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şUBAT 2021







F E AT U R E S 7 NEO-LIBERISM The International Relations theory was dominated by the debate between neoliberal institu- tionalism and neo-realism in the past decades.

16 LOVE, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL THING Love is perhaps a force that energizes our lives that gives us a reason to stand in life. I wonder how much energy it takes for people’s hearts connect?


10 THE SOURCE OF OUR CONFLICTS Our history is full of conflicts. And today, even if we are talking about peace, our life is filled with conflict.

19 FILM REVIEW: BACK TO LIFE This series was a bit of a hidden gem. It is rated an 18 due to its vulgar sense of humour and references to killings. 14

24 SOMETHING WILD News of the premature loss of Alexi Laiho, an absolute guitar hero of the newer generation, as well as a visionary and syncretic songwriter and a unique vocalist with an inspirational style.

12 THE CURIOUS MIND The Curious Mind is a segment exploring social and psychological effects on the mind. With a new topic each issue, NEWS thisMAGAZINE month we take a look at...






27 INTERVIEW: TWO BY TWO British man Richard Prinsloo. South African Hein Prinsloo Curson talks to our editor on what this ambitious project is all about.


T üR K ç E YA Z I L A R

32 HOW TO DELETE YOUR FANTASY SELF Fantasy self is a newly coined term referring to the self we have in our minds that is different from the real us. 36

56 TRIKO Kışın en favori ve vazgeçilmez kıyafeti şüphesiz ki trikolar.

60 SEVGILI VALENTIN On dört şubat, sevgililer günü ola- rak biliniyor. Adı üstünde, “sevgililer günü” iki kişilik aşk.

We lc ome ! ESRA KANBUR Editor-In-Chief & Digital Designer



ebruary is notoriously the month of love, and of course, The Hall News has joined in on this tradition for the second time around. Coming back for seconds felt natural as love is the universal gem everyone holds at the highest pedestal. This edition we have many articles touching on this subject, all in different ways. The Curious Mind on PAGE 14 takes the psychology angle, taking a look at love and attraction from a chemical and biological point of view. PAGE 16 takes a look at true love and the spiritual connection. But February is also time to get our finances in check, as we flow through


4 the new year we are looking for smarter ways to grow our savings and make better investments. The Lifestyle section concentrates on matters of virtual currency in the form of Bitcoin. Save your money and spend your time finding out how you can join the digital era.

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Swing your bat in the right direction on PAGE 30 as we have a conversation with Monty Panesar- the former England cricket player. The richness of our interviews continue throughout this issue from our Meet The Team- in Turkish and our talk with British pioneer of the world biggest ecological park.

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To end with, remember to be brave and have a big heart in a world that can make us feel small.









he International Relations theory was dominated by the debate between neoliberal institutionalism and neo-realism in the past decades. These two views defined research and policymaking within international relations and raised debates due to their disagreement over several issues such as priority of state goals, regimes and institutions, capabilities versus intentions, absolute versus relative gains, international cooperation or the consequences and

nature of anarchy.From a neo-realist perspective, states are influenced by the anarchic international structure and the number of states which have enough capabilities to be defined as great powers define the international order at a certain moment, an international order that can be unipolar, bipolar or multipolar. States are seen as the most important elements of the international system and, to co-exist NEWS MAGAZINE 7 with other states, they tend to form international

institutions or alliances based on concepts like “national interests”, “relative gains” or “security dilemma”.The neo-liberal scholars also view the international system as being anarchic and state as an essential element in international relations. But from this perspective institutions have the capability of changing the character of the international environment by influencing state behaviour or state preferences. Eg. state A will agree to

cooperate with state B as long as state A is better off, even if the state’s B gains outweigh state’s A.Another important difference between neo-realists and neo-liberalists derives from the fact that while neo-realism states that cooperation can happen only if countries make it happen, neo-liberalism believes in the effectiveness of organizations such as the UN Commission on Human Rights. The neo-liberal institutionalism and neo-realism can be consi-

dered as manifestations of the same approach. They are complementary and oppose other competitive approaches to international relations, but they have certain differences. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is an institution with a comprehensive approach to security, an approach that encompasses human, environmental, economic and politico-military aspects, thus addressing a wide range of security-related

concerns. Summits- periodic meetings of Heads of State or Government of OSCE participating States- the role of summits is to set priorities at the highest political level Ministerial Councils- they have the governing and decision-making power during periods between summits- they are convened in the years when no summit takes place Permanent Council- convenes weekly in Vienna- it is one of the main regular decision-

participating States, deals with non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and provides practical assistance in areas like the proliferation of light weapons and illicit small arms Under these circumstances, Member States of the OSCE has developed adequate mechanisms aimed at dealing with such issues more adequately. The second level of analysis according to Buzan and Weaver’s Regional Security Complex Theory consists of state-to-state relations, these relations being capable of generating the region as such. The organization’s interaction with other organizations is the third level of analysis within the framework of the Regional Security Complex Theory. From this perspective, I can first point out the relations established between the OSCE and the United Nations through means like the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, -making bodies of OSCEUnited Nations Children’s its role is discussing deve- Fund of the United Nations lopments in the OSCE area Environment Programme. and making appropriate The last level of analysis decisions Forum for Seaccording to Buzan and curity Co-operation- its Weaver’s Regional Security role is increasing military Complex Theory consists stability and security in of the role of global powers Europe- it helps implein the region and the inment security-building terplay between the glomeasures and landmark bal and regional security confidence measures to structures. regulate the exchange of The interventions made mutual verification and by the OSCE throughout its military information behistory offer a wide range tweenNEWS statesthe Forum MAGAZINE 8 of original and innovative also oversees the regular measures. For example, in co-operation among the

the early 1990s, the OSCE took responsibility for developing measures aimed at conflict prevention while retaining its traditional competencies. Also, the OSCE has supported the civil society and the democratic regimes, filling a gap that is not catered for by either NATO or the EU, two international organizations that lack several aspects essential for nation-building, aspects that are characteristic to the OSCE. Other scholars have outlined several essential characteristics of OSCE that make it a unique organization on the international stage:- the OSCE has the capability of filling the gap between military involvement and diplomacy;- the OSCE is capable of entering regions that are inaccessible to all other international organizations (e.g. Chechnya);- the OSCE can heavily reduce political costs of military intervention in areas of conflict (e.g. NATO’s intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina);- the OSCE is one of the main pillars of the present European security system;- unlike other international organizations, the OSCE’s mechanisms are eligible for being ‘tools of first resort’ for the Member States as they are addressing intra-state conflicts;all Member States agree on the fact that the political consultation within the OSCE is effective;- the OSCE has largely succeeded in conflict prevention around the world.From a neoliberal perspective, the

OSCE has the potential to provide essential information during a conflict, thereby drastically reducing potential conflict escalation due to the failure to achieve transparency or to the lack of knowledge. The involvement of the OSCE in the post-conflict reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina can be explained from a neo-realist perspective as a collective decision taken to protect the reputation of international organizations like the United Nations or NATO from further damage. Since these reconstruction strategies required more than the capabilities of an individual state, they were able to prove the potential of OSCE and other international organizations in facilitating efficient responses to a post-conflict situation. Neo-realists do not explain or recognize why Member States have developed the new European security system by adopting norm construction, while constructivists can explain how the OSCE has changed the way people relate to security issues by devising, diffusing and institutionalizing the concept of cooperative, indivisible and comprehensive security. OSCE can be considered a model and a pioneer organization to be NEWS 9 followed byMAGAZINE other organizations that wish to have

the same breadth and reach in the establishment of more efficient political and military relations. It can be argued that exactly because of this wide range of activities and aspects proposed by the organization and because of the vast number of states that participate in the OSCE, the effectiveness of the Organization’s actions is seriously diminished. Some of these principles may not be valid anymore since the latest conflicts between central governments and secessionists, the militarized interstate disputes and the civil wars have shown that OSCE’s comprehensiveness that represented an efficient approach several decades ago has become dysfunctional and the OSCE lost the appeal for important stakeholders like the European Union, United States or Russia.

W O R D S B Y D R . D O I N A G AV R I L O V

The Sourc e Of Our Conf licts O

ginning and they were fully involved. The experts say that the conflict has estoday, even if we are talking about peacalated from the following issues: high ce, our life is filled with conflict. There unemployment rate, corruption and are many types of conflicts, unleashed lack of political freedom. If we look at because of different fears we have. what underlies these problems we will These fears often make us act without see that it is the fear of not having a job thinking about the effects or possible and money to survive; the fear of being chains of consequences. unable to solve problems due to corSo, in this article, we will do an exerruption and the fear of being stuck in a cise based on an analysis of our world society where the political system tells and our daily lives to observe and uneverybody how to live every day without derstand how the conflict has become normality together with fear, insecurity, taking into account the social needs. On the other hand, the political leadership alarm and other feelings. Let’s start by looking deeper at the word response to social discontent is explained by the fear of losing power. conflict. The subsequent involvement of the Most of us will probably think of armed states was justified by the fear of an conflict, battles and wars because this escalating conflict which can break the word has been associated primarily global peace. Some researchers claim with an image of war since ancient tithe involvement of states was not only mes. To understand conflicts of this kind, we must find out the main reasons about the fear of an escalating conflict, but also the fear of losing access to the why war turned into normality. country’s resources, resources on which One of the most recent and well-known their economic and military status deconflicts is in Syria. It came to our atpend. tention only when the immigrant crisis Following this analysis, we see that a began, but the civil war has taken place there since 2011. However, neighbouring vicious chain of fears provoked a war that caused 367.965 deaths and 192.035 states such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, missing people. UK, France, Turkey, Yemen, Saudi AraAnother conflict is in Iraq. In 2003, the bia, Israel and the superpowers, Russia NEWS MAGAZINE 10 United States and its allies invaded Iraq and the USA, have been paying attento find weapons of mass destruction tion to events there from the very beur history is full of conflicts. And

tions that dominated Germany between the first and the second World Wars. On the other side, the neighbouring states responded to the war challenge because of the fear of being subjugated to the Germans that had already begun the purification of their nation by killing or sending to concentration camps people who were not of ‘pure’ German blood. World War II was based on a group of fears rooted in antecedents. The First World War had other fears behind it, like the fear of being dominated, distrust and arms race. Fear increased due to mistrust, which triggered the pre-war naval arms race that convinced countries of the certainty of war. By looking at all these wars, we can easily notice that the reasons behind them were nothing more than fears and instincts we cannot control. Obsessed with the idea of ownership and the desire to have more by thinking about tomorrow, we fell into the trap of fear and allowed the war to take place and destroy us all. To understand what made us turn war into normality, we will have to go much further and look into other forms of conflict, namely conflicts between ethnic and religious groups, between families, family members and even the conflict within us. Let us see now what fears underlie religious and ethnic conflicts. Crusades and terrorist attacks in the name of God did not and do not have religious logic behind them. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and all other religions support the idea of helping your neighbour and not hurting each other. Therefore, it was not religion that triggered our acts of violence, but certain fears. For example, during the Crusades very few people had access to education, so the only way to access religious texts was through holy places. As they were not politically independent, some priests of their own accord, others under political pressure, NEWS MAGAZINE 11 interpreted religious texts giving reasons for fear to the population which encoura-

and fight Saddam Hussein’s terrorist regime as an answer to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. They did not find any weapons of mass destruction but remained to fight against the regime. This shows the conflict was initiated out of fear of terrorism and unforeseen attacks. However, the fact that the US has involved again in the conflict in 2014, after withdrawing its troops in 2011, shows that the US is not only interested in fighting a regime whose leader was executed in 2006. The political analysts claim that the US and its allies would have sought not only the fall of a military regime but also the establishment of relations to ensure their access to Iraq’s oil resources. So, this war, like the one in Syria, started from fears and greed of people and governments. Now, let’s look back 82 years ago, World War II. What fears can we talk about here? World War II started both from fears and antecedents after the First World War and from desires of domination. Fear was the factor that has led Germany to support an extremist party. After years of paying war debts, famine and economic depression, Hitler had come as a solution to the German peoples’ fear of starvation and enslavement to the Entente. Giving up the payment of war reparations, after a few years the new leader put Germany on its feet, and prepared for a new war to subjugate the na-

link. We can say that it is about the instinct to dominate, which engages us in competition because the one who has more is the one who will establish the rules. This way we end up competing within the same family because who has gone further or has more will have the right to advise and establish the future of the family. All these types of conflicts lead us to the so-called internal conflict, in which our desire to do something faces the family and social pressures to conform to the social system and follow this permanent competition in which we accept and conform to values and beliefs. As we remain divided on the inside and outside, a battle between personal desire ged the religious wars. Although there and what others say is good or bad. is not much talk about Crusades, to get Therefore, the source of conflict is in an idea, only one massacre, the one of fears, instincts, competition to impose Ayyadieh, resulted in the execution of rules and the desire for integration. At 2000 Muslim prisoners. this point, we should ask ourselves if In the case of Islam, we talk about anoit is possible to live in the same world ther fear, the one of living in a war for where the one who has reached above the rest of their lives or having their re- does not enslave the one below, where sources stolen without the opportunity we can tolerate our personal beliefs and to independently manage internal con- desires, where our life should be as we flicts. In addition to fears, there is also want not as society wants, where we resentment against countries that sell can be reconciled with ourselves and weapons to locals and make war possib- happy every day? le. This gets involved by resolving mat- To achieve this goal we need tolerance, ters to their advantage instead of that of love and self-knowledge, topics that we the citizens of Islamic countries. will discuss in the coming months. In both the Crusades and the so-called-Islamic violence, we can speak about the interpretation of religious texts in the advantage of the political ideas and educational institutions being managed by religious and political powers. As educational institutions have the mission to form the future minds of society, politics and religion must not be involved; the past has shown that they can lead to the unnecessary awakening of countless fears. Then, conflicts between families often start because of competition: who has a NEWS MAGAZINE 12 bigger house, more money, whose children are more successful, etc. So, we witness the fear of being the weakest



frica’s relations with the rest of the world is expanding, where countries like China have been taking an ambitious role and increasing their economic footprint in the continent through trade and investment. Europe’s colonial history has a facilitated ongoing connection with Africa from its traditional neo-colonial approach. But an innovative approach is needed to connect both regions even more deeply. As the Cotonou Agreement was expiring, the European Union (EU) and the African continent had an opportunity to redefine its longterm collaboration to build a relationship based on investment, migration, cooperation, and trade. The year 2020 was supposed to be a crucial year for the EU and the African continent to develop their relationship, but the pandemic happened. The Covid-19 impact has highlighted the relevance of stronger EU-Africa relations, and this collaboration will only strengthen something that should have been done many years ago. The upcoming EUAfrica negotiations this year look hopeful, with a focus on five key areas, including green transition, digital transformation, sustainable growth and jobs, peace, security and governance, and migration. The added engagement of the EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe could offer innovative opportunities and a stronger partnership between the two continents, as they can add insights from their past history of working with African countries, their transition experiences, and the development challenges they face. A stronger Africa is beneficial to Europe and vice versa.

to be “weaker” it should not be taken advantage of. Therefore, there is hope that the new EU-Africa cooperation is not one-sided. More than ever before, Africa and Europe need each other to tackle regional and global challenges. This partnership could perhaps be an opportunity for both continents to learn enormously with each other, and for Africa to leave its vicious dependent economic cycle. From this relationship it would be valuable for young people from both continents to have facilitated the exchange of work experience programmes, such as internships, placements, etc., to allow them to enter workforces and increase their international scope. According to the World Bank, young people account for 60% of unemployment in Africa as the continent has the largest population of young people in the world. Something has to be done to tackle this level of joblessness. The internal politics of Central and Eastern European countries demand a focus on migration, which is also an area of interest for subSaharan Africa because many young people migrate to find jobs in countries with better economies. As today’s youth will become the leaders of tomorrow, it is fundamental to foster a good relationship with them, while building a better future for people in Africa and simultaneously improving the EU response to migration.

