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KASIM 2020








How did we get here? This question seems to haunt everyone. Although Halloween is over, spooky is creeping on the streets, an invisible enemy threatened to be inhaled.



Have you ever seen a parliamentarian or a politician going to work on foot, taking public transportation or staying in line for a doctor to see him?





With a second wave on the horizon, there is another upsurge of human rights violations, particularly to those most vulnerable among us.

At first glance at the word cult, an educated guess instantly reminds one of the word cultures.




Behaviours can have a significant impact on mass society and subsequently provoke reaction from the general public.

Mad Men: Selling ice to an eskimo.



Mobilizing the human conscious through filmmaking.

11 RELEVANCE OF ‘PARLIAMENTARY DIPLOMACY’ In the recent years, issues regarding foreign policies have become more frequent topics of discussion for the Parliaments. NEWS MAGAZINE








A guide to surviving in the corporate world! Taking everything I have learned over the years and sharing raw advice with people who truly need it. So, take a walk in my stilleos and let me show you around.


If we exchanged 50 British Pounds to any other currency, what would we be able to spend it on in its respective country? 16

T üR K ç E YA Z I L A R 48


Dünya’nın döşü ile düzenine istikrar ve güvence gerekiyor.


Trabzon, Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin orta kesiminde yer alan bir kıyı şehridir.


Yıllarca Küba’yı ziyaret eden turistlerin çoğu, doğu Havana’da bir kasaba olan Cojimar’a gitmek için dolambaçlı bir yolu takip ederler.

We lc ome ! ESRA KANBUR Editor-In-Chief & Digital Designer



ow did we get here? This question seems to haunt everyone. Although Halloween is over, spooky is creeping on the streets, an invisible enemy threatened to be inhaled. I know, we are all sick of hearing about the virus. But it is still incredible how this is not a film, but our reality- we are experiencing globally-united by fear of the unseen enemy. Speaking of enemies, Page 10 takes you back to the first crime committed on earth, the enemy brothers, the repetition in many cultures and religions, becoming more than a myth and morphing into reality. Going off by the theme of reality versus perception, Page 42 hosts how technology’s introduction into a stimulation affects us. The cover art was inspired by this topic. Our November issue title “No Way Out” emphasises on the reminder that codes are everywhere, even in places you would not have imagined.



Distorted reality can extend outside of the technology’s grip. Social control is a phenomenon that had its claws digging into its victors for decades, Page 16 explores the glitz and glam of cults.

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The Art section is filled with exciting interviews, Page 20 is an interview with Turkish aspiring singer Sono Smano and Page 28 is an interview that sheds light onto a very important issue that gets swept under the rug or as the companying article puts it “Skeleton in the closet”.

“United by fear of The Lifestyle section introduces three new the unseen writers who say hello enemy.” with their articles about

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work, beauty and money - the powerhouses and holy grails that drives our lives.

The Turkish section of our magazine is enriched by many fantastic articles, and we welcome back painter Muruvvet Durak, explained from the eyes of an art guru.









t is common knowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic has not only demised thousands of lives and negatively impacted the global economy, but also exacerbated existing human rights concerns. With a second wave on the horizon, there is another upsurge of human rights violations, particularly to those most vulnerable among us. States do not seem to have another choice but to enforce strict measures to contain the virus. Confinements and curfews, which affect individual liberty, are viewed as a violation of the human right of freedom of movement. People are frustrated and angry. Many people are not letting a virus dictate their lives, and are defying health services and disagreeing to the command of wearing a mask. Others are asserting their rights and fighting for their liberty by participating in street protests. However, during a crisis that threatens many lives within a nation, international human rights law permits some rights to be derogated. Therefore, to defend the fundamental right to life, it is essential to reduce virus transmission, limit social interactions, and adopt such strict measures, despite its devastating impact. More than new human rights violations, this pandemic is only exposing a social and economic crisis that existed before. Inequality, censorship, and lack of freedom of expression are now more visible for the world to see. And lack of investment in healthcare systems, social protection, and policies around labour rights have resurfaced since the outbreak.

by human rights for the benefit of its people, others are using the pandemic as an excuse to violate human rights, by pushing the limits of mobility, controlling the population and perpetuating power. There are emergency legislations vulnerable to abuse, including criminal penalties for health professionals and journalists allegedly spreading false information, which restricts their freedom of expression. There are cases of excessive use of force, including arrests and detention, to impose measures to restrict movement. And some cases of police brutality, including killings, to individuals not wearing masks. The UN Human Rights Office has identified numerous violations in many countries, including in Venezuela and Myanmar. People need a voice in this crisis, and governments must be open to ensure participation so that people are involved in decisions that affect them. Justice and respect for the rule of law are necessary to strengthen the effort to tackle the virus, and governments must continue to protect the most vulnerable.

As a second wave appears imminent, COVID-19 measures shaped on human rights should be at the core of the global response to preserve human dignity. There should be a focus on the future while planning for immediate, short-term measures. When the world recovers, it has to be better than ever before. There should be more efforts to guarantee the right to health and the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3, including universal health coverage. It is essential that all actors, especially governments, take lessons learned from NEWS MAGAZINE this 7pandemic to tackle the existing inequaliWhile it is a fact that some states are attempties and address the underlying human rights ting to implement the best responses shaped concerns that have left groups vulnerable.

The Evolution Of MASS SOCIETY



uman attitudes and social interactions are closely observed and widely covered in Media Studies as it has an inevitable influence on consumers and generates new traits in individuals and group behaviours that anticipates study. Consequently, these behaviours can have a significant impact on mass society and subsequently provoke reaction from the general public. Mass society tends to distinguish the media as a support system and absorb its ideologies more effortlessly. Hence, they are vulnerable to manipulation and readily exposed to propaganda. While mass society breaks ties with traditions and creates isolated institutions with alienated individuals bound by the media, the public have an augmented consciousness formed by varied opinions and judgements due to their soul ties to nonpartisan and benevolent factions. Texts from David Hesmodhalgh’s Work and Emotional Labour in the Television Industry and C. Wright Mills’s The Power Elite contains observations on society and the public will be examined to pinpoint the relevance and its importance in the study of the media.

ties. Therefore, Macionis, John J. states “Mass-society theorists fear that the transformation of people of various backgrounds into a generic mass may end up dehumanising everyone.” He argues this system is depriving the societies of civil qualities and making them less sentient. The creation of impersonal and pseudo-social institutions undermines traditional values that promote attachment and kinship. The large disconnected groups are therefore easily controlled by large institutions hidden behind mass culture, coaxing anomie and immorality. The collective experiences of these mass societies such as attending concerts, sports games and film screenings envelop a shared understanding of expectations and standards. The natural occurrence of mass culture provides a cushion for the fall in traditional culture. Advertising is the most discreet practice of Affective Labour which commonly pursues to make audiences relate to commodities through tapping into emotional experiences. Similarly, creative industries are afflicted too, where Hesmodhalge explores “the power to provide exposure or not to individuals in the talent show genre in contemporary television.” An example of this In the absence of technology and media, commu- suggestion is evident in modern reality shows where nicating with family and friends was an alternative talent is questionable and contestants are a reflecway to seek guidance and an essential source of tion of the targeted mass societies. The Voice, (BBC) navigation. Mass society refers to the disruption of is presented to be a show purely based on scouting natural patterns within communities, prompting talented singers with the ‘blind auditions’, however societies to perceive the world through modified and it is revealed that contestants audition three times distorted alterations of reality delimitated through in front of producers before they are even chosen for standardisation in the mass media. The term mass the first official stage of the show. The strict selection society refers to a large group of uniformed and shows how producers are choosing those who the egotistic individuals, whom shift and shape under target audience will most likely relate to and form an the umbrella of the society they are associated with. emotional bond with enough to engage in the voting Apparatus of constitutes in the mass media that process. NEWS are designed with the intention of gearing due to MAGAZINE 8 its inclination of generating archetype variants are Due to the media not being able to translate the imperative to attaining and sustaining mass socieworld accurately to the public, the public is seeking

f Communication VS. THE PUBLIC


to voice their elite-decision making skills through their acts of protests. C. Wright Mills explains the public has a two-way communication; they are able to articulate opinions and inspire policy change within the parliament. According to Mills’s argument there is elite, ruling class dominating the structure of power, enforcing hegemony from the top down. However, this power elite would not be able to survive in a country of genuinely active and efficiently involved public, whereas it thrives on passive and distracted societies where democracy coverts into a romanticised ideology. The public that recognises its political duty is increasingly manifested in the eastern world. The Arab Spring started in Tunisia (2010) where a street vendor set himself on fire for the humiliation and confiscation of his wares. This triggered a rebellion against the regime; the upheaval resulted in the step down of their dictator. After the success of Tunisia, other rebellions stood up against their authoritarian leaders as a cause of oppression and poverty. This uprising spread across the Arab world mustering riots, violence and civil war. The power struggle between fundamental rights and religious elites resulted in anti-revolutionary states charging and bringing home the Arab Winter.

The public’s relationship with matters that may affect their lives or lives of those whom they care about is amplified in their intentions to take further action and make a change. Both the public and the mass society are the receivers of the media, since the response and level of engagement is considered polar opposites the terms will always be a subject of curiosity for social theorists. As technology adds to the evolution of the way we communicate, the mass society will continue to shape and produce new behaviours. Likewise, the public will persist to stand against what they believe is a disruption to the power balance. The critique of new social roles and styles will always transmute, adapting to its governance and rulers with the help of the purposefully selected messages transmitted to the obedient masses and the tuned in public.

The differences between mass society and the public can be best described through their different methods of communication. The masses tend to listen to a monologue, while the public can have a discussion. Thus, the public is seen as active, whereas the masses are viewed as passive contributors of humanitarian, environmental and political factors. Mass society lacks enlightened deliberation; neither do they believe they have an obligation to involve themselves with NEWS such affairs. On the other hand, the public have theMAGAZINE ability to evaluate, however they do typically lack usage of tools such as the media to intensify their cause.





he idea of parliamentary diplomacy is not new since the Roman Senate has played an important role in suing for peace and sanctioning a war with Macedonian leader Philip V after the Treaty of Phoenice (205 BC) had failed. Scholars have argued the United Nations General Assembly is, in its essence, a parliamentary diplomacy forum, but the modern use of the term ‘parliamentary diplomacy’ refers not only to international congresses, but rather to all the parliamentary actors that are involved in diplomatic issues starting from international parliaments to regional parliaments, to national parliaments, to local assemblies or parliaments, to political parties and ending with individual parliamentarians. Other authors provide a more direct definition of parliamentary diplomacy as the discussions and negotiations carried out according to the general rules of procedure applied in international organisations. The objective of parliamentary diplomacy is increasing mutual understanding between different states, increasing the democratic legitimacy of inter-governmental institutions, better representing their people and improving scrutiny of government. An example in this respect can be provided by referring to the League of Nations, an organisation that often adopts the parliamentary diplomacy in order to acknowledge the supremacy of great powers and the equality of states.

In the recent years, issues regarding foreign policies have become more frequent topics of discussion for the Parliaments. Delegations of Parliaments have begun more often to participate in the work of parliamentary assemblies of several international organisations. As a result, the question of whether the influence of national Parliaments has increased on the international stage became important, especially in the context of a paradox identified by scholars: while the politics become more globalised at the international levels in areas like terrorism, pandemics, environment, economics and trade. The Parliaments remain rooted at local or national level. -Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy) or in parliamentary meetings of international organisations. - In bilateral diplomacy, aiming at strengthening cooperation with other parliamentary bodies. The institutional levels - Under the procedures that allow parliamentary control (censure, committees) - In the legislative process . - Within the larger political role – discussions and meetings on foreign affairs on different occasions. This refers to the activities for the provision of unilateral or mutual technical assistance, as follows: - Activities at the bilateral level (e.g. organizing study trips for foreign parliamentarians or collaborating with NGOs that organize such trips). - Activities facilitating the information exchange about best practices in the fields of parliamentary management, organization and institutions (such activities are promoted, for example, by the Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments). The bilateral relations between states can be enhanced through personal contacts between members of different states’ Parliaments. Such relations have the capability of establishing alternative channels that can then be used in order to contextualise national developments, especially those referring to social conditions, improved education, economic development, strengthening human rights and democracy.

Scholars have identified two main levels for the involvement and intervention of Parliaments on the international stage: The diplomatic level The international democratic legal order can - In EU meetings which resemble diplomatic be promoted through the deployment and conferences. These meetings are characteriuse of parliamentary contacts. Parliaments sed by a less institutionalised framework and are legitimate representatives of democrainvolve more and more the national Parliacy and, as a result, they can be engaged in a NEWS MAGAZINE 10 ments of states. credible exchange of ideas and can be used - In multilateral diplomacy, developed in inas an example of safeguarded pluralism, ternational parliamentary bodies (e.g. Interefficient inter-religious dialogues, intercultu-

ral and political processes. As a result, Parliaments are able to take a long-term, pragmatic approach to negotiations by building understanding and trust. By using different informal approaches to negotiations, political parties and parliamentarians can use affiliations and political camaraderie to reach out officials that cannot be contacted through traditional diplomatic channels. The added value of parliamentary diplomacy also derives from the Parliaments’ capability of supplementing government diplomacy since parliamentarians can be more flexible than government officials when dealing with diplomatic relations. Since parliamentarians are not bound by the positions taken by government officials, they are able to transcend the interests of their own governments and provide principled support for human rights and democracy. As opposed to executive offices, the legislative structures provide a framework capable of dealing and smoothening misunderstandings, thus stimulating and enriching the traditional diplomatic channels. A last element of added value identified by scholars refers to the fact that parliamentary diplomacy neither replaces nor duplicates the traditional diplomacy carried out through governmental channels. On the contrary, parliamentarians (either from the opposition or government parliamentary parties) have a position that allows them to enhance communication between conflicting states, unshackled by precise instruction from government officials.

c) The Great Britain and Ireland have developed an Inter-Parliamentary Body, which consists not only of members from the Parliaments of Ireland and United Kingdom, but also of members from the Assemblies of the States of Guernsey and Jersey, the Northern Ireland Assembly, the National Assembly of Wales and the Scottish Parliament. The Inter-Parliamentary Body was successful in providing support to the peace process in Northern Ireland. d) The Democratic Republic of Congo was visited by the Speakers of the Parliaments of the Member Countries of the Southern African Development Community. The Speakers managed to promote stability and peace in the region. One of the best examples of Parliamentary involvement in International Affairs is represented by the role of the OSCE’s Parliamentary diplomacy in South Caucasus and Central Asia. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE-PA) has sent parliamentarians to OSCE field presences in order to observe and support the work carried out there by the organisation itself. Other Euro-regional International Parliamentary Institutions have also contributed to the negotiations held in Central Asia and South Caucasus (e.g. the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community, the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Co-operation, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly or the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe). Scholars argue that these International Parliamentary Institutions are potentially very significant for the future of economic integration for the states in the South Caucasus region through instruments like bringing new issues onto the international agenda, confidence building and promoting moves towards regional co-operative security.

