JUNE 2021
Peace Gender & Social Equity Politics & Governmentality The Pandemic Recovery
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Independent, Universal, Colourful
Image by nhan le from Pixabay
6 10 14 19 21
Can humans live in peace?
Who Will Pay the Price of the Pandemic?
US Grand Strategy
Indian Women
Bio-politics, Governmentality and Dispositif in the Handmaid’s Tale
25 28 31 34 36
Gender & Social Equity
Words by: Mohammed Omer Shabbir
Osman Komurcu Editor in chief
020 has passed like the wind as it was like a dawning of a new age in human history. This pandemic, defined by the “Chinese virus” by many authorities paralyzed daily life all over the world. It seems that this year will be pretty much the same while we started it with high hopes. While humanity is occupied with this pandemic, human rights violations under totalitarian regimes in different parts of the world continued without slowing down. Ongoing oppressive practices of the Chinese government in East Turkistan and never-ending conflict between Palestine and Israel remained to be obstacles in overcoming economic and health problems. In the face of these crimes against humanity, the apathy of current international institutions for their economic interests and incapability of providing a solution reveals the necessity of more constructive systems regarding the solution to the problems. We are calling everyone who has kindness for humanity, justice, compassion and consciousness to look out for these vulnerable people and firmly stand against these injustices. Human rights violations, injustices and oppressions must be stood against and objected to regardless of the fact that it is committed by another totalitarian country. The history will remember. Let’s not leave this shameful history as a legacy to our next generations by turning a blind eye to these atrocities. We should settle these political issues by sending reasonable messages to the ones around us. The blossoming flowers and trees of the coming spring must be the greatest source of hope for new beginnings. We must approach with more respect and love to each other and be able to live in harmony like a family. We must undertake the responsibility of helping unemployed people in these challenging days and support them unrequited. Virtuous and successful societies are constituted of persons who have been able to establish justice in the real sense. Since each of the individuals in the society is a part of this, we all bear the responsibility to establish justice.
Editor's Choice
We can define peace as a natural state of things in nature. However, an equally natural state is competition and the tendency to survive. These will always lead to the destruction of any peace armistice. Peace is something very sensitive and different. If we see peace as the tendency of some species to coexist, then, given the way we are genetically programmed, not even plants can coexist in the same place. For example, some plant species are made to take all the nutrients from the soil and deposit them in their roots or leaves. If you put these desert plants in a temperate zone, they will harm the plants that are not adapted to this way
of surviving. There were also many cases of animals that were taken from their natural environment and moved to subtropical forests, where they had no predators and ended up destroying local vegetation. Now, because existence is about energy and the perpetuation of the species, each species will always be focusing on survival and multiplication, being in competition with other plants or animals in the area. In this discussion, the human case is a very special one, because man is a being who can provide his basic needs and does not need natural balance for balance. By having the cognitive ability the human can grow plants and animals necessary for his nutrition.
To understand more about peace and peace in humans let’s dissect the peace subject in pieces. Competition The human competition within the human race but also with other species for survival is something genetically programmed, which is why even in an era in which we can grow pieces of meat in the laboratory, we still fight and threaten each other. Many Asian philosophers such as Buddha and Krishnamurti have advocated for the development of the human consciousness to overcome the animal condition and guide our behaviors with the prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain responsible for consciousness) not the rest of the brain responsible for reac-
tions and survival. For thousands of years of human existence, competition has been encouraged, whether it is competition between groups, regions or brothers. Of course the competition is good, because it supports innovation; it is the reason why mankind has reached this level of development. But at the same time, competition is the reason why groups of people, states or families have always been in conflict. Because starting from the genetic intentions of competition and domination for survival, man did not start on the path of development from the intention to surpass himself, but from the intention to undermine the authority of others and to dominate.
Conscience Human behavior based on instinctual reactions was easy to justify in times when people did not have access to education, could not develop and lived to ensure their physiological needs. However, in these times when we have unlimited access to information, when technology helps us not only to inform ourselves but also to ensure our needs, how do we explain the presence of military conflicts? Is it the desire to multiply human ethnic groups? If it were something like that, it would mean that even though people have access to information - they don’t use it. If we were to take the situation to the extreme, then we should consider what would happen if all the world’s ethnic groups disappeared and only one remained? Genetic studies show that the multiplication of people in the same group, the same community, will gradually lead to the extinction of the specie as more and more mutations
will occur, especially at the neuronal level. So the conflicts cannot be about saving only one specie. Is it a war between rich and poor people? We believe that peace is not ruined by a battle of interests between rich and poor. The rich have always wanted and will want the poor to exist, because they are the ones who work for them and buy the products they sell. On the other hand, the poor were and are interested in the existence of the rich because they give them the opportunity of having a job, and they always push the society to development to achieve more income. Is it a conflict between the intelligent and the foolish? We must understand that no one is born smart, and that the most intelligent people the humanity has had have come from poor and uneducated families. Therefore, it cannot be about a battle between the smart and the stupid.
Is it about having influence and power? Competition ultimately comes down to influence and power. So, whether it is a conflict between brothers or states, it will be based on this instinctive motive - competition for power. The brothers compete for status and the states compete for having the power to prescribe the fate of the world. History has shown that the states that have power have a word to say in formulating social realities, in dividing the world, in erasing some countries from the map, and in putting other countries on the map. So from the point of view of international relations, this competition for power makes sense. But let’s ask ourselves if it makes sense for us, for ordinary people. No matter what state it is, if a state is wiped off the map tomorrow, it is not as if I take my baggage and go to live in that place on the graves of those killed by my government. In the end, life is not about having more, battles and gains, it is about living, about enjoying and living in harmony with other people and other species. Finally my message is not for ordinary people. This message is for the leaders of countries that are still playing wars: Overcome your instincts! Seek to defend the interests of the people who put you there. You are not in power because you can. Without people you are nobody!
Words by: Joao Heineken Correia
Will Pay the Price of the
A straightforward answer and based on the recent application of the monetary policy would be printing a huge amount of money to solve all the problems and keep the interest rates close to 0%. However, there are devastating consequences if governments print money much faster than the growth of the country and keep the interest rates low: Hyperinflation.
ations across the globe are making a huge effort to fight the economic and financial damage caused by the Covid-19. Governments have taken unprecedented economic policies to counter the pandemic which includes: reduction of the corporation and income tax, creating a package of measures to help businesses and jobs, creating stimulus to avoid the stagnation of the economy, supporting the banking system
to expand lending, increasing the budgets of the health system, among other measures. With all this amount of money coming out and less money coming in, governments have one option only – to borrow money. According to BBC News, the UK alone will borrow £355bn for the current financial year and £234bn for the following one to find means to fight the pandemic. This amount of money is the highest ever seen besides wartime. But once everything is over and life comes back
to its normality, who will repay this financial hole caused by the pandemic? A straightforward answer and based on the recent application of the monetary policy would be printing a huge amount of money to solve all the problems and keep the interest rates close to 0%. However, there are devastating consequences if governments print money much faster than the growth of the country and keep the interest rates low: Hyperinflation. Firstly, the interest rates
close to zero will cause excess money in the economy and people tend to look for a riskier investment such as financial markets or crypto coins. It will lead to an acceleration of the economy and inevitably, will spark inflation rates. Secondly, how many times we have heard that ‘History repeats itself? We have to learn from the mistakes of our History. A great example in our recent history that shows how printing a big amount of money can be harmful to the economy and people live happened in Venezuela during Nicolas Maduro’s presidency. The money was so heavily printed that triggered inflation to levels never seen before. In 2014 the inflation rate in Venezuela reached 69%, the highest in the world at the time. The value increased at a compounding rate in the following years, reaching 1,300,000% in 2018 according to CNBC. As consequence, the country dived into a colossal socio-economic and political crisis that still affects the country these days. Venezuela turned into a chaotic country with a shortage of food or medicine and became unfordable for the majority of the population which have no other option than look for other countries to live which originated to the largest exodus in the recent history of Latin American countries. With that being said, what options we have for the sustainable growth of our economy? Only with a collective effort and sense of solidarity, we will be able to repay the financial damage that was caused by the pandemic. If governments intend to protect the poor and the middle class from hyperinflation, they will have no other option than adjust the taxes of businesses and wealthy people. The first class susceptible to a rise in their taxes will be professionals with a higher income. Another likely scenario will be a rise in the corporate taxes, particularly companies that accumulat-
ed cash reserves throughout the last 5 years and companies where sectors over-performed during the pandemic period, such as delivery companies, social media, or online streaming platforms. Individuals that accumulated considerable wealth from their investments will be targeted as
well with a significant rise of the taxes in their capital gains, a reform that is already on the agenda of the USA government, which caused a negative impact in the stock and cryptocurrency market where it that shook off during this week. Or simply take even more debt to cover all the expenses, will dig even more the public deficit. Will be repaid eventually in the generations to come. However, during unprecedented times occur the unprecedented measures, in Argentina greenlighted recently a tax law that could play an important role in our economy if replicated by many governments and it would reveal a tremendous sense of solidarity among the different social classes. According to BBC News, the ‘Solidary
and Extraordinary Contribution Law’, as named it, is a one-off levy of about 3% in assets declared within the country and about 5% on the assets possessed abroad to individuals with assets valued in more than 200 million pesos (£1.7M). The government intends to raise circa £2.5bn to support the economy that was heavily affected by Covid-19. According to the same source, 20% of the money raised will be used to cover medical supplies and necessary equipment; another 20% will be used to support the small and medium companies; 20% will be used for scholarships; 15% for social developments and the remaining money will be given to gas ventures. This policy was widely applauded by the general pub-
lic, and some countries in Latin America are replicating it already and many other countries, including the UK, are seriously considering adopting the same policy. In case governments protect the wealthy people and businesses, well, it will be the same old policies applied in every economic downfall, recently in recent European Sovereign Debt Crisis: raise in the consumption goods, overload of the tax burden, the rise of the interest rates, and everything possible to remove purchase power from the average citizen. If we are dreaming of a cohesive Europe and overcome all these economic setbacks, we have to be compressive and solidary top the one who suffered the most during this pandemic, which was the poor and middle class.
