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New Year’s Resolutions Goals
Year after year, we set our New Year’s resolutions (i.e. “to get in shape”) and by February, most of us have fallen off track already. It’s why January always seems to be a bit busier at the gym and we hear all this talk of a “dry January.”
How do we get these resolutions to stick? Why do so many people fall off the track? Our book of the month, Atomic Habits by James Clear, has a number of great tips about creating habits, which are the foundation for making positive change. This is our take on how to create (and stick to) positive changes in our lives.
Here are five tips to turn your resolutions into realities:
Don’t call them resolutions
You’re already tricking your brain into thinking this is a short-term thing. As soon as you call it a resolution, you’re allowing yourself to play into the social construct that a resolution is meant to be a short-term change. Call them GOALS.
Create SMART goals
Specific Be specific. “Get in shape” does not have a specific objective. “I want to lose 20 pounds and be 12% body fat” is a more specific goal. Measurable As in the previous example, use something that is measurable in which you can clearly define whether you attained the goal or not. Numbers create measurable success. Try to find a way to measure it somehow to know if you achieved it or not.
Attainable Make sure it is realistic. If your goals are not realistic, your brain will automatically discount this as a fantasy and immediately start finding reasons to avoid the “pain” to achieve the “gain”.
Relevant Make sure this goal is relevant to you and has a direct benefit to you. Make it selfishly revolve around what you want to achieve.
Time-bound Timelines make the world turn. As soon as there is no timeframe, attention to the goal will wane and procrastination will take over. Give yourself a deadline to light that fire!
Write them down
Countless studies have shown that writing down your goals increases the likelihood of achieving them. The universe has a way of aligning and helping us achieve our intentions. Writing down those intentions magnifies this effect.
4. Get an accountability partner
Once you have goals and have written them down, now it is best to find someone who will hold you accountable to reach these goals. Whether it is your spouse, a friend, or business partner, things have a funny way of getting done when you feel that you would be letting someone down if you did not put your best effort into achieving your goals. Don’t “set it and forget it” and then re-write New Year’s resolutions goals again next year (likely the same ones). Make time to re-evaluate your goals and adjust them (life happens, see “COVID-19”). This is a great time to set a meeting with your accountability partner to check-in on each other and see how both of you are doing. When “life happens” and goals need to be redefined – make time to review, re-evaluate, and re-align your goals so they do not sit there collecting dust or get written off because something got in the way. COVID-19 was a great example of a time where many goals (travel, financial, etc.) were completely put on hold due to reasons beyond our control. Quarterly would generally be a good timeline for many goals, but sometimes more frequent is needed.
What goals do you have this year that we can help with? Send us a note if you have a goal or intention that you
Check-in on your goals
think our team can help you achieve.
Hi everyone,
I wanted to put out a personal note about something I am very excited to share. During our trip to Golden, BC in late December 2020, where we stayed at a remote cabin on a bison farm, I proposed to my girlfriend, Khristina – and after some tears, she said yes!
Khristina and I have been dating for over three years now and it is incredible how time flies. It feels like it was just a little while ago when we met.
I love this girl because she:
Motives me to be better;
Is my accountability partner in fitness, work, and everything in between;
Pushes me when I need to be pushed;
Knows when I need alone time to unwind from having the pedal to the metal in this crazy world and this crazy mortgage industry;
Supports me in everything I do;
We are aligned in our family values of Kaizen, Love, Integrity, Family, and Freedom; and
Takes care of me and our dog DJ!
We joke that I do the mortgages and Khristina does EVERYTHING ELSE.
For those of you who are wondering, we are intending on tying the knot in 2023 when hopefully there will be less chance of the pandemic affecting our special day.
I love this girl and I just wanted to share this with all of you, my tribe.
Make 2021 the best year ever!
Kyle Green
GreenMortgageTeam.ca info@greenmortgageteam.ca #780-789 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC 604-229-5515