The Grower November 2013

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Quality crop needs to yield quality pricing KAREN DAVIDSON Richard Feenstra, last year’s spokesperson for apple crop loss, is this year’s demonstrator for new harvest equipment. With Golden Delicious ready to be picked, he’s much happier than when he showed frost-toasted buds to Ontario’s ag minister in his Beamsville, Ontario orchard. “In Ontario, the crop is widely variable,” reports Brian Gilroy, chair, Ontario Apple Growers. “For some, it’s the best crop and for others, they were challenged by spring frost and hail. Volume is average to above-average with excellent flavoured fruit that I would call explosively crisp.” However, Gilroy’s tone turns stormy when it comes to prices, saying that retailers have resisted paying more for this year’s quality crop despite consumers’ willingness to pay more for last year’s short crop. Feeling frustrated by 10 cents per pound hand-picked apples and lack of profile in store flyers, Gilroy says, “It would be great to get promoted.” Across the country, other apple growers are taking their licks from weather while investing in new varieties and technology. Extreme weather has touched British Columbia orchards, with spring frosts and unusually timed hail storms. “Volumes will be down significantly,” says Glen

INSIDE Thumbs up for greenhouse growth

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Media-savvy tips from B.C. grower

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Seed and rootstock Section B P.M. 40012319 $3.00 CDN

Ontario growers are relishing this fall’s apple harvest after last season’s frost bit 80 per cent of the crop. No one is happier than Richard Feenstra who agreed to a trial run with a new Orsi platform supplied by Provide Agro. Note the yellow frubox. Easier to unload into the bin, this false-bottomed, padded crate holds three-quarters of a bushel of apples. Here, Feenstra and workers are picking Golden Delicious apples in his high-density Mountainview Orchard at Beamsville, Ontario. Photo by Denis Cahill.

Lucas, B.C. Fruit Growers’ Association. “About 20 per cent from normal,” he adds. That translates into a 140 million pound crop. Okanagan Valley growers experienced hail so early that the crop hadn’t set yet, disqualifying them from crop insurance. Just before harvest, another hail storm hit the Kelowna area breaking two rules of thumb: no worries from hail when evenings are cooler and no worries from hail after September 15. There are no norms anymore. Despite these setbacks, the variety mix may tell a more encouraging story. Lucas explains that an aggressive replant program of the popular Ambrosia now makes up 15 per cent of the B.C. crop. Royal Gala comprises 40 per cent. Washington state, on the other hand, is still heavy on Red Delicious apples whereas B.C.’s portion has dropped to seven per cent. The high-value Honeycrisp has not taken off in B.C. due to its

high maintenance requirements. “It’s not a grower-friendly apple,” says Lucas. “It’s an apple that requires higher colour and more finish. The wood tends to be brittle begging more pruning care.” Honeycrisp is not making inroads in Quebec either says Stephanie Levasseur, vicepresident, Quebec Apple Producers’ Federation. “Galas are popular and traditional varieties of Cortland, Spartan and

Empire are stable.” Quebec growers are generally happy with an aboveaverage crop in volume and quality. About 5.8 million bushels are predicted – that’s about 235 million pounds. With plenty of rainfall all summer, apples sized well. While prices are not as high as last year, they did not sag to pre-2012 levels. “We’re getting $16 for bagged apples and $20 for tray-packed apples.” Further to the east, Annapolis Valley growers are pleased with a high-quality, well-coloured crop that will tally about 2.1 million bushels. “Nova Scotia growers continue to pursue higher-value varieties such as Honeycrisp, Gala and Ambrosia,” says Robert Peill, president, Nova Scotia Fruit Growers’ Association. “Some of

the club varieties such as Sonya are making an appearance.” While some growers are moving to high-density orchards, they are using platforms for mostly off-season work such as thinning and pruning. “But in the back of everyone’s mind is that they should be careful how to set up new blocks, because platforms are in the future,” says Peill. Ontario Apple Growers have conducted some preliminary work on labour-saving platforms, reporting the following efficiencies: hand thinning (46%); summer pruning (25%); tying tree leaders (77%); and harvesting (18%). On a payback schedule, larger acreages will reap the rewards fastest. With a mix of technologies, imagine how apple orchards will be transformed in the next five years. Despite tremendous investment in new varieties, highdensity systems and automation, growers would be more encouraged by owning the domestic market amongst retailers.

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