Words by: Dr. Osman Kömürcü Chapter 3
his Chapter will explain the Lend-Lease program, argue its importance, and point out the negotiating position that it offered the US at the end of World War II. By 1941, involvement in World War II became a serious alternative to the previous state of Isolationist and doctrine of Non-Involvement. In May 1941 German troops invaded and conquered former neutral countries as follows: Luxemburg surrendered on May 10th , the Netherlands on May 14th and Belgium capitulated on May 28th. Only one month later, on June 22nd, France signed an armistice agreement by which the Germans occupied the northern half of the country and the entire Atlantic coastline. In southern France, a collaborationist regime with its capital in Vichy was established. The rapid movement of the Wermacht through Western Europe coupled with the quick defeat of the buffer states and France left Great Britain to fight the War in the Western Front alone.
Franklin D Roosevelt’s speech from October 5th 1937, also known as the Quarantine Speech, had not been well received by the American Public but had proven to predict in some ways the situation of 1941. Roosevelt addressed what he called the Reign of Terror as: “It began through unjustified interference in the internal affairs of other nations or the invasion of alien territory in violation of treaties; and has now reached a stage where the very foundations of civilization are seriously threatened. The landmarks and traditions which have marked the progress of civilization toward a condition of law, order and justice are being wiped away”
This sort of National Policy Abroad that the Axis Powers relied on and used came in startling contrast with the principals that dictated the League of Nations and Woodrow Wilson’s fourteen points. These principals wanted to establish general association of nations formed on the basis of covenants designed to create mutual guarantees of the political independence and territorial integrity of States, large and small equally. In March 1941 the Lend-Lease Policy, formally titled “An Act to Further Promote the Defence of the United States” was signed into Law. This was the most important step to come in prevention of
the defeat of Great Britain on the European Front. On June 22nd 1941 Nazi Germany and its Axis partners (except Bulgaria) invaded the Soviet Union and created an even bigger demand for the furthering of the Lend-Lease Act. For the first time since the outbreak of World War I, the public polls showed a majority in favour of Interventionism by the US in World War II, and much needed materials and goods started to arrive in the UK. Roosevelt hoped this would keep the Axis from a swift and decisive victory, and
that Great Britain with the supplies sent could focus on rebuilding and redesigning its armed forces. The program had multiple effects on the outcome of the war and the advancement of Allied troops, up to the point where Germany surrendered. The opposition to the Lend-Lease was mainly made by Isolationist Repub-
The Lend-Lease Program had three major types of resource contributions that were sent to the Allied forces. The first consisted in Military Aid, machinery, ammunition, equipment and parts required for maintaining the war effort, land and air forces on the Global Theatre. The second involved the basic supplies required by both the military and the civilian population, such as medicine, food supplies and basic consumer goods. The third contribution involved Manpower and the training resource required by the military sector.
licans in the US Congress. The Lend-Lease Program had three major types of resource contributions that were sent to the Allied forces. The first consisted in Military Aid, machinery, ammunition, equipment and parts required for maintaining the war effort, land and air forces on the Global Theatre. The second involved the basic supplies required by both the military and the civilian population, such as medicine, food supplies and basic consumer goods. The third contribution involved Manpower and the training resource required by the military sector. The Military Aid sent to Great Britain and the USSR was especially intended to help restock the losses suffered by the Allies in the first year and a half of World War II. President Franklin D Roosevelt had previously been a supporter of the League of Nations and Isolationism, both of these causes
being in opposition to a program that not only advocated a Direct Intervention in the War, but also defied the Neutrality Acts. It was the Neutrality Acts that allowed a type of Involvement by neutrality which translated into action, thus permitting Italy, who produced its own armament or imported it from countries other than the US, Great Britain or France, to eventually defeat Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Empire or Abyssinia relied on armament imports from what will be the future Alliance Nations; however, these nations where either uninterested in the conflict, or had a typical Isolationist stance in regards to Germany and Italy especially. The Neutrality Acts of the 1930’s also prohibited the US to make Loans to belligerent countries. This in effect meant that not only could the US not sell equipment to Ethiopia or help arm the other coun-
tries attacked in the first year of the War but also limited the possibility of helping these countries financially in order for them to buy weapons stocks from other countries. The Neutrality Acts of the 1930’s also prohibited the US to make loans to belligerent countries. This, in effect, meant that not only could the US refuse to sell equipment to Ethiopia or to help arm the other countries attacked in the first year of World War II, but also limited the possibility of helping these countries financially, in order for them to buy weapons stocks from other countries. The most important example of how the Neutrality act had a direct negative impact on the conflict against Fascism in Europe was the effect that these acts had during the Civil War in Spain. The War in Spain was fought from July 1936 to April 1939, and from its start involved pro-democratic or socialist forces, and on the opposing side, the national or fascist armies led by Francisco Franco. Thousands of recruits from all over the world fought for the two sides and, although it would have been in the interest of the democratically elected governments of Europe and the US to help
the republican forces, the Neutrality Acts prevented an embargo of nationalist forces because embargoes were limited to international conflicts and could not be enforced in the case of civil conflicts. The fact that the US could not send or sell military equipment to Republican Spain and could not offer loans to it meant that only the forces fighting on the side of Nationalist Spain were being supplied with necessary resources for winning the war. In 1939 Francisco Franco became Head of the Spanish State. The Lend Lease Program was meant to end this kind of state of affairs by creating the option to lend for a limited time period equipment and goods to beleaguered states. By 1935 over 50 Billion dollars were sent to the Allied Forces and the contribution was acknowledged by all victor states including Russia. Most of the equipment was never returned or paid for, but the program had achieved its goal of keeping countries like the USSR and Great Britain in the war, whilst helping them achieve victory. On this basis, the US had the biggest and most augmented right to enforce the stipulations that would be part of the Peace agreements at the end of World War II.
