The Guardsman, Vol. 165, Issue 2. City College of San Francisco

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Vol. 165, Issue 2 | Feb. 7– Feb. 20, 2018 | City College of San Francisco | Since 1935 | FREE

Protest choirs over Board of Trustees meeting By Victor Tence

Protesting the cancellation of a collaborative leadership development class, members of La Colectiva de Mujeres (The Women's Collective) disrupted City College’s Board of Trustees meeting on Jan. 25 with a singin. As the trustees returned from the closed session portion of the meeting, the group entered the main room carrying large signs and approached the trustees while singing loudly. The cancelled labor and community studies class 104A, Work Tales, focuses on helping students craft their personal experiences and challenges at work into a narrative to be shared with the public. While the class was open to all students, the majority of those enrolled came through partnerships with unions and community organizations such as the Day Labor Program, of which La Colectiva de Mujeres is a partner. La Colectiva de Mujeres was founded in 1991 to bring immigrant workers off the street corners and into safer, more dignified environments. Members are provided opportunities to work, training in better work conditions, safe and effective cleaning techniques, and understanding of their workers’ rights. Bill Shields, chair of the Labor and Community Studies department and instructor of the cancelled class, also participated in the protest. He called the cancellation “an attack on our students and our program,” and criticized the inconsistent application of the administration's policy on lowenrollment class cancellation. Tom Boegel, Interim Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, said the class was cancelled because

Nurse Practitioner Paula Cahill gives Cameron Ehring an influenza vaccine at Student Health Services on Jan. 24, 2018. Photo courtesy of George Martiniano.

Flu season exhausts vaccine supplies By Cameron Ehring

La Colectiva de Mujeres (The Women's Collective)" gather at the office of the Day Labor Program to plan their protest of the cancellation of the labor studies class Working Tales, on Jan. 22, 2018 Photo Victor Tence/ The Guardsman

only eight students were enrolled at the time. “A determination was made that enrollment was not likely to rise significantly in the last few days of registration.” However, in an email dated Jan. 12, Shields told Boegel and Yee that 25 students were ready to enroll upon reactivation of the class. Shields said the policy for cancelling low-enrollment classes has been applied inconsistently across departments. “Some deans are saying, ‘you got this date to get this many students.’ Other deans are saying, ‘go ahead, build your enrollment.’ Jill Yee was particularly harsh on this. It’s unfair because it’s not consistent and we know of several classes below 10 students that weren’t let go,” Shields said. Yee declined to comment, saying she was instructed by the administration not to take any interviews or answer any questions. Shields said that he and community groups invested in the class were shut out from meetings to discuss reactivating the course.

La Colectiva de Mujeres (The Women's Collective) gather at the office of the Day Labor Program to plan their protest of the cancellation of the labor studies class Working Tales, on Jan. 22, 2018. Photo Victor Tence/ The Guardsman

Members of the San Francisco labor movement see the school’s handling of this class as an affront to the work and support that unions have provided City College in the past. In a letter addressed to Chancellor Rocha, Mike Casey, president of the San Francisco labor council—which includes City College’s American Federation of Teachers Local 2121—wrote, “The labor movement threw down heavy over the past few years to keep City College accredited and help drive the free City College movement… and this is how college administrators re-pay that support?” Jeff Hamilton, a City College spokesperson, said, “Tom Boegel, has reviewed the situation and determined that the decision is consistent with our procedures regarding the monitoring of Spring 2018 class enrollments and the AFT collective bargaining agreement.” Boegel also declined to comment for this story. For five years, the Work Tales class was an integral component of the collective’s leadership and advocacy training. The class provided a space for the women to tell their stories of coming from Latin America and trying to establish themselves in the U.S., often without documentation. Two members of the collective who had previously taken the class, Erica Chavez and Lordes Dobarganes, used what they learned to share the story of their struggles at an immigrant workers’ rally in Washington, D.C. “The class helped us express that we—domestic workers— exist,” Dobarganes said. “We are human beings and we deserve respect. We want to be visible.”

