OCAK 2021
4 EDITOR’S LETTER A New Year message for our readers!
F E AT U R E S 8 UNDERSTANDING THE AUDIENCE Communication was believed to be a one-sided vassal; the consumer was no more than a product of the producer, consuming and accepting information given to them via the media. 10 EU ENLARGEMENT IN EASTERN EUROPE The relations between the European Union and Georgia began in 1992, when three general directions were established: technical, humanitarian and financial. 14
12 AN ALIEN ON OUR PLANET Have you ever wondered why humans are NEWS MAGAZINE afraid of extraterrestrial civilizations?
14 THE CURIOUS MIND Dreams & The Subconsious Desires:
ART & MUSIC 22 INTERVIEW Max Cyrus: the culture keeper. 26 5 FACTS YOU (PROBABLY) DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT YOUR VOICE Your voice is the result of the vibration of two tiny bands of muscle tissue called the vocal cords or folds.
31 OFFICE GIRL Impress the boss: Once you land your job there is a second hurdle of passing your probation period. 32 HOW TO ESCAPE DEPRESSION Extreme low moods find its clinical name in the scary big word, depression. The overall well being of a person can be flipped upside down, with distracting thoughts, behaviour and feelings. 34
T üR K ç E YA Z I L A R 48 TARİHE ŞAHİT: MİNYATÜR SANATI Insanlar varoluşundan itibaren iletişim ihtiyaçlarını farklı şekillerle sağlamaya çalışmış ve kendilerini ifade etmek için yollar aramışlardır.
54 AŞKLI BOŞLUK 1. bolum: Omuz arımda hissettiğim ağırlık ondan bana kalan en anlamlı yük olmuştu. Çok sevince, yük bile güzeldi elbet.
We lc ome ! ESRA KANBUR Editor-In-Chief & Digital Designer
EDITOR’S CHOICE: appy New Year! We have entered 2021 with much relief to leave behind a year that flipped our lives upside down and reshaped it in many ways. Looking back on my first ever Editor’s Letter, exactly a year ago I had mentioned my list of resolutions. One of my goals was to create a readership for our magazine, The Hall News. The social media following and readership have grown beyond what I could have imagined for this independent digital platform. My team and I are forever appreciative for all the support and interest. Our writers have helped advance us and the interviews we have conducted over the past year has beautified the magazine. The highlight for me has been to be able to read amazing articles and design unique pages for the writers. Having the freedom to make decisions and improves month by month.
4 The January 2020 edition has a spectrum of educational and entertaining topics ready for you to experience. PAGE 8 is, for now, the last in the series of my media rant. Followed by the expansion of EU borders within Eastern Europe, just as the UK has now officially accomplished Brexit after four long years! PAGE 14 talks about our subconscious desires, and the world of dreams in the saga; The Curious Mind!
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The Art section of our magazine has an interview with music producer, Max Cyrus. We had an intriguing conversation about music and culture, you can read this on PAGE 22. Our Turkish section, starting from PAGE 44 exhibits a trip to Mars, includes the first chapter of a short story and recipes for you to practice during this prolonged lockdown.
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keep smiling!
ommunication was believed to be a one-sided vassal; the consumer was no more than a product of the producer, consuming and accepting information given to them via the media. Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory challenged the Hypodermic Needle theory approach to audience perception; he explored the thought process and categorised audiences showing the spectrum of understanding and evaluation the consumers had. Ien Ang made a similar statement when she wrote Watching Dallas, where she talks about the effects of an American TV show creating a moral panic in her country because of its infectious fandom. In this essay, contemporary examples will be applied to Hall’s theory to unveil if the key audience types exist in the 21st century and whether Len’s argument of cultural differences still has an effect.
design and sound. For example, the audience can recognise and differ between a protagonist and an antagonist in a narrative by reading the codes provided by the creators. Nonetheless, the meaning that the audience adds in the process of decoding may not reflect the desired outcome of the creators; this can lead to audience divide in rejection and conflict. This leads to Stuart Hall’s Reception theory, where he has collected and categorised the audience responses of code into three types. The first type of audience is the dominant-hegemonic position. Hall explains this to be; “the ideal-typical case of ‘perfectly transparent communication” The dominant reader can read the codes on the screen exactly how the producers intended for them to read it; they understand the hidden meanings, the story-liners, empathises with the characters, embodies the concept Stuart Hall was a Jamaican born, British and most importantly accepts it. The domiMarxist and theorist, who had first developed nant audience can be willing to adapt to new his Encoding and Decoding theory in 1973. values after watching a film, be inspired and Educated in the United Kingdom, he knew adopt attitude and ethics displayed by these first hand the struggles of blending into the onscreen characters. This can be a very affecsociety he came from and the environment ted way to shape the new world; to normalise he lived in. His political views of the working certain ideas of circumstances and society class being exploited to keep capitalism alive as a whole to be more accepting of them. The and there being two sides to every approach second type of audience is the negotiated led him to find that there are hidden clues code of positions. Hall says this type can be created by producers in the media for aureferred to as “logics are sustained by their diences to find, deconstruct and add their differential and unequal relation to the dismeaning to. With Hall shading some light courses and logics of power.” This audience on the perspective of the audience, consucan encode the intended reading, understand mers suddenly didn’t seem so colourless and what the creators were trying to convey and one-dimensional. The approach known as reject this ideal and also be able to appreciaencoding and decoding explores the idea of te it as art. This can be for the reason that it producers adding layers of codes, in forms of; does not coincide with their ideas, the way lighting, camera angles, costume, makeup, set they 7see the world, their experiences or core NEWS MAGAZINE
the following assumption; “American media hegemony has a very real impact on the texture and substance of foreign cultural experiences.” The TV shows had become a portal to cultural integration that was thought to be incompatible with the Dutch ideals, the official culture of the nation under threat. The venomous influence of Dallas overwhelming winning the hearts of the audience and defeating the purpose of the media, where it’s said television should serve the means to “broaden mass understanding of society, elevate taste, and generally enhance people’s awareness of their duties as national citizens” Therefore the dramatic, escapism of Dallas is not a fit, nor best example for people on being a good citizen. Dallas was not seen to be a serious show, nor watched by serious people with serious jobs within the middle class. It could be said that those who were easier to entertainment with minimal effort, which were interested in simple events admired this show. The latter is almost look down upon and shamed by the former group, their taste making them tasteless, which indeed raises the question, do they enjoy Dallas because of their socioeconomically background or are they in their current state as a result of the influence on their lifestyle and choices due to these programmes? The society and culture are in this instance argued to be intertwined by the media, therefore what is watched, listened to and talked about can be vital as well as dangerous.
