About this Handbook
The Green Vale Handbook (the “Handbook”) is intended to enumerate and emphasize the policies and procedures we rely on families to follow Thorough cooperation with the contents of the Handbook allows the School to operate safely, efficiently, and fairly from the standpoint of all students, faculty/staff, and parents. It also supports the commitment to a community based on respect, inclusion, and child-centricity
Each summer, a new Handbook will be distributed reflecting any additions or modifications for the coming year Parents will be asked to sign off on the Handbook annually, indicating their agreement to abide by its contents.
Please take the time to review the Handbook carefully, including with older children as appropriate.
Bear in mind that this Handbook only highlights current policies and offers mostly general guidelines. Specific situations may call for handling a matter differently than described herein, depending upon the nature and circumstances. It would be nearly impossible to outline every possible scenario and a corresponding policy. Likewise, the School reserves the right to modify or change any element of this Handbook at any time, although timely notice will be given in the case of any substantive modifications mid-year.
We hope that this Handbook will be a convenient source of clarity that families will come to appreciate. If you have questions about anything herein, or ideas for topics to include in the future, please contact Associate Head of School Narinder Bhalla.
Table of Contents
I. Community Philosophy 5-6
• Mission & Values
• Parent Code of Conduct
II. Arrival, Dismissal & Attendance ......................................................... 7-10
• Daily Schedule for Arrival and Dismissal by Grade
o Campus Security
o Vehicle Identification Decals & Parking
o Bus Transportation
o Late Arrivals & Absences
• Dismissal Changes
III. During the School Day ....................................................................... 11-15
• Dress Code
• Food Service
IV. Academics & Classroom Policies ...................................................... 16-22
• Books & Materials
• Field Trips
• Homework
• Reports & Grades
• Standardized Testing (ERB’s SSAT’s)
• Technology
o Bring Your Own Device Policy
o Additional Rules for Personal Devices
o Privacy
o Social Media
• Academic Resource Center
o Communication
o Child Study Team
o School Psychologist
V. After School Programs & Athletics ........................................................... 23-24 • After School Programs
• Extended Day
• Athletics (5th - 8th Grade)
• Attire
• Exemption Policy
VI. Health & Safety ................................................................................. 25-26
• Emergency Information & Snow Day Announcements
o Medical Forms & Information
o Nut Aware Policy
VII. Discipline .......................................................................................... 26-28
• Expectations for Conduct
o Bullying & Harassment Defined
o Consequences for Misconduct
VIII. Parent-School Interactions 29-32
• Communication with the School
• Parent/Teacher Conferences
• Tutoring
• Visitors/Parents on Campus
• Parental Supervision
• Classroom Parties & Birthdays
• Social Events-Off Campus
• Requests for Teachers
• Divorced or Separated Parents
• Teacher Gifts Policy
• Dogs on Campus
IX. Advancement/Admissions 32-33
• Development
• Enrollment & Tuition
• Financial Aid
X. Parents Association 34
Community Philosophy
At The Green Vale School, we inspire and challenge Pre-Nursery through 8th Grade students to be their best, cultivating intellect, character, and confidence as a foundation for success. We are a joyful school community where every child is known.
Belonging to something larger than oneself is an enduring hallmark of the Green Vale experience. When we belong and are valued, we can reach our highest potential. We each have a responsibility to bring our best selves to our community and to serve others generously and willingly.
The components of character are displayed in how we conduct ourselves and impact others. At the heart of character are qualities such as kindness, integrity, and inclusivity. Through strong character, we are able to translate Green Vale and life experiences into change that betters our world.
Respect is our starting point for honoring both shared beliefs and differences. Diverse backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and identities strengthen Green Vale. We show respect through learning and leading with open minds and compassion.
Reflection fosters intellectual curiosity and critical thinking and is key for academic excellence and personal growth. Pausing to learn from academic, creative, athletic, and interpersonal experiences illuminates what is most meaningful or valuable in each experience.
Thriving in life calls for perseverance and an ability to apply skills and knowledge successfully under varied circumstances. The more adeptly we do this, the better equipped we are to seize opportunities, address challenges, and use our agency to achieve goals.
Parent Code of Conduct
Respectful partnership between Green Vale and parents, based on mutual appreciation for what Green Vale is able to offer, helps create our distinctive learning environment. This community prioritizes qualities of character and values that align with Green Vale’s mission. Through positive, respectful, and supportive engagement by all adults within the community, we all model the behavior and relationships we seek to instill in our children.
This policy sets forth the School’s expectations for appropriate conduct by parents. It seeks to protect the ethos that attracts families and teachers to Green Vale and that has made the School beloved by generations.
Failure to comply with the expectations enumerated below may jeopardize one’s standing with the School. The School reserves the right to take punitive action at its sole discretion, including (but not limited to) a letter of censure, removal from a volunteer committee, suspension of adult(s) from campus, expulsion, or non-renewal of enrollment contract.
Parents Will Make Every Effort To:
● Employ utmost respect, civility, and professionalism in all verbal and written communications with teachers, staff, administrators, and other parents, even under difficult or frustrating circumstances;
● Approach conflict constructively by seeking to understand all pertinent facts and opposing viewpoints before drawing conclusions and, as necessary, correcting their child’s behavior to prevent conflict, aggression, or other outcomes negatively affecting others;
● Read School communications and be familiar with school polices (informing other adults who enter campus at their request); and
● Protect the reputation of the School in the larger community
The School Will Not Tolerate:
● Offensive, demeaning, or threatening language, profanity either in person, by electronic communication, or by phone;
● The use of social media to express frustrations, distrust, or dislike of a member of the School community or the institution itself;
● Any type of aggression toward another adult or child;
● Smoking, vaping, alcohol or other drugs on school property; or
● Requests for special favors or exemptions from established practices or policies
The School continues to welcome the expression of legitimate concerns and constructive dialogue. These should be voiced through appropriate channels as outlined in Communication with School.