Despite the pandemic, there is hope that 2021 will become the decisive year for stronger EUAfrica relations. At the moment, the focus must be on eradicating the pandemic and assisting the most vulnerable. Before the pandemic, one of the Despite the colonial history that links Africa to main focus was to create new jobs, but the current Europe, these two regions could connect on a priority is to restore old ones. The pandemic has more profound level. The EU-Africa partnership demonstrated that this bi-continental relation is sets out the intention to move beyond the donor/ more important than ever before, and many people recipient relationship they have held for many feel encouraged that this partnership will break years, and instead, they focus on achieving longaway the western dominance and intrusion into term cooperation with mutual interests and shared African domestic affairs and make both continents responsibilities. A relationship that’s based on even more prosperous. It is also hopeful that Africa trust and equality is needed because, unfortunately, Europe has not always taken this into consideration will be treated as an equal and valuable partner. An economically strong and politically stable Africa will with its relations with Africa, where the latter be even had been placed in a subordinate position. When NEWS MAGAZINE 13 better for upcoming negotiations with the EU and the rest of the world. It is clear that Africa speaking with Africans, their frustration over this needs a stronger Europe, and Europe needs a stronger topic is visible. Just because a continent seems Africa. There is hope.


The Curious Mind is a segment exploring social and psychological effects on the mind. With a new topic each issue, this month we take a look at...

Attraction, Romance & Love


eing in love and sharing your heart with another is one of the most privileged sensations gifted to the mind, body and soul. Being in the state of love can invoke all your senses and they work in collaboration of adding coal to the train that takes you on this journey. But what is the science behind this strong emotion, we already know that the power of romance can feel like a person

is high on the drug, and the departure of this commitment can end in a withdrawal stage that resembles a drug addict coming off a substance. The absence of the feeling of love can make one feel very lonely and yearning to be held. People spend roughly hundreds of pounds each per year to find love, this includes dating app subscriptions, fortune tellers and other love agencies that



promise they can help. Singles date an average of 13 different people a year in an attempt to find the one. Research shows that 18 to 30-year-olds spend an average of 10 hours a week on dating apps! This shows the number of potentials that are out there for each person, this has always been the case, however, technology has been it more accessible. Studies

show that having lots of choices leaves people feeling dissatisfied with the option they go with as they always wonder about the what-ifs. On the bright side, you are not alone! At this current moment in time, there are 16 million single people in the world and at least one must be the right fit for the shoes. Or one can hope. There is an old wives tale that a person will meet three potential soulmates in their lifetime. But if you look back on your life, you can be certain power of eye contact. A person that you have fallen in love perhaps more than that already. in love will focus on the face of the person- mainly their eyes Scans show that when a person as the focal point. A person in lust, however, will focus on is shown a photo of someone the body of the person-mainly they are in love with there is their assets or abs. So next a spark in the mind- opposed time you get a compliment, to seeing a photo of anyone remember that the difference else. When we feel attraction, of where the compliment serotonin is released in the brain, this is the happy feeling is aimed at will help you to determine the intentions of the you get at the initial stages of a relationship. When conjoined person. How about romance, some people claim they are or with dopamine- the chemical that they are not romantic. Is responsible for reducing pain every person capable of being perception and increasing romantic or is it simply a trait the emotional connection. that only appears in some? This is why many feel like The medieval times were they can do anything for the the beginning of romantic person they are in love with. marriages- where the man and Take the epic film, Titanic as woman could choose to marry an example. Rose and Jack who they wanted rather than a mutually experienced the financially beneficial marriage combination of serotonin and dopamine with their brain that that would please the families. they overlooked all obstacles to be together, even if that meant facing death. Of course, the mention of science within love makes the process feel less romantic and more of a collide of chemicals making you react in a certain way. However, you are not in love because your brain randomly produced these mixtures, they are produced because you are in love. Our bodies are the vehicle, we are the driving force- the person behind the stirring while- it is under our command, and our brains allow us to exercise these rights. Further studies show why we must not underestimate the



This is when romantic gestures became more of a trend. The exchange of love tokens and the lovers quoting their favourite poets to their other halves. The popularisation of love transpired into the core points in poems, songs and novels. In a sinister way, people buy and pay attention to what they care most about. And that is love, or finding love. Perhaps literature and musical compositions are a creative source to express feelings, but the big industries prey of such resources to make financial gains. Valentine’s Day is a great example of this. Our chemical joy or misery and countless curiosities are analysed and handed to us for digestionbut knowing doesn’t stop the feeling.


Love is perhaps a force that energizes our lives that gives us a reason to stand in life. I wonder how much energy it takes for people’s hearts connect? All I know is that this energy has a very high potential to give people power. The Love Sultan, Mevlana, (Rumi) was the one who best described Love for me. With its fascinating expression, the journey to the spiritual love that is born within us has is rooted deeply in our bones. Maybe God created us for love. To show that love can bring every beauty with you and that every bad thing can be overcome. So what exactly is love? Well, could humans understand

love, and if not, why? We analyse the life with our minds, love it when it gets acquainted and after a while, it becomes a part of it. Humans don’t want to leave their lover. Is this a correct reaction? In other words, what kind of negative effects it can have on our lives by connecting to the things we love that connect us to life. Rumi is one of the wisest people of his time. And the knowledge he gained while living his life and the attitude he adopted enabled him to enlighten his surroundings like a lamp, in the way of being The Sultan of Love. Love is such a great passion that when I read Iskender Pala’s book The Love, I followed the journey of corporeal love to spiritual love with envy. Of course, someone like me can neither understand nor live Love. Because it is like an ember fire. Keeping it, understanding it, being able to preserve it is not easy for everyone. But of course, I am not saying it is a feeling that is far from me. Because in my eyes, love presupposes to be reflected in spiritual love with corporeal love. As the poet said, “love itself was not what we know, but it was the fire of love.” The degree of love is only as much as the effort NEWS MAGAZINE 16 of the lover. All over the world, we witness various festivities on

HAT A THING 14th February, Valentine’s days. Is the beloved remembered only on February 14, or that day has separate importance. The answer is No in my opinion. Knowing the existence of a loved one is enough to be a factor in their happiness, even if there is a distance. To love is to be struck by the beauty of the beloved’s heart rather than the physical beauty. The rhythms of their heart should move almost equivalent to the heart rhythms of the loved one. It is being able to feel each other even if there are distances in between. Tabrizi says that “Lovers can’t meet anywhere because they’re in each other’s hearts.” No matter how far the distances are, hearts that bump into each other challenge it. It requires loyalty, it needs to be converted into action. Some people can`t walk on this path. The hardship of life, the anxiety of the future, the physical appearance like the cat in front of the butcher, the office, the money, etc. To love is to see the loved ones beside you, to overcome all difficulties, to overcome all troubles, and to struggle the grief together. It is when two hearts are one and beat for each other, embracing the light of the day, longing for their her MAGAZINE voice, and a warm smile. ItNEWS is not easy to struggle alone. I want to end

my article with the words of the poem of a poet I saw recently; Bottomless water well in the desert of sorrow I’m out of my life, you’re my haunted habit Your heart is incompatible with your hard image I need, come here my cranky Sleep well, give your apathy I`m sleepless since I slept without you One day, come to this troubled house sleepless See if I’m callous Love again, how you love Don’t leave me without you, you corrupt My moonlight, Are you trying my patience? Not Come! you ignore me already -CAN FEZA How beautiful is love, and how beautiful is the God who created it.






L IVE , AND LE T L IVE This series was a bit of a hidden gem. It is rated an 18 due to its vulgar sense of humour and references to killings. If you like that sort of thing- Back To Life may keep you occupied for the rest of the evening. I say that because from my experience I watched each episode back to back- a film-ocolic like me can surely pull that off. The series is mostly aimed at adults who are trying to figure out what they have done with their lives so far- quarter-life crises members may be able to relate. The opening scene is of a woman in her early thirties trying to cut her fridge- pause for a flashback to our hair crises in the first lockdown- she is getting ready for an interview and practising what she should say. We then see her in the interview as she tried to explain the massive employment gap on her CV. We are curious about where she has been- surely a woman of her age and manner has worked someplace. Somewhere. Her answers are humourous and unbelievable- but as we find out the true reason for her disappearance we cannot blame her for being so vague. Miri, our protagonist, has spent most of her adult life - from the age of 18, in prison. It is a shocking and intriguing reality she has to endure. We went here as she tried to integrate back into society. However, she struggles as she tries to find her place in a town that has moved on without her- or so it seems. Her parents have grown apart, and her teenage sweet is married with children. Even though she

-1 Series -6 Episodes -Genre: Drama, Comedy -Starring: Daisy Haggard, Geraldine James, Richard Durden wants to forget her past and what she has done, the people in her town will not allow it. They still speak of her crime and raise the stone. Miri is physically and verbally assaulted, and in the darkness of it all tries to make a true friend. Although the stories sound very gloomy, it is told with dark humour that is gripping for the audience.



We are reminded that not everyone is innocent, as Miri puts it. She isn’t a bad person, but a person who has done a bad thing. As the episodes go on we see that no one in the town is innocent but it is just easier to point the finger at someone else. It reminders who what it means to be human and make a mistake but try to get on with life after you have paid your dues. This series is far from family friends but it shares a lot of family values that should be taught to generations. Back To life teaches us to not judges so easily and give everyone a second chance, as we would want one too.



BLACK PHARAOH African Historian and Author of I ,Black Pharaoh Emmanuel Kulu Jr. has a conversation with The Hall News about a journey through history. INTERVIEW BY ESRA KANBUR

Your book I, Black Pharaoh: Rise to Power, talks about the true Ancient Egypt origins. How has the overall feedback for this been so far? I, Black Pharaoh: Rise to Power is a historical fiction based on the real-life and rise of the Queen Pharaoh, Hatshepsut and Grand Warrior Pharaoh, Thutmose III. The novel portrays the Ancient Egyptians as they were, Black Africans. The reviews have been great! The readers seem to appreciate my style of writing and thrilling story. The book contains many twists and turns of drama, love, betrayal, palace coups, rich culture, ancient fashion, mythology, war, biblical connections and triumph.

Why do you think some people have received negatively to the book, and do you think the negative responses are mainly pre-conception or from actual readers? I received negative feedback and even death threats via social media and email in regards to the book cover. The cover displays a dark skin African Man representing the Pharaoh of Egypt. I think the controversy came from the imagery of the Pharaoh on my cover. The cover goes against the norm of how Ancient Egypt has been portrayed by the western world through media, film, and novel depictions. Most of the prior depictions, portray Ancient Egypt as European or Middle eastern, which is inaccurate according to how the Ancient Egyptians depicted NEWS MAGAZINE 21 themselves.

What drew you to researching Ancient Africa? My father, Emmanuel Kulu, Sr. being from Cameroon and a descendant of the Zulu and Bantu Tribe, drew me to Ancient African Studies because of my lineage. My African-American mother, Betty Kulu was also social studies & history teacher, which also contributed to my interest in restoring the untold African contribution to modern civilization. What is one of the biggest misconceptions of African history? The western world mostly promotes African civilizations as poor and primitive and had no significant history of contribution to the human story before the transatlantic slave trade. One of the misconceptions of Ancient Africa is the deceptive plan to separate Egypt from the

rest of Africa. The term “sub-Saharan” started in the 1960s which at one time was called “Black Africa”. The UN Development Program lists 48 of Africa’s 54 countries as “sub-Saharan”, excluding Algeria, Djibouti, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. This caused many to misidentify Egypt as something other than African. The Ancient Greeks who saw and learned most of their philosophy, technology, art, architecture and science from Egyptian scholars. By unanimous testimony from Greek historians and philosophers (Aristotle, Herodias, Pythagoras, Hippocrates and many more) concluded that the Ancient Egyptians were no different than other black Africans in physical appearance. The original name of Egypt was “Kemet” which means “Land of the Blacks” or the “Black Land”. It is also very clear that most of the Egyptian hieroglyphs and inscriptions depicted Egyptians as people of colour. That is not to say that Egypt did not have migration and immigration from other nations and races because they did. Ancient Egypt was a prosperous megacivilization at its height which attracted many foreigners to it. In your early career you were a music producer for the label Tephlon Ent. Which artists did you work with during this time and why did you choose to stir away from it? Well, the music business was a great joy for me. It became an outlet for me to release my joy, anger, sadness, fun times, and experiences then share them with the world. I would say, the strain of running my record label, “Tephlon Ent.” of 25 artists and models with different personalities clashing became tough for me. I still

love music, I did it for 15 years so that love will always be there. But ultimately, I did not like the direction the hip-hop industry was going and I saw much more for myself. I had the pleasure to work with artists like Mr Cheeks, Beanie Sigel, John Boy, Mopreme Shakur (Tupac’s Brother) Scott Storch and Dj Kid Kold. When did your passion for writing first begin? I was always a writer as far back as I can remember. I love the process of creating and painting pictures with words for others to enjoy, in the music business, I wrote all of my music but I recall writing my first essay, “King Tut the Mystery King” in elementary school and that was the start of my interest in Ancient Egypt. You have film writing experience for the projects ``The Rize & Fall of Tephlon Ent.”, “Bug Love”, and “The First Purge.’ How different is film writing to writing a book? Writing a film script and a book are two different things when it comes to formatting and scene description. With film, the writing style must be extremely



visual but short, sweet and to the point, whereas, writing a book, is also visual but the writer can be more descriptive in greater detail. Both require constant revisions and edits. If you could rewrite history for any part of the world which one would it be and why? I would not change any part of history. I believe all things have happened for a reason and there will always come season to right the wrongs of the past. If you could time travel any time and space, where would you like to go and why? I am a Bible believer and I would love to go back to the time of the Exodus when Moses and Israel left Egypt. That would be an amazing sight to see! Are you a believer that the past repeats itself? Yes, I believe what the Bible says at Ecclesiastes 1:9: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” How do you feel about ‘history is subjective?’ They say, “The victor writes history”. I think history, as we know it has been

subjective to those who share a Eurocentric perspective and anything outside of that, is discredited, debunked and labelled Afro-centricism or Pseudoscience. The photography for your book is exquisite, were you involved in its art direction? Thank you and yes, I was involved in the creation of the book cover. I wanted to show the true African imagery of Ancient Egypt. I knew this would be an eye-catcher and raise questions. This would allow me to educate the miseducated. Special Shout out to “Brand innovation” for the book cover design. What do you think the end of civilization will look like? Well, my thoughts fall on my Biblical training, so to keep it short, the book of revelation is quite descriptive regarding the end of

civilization. I believe exactly what the Bible says. Would you one day like to write a fictional story? “I, Black Pharaoh: Rise to Power” is Historical fiction and my second book “I, Black Pharaoh: Golden Age of Triumph” (coming spring 2021) is also Historical fiction. What advice do you give to aspiring authors who want to write about ‘controversial’ topics? My advice to writers that write against the grain is: (1) Do your research before you write. (2) Think about the message you are trying to get out to the world. (3) Prepare your mind for critics. (4) Believe in your work when no one else will and



do not let those who don’t understand your vision discourage you. (5) Be true to yourself, and be prepared to explain the importance of your book intelligently.


