My Vista Annual Report 2013

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Annual Report 2013

Contents 3 4 6 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 21 23

Vision, Mission and Values Chair Report Board Members Organisational Structure CEO Welcome Our History and Ethnic Diversity MYVISTA Aged Care MYVISTA Village MYVISTA Home Care MYVISTA Staff Financial Information Governance Statement Volunteers, Contributors and Acknowledgements Donor Slip

MYVISTA Aged Care Facility, 11 Nugent Street Balcatta WA 6021 Ph (08) 9207 4666 | E | Fx (08) 9207 4677 Cover photo: Stanka Cica (Activities Coordinator, left) and Filomena Giannasi (resident, right)


The development of the allocated 110 aged care beds. To activate the allocated 20 Community Care Packages. The development of 80 self-care units to provide independent living for residents. To assist other ethnic groups with the further development of ethno specific care.

Mission Statement

To work together, to create a homelike environment, in which all Residents are treated with dignity, respect and understanding and their individual, spiritual, physical and cultural needs are maintained.


Understanding of residents’ physical and spiritual needs. Respect for residents’ personal, cultural and religious beliefs. Compassion and care to all residents and their families. Team Work working together to continuously improve our standards of care. Individuality Residents’ independence, privacy and dignity are maintained. To assist other ethnic groups with the further development of ethno specific care.


Chair Report Tony Vallelonga, Chairman

The 2012/2103 financial year has been a year of challenges and achievements for MYVISTA. Changes to the funding structure in residential aged care, which came into effect last year in addition to further modifications introduced in 2013, continue to place pressure on all aged care providers in Australia by effectively tightening and restricting funding growth. To combat this, MYVISTA reviewed our funding claim methods and practices this reporting year in order to better assess residents’ funding. This resulted in us claiming and providing an additional $800,000 in funding during 2012/2013, above the previous financial year. During the reporting year, MYVISTA has also invested more than $55,000 in additional staff resources, education and training to continue these improvements and to ensure that MYVISTA is appropriately claiming every cent to which we are entitled for the benefit of our residents. All income earned from funding is invested in staff wages for care provision - meaning better care for all our aged care residents. Improvements are continuing this current financial year, with the Board and CEO continuing to work with Government and ethnic community groups to find appropriate land to develop the 110 bed aged care development under the Zero Real Interest Loan scheme, as well as additional retirement unit accommodation. The CEO and I have been working closely with the Minister for Health, the Hon. Dr Kim Hames, and the WA Department of Health to identify and secure land for future development under a Public/Private/Partnership program. These discussions and negotiations continue with a view to gaining a positive outcome, beneficial not only for MYVISTA but also the WA Government and the local


community. In a similar vein MYVISTA has been working closely with the Vasto Club via a joint committee focussed on positive outcomes for both the club’s membership and ourselves. The Board is optimistic these discussions will bear fruit in the near future. Over the past year, the MYVISTA Board and CEO has engaged with numerous ethnic community groups and looked at many parcels of land. Some investigations moved forward to become advanced negotiations while others were discounted as being uneconomical, and still more are pending future consideration. Each land opportunity has been carefully examined by the Board using full due diligence processes, and the Board has spent significant time searching for the right land opportunity that will allow MYVISTA to proceed without placing the organisation at undue risk. However, to date the right opportunity has not presented itself. Last year the Board invested significant resources into negotiating with the owner of a 3.3 hectare parcel of land at Kingsway/ Madeley. After conducting its due diligence, the Board agreed on a price MYVISTA was willing to offer, but unfortunately the owner’s sale price expectation exceeded this amount and an agreement could not be reached. Residential aged care continues to suffer from chronic bed shortages, with a deficit of 3500 beds now having an impact on the public hospital system. This is equivalent to five Fiona Stanley Hospitals. As a result, we believe the sooner MYVISTA can commence our 110 bed aged care development, the better. MYVISTA has also talked to many ethnic organisations regarding the provision of Home Care services and is actively working to prepare applications for Home Care Packages at the next aged care approvals round, expected to be announced within the next few months.

