VOL. 155, ISSUE 8, MAY 8-MAY 24, 2013
Cover Story
Fighting for a dream
Interview by Cecilia Ren
t’s been almost three years since former City College student Shing Ma “Steve” Li was imprisoned and sent to the Central Arizona Detention Center. § Li was oblivious to his undocumented immigration status until the day of his arrest by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
aving spent almost half his life in the Bay Area, Li saw himself as an average San Franciscan. § Li’s parents emigrated from China to Peru, where Li was born, in the late 1980s to escape the country’s one-child policy. When he was 11-years-old, Li came to the United States with his family on a tourist visa to flee from political turmoil in Lima. § In 2002, Li’s parents applied for political asylum but were denied their request. Then, in September 2010, Li went from an average Chinese American student to a criminal in the eyes of ICE officials. § Li is now a thirdyear college student at UC Davis.
he Guardsman interviewed Li at UC Davis about his experience as an undocumented immigrant, the importance of community and the struggle for immigration reform. § Story on page 3 Obituary
Officer Beatrice Ramirez, 1971-2013 By Minter McHugh THE GUARDSMAN/ MMCHUGH@THEGUARDSMAN.COM/
Beatrice Ramirez, a dedicated former City College police officer for over 20 years, died April 17 at the age of 42 after a lengthy battle with lupus and complications after suffering a stroke. “It is with great sadness that I report to the campus community the passing of Officer Beatrice Ramirez. Officer Ramirez Star #31 passed away early yesterday morning in a local hospital following a valiant fight with a long-term illness,” City College Chief of Police Andre Barnes said after her death.
Born October 8, 1971, Ramirez began the student officer program at City College around 1990 under former City College Police Chief Gerald DeGirolamo said Rolando Garcia, current City College Downtown campus control agent and longtime friend of Beatrice. After excelling in the student officer program, Beatrice was asked to become a lab aide under DeGirolamo. Her dedication and professionalism was noticed, landing her a job as a campus control agent. A few years later she applied for and became a campus police officer, solidifying her presence at City College.
Q&A: Nanette Asimov part 2. Plus, who are her sources?
Steve Li participates at a protest in support of the DREAM Act on June 15. 2012 in Los Angeles. Photo courtesy of Steve Li.
Interacting with people professionally and socially was a significant part of Beatrice’s dayto- day life, and she treated close friends as if they were family. She was known for her many selfless characteristics. “She’d give you the shirt off her back, and the last dollar in her pocket,” said Garcia. She always acted on her desire to experience adventure and enjoy life. She loved to travel and root for the San Francisco Giants and 49ers. Beatrice saw people come and go during her long tenure with the police department, making friends the entire time. Joe Villagomez started at the academy with Beatrice in 1992 and worked with her until 1998. Villagomez left to serve in the military but the two always kept
Career fair focuses on local opportunities
By Victor Verdugo
Students interacted with local employers and learned about job opportunities during City College’s annual Career Information Fair held April 24 in the student cafeteria on Ocean campus. The event was hosted by City College’s Career Development Counseling Department. “Students get a chance to practice communication skills, networking, and interacting with employers while getting firsthand information,” City College Career Counselor Josephine Ubungen said.
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Nearly 40 employers including Target, San Francisco International Airport, Walgreens, Old Navy and the San Francisco Police Department attended the fair. The career fair allowed students to find potential jobs while attending school as well as network for future career opportunities after graduation. City College student Shalisa Wolridge learned more information about a career with the Department of Rehabilitation. “Counseling for those going through rehabilitation really interests me,” Wolridge said. Cynthia Dimapasoc, store manager of Walgreens on Ocean
SOFTBALL: Left-handed shortstop shines