belief, however, they are open to engaging with the content for educational, informative and entertainment purposes without it affecting their stand on matters. This negotiated code as aware of their stance and also understanding of controversy ideas, this can result in constructive and positive aspects such as the acceptance of people who can be different from one another. The third type is the oppositional code. This code is described to be “The viewers who listen to a debate on the need to limit wages but ‘reads’ every mention of the ‘national interest’ as ‘class interest’.” Viewers are opposed to what they watch as they may see it as undoubtedly unfair, their values and norms to be jeopardised, they reject ideas they feel can damage the society and should be restricted. A contemporary example of encoding and decoding, coupled with reception theory can be found in Marvel production of Joker (2019.) The producer has taken Batman’s villain and placed him in a real-life setting, staying true to the Joker’s reference to his past being a “multiple choice.” A shocking transformation from the wonders and mystical world of superheroes, the audience is left to face the cold hard truth of what makes a villain. However, the audience has an advantage, as they are fully aware the Joker will become a villain. One of the codes the audiences are given to decoding is his extremely thin frame that links to poor health. His struggles with mental illness and terrible childhood give him a head start with the dominant readers, as they sympathise with him and henceforth have an empathised approach to his bad behaviour. The negotiated readers can accept that the Joker has a mental illness therefore what he does can be understandable with his condition; they can see some fair parts about him feeling like a misfit due to the bullying, on the other hand, they do not agree with his decisions. The opposed readers clench to their chairs as they cringe at his laughter and his outcast nature, rejecting the character and what he stands for, labelling him a doomed. Ien Ang is an Indonesia born Dutch professor, in the field of cultural studies. In her book Watching Dallas; she highlighted the success of the American TV show Dallas, (1978-1991) and its global effects, especially in Holland. Ang’s first statement is the Americans being very unaware of their influence on the rest of the world, taking NEWS MAGAZINE into account the number of countries that globally watched Dallas, she made
A contemporary example of this is, Mad Men (2007- 2015) was an American TV show was a large audience base in the USA. It follows the lives of advertisers in Madison Avenue during the 1960s. Following its mega success in American, in 2008 it made its first appearance in British screens. The misogyny and 1960s sexism and racisms, initial stages of sexual revolution came across as painful to watch for the British, nonetheless as it was not their culture to watch, they did not feel as guilt towards the represented history. Viewers are at risk of glamorising the past, where times were simpler and everybody had a stereotypical role to play within society, for example where women had to be ‘the perfect wife’ and dedicate their lives’ to their husbands’ and children. This can create discon-
tentment with the current times of social and racial integrated, where the lines of religion, education are blurred. At first glance, Stuart Hall and Ien Ang theories work harmoniously without providing much controversy. They both strongly argue that the audiences’ assumptions and ideologies pave a way to their understanding of the media. However, this united concept branches out into different areas of focus as both theorists reconnoitre; Hall talks about how communication can be inessential between the producers and consumers, and even though both sides understanding of the media may not be the same this does not matter greatly. The viewer simply accepts, assesses or rejects the creators’ ideas. Ien Ang, on the other hand, chooses to focus on the consequences of poorly created and addictive shows on the nation as a whole, especially in terms of a cultural crash. Hall can provide us with the Marxist point of view that a nation can be divided into many factors such as class, race, and education. While Ang talks about the classes overall view on ‘trash TV,’ the bourgeois favouring high cultured programmes that can add value, the working class tend to enjoy the easy to understand entertainment. The negotiated code is the biggest culprit in breaking point of Hall and Ang’s concepts, of trying to find an explanation to why people enjoy the shows they do. The divide can happen within the same nation as well as classified groups. Audiences who have the same ideals can find different shows entertaining and valuable; they do not necessarily enjoy the same genres or narratives. As a limitation to the analysed theories, generation
gap and technology stands out as a catalyst. In this era, we share the world of social media. As a global sphere, we are now able to connect without country borders, passport control or visas. Young users, in particular, have a variety of taste without the influence of their background, heritage or status as popular culture is the universal citizenship and most norms and values are created online. Likes and dislikes are dependent mostly on popularity, the audience code factor and mise-en-scene reading styles are based on their motives and gains. As producers have started to welcome feedback from the viewers and offering interactivity, the problem of choosing from what is available has become a constraint of the past; rather now the consumers’ demands are met through a negotiated production. There are certain elements from the two theories that we still experience. A love, hate relationship with TV shows and judging what we see very differently is inevitable; however, the reasons for this have changed considerably. Time and advanced technology are bound together, and therefore co-exists; if one changes so does the other. We cannot assume that age and new devices will always be the conclusion of this reasoning. As the fundamentals of evolution suggest, new issues and outcomes will continue to surface as time goes on. In this instance, we will continue to find new answers regarding audience impact on the media and the media NEWS MAGAZINE 9 influence an audience. A remarkable multi-way communication, that continually loops and together co-exists.
The relations between the European Union and Georgia began in 1992, when three general directions were established: technical, humanitarian and financial. During the 1992-2004 period, the EU implemented several major programs in Georgia that consisted of grant assistance of over €400 million. Most of this assistance was provided through the Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States Program, with a total of €111 million between 1992 and 2004. The projects contributed to the development of the market economy and the civil society in Georgia through several means of action: - Setting up the Georgian-European Policy and Legal Advice Centre; - Development of trans-border cooperatin; - Staff training at Georgian Customs; - Small and medium business development in Kutaisi and Tbilisi; - Training of civil servants; - Structural reforms in the energy sector etc. Other important EU Grants were provided through programs like the ECHO Humanitarian Assistance and the Food Security Program. The first essential document that regulated the EU-Georgia bilateral relations was the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, which entered into force in 1999. The PCA aimed at providing an appropriate framework for the political dialogue between the European Union and Georgia allowing NEWS MAGAZINE the development of political relations.