Indian Women I
ndia is a land of various cultures, traditions, beliefs, customs and rituals. It is a land of millions of gods and goddesses. More than forty per cent of Indians are the devotees of any goddess like Kali, Durga, Parvati etc. But it is surprising as well as sorrowful that in the country where most of the population preaches goddess, there the condition of women was not so good. From the beginning of mankind, women have always played a significant role whether it be in giving a new life, nourishing the child, taking care of the family, or supporting the family; women have always played the role of backbone. But still, the majority of women never got that respect which she truly deserved. The study of the position of women in Indian society is mainly classified into three categories, i.e., Ancient Period, Medieval Period and Modern Period. In ancient India, the position of women was so complicated. One side, she was considered as ARDHABGINI, means better half and given all the respect and rights as that to a man, mainly in Rigvedic Period; but on the other side, from the starting of the Post-Vedic Period, the status and reputation of women started to decline. Though the Vedic age had witnessed many prestigious women like Apala, Pragya, Gargi, Lopamudra etc., the post-Vedic age had witnessed many evils like polygamy, Sati Pratha(a Hindu practice where widow sacrifices her life on her husband’s funeral pyre, child marriage, prohibition on widow remarriage and may more. From this age, daughters were begun to regard as a curse. They were excluded from their husband’s and father’s property. From here onwards, the status of women became to decline. The period between the 11th to 18th century known as the Medieval Period. During this period the condition of women became worse because of the invasion of Muslims. With the invasion of Muslims, Parth(veil) system came into force and became mandatory for all women. Women were forced to stay at home only and the practices like Sati Pratha, child marriage, female infanticide etc. became so popular and common practices. Though there were some women who got as respect as men, like Razia Sultan, the first female ruler of Delhi Sultanate during 1236-1240 A.D.; Gulbadan Begum, a popular writer of Akbar’s reign; Nurjahan, wife of Jehangir known for her intelligence; Mumtaz Mahal, in whose memo-
Words by Aaditi Chaurasia
ry Taj Mahal was built, yet the condition of common women was not so good enough. The period after the 19th century is considered as Modern Period. Britishers ruled over India for around two hundred years and during this period, the status of women began to become better. The views of people regarding women became broader in the influence of European cultures. Although initially, Britishers decided not to interfere with social problems and traditions of India, it was only in the latter half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, when they took several steps to abolish or change some social evils with the help of Legislative measures. Many Indian social reformers like Raja Rammohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand, Mahatma Gandhi etc. had made a lot of efforts in improving the condition of women. Some laws like the Abolition of Sati Act,1813; Hindu Remarriage Act,1856; Child Marriage Restraint Act,1856; etc. were implemented in order to enhance the status of women. In the last decades of the 19th century, the situation of women began to progress and women were employed as teachers, nurses, doctors etc. Rani Laxmi Bai, Begum Hazrat Mahal, Kadambini Ganguly, Savitribai Phule, and Sarojini Naidu are some prestigious women of the British Period. After achieving independence till now, the Governments of India are continuously working for the
betterment of women by implementing laws like the Immoral Traffic(Prevention) Act,1956; Dowry Prohibition Act,1961; Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act,2005; Maternity Benefit(Amendment) Act,2017 etc. Women living in rural India, have also got the appropriate opportunities of employment through various schemes and programmes. Indira Gandhi, Sucheta Kriplani, Kiran Bedi, Bachendri Pal, Fathima Beevi, Arundhati Roy, Sushmita Sen, Kalpana Chawla, Sania Nehwal, Hima Das etc. are the epitomes of feminism in India. As every coin has two faces, India has also witnessed many successful women from ancient period till now, but it is also continuously facing many crimes regarding women like dowry, female infanticide and foeticide, rapes, domestic violence etc. Though today, women have full freedom to express themselves, the right to education and employment, and many more laws to protect women yet they still face many problems. There is a lack of awareness and knowledge in India which is the root reason for these problems. As far as women will not raise their voice and people will not change their views regarding women and their capabilities, nothing will change. People must learn to respect each and every women and teach others also to do so.
Chapter 1
Words by Türkü Naz Altınay
Bio-politics, Governmentality and Dispositif in the Handmaid’s Tale
he Handmaid's Tale is a dystopian novel by Canadian author Margaret Atwood, originally published in 1985. It is set in a near-future New England, in a totalitarian, Christian theonomy named Republic of Gilead that has overthrown the United States government. The novel focuses on the journey of the handmaid Offred. Her name derives from the possessive form "of Fred"; handmaids are forbidden to use their birth names and must echo the male, or master, whom they serve.
The economic system established by the Republic of Gilead situates the woman body in an economic utilization process that would serve the necessities of the dystopic future which is a world facing reproduction problems due to toxic waste and environmental pollution. The appropriation of the handmaids solely for the purpose of increasing the population at the disposal of the certain elite of the regime recalls the concepts of biopolitics, governmentality, and dispositif, as coined by French philosopher Michel Foucault. Biopolitics, first coined by Rudolf Kjellén in his 1905 two-volume work The Great Powers, and redefined by Foucault, and which can be understood as being political rationality which takes the administration of life and populations as its subject: ‘to ensure, sustain, and multiply life, to put this life in order (Foucault, 1976:138). Foucault is speaking here of a power he later designates as “biopower”, a power which –significantly – has a ‘positive influence on life’. This new biopower constitutes a ‘profound transformation of [the] mechanisms of power’ insofar as it differs from what Foucault associates with ‘juridical-discursive’ conceptualisations of power as repressive and negative: a power whose ‘effects take the form of limit and lack’ (Foucault 82-83). Indeed, Foucault conducts a lengthy critique of this repressive functioning of power in both The Will to Knowledge and Society Must be Defended, demonstrating that such power functions to hide other productive or ‘positive’ capacities of power that are also at play particularly, for example, within the capitalist governmentality of the 19th century. In a broader sense, bio-power is used by Foucault to refer to a set of procedures, or relations, that manipulate the biological features (for example, birth rate, fertility) of the human species into a political strategy for governing an entire population.
The second term governmentality, on the other hand, is the sum of all techniques and procedures which are designed to govern the conduct of both individuals and populations at every level, beyond just the administrative or political level. To quote Foucault more accurately: “This word [government] must be allowed the very broad meaning it had in the sixteenth century. ‘Government’ did not refer only to political structures or to the management of states; rather, it designated the way in which the conduct of individuals or of groups might be directed – the government of children, of souls, of communities, of the sick … To govern, in this sense, is to control the possible field of action of others” (Foucault 326). Lastly, the term dispositif refers to indicate the various institutional, physical and administrative mechanisms and knowledge structures that enhance and maintain the exercise of power within the social body. This dispositif of power works from beneath, from the ‘level of life itself, and, as Foucault earlier described it in Society Must Be Defended, ‘[i]t was a type of power that presupposed a closely meshed grid of material coercions rather than the physical existence of a sovereign’ (Foucault 36). Atwood’s acclaimed novel, The Handmaid’s Tale can be interpreted and read through the lenses of three conceptualizations that Foucault had coined in the 20th century in order to analyze the power-subject relations, the exercise of power upon populations, the reconstruction and utilization of speech and creating docile bodies, and the resistance
to these through different means and ways. The bio-politics in the world of the Republic of Gilead is completely what the entire system is based upon. After the decrease of the population of a world “dying too much choice” as “Aunt Lydia” puts it in the novel, the new system is established solely based on the exploitation and utilization of the woman body and woman labour (Atwood, 34). The women are divided into categories: Wives, handmaids, economies, Marthas, Aunts, and unwomen, etc. according to their uses and functions. The women who cannot be utilized for the ‘good’ of the society and government declared as being “unwoman”. Also, the men are divided into categories too, the Commanders, the Angels, the Guardians of the Faith, the Eye, and the servants in this system where everything is pre-defined and determined. The constant panopticon-like eyes are watching the movements of not only the women but also of everyone whether they are part of the system or not. Like an octopus, the arms of the government and the exercise of bio-power is observed in every part of the daily life in the novel: “The Guardians aren’t real soldiers. They’re used for routine policing and other menial functions, digging up the Commander’s Wife’s garden, for instance, and they’re either stupid or older, or disabled, or very young, apart from the ones that are Eyes incognito” (Atwood, 27). The gender roles and genders are likewise re-defined; anything other than the heterosexuality is marked as “Gender Treachery”, and all the human interactions, relationships and love between two different sexes are reduced only to the interaction for mere reproductive duties or husband-wife relations. The women who have capacities of reproduction are collected, put into the Domestic Sciences Centre, and subjected to a lengthy and inconvenient training period rendering them to become docile handmaids.