Arrival, Dismissal & Attendance
Daily Schedule
Arrival by Car
8:00 – 8:20 am
1st-3rd Grade Lower School Circle Gate A
4th-8th Grade Watters Center Circle Gate C, back
8:15 – 8:40 am
Pre-Nursery & Nursery Early Childhood Playground Gate C, front Pre-K & Kindergarten Early Childhood Hallway Gate C, front
Arrival by Bus
Kindergarten - 8th Grade students will be greeted by a member of GVS’ Security or Admin team and directed to the appropriate early morning room or sent to their classroom.
Late Arrivals
Any student arriving after 8:25 am should proceed through Gate A and check in with the Front Office. From there they will be sent to their classroom.
Dismissal by Car (Monday – Thursday)
11:45 am
Pre-Nursery Early Childhood Playground Gate C, front
1:30 pm
Nursery Early Childhood Playground Gate C, front
3:00 pm
PK & Kindergarten Early Childhood Hallway Gate C, front 1st & 2nd Grade Lower School Circle Gate A
3rd & 4th Grade Watters Center Gate C, back
4:20 pm
5th & 6th Grade Lower School Circle Gate A
7th & 8th Grade Watters Center Gate C, back 7
Dismissal by Car (Friday)
11:45 am
Pre-Nursery Early Childhood Playground Gate C, front
12:00 pm
Nursery – Kindergarten Early Childhood Hallway Gate C, front
12:25 pm
1st-3rd Grade Lower School Circle Gate A 4th-8th Grade Watters Center Gate C, back
Dismissal by Bus
3:00 & 4:20 pm (M-Th.) and 12:25 pm (Friday)
Kindergarten - 8th Grade students will be escorted to their designated bus & helped to board bus if needed.
Extended Day Dismissal
1:30 – 4:20 pm Early Childhood Circle Gate C, front 4:20 – 5:00 pm Parents may go to late day room to pick up
* Multiple children? In all cases, when your children are being dismissed at the same time, please use the drop-off and pick-up location for your youngest child and have your older child/children meet you there.
Campus Security
Over the last seven years, Green Vale has invested in campus security such that our campus is as controlled and monitored as that of any school in the area. Our holistic approach includes elements that work together to maximize the safety of our students: video surveillance; driveway gates (locked except during arrival and dismissal); a team of highly trained and fully equipped guards who know our community; mandatory ID decals for parent and employee cars; strict visitor registration procedures; and faculty training in pro-active prevention.
Vehicle Identification Decals & Parking
Vehicle Identification Decals (VIDs) are a vital part of GVS security. They help the security officers identify, at a glance, whether vehicles belong to faculty, staff or parents, or an outside visitor requiring registration. Place the VID on the inside of the front windshield on the passenger side. Replacement or extra VIDs can be obtained at the Facilities and Security office.
Our primary concern during this process is the safety of your children. Your help in making the arrival and dismissal routine run smoothly is much appreciated. Drive slowly at all times. Students may not arrive before 8am. Siblings should be dropped off at the arrival location of the youngest student.
Do not use cell phones while driving on campus. Park only in designated parking areas.
Cars may not be left idling, except in extreme weather. For the safety of each child, and to avoid confusion, please do NOT make special pick-up arrangements with your child. Children should wait in supervised areas only
Bus Transportation
Public school districts provide free transportation for Green Vale students to and from school starting in kindergarten. Parents must register with their local school districts by April 1 of each year in order to receive bus transportation for the following school year Please visit www.greenvaleschool.org/transportation for a link to most forms.
Routes and schedules are set by the school district. Parents should therefore confirm exact pick-up and drop-off times with the district. The school districts do not permit children to travel on any bus other than their own. Therefore, if a child is to go home with another child from school, this must happen by car and regular procedures regarding change of dismissal notes will apply.
Good conduct on school buses is expected of Green Vale students and disciplinary steps will be taken for reported infractions. Issues related to bus travel should be brought to the School’s attention, although Green Vale has minimal control over bus transportation
Late Arrivals & Absences
Daily attendance is an expectation for every student; please schedule family trips within school vacation periods.
Late Arrivals
Students who arrive after 8:25 am must go to the Front Office to sign in and secure a Late Note. Participation in athletics is contingent upon completing a full day in school. For students in Grades 6-8, five late arrivals and/or unexcused absences in a trimester will result in exclusion for consideration of the Head of School’s List.
Excused absences are those due to illness, religious observances, family emergencies and secondary school visitations. On days when students are absent due to religious observance, no homework is assigned. While the academic program proceeds, no major curricular topics are introduced. Students who are absent will be given ample opportunity to complete missed work. Tests and quizzes will not be administered on the day of, or following a holiday.
For illness, please call or email the front office: attendance@greenvaleschool.org to advise of a child’s illness; at that time, you may request homework. Upper School homework is posted on the portal. If you do not call, it is school policy to call the home to verify your child’s absence.
Absences for reasons other than illness are strongly discouraged. Requests for such must be put in writing to the division director Teachers should not be asked to make up packets of work for dates missed, nor are they responsible for going over missed assignments for unexcused absences. Head of School’s List consideration will be forfeited by those students who have five unexcused and/or late arrivals to school.
Dismissal Changes
Please be sure that your child(ren) know how they are getting home each day before they arrive at school. If there is a change to the regular dismissal routine, please email the administrative assistant in your child's division with the time and reason for the change.
Early Childhood:ccoles@greenvaleschool.org
Lower School: mfeuerbacher@greenvaleschool.org
Upper School: lammendola@greenvaleschool.org
All students who leave campus early must be checked out through the main office. Calling the school during the day with non-emergency dismissal changes is strongly discouraged.
During the School Day
Dress Code
The collective appearance of the student body is an important reflection of the values and attitudes of a school. The GVS dress code is designed to balance a degree of individual choice with broad consistency in student dress. Students and parents are asked to adhere to the approved colors and styles.
