareness of Food Day at Cal.
• Increased BSFC’s financial transparency by sending Weekly
Finance Report Emails.
BIG NEWS!! Guys, this week was our biggest week of sales in the HISTORY OF THE BSFC! Our total was $12,480.08, up from our previous record, $11,773.08 back in October 2013. This past Friday was a huge sales day, with a total of $2,364.56; our usual is more like $1,500. The Food Collective is growing like crazy you guys! Weekly Sales Report: March 10 - 16, 2014 Sales: $12,480.08 Week Prior: $11,404.16 Spring 2014 Average: $9,038.46 This Week Last Year: $9,253.10 BEST-SELLING DEPARTMENTS (% of total sales) 1. Grocery: 22.85% 2. Grab n Go: 16.27% 3. Bulk: 13.28% 4. Refrigerated Beverage: 11.77% 5. BSFC Food Prep: 10.32% PAYMENT METHODS (% of total sales) 1. Credit: 62.82% 2. Cash: 26.62% 3. Cal1: 4.42% 4. SNAP (EBT): 4.07%
• Installed and integrating Quickbooks accounting software into BSFC’s POS that will reconcile transactions with inventory and automatically generate reports. OTHER STATS Number of Transactions: 1,662 Average Size of Transactions: $7.51 Member Sales: -$201.23 Weekend Sales: $2252.07
Other news: When we all get back from spring break, I’m hosting a workshop on how to make the lip balm I sell at the store! There’ll be a Facebook event up soon. It’s easy and fun to make and I hope some of y'all get a chance to drop by. You get to take home a free lip balm at the end :) Push through this last week everyone, you can do it! Spring break is just around the corner… Julia M.
• Digitalized display of RFC as our purchasing policy in progress with two other BSFC members.