Defining parliamentary diplomacy is a long process that needs to identify the impact, A study conducted by the Inter-Parliamentary purposes and working methods of the ParUnion has identified several examples of Parliaments on the international stage. But for liamentary initiatives in all regions of the worParliaments to fully replace or assist the ld, as follows: role of governments in the international a) Creating a separate Committee for Parliarelations, international parliamentary ormentary Diplomacy by the Italian Chamber of ganisations must be made to function more Deputies. This committee is responsible for efficiently and prove themselves to be real overseeing the international activities of perdemocratic and transparent institutions For manent parliamentary delegations and of the the term ‘parliamentary diplomacy’ to becocommittees involved in international organime a concept as widely known as the consations. cept of ‘governmental diplomacy’ is today, b) Creating a Parliamentary Assembly of the parliamentarians need to be prepared to Council of Europe. This Assembly has manaexplain the importance of their internatioged to develop initiatives addressing several nal work and to implement better proceduNEWS MAGAZINE international conflicts (e.g. Nagorno-Karabakh, res11for adopting clear, realistic and stronger Cyprus and Chechnya). statements.




ave you ever seen a parliamentarian or a politician going to work on foot, taking public transportation or staying in line for a doctor to see him? Probably you can name a few, but they are just the exceptions. I believe you have never seen the whole 650 members of the House of Commons of the UK walking to work in the early hours of the morning, or the 709 members of the Germany Bundestag taking common transportation to work, or the 588 Romanian parliamentarians and the 560 Poland parliamentarians taking the subway to work.Although today it has become normal for parliamentarians and governors to have a salary high enough not to stand in line at the store to pay for products purchased, or not to sit in crowds on public transport, we must understand that this cannot be of any use to us, to the people who are to be represented by them. We have gone through countless pandemics and health problems so that after decades no public hospital to be built and no real work to be made for improving the public services and defending our interests. Evidence in this direction can be seen by looking at the number of hospitals; for example, in Germany in the last two decades, the number of hospitals has decreased from 2,242 in 2000 to 1,925 in 2018. Or the number of hospital beds in the UK for example, which in the year 2000 240,000 beds were compared to 163,873 in 2019. Or Romanian hospitals from 348 hospitals in 2000 to 316 in 2020. In the context, when in the 2000’s we have had the H5N1 virus (bird flu) than in 2009 the H1N1 virus (swine flu), the Coronavirus since 2012, Ebola between 20132016, Zika virus and many other NEWS MAGAZINE diseases that triggered epidemics or even pandemics the number of our hospitals is decreasing. Then, in

the last 16 years in Romania has closed up to 21,000 educational units, around 4 schools are closed every day. According to a World Bank report during this period Romania has closed 25% of its educational units with legal personality and 17% of satellite education units. Some could say there was a lack of funds. But on the contrary between 2014 and 2020, the EU has allocated around 350 million euros from the Regional Development Fund so Romania could develop the educational infrastructure. Still, we got less and fewer schools. In the UK things are not good either, the statistics show that the number of secondary schools has decreased from 4,352 in 2000 to 4,188 in 2018. These statistics keep the trend in other areas as well as in other countries. So we ask ouwe rselves: in a world where have come


to have more money, higher salaries, larger state budgets, technology and much more of everything, how have we come to have fewer hospitals, fewer schools, about the same transportation system, always crowded and still not adapted to the ecological norms? To what extent does the political system represent us?For politicians to be able to represent the people, they must be aware of the problems and needs that citizens have, be part of the affected system and not live different realities. In this context, the major problem that led to the creation of this great rupture in representation is the separation of politicians from social reality. From the moment they become politicians, they are given a lot of benefits that contribute to building another life. One in which they no longer travel by train for tens of hours to a location but take the plane, or do not feel the problems of public transport because the last time they were on public transport was maybe 15-20 years ago; they don’t know about poverty because, although there are commissions that research this direction, there were not too many ministers to go in person through villages and poor areas to see the problems themselves. From the moment politicians reach the decision-making structures of the state, they live a completely different life, and their activity does not intersect too much with what we face in our daily life so they could represent us. Many of them even want to become politicians to get rid of social problems and not to reform the system. This becomes obvious if we look at the statis-


tics presented above. It is very clear that politicians are torn from social reality and that they do not represent society as well as we hope. The problem of representation dates back thousands of years; it is not new for a country leader, a political or religious leader to have a much better life than that of his people. Although society has tolerated this for a long time hoping they will solve their problems easily, I wonder for how long things will stay this way? How do we expect them to solve our problems if we display the politician jobs as ideals of life and perfect trades for a better life and not as simple jobs where politicians are in the service of the people, as they should be? This gap of representation can be solved through social involvement, voting, creating new representation structures, changing the duties that politicians must have, establishing rules to guarantee the efficiency of politicians’ work and to impose them to present clear activity reports at the end of the mandate. We need a reformulation of the system because we cannot leave things like this while moving from one pandemic to another and while the number of hospitals decreases; we cannot trust their words about a better life while schools are closed and we have no way to teach our children to build a better life.There is one case of representation that inspires: The President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica, that had the salary in line with the average income of Uruguay, 775 dollars a month, from which he donated 90% to charity. He has a normal life, like his people, and blames the politicians of the world for their obsession on consumption. “Which leads us to the end of the world”. I leave you with a question, who could represent us better: someone who lives a much better life or someone who lives like us and has the same problems we have (breaths the same polluted air, walks on the same roads full of garbage, bathes in the same plastic-filled waters, not in the Maldives, Bora Bora or Bahamas, eats foods like us, with chemicals added, sits in line with us at the hospital to treat the problems appeared from all this mess)?You need to know that you have the power to change this reality by voting and by communicating with others to bring issues up and not ignore them. The more you talk with those around you about this gap of representa13 tion, the more the vote will change the world we live in.



he cosmogonic concept of the enemy brothers is present in most of the significant Indo-European cultures, but not limited to them. The topics of the enemy brothers, twins, are very popular in terms of world creation and is an important starting point for major events. Such as, in the case of Romulus and Remus, the foundation of a city. These important facts are, in essence, a repetition of the cosmogony and the primordial sacrifice for the good of the many.

darkness but is then saved by God’s second creation, the Soul (light).

According to Roman mythology, Rome’s foundation is based on fratricide. Romulus and Remus are the children of Rhea Sylvia, sister of Numitor, the king of Alba Longa, dethroned by his brother Amulius. A fight between brothers is also present in this usurpation, Numitor, the rightful king, being violently deposed by his brother. The order of things is troubling. Amulius kills all Numitor’s As Zarathustra “spoke”, in the successors and obliges the latter’s Persian mythology Ahura Mazda sister to become a vestal. But Rhea created the Universe and the Silvia becomes pregnant by her cosmic order. He created the union with Mars, the god of war, two twin spirits, Spenta Mainyu giving birth to the legendary twins. and Angra Mainyu. The first is Amulius order that these be left benevolent, loves truth, justice, on the banks of the Tiber, but they light ad life, while the latter is are found by a female wolf who destructive, cunning, lover of nursed them. The brothers survive darkness and death. The fight until they are found by a shepherd, between them is our history, who would raise them to maturity everything we go through and when, learning their true story, the choices between the good they return to Alba Longa and take and the evil that we make everyday. In Avesta, the holy book revenge over their usurping uncle. As soon as Numitor returns to this of the Zoroastrianism, Ahura throne, they leave Alba to establish Mazda is assimilated to Spenta a new city. The twins ask for gods’ Mainyu, representing the good help in choosing the right place to in contrast with Angra Mainyou, do so. The gods select Romulus, who represents the evil. One who starts ploughing borders lives in heavens, while the other around the Palatine Hill on which lives underground, our earth to build the walls of the future being the eternal battlefield of Eternal City. Remus, jokingly or to the fight between them. Later challenge his brother, jumps over on, Zurvan (Time), appears as the line ploughed by Romulus who the father of the twin brothers kills him in a rage, shouting that Ormazd and Ahriman, Ormazd anyone who dares step over the being another name for Ahura Mazda. The brothers rule the world wall of the city will be killed that way. alternatively until Ormazd’s final victory. This concept appears also There are several common mythological themes in this in the Manichaean dualism, a legend. The exposure of the child religion where God is sometimes immediately after birth.14Moses, called Zurvan, Ormazd being NEWS MAGAZINE Oedipus, Paris (who had been the primordial human who is nursed by a female bear) and destroyed by the forces of the

other legendary characters were exposed to such first initiation, which once surpassed is followed by a second initiating “journey”, living among common people, their adopting parents, shepherds, foresters, slaves. There is one exception: Moses, born as a slave, who later came to grow up in the pharaoh’s family. It is also worth mentioning the sacrifice required for the birth of a strong, fighting people: Remus’s death in exchange for the glorious future of the city. However, this sacrifice has the role of “original sin” in the conscience of the Romans. A curse leading the sons of Rome to kill one another, eventually leading to the fall of the city. In Greek mythology, as well as in the mythology of several European peoples, such as the Celts and the Germanic, there is an exception from the rule of the enemy brothers. Twins love and support each other. Nothing can separate them, not even death. The twin brothers Castor and Pollux (the Dioscuri) were born by Leda from her union with Zeus. When Castor was killed in an altercation with Idas and Lynceus, another famous pair of twins and cousins of the Dioscuri, Zeus got angry and killed Ideas with lightning, taking Pollux with him to the heavens. However, the latter asked his father to share the gift of immortality with his brother from Hades. Zeus then allowed them to spend alternatively one day among the gods and one day in the world of the dead. Another version of the myths tells that Zeus turned them into the constellation of the Gemini. They were considered the protectors of seamen and travellers. The Spartans adopted them as gods of the light. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris, a primordial king of Egypt, is killed by his brother Set (Seth). Osiris is the life-giving force, the prosperity and the order, while Seth is the opposite. After his murder, Isis, Osiris’s wife, gives birth to a boy, Horus, whom she protects from Seth’s fury. Horus finally wins and re-establishes the order in the kingdom of Egypt, resurrecting Osiris.

God sent the bee to the hedgehog to ask what could be done. The hedgehog contemptuously answered that since God is omniscient, he was in no position to give some advice. Then the bee left and eavesdropped, learning that mountains and valleys had to be created to make space for water. The hedgehog, angry that his secret had been revealed, cursed the bee for her excrements to be eaten by humans. But God turned the bee’s excrements into honey.

At the proto-Slavs, the rival twins ruling and balancing the world are Belobog (White God) and Cernobog (Black God). Belobog is an old man, with a white beard and a stick, all dressed in white. He only appears during the day and does good, bringing happiness and success to mankind. Cernobog is the malefic brother, associated with darkness, cold, famine, poverty and disease. These two fight twice a year for the control of the seasons. At the dawn of the world, their fight gave rise to night and day, summer and winter and triggered the movement of the celestial bodies. Again, the balance created by the fight between the good and evil can be noticed. However, Belobog was a respected god. Evil is necessary, there can be no universal balance without it. White and Black, as in the principle of Yin and Yang in the Chinese philosophy, are opposite, contrary, though interconnected and complementary. The Romanian cosmogonic legends also follow this dualist pattern. The world is created based on the conflict between the Evil and the Good, God and Devil, as well as based on the cooperation between these two. In the Romanian traditional culture, Brethren and Unbrethren are two brothers who create the world by their fight. Both fly above waters when Brethren asks his brother to go into the water and bring some earth for them to rest. Unbrethren successfully brought a small quantity of earth from which

Brethren makes a small plate (or a bed) on which they lay both. However, Unbrethren wishes to be the sole master of the earth and tries to throw Brethren into the water. The land starts spreading and the waters withdraw, the world is thus created. In other versions of the myth, God is Brethren and Devil is Unbrethren. “At the beginning, when there were no heavens and stars, nor the Earth with all its things and beings, everything was void and complete darkness and nothing could be seen. In this void and darkness, two brothers would wander here and there. They were God and Devil. They were true brothers but did not get along with each other because God was good and rightful while Devil was mean, cunning and unfair. This is why, although Devil would call God “my brother”, God would always call Devil “my unbrother”. But the biggest enmity Devil had against God was because God had the power to do whatever he wanted, while Devil had no such power. This is why Devil envied and hated God and would try through various devilish tricks and deceits to undo and tarnish everything good God would do. God had also another name, “Merciful”. Then the myth continues with the creation of valleys and mountain. After Devil has tried to push God from the piece of land, the land expanded and grew so big that NEWS MAGAZINE 15 the waters had no sufficient place in the newly created world. Then

The origins of the myth of the Brethren and Unbrethren are ancient, being probably the result of mixing very old local popular beliefs with some others coming from other territories. Several explanations have been given: An explanation would be that these myths originate from the cult of the pair gods-heroes in the Carpathians-Danube area, such as the Cabeiri, the Danubian knights and the Dioscuri. Another argument is that the Persian religious dualism survived through Manichaeism and neoManichaean sects, such as the Paulicianism and the Bogomilism. In an essay entitled Fărtate și Nefărtate (Brethren and Unbrethren), Lucian Blaga maintains that the Bogomils influence only existed at the level of popular mythology and religious folklore, without a theological doctrine being developed. Another explanation would be the origin of the myth in Central Asia, at the Turkish-Mongolic peoples(Mircea Eliade). Local solutions were not excluded either, based on the reminiscences of “Thracian-Scythian substrate” The existence of the religious dualism of ancient Slavs, mentioned above, should also be taken into consideration. The dualist cosmogonic patter of the myth of the Brethren and Unbrethren is certain. The world is created both through cooperation and confrontation between God and the Devil. The dualist explanation is simple. The imperfections of the world we live are easier to explain through dualism. Good cannot exist without evil, God cannot exist without Devil.


The Curious Mind is a segment exploring social and psychological effects on the mind. With a new topic each issue, this month we take a look at...

Social Control & Cults At first glance at the word cult, an educated guess instantly reminds one of the word cultures. Although there can be philosophical links between the two that can further our understanding of trends and modern social values of communities, the word comes from the Latin word for cultivation and worship, to devote yourself to a person or an ideology. What are some differences between a cult and a religion? A cult is naturally referred to as a social movement and generally not accepted as a religious group due to their modern charismatic leaders. The word cult was coined by sociologist to refer to the socially deviant beliefs of these groups, no matter how much a cult member may see themselves as a true believer, their rituals and practices are not perceived as such.

How and why do people join cults, surely it is not an illogical decision which results in a person aiming to be part of a community that, lack of a better word, brainwashes them and ultimately alters their perception of the universally accepted and agreed on an understanding of reality.



Usually, vulnerable people who are looking for comfort will seek out a community that can provide that. Especially people who have experienced trauma in their lives will want to undergo big change to heal their wounds. The general population of a cult is mainly made-up of those

who come from a sheltered background and require authorial presence to function. Being a cult member will disable the critical thinking processes by maintaining a hold on their emotional states. This withdraws them from the need to question their leaders and their teachings. After suppressing such essential natural brain activities, the side effects can resurface in the future as a post-traumatic stress disorder. All cults are structured upon the fundamental principle of ‘us’ versus ‘them’. Creating a wider gap between the members and non-members as the former is aware of a special understanding of life that the later is not. The radical personality changes after joining a cult can take effect in a matter of a few days. Some of the most common and serious disturbances to the mind include; paranoia, lack of humour, mystical state, heightened irritability. The deprogramming of this conversion consists of exploiting details of the cult they have left. Just like being in a narcissistic relationship, the initial love-bombing seduces the brain to accept this as love and acceptance. This is generally bliss for someone with low self-esteem, as they will start to associate the cult with feeling good. Statistics show that more women than men are likely to join a suppressive group like a cult. Traditionally from a young age, girls learn to impress authority and in particular men. This translate into seeing these leaders as a saviour, and themselves as a damsel in distress ready to be saved. Mind control is one of the most powerful tactics used to contain the bond formed at the initiation. The leaders isolate the ‘victims’ by separating them from their families, friends and to give up their possessions,

ultimately giving up their likes and dislikes. Becoming a uniformed, cookie-cutter rookie. Public humiliation is a form of emotional control obtained by getting the victim to verbalise their secrets, failings and confidential thoughts in front of everyone. Being so deeply exposed results in shame and guilt, deepening their attachments. A similar way to achieve the same result is to have the victims write a letter to the leader exporting this information and then the leader will use and abuse this information when necessary, manipulating the person. Imposed magically thinking results in the victim seeing the



leader as a supernatural being who is all-knowing and allwatching, who can listen in on their inner thoughts. If we go by the logic that cult members do not realise nor accept they are in a cult, wouldn’t you agree the culture is a cult? One does not always have to join a cult to inhabit a conditioned mind. This damage can also be done within manipulative communities, families, marriages or even workplaces. The latter may seem as the odd one out, but thinking back on some of your work experiences, can you argue otherwise?

