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Grape damage to be surveyed post polar vortex
from The Grower July 2023
by The Grower
Nova Scotia vineyards experienced the full brunt of a polar vortex on February 4 and 5, 2023, with bud-damaging temperatures as cold as -25°C.

“We are still assessing the impact of the polar vortex event but preliminary bud viability analysis is indicating about 65 per cent bud loss in our L’Acadie blocks,” wrote Bruce Ewart, L’Acadie Vineyards, Gaspereau, Nova Scotia at the time of the event.
Fast forward several months.
Perennia’s Viticulture Team is working to assess the effects of the polar vortex on the grape and wine industry in Nova Scotia. Injury has been reported across the entire province; however, the magnitude of the injury is not the same at all locations and is not the same for all cultivars. For this reason, it is very important to collect data on the impact on vineyard operations and practices that have or anticipate being undertaken beyond normal practices to recover, renew or even replant vineyards that have been damaged.
Most growers have indicated in general terms that not all cultivars and not all blocks have been affected to the same degree. For this reason, block and cultivar specific data needs to be collected by vineyard owners/managers to document increased costs and efforts (labour) for each block.
Source: Perennia grape blog May 26, 2023