At the peak of California’s influenza season, only a few dozen flu shots remained at Student Health Services as of Jan. 31, according to staff members. Paula Cahill, a nurse practitioner at Student Health Services, said City College ordered 600 shots for this year’s flu season to give away for free on a first-comefirst-serve basis, and 100 additional shots available for sale. All 600 of the free shots had been used before New Year’s, and at the time of this article, only 36 of the shots available for sale remained. Until supplies are exhausted, the few remaining flu shots are available for purchase at $15 for students, and $20 for faculty and staff. Health care professionals say the vaccine is still the best way to safeguard against the virus, and it can help reduce the intensity of the symptoms if contracted. Valerie Carlese, an industrial design student, was one of the 600 students who received a free vaccine last semester. She was initially wary of receiving the vaccine, but said “the nurses were sweet, patient and they explained the whole vaccine.” Valerie added that she plans to get another shot next flu season. Last flu season, 480 shots were made available to the 70,000 students of City College at no cost,

and according to Cahill, every last one was used. Debra Giusto, chair of the registered nursing program, said a virus like this one can survive on surfaces for up to 24 hours. “It’s the simple things,” she said, “like handwashing and cough n’ cover” that will prevent disease from spreading. However, she warned that an aggressive virus can spread despite good hygiene practices. Giusto explained how densely populated areas are hit the hardest during the progression of a seasonal flu, so areas like San Francisco will always be on high alert for the spread of infectious disease. While some students may be tempted to reach for a bottle of antibiotics leftover from their last sore throat, Cahill cautioned that “antibiotics won’t work against the flu.” She recommends staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, and getting a flu shot –even if you’ve already battled the flu this season. Antiviral medication is sometimes prescribed for flu patients, but only if the infection is caught in its initial stages. Otherwise, anyone infected should stay at home in an effort to limit further spread of the virus. Health care professionals expect the flu to last through February, and possibly into March.

Nurse Paula Cahill standing in front of Student Health Services with a vial of the influenza vaccine on Jan. 24, 2018. Photo by Cameron Ehring/The Guardsman

Editor's Note The Guardsman welcomes your story ideas, tips, and calendar items! Email:, or call (415) 239-3446.

2 | NEWS

Vol. 165, Issue 2 | Feb. 7– Feb. 20, 2018

Fire code violating door locks remain By Victor Tence

City College administration was unaware that door barricade devices—that were known to be fire code violations at the time of their installation and were slated for removal in November—were still installed in classrooms as late as Jan. 29. City College installed the door barricade locks in response to an armed kidnapping event that took place in 2015. The neighborhood newspaper Ingleside-Excelsior Light used public record requests to demonstrate that the locks were in violation of the fire code when they were installed. Emails obtained by the IE Light showed the school was aware that such devices required permission from the fire marshal, which they did not obtain. Faculty in the Mission and Ocean campuses noticed that the foot-activated door locks had begun disappearing from their classrooms in early December, less than a month after the IE Light published their story on Nov. 8. Faculty members said the devices were removed without any explanation or notification from administration. Emails obtained by The Guardsman show faculty members asking each other in confusion if anyone knew why the safety devices were disappearing before someone posted a link to the recently published IE Light story. City College spokesperson Jeff

Hamilton told The Guardsman in an email dated Jan. 26 that “we have removed all barricade devices in our classrooms as requested by the San Francisco Fire Department.” However, The Guardsman found numerous fully functional barricade locks remained in classrooms as late as Jan. 29. Reuben Smith, the new interim vice chancellor for facilities who joined City College in January, said he was surprised to find that the fire code violating locks had not been fully addressed. “I was under the assumption when I got here that they were all removed from the classroom,” Smith said. “I did a spot inspection and I didn’t see any of them, so I assumed they were removed.” However, Smith said a campus carpenter later found more of them installed and had them removed. Smith encourages students who see door barricade locks to report the device through the Schooldude work order system on the City College website. City college has not abandoned the idea of implementing a type of barricading device as part of its campus safety infrastructure. “Our vice chancellor for facilities is working with our police chief on acquiring new security devices that are fire code compliant,” said Hamilton. Smith was hesitant to provide a timeline or budget for the installation of the new door barricades as his team is still assessing the

Hundreds of fire code violating door barricade devices are now being stored in the Ocean Campus maintenance shop after their removal from classroom and office doors. Jan. 29. 2018 Photo by Victor Tence/The Guardsman

scope of the project, taking into account the wide variety of door types, frames and mechanisms that exist across the campus.


Dina Redman, MPH. PhD, LCSW Weds.12:00 pm-1:00 pm, Feb. 7th — Mar. 14th

FREE Support Groups – Spring 2018 Support groups for credit students start the week of February 5, 2018. Groups are held the same time each week for approximately twelve weeks with the exception of Stress Reduction and Communication in Relationships, which will be 2 shorter groups.

THE TEA GROUP: Transformation through Empowerment & Affirming Action Cecilia Nepomuceno, PhD Mon. 2:00-3:30pm, starts Feb..5th

PROCRASTINATION – STOP WAITING AROUND! Sam Edwards, LCSW Wed. 3:00-4:00 pm, starts Feb. 7th

To pre-register come to Student Health, HC-100 or call 415.239.3110, or come to the first session.(*Intake required ahead of time for the TEA group, see below).