Q uote o f T h e M o nt h: “ T he cu ltu re is a cu lt.”

-Social Control & Cults by Emma Olsen







Aspiring singer and artist Sono Smano is releasing new music. Yasemin Gundogdu has interviewed him over video call due to the pandemic restrictions. Enjoy this charming and elegant conversation and be introduced to the genre of alternative dance. Who inspired you to make music? It’s a bit complicated since I wanted to exercise music in different stages. For example, it was bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Venom who pushed me to be on stage. When I’d

seen their shows, that was it for me! That was the way to channel my energy to the crowd. Then I met Vivaldi’s music, that’s when I wanted to compose and layer different instruments to create something “much larger” and



“I love grabbing some random content and merging them into some composition which would create a theme in the end.� NEWS MAGAZINE


refined. When I wanted to shout something out loud, I adopt the attitude of Offspring. Your music has a technical sound to it, what genre would you classify yourself as? I’d say it falls somewhere around alternative/alternative dance. Although I think it’d take some more time to refine it since I’ve just started to do releases. Your music videos on Youtube look to be a montage of home videos, was this intentional and if so, why have you chosen this aesthetic? I love grabbing some random content and merging them into some composition which would create a theme in the end. Most of the footage you see is from my close circle. And I also love using media which I grew up with such as movies, memes or series. So the montages you see are a summary of “me.” Do you get nervous before performing live in front of others, and how do you deal with the stress? Thing is, those are the moments I’m living for. The moment I get onto the stage and connect with the audience, that’s my medicine. So that’s not a cause of stress that’s a way to cope with stress. What has been the best performance of your career and why? Well, I sang in some fashionable gigs and ad-

dressed to big crowds but I gave a concert last year in this little pub. All the people I love was there, plus with some random crowd. My whole crew being there for me was just feeling great. So I gave a great performance. Love puts me to work. Is it hard to sing in a different language? No, it’s just different. Do you write your songs and music, if so, please can you talk us through the creative process? Yes, I write my songs. I also produce, mix and master them too. The first step of the process is the vaguest one. It may all start with a chord or

chaeologist, trying to dig up an ancient relic. If a deaf person suddenly started hearing, which three songs would you recommend them to first listen to and why? Well, since I’ve four songs released until now, this question also may be interpreted as ”which one I‘d want to exclude”. I’d exclude “Ilahymn” because it’s filled with pain and regret. I wouldn’t want to channel those feelings to a newcomer to the audial realm. How do you feel like the internet has impacted the music industry? Upside down. We may need a whole paragra-

“The best advice

I got was to never break a heart

a humming which got stuck on my mind in that particular moment. Sometimes I write lyrics first then apply them in the music. But usually, I come up with the music first then hum some incomprehensible words into it. Then I start excavating those incomprehensible words to reveal the sentences wi22 thin.NEWS So,MAGAZINE it’s pretty much like a process of an ar-

ph to discuss these but let me point at only one field; distribution. Imagine the way you access music now, then imagine that it didn’t exist back in the ’90s. All that travel which a physical medium went through mean nothing right now. That means you don’t need trucks to deliver, you don’t need storage space to play music, you don’t need all those different

players to run your medium. And again, this is only one aspect of it. Which famous musicians do you admire? James Hetfield, Tori Amos, Jim Morrisson, Dexter Holland, Dave Mustaine… There are more but these may be my main influences. Ah, Mozart too of course! If you could change one thing about the music industry what would it be? I’d put a standard of equi-

pment to every single joint here. Also would create some regulations to push music venues to attain a standard in acoustics. A lot of good music is being heard “bad” due to lack of acoustic treatment and choice of bad equipment. What is the best advice you have been given? To never break a heart. What would you advise someone who is looking to become a singer?

To breathe right. If someones become a singer, they’re already on to it. One thing they miss is to breathing right. That’s so important. What’s next for you? Well, I am planning to close this year with a total of seven single releases, two more music videos. And next year I plan to do a setlist of my songs and start performing. But first I’ve got to claim my domain on the internet.

Watch Sono Smano’s music vidoes on his Youtube channel: Follow him On social media: @sonosmano




The Golden Age of Italian Opera



owadays, and at least where I am, this simple word (or actually, a compound of two different words – „bel” and „canto”, which means „beautiful singing”) has acquired an almost mystical identity, both ample and vague, which is sometimes being used to express the technical concept of operatic singing in general; occasionally, to define the operatic genre itself, reducing the complexity of its componence solely to the (central?) character of the operatic voice, and very seldomly, to capture the figures, the titles and the events that took place on the Italian operatic stages in the first half of the 19th century and even beyond, in a single word. While there is much room for debate, I believe all of the above are correct, to some extent. If we were to tighten this word to a very strict time and place, belcanto is often referred to as a synonym for the operatic tradition in the creation of the three „exponents” of the aforementioned period, which are Rossini, Donizetti and Bellini. If instead, our aim was that of translating the substance of this word in its practical manifestation, of course, the voices in opera, from its birth and up to the present day, could and SHOULD be described as „singing beautifully”. If we were to broaden our views, even more, a singer of any style could be making “belcanto”, as long as it was pleasant to the listener’s ear. But since we are here to go on a trip to a grand and perhaps distant world, we must preserve the more traditional acceptation and try to capture its amplitude in few words. Belcanto is a technical concept is something that most, if not all classical singers aim to conquer NEWS MAGAZINE during their study and activity. The works that are

an expression of this style are proof of vocal health, technical reliability, the intensity of expression and not lastly, stamina, from a musical point of view; the arias provided for the protagonists are often complex structures made of recitativo, aria and cabaletta, and therefore, a fragmented, expositive introduction to the character’s specific state of mind at a given moment, followed by a theme lyrical in nature, characterized by introspection, often gentle, tranquil and very expressive which eventually gives way to a shorter, but very dynamic piece which carries the singer throughout their entire range and requires much strength and steadiness after an already considerable length of time that they have been singing. On the other hand, these works also require an ability to embrace and manifest one’s vulnerability, belonging to the movement of Romanticism and therefore requiring


honest and convincing participation to build characters that are often involved in either tragical or very unusual stories. The three composers mentioned above, even being exponents of the same musical context, have all manifested their art very differently. Briefly, Gioacchino Rossini was perhaps the more gleeful among the three; his most notable works, “Il Barbiere di Siviglia”, “L’italiana in Algeri”, “La Cenerentola”, are evergreen examples of the “opera buffa”, respectively “dramma giocoso”, characterized by dynamic and intricate stories, colourful characters and an interesting approach in terms of vocal composition, with a prevalence of spoken and percussive phrases, increased importance given to specific

sounds and consonants and perhaps a more confined manifestation of expressiveness. That being said, “opere serie” and “melodrammi” were not absent in Rossini’s creation, some examples being “Otello” or “Mosè in Egitto”. Gaetano Donizetti and Vincenzo Bellini perhaps offer even more clear representations of the belcanto spirit. The former, in his prolific activity which produced famous titles such as “Lucia di Lammermoor”, “Anna Bolena” or “Lucrezia Borgia” on the spectrum of the “opera seria” and “L’elisir d’amore” and “Don Pasquale” as comic operas, portrayed moderation and exuberance in a very balanced manner; respect of form and courage in effervescence intertwine gracefully in his work, without ever excessively weighing down the scale to one side or the other. Bellini, on the other hand, is perhaps the most iconic conveyor of the Romantic ideals in music. The purity and refinement which allegedly characterized his physical aspect and manners are also very present in his composition, helping recognize his music due to its dreamy, ethereal and very delicate manifestation. The melodies are touching, yet almost detached, never aggressive or too “grounded”, and help build characters that manage to stay elegant and noble even when their necessities turn them into warriors. All this can be very much heard in his masterpieces, of which I will mention “I puritani”, “I Capuleti e I Montecchi”, “Norma” and “La sonnambula”. To end this article, I will say that even though we have only explored the core of what belcanto is (said to be), I believe the glimpse we took helped us realize that even one single opera of one specific composer encloses an entire human, historical and cultural universe in it. Therefore, this concept, even when interpreted in its simplest meaning, is still inspiring and enormously educational, and a crucial step for those NEWS MAGAZINE 25 who seek to find the sublime in music.

SERI E S R EV I EW word s by e sr a k a nbu r


Over the years I heard a lot about the Madison Avenue drama series set in the sixties, there were a lot of references to the advertisers in a copywriter’s autobiography I had picked up for my career research. Mad Men is a word play on Ad Men, however they are not far from being mad. As a writer myself, I find the world of advertising fascinating- using words to persuade people to spend their money- the power of words, indeed! So it was about time I delved into this series, I did not know what to expect of this American phenomena and the first series made me angry. I was upset over how painfully sexist and racist it was, the

degrading and stereotyping of women was horrific. Nonetheless it was fulfilling its purpose greatly but reflecting the raw and real setting of its time. The objectification of the new girl Peggy Olsen and the expectations this monster of an office had for her was unacceptable, the role of the secretary being part nanny part mistress to a man-child. Betty is the wife of Don Draper who is the main character of the series- I cannot call him protagonist because at times he portrays nothing more than the villain. But he’s ability to think on his feet and charms are epic. Betty is a typical housewife, wanting to look perfect, looking after the kids, waiting for her husband to come home so he can show her some ‘divided’ attention. The pilot had not exceeded my expectation, however, what followed was an incredible art that became escapism for me for seven seasons straight. If you have ever worked in an office you instantly recognise each of the stereotypes in Sterling Cooper (the company everyone works for) The story follows Don, who has a dark secret- he has committed a crime of incidental identity theft. He wears his new life with confidence, living ins suits changing his woman quicker than you can keep up, insisting on humiliating his wife with his constant cheating. He scatters parts of his true identity upon a variety of people across the series. His real childhood shared with a cowboy, his real name with a lover, his military memories with drunks. This simultaneously reflects this character and NEWS MAGAZINE 26 if integrated he could finally become whole. He shows a caring side to him when he visits

Peggy at the hospital after her breakdown admitting that she’s had a baby she had to when she gives birth without having even give up. The truth sets her free. It is also known she was pregnant the whole time. He interesting how she is the only woman advises her that she could forget this ever in Don’s life that did not have an intimate happen and then she would be surprised to relationship with him, however, had the see how much she could fake it had never deepest connection. Betty’s outcome put happened. She goes about her life denying me into deep thought, she remained to even to herself about what had happened. do what she has been doing without a Much like how Don goes about his life. After single change after she found out about my anecdote, there will be major spoiler her diagnosis of lung cancer; smoking alerts so here is your first and final warning! like a chimney, looking beautiful and I started watching Mad Men on Netflix but sending chills down your shine with the show was taken off the platform before I her cool. But she has a fair share of could finish it. The only thing running through physical and mental transformation as my head was I must know how it ends! I she goes through losing her beauty and could have just read a Wikipedia page of it confidence mid-way and regaining it. to satisfy my curiosity, but this series was Don’s transformation out of his notorious much more than words, it was for the visuals, suits, sitting on the grass in a group at cinematography and witnessing character the yoga retreat- thinking out nothing development and growth. Besides, I had but advertising! Using his experience already invested a lot of time on it. I followed of letting go of the past and finding who the series to its new platform and got my he is at his core by shooting a Coca-cola dose. Having now completed it I can say it advert, his biggest dreams of working is one of the most epic and once in a decade with the brand had finally come true. series that can be confidently watched by He went on a journey near the end to go all. The ending scenes of Mad Men reflected but to who he was, as all this time surely its professionalism as displayed throughout. he was living his truth but just under a Joan Harrison reliving of herself of being in a different name. At the end of the day, it is relationship, holding her own and becoming all business. her boss. Peggy Olsen has probably shown the biggest change of them all, having started the series off as a starry-eyed girl who came to the big city for an opportunity and a husband, -7 seasons and ending the series being one of the only -Cast: John Hamm, Cristina Henricks, women in her company to have moved up to NEWS MAGAZINE 27 January Jones be a copywriter, and a respected ally, she also -Set in the USA finds love right under her nose after finally -Genre: Drama


cultural practices; something that makes my work and vision more susceptible in today’s world.


Danial Afzal has released a new short film about the subject that is routinely swept under the rug, especially in Pakistan, where the film takes place. The Hall News asks the new filmmaker about the process and outcome of Blue, The Kaleidoscope. INTERVIEW BY ESRA KANBUR 1. What was your first film watching experience as a child in a cinema, and how did it affect you? I think it would not be a theatre experience but instead watching The Schindler’s List on my newly bought MacBook back in college is what affected or I’d rather use the word “motivated” me to pursue screenwriting. I’ve always had an artist in me since I was a kid, and I was very active in the theatre back in high school and college, but my directorial debut The Survivor set the tone and made me fully invest in building a narrative that

should be deemed important and prevalent to the world. 2. What made you pursue filmmaking? Talking about real (struggles) that go around in my part of the globe and how people are more affected while seeing it visually than just listening to conjectures by our not-so-well-versed journalists has made me invest more in my passion towards the art of filmmaking. Film nowadays NEWS MAGAZINE 28 mobilizes human conscious and makes them detach from certain values and incoherent

3. In your opinion what are the most important qualities of a film director? I think understanding the subject and the adversity behind your subject is one of the most important qualities of a film director. Again, I am still very amateur and learning every single day, so I guess so far this is what I have learnt as a director and a screenwriter. 5. What would you like to do, in filmmaking, that you haven’t yet done? Research on more closeted stories in the East, especially Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. 6. How do you compare your most recent project to your previous one known as The Survivor? How does it feel different? I honestly feel like being more mature in terms of my narrative creation. When I see my previous film, though, I am extremely proud of my team and I for digging so vehemently into those subjects; I am just very proud of the learning experience after every project we’ve initiated. 7. What do you look for in actors who are playing key roles in your films? I look for realness. I always want my actors to “react” instead of “act”, something that I’ve learnt in my theatre classes back in Oregon. 8. What do audiences want and is it the filmmaker’s role to worry about that?

Oh, I hate this expression to be blatantly honest. The infamous expression of a lot of commercially successful directors, “We build our projects based on what the audience like and want”. This is the most flawed perception in my head. As filmmakers, we have the power to show and educate our audience on prevalent issues instead of having preconceived ideas of “what audience would or may like”. That said, I always build the narrative that the audience SHOULD want to see. 9. What films have been the most influential to you and why? Screenwriters are the ones who catch my attention way more than films. I am a huge fan of Meral Okay (Muhtesem Yuzyil), Shoaib Mansoor (Khuda Ke Liye, Bol), Sarmad Khoosat (Zindagi Tamasha, Manto; though he was more of a director in the two), Aditya Chopra (Veer Zaara), Steven Zaillian (The Schindler’s List) and numerous others whom I can’t thank enough for giving good writing to the screens. A good screenplay is way more (exhilarating) than watching films with extra effects, in my opinion of course! 11. Why did you want to tell the story of a rape survivor in your new film? I wanted to tell the story of pain and neglect. Rape and sexual assault is something extremely prevalent and hush-hush in my part of the pond, and I wanted to use this as a hook to show pain and neglect related to such atrocious practices.