Somet hing Wild

To me and many people that I know, as well as for millions of heavy metal fans around the world, 2021 started with a massive, unexpected and heartbreaking blow: news of the premature loss of Alexi Laiho, an absolute guitar hero of the newer generation, as well as a visionary and syncretic songwriter and a unique vocalist with an inspirational style. He passed away at only 41 years of age due to long term health issues, having left behind a rich career alongside several bands. Perhaps the central figure in his musical life was the Finnish melodic death metal band Children of Bodom, which he fronted for almost 25 years before the group disbanded a couple of years ago. My personal love story (and only love, even though the band liked calling their fanbase “the hate crew”, based on the title of one of their albums) with Bodom goes way back in time when I was in my early teens. I had only discovered heavier music a while before and was still intensively roaming


the auditory realms of the melodic scene, ruled by ample musical phrases, touching harmonies, very clean (and preferably female) vocals and an overall graceful sound, bordering on heroism at best and slight corniness at worst. The fast, elaborate drumming, rigorous bass lines, soaring guitar solos and rich, textured keyboards typical to this genre were so thrilling, that they triggered me into constantly looking for bands which built their music according to these parameters. I cannot identify the precise song, nor the context when, in my search, I came across Children of Bodom, but it must have been a track from one of their first two albums, “Something Wild” or “Hatebreeder”. I remember it catching me unprepared: this was like nothing I had heard before. Fast drumming? Theirs was a thunder split into a million pieces, all of them combining into a mathematical structure of millimetric perfection. Soaring guitars? Theirs were quivering between stratospheric dimensions and Plutonian roars, playing tag with equally virtuosic keyboard runs, ticking all the boxes, from the melodies to the harmonies, to the heroism. But something unknown, unforeseen and therefore, disconcerting, were the vocals, brutally distorted, powerful and spine-chilling, translators, of the deepest, darkest feelings of the human heart, totally fit of earning their


creator, Alexi, his nickname, Wild Child. Had I found the “melody”? Yes. But I had also found “death”. As an un-yet-initiated extreme metal fan, this kind of ferociousness was completely alien, almost intimidating to me at first, making me question the meaning and purpose of music. Yet, these structures were so pure and consequential, these lines, so complex and perfectly executed and the compositions themselves, so inspired and substantial, that I realized Bodom were truly an act of the highest class. Heck, they were heavily influenced by Vivaldi, Bach and Mozart and had even incorporated some of their famous fragments into their compositions! At that point, I realized that music didn’t have to be “proper” to be intellectual, nor did it have to be “nostalgic” to trigger a spirit of introspection. The heaviest, loudest, most violent sound could get me to try and break down what was going on formally, while also nudging that corner of the heart which makes one feel emotional and invincible at the same time. This article was intended to be about Alexi Laiho, yet I realize as I’m approaching the end, that it actually became an analysis (albeit a very personal one) of Children of Bodom and their music, and that almost made me want to go back and make some changes. But I realized there might be a very plausible reason why my thoughts decided

to take this path, and it is the fact that as majestic as he was as an instrumentalist, Alexi was first and foremost a musician. He nurtured and channelled his talent with discipline as well as bravery, taming it and releasing it fearlessly at the same time, and ultimately putting it at the service of music. He displayed his skills with enough command to be unanimously regarded as a master of his instrument, yet his respect for music came first and foremost, allowing him to create his songs with congruence and fluency, and assign individual importance to every element in his band. As hurtful and unfair as his departure maybe, I will have to use a cliché, not to provide a shadow of comfort, for I believe that is not only hypocritical, but also offensive, but to speak my truth, and I believe not only mine: “It’s not the years in your life that count, but the life in your years”. And from that perspective, Alexi Laiho has lived more years and more lives than many of us could ever hope to: he translated many dark and unexplored feelings into music which he gifted to us for catharsis that we didn’t know we needed. He exploited the possibilities of one of the most important musical instruments of all times to the point of exhaustion. And most importantly, he ignited the flame of curiosity and challenged many young hands to pick up the guitar, helping them nurture and subsequently gift their talent, thus perpetuating the power of creation to infinity.







We hear from the founders of the largest conservation project in the world, set to save every species on the PLANET. British man Richard Prinsloo Curson and his husband, South African Hein Prinsloo Curson talk to our editor on what this ambitious project is all about. INTERVIEW BY ESRA KANBUR Noah’s Ark is the first of its kind in the world. Why is this an important point to make when introducing the conservation park? Noah’s Ark is more than a conservation park, it’s a revolutionary science facility, equipped with laboratories and DNA/ SEED storage facilities. 13 geodomes will be home animals from around the world. Noah’s Ark will feature the largest aquarium in the world and the entire facility will be powered using clean green energy. The need to preserve our planet, from the animals to the plants and trees and every species in between is urgent. Climate change is a pressing matter with its consequences having global effects. What solution are you contributing to aid this? We are working with scientists about solutions which can tackle global warming, it’s part of our overall project; they say the only real way to prevent temperatures rising on the planet. To prevent the artic permafrost melting and methane from the dinosaur age being released into our atmosphere and causing irreversible harm to the planet is to begin the process of carbon extraction from the atmosphere. They say methane is our biggest fear so we need to prevent the harmful gas being released into our atmosphere. We are working with our scientific partners on a variety of mechanisms which would do this job. Equally, we as humanity must realise the Earth, animals and plants make up the circle of life but humans have been breaking the circle by driving animals and plants to extinction and now the circle of life is unstable. So we need to heal the world and restore the equilibrium on the planet, we need to reprogramme the way we as a human species relate to our world and each other because every action reacts as we continue to witness. Throughout history humans have waged wars with one another and staked claims to land previously governed by nature, we have transformed NEWS MAGAZINE natural habitats into wild animal factories to satisfy the demand for wares made

using their skin and bones. We have destroyed large swathes of rainforest to grow soya, tobacco and coffee beans to satisfy the demands from an ever-increasing human population. Noah’s Ark hopes to edge humanity to reassess our behaviour and evoke new change so the future of our planet is sustained. The geo-domes look is fascinating. What are its functions? The vast spaces are each technology controlled environments. We intend to replicate the various microclimates on our planet including The Amazon and the Arctic. So if you were to step into our Arctic dome you would feel as though you were in the artic; the ocean under the ice sheet, the snow, the weather, the wind, the temperature will be controlled by sophisticated computer systems. In our Amazon dome, the humidity and the heat will support the species from the region. Under the domes will be tunnels so visitors can have a glimpse into these enormous preserved natural worlds, similar to aquariums where we can see a water world around us. Humans will not be able to interact with the animals in the domes to create a peaceful and


natural space for our animals to live. The primary purpose of the domes is so we have a safe and secure place species from around the world can survive as the natural world becomes more and more unstable. We hope we can work hard and prevent a worst-case scenario, where life can no longer survive in the wild, but we need to prepare for the worst so our future generations have the building blocks, safely alive in Noah’s Ark’s Geo Domes, to restore our planet to green health. We hope one day in the future our human species will have a different and healthier relationship with our planet. Channel 5 has expressed an interest in documenting the Foundation’s work, what kind of project will this be and how will the attention help? The TV series documenting the whole project is now on Showcase TV, SKY 191, at noon every Monday. The first two episodes have been broadcast. The series is a real-life drama which follows Richard, Hein, Peta, Kgaugelo, Christina, Claire, Brett, Thobe, Tholo, Omee and Hannitjie as they pull the development of Noah’s Ark together, work with smaller conservation projects showing why animals need Noah’s Ark, share the latest news with the media and how the pressures of the project are impacting on their lives in general. The series is highlighting some of the entertaining methods being created to raise money and takes an insight into the worlds of music and the arts where the ARK4AFRICA band and concerts are being developed. It’s an actioned packed 30 minutes of television where viewers can follow our brave team bringing this ambitious project to life in South Africa. You are looking for a fundraiser who can help with your mission. What will be your ideal representative and how are you currently financing this? Corporates, banks and film directors have stepped forward to offer to fund and we have appointed Price Waterhouse Cooper as our financial managers to handle the investments into the project. We are continuing to raise funds from our smaller e-commerce projects such as Elephant Dung Firelighters, Music, T-Shirts, Books and donations from the public around the world. We want to encourage every single person on the planet to get involved by making a small donation to our crowdfunding platform or owning a unique piece of Noah’s Ark merchandise. We have sustained the project to date with private investment from a UK based interior design Company who have been supporting the project in the early stages. Why did you

want to get involved in this project and what is the potential it holds? Hein and Richard founded the project in 2017 as an action to the awareness and protests led by environmental campaigners, NEWS MAGAZINE scientists and media. We both shared

the view that to make the big enough impact required to make a difference to the state of affairs on the planet we needed to establish a world-changing solution and win the support of the whole world. So we created Noah’s Ark. It is a vehicle which anyone can be part of to bring about the change needed, to be held to account and deliver the action needed to conserve and preserve the planet. Which species under threat of extinction will benefit most from this project? With over one million species facing extinction its hard to know where to start but currently on our list we are already working with endangered species Elephants, Rhinos, Giraffes, Pangolins, Dung Beetles, Kingfisher, Red Squirrels, Polar Bears, Tigers and Lions. In terms of who will most benefit it will be Rhinos and Elephants, Dung Beetles and Mantis insects just because these will be among the very first animals to enter into Noah’s Ark. Not many people realise Dung Beetles are among the species facing threat and this is because larger animals are dying out which means less dung, and less dung means fewer Dung Beetles. The circle of life/ ecosystem is like a domino effect and this starts with humans, unfortunately. Do you own any pets, and if you could domesticate any animal in the world without endangering them, which one would you choose and why? Hein and Richard both have 4 small dogs (Bully, Bela, Tommy and Noah) and a cat (Trouble). Noah was the first of Bela’s puppies and Richard delivered him into the world so named him Noah after the project. If we could have a wild animal pet it would be a Lion because during our experiences with lions in sanctuaries we have got to know and understand them better. Lions are very clever animals and only attack to protect or 28 hunt. Lions like to play and that’s where the problem comes in when a lion plays the razor-sharp claws come out like any cat and that can

support of the world and helping prevent the crisis from becoming a disaster.

kill a human. Lions don’t intend to kill humans when playing, it is an accident. Also when lions are playing humans instinct is they are attacking so humans will respond by trying to fight back, then lions instinct will protect and play turns into the attack. So when Hein and I were filming with Lions we had training on how to behave around the lions and with that respect, we made a friend lion for the day. Which animal or species do you think the world should know more about and why? The Vulture because they are very misunderstood animals. Vulpro in Pretoria South Africa is one of the few sanctuaries helping to rehabilitate vultures and return to the wild. Vultures are the cleaning team in the natural world and without them, the wild would be full of rotten animals and diseases, it is these birds helping control the ecosystem and keep it safe for all the species. Sadly they are facing extinction and this means big problems for the animal kingdom as a whole. Would you consider building this project in any other continents, such as Australia and South America? The plan is to roll out international action centres we call “Lifeboats” globally to help work on environmental issues locally. Australia is losing its wildlife including the Kuala Bear and South America’s Jaguar is also in rapid decline. In terms of the main ARK, it is possible if governments would allow the use of land to build more ARKS.

How important is it to preserve the ecological harmony, and what would our planet look like without it? The circle of life/ ecosystem is the planet’s ability to sustain itself. If we break the ecosystem we break the cycle of life so start to see the planet die species by species. Each species of animal and plant supports the next. If we start losing species we lose the species dependent on those species. It’s a domino effect and its happening rapidly now. The more species of plant we lose the more animals go with them, the more animals die the dependents then die and their dependents then die. It is a ripple effect. Without the ecosystem the planet would be unsustainable, bluntly the planet would simply die; it would sort of consuming itself with major sea level rises, storms, volcanic eruptions, conditions on the planet would become far too volatile for anything to survive. We are expected to reach this point within the next 100 years if we continue as we are doing. How many people are working on this project so far? 200 people worldwide are on the team at this point. Project managers, scientists, TV experts, architects, surveyors, craftsmen and women, animal conservationists, media professionals, musicians. Many different people. Companies involved in supporting the project include Planet Fitness, Spur Restaurant Group, USN, Sun International, Price Waterhouse Cooper, Adams and Adams, SE Collection UK This project will create work options for people. Will there also be opportunities for university students looking to become ecologists? Anyone who feels they can add value on any aspect of the project whether it be science, conservation, innovation, business, technology, finance, oceanology, zoology. We want to hear from anyone who wants to be involved. Also, everyone at home can be Noah and support the project to become reality by watching the TV show, listening to the ARK4AFRICA music, ordering the “You Are Noah!” book or just making a donation.

What message do you have for brands that produce and consumers that buy products made from animal skin and fur? My message is simple. How would you feel if I broke into your home with a group of armed men, kidnapped your family members and friends, Where do you see this project in 10 years? took them to a factory, killed them and skinned We will have completed building Noahs Ark in them all so they could be made into handbags and Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa and it would alreacarpets which Rhinos, Zebras and Giraffes would dy more than 1000 species resident. We will have then purchase and use? All animals have souls, established key international action centres in the families and friends. What makes humans more UK, USA and Australia. Importantly we will have entitled than Rhinos or Giraffes? We wouldn’t like created a vehicle which people around the world it if we were skinned and turned into goods, so are supporting and because of this and a change in how do you think the animals and their families the way we behave on the planet the environmenNEWS MAGAZINE feel29when it happens to them? We need to start tal crisis will have significantly improved. We need thinking of the bigger picture here and stop being to use Noah’s Ark vehicle as a way of winning the selfish human beings.

name, it is the one I prefer. But in Cricket everyone gets a nickname. When you are playing the sport, it’s part of team banter, it makes the team closer.