Groups accept new members the first two sessions. For more information and group descriptions, please visit the CCSF Student Health Services website.


Sam Edwards, LCSW Thurs. 2:00-3:00 pm, starts Feb. 8th

Held at the QRC-Queer Resource Center Bayla Travis, PsyD & Anna Bartko, MA Tues. 2:00-3:00 pm, starts Feb. 6th


Clare Willis, PsyD & Alonzo Lamas, MA Thur. 12:00-1:00 pm, starts Feb. 8th


Editor-in-Chief Bethaney Lee News Editor Michael Toren

Culture Editor Adina Pernell Opinion Editor Chelsea Crumpler Sports Editor Peter J. Suter

Photo Editor Janeth R. Sanchez Lead Copy Editor Quip Johnson Design Director Mindy Walters

“It would probably fall into next year,” he said. “Best case scenario, we can have a summer project... The one thing I don’t want to do

is upset any of the instruction for the spring semester.”

College recognizes students' chosen name for first time By Bethaney Lee

Students' fight for the right to be called by their chosen name at City College has been won. Starting this semester, students can now submit a form to the Office of Admissions and Records to inform the school of the first name they would preferred to be called. The change would render legal first names switched to a preferred first name on class role sheets, Web4 and Canvas. The forms provide a pivotal step towards preferred name in the classroom but still come with limitations. Though internally a student’s name can be switched to the use of a preferred one; school identification cards, financial aid records and diplomas will still

Designers Hope Miranda Online Editor Laurie Maemura Staff Writers Cory Holt

be issued with the student’s legal name. Students who already have a legal name change are advised to fill out a request for a change in directory information which can be handed in to the Office Admission and Records. This will ensure all documents are switched to the correct legal name used by the student. Program Manager of Health Education and Gender Diversity Project Coordinator, Andrew Ciscel, sent out an email Jan. 19 that said, “We have a huge success in institutional change for transaffirming education and support services here at City College!” Ciscel added, “This first name change option will also benefit many students beyond trans and gender variant folks.”

Sarah Lapidus Hope Miranda Rachael Nguyen Victor Tence Michelle Xu

NEWS | 3

Vol. 165, Issue 2 | Feb. 7– Feb. 20, 2018

Board of Trustees elects new president By Michael Toren

The City College Board of Trustees voted unanimously to elect a new president and vice president on Jan. 25 for the 2018 calendar year. Outgoing President Thea Selby presented flowers to the new board president, Brigitte Davila, and vice president, Alex Randolph. “I find it very be elected as an openly gay, black trustee to the role of vice president,” Randolph said. “I think it’s extra special during a time like this, where our city and our country is under siege by a racist administration, to have three leaders of color. We have a Latino chancellor, a Latina president and an African American vice president,” Randolph added, to cheers from the audience. He said it demonstrated what San Francisco values were. “I want to thank the board for their confidence in me, and also thank Thea Selby for all of her work in a very trying year,” said Davila. “I hope I can do as good of a job as you.” One of the more challenging decisions the board faced last year was the selection of a new chancellor. “We stuck together as a board because we thought that this chancellor was the best thing for our college, not that we thought it was going to be particularly well accepted by the close community,” Selby said. “I thank Chancellor Rocha for his leadership and for his patience. We do not always agree. There are I think what people say is ‘robust discussions’—which means you’re fighting with each other,” she said with a smile. “But I always felt respected, and I always felt that my opinion was listened to.”

Staff Illustrators Quip Johnson Mindy Walters Photographers Eric Nomburg Franchon Smith

Veronica Steiner Faculty Adviser Juan Gonzales

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Vol. 165, Issue 2 | Feb. 7– Feb. 20, 2018

Campus alum takes stage in Megabytes the musical By Rachael Nguyen and Janeth R. Sanchez