12. What do you hope to achieve with the release of this film, and what can audiences do to help spread awareness of this matter? We have already released it and it’s been picked up by masses. The fact that people started talking about it is where my team and I hit the jackpot. I, however, would like the audience to learn and have more compassion towards people who’ve been through sexual, mental, and emotional assault in their lives. 13. Are you satisfied with how Blue, A Kaleidoscope was received? I am happy and satisfied knowing

that there’s a conversation going around. And obviously, the conversation has been there for quite some time but the fact that my film exhilarated the conversation to a higher level is what makes me satisfied. As said before, as a man I am still unknown to the pain especially when it comes to women’s rape. The fact that I am being called by news agencies and influential people to comment on the topic makes me nervous but at the same time quite a responsible human to comment against it. 14. Sexual abuse is still a huge problem in the Western world, what do you think are some of the socioeconomic factors that contribute to the statistics? I can’t talk much about the West, but in the East, the statistics are quite underdeveloped and that is partly because such instances are hushed and kept inside a household for the sake of honour and integrity of the community. As far as the socio-economics behind these statistics are concerned, it has to deconstruct itself to the root cause; which is the culture of not speaking up or looking down to the victims to a point where victims are being either hushed or disowned by their own families. 15. What was the most important lesson you had to learn that has had a positive effect on your film? To have more compassion and the way we say it in our native language, “Khayal” for such victims. You can watch Blue, The kaleidoscope on Instagram @arashvisualsinc




Rape”, even saying the word out loud should give chills down your spine. Yet, in the current circumstances of Pakistan, sexual assault remains to be as common as mear theft. Unfortunately, this crime is not even being called a crime. On many occasions, it is referred to as the ”victim’s fault,” such as in a motor-way incident, is it the mother’s fault that she was brave enough to travel safely in her car with her children? Other times this shameful crime is just a forced skeleton in the closet, to protect the victim from disgrace, from becoming a scandal or it becomes a well kept dirty secret. So, why should a survivor of this unbearable trauma, still bask in its glorious suffering, and the one guilty gets to roam around like a free vulture, looking for its next target. Such is the case shown in “Blue, the Kaleidoscope”. This 9-minute long tale of woe, will grip its claws into your heart and remind you of how real the story it tells is. It is directed by an accomplished and skilful artist, Danial K. Afzal, who has done us a favour by breathing life into this harsh reality. Produced by Arash visuals Chicago, this short PakistaniAmerican production is worth watching. Not for entertainment but as an alarm for a wake-up call to awareness. The short movie takes us on a roller coaster of emotions, as it portrays how a young girl’s life changes from heaven to a complete hell at just the age of 10. When life has not even begun but was it because of her own choices? Based on a BBC report by Amber Shamsi, titled, “How a rape was filmed and shared in Pakistan”, the masterpiece shows how this disgraceful act is committed, recorded, and then shared by those who hold the ” fetish” for it. Most importantly, it depicts how the victim’s mind, body, and voice are sealed shut, where she is not heard, supported, and forced to suffer even more by the hands of post-traumatic stress disorder. So, should she be even called a survivor? When all

her sunny days are turned into cold, gloomy, and dark ones. Today’s reality is not any different from this short film. With over 2,846 cases of child sexual abuse in Pakistan in the year 2019, most cases occurring in rural areas , it is getting inevitable to ignore. The cases are still in 2020. According to the recent statistics, in the first half of the year 2020, everyday at-least 12 children are being sexually abused. An overall increase of 36 percent since the last year as reported by the local news. The talented Danial K. Afzal, graduate of Lewis & Clark, Portland Oregon, along with his team, has barely given us a small nudge to open our eyes and be aware of the current situation. Where victims of all ages and genders are suffering in the hands of sexual assault of all types. There is not a proper system set to provide them with rehabilitation or special protective services to prevent the crime from taking place in the first place. But what good will it be when the masses do not even talk about it. Should we let rape turn into a culture in Pakistan, should it still prevail?. That is a question we must all ask ourselves after sitting a spell and watching “Blue, The kaleidoscope.”




The pandemic is the greatest catalyst in making one feel like they require validation from others. Humans are social creatures, and even though some of us like to think we are lone-rangers, we all want to feel whole. The fear kicks in, making you think that perhaps your time has passed, you are not as young, strong, pretty or smart as you once were- all the factors that made you stand out. Who and what are you without these things? Without as many distractions we take an internal trip, to try and find out if we value ourselves, would we be okay if everything went south, and can we survive... Self-love is a concept that is often confused with self-care. There is not enough beauty regiments or workouts in the world that can induce the love you are looking for. So, let’s take a look at how we can achieve our goal. Comparison is the killer of joy.

ultimately means is we are now comparing ourselves to ourselves! Or, the AI version of ourselves, we are so in love with our avatar Generation Z is bound to social media and that we discard our physical self and emits comparison habits since the launch of body what we think we should look like. Facebook. Falling into the trap of staring Before people used to take a photo of a celeat someone else’s feed of highlights and brity to a plastic surgeon, but now they are looking at your own life. This miserable taking filtered photos of themselves as a habit is not a trend but proves to be wiser focus point. What does this mean and how beyond its years. Generation Y, also wiis this affecting our journey of self-love you dely known and despised for being ‘the may ask? The easy answer is if you take Millenials’ will remember what life was self out of the equation, which these distorlike without social media. How they would ted realities are doing, then love on its own watch TV, film and magazines comparing directionless. You are in love with you that themselves to celebrities and filmstars. is not you. To overcome this problem, we If we go further back Generation X woumust start by accepting who we are - inside ld compare themselves to friends, family, distant relatives and neighbours. However, and out. Getting to know ourselves. Do you like the things you like because everyone what we face today is not more advanced. else likes them or do you like it without With filters blurring our perception and any external interventions? Let’s start we giving us a distort reality we are unable to the basics, and work our way up to the imidentify our own facial and body features. NEWS MAGAZINE 32 parts of our identity. Once we stop You can facetune in a snap of a second and portant putting out fake or manipulated images of take away inches off your waist. What this

ourselves into the world and stop being in constant competition with our personas we can start we enjoy the person we are. Like the saying goes; a person telling the truth never has to remember what she has said, whereas the liar has to. Therefore, if you are yourself then you do not have to constantly prove to the world you are the person you say you are by keeping up with your online image. Understand why.

You are allowed to say no. The biggest advocate for self-love is boundary setting. Nothing says I love myself more than a person who values their time and space. Doing things when they are comfortable to do so not when it is convenient for others. If you always feel like you need to please other people so that you can be liked, know that you are damaging your self worth and you are limiting your value to what others think of you. Know that you are allowed to say no and quit if you do not want to participate in an event or a circumstance no matter how far along you are in the process. The only person you will be letting down is yourself if you continue to give but never take. Now, it must be mentioned that balance is important in life, you cannot devalue another person’s time and space more than your own, as that would be called being selfish. You must display respect but ask for that respect in turn.

Do you ever find yourself in situations that you should not be in and wonder how it happened? For example, you might in a relationship/marriage and you do not even think that you are in love with them nor, are they even the right person for you. But you happen to be celebrating your first anniversary with someone who is just a person who validates you. Being with another person makes you feel like you are a valid person, and that an external being acknowledged that. You may one day wake up from this dream and realise that you have fallen into the trap of ‘just getting on with life because it is the right thing to do.’ Living outside of your norms can be frightening because it is only natural that you should as an adult find another person and grow a family with them. But who makes these rules anyway? Why can we not choose to live a life that is true to who we are instead of trying to conform to the values of society? We are lucky enough to be living in the 21st century that has a little stigma in modern countries that you can get away without being judged. This example can extend to every area of life, even your career. Are you in a job that pays the bills but doe not do a dent to feed your soul, if you have the means and time, value your dreams and give them the light of day by exercising your right to at least try and make them a reality? Even if you fail, at least you tried- and that is the most important thing as never trying guarantees your failure. So, whatever situation you are in right now as yourself why you are in it. You will feel in your gut if it was an authentic decision by a decision lead by fear of becoming an outcast. If you love yourself enough or even want to start loving yourself then recognising where you went wrong is the start. NEWS MAGAZINE



A guide to surviving in the corporate world! Taking everything I have learned over the years and sharing raw advice with people who truly need it. So, take a walk in my stilleos and let me show you around.


Getting A Job

hether you are just starting your corporate career, going back to work after a break, trying to climb up the ladder with a new role or looking for a job after being made redundant due to lockdown caused by the pandemic, getting a job can be stressful. If you are fresh out of school and lack any work experience, you may ponder on what you would put on your CV. Do not underestimate your academic achievements, as getting a qualification or a degree shows employees you can complete tasks with flying starts and this will ultimately translate into your working life. It will be a good idea to look at CV samples online to see what works best for you in terms of layout. Tip: Education and work history is listed in order of date with the most recent at the start. A cover letter goes a long way, this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your personality and creativity to potential employees, detailing your aspirations. If you have a lot of experience, do not forget to update your CV and add all the duties you have carried out in your roles. Tip: Try not to exceed one page, use two pages if you must, but that should be the maximum as employees will lose interest if it drags on! Going with recruitment agencies can be a good idea if you are unsure how to go about finding a job, or have the time to look if you are in a busy role and looking to change. I prefer free job searching websites such as Reed, Indeed, TotalJobs and do not underestimate the power of LinkedIn! Create yourself a professional profile and choose an appropriate photo get to ensure you stand out. Tip: when using one of these sites, decide how far you are willing to commute for work. But remember you will be communicating during workdays, so choose a realistic distance. Statistics show working people who only commute 45 minutes are the happiest. Another really good filter to use if the date the jobs were posted, if you sort the job posts in order or most recent you will have a chance to be an early applicant. Choosing what career you want to do can be challenging, you may want to ask for advice from someone within the industry you are interested in or watch Youtube videos to see what a day in the life of that role would look like. Asking friends and family to be on the lookout for a job for you is also a fantastic way to get the word out that you are available for work. Globally we are going through hard times, people who have been working in white-collar professions such as banks, analysts and engineers are having to give up on looking for jobs within the profession as there just is not enough vacancies, and opting to apply for retails jobs. This is a sensible way to move forward, when times get tough we must adapt and once we are finanNEWS MAGAZINE 34 cially stable again we can flourish. Good Luck and do not give up!



Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty)


therwise known as a ‘nose job,’ rhinoplasty is the procedure men and women undergo for various reasons. The first surgery can be dated back to the late 19th century, performed to correct a pug deformity. It can simply be that they want to change the shape of their nose to be in proportionate with the rest of their face by making it thinner or shorter. Or it can be for health purposes, such as being unable to inhale oxygen to its fullest potential. Sometimes a larger nose can cause speak or voice problems which the patient may want to tweak. The cost of a rhinoplasty in the Uk can vary between 4,000 to 7,000 pounds. Patients sometimes prefer to go aboard to perform this expensive procedure as it can be reasonably priced in countries like Turkey. Statistics show Iran has the highest number of people who get a rhinoplasty with figures reaching 200,000 procedures a year. This procedure may seem straight forward (if you pardon the pun) however, it is considered as quite complex. The surgery can take up to three hours depending on the amount of work

or complications that may offers. If the patient is looking to get a smaller nose, then some of the cartilage and bone will be removed. If the patient wants a larger nose then the surgery can seem a lot of complexes, cartilage will then need to be taken out of another part of the body such as the elbow or skull, and bone from behind the ears. Changing the actual shape of the nose can sound a lot more brutal, this is achieved by breaking the nose and restructuring. Recovering will take two weeks, therefore if the patient works then it is best to take some time away to ensure a quality healing process. It takes up to six weeks for everything to completely go back to normal. Aftercare tips can include sneezing through the mouth, avoiding hot baths and tilting head up on a pillow to prevent bruising. Bruising around the eyes is very common as their skin is very sensitive especially under the eyes. One must be sure of the change they want to make to the face as this is a permanent cosmetic procedure. Carry out personal research and take the advice of doctors seriously.






Imagine a world where weird a the extent of our desires and secre investigating possible fun scenari paper. Here we as

Do you beleive in life without coffee? Well, here we will explore what life would be like if it no longer existed. There are many legends surrounding the earliest use of coffee, these legends takes places in Etophia where the behavour of animaks were observed after they consumed a certain plant. The animals seemed to act more alert and hyped- so, if it is good enough for the animaks it is good enough for humans. This magical awakening beans were then exported to the East where the Arab world took a crack at it. The words coffee originates from the Arab word Qahwah which reffers to the dark colour and the suppresant of hunger. The hot beverage first touched down in Europe by the Ottoman Turks whom were held captive in Malta. They earned money by cooking up their specality drink and soon it became a consumption for the higher society. Coffee houses started to come about in Italty and then the rest of the world slowly caught up.

and irritability which can last up to 2 weeks. Not to mention it is part of everyone’s routine, the act of making acup of coffee offers satisfaction. Not to mention the growing merchant industry with travel mugs and cups that we so very much enjoy buying and gifting. In 2017 it was reported that in the UK only the turnover of the coffee indutry was almost 8 million pounds. Now, with a doubt the absence of coffee would cause a dent in the world’s economy. As someone who prefers the decaf option on a regular basis, I can say it was difficult to make the transition from cafferine to decaf. But a neccessary change as coffee comes with a few unweelcome side effects, including rapid heartbeat and jitters. If coffee was completely off the menu , tea would make a grand entrance on the centre stage. Although tea has a degree cafferine, it is not as strong of a stimulitant. The tea industry is very big raging from numerous herbal options and fancy names. Afternoon Tea is a growing luxurious market, especially in London.

Around 80% of the world drinks coffee, and many report that they must consume a cup of Imagine having to caught a flight at 2am and coffee in the morning to be able to function for the morning. Mnay people say that without co- waiting around at the airport at midnight. You ffee they are unable to performence their usual fashionablly stumble across a cafe, but as coffee is not an option you opt for some tea or a hot choduties at work and experience loss of concencolate. For someone who is only dependant on tration and at times confusion. Withdrawal efNEWS MAGAZINE 36 fects include headaches, muscle pain, stiffness, coffee and not a pure addict, this would suffice. lethargy, nausea, vomiting, depressed mood,

HAT IF...?



and wicked things were real, could you fathom et interests could lead to. WHAT IF...? Is about ios and bringing them to life, even if it’s just on sk, what if coffee did not exist?


THE COFFEE SMUGGLERS Coffee smugglers have increased since the ban on coffee last year. The decision to ban coffee production and distribution came after the breaking news that the level of caffeine in coffee is classified as a Class C drug. A science experiment in Oxford University took a group of twenty coffee drinkers who light-heartedly considered themselves to be addicts and welcomed them for a two-week sleepover at a facility. The withdrawal symptoms of 90% of the group were so severe that they were unable to drive a car (2 members of the group experienced an incident involving a pedestrian), write a short essay or even stay awake for more than 5 hours at a time. After the two week break, only 5 out of the 20 participates quit coffee, whereas the rest was happy to hop back on to their old ways. After the papers were published the governments had no other choice but to ban coffee. Although the whole world misses the smell of coffee in the morning, everyone initially seemed to compile. But it was not long before the coffee smugglers started to import coffee beans and distribute it


illegally. It is currently the world’s biggest smuggling issue. Some users have reported that coffee helped them quit smoking and other classified drugs. The Uk is now working on trying to legalise coffee again. The Netherlands is the only country in the world to have not banned coffee, therefore they have been getting a flood of tourist over the past year from all over the world. The coffee smuggles have record-breaking trade in the Eastern world. They are now working on measures to fight this crime. An ex-barista said, “I used to make coffee, I can’t believe my old job is now considered illegal. All my colleagues are struggling to find new jobs. The coffee industry put food on the table but now we have to find other ways to survive.” Well-known coffee brands have re-branded themselves are tea markets, with a wide range of options that have now taken over. Although some people have worries of their own, “What if tea becomes illegal too, what are we supposed to drink then?” Let’s hope it does not come to that!



Elmas Mehmet is a writer for our music section, she specialises in opera music and has a Youtube channel where she performs covers for popular songs. Enjoy this meet the team interview where we get to our incredibly talented diamond.