Monty Panesar former England Critket player talks sport, climate crises and the future with The Hall News. When did your interest in Cricket first begin? We had a cricket club in Luton, I was a place where we have good facilities. Especially during summer, it’s a place to go, it was something to do. I could just go down to the ground and play some cricket with my mates. If there wasn’t a local cricket club, I don’t think I would have taken an interest in Cricket, because it becomes a professional you need the right facilities and coaches falling into place. I went for the trails for Under-12s and got in, and I was playing in the men’s’ group at 16! If it was a football club instead of cricket, then I would have probably ended up being a footballer. I was a good centre-mid player growing up. You have a degree in Computer Science, have you ever worked in this field? ECB at the time proceed centre, one of these centres was Laughbourg. It was this opportunity, it was never for this company of getting universities cricketers into

professional cricketer, then I probably wouldn’t have taken that route. I kind of forgot all the Java and cc+. At the moment, I am doing a masters in Sports Journalism. Although your last International series was in 2013, you have not officially retired from Cricket. In 2021, can we say that you are now retired or would you one day go back for another game? I haven’t announced my retirement, but you never know I might make a comeback. There’s always that hope, I could play professional cricket again. I think your batsman or a spinner the prime is 28 to 32 years old. You’ve been given a lot of nicknames over the years. Which one is your favourite and why? Monty is NEWS MAGAZINE my common


You’ve written an autobiography ‘The Full Monty.’ What is the process of writing a book, how long did it take you and were you nervous about the feedback? You have to ask yourself why am I writing the book and who will benefit from it. There’s a lot of players who want to talk about stories to get it off your chest, and its processing your thoughts and putting into a book and closing that chapter. On the other hand, you want the fans to have an honest account of your career. But I think writing a book is therapeutic because, as you go through your career you

can put them into chapters and recall the memories as it is part of you and you have to knowledge the bad and the bad times. You are now looking for opportunities within broadcasting, what would be an ideal opportunity for you? Cricket commentary, it’s something I know well, I’ve learnt it all my life and it is easy for me to talk about. That’s a natural progression for me, but there are a lot of cricketers out there who want to become a commentator. It’s

waiting for the right opportunity. What do you think is the biggest problem humanity is facing (besides the pandemic) Climate change. When you think about teams, there are die-hard fans. But the real-life and death problem right now is the climate crises. If global sports get it right with climate change they would spread the message because millions of people tune in. Tokyo 2022, will be using hydrogen cars only for the tournament- this will encourage people to use teh same. Sports bring people together, and unity can make a real change. We’ve already used up 65% of the carbon. Once we burn fossil fuel, it releases carbon dioxide then the oxygen in the atmosphere absorbs it- that warms up the atmosphere. How was the first lockdown for you, did you get creative during quarantine? While I’m studying, I am learning to become a better writer. And I’m also learning that exercise is vital for me. But it’s OK if you feel unconformable, or have a bad mood one day. It’s oK to sit in your thoughts and knowledge, by not fighting it you get to accept how you are daily and NEWS MAGAZINE you feel much better.31But if you go into a spiral it can be

a dangerous place. Having a routine is important. What would you say is something not many people know about you? I would like to encourage people for employment, create jobs and get people off teh benefit scheme. As human being, we feel empowered by working and achieving your goals. I would look at areas in England where they need jobs and how can we get jobs in that sector. But I find it easier to talk about sports than politics in the order of preference. What would you advise to anyone looking to pursue a career in sports, in particular Cricket? If anyone is serious about sport look for good clubs, you need a good facility to train. Just dedicate yourself to it and get stuck in and focus all your energy. Listen to The Full Monty Show at 55.8 Pubaj Radio on Saturdays 2-4 pm


n 2018, “What is Bitcoin?” was the third most searched term on Google, and many things have been said and speculated about the topic, from ethical issues associated with money laundering to its tremendous investment potential. 12 years later, the majority of the population is still blurred about it. But what exactly is a cryptocurrency? What differs from the ordinary digital currency? What is its potential, threats and how can it shift the paradigm of our future? Throughout history, people have used different kinds of forms and materials to represent money. The most used material was gold, mainly because of the value in the majority of countries and it would stay valuable long enough to redeem that benefits in the future. However, this paradigm became disused mostly due to the inconvenience of gold transportation. Hence, most countries adopted the gold standard monetary system, where the value of the receipt certificates or paper money was intrinsically linked with the price of gold. This system was independent of human manipulation and allowed good stability of both inflation and deflation. In 1973, under Nixon’s presidency, the USA decided to break the bond between gold and paper receipt. Since then, many nations have embraced the free-market monetary system. Where governments and Central banks would trade the money itself and also, centralize the value of the currencies, as well as its supply and demand. This is how FIAT money was created. Its digital representation is named digital currency. On the one hand, money purchase goods, services, it is transferred, invested, and converted to any other FIAT currency with no political or geographical boundaries. In exchange, banks would receive a fee for every single transaction made. On the other hand, the same monetary system triggered inflation to almost unstainable levels. From 1973 to 2021, according to the TradingEconomics website, the USA had a cumulate price increase of 486%, which NEWS MAGAZINE means that $100 in 1973 is equivalent to

From Digita to Crypto How the F Look

Joao Heinek $586 in 2021, an average inflation rate of almost 4% per year. The rise in prices is a consequence of the huge amount of money printed during this period, which led to a massive drop in the value of the dollar, reducing its purchase power. Also reports in the same period shows the total assets of all Commercial Banks of the USA had a cumulated total asset increasing of 2860%. The power held by central authorities in charge of the money supply is susceptible to human actions and it may lead to issues such as, corruption, mismanagement of the money, and illicit activities that impact negatively the citizens’ lives. In 2009, in the aftermath of the world financial crash, and with the idea of decentralizing the money from central authorities and restoring trust into the financial system, Bitcoin was created. The first world cryptocurrency introduced to the public aspiring to be the ‘digital gold’ with the promise of reduced transaction fees, security, privacy, and transparency to the financial market. A Cryptocurrency is a decentralized virtual currency stored in a ‘digital wallet’ that can be kept in any hard disc or a cloud and uses cryptography to ensure the full ownership and the security of the 32 financial asset. Also, it uses the peerto-peer payment network technology,

al Currency ocurrency: Future Will Like?

many countries are investing heavily into the crypto market. For example, Facebook has created its cryptocurrency named Libra. China, in 2017 decided to embrace the opportunity and has invested heavily crypto market and weighing regulations. According to Forbes Magazine, companies such as Square and MicroStrategy are diversifying their portfolio and investing part of their assets in Bitcoins. PayPal has recently announced their US users could buy, sell and hold bitcoins using their platform. According to SportsBible portal, for the first time in football history, the transfer ken Correia of the football player David Barral to DUX International of Madrid has been financed totally by using Bitcoins. Cryptocurrencies already proved to be where users can receive or send an alternative to an exhausted monetary Bitcoins, or any other cryptocurrency system. Bitcoin has represented a threat among themselves without any to those who benefit from the current intermediary, reducing drastically the system and the most important, also transaction costs. Cryptocurrencies represents progress and a potential have the same functionality as the substitute of a distrusted dollar as a other digital currency, it can be medium exchange. Dollar stagnated invested in crypto wallets, traded for in technology and lost the purchasing other assets, and used as a method of power of other times. The Pandemic payment of goods and services. All the was just the confirmation about what transactions are recorded, replicated, has been practised: the dollar has and distributed into a public ledger, been printed at a limitless amount and also known as Blockchain, where can consequently, feeding the deficit of the be consulted with all transparency country. As a consequence, the citizens without any manipulation of the data. will have to repay it with a rise in taxes At its early stage, where the price was and prices. China has revealed to be less than $0.50, Bitcoin collected a lot a great ally to cryptocurrencies and of criticism regarding ethical issues, certainly will give a great push but the mostly because the majority of its future will rely on the acceptance of users were black market players. It led Bitcoin from every single one of us, and to countries such as China banned what kind of financial system we want to from trading it. Crypto world still being be part of. However, to become a reliable a niche market, gradually Bitcoin alternative, there are some challenges gained public attention and become to face. For example; elimination of a worldwide phenomenon, and its high volatility, regulate a union of potential is unmeasurable. As time went cryptocurrencies and its platform and on, the weakening of the dollar, Bitcoin educate the peoples’ minds about this has triggered its value and at the end new hype of the technology. Bitcoin of 2020 closed with a worth of over $29 might not become the future of the next 000 per token, and the price seems not monetary era, but certainly can be used to stop from here. Today, the popularity as a financial asset that works as an edge of Bitcoin is undeniable, features have against the Federal Reserve and Central been added, many cryptocurrencies NEWS MAGAZINE 33 Authorities’ bad decisions. created as an alternative to bitcoin and


Yasemin G see cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin as the currency of the future, it should be noted that a currency needs stability. Therefore before you invest in cryptocurrency, you should identify the risks. The first thing to watch is that there is no guarantee of return and you should be careful about frauds. Anyone who promises you a guarantee of return or profit can be a scammer. Just because an investment is well-known or endorsed by a celebrity does not mean it is good or safe. The same is true for cryptocurrencies, just like other traditional investments. Don’t invest money that you cannot afford. Not all cryptocurrencies (or companies that promote The fact that cryptocurrencies are digital is cryptocurrencies) are not the only important difference between the same. Research cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies. the claims made by The government does not provide insurance companies that promote for cryptocurrencies like national bank cryptocurrencies. Search online deposits. This means that cryptocurrencies for company names, cryptocurrency stored online do not have the same protection names and words like “comments”, “scams” as currencies in bank accounts. If you store or “complaints.” your cryptocurrency in a digital wallet of the As more and more people become interested in company, and the company goes bankrupt cryptocurrency, scammers are looking for more or is hacked, the government may not be ways to use it. For example, scammers may able to help you withdraw the funds step by offer investment and business “opportunities,” step like money stored in a bank. Another promising to double your investment or inconvenience of cryptocurrency is changed bring you financial freedom. Pay attention by the hour. An investment today may to companies which guarantee that you will be worth thousands of dollars/euros, and make money, which encourages you to high tomorrow’s value maybe only hundreds of expenditures to double your funds in a short dollars/euros. If the value drops, there is no time34 or which commits free money in your NEWS MAGAZINE guarantee that it will rise again. For those who Cryptocurrency is a digital currency. This means there are no actual coins or bills-all online. You can transfer cryptocurrency to online people without an intermediary, such as a bank. Bitcoin and Ethereum are well-known cryptocurrencies, but new cryptocurrencies are still being created. People may use cryptocurrency to make quick payments and avoid transaction fees. Some people may use cryptocurrency as an investment, hoping that its value will rise. You can purchase cryptocurrency with a credit card, or in some cases, through a process called “mining”. Cryptocurrency can be stored in digital wallets online, on a computer or other hardware. Before buying cryptocurrency, you should know that cryptocurrency is different from the protection you have when using your national/ traditional money currency. It is also known that scammers require people to pay in cryptocurrency because they know that such payments are usually irreversible.

-J A C K I N G

Gundogdu national currency or cryptocurrency, and make unclear claims against their company. A new notion is Cryptojacking when scammers use your computer or smartphone’s processing power to “mine” cryptocurrency for their benefit, and without your permission, this is called Cryptojacking. Scammers can put malicious code onto your device simply by your visiting a website. Then they can help themselves to your device’s processor without you knowing. If you notice that your device is slower than usual, burns through battery power quickly, or crashes, your device might have been crypto-jacked. You should close sites or apps that slow your device or use your battery, use antivirus software, set software and apps to update automatically, and never install software or apps you do not trust, do not click links without knowing where they lead, and be careful about visiting unfamiliar websites. Also, consider a browser extension or ad blockers that can help defend against crypto-jacking. The most important first step is to do your research, read reviews and check trusted sources before installing any online tools. Some websites may keep you from using their site if you have blocking software installed.

you should know the important differences between paying with cryptocurrency and paying by traditional methods. If something goes wrong, credit and debit cards have legal protection. For example, if you need to dispute a purchase, your credit card company will provide a process to help you get your money back. Cryptocurrency payments are usually irreversible. After paying in cryptocurrency, you can get your money back only if the seller returns the money to you. Before you use cryptocurrency to buy goods, please understand the seller’s reputation, where the seller is located, and how to contact others in the event of a problem. The refund may not be cryptocurrency. If a refund is provided, please find out whether the refund will be in cryptocurrency, traditional money currency or other methods. What is the refund amount? The value of cryptocurrency is constantly changing. Before you buy something with cryptocurrency, learn how the seller calculates a refund. Some information may be public. Although cryptocurrency transactions are anonymous, transactions may be posted to public ledgers, such as Bitcoin’s blockchain. The blockchain is a public list of records that shows when someone uses cryptocurrency for transactions. Depending on the cryptocurrency, the information added to the blockchain can include information such as transaction amount. This information can also include the wallet addresses of the sender and receiver-a long string of numbers and letters linked to a digital wallet that stores encrypted currency. Both transaction amount and wallet address can be used to Another thing to be careful about using identify the actual user. cryptocurrencies is payments through Briefly, Cryptocurrency is an incredibly Cryptocurrency, if you are thinking about speculative and volatile buy, be sure you using cryptocurrency to make a payment, check NEWS MAGAZINE 35 above points before buying stock.


Fantasy self is a newly coined term referring to the self we have in our minds that is different from the real us. In other words, everyone sees themselves a certain way that can be completely different from reality. For example, you may have a fantasy self that is classy and sophisticated, and enjoys the finest things in life- therefore you start to buy to feed the fantasy, to fulfil the person you may become one day- whereas in reality perhaps you enjoy comfortability, therefore, have a more casual style. The idea of letting go of the fantasy self is a form of cleansing and decluttering your life of that person, and stepping into the shoes of the person you are.


e all have a fantasy of our ideal The practice of minimalism teaches us selves, the person we want to become that we should declutter and rid of anyand to manifest this person into real thing in our lives that take up unneceslife we begin to buy for them. Let’s say sary space. The principle of doing this is you dream of being super toned, fit and to help you become your authentic self, ripped. So you begin to start buying have things that make you happy and workout types of equipment such as provide a space that you enjoy being in. workout mats, pilate ball, weights, exer- if you have a whole wardrobe filled with cise clothes and water flasks. all in clothes that you would never wear- bename of bringing that fantasy to life- to cause you were buying for your fantasy convince yourself that you are that per- self - and but for your self who needs to son. But in reality, you are purchasing wear these clothes every day, you end good for no reason as all the items you up saying things like “I have nothing to buy are put to rest under your bed, at the wear.” Although this is a new term, the back of your wardrobe - basically out concept is as old as that phrase. Now of sight. And in reality, you hate exercithat we understand the meaning and sing, dieting but teh aesthetic of a perintentions behind this concept, and NEWS MAGAZINE 36 son who does these things satisfies you. perhaps aware that we inhabit some of

these traits, what can we do to forever erase it from our system? WHO ARE YOU? Firstly we need to get to know who we are. What are our likes and dislikes, what makes us happy and what makes us uncomfortable? By finding out these things we can start to cater for ourselves rather than a made-up imaginary person Once you establish who you are, compare and contrast this with the person you have been buying for. are the differences minimal or extreme? The realisation is essential to monitor your spending habits. LETTING GO Once you have determined who you are and how different your fantasy-self is from you, the next step is to let go of the purchases you have done. Maybe you have a cosplay outfit because you imagined that one day

you will go to comic-con, perhaps you don’t even like comic books, but you just think it would be cool to be a part of. And no doubt you can! But you could also by a costume if you are differently going to this event, instead, o creating a bigger “maybe one-day” pile. People’s buying habits during the pandemic is evident that everyone has a fantasy self. Even though there is not a place to wear beautiful and fancy dresses, people are still buying going-out and party dresses- only to have photos of them in their homes and never really going out. Although this is slightly off-topic, it does signify that we are all trying to be someone who is not us. Buying dresses because maybe you can wear them when you can go out after teh lockdown, it can just sit in your wardrobe and wait for that day- and it’s not bad to prepare- but teh point is that you can buy these clothes when you need them instead of spending and holding on to things that you do not need. Those who practice minimalism understand the concept of buying on a need-to-basis, adopting this practice can make your life easier and take the stress off you and your pocket. When you begin to let go of this ideal person who is eating away at your money, you will never have to recite “I have nothing to wear,” and as if your possessions belong to another person. Instead, everything will be yours and yours alone.







njectable filler is soft tissue injected into the skin to give volume to a certain location. Here we will explore the volume given to the lips. The first filler was performed in the 19th century- this was more of a reconstructing procedure than cosmetic- fat was injected into the lip area to treat deformities. The early 21st century showed a rise in the interest of this procedure, most recently Hollywood celebrities have encouraged this movement by the power of their influences as role models. Although health professionals do not agree that anyone under the age of 18 years old should get any cosmetic procedures done, the legal age allowed to get lip fillers in the UK is 16. In 2015 research showed that almost 30 thousand procedures took place in a year, with one procedure taking place every 20 minutes! Dermal fillers are not permanent, they last from 6months to a year and a half.