Words by: Ece Cerrahoglu
n its modern sense, stigma can be defined as a social rejection that includes the processes of stereotyping, labeling and separating individuals according to certain patterns. Throughout history, people have been stigmatized due to their particular characteristics which do not comply with prevailing social norms, in other words the characteristics who are not perceived as “normal”. Today, we can see how pervasive weight stigma is. Or, if we have internalized and normalized it, we cannot see it ... The weight stigma is a social sign that is used in order to devaluate and differentiate individuals who fall outside the definition of "ideal weight" and "ideal body". People who experience this stigma are exposed to inappropriate behaviors such as teasing, bullying, and physical violence due to their body weight and shape. Such experiences can be observed in multiple sectors including employment, education, social life, media and health care.
It is generally believed that weight control is an issue of personal willpower and it is claimed that stigmatizing and applying social pressure to individuals will eventually motivate them to lose weight. Actually, the opposite is the case. Recent studies show that the effect of stigmatizing contributes to many adverse health consequences and causes physiological and behavioral changes associated with future weight gain: Labeling children and adults, especially by family
members, results in eating disorders such as binge eating and emotional eating. Again, some studies show that individuals who experience weight stigma avoid physical activity and engage in unhealthy weight loss behaviors such as diet pills and fasting. Healthcare is a setting in which weight stigma is particularly prevalent. The implicit and explicit weight bias of the healthcare practitioners towards overweight people may cause them
not to receive adequate quality healthcare services. The tragic story of Canadian Ellen Maud Benett who experienced weight bias that prevented her from receiving the diagnosis she needed could be an appropriate example. Benett had been feeling unwell for the past years but no doctor offered her any support beyond recommending weight loss. Tragically, she passed away just days after being diagnosed with cancer. In the light of this example, we could say that
people in large size are not treated properly and as a result they either disrupt their treatment or avoid healthcare that cause new health problems. Weight stigma also has profound negative effects on mental health. It may cause people to lower their self-esteem and self-confidence, to feel isolated and disconnected. Considering the fact that social relationships are an essential component of health and well-being, social rejection in interpersonal interaction adversely affects the health of individuals. Moreover, as stigma is internalized, body related-shame and body related-guilt increase leading to body image dissatisfaction, anxiety and depression. Such a widespread problem requires a multifaceted strategy, both in the healthcare field and at higher levels of government. The most effective and ethical way is to address the behavior and attitudes of the people and institutions that stigmatize weight. For instance, healthcare professionals and medical students can be educated about what stigma is, how it is maintained, and its impact on patients. In long term, a paradigm shift is required. Weight emphasis can be focused on healthy behaviors without putting pressure on weight loss. "Health at Every Size", a weight-inclusive approach, can be promoted in health policies, which asserts that health can be improved independently of weight.
Gender & Social Equity
W Words by Viorica Russu
hy is gender equity so important for society? There are interconnections between gender and social equity? To answer that, we need to focus on gender and social equality evolution and how it can contribute to development, bringing more benefits, ensuring better inclusion from a gender perspective, and enhance human well-being. Indeed, the economic situation of the country may neglect the needs of certain groups of people which can create disparities, stratifying people into losers and winners, worsening living conditions, and making unfair decisions in various situations of human life.
Starting from Mainstream Western ideas have focused on the idea of gender as a binary, with masculinity and feminity serving as mutual opposites. But, the concept of gender equity means equity treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs. According to the International Labor Organization concept of gender equity, it’s not the same gender equality, which is the effective equality between men and women. It doesn't mean that women and men have to become the same it means that their rights, responsibilities, and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female, both men and women, are free to develop their abilities, also make choices without the limitations set by rigid gender roles, stereotypical views, and prejudices. Sociologists are considered that gender is a social construct, refers to the relative roles between and among the sexes, something that we as a society create and enforce. It encompasses the economic, political, and socio-cultural attributes, constraints, and opportunities associated with being male or female. Thus, gender influences how we organize all of society, and how we distribute power. Return to the subject, social equity as a concept has been documented as far back as Aristotle and Plato and nowadays these questions remain more relevant than ever. Social equity exists when all people have equal opportunities to succeed in life within a society. In this way, the state and society must be taken steps to ensure equal opportunities. People mustn't live in poverty. Another effective measure that should be taken linked to ensuring everyone accesses education. Investments in educating the little ones are very important. Socio-economic and cultural life influences the dynamic structures of adult personality, the International studies show that investing in children's pre-school education stimulates the social mobility of future adults, increasing their chances of making a professional career. A healthy and developed society is if are taking measures to ensure social equity, and invests in means to improve economic performance.
For all of that, gender is but one outstanding characteristic that influences a person’s interaction with the environment and ability to participate in social life. In some countries, gender and social dimensions are several forms, one of them is the familial line, which is an important social dimension that impacts people’s access to resources. Other social equity characteristics may include social and cultural aspect as socio-economic status, ethnicity, race, religion, disability, age, profession, educational status, geographic location. Thus, the broader concept of social equity is based on the importance of the fair distribution of the costs and benefits among different social groups and individuals. The Global Gender Gap Report 2018 based on a study in 149 countries looking at gender parity across four thematic dimensions: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment mentioned that equal contribution of women and men is fundamental to whether and how economies and societies thrive. According to the report mentioned that many countries have achieved important milestones towards gender parity beyond education, health, economic and political systems, but globally, although there remains much to be done. According to Workplace Fairness gender discrimination in employment refers to treating someone unfavourably because of the person’s sex, whether they are applying for a job or are a current employee. Despite the changes that have been made in this
regard women continue to carry the responsibilities of housekeeping, raising children, and social responsibilities, neglecting personal needs. So, women still unrepresented, with reduced opportunities and precarious income, worst working conditions, barriers in accessing decent work, as a result, more women work in the informal sector. Though women have made clear they can perform with the same skill and success in every endeavour engaged in by men, the issue of sex discrimination still holds much back. This would mean, that many women don’t feel as free in their choice of jobs or exist a division do not get the same job opportunities as men. In many countries, women have different rights, different access to resources and information, and different decision-making powers. Social equity means that all people whatever their sex receive the same treatment, the same respect, the same opportunities, the same recognition, and have the same rights and the same status. Gender and social inequality are known constraints to economic growth. That is why the gender dimension in social equity needs to be studied in more depth. Certainly, for promoting gender and social equity it is necessary to take measures to compensate for historical and social disadvantages, ensuring equal conditions for all people can have to realize their full potential in society to contribute to national economic social, and cultural development. As mentioned earlier, for social equity, gender equity needs to be promoted at all levels.
Words by: Mohammed Omer Shabbir
his poem is based around the idea of self-improvement. The importance of both physical and mental growth to develop. It explores overcoming hardships that leads to discovering the benefits of boxing. After searching for new challenges for personal development, refugee is found within boxing. A sport that has many opportunities to enhance yourself. Boxing has traditionally been about discipline and skills. Incorporating these aspects into everyday life can support your endeavours with a new perspective. Finally, the reward is being more mentally attuned to ensure achievements.
Seeking Contest No competition near is stimulating me adequately. I search all around and nothing in sight challenges me. A journey to the highest peaks, with ease. I voyage to the deepest valleys, nothing confronts me. Who could possibly intimidate me? Left and right, I can feel some anxiety pressing me. The only equal to exist is hunting me. Finally, a worthy opportunity to excel and evolve. This mirror reflection is taunting, with accuracy. A match of shadow boxing will enhance me. Such a genuine display would create envy. This rivalry has purpose, chiselling away imperfections. Remember to take time to breathe, note your defeats. Then create a counter reaction, as the battle is constant. Round after round, you must persist for riches. The rewards will be worth your weight in gold.
hope... This poem is about hope as a truth into which our mind prefers to escape from a mundane monotonus repetitive life routine. Our mind always tries to avoid the unknown still we end up breeding insecurity, uncertainty, and impermanence. In love one finds someone for who he can support all the emotional turmoil, boost one’s self in such a way, that one finds permanence being loved by someone whom one loves. Love as a veb has dynamic dimensions within, like aggression, compulsion, force, vigor, liveliness, lust, and so much more, where both are constantly evolving. Finally in such daily turmoil, having love at stake, both find themselves incomplete. Obviously they face a clash of two distinct personalities, where for certain phase silence prevail and melancholy sets in. Yet, love is the only emotion in which hope never dies even in the darkest night...
hope... still in silent zone? how will the garden bloom? the buds are awaiting touch the leaves golden falling down, the day is winding up and I am simply unaware from where the hope comes that you’ll come...