The Agreement has set some general principles of the EU-Georgia relations, the framework for strengthened links between Georgia and the Member States of the EU, some main provisions for the trade in goods and several provisions affecting investment and business. Bilateral relations between Georgia and the European Union have intensified in 2003 when the Rose Revolution brought closer ties between the two parties. Also, the new phase of the EU – Georgia relations was due to the European Union’s expansion towards the East, which claimed a new perspective and new ties with its new neighbours. The Action Plan in Georgia has followed the same general scheme used in other Caucasian states (Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia) and Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, Syria, Morocco, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Egypt and Algeria), as follows: - People-to-people cooperation and contacts in the areas of culture, public, health and education; - Reforms and cooperation in areas such as innovation, research, environment, information society, energy and transport; - Cooperation in questions of security, freedom and justice; - social and economic development & reform; - Political reform and dialogue. Through these means, the European 10 Union and Georgia continued to get
closer to one another, while the EU continued to offer Georgia a shared responsibility for conflict resolution, an active border and regional collaboration and technical assistance in issues of culture and economy or security and politics. It is important to mention that the goals of the European Neighborhood Policy Action Plan were based on respect to shared values and mutual efforts aimed at implementing effective institutional, economic and political reforms. Its successful implementation trying to contribute to the development of several reforms in the exSoviet state and serve as an important step towards market economy and democracy. Talks between the European Union and Georgia on signing an Association Agreement began in July 2010, the discussions including almost 100 video-conferences, 5 meetings on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement and 14 plenary sessions on the political party of the Agreement. The role of this Agreement was to replace the PCA and create a new legal framework of co-operation between the European Union and Georgia and, as a result, it brought stronger and more comprehensive provisions for co-operation in several important sectors. The most important objectives of the Agreement are stated in Article 1, as follows: NEWS MAGAZINE - Establishing conditions for closer
cooperation in all areas of mutual interest; - Achieving the ex- Soviet’s country economic integration into the European Union’s Internal Market. This will be done through the provisions of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area; - Approximating Georgia’s legislation to that of the EU; - Strengthening, preserving and promoting stability and peace in the international and regional dimensions, based on the provisions of the Helsinki Final Act (1975) of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and on the United Nations Charter; - Strengthening the institutional, economic and political stability in Georgia; - Promoting economic integration and political association between the EU and Georgia, based on close links and common values, including by increasing the Caucasian country’s participation in European Union agencies, programs and policies. The recent developments in Ukraine have led an increased pressure from Russia on Georgia, with Moscow hoping to derail the Caucasian state from deepening its ties with the EU. As a result, the 28 Member States have decided to finalize the political and trade deals with Georgia in the summer of 2014, thus the EU reconfirming its objective of further strengthening the economic integration and political 11 association with Georgia.
W O R D S B Y D R . D O I N A G AV R I L O V
AN ALIEN ON OUR PLANET Have you ever wondered why humans are afraid of extraterrestrial civilizations? And if you find yourself among those people afraid of aliens, what are the reasons behind these fears? Trying to answer these questions I will start an analysis of the human being, his behaviour, the source of his fears and whether he should be afraid or not. The alien fear has served as the subject for countless movies, and it is a topic increasingly loved by the public. From a certain perspective we can say that this fear has become a feature of our culture, characterizing us as curious to find the unknown, to discover new worlds, but also frightened to find extraterrestrial civilizations much more advanced that could harm us. From ancient times we tried to explain the unknown: the lightning, the sun, the rain, the earthquake, the eclipse, etc. When we couldn’t explain
the phenomena, we invented stories that made us feel safe by giving each phenomenon a name, believing they are Gods, pretty much looking like us, as we can see in Greek mythology. Later, when we learned how these phenomena take place, the stories slowly disappeared and we invented others to help us organize our society, to create some order which finally made us feel protected from other unknown things. Curiosity has always been a source of evolution and a source of fear for humans. From here started both our discoveries in space, and the fear of the existence of civilizations much more advanced than us that we could confront in the future. All human fears are based on reasons and frights accumulated over thousands of years, which have formed survival instincts. Among the most well-known fears are those that we have faced for thousands of years – access to resources, racial, spiritual or ethnic domination, the disappearance of an entire 12ethnic group, etc. So, these fears are more instinctual rather than rational.
They are largely based on survival, species perpetuation, multiplication, and the tendency to dominate. The technological development and intellectual evolution have come to solve these problems. Now we have various methods of access to energy, vital resources as water, efficient growth of fruits, vegetables, and more recently meat. It should be mentioned, however, that the biggest fear of people is that alien civilizations will steal our natural resources and destroy the human race. Wait… this situation sounds familiar. Aren’t we the most advanced specie on Earth? Don’t we spend all the resources of this Planet? Aren’t we the ones who made thousands of animal species disappear? Ups, we are the advanced ones that we fear! In the last 20 years, we brought to extinction around 500 species of animals, not to mention plants. By building a perfect world for us, we have destroyed countless habitats of many species of plants and animals, focusing only on our comfort and well-being. realized the harm they are doing to their plaThousands of years ago the number of peonet before destroying it and travelling to find ple on Earth was much smaller than it is another one; or maybe they are much more today, in the year 5,000 BC the specialists advanced and their thinking has changed so estimate that there were around 5,000,000 much that they are not as destructive as we people. This number has increased despite are because they learned how to prolong the the wars humans have gone through so that life of their planet, to grow their resources etc. in 2020 we have 7,794,798,739 people. The only by playing with the matter at the subatoreason we have become what we fear is the mic level, something we cannot do yet. logic we kept in our thinking, the one that In conclusion, we must understand that the puts the human race above other species on fears we have stemmed from what we have this Earth only because we can. This logic seen we can do, but it does not mean that a may have been fine when the number of civilization advanced enough to travel through people was smaller, but now this thinking the Universe would think like us and do the brings too much harm to this planet. From same bad things we do just because they can. the moment of our evolution, we tended to At first, we should see the straw in our own believe that this Planet is only ours; and yet, eyes and not be afraid of something we hawe didn’t commit ourselves to protect it. So, ven’t discovered yet. Let’s focus on changing we have come to the point where we fear ourselves because the evil we feared so far has the existence of alien species, advanced just not been caused by anyone other than us: we like us or even more, that could come to our have started wars against weaker people, we planet and do to us what we do to other speuse their resources, we have committed gecies: destroy their world, extinct them, use nocide, we imposed our beliefs to others, we them as food or energy sources, etc. dominated other ethnic groups just because How can we overcome the fear of aliens? we could do it, we used slavery and still do it I would suggest first of all to change the in a technologic era where a robot can solve behaviour we have on Earth, to consider all problems, we use other species to test our ourselves as a part of the Earth, of a great medicine, etc. ecosystem, and not consider Earth our own Knowing all these things, I leave you with a and not destroy everything for the sake of question: are we entitled to be afraid and comour comfort and pleasure. plain about the fear of the existence of species Then as for extraterrestrial civilizations, more developed than us who can do to us what NEWS MAGAZINE 13 we can hope for the following: if they are a we do to others without correcting our behaspecies as developed as we are, maybe they viour?
The Curious Mind is a segment exploring social and psychological effects on the mind. With a new topic each issue, this month we take a look at...