We ask families to rely on Green Vale’s designated section within Lands' End Uniform as a visual guide for the approved color and style choices. Purchasing through Land’s End (school number 900065780) offers the added benefits of optional school seal embroidery and a small portion of sales being donated back to Green Vale. However, Gap, Target, Tommy Hilfiger, Brooks Brothers, Ralph Lauren and others also feature uniform offerings that conform to Green Vale’s styles and colors.
All clothing must be neat, clean, and in good repair Hair must be kept neat, clean and out of one's face. Students may not wear makeup, or have dangling or excessive jewelry. Nails must be neat, clean and a reasonable length. Boots may only be worn during the winter and on days with inclement weather. With some announced exceptions, the last Friday of each month is a “Dress-Down Day” where the dress code is more relaxed.
Tidy appearance, yet “comfortable and practical” is the guiding principle. • An extra pair of sneakers (for PE classes) and change of clothing should remain at school.
• Please provide a bike helmet to ride tricycles (NY State law).
• PN parents should also provide diapers and wipes in backpack.
Kindergarten- 3rd Grade (Boys and Girls)
Collared polos or button-down shirts, long or short sleeve
• Approved solid colors only: white, light pink, light blue, navy or pale yellow • GVS logo/monogram permitted, no oversized brand names, emblems, or trademarks
Button-waist, chino-style pants
• Approved solid colors: navy, khaki or grey
• No side “cargo”-style pockets
• No denim, fleece, or “sweat pant” material
• No cropped or “jeans-cut” pants
Skirts and Dresses
Plain front or pleated jumper, skirt, or skort
• Approved solid colors: navy, khaki and gray
Polo-shirt dress in solid white, light pink, light blue, navy or pale yellow
Sweaters (optional)
Crewneck, zip front and button-down style sweaters
• Approved solid colors: white, light pink, light blue, navy, pale yellow or grey • Sweatshirts & jackets permitted only for outdoor wear
• Indoor sweaters may not have hoods.
Closed-back shoes or sneakers- solid colors (Leaving a change of shoes at school is recommended) • No neon colored, sparkly, high-top, or wheely shoes
• Boots are only permitted in inclement weather
• Socks or peds are strongly recommended
• Footed tights (white or navy) are permitted year-round
4th - 8th Grades (Boys)
• Classic navy blazer
Ties & Belts:
• Personal preference
• GVS navy/gold striped tie is required for concerts and special events. These ties are distributed at the start of 4th Grade. (If needed, you may reorder one here)
Button-down dress shirt, long or short sleeve
• Approved solid colors: white, light pink, light blue, chambray blue or pale yellow • GVS logo/monograms are permitted
• No oversized brand names, emblems, or trademarks
Button-waist chino-style pants or knee-length shorts (Bermuda style)
• Approved solid colors: navy, khaki, or grey
• No side “cargo”-style pockets
• No denim, fleece, or “sweat pant” material
4th-5th Grades
• May elect to wear sneakers
6th-8th Grades:
Closed toe and closed back, non-athletic-style shoe
• Solid colors in hues of black, brown or blue
• Socks or peds strongly encouraged.
• Navy or white (footed) tights are permitted year-round.
Seasonal Exceptions
September, May and June
• Knee-length (Bermuda-style) shorts are permitted
January to Spring Break:
• Flat-soled boots are permitted.
• Boys may wear a navy, gray, yellow or red sweater instead of their blazer. • Boys may wear a turtleneck or polo shirt (in the same solid colors) under a sweater or blazer in lieu of a button-down shirt.
4th - 8th Grades (Girls)
Collared polos or button-down shirts, long or short sleeve.
• Approved solid colors: white, light pink, light blue, navy and pale yellow • GVS logo/monogram permitted
• No oversized brand names, emblems, or trademarks
Plain front or pleated jumper, skirt, or skort
• Approved solid colors: navy, khaki or grey
• Skirt/dress length should be no shorter than two inches above the knee Bike/cartwheelshorts(navy,white,orgrey)tights(whiteornavy)orleggings(nayor grey)Mustbewornunderanyskirtsthatfall“abovetheknee”
•Polo-shirt dresses may be worn in solid light pink, light blue, navy or pale yellow
Button-waist chino-style pants or knee-length shorts (Bermuda style) • Approved solid colors: navy, khaki or grey
• No side “cargo” pockets
• No denim, fleece, or “sweatpants” material
• No cropped or “jeans-cut” pants
Crewneck, zip front and button-down style sweaters
• Approved solid colors: white, light pink, light blue, navy, pale yellow or gray • Sweatshirts & jackets permitted only for outdoor wear
• Indoor sweaters may not have hoods.
4th-5th Grades
Sneakers or closed toe/heeled shoes in any color (solid colors preferred) •No shoes/sneakers that light-up or have wheels; Boots are only permitted in inclement weather; No heel >1” is permitted; Socks or peds are strongly recommended
6th-8th Grades
Closed toe and closed back, non-athletic-style shoes
• Solid colors in hues of black, brown or blue.
• Socks or peds strongly encouraged.
• Navy or white (footed) tights are permitted year-round. Seasonal Exceptions - September, May and June
• Knee-length (Bermuda-style) shorts are permitted
January to March:
• Flat-soled boots are permitted.
• Girls may elect to wear navy or black leggings under skirts/jumpers.
PE Clothing
N-3rd Grade should keep a pair of athletic shoes in school. Students may remain in their school clothes and simply remove any extraneous clothing, such as sweaters for PE classes.
For 4th Grade PE and sports practices for 5th-8th Grade, Green Vale requires students to wear a standard set of athletic attire. This consists of a grey or white GVS t-shirt and navy shorts.
PE apparel may be purchased at any time via SquadLocker or Landsend (school number 900065780)
Many families choose to keep one set at school and one at home for laundering. During colder weather we strongly suggest adding sweatpants and sweatshirts.