Furthermore, the Australian Government Aged Care Reform Agenda is continuing to be rolled out, albeit slower than expected following the change in Government during September. The Aged Care Workforce Compact, strongly opposed by aged care providers, was initiated by the Labour Government and then suspended by the Coalition Government.

MYVISTA successfully passed both an announced and unannounced support visit from the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency and maintained full compliance with Accreditation Standards throughout the year. In addition, the accuracy of MYVISTA’s funding claims were checked by the Department of Health and Ageing through an onsite validation process, and were found to be substantially accurate, with limited minor variations.

However, reforms affecting a number of areas in aged care are continuing to be implemented. These include:

Earlier in the year the Board also approved substantial pay increases ranging from 5% to 10% for most staff, bringing their pay up to and above industry standard rates. In total MYVISTA invested an additional $380,000 in staffing over the financial year.

The definition between high care and low care in • residential care being removed

Accommodation bonds reform • The introduction of Consumer Directed Care • Packages in residential care and home care

Furthermore, occupancy rates in all areas of Aged Care, Retirement Village and Community Care continue at very high levels, with MYVISTA having substantial waiting lists in all areas.

Community Care Packages being replaced with • Home Care Packages

Continued tightening on the residential care aged • care funding instrument

In other news, during May, MYVISTA said goodbye to our long serving and highly respected CEO, John Murray, and welcomed our new highly experienced CEO, Glen Gillingham. The Board was able to achieve a seamless leadership transition, with Glen commencing the same day that John finished his employment with MYVISTA. In other significant achievements this year, MYVISTA purchased and implemented new clinical software, with all care staff trained in its use. An automated time and attendance system was implemented, providing positive outcomes for staff along with a Wandering Residents Alarm System, which was installed for the safety and security of our residents.


Significantly, the profitability of MYVISTA has increased by over $960,000 for the year, with the organisation proudly reporting a $690,000 profit. This is a fantastic result considering that there was no indexation of subsidy income during the year. I thank our immediate past CEO John Murray for his exceptional service to MYVISTA, and warmly welcome our new CEO Glen Gillingham. Glen has already proved himself to be a committed and caring CEO, and I’m sure he, our management team and our staff will continue their dedicated work for the benefit of our residents. On behalf of the Board of MYVISTA, I would like to sincerely thank all of our staff and management team for their magnificent work, and finally I would like to thank the Board for their continuous support they provide to me personally.

Board Members

Tony Vallelonga

Bernard Martinovich

Rodney Constantine

Danny Kuzmanovich

Nick Catania

Pamela Iseppi

Ray Paolucci

Angelo Scatena

Organisational Structure Board Of Management

Chief Executive Officer

Director of Nursing ACFI Clinical Nurse Coordinator Manager

Allied Health

Hostel Supervisor

Activity Coordinator



Hotel Services Manager

Catering Personnel

Quality Manager

Executive Secretary

Domestic & Laundry Personnel

Village Manager

Maintenance Manager

Maintenance Personnel



Administration Manager

Administration Personnel

CEO’s Welcome Glen Gillingham, Chief Executive Officer

I’m delighted to present MYVISTA’s 2012/2013 annual report. In May this year I was pleased to commence as the new CEO of MYVISTA, taking over from my predecessor, John Murray, who was the CEO of MYVISTA for more than nine years. I come to MYVISTA with over 14 years of aged care and retirement living experience at CEO level. After joining the MYVISTA team, one of my first priorities was reviewing the current operations and performance, and I found MYVISTA to be an extremely well run organisation. MYVISTA’s current situation and considerable strength is a credit to the pervious CEO, and I quickly recognised that John was blessed with a tremendously strong team of dedicated staff, management and board members who have worked tirelessly to get MYVISTA to where it is today. Justifiably, MYVISTA has an enviable reputation as an exceptional provider of high quality aged care and retirement living options to the local ethnic and broader communities. It is indeed a pleasure to be accepted into such a fantastic organisation. In recent months, MYVISTA and aged care in general has entered a period of significant change and reform. Since the release of the Labour Government’s Living Longer, Living Better reform package in response to the Productivity Commission’s report into Aged Care, the industry has been in reaction and recommendation mode, waiting to see where public policy on aged care is heading. This period of change has caused an air of uncertainty and speculation. The Liberal-led Coalition Government’s response, rebranded as Healthy Living, Better Ageing, is lean on detail, leaving the industry speculating on the depth of reform at this point in time.