Dreams & The Subconsious Desires
reaming is vastly a fascinating subject. We are not talking about the kind of dreams involving our hopes and ambitions, we are talking about the dreams we see while we are asleep. Most dreams take place during the REM, which is the rapid eye movement-state, where the mind is at its most activesimilar to being awake. Brainwaves are believed to
be responsible for creating for the REM sleep and the forebrain produces the dreams. Everyone dreams, however, we only remember around 5% of the dreams we see during the night. The reason for this is, the frontal lobes which are responsible for forming memories are inactive during the REM sleep. It is believed that we can dream up to two hours a night, with each dream
lasting for several minutes. The content of dreams is surprisingly based on your gender. Studies show that women have long dreams involving other people of equal genders, while men have short dreams, involving more male characters. But can we control what we dream about, or is it all brain vomit that is subconscious
mind throws at us? You are likely able to control your lucid dreams- these are most likely the ones you end up remembering as it is not within the REM and your memory is in work mode. Within a lucid dream, you can control certain aspects of the content you are dreaming about. If you think about to the times when we are dreaming, and aware that it is a dream, therefore able to rewind, replay and act the way you want. Although a range of emotions is available for dreamers to experience, the most common ones are reported to be negative emotions such as fear or anxiety. You may have heard of the condition ‘sleep paralysis.’ This happens when the person dreaming wakes up to feeling almost paralysed for a few minutes due to temporary lockdown of motor neurons during the REM sleep. During deep sleep, the voluntary muscles are not stimulated, as it prevents your body from reacting to what you see in your dreams. For example, you might be running in your dream, but unaware you are dreaming. The paralysis state prevents you are sleep-running. As it can be dangerous for a somewhat unconscious person to be running about and acting out their dreamsonly to have no memory of it later on. Sleep-walking is another well-known act, this occurs mostly in childhood but sometimes can persist into adulthood. Although the causes are unknown, there are triggers such as stress, sleep deprivation, certain drugs and abruptly waking from sleep to go to the toilet. What can dreams tell us about our true desires that we bury
deep in our subconscious? Some of our dreams come from our stressors and the things that dance of our mind, our personal experiences or trauma that we exhibit. Researches explain that despite this, dreaming is universal, people from different communities, cultures, nations and religions can share iconic dreams such as seeing yourself naked in public, driving a car, falling, being late. However, the meaning of these dreams
can be interpreted differently depending on what effect it has on your life. Having said that, many cultures believe dreams can forecast the day or event and can warn us from danger. Recent studies are showing that precognition has proven to exist. Do you remember a time when you saw a dream that mimicked a future? Our mind is a very curious place and I for one would certainly not rule out this possibility.
What do we know about cybersecurity? Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes. Hackers usually start with some kind of exploitable vulnerability. In addition to the technical functions of the system, many vulnerabilities make the system vulnerable to hacker attacks. Poor cyber hygiene and bad behaviours can disrupt the otherwise secure system. Understanding the nature of these vulnerabilities and cyber threats can help individuals improve cybersecurity. By using good social media hygiene, password managers and network security software, improving supply chain security, NEWS preventing attempts to create backdoors inMAGAZINE the software and reducing vulnerabilities
can all help reduce the number and severity of hacker attacks. Herjavec Group, “2019 Official Annual Cybercrime Report: Cybercriminal Activity Is One of the Biggest Challenges that Humanity Will Face in the Next Two Decades,� The impact of cyber attacks is real and real in a wide range. For governments, businesses and individuals, their costs are too high. Moreover, there is no sign that the threat of attack will decrease. According to Foundation Heritage report, Cybersecurity Ventures reported that by 2021, cybercrime may cost the global economy US$6 trillion and it will become the most challenging problem for the next two decades. Top 3 most attacked industries are declared as16healthcare, manufacturing and financial services, it is predicted that ransomware
attacks alone will cost the global economy US$20 billion in losses to the global economy by 2021. Ransomware attacks are estimated to occur every 11 seconds. Also, the increasing number of COVID-19 crises around the world has further increased cyber threats, as more and more people are using telecommuting and cybercriminals to use bait to trick people into using damaged files as information about the coronavirus, thereby opening damaged files. Ensuring Cybersecurity Cybersecurity is about protecting computers, networks and the data stored on them, preventing malicious activities by unauthorized users. Although the challenge of protecting the intellectual property rights of major defence contractors is different to the extent of protecting data on personal smartphones, the premise is the same. It’s about ensuring that only the right people have access, the data stays as it was when it was entered, and legitimate users can access their system when needed. In other words, the three main aspects of computer and network security are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidentiality is to restrict network access to specific users to maintain data privacy. The network and the data stored on it should be limited to users who need to access it. Your health data which is provided for the company in which you will start working. Only the company doctor can use this data. Integrity refers to protecting data from manipulation or tampering by unauthorized persons. Somebody changes your blood test results to accuse hospital with providing wrong data to the customer this is an integrity issue. Availability means that authorized users can easily access the data they need. A hospital that has been attacked by ransomware and cannot access its records without paying huge fees to cybercriminals would be an example of an attack on system or data availability.
deceiving, degrading or destroying computer systems or networks or the information and/or programs that reside in or traverse these systems or networks. These can cause damage or confusion, and disrupt the normal functions of a single computer or the entire network to achieve the desired purpose. Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) is an “attack on the confidentiality of the target computer system. CNE is the theft of data and does not affect other functions. The purpose of exploitation is usually to steal data or obtain intelligence on the infected system for future attacks. An important difference to know is the main difference between computer network attacks and computer network exploitation is that the former affects the function of the network, while the latter affects confidentiality. One leads to interruption, the other leads to information theft.
A hack is “unauthorized access to a system or data stored in the system”.This can be done in many ways, but generally, it starts with a vulnerability in the system that allows hackers to access information that should be safe. The way of this access depends on the hacker’s motivation and technical ability. The two main preferences of hackers are computer network attacks Types of Threats: Attack, Exploitation and and computer network exploitation. Many Hack things can be mistaken for hackers or the NEWS MAGAZINEsame 17 thing. For example, when confidential A computer network attack (cyber attack) is data is exposed through poor network “the act of deliberately altering, destroying, management, data leakage occurs. In this
case, data that should be kept secret may be leaked to the public network or may be accessed by unauthorized persons. Data problems may also be caused by user errors or poor data hygiene practices during input or management. These have real consequences, but they are not hacked cases. They are caused by the management of the data or the network itself. Vulnerabilities to avoid When bad actors discover loopholes in the network, hacks will start. Hackers use vulnerabilities to access the network and its data. Operational vulnerabilities are caused by the way data is stored, accessed, and used. For example, reusing the same password for all banks, email and social media accounts is also an example of this situation, or sharing too much information on social media. Personnel vulnerabilities are related to how the organization manages employees from hiring and training to maintaining employees. Examples are such as safety training, keeping employees motivated, etc., because some angry employees may become safety risks themselves. Physical vulnerabilities are also valid for example poor access control and insufficient locking mechanisms can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive areas of the building, such as server rooms. Vulnerability type is technical, it stems from weaknesses in the design, configuration or maintenance of the technology, which allow unauthorized activities. How to keep your data secure?