Yazar: Duygu Alkan
“Deep Web” Derin ağ – derin web – derin internet. Tarihi internetin ilk doğuşuna kadar gider, aslında aynı doğumun ikiz kardeşleri gibidir – Birisi uslu diğeri yaramaz 2 kardeş. Birisinin saklayacakları var diğerinin yok. Birisi tanınmak istiyor , diğeri gizli kalmak. Biri Yin – Diğer Yang . Peki kimler dolaşıyor Deep Webin içerisinde? Yaptıkları işin , ticaretin veya eylemin ortaya çıkmasını istemeyenler. Bunların %95i illegal , %5i legal - kişi, kurum ve örgütlerden oluşuyor. Legal olan %5 lik kısmını Üniversiteler - devlet birimleri – Büyük firma ve kuruluşlar. İllegal olan %95 lik kısmını ise , her türlü sapkınlık eğilimi olan insanlar, gizli tarikatler, organ tacirleri, terör örgütleri, şantajcılar, kiralık katiller, tarihi eser kaçakçıları. Her iki kesimin de ortak paydası başta da söylediğimiz gibi.Yaptıkları işin , ticaretin veya eylemin ortaya çıkmasını istememeleri. Şu bir gerçek ki , normal web de her ne yap-
arsanız yapın , nasıl önlem alırsanız alın izlenilebilme ihtimaliniz neredeyse %100 dür. Sizi koruyan tek unsur şifrelerdir ki onları da ne kadar karmaşık olurlarsa olsunlar çözmek kullanılan bilgisayarın gücü ve zaman ile alakalıdır. Peki deep webin yapısı nasıldır? Öncelikle alışılagelmiş www.thehallnews.com şeklindeki stabil adres mantığını unutun. Bu alemde adresler, 16 haneli rastgele sayı ve rakamlardan oluşup uzantıları com. veya net. türevleri değil “.onion” dur. Onion, İngilizcede soğan demek olup yapısı itibariyle katmanlardan oluştuğu için bu isim tercih edilmiş olsa gerek. Çünkü Deep Webin de alta inildikçe ulaşılması daha da zorlaşan , hatta özel donanım gerektiren katmanları mevcut. Sistemin doğası gereği ,1 kere ulaştığınız bilgiye - yani girdiğiniz bir siteye - ertesi gün aynı adresten ulaşmanız imkansız. Çünkü amaçları gereği her defasında adresleri değişiyor. Amaçları neydi? Gizli kalmaktı. Peki bu Deep Webe nasıl giriş yapılır? Kolay olmuyor tabii ki. Tavsiye de etmiyoruz girmenizi. Hepimizin bildiği ; internet Explorer , Google chrome , mozilla firefox gibi tarayıcıları ve Google , Yandex, Bing gibi arama motorlarını unutun. Giriş için en popüler araçlar tarayıcı segmentinde “TOR Browser” , arama motoru olarak da “HiddenWiki” denilen ve her an değişen linkleri içeren bir liste. Hatta hemen normal webde bu arama motorunun bakıp da fikir sahibi olabileceğiniz bir önyüzü mevcut. Zaten normal web ile ulaşabileceğiniz son nokta da burası , ki deep webin girişi bile değil. https://thehiddenwiki.org adresinden bakarsanız normalmiş gibi görünen alt kategorileri görüp şaşırmayın.
İngilizce başlıklarla bahsedilmiş olan ,Finansal Marketler dedikleri yerler, kredi kartı bilgileri ve paypal hesap bilgilerinin satıldığı yerler. İlaç Marketleri dedikleri ,uyuşturucunun veya zor bulunan ilaçların her türevinin satıldığı yerler. Ticari marketler diye adlandırdıkları yerler ise, çalıntı araba ,cep telefonu bilgisayardan tutun da ,organ , tarihi eser, tank, füze, kimyasal silaha kadar her şeyi bulabileceğiniz siteler. Sonuç olarak ; erişilebilir web üzerindeki sosyal medya platformları, tüm haber siteleri, bloglar, film, dizi ve oyun siteleri ile aklınıza gelebilecek olan bütün web içeriklerinin toplamı internetteki tüm içeriğin sadece %4 ü olduğu söyleniyor.Diğer kalan %96 sının ise ,deep webin oluşturduğu iddia ediliyor. Bu oran, insanların kalan %96 sının deep webde gezindiği manasına gelmesin , çünkü bu sakıncalı yerlerde dolaşan insanlar tüm nüfusun %1 i bile değil.
Yazar: Çağrı Ekim
onfüçyüs Çinli filozof, eğitimci ve yazar. MÖ 551 - MÖ 479 tarihleri arasında, Doğu Zhou Hanedanlığı döneminde yaşadığı sanılmaktadır. Kong Qiu adı altında, Lu devletinin günümüzde Shandong eyaleti olan Qufu şehrinde doğmuş ve aynı şehirde vefat etmiştir. Doğu uygarlığının en önemli temsilcilerinden biri kabul edilir.
Anaya ve Babaya saygı, İnsancıllık Merhametlilik Adalet...
Konfüçyüs, Çin geleneklerini derleyip yeni kuşaklara aktarmak istemiş. Öğretmenliği bir uğraş haline getirmiş ve Kendine özgü yöntemleriyle öğretimi halka yaymayı başarmış bir düşünürdür. Ancak adı filozoflar, devlet adamları, büyük öğretmenler ve ahlakçılar arasında değil, peygamberler arasında zikredilmektedir. Dinler Tarihi araştırmacıları da onun öğretisini bir din olarak kabul etmektedir. Konfüçyüs kendini antik dönem krallarının öğretisini aktaran Klasikler’in içerdiği değerleri ve ilkeleri topluma aktarmaktan sorumlu görmüştü. Temel amacı ve ideali “tartışmalardan uzak ve tümüyle uyum içerisinde yaşayan bir toplum ve dünya kurmak”tı. Bu ideale ulaşabilmek için ise, ideal insanı tanımlamak ve onun ortaya çıkmasına yardımcı olmak gerekiyordu. Öğretisinde öteki dünya, tanrı, ruhlar, doğaüstü varlıklar ve benzeri kavramlara ve olgulara yer vermemişti. Çünkü bu alan, onun ilgi alanına girmiyordu. Bu bakımdan Çin’in Sokrates’i olarak kabul edilir. Fikirleri, kendisi tarafından asla yazılı hâle getirilmemiş, çoğunluğu birer düşünür ve bilim adamı olarak yetişen öğrencileri tarafından kâğıda dökülmüştür.