Significantly, the overarching theme that will drive all government policy in aged care into the foreseeable future is the fact that it cannot afford to continue to fund, in the current format, the aged care system, particularly as the population ages and experiences vastly increased numbers of elderly people seeking to access services. Current and successive governments are moving the cost burden for aged care towards the consumer, in return for the consumer having more control over the care and services they receive (this is being termed ‘consumer directed care’). During this reform, the Government will seek to maintain a high level of consumer protection through legislation and control of quality standards. The consumer-popular and lower cost service delivery model of Home Care will continue to grow exponentially and will become the main form of aged care provision. Residential aged care facilities will increasingly provide short term acute end of life care (palliative care) and will be designed to safely accommodate seniors with cognitive decline (dementia). Deregulation of the aged care system must occur in order for supply to reach demand, but this won’t happen until the Government has significantly transferred the cost burden from government to the consumer. Ultimately, the Government cannot afford the uncontrolled demands on expenditure that deregulation would bring under the current aged care funding system. Furthermore, the consumer directed care models in home care and also in residential care are currently under development and providers, consumer advocacy groups and government are all jostling to ensure that the service models are workable for each interest group.


Over the next decade as the aged care system continues to change to meet expectations and demand, there will be a huge amount of change, opportunity and risk. However we believe MYVISTA is in a strong and commanding position to be able to meet and conquer these challenges take advantage of the opportunities presented to us, and minimise risk. MYVISTA’s leadership group, consisting of the Board and Management, has a vast amount of experience, expertise and knowledge in aged care and in business in general. Furthermore, our strategic and business plans have the right balance of growth and continued operational stability and excellence. During the past year, MYVISTA has improved in many areas of operational and financial performance as well as maintaining existing services, facilities and compliance to a high standard. As shown through our annual financial accounts, MYVISTA traded strongly and generated a $690,921 profit. In August last year, MYVISTA passed on a 10% wage increase to our nursing and support staff and a 5% wage increase to administration staff, demonstrating our commitment to recognising our

staffs’ achievements and fostering a harmonious and supportive work environment. As such, MYVISTA has an enviable staff retention record, with many team members achieving recognition for their notable length of service. In addition, resident, client and staff satisfaction was maintained at a high level throughout the year. In September the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency conducted an announced support visit to MYVISTA Aged Care and reviewed several of our systems and overall performance, which we passed with flying colours. On this note, special thanks goes to MYVISTA Aged Care’s Director of Nursing – Dr Mya Daw Sein, and her team for their dedication and excellence. In closing, MYVISTA’s future within the challenging and changing aged care and retirement living environment is looking very bright. We are operationally and financially strong and well managed. Our Board have their eye on the ball and are committed to expanding the MYVISTA brand in a safe and sustainable way, so that many more elderly people from the ethnic and broader communities we serve can benefit from what MYVISTA has to offer.


Our History and Ethnic Diversity MYVISTA is proudly multicultural with many of our clients and staff hailing from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. Our motto is “Our Heritage in Harmony”. In 1990, the Stirling Ethnic Aged Homes Association, now trading as MYVISTA, was formed out of the desire of Perth-based Italian, Macedonian and former Yugoslavian State communities to provide culturally appropriate low level accommodation and care to the elderly from within their communities. The six clubs included: Yugoslav Centre • Toscani Association – Perth • Vasto Club Circolor Abruzzese of WA • Siciliani Association of Western Australia • Macedonian Community of Western Australia • Macedonian Cultural Centre ‘Ilinden’ Perth WA • Today, MYVISTA boasts a rich and harmonious tapestry of ethnic diversity of residents, clients and staff. Staff speaks over 50 different languages and dialects. The profile below demonstrates our diversity:

