Lessons learned on the relationship between water and soil
Let it rain. Even if it’s manmade rain, pumped through overhead lines. At Schuyler Farms Limited, this droughty summer has been hard on orchards but fortunately, a spring-fed pond is on tap. Although rain was in the forecast, Brett Schuyler, Simcoe, Ontario, generously primed the pumps on August 15 to show an apple tailgate tour how the system works on 95 acres of Gala apples. Photos by Glenn Lowson.
Cheers to potato country
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Temporary water permits issued in Ontario pg 12 Focus: New equipment and technology pg 14 Volume 66 Number 09 P.M. 40012319 $3.00 CDN
Doubling up, doubling down. That’s been the case for Brett Schuyler and family whose apple acres have doubled in the last six years to 600. Situated near Simcoe, Ontario, the farm is fortunate in having access to a spring-fed pond. What’s more unusual for Ontario is that the farm has set up overhead pipes for irrigation, using the layout left behind from an original vegetable farm. They have made a difference during this droughty summer in nourishing newly planted orchards and in sizing apples for harvest. “From my perspective, the Great Lakes area is in a sweet spot for water compared to California,” says Schuyler. Stewarding water also means adjusting water rates for the specific soil type. The Schuyler’s have invested heavily in soil mapping and
precision technology to give just enough fertilizer, just enough water according to topography. Fox sand has cropping limitations, whereas Brantford silt loam is more forgiving. Even apple rootstock is selected to suit certain soil types. All of these considerations have affected orchard layout. Red Delicious apples, for instance, are slow-growing trees which do better on productive soil. On the other hand, McIntosh apples have done well on sandy soil while Honeycrisp varieties do better in a loamy soil. The overhead watering system has been put into gear in recent years for overhead frost protection for 90 acres. The pipes are set up on 60 foot by 60 foot centers. Just a decade ago, none of this planning would be part of apple orchard management. Investment in high-density orchards requires more
From my perspective, the Great Lakes area is in a sweet spot for water compared to California.
management of all resources. Computer-generated soil mapping, better understanding of apple rootstocks and systems to meter water on an as-needed basis are integrated. After such a water-thirsty summer in Ontario, parts of Quebec, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, all growers will be evaluating how to prepare for the 2017 crop. Deanna Németh, horticulture sustainability specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) says “The best way to prepare following a dry season, is to take a recent soil sample for planning next year’s nutrition
~ Brett Schuyler
program.” Because nutrient uptake may be less under extended dry soil conditions, there may be some nutrients in reserve for the following crop year. Plan to take a soil sample either post harvest 2016 or early spring 2017 to get a good estimate of the remaining nutrients for the 2017 cropping season. Christoph Kessel, soil fertility specialist-horticulture, OMAFRA, describes how extended periods of very dry soil conditions can reduce nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium availability to plants. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3