Zero Waste Events, UC Berkeley

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z e r owa s t ee v e n t s

C a t e r i n gg u i d e l i n e s

F a c i l i t i e sg u i d e l i n e s

Pl anni ng:

Pl anni ng&I nf r ast r uct ur e:

Ser vi ngMat er i al s:

Faci l i t yMustPr ovi de:

•Cat er erpr ovi desr eusabl edi shwar e andcut l er y •Food pur chased i nbul k •Conf i r mi ng at t endance r educesf oodwast e •Var i abl epor t i onsi zespr ovi ded •Cof f eeandt eaavai l abl ei nr eusabl e di spenser s •Sugar ,honey ,cr eamer ,et cavai l abl ei n di spenser s •Foodser vedbuf f etst yl e

WhenReusabl esAr eNotan Opt i on: •Paper ,#1or#2r ecycl abl es •BPIcer t i f i edcompost abl es •Wood/ bamboo •Al umi num f oi l

: G o a l

•Decor at i ons/ cent er pi ecesar er eusabl e, edi bl e,orcompost abl e •Pr ogr am mat er i al savai l abl edi gi t al l yor pr i nt edonr ecycl edpaper •Namet agsar er eusabl e/ r ecycl abl e •Bi nsar eeasi l yvi si bl eandaccessi bl et o guest s •Coor di nat ewi t hcust odi alst af ft o ser vi ceyourevent •Bi nst ocol l ectr ecycl i ng,compost ,and l andf i l lmat er i al s •Appr opr i at ebags/ l i ner sf oreach r espect i vebi n •Li dsf or eachbi n •Si gnsonor nearbi ns wi t hcl ear i mages

Zer owas t eev ent seducat es t udent s,st af f ,and f ac ul t yaboutUCBer k el ey ' zz er owast egoal sby i nt egr at i ngzer owas t epr ac t i c esi nt oev entbehavi or s us i ngf un,i ncl usi v e,andengagi ngmet hods.

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