Country of Origin Residents & Clients Staff

Country of Origin Residents & Clients Staff


– 1


– 3


43 10


– 2


1 –


9 7


– 12


1 1


8 3


– 2


3 –


– 1


1 –

New Zealand


El Salvador


– 30


4 1


5 3


– 1


– 2


2 –


1 –


2 –


1 –


1 –


– 1


– 14


– 1


– 2


– 2


1 –


3 –


65 3


– 1



– 2


MYVISTA Aged Care MYVISTA Aged care first opened its doors to seniors from the Italian, Macedonian and Yugoslavian communities on September 13, 1992 as a 40 bed low-level aged care hostel consisting of five separate houses, community facilities, landscaped grounds and a large piazza. In late 2008 MYVISTA also opened a 60 bed high-level aged care home to complement the existing 40 bed aged care hostel. Today we offer a mix of quality aged care to the ethnic and wider communities consisting of High Care, Low Care and secure Dementia Specific care, and we accommodate a total of 100 elderly people in our modern aged care facilities.

Management MYVISTA’s quality management system is process-based and governed by MYVISTA policies and procedures. The recent implementation of our Autumn Care computer software program has helped us to facilitate accurate clinical care documentation and follow clinical care practices, in addition to proving an effective communication program among staff and the health team. Many of MYVISTA’s multidisciplinary team members are from multicultural backgrounds and are committed to providing high standards of care to residents and I congratulate them on their compassion, professionalism and dedication to our organisation. Staff retention remained largely unchanged in the reporting year and no agency staff have been utilised up to date. Furthermore, MYVISTA achieved full accreditation in December 2011, and three subsequent assessment contact visits prior to August this year demonstrated excellence in maintaining an accredited and well-run facility. To facilitate our high standards, reports on quality indicators and measures are discussed at our management and quality meetings to ensure our residents’ standard of care is monitored.

Clinical Care Auditing in the clinical area is a quality improvement process which facilitates the improvement of residents’ care and outcomes through systematic reviews against Standards Criteria. As such, an ACFI team was formed in July to capture our resident care needs and subsidiary claims from the Commonwealth Government. Its implementation has been a great improvement in balancing budget and expenditure. Demand for services at MYVISTA has increased and we have a long waiting list of people wanting to receive care.


Dr Mya Daw Sein, Director of Nursing

Our Resource teams play important roles in providing excellent care and services and incorporate the following: The Continence Resource Team order supplies and •

assesses and allocates the correct usage of continence aids.

The Occupational Health and Safety Resource link team • inspects and corrects any deficits to maintain safe and hygienic environment for residents.

The Injury Management Team follows up staff accidents or • injuries.

The Aged Care Channel Resource Team equips the staff •

library with updated Aged Care Channel literature for staff education and development. Topics include clinical care, OHS related activities, management of staff and social issues.

Our activity participation data has shown that this year almost 80% of residents were involved in cognitive, psycho-social and physical activities and 20% of residents received individual therapy. Residents’ families contribute to these activities by conducting activities in their capacity as regular volunteers, and we also have a variety of cultural exchange activities ongoing with multicultural focus organisations.

Safe Environment

I have been here for 6 years and I feel good and happy here. I feel like this is my home and staff are attentive to my needs. Filomena Giannasi

MYVISTA is committed to providing a safe and secure living and working environment for all our residents and staff. The Maintenance Department ensures our residents’ environment is pleasant and secure, and our Hotel Services Department provides a quality food-safe program which also caters for special dietary requirements. In addition, our staff are provided with annual mandatory training with ongoing clinical care education sessions, as well as free vaccinations. Dr Mya Daw Sein RN, PhD Director of Nursing