The longevity depends on the type and location of the injection. In the UK the substance Hyaluronic acid is used, this keeps the injected area youthful, whereas the rest of the face will continue to as a normal. The price depends on the amount injected with a base price of 200 pounds. The duration of the procedure is up to half an hour. An anaesthetic cream is layered over the lips to numb the area, then the substance is injected into the lips and messaged into the skin. This is not reported to be painful at all, however, it will feel uncomfortable. There will be redness and swelling afterwards that will last up to a few days, it is advised to not wear any makeup close to or on the area until it is fully healed. People choose to have the lip filler done for multiple reasons; from wanting fuller-looking lips, to balance out the proportions of their face.



A guide to surviving in the corporate world! Taking everything I have learned over the years and sharing raw advice with people who truly need it. So, take a walk in my stilleos and let me show you around.

DRESS TO IMPRESS We touched a little bit on fashion sense in my last article. This issue I will be styling you! Office wear is very important, it shows your personality and knowing what to wear generally makes your mornings less stressful. Rushing, having nothing to wear, damaging through your wardrobe and then rolling everything up in a bundle and throwing it back into the closet, fighting the door shut. Only to end up wearing the same thing or something very similar to yesterday. Does that sound familiar? How about having a more organised morning, where you have more spent of other beneficial activities like going through your diary or doing some extra admin- or just spending that little extra time doing your hair and makeup- perhaps even going through your hand-band and throwing out unwanted rubbish you’ve been meaning to get rid up. Everyone’s style is unique to their own, however, every workplace has its dress code. If you’re work in a primarily corporate setting; financial or law, then you may be required to channel your “serious” side. On these instances sticking to neutral colours and playing it safe is your best bet. Black, brown, navy, beige, white- these are the shades you want to make good acquaintance with. In these situations where you have less flexibility, you can show your style by using accessories to your advantage- just like you may have done if you had to wear a uniform at school. Handbags, scarfs, jewellery and shoes will take the lead in the presentation. Using gold or silver accents within your accessories will show its richness. You can even get creative with your nail polish and use colours you wouldn’t wear such as bright pink or red. As you will be at work for 7-8 hours a day, it’s important to find comfort in your style. Tight dresses or trousers may look nice but they will have a strain on you in the long run. Also, you may dress up on days you feel excellent and dress down on days you are not feeling it, this old habit will be easy to unriddle for your co-workers. Therefore find a balance where you don’t go one extreme to the next. Blouses and pencil skirts are an ideal combination to give an air of femininity in a male-dominated environment. If you wish to give a more masculine vibe, a blazer and a ponytail will do the trick. To end with here’s a wardrobe malfunction anecdote: I had a red asymmetric leopard print pencil skirt with gold accents. I accidentally wore the zip on the side instead of the back, I didn’t notice until I heard the fabric zip on the tube! I had to tie my leather jacket around my waist as I run out of the station! Lucky I worked in the city and there were a lot of retail shops. I grabbed a long grey skirt and put it on in the office toilets before making it to my desk at 9 MAGAZINE sharp. Since then I ensure you keep aNEWS pair of tights,39shoes, and dress in my draw. You never know what the day might bring!


The Russian publication Triboona, rehashed in July 2020 an old piece of fake news which claimed that Mel Gibson was marginalized in Hollywood after having declared in a BBC interview that “every studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for with the blood of innocent children,” and the most valuable coin in Hollywood is the blood of babies… key players in the movie business get a high out of this process and are happy to flaunt interdictions”. Interestingly, this web portal try to link the false declaration of Mel Gibson to old rite Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The portal specifies that the alleged interview took place on January 19th, a moment when old-rite Orthodox Christians celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ, subliminally tying the fake event to the Slavic spiritual world in whose lead Russia tries to position itself as the “third Rome”. The piece was initially launched on two conspiracy-minded platforms, and Your New Wire, and also appeared in Romanian and Republic of Moldova social media

where it was propagated even by highly educated people. Not only did a spokesperson for the actor deny the information for Reuters, but such a subject would have been a centrepiece of international publications, especially the tabloids whose readership is hungry for such news items. It becomes relevant to (re)ask ourselves: why do people believe in conspiracy theories? The first answer is that theories of this type are rooted in human psychopathology where the need to recognize patterns is extremely powerful. Our convictions are also strengthened by our herd instinct, where a large number of people believing in something reinforces that belief for other individuals. For example, a well-established pattern in the European mental landscape of the medieval period is the theory of Jews trying to dominate the world and becoming scapegoats for misfortunes, such as the 14th-century plagues. The subject is covered in the book “A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century” (1978) by Barbara Tuchman. Of course, the Jewish conspiracy nar-



rative survived to modern times. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a proven fake from czarist Russia, was used by the Nazis as a tool to legitimize anti-Semitic policies and even the Holocaust. These are extreme cases of untruths. Most conspiracy theories start from a real situation or a truth and then build an alternative reality that cannot be empirically proven. The paradox is that our inability to definitively prove or disprove them scientifically increases their legitimacy in the eyes of many of us. Going back to the fake news item at the beginning of this article, we identify an initial truth from which the fake news started, which is the marginalization of Mel Gibson in Hollywood as a result of a racist and anti-Semitic outburst of the star some time ago. Fighting against this phenomenon, which in its maximal form can weaken social cohesion, is a complex process which much

takes into account the psychosocial patterns of every one of its adepts. Research has shown that the most vulnerable people in terms of the consumption of fake news are socially marginalized people who feel outside of their social strata or social groups, which explains how even highly educated people end up distributing conspiracy materials.



Inaccessible Transparency B E AT R I C E G A B R I E L A B A D E A At the beginning of the 20th century, the world of architecture was encountering the groundbreaking

view of Le Corbusier, a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, and writer, also one of the pioneers of what we nowadays know as modern architecture. By introducing his design for the Maison Dom-Ino, a modular structure consisting of nothing more than concrete columns and slabs, Le Corbusier was rewriting the definition of the wall element inside the structural equation of a building. Once the boundaries between interior and exterior were blurred, thus making space for both natural daylight and a subtle sense of transparency, the history of architecture was now prepared to enter a new chapter: hence, the shift from ‘raumplan’ to ‘plan libre’. After a century marked by a strong interest in the construction and development of the private space of the house, reminiscent of the two damaging World Wars that had left countless families around the world without a shelter, our modern era has brought about a new meaning to Le Corbusier’s open space, this time assigned to public buildings. The quality of living given by the open


space developed inside a transparent envelope at Maison Dom-Ino, as seen through the lens of the primary need for shelter- typical of the 20th century-, has slowly been replaced with the ideological value of political openness, evocative of democracy- nowadays perceived through the eyes of the secondary need for meaning. As a result, not only does contemporary architecture continue to invest in using glass as a solution for walls in residential buildings, but also (and especially) embraces the plethora of public buildings, among which the architectural program of government buildings stands out. Today, however, within a pandemic context that seems to echo the historical development of architecture, where the importance of social distancing demands a shift from closeness to openness inside public buildings, with the addition of transparent barriers between the public and the employees, one can only ask: does visual transparency resemble accessibility? Despite the quite recent occurrence of transparent materiality within political architectu-


re in our built environment, the idea of openness that transcends the material world and embraces political symbolism is not as new as we might think. Back in the 18th century, the visionary French neoclassical architect Étienne-Louis Boullée, in his book called ‘Architecture, Essay on Art’, illustrates his understanding of the then highly debated ‘monument’, by offering an architectural description for mocratic forum, an understanding of history, a each public program known at the time. What commitment to public accessibility and a vigosets him apart from the mainstream is the rous environmental agenda’. Despite the archiquality of publicness that he adds to every tect’s initial hesitation to replace the lost cupola design: in his opinion, the essence of a mowith a new dome, it is here that all his design nument lies in its ‘accessibility’. Thus, when principles converge. By leading the structural portraying his version of a Municipal Palace, loads towards the axis of the dome, Foster’s dehe begins by associating this type of building sign liberates the shell from its initial structural with a ‘hive of humanity’. His affirmation is function, therefore making it possible for a glass further translated ad litteram, through the shell to be involved. The axis here becomes the description of a large-scaled, compact builaxis mundi that leads the pedestrian movement ding, resembling the stability required from along an ascending spiral to the top of the dome, a political headquarters, whose wide surfaces this way making it the most publicly accessible are covered with numerous entrance ways – side of the building. The visual connection with just like a beehive. In his scenario, the perfothe outside environment established through the rated walls at the ground level are generative clear glass shell is doubled by the visual connecof a vivid sense of public life and identity, whition to the parliamentary chamber below, as a le the ones at the upper levels set the scene for promise of democracy. a spirited working environment for the staff. While the architectural concept is clearly stated In architectural words, Boullée’s proposal and illustrated inside the project, through the for the Municipal Palace corresponds to a series of transparencies and visual connections ‘raumplan’: a series of spaces enclosed inside between the levels of the dome, one cannot ignoa massive volume, predominantly opaque, re the scarcity of its democratic value. Compawhere the articulations between spaces are rative to our nowadays’ circumstances, where invisible from the outside. Opposite to Adolf people are separated from the staff inside public Loos’ concept of ‘raumplan’ stands Le Corbuildings through transparent partitions, in the busier’s ‘plan libre’: the open plan where the name of common health, so are the visitors of the role of structure is separated from that of Reichstag distanced from the politicians inside enclosure of spaces, thus creating the means the parliamentary chamber; the difference is, for both flawless space and transparent envewhile the former public are invited to a conversalope to be engaged in the design. Probably the tion with the staff, to express their needs, no conmost successful portrayal of openness inside a versation is possible in the latter case. Although contemporary political edifice is represented we do know there are many types of glasses out by the renovation of the German Parliament there, what we should bear in mind is, there are in Berlin, the Reichstag, carried out by Fosalso two types of transparencies: on one hand, ter + Partners. Following the destruction of there is the accessible transparency; on the other the original cupola during the World War II, hand, there is the inaccessible transparency. The Foster’s approach was rooted in four related latter 43of them can be quite handy. NEWS MAGAZINE issues: ‘the Bundestag’s significance as a de-


I first came across The Law of Attraction in my darknest hour and was desperately looking for hope. Since then I have been surrounded by life’s miracles. Every month I will be sharing a secret to living your best life. This issue we are exploring:

IF YOU CAN SEE IT YOU CAN HAVE IT One of the most powerful ways to manifest what you want into reality is a small secret called visualisation. As the name suggestions, you will have to have a visual image in your mind’s eye. The trick is to see everything in full HD and be specific about every single detail. Have you ever imagined something and it happened right after? For example, once I was walking down the street and did not feel very confident as I had just been rejected. I imagined in my mind that a stranger complimented me. I turned the corner next to the train station and stopped to check my time for a few moments. Right then a stranger came up to me and told me I was beautiful! This is just a small occurrence but it demonstrates that with your thoughts you can attract whatever you want! What don’t you take a few moments to practice right now? If you like you can

close your eyes in a quiet space or be in the middle of a busy street. The latter is advised but in my experience- as evident in the example I gave I was in a busy street and it still worked! Once you realise your power, you can never feel helpless or hopeless. Let’s pretend that you want more money in your bank account. Just imagine a large sim dropping into your account, see the figure, and feel the feelings you would feel as if it already happens. And say out loud “I will get a lot of money coming into my account very soon! I already have it.” And then just forget about it and



go about your day. It is as simple as that. Once you imagine this, you get the best results with letting go and getting God- or any higher source of power to take care of it. You can do this technique any time you need it. My advice is don’t force yourself to realise- your mind does it for you when it requires it- it is much organic this way. Some Law of Attraction experts says you should do it regularly if not daily. But I think this creates a daydream situation rather than feeling your power and manifesting what you need or want at the moment.










For the dough; 100g soft unsalted butter 100g caster sugar 1 large egg, lightly beaten ½ tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp lemon zest ½ tsp ground cardamom 1 tsp rose water 275g/10oz plain flour For the Royal Icing; 200g sifted icing sugar 10g meringue powder/egg white powder 1-2 tsp Rose water (depending on your taste) 1 tsp lemon juice 2-3 Tbsp of water

Method; 1. Preheat the oven to 170C Fan. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. 2. Cream the butter and sugar together in a bowl until combined. Beat in the egg, vanilla extract, lemon zest, rose water and cardamom, until well combined. Then add the flour and bring together to form a dough. 3. Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of 1cm. Using biscuit cutters, cut biscuits out of the dough and carefully place onto the baking tray. 4. Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until pale golden-brown. Set aside to harden for 2 minutes, then cool on a wire rack. 5. For the icing, sift the icing sugar and meringue/egg white powder into a bowl, then mix in the rose water, lemon juice and a bit of water. Decorate as you wish! I added edible dried roses, it gives a lovely subtle floral flavour.















TAH I R M O L A Söze Mevlana ile başlayalım, “İnsanın yararlı olanı, yine insana fayda edendir.” İnsan’ ın içinde dolaşan, bedenin sağlıklı olup yaşam sürekliliğini sağlamak için; organların, tik tak, çalışan saat gibi doğru çalışması ile ilgilidir. Peki sağlıklı hayatın ötesinde ne varmış? İdrak etmiş, görüp anlayan, fikir anlamında gelişmiş, insan beyni her şeyi algılayabiliyor. Anlaşılamamış hikâyeleri çözümlemek, sonrasında bitmiş olduğuna kanıt getirmek. İnsan çalışma düzeni, buluş, kabulüne kalmış.

onca emek, ziyan olup hayatınıza mal olabiliyor. Bu noktada, sizin gibi birisinin iç organlarının pahası biçilmez. Hastalanmış, organ nakli bekleyenlere, sizin organlarınız bağışlanırsa başkaları için umut olacak. Organ bağış nakli, hastahane, klinik, yönlendirme doğrultusundadır. Aile, akraba son andaki, zor kararı vermek ile birlikte, organ bağışı yapabiliyor. Dini liderler temasında, organ bağışı yapmak caizdir. Tehlikeden sakınarak yaşamak, insanın sorumluluğudur.