For Grades 4-8 we recommend keeping one pair of sneakers in your child’s locker
Food Service
Students may not bring any food, chewing gum, or candy to school. Snacks are provided daily to all students in Pre-N – 8th Grade
Lunch is served family-style Monday-Thursday to all students in Pre-K-8th Grade. We do not offer students the option to supply their own lunch. Our food service program aims to ensure the safety of students with serious food allergies. We expect all members of our community to support this policy.
Weekly lunch menus are posted on the School mobile app. Previewing the weekly lunch menu is an excellent way to familiarize your child with his/her food options.
Dining Schedule
• Pre-K 12:00 pm
• Grades K-2 11:30 am
• Grades 3-5 12:15 pm
• Grades 6-8 1:00 pm
Academics & Classroom Policies
Books and many school materials are supplied by the School; however, various school supplies will need to be purchased by parents. Specific supply lists are distributed over the summer. During the year classroom teachers will alert parents of any additional supplies or materials if needed. The price of lost books will be billed to the parents. Musical instruments must be rented or provided by students.
In Kindergarten, Grade 3 and Grade 6 new chrome books are distributed for use over the following three years. While there is understandable wear and tear of chrome books, devices that are damaged beyond repair from obvious lack of appropriate care, for example, screens or keyboards separated, will result in a charge of $200.00 to the family’s account, and $350.00 for any additional replacements.
Field Trips
Trips are an integral part of school and participation is obligatory Trip permission slips signed at the start of the year authorize the School to take students on class trips. Field trip plans and details are always communicated in advance. Classroom teachers serve as chaperones and class parents attend when needed.
Homework is assigned to encourage a sense of responsibility and independence, to reinforce skills, and to stimulate intellectual development. While parents may choose to assist with homework as needed, homework is primarily the responsibility of the student.
The amount of homework assigned differs by grade. Failure to complete assigned homework in the upper grades may impact the assignment grade and trimester effort grade, infractions, or ineligibility for Head of School's List recognition.
It is assumed that, in addition to assigned homework, students in Grades 1-5 will spend time each day reading. Outside reading in Upper School is dependent on assigned class readings and other academic responsibilities. Students will be held responsible for missed homework. If a student is absent, parents should call the office, before 9:00 am, and homework and textbooks will be made available after 2:30 pm in the Main Office. Students will be given the opportunity to make up work when they return to school. US students should refer to the Green Vale School website for homework assignments. During the school week, telephone, television, and Internet access should be managed with time limits by parents in the interest of good study habits, and to make sure there is ample opportunity for independent reading.
Reports & Grades
Report Card Access
Please use the following steps to access your child's report card:
1. Log into the Parent Portal.
2. Click “My Child” link
3. Click on “Children” on the top left menu bar.
4. Select your child’s name.
5. Under the “Progress” tab, you will see a box titled Performance; select “Report Cards” underneath.
In Grades N-8, the school year is defined by two semesters. Progress reports are issued mid semester and report cards are posted at the end of each. The numerical and grade point equivalents of the Green Vale letter grades are as follows:
12 A+ 100-97
11 A 96-93
10 A- 92-90
9 B+ 89-87
8 B 86-83
7 B- 82-80
6 C+ 79-77
5 C 76-73
4 C- 72-70
3 D+ 69-67
2 D 66-63
1 D- 62-60
0 F 59-0
Effort Designations
1 = Exceptional effort: delays gratification in pursuit of excellence; works enthusiastically and conscientiously; often goes beyond assigned class work; contributes thoughtfully and listens attentively to class discussions; sustains attention toward task, topic, and others’ comments; always prepared for class with assignments and materials.
2 = Solid effort: completes assignments on time and with care; works until task meets requirements; usually participates in class; relatively independent; seeks help when needed; eager to improve; usually prepared for class with assignments and materials.
3 = Inconsistent effort: occasionally submits work that is incomplete or late; listens to class discussions; interest level in class varies; semi-effective system for organization; willing to let others take the lead; takes notes when prompted.
4 = Poor effort: Work often late, incomplete or carelessly done; occasionally participates in class; often an inattentive listener; demonstrates minimal interest; not engaged with topic, teacher, or classmates.
Academic Award Requirements
Achievement and effort grade academic awards are based on averages from the academic classes. Numeric grades (for effort) and letter grades (for achievement) are converted to a 12-point scale, and then averaged together. Achievement and effort averages that meet the requirements listed above are recognized at the end of each trimester. Students who receive a grade lower than a C+ in a course will not be eligible for honors or high honors, even if their overall average meets the requirement for the awards.
For Head of School's List I and II, the student must have received a 3+ or better in all academic, athletic and creative arts subjects and have shown responsibility in all areas of school life.
Five late arrivals to school and/or unexcused absences in a trimester, for students in Grades 6-8, will result in exclusion from Head of School's List consideration. Overall academic awards are given at the end of the school year. The Athletic Department recognizes
excellence and hard work in boys’ and girls’ athletics after the fall, winter, and spring seasons for Grades 7-8 and after the fall and spring seasons for Grades 5-6.
Academic Probation
In Grades 5-8, if a student's academic average is below a 4.0 (C-) or the student has received 2 Ds on a progress report, the student is placed on academic probation. A conference with the student's parents will occur with the appropriate Division Director, at which plans will be formulated to ensure that a higher scholastic average is achieved in the following academic term. If a student is placed on academic probation for two consecutive marking periods, a conference will take place to determine whether Green Vale is the appropriate academic setting for the student.
Standardized Testing
Standardized tests are administered to students at follows:
Educational Records Bureau (ERB) CTP IV The ERB test is administered to students in Grades 3-5 each academic year. This test measures abilities in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and mathematics. These scores are mailed home.