MYVISTA Village MYVISTA Village was completed in 2008 with the first residents moving in during April 2008. The MYVISTA Village offers a range of two and three bedroom units, most with attached garages. High quality units encompassing security, peace of mind and a warm and welcoming living environment are essential parts of the success of our village. Residents’ often enjoy the amenity of the clubhouse, where regular functions are held, in addition to the indoor heated pool. The beauty of the lifestyle at MYVISTA Village is the sense of community spirit and the easy access residents have to friendship and social activities while at the same time retaining their privacy and independence. Tatiana Aconi, Village Manager

Very pleasingly, MYVISTA residents frequently comment on how their lifestyle has improved upon moving into our village. Over the past twelve months some new residents have chosen MYVISTA Village as their home, so on behalf of the Board of Management we extend our warmest welcome.

Our number one priority is security. Living in the village we don’t receive any intruders or door knockers, and we feel safe at night knowing that the gate is shut and if anyone wishes to enter, we can see them on a security camera on our TV screen.

The Board acknowledges and thanks the Residents’ Committee, members of which give a great deal of their time to support the village, in many ways. Furthermore, it is pleasing to report that there were many highlights during this reporting year: We welcomed Glen Gillingham who has been appointed as the new • CEO of MYVISTA.

• The Club House was extended to make room for large gatherings. The gardens were improved with the addition of new flower beds, • lawn areas and trees.

The CEO’s BBQ day was well attended and residents enjoyed a •

great afternoon of food, drinks and laughs. Pleasingly, this event will now be held quarterly.

Customer feedback is one of our most important indicators of quality. Every year residents are offered the opportunity to complete a Satisfaction Survey, the results of which are fed back to residents and to MYVISTA managers for input. The results have consistently and clearly shown residents’ high satisfaction regarding their choice to live at MYVISTA Village. In addition and very pleasingly there was a detectable improvement in satisfaction with overall services between 2012 and 2013.

Marie Leitch


MYVISTA Home Care MYVISTA Home Care consists of 40 low-level community aged care packages (CACP’s) which enables aged care services to be provided in the community into an elderly person’s home. Twenty of our CACP’s are dedicated to the provision of service to elderly people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.. MYVISTA engages Home Care Options to assist in the provision of its Home Care packages. In this way we can ensure that the services provided are culturally appropriate to each client and, wherever possible, that our staff are culturally matched to individuals. Significantly, our home care staff speak a total of 29 different languages. During the last year, home care services were provided to 61 people, 31 of which were from CALD backgrounds. The countries of origin represented were Afghanistan, Austria, Burma, Egypt, Austria, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Mauritius, Trinidad, Vietnam, South Africa and Yugoslavia. On average 26% of our clients were not able to contribute financially towards the cost of their home care package and a further 64% paid a reduced financial contribution towards the costs involved. Each one of our home care package recipients is visited by our case coordinator one to three times per year. The client and their family member/representative discuss the services provided in their home care package to ensure they meet the required needs, and that they are happy with the performance of their individual care worker/s. Service satisfaction is very important to MYVISTA, and is monitored regularly through these case meetings and surveys. In some instances, as clients begin to require more care services than are available under our low level home care packages, they are transferred to a higher level home care package. MYVISTA Home Care has had a great year and has been able to provide aged care support services to a significant number of people in their home. The Government has a strategy to increase the number and variety of home care packages available to older Australians and also to introduce more consumer involvement in the tailoring of home care to each client. Through consumer directed care and the introduction of four different levels of home care packages, (with level one being a very low level of service provision and level four being a very high level), MYVISTA will seek to increase the number and variety of packages on offer to our communities and clients over the coming years.



The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Gandhi

The wonderful facility and services we provide here at MYVISTA are the result of our staff members’ ongoing hard work and commitment to their roles, as well as our ability to work together effectively as a team. We’d like to take this opportunity to honour our numerous long-term employees for their continuing years of service to MYVISTA, their co-workers and their clients.