City College alumni, Lisa McHenry, is performing at the Shelton Theater in “Megabytes! The Musical,” a revue written and directed by Morris Bobrow, whose long-running musical revues offer unique comedic shows that have gained the attention of fans and critics alike. The revue is a montage of over 20 scenes about the world of technology and all of its relatable frustrations. A total of four actors switched off playing a multitude of roles within these comedic skits that reflect on the imperfections of technology in our society. Inescapable real world complications derived from technology impeding on social norms are highlighted throughout the play, each consisting of brand new characters. The first scene introduces actors David Goodwin, Deborah Russo, Kim Larsen, and Lisa McHenry to the stage with their faces buried in their smartphones! While being obsessively engrossed in their technology, the characters bump into each other because they aren’t paying attention to their surroundings. Bobrow’s humor offers a perspective of complications anyone can encounter in this world of tech. At the end of each punchline packed song, the lights dim down for the actors to prepare to act as a new character. “It’s unusual to get to work for a music revue and act as so many different characters in such a short amount of time,” McHenry said. “That’s what I really love about Morrie’s work is that I get to do so much.” The powerhouse vocalist, who earned her AA in Liberal arts at City College, confessed that she started out in the music department with Dr. Judy Hubbell and Dr. Dilworth. When asked what she hoped the audience walked away with after the show, McHenry said, “I'd like them to think about how much fun they had here without technology for an hour.” The show continued to touch base with typical social frustrations members of an audience encounter. Everything from cell phones ringing during performances, being on vacation desperately searching for Wi-Fi and 8 yearolds tech experts were mentioned. It’s commendable how many different aspects of technology usage were packed into one show. “It’s fun to play with the words he (Morrie) gives us,” Goodwin said. One of Goodwin’s characters struggled trying to use Photoshop to edit the prospective picture for his online dating profile. When asked if his personal relationship with technology relates closely to the script Goodwin said, “I’m online dating. It’s not pretty.” The depicted anxieties

continue in a scene acted by Russo, in which a woman sits in disarray, hunched over her laptop unable to meet password requirements. She sings, “You can’t use an English word, because the word can be inferred, and then come other rigid rules that make you swear a lot.” Other scenes in the musical exemplify society’s obsession with technology by making fun of wearable technology, text abbreviations and the fear of hitting the “send” button on emails. Babrow pokes fun at the increasing multitude of apps by thinking of the unthinkable –an app that lets you skip church. Larsen’s character pitches “Priest in Your Pocket.” How does it work? “Easy, you just press and confess,” Larsen says. Bobrow confessed later that his personal relationship with technology is “primarily frustration,” and that's what helped him to develop inspiration for the revue. “These are just basic human frustrations we all experience, I don’t care how smart you are, or how good you are with technology, all these situations apply to everybody –including techies,” he said. Bobrow has written and directed several revues that were also montages built off a specific theme. A suggestion to write about technology served as inspiration for “Megabytes!”, driving him to draft a list of his pet peeves. “That’s what the material comes out of –my own personal experiences, anxieties and various situations that are depicted in the show [...] You can tell from the laughs that people are relating to it,” Bobrow said. In the real world outside of the play, City College students who were approached for candid interviews about technology and its place in our world seemed to agree with the points that Bobrow made in “Megabytes!”. City College Physics major, Joshua Marcia, admitted that even tech users face frustrations using technology. His main gripe is that hardwares don’t always last through their software updates – specially for Apple products. “People depend too much on technology, they don’t know how to detach themselves and become independent. Technology can also develop superficial relationships,” said Marcia. Guillermo Rodriguez is a City College Mechanical Engineer major and encountered no problems with tech usage: “Technology can be used to improve distance communication, but also replaces face to face interactions.” “Megabytes!” adds classic humor to a modern topic that mirrors viewpoints that students like Marcia and Rodriguez share. Bobrow believes that just using technology is frustrating, but that everything else about it is beneficial for millennials. Regardless of your knowledge of technology, “Megabytes! The

Musical” touches base on humorous issues anyone could relate to –even techies! It invites you to

unplug for an evening of musical fun inspired by the vision of the award winning Morris Bobrow.

The musical will run on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. from now through March 3.

The cast of Megabytes from left to right: Kim Larsen, David Goodwin, Lisa McHenry and Deborah Russo after performing at the Shelton Theater last Saturday January 27, 2018. Photo by Janeth R. Sanchez/The Guardsman.


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Vol. 165, Issue 2 | Feb. 7– Feb. 20, 2018