Canlıların yaratılışında, Bir fasulye tanebiyolojik yapı ile çoğalabilme sine benzeyen böbrek, insan hayaözelliği verilmiş. Bunu aklı başıntını yeniliyor. Bir elin yumruğu kadar kalp, dakiler biliyor. Söz söylemek, yerine içindeki kas, kapak, dört odacık, kanın göre de olsa, insan zorlanabiliyor. Sözü şuiçinde dolaştığı damarlardan canlılara raya bağlayayım. Organ bağışlamak, hayat hayat veriyor. kurtarır. Aydınlık, karanlık demeden görmemiUzun ömürlü olmak istiyor, kaliteli zi sağlayan gözlerimiz. Akciğer, oksijen yaşıyorsunuz. Vücudunuzdaki fabrika pompası. Karaciğer. Beden, bir bütün düzeneğine, vitaminler ile katkı sağlıyoriçerisinde çalışabilen armonidir. Baştan, sunuz. Spor yapıyor, sağlıklı diyet uyguayağa, elden kola. Organların önem ve luyor, uykunuza dikkat ediyor, formunuzu NEWS MAGAZINE kıymetini 49 bilerek sağlıklı yaşayabilmeli. koruyorsunuz. Bir gün kaza ile kayıp, Hayati tedbirleri almalı. Organ, her canlı dikkat edemediğiniz küçük ayrıntı ile için elzemdir.



Gülsüm Bölük İstanbul’da doğdu ve büyüdü. 19 yaşında Romanya’ya taşındı ve orada 3 yıl yaşadıkdan sonra Londra’ya taşındı. Greenwich üniversitesi hukuk fakültesi öğrencisi. Evli ve bir oğlu var. Yazmak ile gezmek arasında bir hayat yaşıyor, 1 yıldır The Hall News’ te türk yazarlar ekibinde. Pandemi dünyayı sarsmakta, bu süreç sizi nasıl etkiledi? Bu beklenmedik süreç sanılanın aksine birçok güzel şey getirdi. Beni çok fazla etkiledi ama bunun sadece kötü bir etki olduğunu söyleyemem. Bu süreçte kendime daha fazla düşünme fırsatı vererek, gelecek hakkındaki planlarımı oluşturdum. İlk karantinanın verdiği bol vakitler sayesinde İngilizcemi geliştirdim. Çok fazla sıkılıp bunalsam da, ileriye dönük güzel izler bıraktığını düşünüyorum. Kaç dil biliyorsunuz ve hiçbir engel olmasa gelmiş geçmiş hangi dili son derece iyi şekilde konuşabilmek isterdiniz? Neden? Yabancı dil olarak İngilizce ve biraz da Romence biliyorum. Fransızcayı ve Rus edebiyatına daha iyi hakim olabilmek için Rusçayı öğrenmek isterdim. Londra’da yaşıyorsunuz, şehrinizi daha önce hiç görmemiş ya da duymamış birisine nasıl anlatırsınız? Londra hiçbir zaman yaşamak istediğim bir şehir olmadı. Fakat burada yaşamaya başladıktan sonra, başka bir şehri bu kadar sevemezdim gibi düşünmeye başladım. Londra’dayken kendimi dünyanın ortasında, milletler arası bir meydanda hissediyorum. Farklı ülkelerden insanlar görmek ve kültürlerine tanık olmak çok güzel.

du. Kitapları üzerine uzun bir muhabbet bana en büyük sevinci yaşatırdı. Yaşayan biri ise Türk romancı ve şair Murat Menteş olurdu. Özel güçlerim ile aklını okumayı isterdim. Zekası ve yaratıcılığı ben çok etkiliyor. En büyük hayaliniz nedir? Büyük hayaller kurmam ama sürekli hayal dünyamda yaşarım. Bir önceki sorunun cevabı bu soru için de geçerli. 2021 için planlarınız neler? 2030 yılının neye benzeyeceğini düşünüyorsunuz ve kendinizi nerde görüyorsunuz? 2021 daha çok ders çalışarak ve yeni adımlar atarak geçecektir. Bu yılın güzel geçeceğini düşünüyorum. 2030’da bir çok planımı gerçekleştirmiş yoğun bir hayatın içinde olmayı isterim. Gitmek istediğim ülkelerden birinde olabilirim. Hayatta iyi ki yapmışım dediğiniz şey nedir? Hayatta, daha çok yaptığımız hataların bizi güzel yerlere getirdiğine inanırım. O yüzden iyi ki hatalar yapmışım diyorum. Son okuduğunuz kitap ve izlediğiniz film nedir? Mark Twain’in İnsan Nedir kitabı. Filmlerle aram yoktur, en son iki ay önce eğlenmek için “Home Alone” filmini izlemiştim.

Hayatınız bir film olsaydı bu filmin en acıklı ve en Ölü ya da diri biriyle akşam yemeği yiyebilNEWS MAGAZINE 50 mutlu sahneleri hangi anlarınız olurdu? En acıklı sahnesi lise yıllarımdan bir an, seydiniz bu kim olurdu ve ona ne sormak isen mutlu sahnesi ise anne olduğum zaman terdiniz? Ölü biri hiç kuşkusuz Tolstoy olurolurdu.

hep böyle olabilir. Fakat İngiltere’ye çabuk alıştım ve kalabalık ortamları sevmemin bunda büyük etkisi vardır. Benim tavsiyem, her ülkenin, insana katacağı şeyleri görüp, iyisiyle kötüsüyle her şehirde yaşamaktan kaçmamalı. Deneyerek öğreniyoruz dünyayı. Dergimizin yazarı olarak, makaleleriniz ve şiirleriniz ile ilgili olarak ailenizden ve arkadaşlarınızdan gelen geri bildirimlerden bazıları nelerdir? Ben kendi yazdıklarımla tatmin olamasam da çevremin beğenmesi beni sevindiriyor ve motive ediyor. Özellikle annemin beğenmesi ve iyi bir yazar olabileceğimi söylemesi beni gururlandırdı.

Kariyer olarak hangi mesleği seçmek istersiniz ve neden? Savcı olmak isterdim. Kriminolojik meslekler de hoşuma gidiyor. Ve tabii ki iyi bir yazar olmak isterim.

YouTube kanalınız ile tanınıyorsunuz, video çekmeye ne zaman ve neden karar verdiniz? YouTube kanalımı 2017’de açmıştım. Oğluma güzel bir hatıra bırakmak için açmıştım fakat insanların çocuk gelişimi ile ilgili paylaşımlarımla ilgilenmesi ve beğenmesi beni o yöne itmişti. Bunu 2 yıl sürdürdükten sonra daha farklı konseptlere geçtim. Şu an ise uzun süredir video çekmiyorum. Bir gün daha verimli fikirlerle dönmeyi planlıyorum.

Ruhunuz daraldığında sizi rahatlatan faaliyetler nelerdir? İnsanları izlemek iyi geliyor. Başkalarının yaşam telaşları bana kendimi unutturuyor. Böyle zamanlarda pencereden dışarı bakmayı veya yürüyüş yapmayı tercih ediyorum. Şiirler yazıyorsunuz ve en son sayımızda hikaye yazdınız. İlhamınız nereden geliyor? İyi bir ruh halindeyken şiir yazamıyorum. Depresif anlar ilham oluyor diyebilirim. Fakat hikaye yazmak için enerjimin yüksek olması gerekiyor. Açıkçası bana da ilginç geliyor. Dünyada değişmesini istediğiniz şeyler nelerdir? Dünyada değişmesini istediğim şey inançlarımızdır. Herkes kendi inandığı ölçüde yaşıyor ve herkes güzel şeylere inansaydı, yaşam da güzelleşirdi. Türkiye, Romanya ve Ingiltere’de yaşadınız. Hangisine daha çabuk adapte oldunuz ve bu ülkelerden birine taşınacak olan bir kişi için ne tavsiyeniz olurdu? İstanbul’dayken başka hiçbir şehirde yaşayamayacağımı söylüyordum. Bükreş’te yaşamak bunu doğruladı. Romanya NEWS MAGAZINE güzel bir ülke olsa da adapte olmakta epey zorlandım. Büyük şehirlere alışanlar için bu





Gözlerime bakıyordu. Gözlerimin şimdiye kadar ondan haber alamayışı üzmüştü beni. Şimdi ise bakışlarının içinde yüzerken bile keyif alamıyordum. Mutluluğa ulaşmaya çalışmak gerçekten süründürür müydü insanı? Sonra normale dönmek mi ulaşmak sayılırdı? “Telefonda dinlenilmekten bahsetmiştin. Başın mı dertte?” Bunu sorduğum sırada doğrulayıcı bir cevap almaktan korkuyorum. Başının dertte olması, alacağım cevaptan daha iyi hissettirecekti oysaki. Konuşmaktan kaçıyordu. Zaten agresif bir şekilde uyandığım günün verdiği öfkeyle sesimi yükselttim: “Aylardır tek bir kelime etmedin, öylece çekip gittin. Simdi bana bıraktığın sessizliği, yüzüme bakarak mı sürdüreceksin?” O sessizliğini devam ettirirken, gözlerimi ondan uzaklaştırıp pencereye yönelttim. Nasıl da mutluydum onunla. Aramıza giren zaman, hiçbir şeyi koparmış sayılmazdı. Hala kalbim hızlanıyor, ona olan aşkımı tazeliyordu. Ben böyle düşüncelere dalmış bekliyorken, bir şeyler söylemeyi denedi: “Biri var Ahsen. İnan bana, seni çok sevdim. Ama bir başkasına aşık oldum. Sana bunu söyleyip üzülmeni görmeye dayanamazdım. O yüzden açıklama yapmadan gittim. Kaçtım ben Ahsen.” Sabah banyoya giderken, Sefa’nın beni aramasının bir rüya olmadığını anlamak için yüzümü yıkamam gerektiğini düşünmüştüm. Şimdi ise her şeyin bir rüyadan ibaret olmasını o kadar çok istiyordum ki, başımın sol tarafından elektrik çarpar gibi keskin bir ağrının şakaklarımdan başlayıp tüm başımı sardığını hissederken, hayatımda ilk defa ne diyeceğimi bilemeyip iç sesimi bastırdığım bir an yaşıyordum. Sefa’ya, buraya neden geldiğini sormak istedim fakat bakışlarımdan bunu sormak istediğimi anlamış olacaktı ki, ben sormadan konuşmaya başladı. Önümüzdeki ay evleneceklerini, bunun beni daha çok üzeceğini bildiğini, ama böyle sessizce kaçmanın hiçbir işe yaramayacağını anlatıyordu. Gözlerimde bekleyen yaşların daha fazla dayanamayıp yanağıma süzüldüğünü hissettim. Ayağa kalkıp pencereye doğru yürüdüm. Dışarı baktığımda pencereme doğru bakan iki adam gördüm fakat bunun sebebini düşünemeyecek kadar şaşkındım. İki ay öncesine kadar evlenme teklifi beklediğim, bana sözler veren, mutluluk kaynağım olan adam, bir başkasıyla evleniyordu. Utancımdan yüzüne bakamıyorum. Ağlamaktan ziyade, beklentilerimin karşısında duyduklarımdan utanıyordum. Birini hayatımın merkezine koyup, kendi ellerimle kendimi yıkmaktan utanıyordum. Yüzüne bakmadan evden gitmesini söyledim. Az sonra duyduğum kapı sesiyle yavaşça yere oturdum. İnsan aşk ile tanışana kadar uçurumun kenarında sıradan bir hayat sürdürüyorken, aşk ile tanışınca o uçurumdan atlamış oluyormuş. Aşkı oluşturan maddelerin başında risk almak geliyormuş… Bu farkındalıklarım, korkak bir hayata devam edeceğim izlenimleri gösterirken, cesur bir hayatın ilk gününe başladığımı çok sonra fark edecektim… Az sonra dışarıdaki adamların Sefa ile ilgisi olabileceğini düşünüp tekrar pencereye yöneldim. Bir kadın çocuğunun elinden tutmuş karşıya geçiyordu ve başka kimse görünmüyordu. Neler döndüğünü anlamak için toparlanıp Sefa’yı aradım, telefonu cevaplayan telesekreterin sesiyle bir şeylerin ters gittiğine emin olmuştum… NEWS MAGAZINE



aray, hükümdar, ailesi ya da üst düzey yönetici sınıf için yapılmış büyük konutlara verilen genel addır. Devlet başkanları ve üst düzey yöneticiler bu konutlarda yaşamlarını sürdürürken diğer yandan işlerini buradan yürütürler. Bundan dolayı saraylar içlerinde hem birbiriyle bağıntılı hem de bağımsız birçok farklı yapı türünü bünyesinde barındırmaktadır. İlk saray tarzı yapıların M.Ö. 2. bin yılda Mezopotamya’da ortaya çıktığı kabul edilmekle birlikte, Asur Krallığı’nda M.Ö. 1. bin yılda konut fikriyle inşa edilmiş saray örneklerine de rastlanmaktadır. Saray yapımı mimaride ileri inşa teknolojisine sahip Roma Dönemiyle en üst seviyeye çıkmıştır. Avrupa’da gerçek anlamda saray yapıları Rönesans döneminde görülürken bu dönemden önce Ortaçağ Avrupası’nda “şatolara” rastlanmaktadır. İslam mimarisinde ise ilk saray örnekleri çöllerde yapılmış ve dıştan bakıldığında herhangi bir sanat özelliği olmayıp adeta bir kale görünüme sahip, içine girildiğinde oldukça zengin süsleme özelliklerinin bulunduğu çöl saraylarıdır. Kuseyr Amra, Mşatta Sarayı bu çöl saraylarının en ünlüleridir. Abbasilerle ve onu takip eden dönemlerde de milletler kendilerine özgü üslup ve mimari tarzlarıyla saray yapımına devam etmişlerdir. Anadolu Türk mimarisine bakıldığında saray mimarlığı uzun bir tarihsel geçmişe ve coğrafyaya sahiptir. Geniş, zengin bir yelpaze içinde Türkler çevre kültürlerden ve geçmişlerinden aldıkları birçok öğeyi sentezleyerek özgün bir saray mimarlığı oluşturmuşlardır. Bu aşamada Selçuklu sarayları ön plana çıkar ki bunların en tanınmışları Beyşehir Kubâdâbâd Sarayı ve Kayseri Keykubadiye saraylarıdır. Fakat Türk mimarisinde saray, asıl gelişimini Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile yaşamıştır. Türkiye, tarihi mekân bakımından çok zengin olan bir ülkedir. Bu eserler gelecek kuşaklara miras olarak bırakılmıştır. Osmanlı Devleti’nin mimari eserlerinin en çok bulunduğu bölge Marmara bölgesi olmakla beraber bu bölgenin mimari bakımından en zengin ili de İstanbul’dur. İstanbul Bizans ve Osmanlı gibi iki büyük imparatorluğa başkentlik yapmış jeolopolitik konumuyla, coğrafyasıyla büyük öneme sahip bir şehirdir. Bu sebeple İstanbul’da hükümdar, ailesi ve devletin ileri gelenleri için sayısız saray, kasır ve köşk inşa edilmiştir. İlk Osmanlı saraylarının İstanbul dışında yapıldıkları NEWS MAGAZINE 54 bilinmektedir. Osmanlı Devleti Bursa’da doğmuş,





