Behind innovation, robots are ahead of the pack KAREN DAVIDSON $14 dollars per hour? In the counties, that dog won’t hunt. But urban rallies staged in the dog days of Ontario’s summer raised the spectre of that minimum wage rate, no doubt a starting point for negotiating upwards from $10.25. It’s a jarring reminder that horticulture needs to automate as quickly as possible. In a timely release, the Horticulture Value Chain Roundtable (HVCRT) reported this summer that 79 per cent of surveyed respondents – 241 from British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec – rated their operation to be “somewhat” or “not” automated. Labour costs comprise more than 41 per cent of total operational expenses for a third of the respondents. The primary reason for not adopting automation technologies was that capital investment was too high. Others said that appropriate technology simply isn’t available. “When you read the entire report, I think it breaks down the myths that labour-saving technology is too expensive,” says Brian Gilroy, chair of the HVCRT subcommittee on innovation. “If you look at the list of technology currently available, some of it has return on investment in under four years.”
INSIDE Sun shines on OFVGA tour
Page 6
Potatoes: Stabilizing a staple Page 11 Focus: New equipment and technology Page 13
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With the Ontario government ruminating about raising the minimum wage, horticulture is facing unprecedented pressure from within domestic borders and abroad. That’s why a report on labour-saving technologies for horticulture is so timely. One grower who is slashing labour costs is Chris Hedges. He is well advanced in establishing a tall spindle system in his Vanessa, Ontario apple orchard. For his in-depth story on reducing pruning, thinning and harvesting costs, go to the New Equipment and Technology section on page 14. Photos by Glenn Lowson. Chris Hedges, a banker turned farmer, agrees with the survey’s consensus that three to five years is a reasonable payback period for innovative technology. He calculates that his investment in 120 acres of tall spindle apple orchard near Vanessa, Ontario pays back in three years. He also testifies that apple quality improves at the same time. His findings echo a case study of a mid-sized apple orchard in the state-of-the-industry HVCRT report, “A Review of Labour-Saving Technologies for Horticulture.” It was commissioned and funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and authored by the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre. (A copy of the report is posted at www.vinelandresearch.com) The report says some of the industry’s challenges are due to small size compared to competitors. Ontario’s largest peach grower, for example, farms
When you read the
entire report, I think it
breaks down the myths that labour-saving technology is too expensive.” ~ Brian Gilroy
500 acres while in California, a single peach grower may control 4,000 acres. Big or small, it’s still surprising how many technological challenges remain. Robotic arms are standard in automobile plants, yet this technology has yet to migrate to labour-dependent and time-sensitive horticulture. Robotics are a pivotal area confirms Jim Brandle, Vineland’s CEO. Where Vineland is most active is in controlled environments such as planting, packing and packaging. One of Vineland’s interests is to develop systems that get produce into packages without too many people touching the product. For robots to succeed in harvesting and packaging, the report points out that technical improvements are needed in vision systems and gripping. Priority should be placed on these areas because they apply to a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Vineland’s caveat,
however, is that the image system and processing software must match the performance of a human harvester, both in speed and effectiveness. The orderly rows in greenhouses would seem to offer a perfect home for robots. But consider the cucumber sector. The highest labour cost is not in harvesting, but rather in winding, pruning and thinning the vines. And then the sector subdivides into full-size as well as mini-cucumbers, challenging researchers yet again on dimensions. For any research team to succeed, a grower must be embedded to explain the commodity-specific production cycle.