According to this report, the first option is moving information to the cloud and automatically perform software updates, of course, you should always back up the information in the cloud. The second option is using two-factor authentication (2FA) which is an additional layer of security that requires users to provide not only a username and password but also another type of authentication before they can grant access. The second verification can be the answer to the “secret question”, which is a hardware token used to verify the user’s identity, smartphone, credit card number or fingerprint, face scan or “voice printing”. Another measurement is that everyone should adjust the security and privacy settings of their browsers to enhance protection. People must also remember to never open suspicious emails, download attachments from suspicious emails or click links in suspicious emails. Emails from unknown senders should not be opened. Banks and other service providers will not request sensitive information via emails, such as date of birth and social security number (clear notice). And finally, computer owners must rely on professional antivirus products and they should purchase antivirus products that provide automatic updates.
What are the measurements? Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is particularly challenging today because there are more devices than people, and attackers are becoming more innovative. You must adopt basic cyber hygiene habits to protect themselves and their compatriots from hackers and other cybersecurity threats. And there is a NEWS MAGAZINE shortlist of advice from the heritage foundation report.
Thriving In Silence It is unimaginable that someone very intimate could also cause harm. The World Health Organisation estimates that one in four women and one in seven men experience intimate partner violence and that globally around 38% of murders of women are committed by intimate partners. Domestic violence can take various forms, including physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, or financial, or a combination of all. Anyone can become a victim of this crime. It is everywhere. Domestic violence is a public health concern and a gross human rights violation. The pandemic has shed light on this issue due to lockdowns and curfews, which aggravated the pre-existing tensions of couples living together and exacerbated abusive behaviours in their households. Like other human rights violations, it is challenging to eradicate domestic violence despite many set goals implemented by governments and international organisations. Sometimes it seems that campaigners are going around in circles without any real progress. The 2018 Annual Report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime found that the probability of women being killed by relatives or intimate partners has increased by more than 10% since 2012. But to help tackle this issue, more people need to talk about it publicly, advocate, report the abuser, and stop being silent. Abusers only thrive in silence.
Most domestic violence is preventable. This kind of abuse is recurrent, which means that it shows signs as the relationship progresses and sometimes at the early stages. The abuser has behaviours that affect the victim’s selfesteem, self-worth, convincing them that they are incapable. It is coercive control. In fatal situations, the abusive pattern is established long before the homicide. Many victims usually do not realise the abuse, and if they do, they do not often report it to the authorities for several reasons - the fear of reprisals and that of not being believed, the pervasive social stigma and the lack of coherent process for reporting abuse also contribute to the remained silence of the victims, making domestic violence almost universally underreported. “Just leave” is not helpful advice. It triggers painful feelings because victims usually feel threatened, as there is an increasing number of domestic violence homicides that occur after the victim leaves the abuser. Likewise, to leave, the victim needs a safe place to go, money to sustain themselves, and arranged safety protocol. Therefore, this statement is the same as saying: “It is your fault for staying”. Instead, offer support and empower victims to make wise choices while helping to organise a safety plan. In some countries, perpetrators are punished under administrative and criminal law, and there are available ways to seek support without alerting the abuser, including hotlines, warning systems in pharmacies and grocery stores. Yet many governments and policymakers, especially in the Global South, do not invest enough to protect the victims. It is challenging to change the mindset that victims are not to be blamed on and that domestic violence is not simply a household problem; it is a crime. To reduce domestic violence cases and fatalities, people should be talking about prevention, not just response. It is critical to get educated about intimate partner violence, its red flags to prevent getting trapped in abusive relationships and support survivors. If you are a victim of domestic violence and still have not reported your partner for whatever reason, develop a safety plan for yourself in case the violence escalates. It includes memorising a phone number of anyone that you trust and prepare personal belongings, such as money and documents, in case you need to leave the house immediately. It is difficult for survivors to speak up, hence why loved ones need to notice the signs and offer support; it is easier to leave an abusive relationship if the victim feels supported. Intimate partner violence is a pervasive issue that needs to be tackled on an international level. By speaking up, advocating, and offering support, we can reduce NEWS MAGAZINE 20 the victims of domestic violence.
a x Cyru s
Max Cyrus is best known for his commissions for the BBC, Channel 4 and Sadlers Wells Theatre. Max asked the first question, he wanted to know why The Hall News had taken an interest in him. His narration on the powerful short film ‘Never Forget Stephen Lawrence’ had grabbed our attention and further research showed Max Cyrus’s ambition and passion to hold the keys to the machine called culture. Here is our conversation that takes a leap into the fundamentals of the art form that flows through the ear and takes a trip to the mind and soul. organic, as it comes from energies, more than anything else. For example, with Never forget Stephen Lawrence, I was having a conversation I would start off the mood, I with a film director and I could write a track about a was like ‘that was my George journey and it would start Floyd moment,’ that in from the tempo. In terms of MAGAZINE saying. 22 a powerful being a lyricist, it comes from itself isNEWS When was the last time you the heart. My style is more As a music producer, can you describe how you would compose a song?
witnessed something that made everyone stop prior George Floyd? Anything that just made you say stop? For me, I felt there is a history in the UK not many people know about. In black culture, our music comes historically. From playing the piano, singing the blues
“That was my George Floyd moment”
to jazz- elements come from oppression and transatlantic slavery. This is the key that keeps everything together, it came from the root-path. In terms of the overall composition, what is your favourite song and why? SpottieOttieDopaliscious. And you are going to have to google that to spell it! It’s a track by OutKast, you would have never heard of anything like this in terms of composition. For me, it’s got so much warmth in there, and they called the track SpottieOttieDopaliscious because it’s like putting your favourite gobstopper in your mouth, or your favourite sweets. What else can you call a track great track like that? What is the most rewarding
project you have worked on and why? Every project I have worked on, I don’t feel like has hit the mark yet. But, the most rewarding project I’ve worked on is my Uprise EP, which I am releasing in early 2021 It’s the first time where as a producer I’ve put myself first as the artist.
released and it is entitled ‘Time to change the game’, it’s unapologectic in its composition. What do you find most challenging about being an artist?