City College prepares to showcase spring trends Michelle Xu

Fashion fanatics come from all around but there’s one unifying event that brings them together at one place and time, Fashion Week. Although many Fashion Week shows happen all over the world, the events often take place in the top fashion capitals, known popularly as the “Big Four”: New York, London, Paris and Milan. Twice a year, popular brands showcase their latest collections where intricately planned runway shows feature high-end designers’ offerings such as Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana and Balenciaga. Runway models bring their designers’ new and compelling collections to life, culminating the season’s list of trends. The spring looks are already in play during the fall, so by January, renowned fashionistas are talking about what to wear for fall and winter. These people are the ones in the know –prominent stars such as Rihanna, whose own Fenty x Puma 2018 fashion show inspired fierce individuality on Sept. 10, 2017, and famous social media personalities like Cameron Dallas, who swaggered down the runway of Dolce & Gabbana’s fall/winter men’s fashion show on Jan.13 of this year. Style devotees, local trendsetters, bloggers and fashion students also look forward to the current runway season. They will correct you if you call something ‘hotpink’ instead of ‘fuschia.’ They will ask, ‘what are you wearing?’ with discerning looks if your outfit does not adhere to current trends. Respected style influencers like Chiara Ferragni, who became the first blogger to get on the cover of Vogue magazine, can be counted among this set. Despite San Francisco not being one of the “Big Four” fashion capitals, Fashion Week is still religiously practiced by fashion enthusiasts here and in other cities around the world. San Francisco Fashion and Merchants Alliance Inc. (SFFaMA), a leading fashion industry organization in California, is the official host of San Francisco’s Fashion Week.

Illustration by Mindy Walters

Last year, SFFaMA held a Fashion Week focused on diversity from Sept. 22 to Oct. 1. This year on Mar. 30, they are holding Tech Fashion Week, an engaging platform where designers and the technological community come together to connect and celebrate the bridge between innovation and creativity. City College is holding their own student produced annual fashion show. The show’s organizer, Natalie Smith, is an experienced instructor for the Fashion Show Production course (Fashion 48). She also teaches other classes such as Fashion Forecasting (Fashion 53), Intro to Fashion Industry (Fashion 42) and Fashion Styling (Fashion 54A). Smith has many years of working as a fashion show and event producer under her belt. “It’s a journey,” said Smith, referring to the process of creating City College’s fashion show. “There will be five senior collections, and a fashion gallery of variety for [beginning] fashion students.” When asked how her students stay innovative, Smith passionately answered, “Fashion influences us politically, socially and economically, so I encourage my students to stay cohesive and to observe the world around them to get inspiration.” Miquan Antonio, who is currently enrolled in Smith’s Fashion 48 class and attending his second semester at City College, explained some procedures of working the show: “We break up into committees, we have folks who focus on the media, [and] we have folks who focus on the actual production that includes lighting, staging, and choreography for the models, so we can target specific categories that need to be handled.” After leaving Academy of Art and joining City College, Antonio is in awe of its fashion department. “I keep telling folks that after one semester at City College, I have learned more [and] had more experience than I’ve had at Academy of Art. This is my second semester and I already have an internship and

that’s because of this fashion department that I find to be just amazing,” Antonio said. “Starting school here really gave me a clear direction on where I want to go in the fashion industry,” he added. Antonio went on to express his gratitude, saying: “I have the ability to connect with my peers, who are not just straight out of high school. Our knowledge combined... the creativity and the work effort is just so inspiring!” He also gave us a taste of what this year’s annual fashion show will be like. “We’re going to take you on a journey,” said Antonio, reiterating Smith’s earlier comment. “It’s going to start with a primitive, grass roots growing Earth, all the way to Mars.” Antonio explained that the students are open to all kinds of themes and ideas. Like other budding fashion makers, they will probably also be getting insight from Fashion Week. Perhaps City College fashion students will take pointers from different designer spring collections. The student fashion designers’ imaginations could be stirred by some of the trends that were showcased in the fall of last year. Maybe they will take note of the elegant sequin dresses that sparkled down the runways of Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford, and Dior. Or the floral prints that bloomed this year through Dolce & Gabbana’s flowerpatterned tuxedos and Jason Wu’s artsy flower wrap dresses. It could even be Moschino’s models who sprouted as actual flowers for his fantastical collection that will spark the students’ inventiveness. Other influences may include the pastels and darker, saturated colors that were featured in certain spring fash-

ion shows, lending garments a monochromatic look: a Michael Kors model strode across his catwalk in a soft lavender pantsuit, while Carolina Herrera’s spring collection featured a deep yellow off-the-shoulder dress. Prabal Gurung’s sheer collection consisted of a compilation of transparent frocks. One such item was a dull-pink dress that flowed over a pair of high-waisted hot-pink underwear. Meanwhile, fashion designer Victoria Beckham’s spring line matched a see-through, pink pencil skirt with a light orange gridded button up. Models strutting down runways in mixed prints also seemed to be a theme for some designers. One could wear a black and white polkadot vest on top of a rainbow floral dress and not feel unstylish because Mary Katrantzou’s Spring collection did just that.

Consistently seen fluttering around the fashion world is fringe, which was dancing off the ends of both Celine’s beige Pocahontasinspired dress and dominated Calvin Klein’s shredded American flag getup. These are just some of the looks that City College fashion majors may be inspired by when they draft ideas. Tune in on Feb. 8 to catch a glimpse of this year’s designer fall/ winter collections. San Francisco’s own Fashion Week which kicks off on Mar. 1, and be on the lookout for City College’s 17 annual fashion show on Sunday, May 20.