Tatiana Aconi – Quality Manager and Village Manager Maria Martino – AIN

Neil Charlesworth – Grounds Officer Teresa Muriniti – Domestic team member Alison Chinnery – Administration Manager Eun-Kyung Kim – Accountant Daw Sein Mya – Director of Nursing Yvonne Rodrigues – AIN

10 YEARS Helen Mascurine – Hostel Manager Maria Kovacevic – AIN Stanka Cica – Activity Coordinator


Irene Salarda – Administration Department team member Gavin Moriarty – Hotel Services Manager



2013 $8,626,814 $2,497,689 $23,282,146 $20,964,503 $55,371,152

2012 $6,615,376 $3,973,421 $23,878,943 $19,404,800 $53,872,540


Trade and Other Payables Borrowings Provisions Other Liabilities

2013 $352,219 $3,455,880 $731,184 $34,959,234 $39,498,517

2012 $282,149 $3,609,212 $693,746 $34,105,719 $38,690,826




Cash and Cash Equivalents Trade and Other Receivables Property,Plant and Equipment Investment Property

Cash and Cash Equivalents


Trade and Other Receivables


Property,Plant and Equipment


Investment Property


Trade and Other Payables






Other Liabilities




Resident Income Subsidies CACP Subsidy Interest Received Deferred Management Fee Other income Resident Income




CACP Subsidy


Interest Received


Deferred Management Fee Other income


Depreciation Expenses


Finance Cost


CACP Management Fees



2013 $4,821,509 $763,550 $88,544 $525,965 $1,419,024 $7,618,592

2012 $4,464,248 $750,375 $79,824 $481,683 $1,458,214 $7,234,344




Employee Benefits Expense Depreciation Expenses Finance Cost CACP Management Fees Other Expenses

Other Expenses

2012 $1,932,849 $3,438,425 $517,664 $348,236 $550,090 $173,194 $6,960,458



Employee Benefits Expense

2013 $2,085,179 $4,282,282 $529,525 $353,948 $799,898 $258,681 $8,309,513

17% 8%


Governance Statement Stirling Ethnic Aged Homes Association Inc MYVISTA 75 833 218 709 Stirling Ethnic Aged Homes Association Inc. trading as MYVISTA is an association incorporated under the Western Australia Associations Incorporation Act 1987 (the Act). Ultimate responsibility for the governance of the organisation rests with the Board of directors. Whilst MYVISTA is an Incorporated Association, its governance structure replicates the more stringent standards of governance required by a company limited by guarantee. This governance statement outlines how the Board meets that responsibility.

Achieving the Mission The Board’s primary role is to ensure that MYVISTAs’ activates are directed toward achieving its mission of providing care, accommodation and services to persons from ethnic origins. The Board must ensure that this mission is achieved in the most efficient and effective way possible, whilst preserving and promoting MYVISTAs’ reputation and objectives as defined in our constitution and in our statement of mission, vision and values.

Monitoring management’s progress in • achieving the strategic plan;

Monitoring MYVISTAs’ financial •

performance, including management’s adherence to operating and capital budgets;

Identification of significant business risks • and ensuring effective strategies are in place to manage these risks;

Ensuring that there are adequate •

systems of internal control to address risk management together with appropriate monitoring of compliance activities;

Putting in place a suite of delegations, • policies and procedures;

Ensuring MYVISTAs’ financial viability, • solvency and sustainability;

Ensuring stakeholders receive regular • reports, including financial reports;

Ensuring the efforts of volunteers and • staff are appropriately recognised;

Ensuring the organisation complies with • relevant legislation and regulations;

Specific Responsibilities of the Board

Acting as an advocate for MYVISTA •

The Board fulfils its primary role by: Formulating MYVISTAs’ strategic plan in • conjunction with the chief executive and the senior management;

Selecting, appointing, guiding and •

monitoring the performance of the chief executive;

Developing and maintaining MYVISTAs’ • ethical standards;

Ensuring optimal succession planning is •

in place for the role of chief executive and senior management positions;

Approving operating and capital budgets • formulated by the chief executive and management;


whenever and wherever necessary.