It’s the use of technology, I believe it should not be the driver, and I find that sometimes people want it to Tell me about your be about the technology but education/training. it isn’t. You could be creative and write something that I graduated from University is Grammy Award Winning of The Arts London with with a pencil and a piece of a degree in Sound Design. paper. You don’t really need Prior to that I attended City of to have a million pound desk Westminister College where or the Mac Book Pro, but with I undertook a course in Film technology talent becomes Studies. secondary for some. It wasn’t like that when I was younger, What is the best song you I started off with producing have written? drum n and bass, I was with NEWS MAGAZINE 23 one of the biggest dumb and It’s a track that has not been DNB record labels in the
world when I was 19. But I find now people want to computer to make the music for them instead.
the first time I worked with the BBC in terms of a commission. I’ve only released three songs via my record label so far and each one has been commissioned When did your interest in for TV, and I’m a fully music first begin? independent artist. I’d never shot a music video before When I was primary school, before Untitled, and I had an my dad was working for idea to raid a skip and found Decca where they used to a broken chair, I took an old press Motown records. He pillow case and soaked it would have a record player in teabags overnight and I in the kitchen and when wanted the artist to break my parents where cooking free from the chains, when we would be listening to is meant to represent the the vinyl, really rich quality struggles in society. I wanted music. Then I fell in love with there to be a concept to the drums. video, if i’m going to pour my heart out and write How much time do you music. It was a phenomenal spend in the studio? experience. I could go in the studio for ten hours a day and the least being thirty hours a week.
Has the pandemic affected your work and what was lockdown like for you?
Can you play an instrument, if not, which instrument would you like to master?
It’s affected my work with the Max Cyrus music team, as I didn’t have the opportunity to see them and work with them in person. In terms of the first
I play the keys and I’m self taught. But if I could master any instrument it would be the cello. Do you have a role model or idol? My parents are my role models. I don’t have any idols. The biggest influences in my life are my family. You were commissioned to produce ‘Untitled,’ ft Rodney P and Lanre Sulola for BBC4, Documentary ‘The Hip Hop World News. What was this experience like? It was unbelievable, I felt like I was starting something special with Max Cyrus music as a label. That was
lockdown, I had a lot of time to myself where I worked on all my creative projects I actually loved lockdown- it was fantastic for me, I got stuff done. You were on a BBC London Radio where the importance of blackout Tuesday was discussed. What changes/ improvements in your opinion have taken place since then? None. I feel that the real work comes after the protests stop. People need to sit up and understand that any form of equality or injustices, they come beyond the protest. If you look at the civil-rights movement, or anything that’s changed in society, it doesn’t come from putting a black square on your instagram. Yes, it unified people in terms of their thought process, but are the wider discussions being had? For me, not really. Society isn’t actually ready yet to see an improvement. The definition of a change-
during the first lockdown, people started to see more birds in the sky, they saw more nature as people couldn’t go anywhere. Does that mean there were more or does that mean people only saw it because they had to sit still. If you can create a music genre, what would you call it and how would you describe the sound? I’d call it Culture, purely because I feel like it is what is missing in the current music genres. I would like to create my own genre only to guide people back to calling things R&B, jazz, Hip-Hop and stop calling it urban. What subject do you think musicians should sing less about and what should they sing more of? I think Artists should sing less about meaningless stuff, I am allergic to mumble rap and things that don’t have substance. They should sing more about, pain, love, change and their conscious reality as well as their creative reality. But definitely get rid of sexualisation towards women in music. And some artists are selfdestructive, where they don’t know that they are doing it, like having mothers burying their children due to knife crime, and then having music that encourages crime.
Knowing that creativity is something that you own. Remember that your creativity means that you are already born a winner. You don’t become certified by a blue tick or by a Grammy, Even Drake said it, some of the best artists out there will never get nominated. If you are pursuing a career in the music industry as an artist, learn about PRS, MCPS, and PPL. There are some artists out there just throwing out music and not getting paid because they don’t understand the systems.
What is the best advice someone has ever given you? What do you think the world will look like in ten years? To love myself more. I don’t want my answer to I think25it will What advice would you give be depressing. NEWS MAGAZINE be computer-driven, and to anyone looking to pursue hopefully not, but it might be a career in music?
that human thought becomes secondary. What’s next for you? Max Cyrus The Documentary- four episodes; an introduction into who I am, and where I am now. It will premiered on my YouTube channel, I will also be releasing my debut, EP, The Uprise Featuring Legendary soul singer, Omar Lye-fook. Instagram: @_maxcyrus @maxcysusmusic Facebook: MaxCyrusMusic Stephen Lawrence Foundation:
5 Facts You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Your Voice 1. Your voice is the result of the vibration of two tiny bands of muscle tissue called the vocal cords or folds. The contraction of several muscles around the larynx (or the voice box, where the cords are) during exhale cause the cords to adduct and produce sound, and the tighter the vocal cords will vibrate, the cleaner and more present your sound will be. The higher up you go in your range, the longer the vocal cords become, and vice versa. 2. The vocal function is achieved due to the correct and coordinated participation of three mechanisms: the first one is the breath, which generates and controls the flow of air being sent upwards from the lungs; secondly, the cords, which are the actual “strings” of your instrument, vibrating on various pitches and intensities while being constantly fed by the air being directed towards them and the last, which consists of several elements, such as your bones (the ones in your chest, your cheekbones or your forehead), your tissues (larynx, tongue) and your sinuses which help amplify your vocal sound to optimize its NEWS MAGAZINE 26 performance. The latter can be compared to the soundbox of a guitar, for example.
3. Hydration is very important for vocal health. Optimal water intake is crucial both for the proper functioning of internal organs and for the health of less “essential” body parts, such as the skin, and, yes, the vocal cords. When the cords are properly hydrated, they will be more supple and plump, making it easier for them to vibrate together and produce a clear, effortless sound.
Some of them are nodules, polyps or edemas which are mainly a consequence of misuse or overuse of the voice, causing small growths to appear either on just one cord or both of them, resulting in the impossibility of adducting the chords properly and progressively throughout the entire range and therefore leading to a loss of range or quality of the voice. Another problem is aforementioned laryngitis, generally caused by external factors, such as viruses or bacteria, causing the larynx to become inflamed and the cords thickened. A more uncommon disorder is vocal cord paralysis, which is a dysfunction or an injury to the nerves which control laryngeal muscles. The causes are varied, ranging from neurological diseases to viruses and trauma during procedures in or around the larynx.
4. Whispering is not the answer. If you have a hoarse voice during laryngitis after a cold or your voice is simply fatigued or overused, you should avoid whispering at all costs. Not only will it not protect your cords and muscles from straining even more, but it will make them work even harder, as you try to make yourself heard by keeping the cords away from each other. The more effective way to communicate would be to speak very softly, but the best solution of all would be Now that you found out (or remembered) all the total vocal rest. these cool facts about what your voice is and can do, have fun exploring it with excitement, 5. Just like any other tissue in your body, but most importantly, with respect. Because, vocal cords can also as Rumi said, you should “Raise your develop disorders. words, not your voice”.