Vol. 165, Issue 2 | Feb. 7– Feb. 20, 2018

Put up or shut up By: Veronica Steiner

With the legalization of marijuana in California finally going into effect, what should City College’s policy be regarding smoking marijuana on campus?

“In my opinion, there should be a safe designated area considering that some people do use it for medical purposes. Although, administration should make sure that minors stay away from it.”

— David Jessop, Culinary Major

“I don’t really see a place for marijuana on a college campus: it is about education up here, and weed isn’t necessarily one of those things that helps you do that. So, I would steer away from that if I was City College.”

— Chikwado Nzerem, Journalism Major

“I don’t think they should allow smoking it on campus. I think they should smoke it, like, a block or two away –I wouldn’t mind that. Just the scent, I think, would bother people.”

— Eduardo Funes, Small Business Major

“I honestly feel that if someone is using it for medication, it is okay… but not for recreational. You can make the distinction, like, I wouldn’t appreciate it if someone was drinking booze on campus.”

— Shankar Shiu, Russian Literature Major

“People should smoke it in our beautiful designated smoking areas that they paved in white. Realize it is happening and is going to happen regardless if they make a policy.”

— Delaney Bradix-Lofton, Early Childhood Development Major

Homework-Help.US 729~3969

By: Chelsea Crumpler


Have your say

In a culture where it’s important to be inclusive regarding our speech, I often wonder why those same ideals aren’t applied toward our actions? Every day on social media, rantings about politics, social, racial and gender inequalities are seen with no solution in sight. It is true that we have the ability to relay information faster than ever, but does this information facilitate change? Too often we share a post, start a debate and leave our cause to die along with our interest in solving the issue itself. We need engagement from all citizens within their immediate communities to create a new social order where people put up or shut up, get to know one another and mend our local communities to build a stronger nation. Change begins locally and moves globally. Engaging in your community organizations while having an understanding of its needs encourages growth. It is a platform to improve our neighborhoods, creating new relationships centered around problem solving and taking action. Without action, City College would not offer free tuition for the residents of San Francisco today. Without action, Martin Luther King would never have led the march on Washington. Without action, Rosa Parks would have given up her seat on the front of the bus. Without action, only white male landowners would have the right to vote in our country. Popular media has become a place where action dies, and division begins. As President Obama

noted in a recent interview with David Letterman, “Whatever your biases were, that’s where you were being sent, and that gets more reinforced over time,” he continued, “that’s what’s happening with these Facebook pages where more and more people are getting their news from. At a certain point you just live in a bubble, and that’s part of why our politics are so polarized right now.” So how do we combat this division in our country? We can start by leaving our screens at home, meeting our neighbors and participating in our communities. When we join forces, the differences fade, and the similarities bring us together to serve a cause greater than ourselves. Not only can this mend a polarized democracy, but it can bring an end to the stagnation of action. In June of this year I will turn 30 years old, and one motto I have clung to for over a decade is the following: how can I be a part of the solution? I have served different communities for over 12 years with various organizations in the Bay Area such as Americorps, CALSERVES and Big Brothers Big Sisters. I worked with the Richmond District Neighborhood Center to rebuild their organic garden which supports their home-delivery groceries program for the elderly, food pantries and literacy tutoring. I also founded the Richmond District Community Club, a group that builds sisterhood through service. The decisions we make today are ever shaping our relationships and our future. Let’s help one another make our futures bright, and our communities strong. Let’s learn to talk less and do more – because change starts with you.

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Vol. 165, Issue 2 | Feb. 7– Feb. 20, 2018


Rams Continue On 19 Game Win-Streak: Trounce Gladiators 106-69 By Peter J. Suter

City College men’s basketball continue their impressive season with a dominant performance over Chabot 106-69 at home on Jan. 02 to capture their nineteenth straight win.

Minutes into the game the Rams went on a 20-4 run, not to look back. The Rams’ high powered offense was on display in the firsthalf, scoring over 60-points. Leading all scorers with 17-points on the night was point guard Terrell Brown; who’s also

the teams leading scorer. Terrell was able to make it to the free throw line early and often, scoring 10-points from the line. “It’s nice--I can drive hard to the basket with confidence that if I dish the ball our guys will make it,” Terrell Brown said. Sharpshooter Eddie Stansberry went 3/3 from beyond the arch. Stansberry has helped the Rams establish a real deep threat, shooting 43 percent on the season from long range. All-around player Dexter Hood snatched 10 rebound along with 5-points. While fellow teammate Michael Wright put up 9-points, being one of eleven Rams players to score. Similar to the Golden State Warriors, City College has outstanding depth to their lineup. Four players scored in double digits, three of those players came from their reserves.