Ölümünden sonra ülkesinde önce prens unvanı ile yüceltilmiş, ondan sonra “Mükemmel Hâkim” ve “Taçsız Kral” namıyla kutsanmış ve Çin’de kendi adına tapınaklar inşa edilmiştir. Böylece Konfüçyüs yeni bir din ortaya koymayı düşünmediği hâlde onun adına mabetler inşa etme geleneği XX. yüzyılın başlarına kadar sürmüştür. Konfüçyüs’ün düşüncelerini ve konuşmalarını derleyen “Lun Yu” adlı ince kitap, kutsal kitap olarak kabul görmüştür. Konfüçyüs bir din kurucusu, ya da bir reformcu olarak ortaya çıkmamış, bozulmuş ve yıkılmak üzere bulduğu Kadim Çin dinini canlandırmaya çalışmıştır. Misyonunu, “Ben eskiye inanan biriyim; bir kurucu değil bir aktarıcıyım.” sözleri ile tarif etmiştir. Bütün eski Çin metinlerini gözden geçirmiş, daha önceki Çin filozof ve düşünürlerinin yazılarını derleyerek yorumlamıştır. Ona büyük bağlılık gösteren ve ondan edebiyat, tarih, felsefe-ahlak öğrenen öğrencileri, ölümünden sonra onun sözlerini ve görüşlerini toplamışlardır. Öğretisi, değişik zamanlarda farklı nitelikte
felsefi ve dinî bir kimlik kazanıp ahlaki-siyasi bir öğreti olarak öne çıkmıştır. Konfüçyüs öğretisinin ilgi alanı sadece insan ve insan-toplum ilişkilerini kapsar. Bu sistemin temelinde, insanın yaratılıştan iyi olduğuna itimat yatar. Konfüçyüs'ün kendi ve öğrencileriyle yaptığı konuşmaları toplayan Lun Yu dört temel kavramı içerir
Anaya ve babaya saygı, İnsancıllık Merhametlilik, Adalet... Konfüçyüs'ün öğretisi din değil, eski Wudinine dayanan etik felsefedir. Öğretisinde kesin bir hiyerarşi söz konusudur. İnsan ilişkilerinde birbirine itaat etmesi gereken gruplar şunlardır:
-Vatandaş: Hükümdarına itaat etmeli -Genç: Yaşlıya itaat etmeli -Kadın: Kocasına itaat etmeli -Çocuklar: Ana-babaya itaat etmeli
iagara Şelalesini her yıl 12 milyonun üzerinde turist ziyaret etmektedir. Dünyanın en ünlü görülecek yerlerinden birisidir. Niagara Şelaleleri Kuzey Amerika’nın doğusundadır. Kanada’nın Ontario eyaleti ile Amerika’nın New York eyaleti arasındadır. Niagara Nehri üzerinde yer alır. Kanada ile Amerika Birleşik Devletleri sınırında bulunan görkemli bir şelaledir. 3 büyük şelaleden oluşuyor. Kanada tarafındaki Horseshoe (Atnalı Şelalesi) bunların en büyüğüdür. Amerika topraklarında olan American Falls ve Bridal Veils Fall ise diğer iki küçük şelalelerdir. American Falls ve Bridail veils Fall Amerikan şelaleleri olarak anılıyor ve ABD sınırlarında yer alıyor. Şelalelerden bir diğeri olan Horseshoe Falls, Kanada kısmındadır. Ve şelalelerin en büyüğü unvanına sahiptir. Horseshoe Falls 48 metre yükseklikten akıyor. Amerikan Falls ise 50 metre yükseklikten akıyor.
Yazar: Cemil Başkan
Niagara Kuzey Amerika’nın en büyük ve en güçlü şelalesidir. Niagara’dan, yarım dakikada 168 bin metreküpten fazla su akıyor. Yıllar boyunca Kanadalı ve Amerikalı maceraperestler nehre atlamışlardır. Sadece sudan oluşan bu sınırı yüzerek veya su üzerinde giden araçlarla geçmeye çalışmışlardır. Şelaleler ABD ve Kanada arasında sembolik bir merkeze dönüşmüştür. Niagara Ulusal Parkı içerisinde Daredevil Müzesi bulunmaktadır. Tarih boyunca atlayışlarda kullanılan araçlar bu müzede sergileniyor. Şelalelere atlayarak sınırı geçmek isteyenlerin 6’sı hayatını kaybetmiştir. 16 denemenin 10’u ise başarıya ulaşmıştır. Ancak uzun zamandır her iki ülkede de bu tarz denemelere yasak getirilmiştir. Niagara Şelalesi, bundan 10 bin yıl önce buz kütlelerinin yarattığı çöküntüler sonucu oluşmuştur. elale, bir zamanlar bulunduğu yerden, 12 kilometre daha yukarıdaydı. Zaman içerisinde aktığı yerdeki taşları aşındıra aşındıra bugünkü yerine gelmiştir. Şelalenin yüksekliği az, fakat genişliği fazla. Horseshoe Şelalesi, 790 metre genişliğindedir. American Şelalesi’nin genişliği ise 320 metredir. Her yıl Horseshoe Şelalesi 90 cm, American Şelalesi 12 cm geriliyor. Nehir çevresinde Nikola Tesla tarafından yapılan birkaç hidroelektrik santrali mevcuttur.Hem ABD hem Kanada için elektrik üretmektedir. Niagara Şelalesi, tersine akması özelliğiyle dünyada tektir. Şelalenin taşlara çarpan suları geri geliyor. Amerikan yerlileri tarafından “water that thunders” (Gök Gürültülü Su) olarak adlandırılmıştır. 1804’lü yıllardan bu yana Niagara, nikah ve balayı mekanlarının bilinen yerlerinden biri olmuştur. Napolyon’un genç kardeşi Jerome Bonaparte, genç Elizabeth Patterson ile burada evlenmiştir.
stroloji güneş, ay, gezegenler ve daha dış uzayın bileşenlerinin, yani yıldız kümelerinin, dünyadan gözlenen hareketlerine dayanır. Ve bu hareketlerin büyülü bir matematiği vardır. Son günlerde evrendeki her şeyin “frekans” olduğu söylemiyle mutlaka karşılaşmışsınızdır. “Frekans”, herhangi bir olgunun kendini tekrarlaması veya bir benzerini tekrarlaması diye ele alınabilir. Çok ilginçtir ki, gökyüzündeki tüm gezegen, takım yıldız, güneş ve ay etkileşimlerinin de bir frekansı vardır, bu frekans gün diliminden başlayıp, 22.000 yıla kadar uzar! En küçük ve hızlı döngü, Ay’ınkidir, 2.5 günde bir burç değiştirir, en uzunu da Güneş Sistemininkidir, Güneş Sistemi her burçta 2.000 yıla yakın zaman geçirir! (Dünyamıza göre 21 Mart tarihinde güneşle hizalanan burç 2.000 yılda bir kez değişir.) Arada güneş ve tüm gezegenlerin birbiriyle etkileşimlerinin frekansları (döngüleri) bulunur.
Tüm gökyüzü elementlerinin kendilerinin ve etkileşimlerinin bir anlamı vardır. Bunlara kuyruklu yıldızlar, tutulmalar, hizalanmalar, karşıtlıklar… Hepsi dahil! Elementlerin anlamları, çoğunlukla mitolojik olgulardan ortaya çıkmış, sonra istatistiki gözlemlerle keskinleştirilmiştir. Jüpiter gezegeni, Güneş Sistemindeki en büyük gezegendir ve güneşe yakınlık anlamında 5. sıradadır. Adını Roma mitolojisinin en büyük tanrısı “Jüpiter’den alır ve ağırlıklı olarak hidrojen ve Helyumdan oluşan bir “Gaz Devi” dir. İlginç bir şekilde, güneşten aldığından daha fazla bir enerjiyi yansıtmaktadır, bu yazıda detaylarına girmeyeceğimiz pek çok özelliğinden dolayı belki de milyonlarca yıl önce bir güneş adayı olan, ancak güneş olmayı başaramamış bir gök cismi olduğu da düşünülmektedir. Yine pek çok farklı detayla anlaşılabilecek çok yüksek bir manyetizması vardır. Bu yüzden, sadece astrolojik olarak değil, astronomik olarak da Güneş Sistemininin “Büyük İyicili” dir; çünkü pek çok gök cismini bu yüksek manyetizması ile yakalayarak Güneş Sistemi için tehdit olmasının önüne geçmektedir. Roma mitolojisinin en büyük tanrısı “Jüpiter” ve Yunan mitolojisinin en büyük tanrısı “Zeus” ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Astrolojide, bir konuda öğrenerek
