UC Berkeley Workbright green Staff Sustainability Training Part II

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WORKbright green Staff Sustainability Training Program Module 3: Land Use & Stewardship, Green Buildings, and Energy & Climate UC Berkeley Office of Sustainability December 13, 2011

UCB Commitment to Climate Ac>on Kira Stoll

Sustainability Manager and CalCAP Steering CommiBee “Climate change caused by our use of carbon fuels is one of the most significant and pressing challenges of our time. At UC Berkeley, the nation’s leading public teaching and research university, we are aggressively addressing climate change through our teaching and research, as well as through policy and collective and individual action on our campus.” UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau Testimony to the United States Senate, Committee on Environment and Public Works, April 3, 2008

Cal’s Climate Ac>on Partnership The Cal Climate Action Partnership (CalCAP) is a collaboration of faculty, administration, staff, and students working to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at UC Berkeley.

UCB is four years into a seven year process to meet our initial GHG emission target

CalCAP's work includes: •

Conducting an annual 3rd party verified ten-source greenhouse gas emissions inventory to track our progress.

Engaging the community and guiding action through climate planning and reporting.

Developing and implementing infrastructure and behavioral strategies to reduce the climate impacts of buildings and transportation.

Setting and meeting a series of emission reduction targets until climate neutrality is achieved.

UC Berkeley Climate Ac>on Partnership

  

Voluntary reduction goal UC Berkeley’s Goal – six years earlier than UC Policy requires The campus needs to reduce GHG emission by 1/3 to meet the target

Climate Reducing Greenhouse Gas •Infrastructure Projects - energy efficiency, renewable energy, green buildings •Behavioral Projects - encourage individuals to conserve energy and make different transportation choices

Emission Sources: 80% Buildings 20% Transportation

20 10

20 05

20 00

Total Energy per 1,000 sq ft

150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 19 95

2,100,000 2,000,000 1,900,000 1,800,000 1,700,000 1,600,000 1,500,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 1,200,000 19 90

Total Energy (MMBtu

Energy Energy Efficiency The campus is implementing many energy efficiency projects that will reduce 19 thousand tons of GHG emissions and save millions of dollars annually.

Energy Management A new initiative to engage faculty, staff and students to change behavior and save energy

Land Use & Stewardship

Tim Pine

EH&S Specialist, Surface Water Quality & Strawberry Creek

Green Buildings & Energy • Facili>es Services Panel Presenta>ons & Discussion • Judy Chess ‐ Project Manager, Capital Projects • Patrick MacArdle ‐ Energy Manager, Capital Projects • Raul Abesamis ‐ Energy Engineer, Physical Plant Services

The Energy Management Ini>a>ve Lisa McNeilly Sustainability Director Erin Fenley Energy Management CommunicaNons Specialist

WORKbright green Training • Learning Outcomes • Gain a broad understanding of campus sustainability • Tools and connecDons to green your work • Building a community of sustainability champions

All that We’ve Learned Staff will learn about campus sustainability goals and gain campus specific competencies in: •

Campus transporta>on opDons ‐ making more environmentally friendly business and commute travel choices.

CreaDng less waste ‐ methods to reduce, re‐use, recycle, and compost.

Energy efficiency, conserva>on, and reduc>ons in electricity use – implemenDng best pracDces in the workplace.

Campus land use/stewardship and greening campus buildings.

Using less water ‐ ways to reduce campus domesDc and lab use.

Green purchasing ‐ making sustainable buying decisions at work.

Student‐led sustainability iniDaDves ‐ ways to work together to green operaDons.

Money ‐ grants and funding available to staff for green campus iniDaDves.

Bright Green Brainstorm & Table Talk



• Thinking about CAMPUS and one of these TOPICS, discuss and write down your thoughts on...


How can you take acDon or change work pracDces to make improvements?

How can you empower others to take acDon or change work pracDces to make improvements? This can be an


individual or a group (friends, colleagues, organizaNons, etc.)

Come back to the group for Table Talk




ENERGY (electricity)




ENERGY (electricity)


‐ The campus has a goal to reduce GHG Emissions to 1990 Levels by 2014. ‐ Electricity is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from the campus.


TRANSPORTATION ‐ The campus has a goal to reduce fuel use by commuters and campus fleet and have a 25% green fleet by 2014.

‐ The campus uses 218 kWh per year in electricity. ‐ Over 100 energy efficiency projects are underway in campus buildings.

‐ In 2010, the campus traveled over 123 million miles by air on business ‐ 43% of faculty and staff now commute via driving. ‐ Over 10% of the campus commutes regularly by bicycle.



‐ The campus has a goal to increase sustainable food purchases by campus food service providers to at least 20% by 2020. ‐ Events on campus can gain "green event" cerDficaDon, a process that can help guide events to incorporate aspects of sustainability into catering and overall event planning. ‐ Over 50% of snacks offered at the WORKbright green training have fallen into the local, organic and fair‐ trade categories. ‐ Cal Dining received the naDon's first organic cerDficaDon on a college campus in March 2006.



‐ The campus uses 640 million gallons of potable water each year.

‐ How can you take ac>on or change prac>ces to make improvements? ‐How can you empower others to take ac>on or change prac>ces to make improvements? This can be an individual or a group (friends, colleagues, organizaGons, etc).

‐ 50% of campus water is used for domesDc purposes (toilets, sinks, showers) ‐ The I Heart Tap Water campaign tested over 400 drinking fountains on campus, finding that the water quality is very good.



‐ The campus has a gaol to achieve a 75% diversion rate by June 2012 and zero waste by 2020. ‐ The diversion rate for municipal solid waste on campus is 42%. ‐ In 2009, Sutardija Dai Hall launched the first academic building‐wide composDng program. ‐ The student‐run ReUSE program has created an internet‐based system for the campus community to communicate directly with one another, facilitaDng the exchange of reusable materials.

Congratula>ons on your comple>on of WORKbright green!

Vice Chancellor John Wilton VC of AdministraNon and Finance

Engaging through Energy

Morwenna Rowe

UC Berkeley Green Campus Student Intern

It’s a Wrap! • Ques>ons? • Green Gi]s for the Workplace • A Warm Welcome to the growing WORKbright green Network of UC Berkeley Green Champions!

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