“In our offense we have a lot of weapons and on any given night somebody could go off” Head Coach Justin Labagh said. Guards Eddy Ionescu and Curtis Witt came off the bench to score a combined 32-points. Contributions came from big men, forwards Lewis Hayes with 9-points and Michael Steadman with 11-points, respectively. Halfway through the secondhalf the Rams surmounted a nearly 40-point lead (85-47) against an overmatched Gladiators defense. City College proved to be too much for Chabot, beating them for the second time in conference play. This is the eighth time the Rams have scored over 100-points in a game, with a season average of 94-points per game. They improve to 24-1 overall and 10-0 CoastNorth conference play. Head Coach Justin Labagh isn’t satisfied just yet, he believes

his players are even more capable and encourages them not to become complacent on the court. Not having a set starting five has allowed coach Labagh to keep his players competing amongst each other for the starting job. Of the twenty five games played the Rams have had up to sixteen different starting lineups. The key to success for City College has been their selfless play. “We have a great group of guys who don’t care who starts or how many points they score,” Coach Labagh said. Coach Labagh thinks they will need to carry on playing as a unit and focus one game at a time if they’re to repeat a State Title. City College men’s basketball team went on the road to play Coast-North rivals Foothills and won in a gutsy 69-65 victory; extending their win-streak to 20.


Rams Edge Out Victory 70-68 Over Rival Gladiators By Peter J. Suter

City College's forward Lewis Hayes (#34) goes in strong to the hoop for a basket on Jan. 31, 2018. Photo by James Comfort special to The Guardsman.

Feb.9 ..............1:00PM ............................................ vs. Siskiyous Feb. 10 ...........11:00AM ......................................... vs. Siskiyous Feb. 13 ...........2:00PM ......................................... @ Napa Valley Feb. 15 ...........2:00PM ....................................... @ Contra Costa Feb. 20 ...........1:00PM ............................................... vs. Cañada Feb. 21 ...........1:00PM ............................................... vs. Gavalin

Feb. 8 .............2:00PM ................................................ vs. Diablo Feb. 13 ...........2:00PM ............................................... vs. Foothill Feb. 16 ...........2:00PM ...............................................vs. Cañada Feb. 19 ...........2:00PM ..............................................vs. Cabrillo

The Rams women’s basketball team hosted conference rivals, the Chabot Gladiators in an entertaining back-and-forth game where the Rams edged out a 70-68 victory. City College took the lead 22-4 early in the first-quarter, thanks to 9-points that came from center Zakiya Willis. Turnovers allowed the Gladiators to battle back and finish the quarter 22-15. Shortly into the second quarter, Willis left the game due to a flare up in her foot from a prior injury, she would later return in the second-quarter. Midway through second-quarter Gladiators went on a run to shift the score in their favor 32-26. With three minutes remaining in the second-quarter, the Rams’ defense buckled down. Point guard Caprice Taylor had two steals that led to points, going on an 8-2 run to tie the game. Another defensive stop gave the Rams the ball, where Taylor marched down and was fouled. She made both free

throws giving the Rams a 36-34 lead to end the half. City College’s Emily Nepomuceno scored a bucket to start the second-half. The Gladiators would answer and later tie the game halfway through the third-quarter 44-44. Nepomuceno, who struggled going 1/7 from beyond the arch, but made a big time 3-pointer to later go up 52-49. More Rams turnovers led to the Gladiators regaining the lead 53-52 at the end of the third-quarter. The fourth-quarter was a rollercoaster of lead changes that made every possession significant, but at key moments the Rams defense would stepped up. Guard Gianni Duncan-Mosely took a charge on the defensive end, leading to Taylor getting to the foul line to making 1 of 2 to take the lead 62-59 five minutes remaining in the fourth-quarter. The Gladiators would score to come within one point, but after a City College turnover the Gladiators would regain the lead 63-62. Caprice would make it to the foul line on next possession,

Feb. 9 .............5:00PM .......................................... vs. Las Positas Feb. 14 ............5:00PM................................................@ Skyline Feb. 16.............5:00PM...............................................vs. Ohlone.

Feb 7 ..............7:00PM ............................................... vs. Cañada Feb. 9 .............7:00PM ........................................... vs. LasPositas

Feb.9 ..............2:00PM. .............................. ..vs. (CCSF/Cabrillo/ Ohlone/West Valley).