Narrative Report
Subscore Report
Secondary School Admissions Tests (the SSAT) – The SSAT is a used by private independent secondary schools to evaluate applicants. The SSAT is designed to rank students nationally by reading comprehension, verbal abilities and mathematics. All Upper School students, regardless of their high school destination, take the SSAT during a designated academic day. In addition, students may register for the SSAT elsewhere on Saturdays throughout the year. Student scores are available online one week after the test.
Green Vale’s SSAT Test Center Code: 3562, if a student takes the SSAT outside of Green Vale they should enter this code to have test scores forwarded to us
Other Testing
From time to time, other state or national tests may be administered at the discretion of teachers, for example math contests or world language evaluations.
Policies for all Students:
• Devices should be fully charged each morning before arriving at school. • Access to wireless printers is available for students.
• Technology may be used during school for educational use only. Use of any technology for personal, recreational, or unauthorized purposes will result in disciplinary action.
• Students must not share passwords or access others’ accounts, or attempt to work around the school filter, network, or Internet.
• All user behavior on Green Vale’s networks is subject to a firewall and content filters. Attempting to change settings or bypass these filters or network security provisions will result in disciplinary action.
• All GVS network users are bound by “fair use” provisions and agree not to abuse or overuse available internet capacity. classroom and on specific projects. Teachers may choose to use them on some days and not others, use them every day or not use them at all. Students must comply with the teacher’s decisions on the use of devices. Games are not permitted without teacher permission. While in class, personal devices may not be used for non- instructional purposes (making personal phone calls, text messaging, etc.)
• It is considered a serious violation to infect School property with any virus, Trojan, or malware or to deploy any program that damages, alters, or destroys any network component or security provision or gives access to unauthorized users or shares private data/information.
• If inappropriate use violates a law, appropriate law enforcement entities will be notified.
Personal Device Policy
Students may use smart phones, cell phones, smart watches, fit bits/wearable technology only before and after School hours. School hours encompasses any After School activities when applicable. This means that phones or watches must be silenced and stowed in the student’s backpack or locker while on campus from arrival to departure. If a student is seen using or carrying their electronic device during the school day, the device will be confiscated and returned when appropriate. (Special exceptions may be initiated by teachers for instructional purposes or other circumstances such as athletics, class trips, class projects, or medical needs.) Parents needing to communicate with their child during School hours must do so via phone to the division office or email to a teacher or advisor.
Communications and information sent, retrieved, or stored via Green Vale’s electronic resources are not private. The School has the right to review all files and communications and monitor system utilization at any time without notice or permission in order to protect the integrity of the systems and all users. Usage of Green Vale School accounts may be monitored both on- and off-campus. The School may close accounts and review or delete files at any time.
Students may not post, record, or transmit any images, audio, or video containing or referencing in writing any community member on school property or during school activities without consent.
Social Media
Green Vale reserves the right to monitor social media for language and images that are not consistent with School guidelines and philosophy Because students are linked with Green Vale, social media content can impact School accountability, public image, and student safety Should a student communicate or post inappropriate material via social media, the School will contact the parents and ask their help in removing the inappropriate material. The school may also respond with disciplinary action.
Students and alumni under age 18 may not “friend,” “follow,” “message,”, “snap” or otherwise communicate with Green Vale teachers or staff on social media platforms. Students may not post or tag pictures of teachers without express permission.
Academic Resource Center (ARC)
The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is staffed by privately contracted, certified and licensed learning specialists, speech and language pathologists and an occupational therapist to serve the needs of Green Vale students who would benefit from these specific services. ARC is not a tutoring center. Specialists usually meet with students during the school day on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Services are offered for all grade levels, based on need.
If you believe that your child could benefit from any of these services, please contactElisa Harris, ARC Director or your division director
Division directors make the final decision concerning support services for students during school hours after reviewing recommendations and observations of the ARC Director, classroom teachers, parents, and specialist.
Students receiving services are reviewed on a regular basis by a team of ARC specialists, Division directors, faculty, and, when necessary, parents.
The appropriate division director should be informed of any tutoring done outside the school during the school year or in the summer.
See School website for procedures related to student classification process.
Child Study Team
The Child Study Team consists of two certified school psychologists, the reading Specialist, the appropriate division director, and the Director of the Academic Resource Center. The Team meets regularly with teachers to discuss student strengths and challenges. The Team determines how the student's learning style impacts everyday performance in the classroom, and develops strategies for addressing areas of concern. Teachers and/or parents who have significant concerns about a child's performance may refer a student to the Team through the appropriate Division Director.
Some children may be, at the suggestion of the Child Study Team and with the permission of the parents, given special diagnostic tests to ascertain the existence and extent of learning differences. Testing may be administered by the school psychologist, child’s school district or private consultant.
School Psychologists
Two school psychologists are available to meet with children, discuss children with parents and teachers, to offer guidance to parents or teachers, and to provide assessment of individual students. When needed, they recommend further counseling with outside professionals.
After-School Programs & Athletics
After School Programs
A variety of After-School programs is available to students in Kindergarten – 8th Grade. These programs include offerings such as arts, robotics, marine science, cooking, chess, sports and more.
For a full list of offerings, pricing, and registration information, please visit the After-School Programs page under ommunity on the website.
Extended Day
Green Vale’s Extended Day program is available for Pre-Nursery-4th Grade until 5pm. The program provides supervision in an enriching environment for children after regular school hours. The children engage in various activities such as board games, computer games, puzzles & blocks, kitchen center, art area, and daily outdoor play A healthy snack is provided to all students.
Extended Day is available until 5:00 PM Monday-Thursday, and until 4:30 PM Fridays. Fees are per session, per day:
Session I 11:45 am - 1:30 pm $25/day
II 1:30 - 3:00 pm $25/day Session III 3:00 - 5:00 pm $25/day
If your child will stay late on any given day, please inform his/her teacher.