You also play the piano, when did you learn You have a Youtube channel called Salem and are there any other instruments you can Vocals where you sing covers in the opera play? I wouldn’t say I am a good pianist. I flirgenre. Your voice is very clean and unique. ted with piano when I was five, but I stopped How are your viewers reacting to the combisoon and only learned the very basics, such as nation of your vocals and the covers? Thank the notes on the keyboard, the placement of you! Yes, I do have a Youtube channel (alas, the hands and short songs. Two years of piaa bit neglected nowadays), where I explored no classes were also compulsory in the Music with making covers of songs from different University, so that’s when I studied it in a more genres (predominantly metal, which is a love organised manner. Nowadays I use it when I of mine) in different styles. So some of them study, to play the melodies and harmonies and are “a cappella” covers that I have made enI accompany myself out of pleasure on very tirely out of vocals, others are very close to easy structures. That being said, the piano is the original, with a heavy instrumental trastill the only secondary instrument that I can ck, and some are heavy metal hits done with play. an acoustic instrumental. Generally, I find there is quite a substantial interest from the Were you always passionate about singing, Youtube audience towards covers, even in a when did you embark on this journey? Sinmore niche genre like heavy metal. Therefoging was something that I enjoyed doing ever re, we can find heavy hits done in a classical since I was about 4-5 years old. I sang along style, a so-called Russian style or even Latito famous Turkish pop songs and such, but I no. As far as my channel is concerned, whiliked dancing too, I liked making small home le it is not a big community in any way, the performances and tricks to amuse my parenresponse has been mostly positive and I am ts. I started developing my interest into sinhappy to say I have even made some virtual ging more when I was about 13, I participated friendships there. A very positive experience NEWS MAGAZINE 38 to some folk music competitions, somehow all in all. had good results and received some unexpec-

ted compliments about how “educated” my voice sounded, even if it had no education at all. I figured I might as well start educating it, at that point. What is your favourite opera play and why? It’s a bit difficult to pick a favourite opera. I have many that I love for different reasons. The answer that comes to mind first is Verdi’s “La Traviata”, almost on an instinctual level, because the music is so sublime and such a faithful servant of the theatrical dimension of the story and the characters. Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” is another favourite; I find it has such balance, such skill in the contrasts between light and darkness, humour and tragedy, love and hate, that it manages to capture human nature in all its complexity, yet portray it in such a way, that the watcher does not get overwhelmed emotionally. Yet another opera I would like to mention is “Salome” by Strauss, which I perceive as being on the other end of the spectrum. To me, even though it’s a story marked by extremes, by destruction, by unspeakable passions, it is almost non-human, and the music itself manifests and evolves in ways that are not easily predicted and perhaps even understood. It doesn’t trigger emotions of empathy in me, yet it is perfectly functional, it closes the circle perfectly, and that makes it a masterpiece. Do you think generation Z has an interest in opera and are some suggestions you may have that can enhance this interest? I do think the generation Z and exponents of any generation have an interest in opera, and the interest could be even more intense if there simply was more contact. It’s still quite unbelievable how classical music is, well, classic, timeless, it stood the test of time, yet it’s still looked at as being an elitist genre. I would almost say that it’s not the music that is intimidating, but the image that people have about it and the elements forming or surrounding it. There has been a growing direction for many years already, in trying to modernise operas, to set them in the here and now, to build the characters to be approachable and immediate, and I think there have been many good ideas in that direction. If only they had more exposure OUTSIDE the theatres so that people could see what opera is like, and not what they imagine it to be like. What advice would you give to someone who is looking to become a singer? It would be the same advice I would give my teenage self in the same situation, and it would be quite simple and even seemingly unrelated to singing: don’t rush things, do them out of and for your pleasure – not for validation, nor the fear of criticism, and always listen to your body and your gut. Do you have any secret talents, artistic or otherwise? I’m afraid none of what I willNEWS list MAGAZINE are talents. I am a very normal person, so I have normal hobbies and pastimes, I like reading about

self-improvement and other things that interest me, I like trying to meditate and keep my mind still, I enjoy watching movies and have a love-hate relationship and a contradictory attraction to horror movies, and I sometimes sniff and do very basic research about perfumes. During the quarantine, I explored with baking and was told the cakes were not too bad. What does a typical day for you look like? I would say my day is perfect in the parameters of “normality”. It’s divided into two great sections: the compulsory part, eating, showering, running errands when necessary, watching the news and just fulfilling my tasks for that day, and the variable part, which is still very steady and organised, such as silencing my mind, warming up my body, warming up my voice, studying, learning something new or practising something old, reading articles, watching performances or educational videos, performing or teaching, when applicable. You have been hosting videos titled Candid Covid during the pandemic, how does this differ from your regular content? Yes, I brainstormed about what I could do for myself and others when there were no concerts, no shows, no entertainment because everything was closed and cancelled and we couldn’t even go out and socialise with our friends, so I came up with a series of clips I called “Candid CoVid”, where I performed a piece of a different song every day, for one hundred days, in quite a different way than 39 the conventional cover video, which is way more polished and time-consuming, due to

all the takes and editing, but I believe is also a less direct way of communication. What I did was just sing the song, play a minimal accompaniment on the piano, record it with my phone and upload it straight to Youtube – no editing, no fixes. There were many bloopers, like the phone falling, me messing up words, notes or keys, ambulance sirens and so on. It was both a test of my honesty and ability to put my real self on display, as well as a way of reaching out to people and checking out on them, what they felt like during these days, hearing about their lives and so. Only a few days in and it stopped being just a short “live” performance, but I was also coming up with a random question for them to answer every day or asking my Youtube audience for questions to ask them, so it soon became a nice small social space where I got to know about the people following me and they got to know about me and each other. It has been months since I stopped, and I still message and exchange e-mails with some of them, now and then. How has the lockdown been for you, and how is life like adapting back to normal? I was very determined to handle the restrictions period positively, using the time to reflect about myself, life and all the luxuries we normally have and are not even grateful for until we lose them and start longing for them. It was very interesting to see life and normality from a different angle, and it’s still in evolution and transformation; they say that adaptability is key and I think we were all put in a position of adapting or somehow suffering some consequences. I know many people were and are very scared, some are depressed and others aggressive, but in the end, nothing is “the way it should, or should not be”. Things are just the way they are and sometimes it’s better not to dig in too deep, look for explanations or claim justice, because paradox is inevitable, and the more one manages

to stay serene and adjust to whatever it is that happens, the better and easier he will handle it. So basically, at this point, I am going through a process of rotation of perspective, and saying that my life didn’t change in one way or another, and then changed back to where it was. But I can say life changes, for me and others, every day, and will keep changing for the rest of our lives, and being aware and open about it will only make it easier for us to stay grounded in the reality of facts.

Where do you see yourself in five years time? The answer that I feel is most relevant to my views will be very tightly related to what I said above. I will not speculate about 5 years on from now, or even one, or even 5 minutes, because some things we can control, others we cannot, and the future is not something we can project in the present. What I know for sure, though, is that our expectation for tomorrow, no matter how logical or predictable it seems to us right now, is NOT what reality will look like, but is merely a product of our intuitions, our hopes or our fears, and the pandemic showed that to us very clearly. Therefore, I would rather stay in the NEWS MAGAZINE 40 moment, see what life gives me and respond to that while it happens.


Surviving On £50 A Week In London C A N I T B E D O N E ? L E T S F I N D O U T. . . The living standard varies from city to city and has major differences across different countries and then continents. If we exchanged 50 British Pounds to any other currency, what would we be able to spend it on in its respective country? This comparison will help us better understand the power of currency and the illusion of the value of money. It is estimated that an individual needs to earn around 40k annually to live a comfortable life in London. This would give you a mortgage for a house, pay the bills, a brand new car, food shopping at the finest supermarket, allowance to purchase branded fashion items and there will be enough to save on the side. The reality of the situation is the average salary across the UK is much lower. Depending on the individual’s age and experience the average earning of a person will be between £20k and £30k a year. This would cover rent, bearing in mind rent prices, particularly within zones 1 and 3 are extremely high. The bills will be covered if they take priority, a portion can be contributed towards food shopping and there will be an allowance to go out for a meal with friends and family. Saving will become harder, and the money that is saved will hardly be enough for big dreams. Although this may sound pessimistic, this is merely stating the reality of the situation without sugar-coating it. If an individual is earning the average or below-average wage,

will benefit from living with a second working person. By combing two salaries, life will become much comfortable. Living in one of the most expensive cities in the world is topped with commute expenses, and of recent, the ticket prices will be increased with Travel For London. Being a job seeker in London is especially difficult. However, the government provides certain help such as Universal Credit to assist during this time. £409 a month, plus sometimes help with rent and finding a job. Now, for this article that you have been waiting for. What can £50 get you in this extravagant city? If you go for a meal for two people in a regular restaurant, you are most likely to spend this money in one go. The cheapest supermarkets are Iceland and Aldi, where you can find a litre of milk for 70 pence, however, in the luxury supermarket Waitrose, the price becomes 89 pence. Using this as a guideline, you can expect around 30% price differences. If we suppose that you do not own a car, don’t have children, your rent and bills are covered and you live on your own, then the following is what £50 will get you on a budget in London for one week: -Iceland food shopping, 28 items including breakfast, lunch, dinner, fruit and snack for 7 days, costs £28.58 -A return fare to work during weekdays will cost a total of £15 This leaves you with £6.42 to save if you manage to save it, this mounts to £308.16 a year. (which can get you a few days of a holiday aboard!) However, you will not be able to go out or enjoy life.





something is real when it is not. This can be here is now a fine line between real life and reel life- a term explaining the comparison faking success, income, beauty and fitness. However, the difference here is that we are now of our offline lives and our life online, through unable to tell the difference between real and a device. Do certain things exist if we do not reel. With VR devices you put on a headset and share them on our profiles? If we were to go know you are disconnecting from reality. With on a holiday or to a concert (in a time pre-pansocial platforms and information consumed demic) and do not document and post on our daily, it is becoming harder to distinguish masocial media, then did we go‌With every innonipulated images and lives. It is an inescapable vation, the gap between real life and reel life is rabbit hole, the only way out is to stay offline. becoming greater. But do you exist if you delete your social meThe stimulating experience of virtual is a muldia accounts? Maybe you will exist more than tipurpose application that finds a place in enbefore! If you will alive, you will see what you tertainment such as video games or education such as military training. This constitution is a are looking at, rather than trying to capture a way of making intangible appear to exist when picture. Imagine really feeling the breeze on your skin, really experiencing the sunrise and in reality it does not. In a way, this can refer to many mediums and platforms, including reali- listening to live music at a concert. Living in the moment and enjoying real life without conty TV shows and even films and sometimes ditions and restrictions. manipulated images. We can see all of these So, what can we do to have the best of both as virtual reality as although the producers behind the production try to make it seem real, worlds? Turning your notifications off is your safest bet, this will limit your distractions it is not. We cannot deny that it brings a lot of during the day. If you are innocently just wanadvancements into play, such as a stimulation ting to check the time on your phone and see a of an operating table for trainee doctors or the notification and just have to reply then turning stimulation of a cockpit for pilots in training. There have been a lot of health and safety con- off the notifications will allow you to only go on the respective apps on your terms. Another cerns raised as a result of using virtual reality way is to check your screen times routinely, headsets, especially in those under the age of sometimes seeing how much time you are twenty. The side effects induced epileptic-like spending on your phone or each app, will give symptoms of blackouts and seizures. Other you perspective on how much time you are inreported sicknesses include downiness and vesting on your devices. They say you are what vomiting due to the disconnection between what is perceived through the screen and what you spend your time on, and if you are glued to your phone, laptop or tablet for hours-outside the body perceives. of workas a recreational activity, then it may This idea can relate to other parts of the inNEWS MAGAZINE 42 be time to detach from the virtual world and terference of technology in our lives. Social enter reality. media can also make certain things look like





Tasty Homemade Granola Once you make this once, you’ll never go back to This keeps well shop bought gran in an airtight co ola. nt ai ne r fo r up to 3weeks. Ingredients:

400g rolled/porr idge oats 100g pumpkin se eds 100g sunflower seeds 50g flaked coconu t 50g dried cranbe rries

80ml coconut oi l melted, cooled 150-250ml maple sy honey (depending rup or on how sweet you want it) 1/8 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp salt






Preheat your oven to 150c and line two baking trays with parchment paper.

In a bowl add all your dry ingredients apart from the dried cranberries and flaked coconut. Pour in the cooled melted coconut oil and maple 3. syrup or honey, (or if you want, you can use both)

Mix it thoroughly so everything is incorporated evenly. Pour the mixture on the baking trays and spread 5. them out evenly. Put the trays in the oven and bake for around 20-25mins, until it’s golden brown. Take them out every 10mins just to mix around so it cooks evenly. In the last 5mins add the flaked coconut and give it 6. a toss around. Once golden brown, take the trays out of the oven 7. and leave to completely cool before transferring them into an airtight container.


Keep in a cool dry place.





•In a pot full of gently simmering water, add white vinegar. •In a bowl, Carefully crack the eggs and drop them in. •Using a hand whisk, begin gently stirring the simmering water creating a whirlpool in the center of the pot. Be careful not to stir too vigorously.

•Very carefully add the eggs, one at a time and let them cook for 3-4 minutes. •When ready, remove the eggs with a slotted spoon and transfer to a bowl full of chilled water. •When cool enough to handle, Transfer eggs to a dish lined with paper towels, to drain. •Season it with salt and pepper and serve it on toast or fried rice.

INGREDIE N TS • 2 tablespo on • F resh eggs s (30 ml) white vine gar • Salt and p epper for s easoning








E GEN R 47







Dünya’nın döşü ile düzenine istikrar ve güvence gerekiyor. Canlılar hay kendi toprakları üzerinde bağımsızlaştırılmalıdır. Ekonomik durumu i yurt dışına kaçıyor. Bu kişiler genelde ağır suç işlemiş tec

Kıbrıs adasının, Rum bölgesindeki haber dikkatinizi çekti mi? Haber aynı zamanda doğrulanmış da. Kıbrıs Rum Kimlik ve Pasaport Dairesi’nin verdiği otuz kişiye ait altın pasaportlar iptal edilmiş. Kaynak; Al-Jazeera kanalı. Kıbrıs Rum Bölgesi’nde, hükümet ideresindeki bazı adamları takip etti. Deniz kenarında, lüks otellerde, adamlar masada yemek yiyip, şarap bardaklarını şerefe kaldırıyor. Rüşvet karşılığında yapılmış işlere göre 50 bin, 100 bin belki 1 milyon alınmış olabileceği söyleniyor. Müşterilerin getirdiği para, aklama miktarına uygun villa, restaurant veya otel alınabilmiş olabileceğine dair açıkça anlatılıyor. Yirmi beş senelik idareci, bir de ağır abi tavsiyesi veriyor. “Bunlar, aramızda kalsın. Başka kimse duymasın diyerek göz kırpıyor”. Gizli kamera ile müşteri sıfatındaki röportajcı, acenta araba sürücüsü ile gizli konuşma görüntüleri de yayınlandı.



Koronavirüs de, pandemi ikinci d gası sürüyor. Grafik üzerindeki değ lendirmelerde, hasta ve ölüm vaka artıyor. Hükümet, insanları yenid uyarıyor. “Ellerini yıka, maske kul iki buçuk metre mesafeni koru Iki ayrı evdekiler, aynı ortamda t planmayın. Bir oda içinde kişiler a iki metre mesafeli olmak kaydıyla kişiden fazla bulunmayın.”