Meryl Streep. Need I say more? No, but as a word pay on money laundering. We I shall continue nonetheless as this start by watching two gentlemen who film needs all the attention it can get! want to tell their side of a story. They are Of course, there is the cinematography, the ‘bad’ guys in this situation, but as suspense, comedy, engagement, great time goes on you start to wonder what actors, a good scenario. But the element bad means. It gives the audience a ‘Catch that weighs heaviest Me If You Can’ vibe, we is the message of almost feel empathy for the film. Sometimes the two characters who the best way to just wanted a piece of hide something is the cake, by avoiding when you make it tax, delegating shell extremely obvious. companies and using Fraud, money their employees to sign laundering, it’s on the dotted lines far, far all real. Add it to away from the heat of the the mix in a highfire. budget Hollywood film and you get This is when little old a martini. Just Meryl Streep’s character, because something Eileen joins the story is illegal does it with her husband. They make it right? That is can go on a cruise on a the question which little boat to enjoy their lingered on my mind day. However, a big wave as I watched the comes their way and Laundromat scene tips their boat over. Her by scene on Netflix. husband dies and she NEWS MAGAZINE 28 The name of the film is left with insurance elegantly chosen money she is unable
to claim. David Lawrence Schwimmer’s (Ross from Friends- sorry!) character who portrays a member of the cruise company is disturbed by his findings of the truth behind their insurance company and how complex their company structure is; a company behind a company, behind a company, behind a company. Does your head hurt yet? The companies’ hiding inside a Matroska are hard to track down, but the cat chases its tail to find the furge in an American company. However, it is comical how Schwimmer is only in two scenes, in the same bar, same seat but speaking to a different person. Makes one think perhaps Holllywood only had budget to shoot in one corner of the bar.
and wife with bearer shares, a share of a high net-worth company that can be obtained by as simple to have it in your possession. Laundromat is indeed a sad world showing how people can be bought and sold for essentiallynothing. At the end of the film, we find out that Meryl Streep was playing more than one character in the film. And she comes to us just as herself with an important message about the true meaning of liberty.
The two gentlemen given life by Antonio Banderas and Gary Oldman begin to teach the audience how to get to the same status as them. This involves sophisticated, highrisk solutions to your money problems. As we witness the stages, a broken family destroyed by the egos and riches of their father comes to our view. Although we are left to envy the materialism of the family, we are quick to see that the father isNEWS a MAGAZINE cheater, ready to write off her daughter
Genre: Drama / Comedy Cast: Meryl Streep, Gary Oldman, Antonio Banderas 2019 Production 29
A guide to surviving in the corporate world! Taking everything I have learned over the years and sharing raw advice with people who truly need it. So, take a walk in my stilleos and let me show you around.
IMPRESS THE BOSS Once you land your job there is a second hurdle of passing your probation period. The probation period is typically three or six months along, it is essentially a trial period for management to decide if you are the right fit for the role. During the probation period you only get one week of notice, therefore if you were to decide the job is not for you and you want to quit- you would give a week’s notice to your workplace. This is a matter of courtesy and often time’s part of your duty. Viceversa, if management wanted to let you go, they would have to pay you for another full week. This helps to protect both parties. After you have completed your probation period successfully, you will then get a month’s notice. This can come in handy as you will get another month’s salary while you look for a new job. Think of it like a head’s up. Often some workplaces will have their own rules, the notice period can increase with each year you spend there. Now, how do you impress the boss to make sure you secure your employment? Firstly pay attention to your punctuality and dress code, this will speak volumes when it comes to first impressions. People tend to always remember your first few weeks at work, and often judge you off of that, even some time in the future. Ensure you are aware of what your tasks and responsibilities are, as you will be assessed mainly on your capabilities of carrying out your core duties. If you want to stand out and shine, it is a good idea to have a look at your colleagues and ask if they need any help. Being helpful goes a long way, if the boss can see that you are valuable in the workplace, they would not want to lose you! However, bear in mind, it is aways a fine balance. Be mindful of not getting too carried away that you dismiss your tasks, or make others assume that you are always free to help out- as some people may turn this into their advantage. Staying polite, kind and professional is the best way forward. People love to be around pleasant, skilful and empathic workers. Also, look to see if there are any areas of improvement you would like to make, report these to the boss and they will see your ambition and willingness to go the extra mile. If you can tick all these boxes you can expect to become permanent! NEWS MAGAZINE 31
Extreme low moods find its clinical name in the scary big word, depression. The overall well being of a person can be flipped upside down, with distracting thoughts, behaviour and feelings. These feelings can include hopelessness and at its worst, suicidal thoughts. The reasons for depression are varied; from a clinical condition, a trauma, stress, hormonal problems to other underlining conditions that can trigger it. So, what are some of the ways we can escape this dark path? Here I outline some techniques that have proven to work in my personal life and many researches.
First and foremost, the best way to tackle depression is to be aware that not all the thoughts that are making you feel sad are true. In the state of depression, you could be feeding yourself negatives thoughts that loop within a vicious cycle. However, this is a double-edged sword, not trusting your thoughts can make you feel untrusting towards yourself. The fine balance includes being aware of true thoughts backed with evidence and false thoughts created from deep fear and stress. Having said that, here are four ways that can put theory to practice and help bring you out of the water, before you fall into the deep end.
in the morning and making your bed. Research shows that making your bed makes people feel like they are ready for the bed, and you should only go back into bed when it is time to sleep. A poor sleeping pattern can affect your mood, including too much or too little sleep. Having a bedtime and a time you will wake up that you can stick to will help with a sense of routine. Once you manage to complete this task, try to spend your day in another room (if you are staying home) and if you have to be at work and dealing with depression, make sure you move about during your lunch breaks. It is important to make plans with your friends and family, if you Joining in always cancel plans, it will not be long before people stop asking you to meet Although it can be very difficult to leave up. Joining society, even when you do the bed sometimes, try to set yourself not feel like it, pushing yourself to feel NEWS MAGAZINE 32 small daily goals such as getting up better is a step in the right direction. But, if something does not feel right, and you
have an over-whelming feeling of sadness, then it is okay to take a break from life until you feel strong enough to try again. Talk it out If you pass stage one and meet with friends and family, speaking with people you love and trust can create a real sense of warmth and connection. Studies show that hugging a loved one can reduce sadness, try to make human contact and see for yourself how much better you will feel. Even though people may want to come and visit you at home, it would be good practice to meet them outdoors, getting fresh air and being in a different environment will distract your mind. Speaking from experience, when I was going through a mild form of depression, I made plans to go on a weekend trip. overwhelming feelings of sadness crept up and spilt out in times of solitude, but when I had to join others, I put on a brave face and pushed down the sadness. Now, looking back on that trip and seeing some photos I remember exactly how I felt, even after many years. I suggest that you try and minimise the time you spend on social posts during this time, as when you look back there will not be significant memories attached to it.