derinleşmeyi, farklı kültürleri öğrenmeyi, uzak seyahatleri, ahlaki değerleri, inançları temsil eder, bu konuları yönetir. Güçlü manyetizması ve ilişkilendirildiği büyük iki tanrı sebebiyle, gökyüzünde bulunduğu yere büyük şans getirdiği inanışı yaygındır. Evet, Jüpiter şans getirir, bunun yanında, Jüpiter bulunduğu noktanın etkilerini büyütür, Bu demek oluyor ki eğer zararlı etkileri bulunan bir sabit yıldız ile kavuşmuşsa, onun zararlı etkilerinin de büyümesine sebep olur veya bir gezegen ile zararlı açı etkileşimindeyse, konuları zorlayan etkileri de olur. Satürn eli sopalı okul müdürüyken, Jüpiter Hababam Sınıfı’nın “Hafize Anası” gibidir; ancak, Hafize Ana size bir ders vermeye karar vermişse, tüm arkadaşlarınızı organize edip, sizi ters köşeye yatırabilir; hem de şen – şakrak tavrıyla! Evrenin düalitesi pek tabii ki astrolojide de mevcuttur. Büyük İyicil Jüpiter’in karanlık yanları bağnazlık, ahlaksızlık, kör inançlar şeklinde ortaya çıkabilir. Çoğunlukla Dünya merkezli bakışla, bir burçta ortalama 1 yıl geçirir ve tüm burçları dolanması yaklaşık 12 yıl alır. Astrolojideki 12 burçtan 2’sini yönetir; Yay Burcu ve Balık Burcu. Modern astrolojide, Balık burcunun yöneticiliğini “buğulu” Neptün ile paylaşır. 2020 yılına Kova burcunda giren Jüpiter, bu yıl hayli hızlı hareket ediyor ve 14 Mayıs’ta, kendi
yönettiği Balık burcundaki seyahatine başlayacak. Kendi yönettiği Balık Burcu’nda olumlu niteliklerini daha çok ortaya koyabilecek, Jüpiter. Jüpiter’in Balık’ta olduğu dönemde, Jüpiter’e ait ve Balık Burcu’nun sembolize ettiği konuları deneyimleyeceğiz. Kişilerin ve ülkelerin haritalarında Balık Burcunun hangi eve konuşlandığına göre etkiler çok farklı konularda ortaya çıkabilir. Yıl boyu diğer gök cisimleriyle etkileşimlerine göre etkileri değişecektir. Peki, Balık Burcundaki Jüpiter gündemimize neler taşıyabilir? Bir göz atalım! Balık Burcu daha çok iç dünyamızla, ruhsal dünyamızla ilişkilidir. Karma astroloji açısından karmik bağlantılarla, kolektif alanla ilintilendirilir. Kolektif alandan kastımız, Jung’un özellikle bahsettiği ortak bilinç dışı ve bilinç altı denilebilir. İnanç sistemlerinde, bütünle, ilahi olanla ilişki anlamına gelir. Ruhsal ve bedensel olarak şifa bulmak (veya gölge durumlarda şifasızlık) ile ilgilidir. Ayrıca bahsettiğim bu konularla ilgili olarak ilahi olanla ilişki, ilahi olanın bizde yansıması, dolayısıyla her tür yaratıcılığın tetiklenmesi ile de ilişkili görülebilir. O halde, Jüpiter’in Balık Burcundaki seyahatini şöyle bir inceleyelim: •14 Mayıs – 28 Temmuz 2021’de Balık Burcunda bulunacak, 28 Temmuz tarihinde Kova burcuna geri dönecek. •29 Aralık 2021’de tekrar Balık burcuna geçerek, 29 Aralık 2021 – 11 Mayıs 2022 periyodunda Balık’ta seyahat edecek. •1 Kasım 2022’ye kadar Koç Burcunda hareket edecek ve 1 Kasım – 21 Aralık 2022 tarihleri arasındaysa 12 yıl için son kez Balık Burcunda bulunacak. Jüpiter’in Balık seyahatini 3 dönemde incelersek; 14 Mayıs – 28 Temmuz 2021 dönemi hepimiz yükselen burçlarımıza göre farklı konularda, kendi doğum haritalarımıza göre daha yüzeysel/daha derin, bazen olumlu bazen olumsuz deneyimleyebiliriz. Dünya gündemineyse iyileşmelerle ilgili, hastalıklara çarelerle ilgili konular damga vuracak. Bu dönem, 29 Aralık 2021 – 11 Mayıs 2022 döneminde Balık Burcu’na geçişin bir ön gösterimi gibi düşünülebilir. Birbirine destek olma, kendi içine yönelme, iyi olanı görme, destekleme, toplumsal olarak ruhsal olana yönelme, bu
konularda iyi gelişmeler deneyimlenmeye başlanabilir. Özellikle KOVİD-19 konusunda, Mayıs – Temmuz 2021’de ilaç ve aşılarla ilgili çokça gelişme kaydedilebilir. Jüpiter’ in tekrar Kova’da olacağı Ağustos – Aralık 2021 döneminde bu ilaçların kullanıma alınması mümkün olabilir. 29 Aralık 2021 – 11 Mayıs 2022 döneminde din ve inançlara yeni toplumsal yaklaşımlar, doğa ve dünyaya uyumlu iş birlikleri, iyilik hareketleri çokça gündemimizde olabilir. Diğer yandan astrolojik göstergelere bağlı olarak farklı din ve tarikatlara ilişkin tutucu yaklaşımlar, bağnazlıklar, ruhsal sorunlarda artışlar gibi konularda gündemimize girebilir. Bir diğer bilgiyse Astrolojide Balık burcunun Hristiyanlıkla ilgili oluşu, Jüpiter’in Balık geçişinde dönem dönem Hristiyanlığın farklı dallarına ilişkin bil-
giler dünya gündeminde olacaktır. Gelelim, Jüpiter Balık geçişinin son dönemi olan 1 Kasım – 21 Aralık 2022. Bu dönemde 2021 – 2022 yılları gündeminde olan konuların kapanışlarına şahit olacağız. Bu kapanışlar, hak edişlerimize göre olacaktır; eğer onlar iyi niyetlerle iyi amellerle gerçekleşmişlerse iyi, kötü niyetlerle kötü amellerle gerçekleşmişlerse, kötü sonuçlanabilir. Tabii, sadece iki yıllık bir döngü değil, iç içe pek çok döngünün sonuçlanması mümkündür. Astrolojide zaman döngüseldir, yazının başında bahsettiğim frekanslara göre Bu yazıda bu döngülerden birinin küçük bölümüne göz attık birlikte. Bir sonraki yazımızda, yükselen burçlara göre Jüpiter Balık Burcu geçişini inceleyeceğiz. Sevgiyle, sağlıkla kalın.
Yazar: Oscar Keen
Tudor Arghezi (1880 - 1967)
udor Arghezi, şair, nesir yazarı ve gazeteci, kapsamlı ve çok zengin bir edebi kariyere sahip, savaş arası dönemin önde gelen yazarlarından biri. Yazarın kıvrımlarla dolu biyografisi, birçok ayrıntıda bu güne kadar tartışmalı kaldı. 23 Mayıs 1880'de Bükreş'te Cărbuneşti - Gorj ilçesinden bir ailede doğdu. Gerçek adı Ion N. Theodorescu idi; Arghezi takma adı, yazar tarafından Argeş nehrinin eski adı olan Argesis ile ilgili olarak açıklanmaktadır. Çocukluk, yazara sadece acı dolu anılar bıraktı, diye itiraf etti: “Hayatın en acı çağı. Bir daha asla çocuk olmak istemem. "
1891-1896 yılları arasında "Sfântul Sava" Lisesi'ne gitti ve bu sırada geleceğin yazarları Gala Galaction ve N. D. Cocea ile arkadaş oldu. "Bu dostluk bizim için bir ada oluşturdu, ortak yaşam özlemlerinin gerçekleşmesini sağladı. Adamız kıskançlığı ve gururu bilmiyor. " 1896'da, 16 yaşında, Alexandru Macedonski'nin rehberliğinde "Ortodoks Birliği" dergisinde edebiyata adım attı. Şair, eserlerinde gerçek adı Ion Theo ile imzalar. Şair, 1900'den 1904'e kadar Cernica Manastırı'nda bir keşişti. Orada, hücrenin sessizliğinde, kelimeleri kullanmanın sırrını yavaşça öğrendi. 1905'te yurtdışına, Paris'e ve ardından İsviçre üzerinden Cordelier Manastırı'na gitti ve burada ısrarla Katolik olması istendi. Isrardan sıkılan Cenevre'ye taşındı, burada şiir yazdı, üniversite