On Fridays preceding a long holiday weekend, Extended Day is not offered. Students must bring their lunch from home on Fridays. As always nuts/peanut ingredient foods are not permitted on campus.
For children in Kindergarten through 4th Grade, please check your public school district’s policy on allowing your child to take the 4:20 PM bus. On Fridays there is no bus service for Extended Day.
Dismissal: Please pick up your child directly from the Extended Day room. We kindly ask parents to be on time picking up their children. If you are running late due to extenuating circumstances, please call the Main Office at (516) 621-2420.
Interscholastic athletics have long been part of a Green Vale education. To that end, sports are not optional and the school day ends at 4:20 for 5th-8th Grades. The experience is better for all when participation is maximized. The School Nurse and Athletic Department should be notified of any medical conditions which may impact physical activity. A doctor’s note is required for temporary non-participation in athletics.
Interscholastic sports may necessitate staying past the 4:20 pm dismissal time on game days. Game schedules are available on the online calendar. Please refer to this for pick-up times and schedule changes.
5th-8th Grades have sports four days a week and must wear GVS athletic attire available at squadlocker.com . They must also keep a mouth guard and sneakers in their sports locker. Cleats are also advisable for older students for field sports.
Athletic Attire
N-3rd Grade should keep a pair of athletic shoes in school. Students may remain in their school clothes and simply remove any extraneous clothing, such as sweaters for PE classes.
For 4th Grade PE and sports practices for 5th-8th Grade, Green Vale requires students to wear a standard set of athletic attire. This consists of a grey or white GVS t-shirt and navy shorts.
PE apparel may be purchased at any time via SquadLocker
Many families choose to keep one set at school and one at home for laundering. During colder weather we strongly suggest adding sweatpants and sweatshirts.
For Grades 4-8 we recommend keeping one pair of sneakers in your child’s locker
Exemption Policy
Exemptions from sports will be granted only under highly specialized circumstances. Students must participate in at least one season of Green Vale sports. The deadline to apply for a fall exemption is August 30; for the Winter season is December 1, and the Spring is March 10.
Health & Safety
Emergency Information & Snow Announcements
In case of emergency or weather-related closing, we will notify families via the GVS mobile app. The School’s emergency calling system will deliver home, text, and email messages. You may also check www.greenvaleschool.org
Generally, we follow the lead of North Shore Schools on all weather-related closings.
In the event of school closing during the day, the School will notify families. Your child will not be sent home early unless someone is home and has been contacted by the School.
Medical Forms & Information
Annual physical examinations forms must be submitted through Magnus Health prior to the start of the school year in September The School will restrict the athletic activities of any children whose medical reports are not received prior to the start of school. State and local health departments require all children who attend any school to have had the proper immunizations, unless there is an approved medical dispensation
If it is necessary for a child to take medication during school hours, the school nurse will be happy to cooperate with the family physician and the parent. In limited circumstances, students may carry asthma inhalers or Epi-pens during the school day if both the child’s physician and parent submit in writing, detailed prescription information and a statement of maturity indicating that the student is capable of handling the administration of an inhaler or Epi-pen. Cough drops, nasal sprays, Advil, etc. are not allowed to be in the possession of children.
Illness & Injury
The school nurse is responsible for making healthcare-related decisions during school. Should a child become ill or hurt, the school nurse will alert the parents. The nurse can be contacted by email, phone: 516-628-5119, or fax: (516) 621-6257.
We ask parents to look for signs of illness before their children leave for school in the morning. In the case of fever, a child must be fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicines) before returning to school. Contagious diseases, infections and rashes must be reported to the school nurse.
Nut-Aware Policy
Green Vale is a nut-aware school. It is important that no one brings nuts or nut products into the school or to school events. Parents should be aware of this policy and make every effort to ensure strict compliance.
Expectations for Conduct
Green Vale emphasizes strength of character and quality of community as much as academic excellence. The tenets of respect, responsibility, caring, and citizenship are central to school life. It is always our hope that serious disciplinary measures will not be required, however the right of suspension or expulsion, without refund of tuition, has been reserved for extreme cases.
Major Infractions
The following behaviors on school property or during school-sponsored trips constitute Major Infractions. They result in automatic suspension, exclusion from Head of School’s List (Upper School) and a parent-administration discussion about further consequences, including expulsion
• Hate speech, harassment, or bullying (as defined below) of a Green Vale student either on or off campus
• Possession and/or use of controlled substances, alcohol, or tobacco in any form
• Possession and/or use of weapons or explosive devices, including fireworks
• Use of any incendiary device or tampering with fire equipment
Serious Infractions
The following behaviors on school property or during school-sponsored trips will result in automatic detention, with a consideration of suspension and/or exclusion from Head of School’s List.
• Stealing
• Destruction of property
• Network system abuse or hacking
• Physical confrontation
• Disrespectful behavior toward adults or classmates
• Dishonesty (e.g. lying, cheating, plagiarism, cutting class)
Minor Infractions
Minor infractions consist of rule violations and inappropriate behavior in the discretion of a teacher or division director who will determine immediate consequences. An accumulation of minor infractions may result in a formal disciplinary action. Minor infractions include, but are not limited to:
• Roughhousing
• Unsportsmanlike conduct
• Inappropriate or distracting behavior
• Unprepared for class, tardiness, or unexcused absence from any part of school day
• Personal use of electronic equipment or phones without permission
• Three incomplete homework assignments
• Dress code violations
• Gum chewing
• Procedural violation or other behavior deemed unfavorable
Bullying & Harassment Defined
Bullying is written (including through email, text message, blog, social media, or other electronic form), verbal, or physical conduct directed at another person with the intent to frighten, humiliate, ridicule, or cause harm to the other person. Bullying may include, but is not limited to, taunting, threats of harm, social ostracizing, the creation of false rumors, physical intimidation, taking or damaging another’s property, or impersonating another person on the internet. Bullying behavior may also constitute a crime.