Edirne’de gelişmiş ve İstanbul’da doruğa ulaşmıştır. Bu durum, Osmanlı saray mimarisi için de geçerlidir. Osmanlı sarayları 19. yüzyıla kadar özgün tasarımlarıyla gelmiş, bundan sonraki süreçte Osmanlı’nın kendine has mimari tarzı Avrupa’dan gelen etkilerle birleşerek farklı bir saray görünümü ortaya konulmuştur. Edirne ve ardından Topkapı Sarayları’ndaki klasik Osmanlı saray yapılaşması, 19.yüzyılla birlikte geleneksel çizgisinden ayrılarak, batılı bir anlayışın etkisi altına girmiştir. Bu dönemin koşullarına uygun olarak inşa edilmiş, Osmanlı Devleti’nin 19. yüzyılda dönüşen kimliğinin sembol yapılarından en görkemlisi Dolmabahçe Sarayı bunun en güzel örneğidir. Beşiktaş’ta Dolmabahçe Caddesi ile Boğaz arasında yer alan Dolmabahçe Sarayı Beşiktaş Sahili’ne inşa edilen ilk yapıdır. 1842 yılında I. Abdülmecit tarafından, Karabet Balyan’a inşa ettirilen sarayın yapımı 1853 senesine kadar devam etmiştir. Dolmabahçe Sarayı Abdülmecit’in sadece İkamet ettiği yer değil, devlet işleriyle de ilgilendiği mekândı. Abdülmecit’ten sonra kardeşi Abdülaziz’de bu sarayda yaşamıştır. Sarayın ana binası Harem, Mabeyn, Saat Kulesi ve Dolmabahçe Cami olmak üzere tasarlanmıştır. Bunun yanında sarayda 285 oda, 44 adet salon, 6 hamam ve 68 tuvalet bulunmaktadır. Sarayın iç döşemesi de dışı kadar özenle yapılmıştır. İç ve dış süslemeleri açısından 18. yüzyılda belirmeye başlayan Batı etkili Barok, Rokoko, Ampir ve Neoklasik etkili süslemelerin yanında Osmanlı sanatının geleneksel kalem işi nakışlarını da açıkça görmek mümkündür. Sarayın bazı kısımlarında duvar resmi niteliğinde manzara ve natürmortlara, tavanlarda panolar şeklinde geometrik, bitkisel motiflere yer yer sütunçe ve kemer gibi mimari elemanlara da yer verilmiştir. Mabeyn merdivenlerinin korkulukları, kristallerle süslenmiş muhteşem bir görünümde olup, Taht Salonu’nda bulunan kubbeden sarkan dört tonluk kristal avize, salona Avrupai bir hava katmaktadır. Haremde törenlerin yapıldığı Mavi Salon, kadınların eğlendiği Pembe Salon, Atatürk’ün kaldığı odalar, Valide Sultan odaları gibi farklı mekânlar, sarayın arka kısmında Sultan’ın kuşları için inşa edilmiş ufak bir köşk de yer almaktadır. Dolmabahçe Sarayı, saltanatın sonuna kadar farklı aralıklarda kullanılmış, İmparatorluğun 55son yüzyılına ev sahipliği yapmıştır. NEWS MAGAZINE Günümüzde ise müze olarak hizmet vermektedir.


Kışın en favori ve vazgeçilmez kıyafeti şüphesiz ki trikolar. Bu sezonda çok moda olan trikolar ister uzun elbise tarzında isterseniz kısa jeans pantolonun üstünde nasıl kombinlerseniz her ortama uyum sağlayabilirsiniz.

Yumuşacık kumaşı ile triko elbiselerinizi eğer boyunuz uzunsa uzun çizmeler ve beline bir kalın kemerle kombinleyebilirsiniz. Normal boylu kadınlar için tavsiyem boyunuzu kesmeyecek şekilde buti tarzında botlarla ve ince kemerle yada dizinizin üstünde çizmelerle kombinleyiniz ki sizi daha uzun göstersin.

Triko kazağınızı pantolonla kombinlemek de ayrı hava katar. Gabardin kumaş pantolon ve triko super uyum gösterir. Zıt kumaş türleri ile kombin yapmak her NEWS MAGAZINE zaman dikkat56çeker ve çok trend bir görüntü elde edersiniz.

Çok fazla kullanım alanı olan triko basic modellerde de rastlanır. Kotlarınızla kombinleyerek aksesuar olarak kullandığınız kovboy şapkanız size vahşi bir hava katar. Yere kadar uzun giy çık hırkalar gerçekten büyük kurtarıcı, içine giyeceğiniz düz dar bir elbisenin üstünde sıcacık ve elegant bir görüntü sağlayacak.

Salaş rahat giyinmeyi sevenler bol yarasa triko kazaklarını mutlaka etekleriyle kombinlemeli. Eğer gizlenmesi gereken kollarımız varsa yarasa trikolar gerçekten hayat kurtarıcı, altına giyeceğimiz bol pantolonla. Triko örme kumaştan olduğu için her mevsim ince yada kalın modasını kaybetmiyor. dediğimiz delikli örme triko kumaş yazın Merserize NEWS MAGAZINE 57 efil efil üstümüzde. Kışın ise kalın yünlü trikoları sıkça kullanıyoruz.

Yama; yırtılmış giysiye, parça ekleyip dikmektir. Elbise yamalamak, yamalanmış ayakkabı giymek fakirlikten geliyor. Fakir kimdir? Fakir, yaşam seviyesinde dar gelirlidir. Parasını kazanacak düzgün iş, ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak yetenek, çeşitli beceri ile güce sahip olmak zorundadır. Emek işçiliği yapanlar, uzun saatlerce, elinde kazma kürek ile yeraltında çalışanları düşününüz. Karanlık, havasız, metrelerce derinliklerde kara kömür, elmas, maden çıkartmak alanında hizmet edenler. Helâl olsun, insanlar ekmeğini taştan çıkartıyor. Güneşi göremeden, karanlıkta çalışanları kapsayan, onlara göre, tasarlanmış sağlam sigorta var mı? İşletmeci iş kazalarına önlem alıp, işçileri koruma kapsamına alıyor mu? Genç işçi, çalıştığı iş yerinde, kaza geçiriyor. Başı yaralı, eli kesik, bacağı kırık. Baygın götürüldüğü hastahanede yaraları sarılıyor. Hap, ilâç verilip iyileştiriliyor. Peki bu genç işçi, eski işine belli bir zaman sonrasında dahi, devam etmeli midir? Bedenen çalışarak, hayatını kazanmak zorunda olanlar; her yerde ve her zaman diğerlerine göre yüksek oranda tehlikeli çemberdedir.


Tarımcı, mevsimin kurak geçtiği sezonlarda, birikimi olmayan yoksuldur. Hayvanları hastalıktan telef olmuş çoban, aileleri ne yapmış? Önceki seneden kalmış bir teneke peynirini, bir çuval unla yufka, ekmek yapar. Eskimiş pantolon bacaklarına, kumaş bulabilmişse kesip yama yapar. Yamalı pantolon, yamalı gömlek giyebilinenden daha yokluk günleri olabilineceğini, düşünerek buldukları ile yetinmeyi öğreniyordu. Yamalı don giymek ayıp değildi. Köylü insanı devletini, ülkesini tanıma ve görebilmek imkânlarına sahip değillerdi. Güneşin battığı yöne döner, kıblesini bulup yaşadığı gün için duacı olurdu. Ebe ninemi hatırlıyorum. Beş vakit namazında, kendisi gibi birkaç arkadaşı ile iftardan sonra namaz kılar, tesbih çekerdiler. Hayatlarını inanç içerisinde yaşıyordular. “Hicaz’a gideceğim” diyordu. Mekke’deki kâbe ziyaretine gidebilmek adı-

Fırıncı, ateşli odunları sihirbaz gibi karıştırmalı. Çiftçi, tahıllıkları elindeki tırmıkla ustalıklı savurabilmeli. Traktörü ile araba çekerek çalışanları taşıyan şoför, çamura saplanmadan, yağmurlu yollarda kaymadan, gece karanlığında yollara düşmeyecek derecede tecrübeli olmak durumundadır.



na, mendiline para koyar, yastık altında saklardı. Kıblesine dönüp namaz kıldığı, köy camisinden öteye gidemedi. Onun gönlündeki güzellik ile yaşayıp, vefatına kadar iyi insan olarak, yetmiş dokuz yaşına kadar, ömrünü kendi ayakları üzerinde yaşamış olması, aklımda geçmiş yüzyıldaki nadide örneklerden bir tanesi olarak yer etti. O zaman içerisinde, anneannemin de bir sözü vardı. “Fakirlik, ateşten gömlek giymekmiş”. Atalarımızın gününden sonra, dönem değişti. Dünya yeni bir yön aldı. Ekonomi, sanayi gelişmiş, insan türünün beden gücü yerine; beyin gücü, robot çalışması ve makineleşme arttı. Yama yerine, yamama düzeneği. Çeşitli entrika, suni gündem. Büyüklenme, aç gözlülük, beğenmemezlik, beceriksizlik, beyin ölümleri, obezite, çaresiz hastalıktalıklar, tembellik... cehaletin diğer yüzü; okumuş cahillikleri, görgüsüzlük kendini bilmezlik hat safhada almış başını gidiyor. Engellilerin önünde engel durmak... Kendi kendilerine yetebilirlik, az zamanda çok iş yapmak. Doğru olup hakkınca yaşayabilmek, insanların en doğal haklarındandır. Kötülere, kötülüklere son lâzım.

Susmam Susamam! Emine Savaş


ayat problemleri kadar zormudur ki matematik problemleri? Peki ya çözümsüz hayat problemleri? Hemen yanı başında patlayan bombalarla dehşte düşen miniğin yüz ifadesi, ailesiyle kaçmak zorunda kalan mülteci bir miniğin kıyıya vuran narin vücudu, cesed demekten imtina ediyorum zira onlar melektir hala! Buraya yazmaya bile gönlümün el vermediği, insanlık dışı nice tüyler ürperten, yaşanılan acı dramlar. Çocuklar ki en masum, en savunmasız olanlarımız, başlarına gelen kendi cüsselerine göre kaldırması zor yükleri daha hayatlarının baharında göğüslemeleri ne acı! Ve içimizden çığlık çığlığa bir ses! Tüm bunlar yaşanılırken Allah nerede? Nasıl bunca kötülüklere müsade ediyor? Byran Magee’nin The Story Of Philosophy’den bir not :“Leibnz’e göre özgür iradenin, dolayısıyla zulmün ve kötülüğün de bulunduğu bir dünya, özgür iradenin bulunmadığı ve hiçbir kötülüğün olmadığı bir dünyadan daha iyidir. Kusursuz bir varlık olan Tanrı’nın neden bunca kötülüğün olduğu bir dünya yarattığının açıklaması budur” Ve kalpleri teskin eden bir ayet “Sakın, Allah’ı zalimlerin yaptıklarından habersiz sanma! Allah onları cezalandırmayı, dehşetten gözlerin dışarı fırlayacağı bir güne ertelemektedir.”(İbrahim Suresi 42.ayet)

kıyasladığımızda şu kısacık hayat sahnesine gelen özgür iradesiyle kendisine yakışan rolü seçiyor, oynuyor ve gidiyor. Pek tabiki herkes rolünün hakkını verecek zalim zalimliğini yapacak, mazlum masumiyetini koruyacak ve en nihayetinde elmas kömürden ayrılacak, hak eden hak ettiğini bulacak. Peki bunca zulme sessiz kalıp öylece hiçbir şey yapmadan beklemeli mi? Burda şahit olanlara bir yükümlülük yok mu? Umursamaz mı olmalı ya da görmezden mi gelmeliyiz? Merhum Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu’nun da dediği gibi “Ninnilerle uyutulması gereken bebeklerin, silahlarla susturulduğu bir dünyada susmak alçaklıktır! ““Zulüm bizdense ben bizden değilim” diyerek başka bir milletin özgürlüğü için öz be öz vatanının desteklediği tankların önüne kendini düşünmeden atan ve bu yolda can veren Amerikalı barış aktivisti. Rachel Corrie, ölmeden kısa süre önce tarihe şu notları düşüyor: “Acı veriyor dünyanın nasıl korkunç bir yere dönüşmesine göz yumuşumuza tanıklık etmek.” Böylesine yürekli kaç kişi vardır bu dünyada ya da yapılması gereken ölmek midir bilmiyorum ama “Zalime merhamet mazluma zulümdür” ve ilahi kitap Kuran-ı Kerim’de şöyle geçer “Bir zulüm ve saldırıya uğradıkları zaman (kahramanca birbirlerine yardım ederek) kendilerini savunurlar.” (Şura Suresi/39) Peygamber Efendimiz (s.a.v) şöyle buyurmuştur :“İnsanlar, bir zalimi görür, (önlemeye güçleri yettiği halde) ona engel olmazlarsa, bundan dolayı hemen hepsi cezalandırılır.” (Tirmizi; Tuhfetu’l Ahvezi Şerhu Camiu’t Tirmizi, 8/423) ”Kim bir kötülük görürse, onu eliyle değiştirsin. Şayet eliyle değiştirmeye gücü yetmezse diliyle değiştirsin. Diliyle değiştirmeye de gücü yetmezse, kalbiyle buğzetsin ki bu imanın en zayıf derecesidir.”(Muslim,İman 78.Tirmizi)

Şahit ol ya Rab! Dünyadaki tüm zulümleri sana havale ediyoruz, elimizden bir şey gelmiyor ama dilimizle ve kalbiEyy İnsanoğlu! mizle kınıyor, buğzediyoruz. Sen zalimlerin Böylesine canavarlaşacak kadar merhametini nerezulümlerini kendi başlarına çevir, Kahhar isminle de yitirdin? Sen de bir ana evladıydın, hiç sevenin onları kahret ve masumları hem dünyada hem veyahut sevdiğinde mi olmadı? O masum canlara ahirette sevindir. Amin. Ve zulme uğrayan ve aktif kıyarken kendi sevdiklerini düşünseydin ya. Bir söz sabır gösterenlere ilahi kitaptan bir müjde ; ilişir aklıma ”Cennet ucuz değil, Cehennem dahi “Andolsun ki sizi biraz korku ve açlıkla; mallarlüzumsuz değil!” İmtihandasın burda Ey ademoğlu! dan, canlardan ve ürünlerden eksiltmekle sınayaMeleklerin dahi üstüne çıkma potansiyeli de senin cağız. Sabredenleri müjdele! Onlar, başlarına bir elinde ya da hayvanların dahi aşağısına inme inmusibet geldiğinde, “Doğrusu biz Allah’a aidiz ve safsızlığı da. Seçim senin özgür iradenle! Verilen kuşkusuz O’na döneceğiz” derler. İşte Rablerinin akıl, vicdan nimeti ve özgür irade! Baştaki ikisini ne lütufları ve rahmeti bunlar içindir ve işte doğru oranda birlikte kullandığımıza göre şekilleniyor asyola ulaşmış olanlar da bunlardır.”(Bakara Sulında irademizin yönü. Vicdansız akıl, akılsız vicdan resi 155-157) “İyiler hep kazanır. Sadece sonucu düşünülemeyeceği gibi bu ikisini birlikte kullangörebilmek için zamana ihtiyaçları vardır. Kimi dığımızda melek kanatlarla hatta meleklerin de üszaman bir gün gerekir, kimi zaman bir ömür. Hattünde uçarız sonsuzluğa ve insan olabilmeyi tadarız ta bazılarının ruhumuzda ya da aksi durumda çakılıverir hayvanın NEWS MAGAZINE 59 ömrü de yetmeyebilir görmeye. Ama sonuç değişdahi aşağısına! Dünya iyi-kötü, haklı-haksız, mamez. İyiler hep kazanır.” zlum-zalim bir arada. Sonsuz olan ahiret dünyasıyla

Sevgili Valintin... Cagri Ekim

On dört şubat, sevgililer günü olarak biliniyor. Adı üstünde, “sevgililer günü” iki kişilik aşk. Günümüzdeki bir çift, beraberliklerini kutluyor. Birbirlerine hediyeler alıyor. Sevgililer günündeki alışkanlık ile alışveriş yapanlar için, çeşitli malzemelerden ürünler hazırlanıyor. Ayıcık, anahtarlık, çanta gibi hediyelikler pazarlanıyor. Kırmızı renkli iri güller, çikolata almak, yemek rezervasyonu yapmak, işinize eğlence katıyor. Kişiler romantizmi, böyle bir gün sayesinde, tatmış olabilir. Duygularına hakim, sevgisini gösteremeyen, plâtoniklere fırsattır. Italyan Hristiyanlığı’na hizmet eden, Roma katolikliğinde; kilise papaz, piskoposların duyduğu aşk; Tanrı ile kendileri arasındadır. Onlar, inanç ile kurallarına bağlı kalmışlar.