Ermeniler sınırları içerisinde yetinirken Azeriler’de aynı hakların sahipleridir. Ruslar gibi tasarımcı, girişimci ve yayılımcı olabilmek için çok çalışmalı. Rusya’nın geçmiş hükümetleri çok yatırımlar yapmış. Ve günümüzde Rusya’nın değişik coğrafyalarda uzay üstleri var. Rusya federasyonu, Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyet, Beyaz Rusya gibi değişimler geçirerek süper güç olma yolunda her zaman ilerlemeyi sürdürmüştür.

Gü G üvence


yata geldikleri ülkelerde; yaşam gereklerine uygun yetiştirilmelidir. Insanlar, iyi olmayan insanların çoğu suç işleyerek yönetim boşluğundan faydalanıp cavüzcü, hırsızlık yapan yada uyuşturucu taşıyanlar olabiliyor.

dalğeraları den llan, u. toarası a altı

Kasım 2020’de Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde yeni Başkan kim olacak? Trump, belki kendine rakip sadece. Karşısında ki güçlü görülen aday ise mucizevi bir durum. Başkan, Donald ile First Lady Melanie koronavirüse yakalanmış olmalarına rağmen yarışmaya fark atabilir. Milyonlarca dolarlık kampanya yaparak sempatizan kazanmaya devam ediyor.

Azeri - Ermeni savaşları neden bitmiyor? 200 yıl öncesi bir mahallenin kavgası, Azeri ve Ermeni’ler araya sınır çekip ayrılmış. Dönüp dolaşıp tekrar sıfır noktasına neden geliyorlar? Azarbaycan ile Ermenistan arasındaki toprak alma savaşında savunmasız insanlar öldürülüyor. Katledilen iki yaşındaki bebek gibi. Bu nesiller nasıl yetişecek? Dünya’ya gelişi ile gözünü kapattığınız her bir canlıdan sorumlu olmalısınız. Rusya’nın güney doğusundaki; Azerbaycan ve Ermenistan kendi hür iradelerine diplomasi ile çözüm bulabilmeli. NEWS MAGAZINE

Yönetim kadrolarında maaşla çalışan seçilmişler vatandaşların başına idareci diye getiriliyor. Şeffafça hizmet etmeyenlerle dolduruluyor her kademe. Ingiltere’de, Avrupa Birliği konusunda hükümet anlaşmazlıklarından, durumu Halk oylamasına götürdü. ‘Avrupa Birliğinde, kalmak ile ayrılmak arasındaki referendum sonucu; Soft Brexit, Hard Brexit, Stop Brexit, Deal or No Deal ile zaman geçti. Ingiltere Başbakan’ı, 2020 sonunda, Ingiltere’nin Avrupa Birliği’nden tamamen “koşulsuz” ayrılacağını açıkladı. Brexit ile bağımsız, ekonomi gündemde. Avusturalya modeli; işçi başvuruşu ve geçişler için izin alınacak. Sınır güvenliği daha sıkı olacak.




rabzon, Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin orta önemli kiliseler camiye çevrilmiştir. Bu eserkesiminde yer alan bir kıyı şehridir. Ne zaman lerin başında Panaghia Khrysokephalos (Orta kurulduğu hakkında kesin bilgi olmamakla Hisar Cami), St. Eugenios (Yeni Cuma Cami) birlikte Anadolu’daki birçok şehir gibi çok eski gibi önemli kiliseler gelmektedir. Günümüze tarihlere dayandığı tahmin edilmektedir. “Trakalan külliyeler, camiler, hanlar, hamamlar, bzon” adının nerden geldiği hakkında farklı bedestenler, çeşmeler, kaleler, konaklar görüşler ileri sürülse de bazılarına göre Mileözellikle Sümela Manastırı ve Ayasofya toslu Kolonilerin, bölgeyi yer şekillerinden doşehrin kimliğini oluşturmaktadır. Bir şehrin layı masaya benzeterek “masa” anlamına gelen gerçek kimliğini belirleyen asıl unsur ise o “Trapezus” adını verdikleri, bazılarına göre ise yöredeki konutlardır. Çünkü konutlar kültür, Trabzon’a yerleşip tarımla uğraşan halkın socoğrafya, gelir, gider, geçim kaynakları vb. fraya benzettikleri iri taşlardan dolayı eski Yupek çok öğeyi üzerinde taşımakta ve yansıtnancada sofra anlamına gelen “Trapeza” kelime- maktadır. Bu yüzden her bölgenin konut sinden türetilerek zamanla değişerek bugünkü mimarisi o yörenin kültür ve coğrafyasıyla “Trabzon” adını aldığıdır. Trabzon Roma, Bizans şekillenir, ona göre adından söz ettirir. ve Osmanlı devleti gibi önemli medeniyetlere Yeşille mavinin birleştiği Trabzon dünyanın ev sahipliği yapmış, 1461 yılında Fatih Sultan en güzel tabiat alanlarından biri olup, ağaMehmet tarafından fethedilince ekonomisi çlarının çeşitliliği, sayısız şelaleleri, gelenekçok güçlü, önemli bir merkez haline gelmiştir. sel evleri ile her yıl milyonlarca turisti caziNEWS MAGAZINE 50 Şehirde fetihten sonra imar faaliyetlerine hız besiyle kendine çekmektedir. Yazları serin, verilerek birçok eser yapılmaya başlanmış ve kışları ılık olup her mevsim yağışlı olan

şehir, eğimli ve engebeli bir araziye sahiptir bu yüzden dağınık bir yerleşme söz konusudur. Özellikle ilçe ve köylerinde bu dağınık yerleşme daha belirgin şekilde kendini göstermekte, dağ yamaçlarına konumlanan evlerde ise yöreden temin edilmesi kolay ve geleneksel mimari malzemesi olan ahşabın kullanıldığı göze çarpmaktadır. Ahşap eski çağlardan günümüze kadar gerek mimaride, gerekse günlük hayatta kullanılan eşyaların yapımında sıklıkla kullanılan malzemelerin başında gelmektedir. Yapılan kazılardan elde edilen verilere göre, Türklerin eskiden beri ahşap malzemeyi severek kullandıkları bilgisini bizlere sunmaktadır. Anadolu’nun pek çok bölgesinde taştan, tuğladan yapılan ve dantel gibi ilmek ilmek ustaca işlenip sanat eseri haline getirilen eserler, Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde ise ahşaptan yapılmıştır. Bu da bölgenin ağaç açısından zengin olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Ahşap malzemenin bolca kullanılarak yapıldığı evler, camiler, mescitler vb. mimari yapılar bunu açıkça göstermektedir. Bölgede geleneksel Türk mimari uygulamalarının yanı sıra yöresel etkilenmelerle yapılmış evler de dikkati çekmektedir. Çünkü her şehrin konut mimarisi, iklim, gelenek ve görenekler etrafında şekillenip, yerel etkilerle kaynaşarak inşa edilmiştir. Genelde köy sakinleri tarafından yapılmış olan evler dikdörtgen plan şeması, kırma çatısı, ahşap hatıllı taş dolgulu ve geniş saçaklarıyla bölgenin sivil mimarisinin özelliklerini yansıtır niteliktedir. Çatılarda ahşap geçme ve çivileme yönteminin uygulandığı dikkati çekmekte, geçme yöntemi yapıya bezeme özelliği katmaktadır. Özellikle çatılarda çivi kullanılmadan birbirine tutturu-

lan ahşap geçmeler görende şaşkınlık ve hayranlık uyandırmaktadır. Plan itibariyle geniş bir iç sofaya sahip Trabzon evleri, genellikle zemin kat üzerine çok katlı olarak inşa edildiğinden oda sayısı da fazla olmuş, bu odalar da birbirine iç sofayla bağlanmıştır. Çoğunlukla evler bu plan özelliğini yansıtsa da alt katı hayvanların barınması için ayrılmış bölüm üzerinde yükselen tek katlı evleri de görmek mümkündür. Evlerin çoğunda genel bir banyo bulunmamakta, oda içlerinde bulunan peke (divan) altlarına gizlenmiş açılıp kapanan banyolarda ihtiyaçların giderildiği bilinmektedir. Evlerin cephelerinde çok katlılık, yatay ve dikey hatlı ahşap direklerle dengelenmeye çalışılmış, bu ahşap direkler arasına taş dolgular yapılarak estetik bir görünüş oluşturulmuştur. Özellikle bu ahşap hatıllar arasına yerleştirilmiş taş dolgular ve geniş saçaklar Trabzon evlerinin karakteristik özelliğini yansıtmaktadır. Ayrıca ahşap malzemelerin işlenişiyle elde edilmiş bezemeler de yapılara ayrı bir estetik değer kazandırmaktadır. Fakat kültürel miras olarak günümüze ulaşan bu evler son dönemlerde aslına uygun şekilde yapılmayan eklemelerle ve restorasyonlarla özgün hallerini koruyamamakta, asıl kimliğini kaybetmeye başlamaktadır. Durum böyle olunca Doğu Karadeniz konut tipinin ruhu da tam anlamıyla yaşatılamamaktadır. Bölgeyi temsil eden ve bölgenin kültürel mirasının çok önemli öğelerinden olan evlerin yaşatılarak geleceğe aktarılması kültürel süreklilik bağlamında büyük önem taşımaktadır.



Türk resim sanatçısı Mürüvvet Durak

MiTOSLARIN iZiNDE ÇERKES KARADAĞ Grafiker, reklam yönetmeni, yayıncı, tanıtım fotoğrafçısı ve film denetçisi. Geleneksel sanattan çağdaş sanata evrilen tarihsel süreçte resim sanatının anlatım ve betimleme rolü ile yükümlendirilmesi geçen yüzyıldan itibaren yerini giderek çağrışım yaratan ve entellektüel bakış açılarına kapı aralayan kültürel bir şekillenmeye terk etmiştir. Sanatçı anlatma ve ifade etme zorunluluğundan kurtulmaya başladıkça, sanat eserleri de geniş bir bakış açısı ile ele alınmaya başlanmış, bu da çağdaş sanatın yönlendirmeci ve dikte ettirici mesenlerin baskısından kurtulmasına yol açmıştır. Sümerlerden bugüne plastik sanatlar alanında ifade dili elbette sadece anlam ve betimleme yükümlülüğünden ibaret kalmamıştır. Aynı zamanda motifler, semboller, işaretler, çizgisel ve kültürel bezemeler de sanat eserinin bir yandaşı, bileşeni ve tamamlayıcısı olarak bugüne değin varlığını sürdüregelmiştir. Özellikle geleneksel sanatlarda ve el sanatlarında motifler ve semboller plastik birer değer olarak anlatım dilini beslemiş ve anlamın belirgin unsurları olarak öne çıkmışlardır. Sanatın yaratıcı ve imgesel boyutu kendini temsil biçiminde ortaya koyarken, buna karşın naif ve geleneksel bakış açısı daha çok zenaatkarlığı öne çıkaran motifler, işaretler ve sembollerle özdeşleşmiştir. Çünkü geleneksel sanat ve el sanatlarında sembol ve işaretler dilin sözcükleri gibi görülmekte, bu da sembolleri tıpkı kelimeler ve sözcükler gibi bir iletişim biçimine dönüştürüyordu. Özellikle geleneksel sanatlarda ve el sanatlarında farklı kültürlerin sembolleri ve motiflerinin birbirleriyle örtüşen biçimsel benzerlikleri, bize geçmişte insanlararası iletişimde bunların nasıl ortak bir ritm ve sinerji yarattığını bugün daha



iyi açıklamaktadır. Kısa bu tanımlamalardan sonra Mürüvvet Durak’ın resimlerine ve diğer üç boyutlu eserlerine baktığımızda, ilk etapta gözümüze çarpan şeyin ressamın eserlerindeki motif zenginliği ve bunu temel alan dikkat çekici bir ifade biçiminin görünürlüğüdür. Mürüvvet Durak sadece tuvallerde değil, tahta yüzeylerde, kapı ve pencere pervazlarında ve üç boyutlu birçok nesne üzerine işlediği boya işlerde de, ağırlıklı olarak kadınları ve onları çepeçevre kucaklayan semboller evrenini konu alıyor. Resmine kadınca bir bakışın mı yoksa kadınsı bir tutumun mu egemen olduğunu ilk bakışta fark etmesek de, sonuçta kadın bir ressam olarak Mürüvvet Durak’ın tüm tercihlerini kadınlar dünyasından devşirdiği değerler üzerinden yansıttığı apaçık görünüyor. Çünkü geniş bir çerçeveden değerlendirdiğimizde tüm resimlerin söz birliği etmişcesine kadınsı duygu ve eğilimleri yansıttığını rahatlıkla görebiliyoruz. Mürüvvet Durak’ın kadınları tüm bedenleriyle bir görüntü vermezler, bunun yerne daha çok portre formatında bir çerçeveyle karşımıza çıkarlar. Örtünen ve saklanan içgüdüsel bir çekinceyle görünmelerine karşın, yüzleri daima aydınlıktır ve apaçık, gizil ve meraklı bir ifadeyle donanmışlardır. Mürüvvet Durak’ın kadınları hayata karışan şen, şakrak ve coşkulu kadınlar değil, bir bakıma adab-erkan bilen mahçup anadolu gelinlerini andıran bir içe dönüklüğü yansıtırlar. Bakışları ifadesiz ve donuk görünse de, meraklıdırlar ve ilgisini bize yönelterek umursamaz bir ruh halini ortaya koyarlar. Mürüvvet Durak’ın kadınları duruşlarında her zaman durağan bir tutum içindedirler. Bu etki sanatçının bilinçaltına sinen zamansal ve kültürel motivasyonun yansıma-

larının bir sonucu olsa gerek. Çünkü kadınlar Anadolu’da izlerine çokça rastladığımız eski Yunan ve Roma uygarlığının ikonik kadınlarının (Venüs, Afrodit, Artemis) işlevsel duruşlarından ziyade Hitit heykel ve kabartmalarındaki durağan anıtsallıkla benzeşen bir ruh durumuyla bezenmişlerdir. Bu da resimsel dili besleyen kültürel arka planda ressamın araştırmacı ve gözlemci yanının ne kadar zengin olduğunu açığa vurmaktadır. Mürüvvet Durak resimlerinde yanlızca artistik ve plastik ögelerle yetinmiyor, aynı zamanda Anadolu oyalarını, yazmaları, halı ve kilim motiflerini, mitolojik ve antropolojik sembolleri de



resme taşıyarak bir bakıma yeni bir hiyeroglif keşfediyor. Çünkü hiyeroglif yazılarda semboller kadar temsil rolü üstlenen resimler de (Örneğin kuşlar) geniş şekilde yer alıyor. Öte yandan halk bilimsel ve antropolojik süslerin yanısıra halk el sanatlarının motif ve sembollerinin de Mürüvvet Durak resimlerinde birincil bir rol üstlendiğini ve kadın portrelerini meçhul kimliklerden soyutlayarak tümüyle coğrafyamıza ait bir mecraya taşımaya yardımcı olduklarını söylemekte yarar vardır. Bakışımızı başka bir yöne çevirdiğimizde geleneksel ile çağdaşlığın kesişme noktasında Mürüvvet Durak’ın re-

simlerinde hangi çağdaş unsurlar mevcuttur ya da geçerli çağdaş değerler sanatçının resimlerinde nasıl bir zemin bulmuştur? Başka bir değişle onca geleneksel motifin boy gösterdiği tablolarda anlaşılır ve kabul edilebilir bir yenilik veya farkındalık söz konusu olmuş mudur? Unutulmamalıdır ki bugün çağdaşlık dediğimiz yaratıcı bakış ve bu bakış açısıyla üreten sanatçılar gerçekte geçmişinden ve köklerinden kopmuş bir başına insanlar olmamıştır. Aksine çağdaş sanatçılar sık sık geri dönüşler yapan ve tarihin derinliklerinde kalan sanat eserlerine öykünen, onlardan beslenerek yeni bakış açıları ortaya koyan bu zenginlikten hiç de uzak değillerdir. Dahası bugün geçmiş ile gelecek arasında köprü kurabilen veya geçmiş ile şimdiyi buluşturan ve çağdaş bir sanat dili yaratabilecek misyona sahip birçok çağdaş sanatçıdan söz etmek mümkündür. Bu çerçeveden ele aldığımızda Mürüvvet Durak’ı referanslarını geçmişten devşiren ancak sanatsal birikimini çağdaş bir dil ve anlayışla olgunlaştıran bir sanatçı olarak görebiliriz. Sanatsal imgelerini kadınlar üzerinden bize duyuran bir anlam işçisi