Rams' Zakiya Willis (#15) shoots over Chabot player on Jan. 31, 2018. Photo courtesy of Eric Sun.

but miss both attempts, enabling Chabots’ leading scorer De’Zire Hall to extend the lead 65-62 on a layup. With no hesitation, Taylor storms down the court to be fouled again, this time making each free throw. Chabots answered with a 3-pointer at the two minute mark, extending the lead 68-64. Moments later Taylor would fearlessly knock down a huge 3-pointer to strike within one. After retrieving the rebound on a Gladiators missed shot, Willis was given the ball on the low post to knock down a jump shot for the lead that would ultimately be enough points to solidify the win. Though it was the Rams defense that came through in the end. The play of the game came when Annisah Dorsey stripped Chabots’ guard of the ball and converting one of two free throws. The Gladiators were forced to take a last second contested 3-point shot from the hot hand of Chabots’ De’Zire Hall that missed its mark. Despite the fact that City College didn’t capitalize from the line, the Rams showed true grit by maintaining strong on defense. “ “Missed free throws could have cost us the game, but it was our defense that got us through,” Head Coach Derek Lau said. “We focused on defense. Coach had us all on the same page; we wanted to start hard and play with energy,” Taylor said, who had 21 points and 4 steals. The game ball went to Willis who had team high 22-points and an astounding 20 rebounds. “We played hard, we pulled through. It was a Championship level game. Chabot is a good team,” Coach Lau said. The Rams, who improved to 7-0 in the Coast-North conference. Chabot received their second loss, leaving them with a 6-2 conference record. City College women will play again at home on Feb. 09, tip-off starts at 5pm.


Vol. 165, Issue 2 | Feb. 7– Feb. 20, 2018

Women's Swim Team season opener is a splash

City College women's swimmer Volha Kozel glides with powerful strokes into 1st place in the Women's 100 Yard Butterfly on Feb. 02, 2018. Photo by Peter J. Suter/The Guardsman

City College women's swimmer Keelin Alspaugh dives in off the block to start the women's 100 Yard Freestyle on Feb. 02, 2018. Photo by Janeth R. Sanchez/The Guardsman.

City College women's swimmer Sophia Greco (right) mounts the starting block along side Hana Wong (left) from College of San Mateo right second before the Women's 500 Yard Freestyle on Feb. 2, 2018. She place 1st in the heat with new best time at 5:41.14 shaving more than a second off her previous time. Photo by Peter J. Suter/ The Guardsman

Rams drive home win 9-5 over Gavalin Eagles By Julian Rodriguez

City College Rams overpowered the Gavalin Eagles 9-5 3 at home on Feb.03, with their explosive bats and strong performance from their ace pitcher Daniel Walsh. The Rams bats came alive in the bottom of the 2nd inning. Robert Garcia was the first to drive in a run with a single up the middle, bringing in runner Garrison Baca for an RBI (Runs Batted In). A line

drive out to right field from catcher Bobby Chu, scoring Matt Schivo. With two outs the Rams seemed to end the rally, but a wild pitch allowed for another run to score, ending the inning with five runs. Walsh pitched an outstanding game throwing 114 pitches allowing only five runs. Each time Gavilan tried to get something going, Walsh was there to shut it down. He was pounding the strike zone, which allowed batters to make contact, but, thanks to timely defense, it didn’t lead to much.

City College men's baseball So. pitcher Daniel Walsh delivers the pitch in the win against the Gavilan Eagles on Feb. 03, 2018. Photo by Peter J. Suter/The Guardsman.

Later in the fifth inning firstbaseman Garrison Baca, ripped a triple into right center, scoring Jack Smith. Erik Wasserman would come to the plate and knock in Baca for the RBI, extending their lead to 7-0 going into the sixth inning. The Rams defense would help when needed, with the infield turning two beautiful double plays, one of them started by third-baseman Matt Schivo to end the game 9-5. First year Head Coach Mario Mendoza was impressed with the way that Walsh pitched and the teams overall performance. “I always feel confident when Walsh’s on the mound, he’s our ace and is always going to keep us in the game,” Coach Mendoza said. Despite the 2-4 start to the season, Coach Mendoza is hoping to compete in every game, and has aspirations of making the playoffs and start a winning culture here at City College. “It’s our goal to make the playoffs and to do that we all have to put in hard work,” Coach Mendoza said.

City College Men's Baseball Catcher Bobby Chu singles a ground ball past the Gavilan in-field on Feb. 03, 2018. Photo by Peter J. Suter/ The Guardsman.

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