Harassment, or Hate Speech, is verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her race, color, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, sexual/gender identity, or any other characteristic protected by law, or that of his/her relatives, friends, or associates.
Harassing conduct includes, but is not limited to: epithets, slurs, or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts; denigrating jokes and display or circulation of written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group (including through email, text message, social media, or any other forum).
Cyberbullying is defined as bullying or harassment that occurs online or through email, text message, social media, or other electronic communication, and is prohibited outside of school as well as inside school. The School reserves the right to proceed with disciplinary action related to any bullying event that occurs outside of school that creates or would foreseeably create a risk of substantial disruption within the school environment.
Procedures for Reporting Bullying/Harassment
The School’s policy for students is that bystanders should report acts of bullying to an adult. If an incident is relatively minor or occurs only once, faculty members may handle the incident in their classrooms. However, if an incident rises to a more serious level, involves physical confrontation, or is recurring, faculty members will report the incident to the Head of School who will initiate a set investigation procedure for allegations of harassment or bullying.
Anyone who becomes aware of an incident of bullying, harassment, hate speech, or cyberbullying, even if it occurred off campus, should report the incident to the division director.
Consequences for Misconduct
Division directors determine disciplinary measures in response to infractions, with the involvement of the Head of School as appropriate. The student and parents are notified of any infraction by the division director. Depending on the severity of the infraction, a detention, suspension, or expulsion from school may result, as well as more situation specific consequences such as missing recess or temporary device confiscation.
The School maintains disciplinary records concerning incidents of bullying and harassment. Minor or one-time incident records will be maintained for a minimum of one year. Major or recurring incident records will be maintained for the duration of the time that the student in question is at Green Vale.
Major Infractions
Major Infractions result in automatic suspension, exclusion from the Head of School’s List (Upper School), and a parent-administration discussion about further consequences, including expulsion.
Serious Infractions
Behaviors on the list of Serious Infractions will result in automatic detention, with a consideration of suspension and/or exclusion from the Head of School’s List.
Minor Infractions
Minor Infractions are addressed in the moment where and when they occur. An accumulation of minor infractions may result in a formal disciplinary action.
Any Upper School student receiving four minor infractions during a trimester will be assigned to a Friday afternoon detention from 12:30 until 2:00 pm, unless otherwise noted by the division director
If a student receives more than one detention in a trimester, he/she becomes ineligible to receive Head of School’s List recognition, and a parent conference is required. An additional detention, even in the following trimester, will result in the student going before a Conduct Committee.
This committee is composed of the relevant division director and selected faculty representatives. They will meet with the student to discuss his/her disciplinary record and overall status at the School.
Weighing the needs of the School and the needs of the student, this committee will make a discipline recommendation to the Head of School, which may or may not include expulsion, suspension, restrictions from school functions, community service, additional detention, and consideration as to whether Green Vale is the appropriate school.
Student Searches
Green Vale reserves the right to search student belongings at any time and for any reason.
Parent School Interactions
Communication with School
Effective channels of communication between parents and the School are critical to the success and well-being of each student and of our community as a whole. The homeroom teacher or Upper School advisor is always the first point of contact for any questions or concerns. (The GVS email convention uses the first initial and last name of each person @greenvaleschool.org. For example, Jesse Dougherty is jdougherty@greenvaleschool.org.)
The next level of contact is the division director. Other resources may include Parents Association grade reps and officers, other senior administrators, and the Head of School. As stated in the Parent Code of Conduct, the utmost respect is a firm expectation that should guide all interactions with teachers, administrators, and staff, regardless of the nature of the concern. We also remind parents to remember that all decisions reflect careful consideration of both individuals and the collective needs of the community.
The School continues to welcome the expression of legitimate concerns and constructive dialogue
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Teacher conferences are available for parents on the designated Conference Day (see school calendar). At this time classroom and/or subject area teachers discuss student progress. Other conferences can be scheduled at another mutually convenient time, at the request of either the School or a parent.
Please refrain from engaging teachers at the start of the school day in personal Conferences. It is important for the students to begin each day with the full attention of their teacher
As a general principle, Green Vale does not recommend extra tutoring except in certain circumstances. If tutoring becomes necessary, as in when a child unavoidably misses a large number of school days or has special learning needs, parents are advised to contact the division director. The guidelines for this extra tutoring are as follows:
All tutoring must be done in consultation with the School Director to ensure the maximum benefit for the student. The currently assigned Green Vale teacher is not allowed to do extra tutoring for a fee. That teacher should find time during the school day to work with
classroom students. A different Green Vale teacher may be hired and payment is made directly to him/her.
Parents must sign a disclosure form and a waiver of liability prior to the commencement of a tutoring relationship with a Green Vale faculty member. The child's classroom teacher(s) will be notified when any child receives tutoring.
Teachers are not permitted to engage in tutoring on campus. Parents are urged to provide a space for tutoring that is quiet but open. Faculty members are not permitted to tutor students in their bedrooms or in rooms with closed doors.
Visitors/Parents on Campus
To minimize interruption during the school day, parents and visitors may not be on campus without a pre-arranged appointment or meeting. This includes delivery of items (sports gear, books, forgotten assignments, etc.) which may only be left in the front office, never in the child’s cubby or locker
Supervision during Events
Parents are expected to supervise their children at all school-sanctioned events such as athletic games, grade events, concerts, plays, fund-raisers, etc.
Classroom Parties & Birthdays
Early Childhood
Periodically during the school year for holidays and other occasions, children will be able to enjoy special treats. As a result, we need to consider birthday celebrations differently in an effort to maintain both nutritional balance and safety for the many students with food allergies.