olarak Mürüvvet Durak’ın bu seçimiyle çağdaş bir sanat biçemi yakaladığını söylemek pekala mümkündür. Mürüvvet Durak’ın resimlerinde kadınlar ne kadar kültürel bir gelenekçilikle donansalar, halk bilimsel mecralardan alıntılansalar veya yerel ve tarihdışı görünseler bile, Anadolu kadınlarının bakışlarına sinen kültürel mahcubiyeti ve mahzunluğu tüm içtenlikleri ile yansıtmaktan hiç de uzak görünmüyorlar. Benimsediği bu rol ile Mürüvvet Durak’ı kadınlar aracılığıyla bizi tarihsel duraklarda gezintiye çıkaran bir rehber gibi görmek pek yanlış olmayacaktır. Mürüvvet Durak resimlerinde kadınlar ikonik bir tarihselliği yansıtmakla kalmaz, zamanın labirentlerinde saklı ve gizli çağrışımları ile yer edinen geçmişin kadınlarına da bir göndermede bulunurlar. Yer yer Gaugen’in Tahiti’li kadınları ile benzeşirken, bazen ifadelerinde Bedri Rahmi’nin çok bezemeli kadınlarını görebiliyoruz. Kadınlar ağırlıklı olarak akademik bir olgunlukla resmedilmelerine karşın, bazen illustratif bir bakış açısıyla ele alındığı da görülmektedir. Bu da bize ressamın yorumlarında



belli kalıp ve motivasyona saplanıp kalmadığını ortaya koyuyor. Ayrıca Mürüvvet Durak’ın derin bir kültürden, yani Bizans ikona resim ve mozaiklerinden hayli etkilendiğini ve giderek onlarla özdeşleşen bir kadın duruşunda karar kıldığı anlıyoruz. Çünkü Mürüvvet Durak’ın kadın portrelerinde Bizans mozaiklerindeki vakur ve kararlı duruşu ve kutsal ikonaların yüzlerine sinen büyülü bir temsili görürüz. Mürüvvet Durak’ın resimlerinde kadınlar inançlara bürünmüş bir kutsallıkla görünür gibidir. Kadınların bakış ve ifadeleri kutsiyeti yaşıyan bir ruhun dinginliğini yüzlere taşıyor. Resimleşmiş kadınlar Batı’lı bir anlayış zemininden daha çok Doğu’lu bir atmosferi bize hissetiriyorlar. Mürüvvet Durak’ın resimlerinde kadınlar var olan bir kültürden ziyade tarihin sayfalarında kaybolan ve alabildiğine yerli bir motif dünyasıyla karşımıza çıkan bir içerik taşırlar. Bir bakıma Mürüvvet Durak’ın kadınları söylenceler ve mitolojiler dünyasından, bakışlarında buruk bir yalnızlık ve geçmişin hüznünü yansıtan bir sükunetle bize bakıyorlar.



ıllarca Küba’yı ziyaret eden turistlerin çoğu, doğu Havana’da bir kasaba olan Cojimar’a gitmek için dolambaçlı bir yolu takip ederler. Orada, iç duvarlarda yazar Ernest Hemingway’in çok sayıda fotoğrafının bulunduğu mütevazı bir evde yaşlı bir balıkçı yaşıyordu. Adı Gregorio Fuentes’di ve tüm hayatı boyunca balıkçı köyü Cojimar’da yaşamıştı. 11 Temmuz 1897’de Hemingway’in Küba’da uzun süre kaldığı süre boyunca kullandığı “Pilar” gemisinin kaptanı olarak doğdu. İkili 1930’larda bir araya geldi ve 1960’a kadar Küba adasının kuzeyinde avlandı. Gregorio Fuentes, Santiago adlı yaşlı bir balıkçının olağanüstü bir balığı yakalamak için verdiği muazzam mücadelesini anlattığı ünlü romanı “Yaşlı Adam ve Deniz” için Hemingway’in modeli haline geldi. “Yaşlı Adam ve Deniz” kitabıyla Hemingway, Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü’nü aldı. Kendisiyle tanışan ve Havana’nın Hemingway Uluslararası Denizcilik Kulübü’nde animatör olan Fuentes, “Hemingway ile yıllarca süren dostluğundan dolayı Kübalı balıkçıların ve dostluğun bir simgesiydi” dedi. Ağırlığını sonuna kadar korudu ve belli ki havana (Küba Prosu) içti her zaman, 1961’de intihar eden Hemingway’in “yaşamaya devam ettiğini” söyleyerek. Havana’da Fuentes, ABD Balıkçılar Derneği tarafından verilen bir unvan olan yazarın yeğeninin elinden kaptan unvanını aldı. Santiago takma adı “Yaşlı balıkçı” Gregorio Fuentes, 104 yaşında hayata veda etti NEWS MAGAZINE







18. Yüzyıl Kuzey İskoçya’da bir de mirhane açan ve işçilerin daha rahat bir şeyler giymesi gerektiğini düşü nen Thomas Rawlinson isimli bir İngiliz sanayicinin icadıdır. Ekose ilk başlangıçta sokak modası olarak etek ile başladı. Günümüz de ise bir çok alanda kullanılmakta ve bu sezon 2020 - 21 de oldukça fazla göre ceğiz. Her yerde dik ve yatay çizgilerin birleşimi ekoseyi görebiliriz. Bun lar çanta, ayakkabı, takılar, şal, fular, atkı, bere, süs eşyaları, masa ör tüle ri, kaban palto, hırka, gömlek ve daha birçok ürün. Ekose belki ilk etapta karışık gelebilir. Tek parça ile kombinlemeye başlayabilirsin iz.

Ekose her ne kadar kolej havasını anımsatsada bu duyguyu yaşamak isteyenler bunu bomber ceketlerle kombinleyerek göze oldukça hitap edebilirler. NEWS MAGAZINE


Ekosenin yıllar tabiki altın takıl tercih etmelisin oluşturmak ist

Bu sezon oldukça hit olan ekoseyi ister snekars ayakkabı ile kullanarak bohem bir görüntü yakalayın isterseniz stiletto ile tercih edip şıklığınıza şıklık katın. Gösterişten uzak sade kombin yapmak isteyenlere tavsiyem ise soft renkler deki ekose desenleri seçmelidirler.

Ekose başlı başına göze batan bir desen olmasına rağmen bu sezon cıvıl cıvıl renklerle bütünleşti.

rdır süre gelen tamamlayıcısı lar, kesinlikle altını ekose ile niz. Desen desen bir kullanım erseniz size en iyi örnektir.

Ekose desenli bir kıyafet seçtiğiniz de makyajınız üzerinizdeki kıyafete uygun olmalıdır. Gece makyajı yapıyorsanız eğer, gözleriniz ve dudaklarınız koyu makyajı yapıyorsanız şef fakat gündüz NEWS MAGAZINE 57 tali ve nude tonlarını kullanarak daha elegant bir görünüme sahip olursunuz.


Su testisi su yolunda kırılır”. Hepimiz tecrübe edinmişizdir. Genellikle acemiler, yanlış işlere girişir. Çalışıp çabalarken, ipi bir ucundan yakalayıp kendimize çeksek de yanlışlıkla elimizden kayıp gidebilir. Nasrettin hoca, hepimizin bildiği gibi Nevşehir yakınlarında yaşamış bir zat. Hoca, çocuğa gölden su taşısın diye testi verir. Çocuğun eline testiyi verirken, ensesine de tokatı basar. Hocanın yanındaki kadın sorar, hocam; çocuğa neden tokat attın? Hoca, su testisinin su yolunda kırılacağını bildiği için önceden uyarır. Hanım diyor, şimdi bu çocuk koşa oynaya göle gidip gelinceye kadar testinin başına bir iş gelebilir. Yoksa testi kırıldıktan sonra kızmak neye yarar? Önceden olumsuz düşünüp önlem alıyor. Nasrettin hoca, nükteli ve espritüel anlayışa sahip eğlenceli bir kişiliktir. Sözler vardır; Yanlış yoldasın anlamında kullanılan ‘’Herkes gider Mersin’e, sen gidersin tersine’’. Eşek üzerinde ters oturmuş hocanın resmini hatırlayalım. Merak konusu ters yolda gitmeye çalışan inatçı eşek mi? Öyle ya! Bizim hoca inatçı eşeği doğru tarafa sürmek isteyerek yüzünü eşek sırtında kuyruk tarafından idare eder. Fakirlerin hayalleri büyük olurmuş. Öyle ise göle maya çalalım. Nasrettin hocamız göl kenarındadır. Bir kase yoğurt ile kaşık tutuyor. Kaseden, bir kaşık yoğurt alıp göle karıştırıyor. Göl kenarındaki birisi merak edip soruyor. Hocam ne yapıyorsun? Hoca, ‘göle maya çalıyorum’ diye cevap verir. Meraklı tekrar eder. Hiç olur mu hocam? Hoca, neden olmasın? Hoca ya bu, kendine göre inanmış devam ediyor. Ya tutarsa, ya tutarsa diye!

Dağlar, ağaçlar, madenler, toprak ve hava! Yaratıcı, yarattıklarının ihtiyaç durumunda kullanabileceği her şeyi yaratmış. Hepsi, insanlara armağan verilmiş. Size verilmiş armağanı dilediğiniz gibi kullanmak size kalmış. Ancak, tek başına değilsiniz. Pasta’nın büyüklüğünden faydalanmadan, dilimleri ikram etmeliyiz. Buradan hareketle, ülkelerindeki varlıkları lehine çevirip kullananların, sonuna kadar hak sahibi olmadıklarını düşünüyorum. Yunus Emre, ‘ Ana rahminden geldik, kefenle toprağa dönüyoruz ‘ dememiş mi? Siz ne düşünüyorsunuz ? Halk’a seçimle başa geldiklerini kabul ettiren, gelip de gitmek bilmeyen yöneticiler! O yüksek makam idaresindekiler. Para ve mal ile üstünlük sağlamış, insanlara yüksek kademelerden bakanlar! Yurt üzerindeki insanların durumu ile ilgili ne yapıyorsunuz? Yukardakiler, yoksul çocuğu bakımsız, kimsesiz, açlık ve hastalıktan ölüyor. Asya’da Yemen gibi ülkelerin yiyecek ihtiyaç karşılama bildiriminde bir çocuğun haftada £5 ile doyurulabileceğini söyleyip yardım talebinde bulunuluyor. Hükümetler ailelere yerinde yardım verebilecek durumda, fakat bu yardımlar yapılmıyor. Önümüzdeki kış, ‘bebekleri’ üşütmeden, çocukları tok tutalım. Ve anneleri rahatlatırken babaları onurlandıracak işlerde çalışma imkânlarına kavuşturalım. Hayat hikâyesi zorlu yolculuklardan geçen insanlara selâm olsun.

Nasrettin hoca, karpuz ekilmiş, bostan tarlasının kenarındaki ceviz ağacı altında, arkadaşları ile dinleniyormuş. Olgunlaşmış bir kaç tane ceviz, orada oturanın birisinin başına düşmüş. Adam, aman başım acıdı demiş. Hoca, boş durur mu? Hemen lâfı yapıştırmış. Şimdi bak, ya o yerde duran karpuzlar bu ağaçta olsa idi? Başına ceviz değil de, karpuz düşseydi ne yapacaktın? Oradaki herkesi güldürüp düşündürmüş de.Varlığınca, ne hikmettendir diyerek düşünüyoruz. Kocaman denizlerdeki yaratıklar, balinadan, NEWS hamsi MAGAZINE balığına kadar. Neden ve kimler için yaratılmış?



şiiR L E R



Kalemden Dökülenler Umutla bak yarınlara Göreceğin güzel günler var Aldırma takılan çelmelere, çekemeyenlere En nihayetinde kaderin de üstünde bir kader var! Başa gelen Hak’tandır sabret O sabrın da sonu selamettir elbet Yusuf zindana düştüğünde ne demişti Bir hele önce onu idrak et! Saraydan önce zindanmış kader Kâh yoklukla, kâh varlıkla sınanır beşer Elması kömürden ayıran ateş Yakmaz İbrahimleri bunu iyi fehmet! Musa ile Hızır’ın yolculuğunu hatırla Zahir ile batın yan yana Hayır şer, şer hayır olur bilemezsin Gönül gözünle bakmazsan, hakikati göremezsin! İsmail’in teslimiyeti ile bırak kendini Mevlaya O yük ağırdır taşınmaz aciz kul omzunda O’ na inan ve sığın yaratan O’ dur kulunu Vekil olan Mevlam gösterir sana yolunu Misafirsin ey insan iki kapılı bu handa Kirletme gönlünü, hazır kıl kendini oraya Asıl orası için yaratılansın, burada imtihandasın İstesen de sonsuz olan ruhunu buraya sığdıramazsın! Mal, mülk, evlat, eş hepsi kabre kadardı unutma Sonrasında kalırsın iyi niyet ve halis amelinle baş başa Orda asıl kesen boşsa üzül! Yalan dünya senden önce de vardı, sonra da var olacak buraya takılma!




DÖnsün D ünya Bu şehrin, sokakları yorulmuş. Kaldırımlarda, yürümüyor insanlar. Araçlar yok, boşalmış yollar. Yanmıyor lâmbalar. Durmuş zaman! Ben, çılgın şehirlerin sevdalısıyım. Trafikte ilerleyen arabalar, Peş peşe ayak sesleri, koşup, kendisi ile yarışanlar istiyorum. Hastalığa çare bulunmuş. Dünyayı kurtaracak büyükler, İşine yetişme telâşı içinde. Küçükler, okul yolunda olmalı. Biz dönenceninin içindeyiz. Siz, arkanıza bakmadan gidin. Gemi, bu limandan demir almış. Arkanıza bakmadan gidin Döndürün dümeni, dönsün dünya. Geridekiler kaplumbağa sırtında, Gökkuşağı altında yerleşip kalır. Kaptanım, seyir defterime yazdım. “Gemisini kurtaran, kaptandır.” Yollar bizim, siz döndürün dünya’yı.




D oğ du m , Ya şa d ım, Ya şl a nı yoru m Doğdum, kendim için yaşadım. Őnce, kendime baktım. Sonra, aynanın karşısına geçtim. Kűçűk bir çocuktum. Dűnya’ya açılan kapıya koştum. Yol geçen hanında, gőrűltű kopuyordu. Dőrt tarafa bakındım. Içeriye kaçtım, pencereden uzandım. Siyah bir kadın, iki parmağı ağzında. Ateşle, duman űflűyor. Beyaz bir adam, ağzı ile ses yapıyor. Mavi gőzlerini dőndűrműş bakıyor. Bir hareketi ile bana doğru zıpladı. Ben geriye çekildim. İşte hayata atıldım. Hűzűnlű, delice yanmışlıklara, çaresiz kalışlara karıştım. Elindeki, barutu oyun sanıp çığlıklar arasında, savuranlar! Kűçűk çocukları, korkutanlar! Siz, kimlere? dűşmansınız! Doğdum, yaşadım, yaşlanıyorum. Hayatın, içinden geçtim. Hakk’a asilik, hayvana eziyet, Insanlar’a, zalimlik! Dűşűn! Ormandaki, budanmamış ağaç gibi!. Sevgisiz bűyűrse, kundaktaki bebek. Ne olur? Durmaz, eğilmez, bűkűlmez. Asalet gerek, isyana son lâzım. Gelmişime, geçmişime pişman. Geleceğime, gidişime dűşman. Yaşayamam, bu gűn yeniden, yeni doğan gűne, kűrek çekiyorum.