On yedinci yüzyılda yaşamış rahip, papalardan Valentin isimli kahraman, bir bayana sevdalanmış. Gizlice özel mektuplar yazıp, isimsiz göndermiş. Valentin duygularını, kendi içinde yaşayıp büyütmüş. Kimseler ile paylaşamadan, karşılıksız kalmış. Bundan sonra plâtonizim doğmuş. Yenileşme hareketine dayanarak, kilise papazlarına evlenebilmek izni verilmiş. Yedi yıllık eğitim sürecinden geçmiş papaz, ya da papalar, piskoposluğa yükseliyor. Piskopos bekâr kalıp hiç evlenmiyor. Sevgililer günü konusunda, plâtonik aşk, hristiyan katolik anlayışına yenilik getirilişi, insanlık alemine, yükselmiş duygularına yön vermeği öğretmiş. Her gün, sevgililer günündeki gibi, sevgili olarak devam ettirebilinse; Hayat, “Bayram olsa” olabilse. Yeni nesil insanların durumu, yetiştirilme tarzı ile ilgili tabulardır.


The Economist Kehanetleri OS CAR K E E N

Kapak resmine gizlemiş olduğu şifreli mesajlarıyla her yıl okuyucuların ilgisini çeken dergi bu yıl da 2021 için gizemli mesajlar vermekte. Herbiri kehanet gibi merak uyandıran konular içermekte. 2021’ e geçmeden 2020 kapağını hatırlatarak başlayalım. Bildigimiz gibi 2020 kapağında apaçık bir şekilde virüsten bahsediliyordu ve sene sonuna kadar etkisi altına girmeyen yer kalmadı. Bunu bir korku atmosferi oluşturma kaygısı yada insanların dikkatini başka yerlere çekme gibi yorumlayanlarda var. Zamanla anlaşılacak bir mesele olsa gerek. Economist yıllardır sürdürdüğü bu yayın anlayışı bizi konuyu daha detaylıca incelememizi gerektirdi. Yine yayınlamış olduğu yarıyıl kapağına bakınca ürkmemek imkansız. Kapaktaki ilk mesaj sıradaki felaketler olunca daha nelerin bizi beklediğini düşünmemek elde değil. Yine ilerleyen zamanlarda başımıza gelebilecek felaketlerin figürleri de sıralanıyor. Peki bütün bunların hepsine bakınca bu derginin bu kadar isabetli tahminler yapabilmesinin ardında ne olabilir acaba? Bizim bilemediğimiz gizli güçleri mi var yoksa bunlar sadece basit birer tahmin mi? Geleceği tabi ki kimse bilemez. Tabi ortada planlanmış ve kurgulanmış olaylardan bahsetmiyorsak. Peki bize şifreli bir şekilde iletilen bu mesajların temeli neresi? Net olmayan fikirler belirleyip zaman içinde geri dönerek bunların ne kadarının gercekleştiğine bakmak lazım belki.Dergi kapağındaki verilen mesajların büyük bir çoğunluğunun gerçekleştiğini görebilmekteyiz. Bu paylaşımları, hepimizi bekleyen felaketler ve nasıl hayatta kalabiliriz diyerek yapıyorlar. Paylaşımlar genelde şifreli görseller içerirken bizlerden bunları oyun gibi çözmemizi istiyorlar. Resimde bir aile görüyoruz. Ebeveynlerin yüzlerinde gaz maskesi var. Kedilerine de takmayı unutmamışlar. Duvarda ise 7 ayrı olayı anlatan asılı resimler ve ortada da bir duvar saati durmakta. Bu resimleri tek tek ele aldığımızda dünyanın çeşitli bölgelerinde vuku bulan olaylarla ilişkili olduklarını görebilmekteyiz.En dikkat çekici bağlantı ise o dönemde avrupada hızlı bir artış gösteren radyasyon haberleri NEWSolMAGAZINE maktaydı. Yine en dikkat çekici figürlerden biri

gaz maskesi takmayan endişeli bakışlarıyla evin küçüğü oluyor. Belki de yeni gelen genç neslin maskelere ihtiyaç duymayacağı mesajı veriliyor olabilir. Aslında resime dikkatlice bakıldığında her şeyden bir mesaj çıkarabiliriz belki. Kanepede oturan insanların giysilerinden duvardaki boyanın rengine kadar tahminler üretip bizlerde bu kehanetleri süsleyebiliriz. Yine en dikkat çekici resimlerden biri güneş resmi olabilir. Prizin az bir şey yukarısında duran resimde güneş patlamalarını görebilmekteyiz. Buradaki verilmek istenen mesajın güneşte olabilecek patlamalarla ilerde ciddi elektrik kesintileri yaşayabileceğimizi kastediyor olabilirler. Tabi ki bu benzetme saçma görünüyor olabilir ama günümüzde yaşadığımız bazı olaylara bakacak olursak bu tahminleri yapmamak içten bile değil. Dergi içerisindeki makalelerde de bu teorileri doğrulayan görüşleri okuyabiliyoruz. Bu makalelerde güneşte oluşabilecek jeo-manyetik fırtınalardan da bahsediliyor. Manyetik kaymalar gerçekleştiği takdirde dünya da çok büyük çapta elektrik kesintileri yaşamamız beklenmekte.Bilindiği üzere manyetik alan dünyayı güneşten gelebilecek zararlı ışınlara karşı koruyor. Bu alandaki kaymalar daha da artarsa güneşte olabilecek fırtına ve patlamalar biz dünya canlılarını daha yakından etkileyebilecek. 2020 kapak resmindeki dikkat çeken en önemli figürlerden bahsettik. Gelecek ay 2021 61 kapak değerlendirmesi ile devam edecek.


Yaşlanmış Aynalar Azar azar, içimde erimiş duygulara kasıt; Hayattan alacaklarım var ama, hayat senden geçtim, istemiyorum. Hayat, sen değil misin? İçimde biriktirdiklerimi, yüzüme vuran; Kahbece, üzerimden üstünlük kazanan. Ben, sana değer vermezsem, sen nesin? Başımı göğe kaldırıyorum. Sonsuzluk, çekip de gitsem, bastığım topraktan başka ne kalır? Hiç, hiç kimseler kanmasın, Yaşamın taçlandırılmış haline. Bir kase çorba, bir lôkma ekmek. Doyunca, kalkıp gidersin o sofradan. Ömür verirsin, değişmez hayat. Bir gün eksik, iki gün fazla. Hakim, ne karar vermişse; bedelini ödeyip gidiyorsun. Artık hayat beni ödüllendirmiş. Cezam da kesilmiş. Biriktirdiklerim var, alıp da gitsem. Yok, yok olamazsa! Ben ne yaparım? Hayattan alacaklarıma, inanmazken, hatır saydım. Hatıra eşyası gibi durdum. Ömrümü koyup gidiyorum. Yağan yağmurdan ıslamış camlar, bir damla suyuna, daha ne canlar yanar. Yaşlanmış aynalarda hayalim var.




Benim, Bende O, yıllar öncesindekinden başlayıp, sayfalarca resimler çizebilmeliyim. Aklımda kalan, çekirdekten çiçeğe, böcekten insana. Anılar, yıllar gibi gelip geçmiş. Kimselerden eser kalmamış. Tamamen, benim zaaflığım. Selâmı, hatır saydım. Oyuncu olmak lâzım. Her role uyarlı, duyarsız. Ne o, dalıp gitmeler? Aldatmadım, aldatıldım. Neden üzülüyorum ki! İyi niyetim kirletildi. Saygı duyduklarım, tükendi. Kendime, yetebilmeyi öğrendim. Yenilip, kaybettikçe; Kendimi kazandım. Ne varsa içimde, beni ben yaptı. Kendimle barışıp, büyümeyi ögrendim. Yüksek dağlarda, bir ağaç gibi, Budak vermiş, yeşermiş dallarım. O, bendeki varlık, sonsuzluğa uzanıyor. Kimselerden hayır gelmezmiş, anladım. İçimde duyduğum, güce inanıyorum. Beni ben diyerek, var ediyor. Kendime kucak açıyorum. İki kollarımla, bedenimi sarıyorum. Hoşçakal diyemeden gidenlere nispet, Yeni ben, hoş geldim. Yüksek dağlardaki ağaç, kollarımda. Güçlüyüm, başım dik, onurumu taşıyorum. Ben, bende oldukça, eğilmez başım. Bükülmez bileğim, sendelemez bacaklarım. Kaybettiğim her nesneden sonra, iyileşip, kendimi bulmuşum. Varlıktan ötesine, her şey benim. Benliğim, içimdeki hürriyetim.



Göçmen Kırma Pidesi Malzemeler Yarım kilo taze yufka 3-4 su bardağı yoğurt 2 yumurta Yarım su bardağı çiğ süt kaymağı veya normal kaymak – krema da kullanabilirsiniz fakat ölçüsü, bir bütün su bardağından 2 parmak az olmalıdır. 2 yemek kaşığı mayonez 300 gr tuzsuz tatlı lor peyniri Yarım çay bardağı zeytinyağı veya sıvı yağ. (Ben zeytinyağı kullandım) Sos için damak zevkinize göre tuz. (Peynirinizi tuzlu alırsanız tuz eklemeyin derim). Üzeri için bir tutam çörek otu


Kırma Pide özellikle Bulgaristan’da yaşayan Türk ninelerimiz (benimde anneannem) besledikleri tavukların yumurtasından, sağdıkları ineklerin sütlerin, kaymakların, yoğurtların ve peynirlerinden yapılan ve düğünlerde, kutlamalarda, bayramlarda ve misafirleri ağırlarken menülerindeki ilk yiyeceklerden birisi olan kırma pideyi size taktim etmekten mutluluk duyarım. Yapımı zahmetsiz ve bir o kadar da lezzetlidir ki, sadece bu özel durumlar da değil sabah kahvaltınızda da yapabileceğiniz harika bir börektir. Ninelerimizden bize kalan bu nefis lezzeti yaşatmakta biz gençlerin vazifesidir.


İlk önce fırınımızı 190° ayarlayıp, turbo olarak ısınmaya bırakalım. Börek sosu için yoğurt, yumurta, kaymak, tuz ve mayonezi ekleyip iyice karıştırıp birbirine yedirelim. Tepsimizi yağlayalım ve masa üzerine açtığımız tek yufkanın yarısına sostan yeterince koyup lor peynirden serpiştirelim. Yufkanın diğer boş kalan kısmını soslanmış yufkanın üzerine örtelim. Yarım daire şeklinde olmalı. Sonra kapattığımız yufkayı büzüştürelim. Böreği sağından ve solundan birbirine yakınlaştırarak büzüştürelim. Tepsinizin boyutuna göre 3 veya 4 parçaya keselim ve yerleştirelim, her yerleştirmede arada aralık kalmamasına dikkat edin. Diğer yufkalarıda aynı şekilde yapıp tepsinin son halini alalım. Her hazırlanan yufka tepside bir kattır ikinci kat yufka üzerine koymuyoruz, o yüzden ince bir börek oluyor. Yufkalar dizildikten sonra kalan sosu üzerinde gezdirip yayalım, biraz da zeytinyağı ile lezzetlendirelim. Tarifteki yarım çay bardağın hepsini de kullanabilirsiniz, daha az yağlı olsun veya daha çok yağlı olsun derseniz de arttırıp azaltabilirsiniz. Çörek otunu da serpiştirdikten sonra ısınan fırınımıza verip üzeri kızarana kadar kontrollu pişmesini sağlayalım. Piştikten sonra biraz su ile üzerini ıslatalım. Böreğimiz hazırdır. Deneyecek olanlara şimdiden afiyet olması, bol keyifli zamanlar diliyorum.




Brownie Kurabiye Yapılışı Malzemeler: 1 yumurta 1 çay bardağı sıvı yağ 1 çay bardağı pudra şekeri 125 gr margarin 1 paket kabartma tozu 1 paket vanilya 3 su bardağı un 3 yemek kaşığı kakao Şerbet için: 1 su bardağı su 1 su bardağı şeker

İlk olarak şerbeti yaparak başlıyoruz. Su ve şekeri bir tencerede kaynatıyoruz. Kaynadıktan sonra soğuması için kenara alıyoruz Kurabiye için margarini eritiyoruz. Yumurta ve pudra şekeri ile karıştırıyoruz. Ardından sıvı yağ ekleyip karıştırmaya devam ediyoruz. Daha sonra kakao ve kabartma tozu ve vanilya ekleyip yoğuruyoruz. Yumuşak ele yapışmayan kıvamı olan hamurumuza yuvarlak şekiller vererek hafif elimizle bastırıyoruz. Tepsiye şekil verdiğimiz kurabiyeleri dizip 20 derece fırında 10 -12 dk pişiriyoruz.Fırından çıkan kurabiyeleri bir tık sıcaklığı gidince ılımış şerbetin içine batırıp çıkarıyoruz. Üzerine hindistan cevizi yada toz fındık ile süslüyoruz. Hafif ıslak bir kurabiye olan brownie kurabiye ağızda dağılan çok leziz atıştırmalıklar arasında yer alır. Yapımı oldukça kolay bu tarife özelliğini veren şerbetinin ılık verilerek kurabiyenin çekmesi sağlanır.Şekil verdiğimiz kurabiyeleri elimizle bastırmamızın sebebi içinin pişmesini sağlamak.




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