Management’s Responsibility The Board has formally delegated responsibility tor MYVISTAs’ day to day operations and administration to the chief executive and executive management. MYVISTA’s executive management team comprises of the chief executive officer, the director of nursing and the finance manager. The chief executive officer provides the leadership of the management team and the organisation. The chief executive officer is also responsible for achieving the results set out in the strategic plan and is authorised by the Board to put in place policies and practices, take decisions and actions and initiate activities to achieve those results.

The Board are responsible for setting the chief executive officer’s remuneration and guidelines for the remuneration of the management team. The chief executive officer sets the remuneration for the management team within those guidelines.

The Board is also responsible for ensuring the right mix of Board skills experience and expertise is continuously available to MYVISTA through appropriate succession planning.

Board Oversight The Board oversees and monitors management’s performance by: Meeting at least six times during the year • Receiving detailed financial and other reports from • management at these meetings

Board and committee members receive written advice of the terms and conditions of their appointment and complete a structured induction program when first appointed. Board and committee members’ knowledge of the business is maintained by regular visits to MYVISTA operations, management presentation and access to continuing education programs as necessary. The performance of individual Board and committee members and the Board and Board committees is assessed annually.

Receiving additional information and input from • management when necessary

Overseeing particular aspects of MYVISTAs’ •

The Chair

operations and administration.

Board committees operate under a charter approved by the Board. These charters are reviewed annually and updated as necessary.

The chair of the Board is elected by the Board. The key internal roles of the chair are to: Ensure the Board provides vision and guidance to • MYVISTA

Board Members

Ensure Board meetings are effective • Ensure the Board considers matters in a timely, •

All Board members are non-executive directors and receive no remuneration for their services. They may be reimbursed for reasonable costs and expenses incurred in connection with Board activities.

transparent basis

Guide the effectiveness and development of the •

MYVISTA’s constitution provides an indemnity to directors. Appropriate director’s indemnity insurance has been put in place. The company’s constitution specifies:

Board and individual directors.

There must be no less than five and no more than • eight directors

No employees of the company, including the chief • executive, can be a director of the company

Details of the current Board members can be viewed on the company’s website, The Board oversees the appointment and induction process for directors and committee members. Recommendations for appointment are made to ensure the Board has the right mix of skills, experience and expertise.

Externally, the chair acts as spokesperson for MYVISTA in conjunction with the chief executive and consults and communicates with stakeholders.

Risk Management The Board oversees the establishment, implementation and annual review of MYVISTAs’ risk management system, which is designed to protect the organisation’s reputation and mitigate and manage those risks that might preclude it from achieving its goals. Management is responsible for establishing and implementing the risk management system which assesses monitors and manages operational, financial reporting and compliance risks. The Board


Board Review

is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the risk management system between annual reviews. The Board reviews compliance, including fundraising legislation, Incorporated Associations legislation requirements and our taxation status. All breaches of policies other than HR policies are required to be reported to the Baord. Legal risk is monitored, reviewed and managed by MYVISTAs’ legal advisers.

Independent Advice The Board have access to advice on legal, investment and taxation matters. The Board has approved risk and return parameters for investment and receives reports from management regarding the performance of the investment portfolio.

Ethical Standards and Code of Conduct

The Board invites an external consultant to conduct a Board review from time to time. The purpose of the review is to identify issues relating to the skills, behaviour, relationships or practices that may be inhibiting the Board from being fully effective. The Board believes that constructive feedback from an external expert helps the Board address the nature of the services and environment within which MYVISTA operates.

Involving Stakeholders MYVISTA has many stakeholders, including those we care for and their families, our donors and benefactors, our staff and volunteers, the broader community, the government agencies that provide funds and regulate our operations, and our suppliers.

Board members, senior executives and staff are expected to comply with relevant laws and the codes of conduct of relevant professional bodies and to act with integrity, compassion, fairness and honesty at all times when dealing with colleagues, sufferers and others who are stakeholders in our mission. Board and committee members and staff are made aware of MYVISTAs’ ethical standards, code of conduct and conflicts of interest policy during their induction to the organisation and are provided with a copy of both documents at that time.