Belki, Venedik, Milano’da karşılaşırsak; Yaşamadıklarımıza nispet ederiz. Gűneşin doğuşuna şarkılar sőyler, gűn batımında gitar eşliğinde dans ederiz. Galip gelip, gecenin karanlığına, 61 Kendimizden geçeriz.


SARSICI BİR MEVSİMDİR SONBAHAR Sarsıcı bir mevsimdir sonbahar Sarı hüzünlerle sarsar insanı Sarsar, üşütür, ürpertir, hatırlatır Hüzünlendirir, şaşırtıcı telaşlarla Sarar insanı birden sarı bir renk ormanı Serin ürperten rüzgârlarla gün be gün Geceler daha da koyulaşır derinleşir saatler Gündüzler isteksiz yanan güneşlerle ölgün Çabucak gitmek telaşında bir güneş Kuşlar tutar göç yollarını Yol, yolculuk, savrulur rüzgâr rüzgâr Düşünür ürperir insan Mevsim güz Henüz doyulmamış yaz hazları dudaklardan damlarken Kokuları baygın sihirli çiçekleri yaz bahçelerinin Sanki bitmez tükenmez zannedilen upuzun Rüyalı uykularında kuş tüyü yataklarının Bir sabah uyanırsın Ürperten bir alarm sesi gibi bir sabah bakarsın Mevsim sarı hüzünlerle donanmış ağlar ağaçlar Artık mevsim sonbahar

Nerde yeşil bahçeleri şen şarkıları yazın O yazlar ardına mı gittiler kaf dağlarının Nice serüvenler başlar belki bir sonbahar gününde Bir renk ırmağında sarı turuncu kırmızı mor Nar, portakal, üzümler ışıl ışıl kehribar renginde Damla damla yazdan kalan hazları hatırlatır Güneşli günlerden damla damla sızan Yarıda kalan bir zevk anından Yazdan Pembeden maviden erguvandan beyazdan Sonrası hasret tüter gider duman duman sislenir gökyüzü

Dallardan sarkan çatlayan narların güzelliğiyle sarhoştun oysa Bağbozumu şölenleriyle şen Uzayıp giden hayallerle sonsuz bir yaz düşlerdin Bir bakmışsın İlk kırlar düşmüş saçlara Yüzde çizgiler gittikçe kalınlaşan Alında kırışıklar gittikçe derinleşen Tanıyamazsın kendini sonra aynalarda Eski yaz günlerini anarsın Eski çocukluk evini İlkbaharını ararsın Evvel giden dostları Hatırlamak acı verir çoğu zaman Gelecek kaygı, gelecek tasa Bir anda ürperten bir gong işte Artık mevsim sonbahar Ayva sarı nar kırmızı yine


Melal denizlerinde savrulur gider insan Birden Birdenbire bir deprem gibi bir sabah serin Sarsar insanı eylül derinden derine Serin bir güz rüzgârı çarparken tenine Geçer insan bir âlemden başka bir âlemine Bir haşin rüzgâr eser, ağaçlar sarsılır Dallar üşür Yapraklar benek benek pas rengine bürünür Bütün tabiat sarı benizli bir hasta Susar böcekleri gecelerin Susar kuşları sabahların Yıldızlar gibi toprağa düşer Mavi serin göklerinden yapraklar Sarı bir hüzün atlası melal akşamlarında Savrulur sarsıcı bir rüzgâr olur eylül sonu Renklerin dili başlar koşuşmaya her yandan Renkler altın, turuncu, bakır, kızıl mor Çürük yaprak kokulu bir rüzgâr sabahları Ürpertir Kanser gibi yürür sessiz dal dal Sonra bir sabah bakmışsın eylül Artık günler geceye dairdir İlerisi gün dediğin 24 saat gecedir hep Sürer ta mart sonuna kadar soğuk Yenibaharların sancılarıyla




nanelerden, ısırganlardan yemeklere bol bol ürrealist bir zaman diliminden geçiyoruz. koymaya başladım. İki haftadır da bol yoğurtlu, Hayat gittikçe de daha da sürrealistleşiyor. Ne sarmısaklı, sebzeli yemekler yemeye gayret tuhaf… Corona hayatın merkezine tacını tahediyorum. tını kurdu. Tek hâkim, tek kral o şu an. Herkes KORONA-KOVAN yemeği yapıyorum birkaç kevirüsten bahsediyor. Herkes virüsü konuşuyor. Bu virüsü ne kadar ciddiye almalı? Doğru dürüst redir geçen Çarşamba’dan beri. Eski bir Antep yemeği’nin biraz değişerek Varşova’da canbir açıklama yok. Kimi doktorlar çok panik lanması bu aslında. KORONA KOVAN koydum yapmaya gerek yok derken, kimileri sanki şu adını. Birkaç maydanoz kökü, olabildiğince çok an gök üstümüze çöküyor diye beyanatta bulunuyor…. Modern zamanların trajik durumları... sarımsak, bir iki pırasayı doğrayıp bir tencerede haşlanmış ete karıştırıyorum, biraz nohut Bütün dünya kadastrofik bir sona giden trajedi ilave ediyorum. Biraz tuz katıp, bol yoğurtla sahnesi…. Medeniyetin, bir virüsün saltanatı kaynatıyorum. Maydanoz kökleri yumuşayınkarşısında afallayışı…. Ne tuhaf, ne ilginç bir ca, bir tavada biraz zeytinyağı veya tereyağına şeye şahit olma vakti… bolca nane döküp azıcık kızartıyorum. Nane*** Geçen hafta Çarşamba gününden beri neredey- nin o buram buram kokusu se evden hiç dışarı çıkmadım. Zaten çıkacak yer yayılıyor bütün eve. Bu genizde hissedilen naneli yağın yemeğe aktarılırken cızırtılaryok gibi. Neredeyse her yer kapalı. Lokantalar, la beyaz yemeğin üzerinde pırıl pırıl yeşil bir sinemalar, kafeler, büyük alışveriş merkezletabaka oluşturması… Yemeğin üzerinde sanari… Bereket versin internet var. Dersleri online tsal bir şölen. Sarımsaklar çoktan bütün evde yapıyorum. Bütün vaktim evde geçiyor… bütün virüsleri öldürmüştür. Havada dolaşan *** koronalar çığlık atıyordur yeter artık diye. TaBütün okuduklarımı, seyrettiklerimi göz önücını tahtını bırakıp kaçışıyorlardır. Bu koku, bu ne alınca, Coronayla savaşmak için yine de dikkate alınacak en büyük tavsiye temiz, temiz, yemeğin bu keskin nane kokulu buğusu bütün virüsleri kovar! Ya da ben öyle umut ediyorum. tertemiz olmak. “Çam kokulu tahtalar gıcır gıcır silinmiş / sular cömert temizlik imandandır Bütün bunların üstüne, “Allah seni görünür görünmez belalardan korusun diyen rahmetli bilinmiş” buudunda bir temizlik. Bu temizliğin annemin duaların kabul edilmesine sığınıyoverdiği gönül huzuruyla, güçlü bir psikoloji… rum. Görünmez bela Korona gibi belalar olsa güzel şeyler düşünmeli, yediklerimizle vücudu gerek. güçlü kılmalı. *** Mutfakta güzel, sağlıklı yemeklerle kendimi bir bakıma karantina altına almaya çalışıyorum. Bağışıklık sistemin yüksek şekerden dolayı çok güçlü olmayabilir. Bol vitamin almak için hergün greyfurt sıkıyorum. Elmayı eksik etmiyorum. Suyu sabah limon sıkıp içiyorum. Biraz toz zencefil karıştırıp tarçınlı çaylarla gün boyu güçlü kalmaya çabalıyorum. Bereket NEWS MAGAZINE 63 versin bahar erken geldi. Bahçede yeşeren maydanozlardan, kuzu kulaklarından, rokalardan,


Hünkar Beğendi Malzemeler Hünkar beğendinin hikayesi 1867 yılına day anmaktadır. 1867’de Osmanlı Padişahı Sultan Abdülaziz, Fransız İmparatoru 3. Napolyon’a misafir olduğunda onu da kendi sarayına davet etmiştir. Davete Napolyon katılamasa da onu temsilen kraliçe bu davete icabet eder. Fransız

kraliçesi Osmanlı Sultanının sarayına aşçısı ile birlikte gelir. Gerçekleşmiş olması kuvvetli olan bir rivayete göre Fransız aşçısı sarayın mutfağında beşamel sos pişirirken sarayın aşçısı da hemen yanında patlıcan közlemektedir. Beylerbeyi saray mutfağında bu beşamel sos saray aşçısının dikkatini çeker ve közlediği patlıcanları bu sos ile karıştırarak yeni bir lezzet elde eder. Köz patlıcanlı bu yeni sosu et ile birlikte servis ederler ve Sultan Abdülaziz bu yemeği çok beğenir. Bu yemeğin adı da “Hünkar Beğendi” olarak anılmaya başlar.


•500 gr kuşbaşı et •3 yemek kaşığı zeytin yağı •2 adet soğan •2 adet biber •2 adet domates •1 yemek kaşığı domates salça •2 su bardağı sıcak su •Tuz, Karabiber

Alerjin ürün içermektedir: Süt ve süt ürünleri, karabiber. 1 porsiyon tabak ortalama 470 kcal’ dir.

Yapılışı : 4 adet orta boy patlıcana bıçakla delikler açın ve fırın tepsisine alın. 200 derecede yaklaşık 20 dakika fırınlayın. Közlenen patlıcanlar kabuğu soyulup doğranır. Tavada yağ ve un kavrulur. Patlıcanlar tavaya eklenir ve iyice ezilir. Ocağın altı iyice kısılarak süt yavaş yavaş karıştırarak patlıcana ilave edilir. İyice karıştırılır. Ardından kaşar ve muskat rendesi eklenir, tamamen karıştırılarak beğendi hazırlanır. Bir diğer tavada 3 yemek kaşığı zeytinyağını kızdırın. 2 adet yemeklik doğranmış kuru soğanı da üzerine ilave edip pembeleşinceye kadar kavurun. Sonra 500 gram kuşbaşı dana etini ilave edin. Etler suyunu salıp çekene kadar pişmeye bırakın. 1 yemek kaşığı domates salçası, 1’er çay kaşığı tuz ve karabiber, 3 adet soyulmuş, doğranmış domates ekleyin. 2 su bardağı sıcak su ekleyip etler yumuşayana kadar pişmeye bırakın. Piştikten sonra tuzu karabiberi eklenir. Servis tabağınıza önce beğendiyi üstüne de etinizi 64 koyarak servis edebilirsiniz.

Kadayıflı Muhallebi Tatlısı Malzemeler Özellikle Ramazan sofralarının vazgeçilmezi kadayıfın en hafif hali Kadayıflı Muhallebimiz hem Ramazan sofralarının baş tacı hem de yazın tüketilebilinecek en hafif ve lezzetli tatlımızdır. Alerji ürünler içerebilir : Süt ve süt ürünleri, ceviz.

•350 gram yaş kadayıf •3 yemek kaşığı şeker (damak zevkinize göre daha şekerli de yapabilirsiniz) •3 yemek kaşığı tere yağı •1,5 su bardağı dövülmüş ceviz

Muhallebisi İçin: •1 lt Süt •4 yemek kaşığı un •3 yemek kaşığı mısır nişastası •1 su bardağı şeker •1 paket vanilya •1 adet yumurta sarısı •1 paket sıvı krema (200 ml) •Toz krem şantide kullanabilirsiniz

1 porsiyon (100 gr) 227 kcal’ dir. %80 Karbonhidrat %7 Protein %13 Yağ

Yapılışı: Teflon tencereye ya da genişçe bir teflon tavada yağını eritip şekeri ve kadayıfı ekleyerek pembeleşinceye kadar kavuralım. Son olarak cevizi ilave edin ve bir süre daha kavuralım. Altını kapatalım. Kadayıfımızı başka bir kaba alalım, karıştırarak soğutalım. Muhallebi için olan krema ve vanilya hariç, tüm malzemeleri tencereye alın ve kaynayana kadar pişirin. Kaynayınca ocaktan alın, kabuk bağlamaması için karıştırarak soğutun ve ardından krema ile vanilyayı ekleyerek blender ile muhallebiyi pürüzsüz hale getirin. Servis edeceğiniz borcamın veya kapların altına tel kadayıf, üstüne muhallebi, en üst kısmına da tekrar tel kadayıf koyup soğutun ve oda sıcaklığında 2 saat sonra dolapta 2 saat kadar bekletin ve servis edin. (Ben muhallebinin en üstteki kadayıfını servis etmeden önce üzerine koyuyorum ki çıtır bir his bıraksın, sizde öyle yapabilirsiniz.) NEWS MAGAZINE





Malzemeler • Aket lazanya • 2 adet havuç • 2 adet kabak • 1 adet soğan • 3 adet çerliston biber • 2 adet kapıya biber • 10 adet mantar • 500 gr ıspanak • 1 tatlı kaşığı biber salçası • 2 diş sarımsak • Zeytinyağı • Tuz • Fesleğen • Şeker • Karabiber Beşemal sos için Malzemeler • 4 yemek kaşığı Un • 200 ml Süt • 50 gr margarin veya tereyağı • Tuz • Karabiber • Rendelenmiş muskat Sosu için • 2 y. kaşık un • Sıvıyağ • 1 y. Kaşığı salça • Tuz • K. Biber • Şeker • Fesleğen • Su Üzeri için= Rendelenmiş kaşar

Sebzeli Lazanya Yapılışı Lazanya için: havuç ve kabak rendelenir. Kuru soğan, mantar, Biberler ve ıspanak doğranır ve sırasıyla soğan havuç kabak biber mantar ıspanak ve 2 diş sarımsak atılarak sotelenir. Baharatlar ile tatlandırılır. Sosu için; sıvıyağına un ilave edilerek kavrulur. Ardından salça ve Baharatlar ilave edilir. Yoğunluğuna göre su ile edilip kısık ateşte kaynatılır. Başemel sos: Yağ kızdıktan sonra un eklenir kavrulur. Süt ilave edilir kıvama aya başladıktan sonra kısık ateşte kaynayınca tadlandırılır. Lazanyalar küçük bir (kare veya dikdörtgen) Borcama dizilir. Üzerine yaptığımız Başemel den bir kepçe gezdirilir heryerine dağıtılır. Ardından Başemelin üstüne yaptığımız sos gezdirilir. Üzerine tekrar lazanya ve Başemel koyarak son katı olan 3. Katı yani en üstüne tam tersiniu gulayıp sos gezdirilir. En son üstüne Başemel heryerine dağıtılır. İyice soğuyan beşemelin üstüne Rendelenmiş kaşar serpiştirilir. *farklı tekniklerle de yapılan lazanya sıcak soğuk su ile şoklama yaparak da haşlayarak da yapılabilir. Başamel sosu ve sebzelerle içinde eriyen peynirle kıyır bir lezzet.. Oldukça doyurucu bir yemek olan lazanya yanında bir yemek ile servis edileceği zaman daha hafif bir midenizi yormayacak şekilde bir seçim daha iyi olacaktır. İtalyanın meşur lezzetlerinden biri olan lazanya köken itibariyle İtalyan olup Türk mutfağında da yenilik ve lezzet kazanmıştır.




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