To do this, we request that parents replace traditional sweet treats with your choice of either healthier, more allergy-safe foods or non-food based celebratory activities. Please do not bring baked goods, bakery items, balloons or goodie bags to celebrate your child’s classroom birthday. Here is a list of alternative food and activity suggestions:
• Friendship Circle - each student gives a compliment/shares a wish for their classmate celebrating a birthday
• Show-and-Tell
• Read your favorite book
• Vegetables & dip or fresh fruit
• Corn chips and salsa/ guacamole/popcorn
• Fruit/ ice pops/ clementines
Lower & Upper School
The general goal of a class party is to provide the students with a chance to celebrate a particular holiday or event. For the most part, food is involved. Everyone must remember that there may be students in the homeroom/grade with life-threatening allergies. Please adhere to the teacher’s specific requests for parent contributions. The major goal is to keep it simple. Parties do not need to be over the top. Classroom parties should not require excessive preparation or set-up unless otherwise indicated by the teacher
In an effort to reduce plastic use on campus, NO plastic water bottles or balloons are allowed. Paper cups or the students’ own water bottles can be filled. Goodie bags, party favors, unsolicited classroom decor including balloons and centerpieces are not appropriate for classroom celebrations, and they tend to be disruptive and/or unsustainable.
Social Events Off Campus
Social events occurring outside of school hours may occasionally have an adverse impact on the daily life of school. Parents are asked to be mindful of this and to make every effort to prevent a negative impact on school life by adhering to the following guidelines:
Invitations should not be distributed at school nor should children be picked up at school to depart for a group social event unless all members of a class are included.
Large parties should be inclusive: individuals or small groups should not be excluded. (It is acceptable, however, to invite only the girls or only the boys, or your entire homeroom class.)
Parents should verify party details with the host as to chaperoning, activities, expected behavior, arrival and pick-up plans, etc.
Requests for Teachers
The Administration and Faculty give careful thought and consideration to the sectioning of individual students. The School does not solicit parental requests for sectioning students; therefore, special requests for teachers or placement should not be made.
Divorced or Separated Parents
It is the School’s intent to treat each parent equally in cases of separation or divorce. Each parent will receive report cards and evaluations, as well as all school information and publications. The School should be informed if family or custody situations change throughout the year. Conversations with the teachers and administration should center on the welfare of the child.
Teacher Gifts
Many Green Vale families want to show appreciation for faculty members during the holidays and at the end of the school year. The School recommends that families neither give gifts nor faculty members accept gifts of significant value, lavish entertainment, or other benefits from families or students. Special care must be taken to avoid even the impression of a conflict of interest. The Parents Association does not coordinate grade-wide teacher gifts; it is at the discretion of individual families.
Dogs on Campus
For safety reasons, dogs are not allowed on campus. Dogs must also remain in the car during arrival and dismissal
The Annual Fund is 100% allocated toward Green Vale's day-to-day financial needs, supplementing tuition/fees and a conservative draw from the endowment. The percentage of parents who make a gift (of any size) to the Annual Fund is very important, and the School aims for 100% parent participation. High participation is a vote of confidence, an important sign that virtually all parents support the mission of the School.
Enrollment & Tuition
Contracts for the next school year are issued in early winter and due three (3) weeks after issuance. The School will reserve a place for the Student provided that the School receives a signed electronic agreement and non-refundable deposit in the amount of 10% tuition by the contract due date.
Green Vale School utilizes “Smart Tuition” for the processing and collection of tuition and fees. Tuition can be paid either in two installments (July and December) or with a 10 payment plan for a small annual fee. Each month families will receive an invoice or a debit reminder directly from Smart Tuition
A family’s obligation to pay the tuition and fees set forth in the Tuition Schedule is unconditional, and no portion of such fees will be refunded or canceled, notwithstanding absence, withdrawal or dismissal from the School. This contract may be terminated, without further obligation by either party, if written notice of cancellation is provided to the School,
prior to July 1, 2021. In the event that the School refers collection of overdue amounts to its attorney, the family agrees to pay the School's cost of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs
Green Vale believes that a positive and constructive working relationship between the School, the student, and a student’s parents (or guardians) is essential to the fulfillment of the School’s mission. Thus, in the sole discretion of the Head of School, the School reserves the right to terminate, or not renew, the enrollment of a student for any reason. Such reasons may include, but are not limited to, actions by the student or his parents (or guardians) that generally undermine a constructive relationship with the school or otherwise interfere with the School's accomplishment of its educational purposes, delinquency with respect to tuition or charges, and failure to execute and abide by the Parent Code of Conduct. The School, through the Head of School, similarly has the sole discretion to dismiss or suspend a student for any reason, including, but not limited to, the reasons set forth herein. The School may refuse to release any report cards, transcripts, diplomas or other records at any time when there is an overdue balance on a tuition account.
Financial Aid
The Green Vale School recognizes that not all families who are interested in attending the School may be able to afford the full cost of a Green Vale education. To assist families in bridging this gap the School offers support toward the annual tuition, based on the demonstrated financial needs of the family
Financial need is determined by taking into account many factors – including income, net worth, standard living expenses, certain unusual expenses, family size, and the number of children attending tuition-charging schools. The School’s eligibility policy for aid covers students in grades K-8.
Families pay all incidental expenses and any tuition not covered by the financial aid award. Families must submit, on an annual basis, an application using the School and Student Service (SSS) financial aid software as well as their latest Federal tax return. Applications may be submitted as of November 1st and award offers are made shortly after all required documentation is complete.
Each year recipients of financial aid are expected to meet the same standards of performance as all students and must demonstrate financial need annually. All information received by the Financial Aid Committee is held in the strictest confidence.
Parents' Association
Every Green Vale parent is a member of the Green Vale Parents’ Association. With an all volunteer leadership consisting of officers and representatives for each grade level, the PA keeps the entire parent body informed, engaged, included, and supported as each family shepherds their children through a Green Vale education. The PA holds various events throughout the school year and may be reached at gvspa@greenvaleschool.org.
There are many volunteer opportunities within the Parents’ Association. To learn more, please visit the PA page on the school’s website.