derslerine katıldı ve geçimini sağlamak için yüzük ve altın saat başlıklarından oluşan bir atölyede çalıştı. Aynı zamanda 1909'da İtalya'yı ziyaret etti. 1912'de Romanya'ya döndü. Romanya'nın Birinci Dünya Savaşı'na girdiği 1916 yılına kadar "Facla", "Viaţa Românească", "Teatru", "Rampa" da ayetler, broşürler ve tartışmalı makaleler yayınladı. 1918'de, Büyük Birlik döneminde, 11 diğer gazeteci ve yazarla birlikte, Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nda Romanya'nın tarafsızlığı lehine karar verdiği için vatana ihanetle suçlanarak Văcăreşti cezaevinde hapsedildi. İlk şiir kitabı "Uygun Sözler" 1927'nin sonlarında yayınlandı. Şair 47 yaşındaydı. Onun yönetiminde, ertesi yıl "Papağan Biletleri" gazetesi çıktı. Düzyazıdaki ilk çıkışı 1929'da "Ahşap İkonlar" ki-
tabının yayımlanmasıyla gerçekleşti. 1931'de "Flori de moldigai" şarkı sözlerinin cildi ve "Poarta neagră" tutukluluk yıllarıyla ilgili olarak ortaya çıktı. Ayrıca şimdi çocuklar için, yaratılışında ikincil bir yönü başlatan ve daha sonra "Mitzura'yı uyutacak şarkı", "Buruieni", "Mărţişoare" ciltleriyle devam edecek olan "Oyuncakla Kitap" düzyazı cildini yayınlıyor. , "Prisaca", "Paçavra" vb. 1934'te, anne sevgisinin ve evlatlık bağlılığının çağrıştırıldığı "Tanrı'nın Annesinin Gözleri" romanı çıktı. Sonra 1935'te "Akşam Sözleri", "Müjde Mezarlığı" romanı - 1936, "Hore" şarkı sözlerinin hacmi - 1939, "Lina" romanı - 1942 "Papağan Biletleri" başlığı altında polis tarafından soruşturulduğu acı broşürler yayınladı (1943). 30 Eylül 1943'te, Alman Bükreş Büyükelçisi Manfred von Killinger'in saldırıya uğradığı istisnai "Barones" broşürü çıktı. Gazeteye derhal el konuldu ve yazar Bükreş'te ve daha sonra Târgu Jiu kampında hapsedildi. Komünist rejimin kurulmasıyla 1944'te kamptan ayrıldı. İyileştirildi, unvanlar ve ödüller kazandı, Romanya Akademisi üyeliğine seçildi ve 80 ve 85 yaşlarında ulusal şair olarak kutlandı. 1965'te Viyana Üniversitesi ona "Gottfried von Herder" ödülünü verdi ve Sırbistan Bilimler Akademisi onu edebiyat bölümünün bir üyesi seçti. Yayınladığı: "1907 - manzaralar", "İnsan şarkıları", "Benekli dizeler", "Yeni şiirler", "Bükreş'ten bastonla". Küçük evrene hayran kalan tek şair Arghezi olmasa da, onun gibi hiçbir yerde suskun yaratıkların dünyası daha bütüncül ve karmaşık bir taslak edinmedi. Bütün bu yaratıklar insana bir tür duygusal bağımlılık içindedir ("Uyuyan Efsanenin Şarkısı", "Çocukluk" cildi). 1967'de 14 Temmuz’da vefat etti. Eşi Paraschiva ile Mărţişor Caddesi'ndeki evin bahçesine gömüldü. Ev bugün bir müze haline geldi.
Toprak, tarlalar, hasatlar, Hepsi benim omuzlarımda, İnsanlar, sürüler ve hayvanlar, Saban izleri, Daracık yollar ve saz damlar. Sis, yağmur ve rüzgâr Hıçkırıklar, korku ve acı. Nasıl sığdı içime ülkem? Nasıl toplandı her şey üzerinde küreğin? Ormanlar nasıl toplandı köhne vazoda? Ve bütün deniz bir su bardağında? Ben de Aynı çamurdanım onlarla, Hepimiz paçasıyız Tanrı' nın.
Tudor ARGHEZI Çeviren : Muzaffer UYGUNER
GECİKMİŞ SEVDA Evet, artık karşılık verebilirdim tutkuna senin. Akıl olmaz, diyordu, olur diyordu gönlüm. Senin ateşine yanmam için sanıyorum ki Fırtınalarla sürüklenip gideceğim ben. Nerden çıktın böyle yalaz yalaz Ateş yıldızlarıyla sarmak için dört bir yanımı? Aldırmasan da şimdi ortada ve açık. Çocuğum yerindesin benim, Ya da çocuğum olabilirdin. Aşkın kanatlanıp uçuşu hep birden olur, Ayrım gözetmez, bir araya toplar insanları, Önemi kalmaz yaşın, eşitlenir, Tutkulu, ateşli ve çekici olur kadın. Sen nasıl da tazesin, fidansın, yaşam dolu. Senin olmamı istiyorsun, kuşkusuz, endişesiz, Benimle ilgili ne varsa, seninle ilgili ne varsa. Kurban edilmiş akşamdan sabaha. Kendini bana vermek istedin, bırakıp dünyanı, Benim şiir evrenime. Birden seni saran sarhoşluk Seni delice saldırına boyun eğdirmeye kalktı bana, Yok sayarak bir yasayı ve unutarak Her eğilenin sırtına bir yük vurulduğunu. Sana acı çektirdim, biliyorum, İşin kötüsü seni yaraladım da. Hele dudaklarını tutkuyla arzulardım O kıyıcı kırmızı dudaklarını O güzelim lâl dudaklarını Yırtıcı küçücük dişlerinle ısırırdın Isırırdın Ah sevgilim! Ah merhametsizim benim İçin el verse. Kirazdır yaban çileğidir Kızıl ve lâl taşı dudağın. İsterdim çekici bedenini Mintanının altında gizlediğin hazineleri Güzelliklerini bana göstermediğin Sevgiline sakladığın Tan ağartısı kadar ak ve lekesiz bedenini. Tudor Arghezi Çeviren : Eray CANBERK
Mezamir Masal kahramanı gibi karadan ve havadan, Dolaştım ülkemin kırlarını ve ormanlarını; Doruklara çıkınca gördüm uçurumlara açılan Erişilmez yüksekliklerini, yüksek dağlarını. Gecelerin o bilinmez parlaklığında, yıldızlar Çağırıyordu beni göklere, bense çukurdaydım. En uzun ve yakıcı çöl yollarını seçtim de Bir iz bile bulamadım gene, hala yollardayım. Seni aradım dizelerimde, sözcüklerde, hecelerde, Kah, dizlerimin üzerinde, kah, sürüner-ek yerlerde. Bu sonsuz işkencede iyilikler umarak İnandım ki muhtacım senin merhametine. Uzun süredir yalvarıp yakarıyorum böyle Kendimde buluyorum seni, inan ki seviniyorum. Eşiğine yüz sürüp dualar okuyarak, seni, Sürgülerde, zincirlerde, parmaklıklarda duyuyorum. Bütün gücümle atılıp kırmak istiyorum engelleri Sen geçiyorsun önüne, sıkılı bırakıyorsun elleri
Tudor Arghezi Çeviren: Muzaffer Uyguner
Bahçemin köşesinde bir leylak ağacı Eflatun salkımlarla şimdi bulut bulut Işıltılı yapraklarla savuruyor Serin bir rüzgara Bir yağmur sonrasında Bayıltan kokusunu Leylak, ah bu leylak ağacı Leylak ki bahçenin köşesinde Eşsiz bir güzellik tablosu Bir efsunlu senfoni Leylak ki bir şiir okuyor Bahardan yana şimdi *** Ah! Leylaklar yazıyor şimdi senenin şiirini Bahar leylaklara teslim Mevsim leylak mevsimi Senenin eflatunlu günleri Yollara sokaklara bahçelere bağlara Beyazlarla pembelerle morlarla İşliyor nakış nakış Mayıs güzelliğini Leylaklar yazıyor şimdi Baharın şiirini Uzun karlı bir kış ardından Varşova'da şimdi her yandan
Yazar: Nazif Özaslan
Leylaklar fışkırıyor Saklım salkım dallardan Beyaz pembemsi mavi mor Etrafa şimdi derinden derine Bir huzur savruluyor Her taraftan yakından uzaktan Dolduruyor kalpleri Bir yaşama arzusu Bir coşkulu heyecan Gönüller daha ferah Kan şimdi daha sıcak Sıcak derin bir sevgi Gönül leylakların renginde Pır pır bir kuş Kanatlanıyor öteler ötesine Gök şimdi daha mavi Ruh şimdi daha ulvi Leylaklar şimdi yer yanda Bir efsunlu senfoni Varşova ki şimdi Tepeden tırnağa Bir güzellik durağı Bahar rüzgarlarında Bir güzellik sergisi Günler şimdi leylak günleri Mevsim şimdi leylak mevsimi Leylaklar yazıyor şimdi Baharın şiirini
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