Volunteers, Contributors and Acknowledgements


The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. Oscar Wilde

Miloslav Velebir Mihai Sica Franca Roberti Christopher Ross Anna-Maria Di Salvio Caterina Carlino Giouse Marini Caterina Fazzari Antonia Pinjaudi Antonio Scala Dorothy Sackville Silvia Kuzmanovich Sasa Stojanovic Eugenia Mavromatidis Dina Di Benedetto Michelina Cicchini Adua Santareli Arcadia Laconikos Maria Gilieno Bryan Smallwood Grazia Grandia Calogera Amato Pia Peroni Geoffrey Harland John Glenevich Irina Naoumova Koralyn Ronchi Grazia Oliveri Maria Di Florio Moira Locke Franca Scalisa Luigi Scalisi Mary Vlahov-Musin



Rosina Germano Vasiliki Peovitis MariaRosaVinciguerra Tony Vallelonga Bernie Martinovich Rod Constantine Danny Kuzmanovich Nick Catania Pamela Iseppi Ray Paolucci Angelo Scatena Antonio Carmignani Nick Karsakis Peter Sermon Mary Vlahov-Musin Arthur Bogoias

Donators Carlo Miniello Leo Arrigo John Murray Vicky Peovitis

Donor Slip

Yes! Please accept my gift below to provide support and possibilities to the clients of MYVISTA.

STEP 1 Please choose your donation amount This is a one off donation for the following amount:




or my choice $

OR This is a direct debit request for: A donation of $

per week/fortnight/month/year

Commencing ____/____/____

STEP 2 Please choose your preferred payment method

STEP 3 Donation Method

Please find enclosed a cheque/money order made payable to MYVISTA Aged Care Facility

If you would prefer to phone through your donation please call (08) 9207 4666 to speak to a real person straight away

I/We request Stirling Ethnic Aged Care Association Inc. (MYVISTA) to arrange for funds to be debited from my/our nominated account at the financial institution shown below.

Email your form to us Fold up and seal this coupon then post to The Chief Executive Officer, Stirling Ethnic Aged Care Association Inc., 11 Nugent Street, Balcatta WA 6021

Name and Branch of Financial Institution BSB No. Account No.

Return by Fax (08) 9207 4677

Signature Date

YOUR DETAILS Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Dr /Other Organisation First Name


Address P/code Phone (Home)

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Fax Mobile Email Website

I am Interested in becoming a corporate sponsor

I am interested in joining your team of volunteers, please send me more information

Please send me further Information on Bequests

I am interested in becoming a “Friend of MYVISTA�, please send me more information

Donations of more than $2.00 are tax deductible. A receipt will be sent to you shortly. Thank you. 22 ABN 75 833 218 709

Very happy, I feel like MYVISTA is my family. I enjoy this place as if it were my home.

Filomena DiLatte

We have no complaints, we always receive full cooperation and help from management and staff. The girls in the office are great. Living in the village is like having one big family. It’s great to be able to involve myself in activities and functions. Nola Dimes

I feel so at peace here. Living in this village offers great security, I never feel alone, they let me bring my dog, I have access to a pool, the shopping bus is great for me to go out with everyone once a week to get what we need, we have a 24 hour call button which means if there is any trouble I can get assistance instantly. There is such a great sense of community spirit here, I get so much fulfilment from living in this place and I am very content. I also get to do volunteer work at the MYVISTA aged care centre, which helps me to give back to the community. Dorothy Sackville


I have never been so happy. I love Stanka, she is the best! Sophia Andreou


MYVISTA Aged Care Facility, 11 Nugent Street Balcatta WA 6021 Ph (08) 9207 4666 | E | Fx (08) 9207 4677

ABN 75 833 218 709 Š 2013 All Rights Reserved. Stirling Ethnic Aged Homes Association Inc.

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