tive on life and even your gloomy reality. listening to highly influential music is also a great risk and can trigger your symptoms. For example, provocative songs by rebellion musicians can affect vulnerable people. Guard your ears can listen to calming, smoothing and pleasant music. When you make the switch you will see the difference. Perhaps there are some elements mentioned in this article that you are currently not implemented that might be affecting you greatly. The pandemic bought with it illnesses, social distancing, self-isolation and quarantine. All these scary terms have affected our overall health and well-being. A lot of people have developed depression due to these measures. However, there is a danger that we can not deny. We must keep safe, and live to try again on better days to come. nothing is permanent, not happiness and definitely not sadness!
Monitor your senses This may seem like a weird one, but monitoring when enters your ears and what your eyes are exposed to can be vital when trying to escape depression. Watching emotional films; especially ones that may be similar to your situation can trigger or heighten what you are experiencing. Therefore, watching comedies or feel-good films can make you feel a lot better. The light-hearted themeNEWS MAGAZINE can give you a different perspec-
Doin a Gavr ilov
I was born in the Republic of Moldova, Costangalia village. A small village crossed by the arteries of history: on one side rises the Wave of Trajan and on the other side one of the hills where the Russian army buried support for “Katiusa” used in World War II. Through the middle of the village, a small stream flows on the banks of which old willows flutter their locks in the wind. It is the place where I learned to love and respect nature, to dance, to sing and to love life. Congratulations on the completion of your Political Science degree! How have you celebrated this milestone? Thank you! I have celebrated my writing. Although the PhD program of studies has ended, the scientific contribution is something I have committed to do continuously. Why did politics spark your interest and what made you want to pursue it? A-ha, I’ll be honest and I’ll tell you how politics came to be the field that gave me a completely different filter through which I see the world now. I have always been passionate about real sciences such as mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry. In the humanities, things are subjective and I’ve never liked that. However, when I chose my faculty my family budget was the basic criterion, I couldn’t make my parents pay so much for my studies. For this reason, I could rather say that politics chose me. I came to love politics quite late, only after I understood what politics entails and how a profession in this field can make a real difference. Would you want to be a member of parliament one day? I would say yes only if someone from the NEWS future MAGAZINE told me that in the political class there are only really competent people who care about society
and do their work. I would never want to join a parliament in the current conditions. What do you think is the biggest problem humanity is currently facing? (Besides the pandemic) I would say the lack of tolerance, the lack of time to get to know and study ourselves and the lack of a purpose in life that would make us happy to live each day and to wake up with the biggest smile. From the lack of tolerance we have so much division and evil in the world and from the lack of time and desire to study ourselves we see the lack of consciousness in many vicious and selfish human actions. The purpose in life is a different story which remains everyone’s duty to understand what makes them happy and to pursue it. Unfortunately, most of us do not have the opportunity to do so because they need to work and make money for a living often means overcoming our dreams. You are a regular contributor at The Hall, what is your process of choosing article topics? I like to think that I am a good observer; I try to write down the social problems and address them in the articles. However, sometimes I run out of ideas, and so I ask my sister what she wou34 ld like to know, what subject she is interested in. That’s how I get out of the crisis of ideas.
attention to observe and be aware of the beauty around us, these hobbies help me focus and discover new things. If you were known for anything a century from now, what would you like it to be for? The work I do, and here I am referring to scientific research, is what I spend the most time on and put in a lot of my soul. If I were known over a century from now, I would probably want to be one of those people who have managed to change the way people think, who have rooted in the minds and hearts of people the concept of global citizenship, who have helped to explain things about the human being and contributed to his development.
You are originally from Moldova, how did you end up living in Romania? I love Moldova very much, however, a love story made me go to Romania. I live a beautiful story in which my husband is my friend, source of inspiration and travel companion. Thanks to that, this pandemic seems like a long honeymoon to me. Do you have any secret talent or hidden hobbies? I have many hobbies and shortly I intend to share parts of my soul that I put in these passions. I love writing poetry. I started writing about love and nature as a teenager and in the last 2-3 years, I have been writing about people and their feelings. I love acting. I have given a lot of time to life on stage since I was little. I played both dramas and comedies on the stages of the House of Creation in Cimislia, Moldova. In Romania, I played in “Anastasia”, “A man and many women” and “The author are in the theatre” on the stage of the Art Theater in Bucharest. I love to paint. In the last 5 years, I have tried to give more time to paint because it helps me to better express my feelings and the state of being. I love dancing and music; they give me intense feelings. Dancing, I feel a flame inside me, it is something indescribable. This flame was transmitted to me by my parents. I love to sing, and my friends tell me I’m good at it. Recently I developed a passion for photography. I take pictures in nature and try to capture moments that we don’t usually see. I love everything related to art, beauty, creation and NEWS MAGAZINE I do many things related to this because I want to discover the World. Because that requires special
What three words would your family and friends describe you as and why? Nonconformist, rational and curious. Nonconformist because I don’t like to follow the rules if they don’t make sense, especially if they inhibit creativity and prevent me from doing what I like to do to be happy. Rational because I question any decision I make, I analyze all possible results before I make a decision. I observe and analyze my behaviour and that of those around me without judging but taking life lessons. I like to learn from the mistakes of others. And curious not only because that’s how I am, but also because I’m walking towards discovering the unknown. I try to be as objective as possible, to get rid of all prejudices before meeting the unknown in its true clothes. What makes you roll your eyes every time you hear it? When someone gives me an answer such as: “Because that’s what people do...”. People often do things and expect you to do the same just because it’s been done for tens, hundreds or thousands of years. If we want a real change in the world, it must not only be about economics or politics, but first of all about breaking some habits such as excessive consumption or living for material things, and many others. What invention doesn’t get a lot of love, but has greatly improved the world? I would say liquid crystals, the basis of modern colour display technology that has allowed us to see things we could never see as they are in real life. If you could have an all-expenses-paid trip to see any famous world monument, which monument would you choose and why? I think I would very much like to visit Petra, the archaeological city in Jordan. It is an architec35 tural monument that reveals the secrets of a kingdom from the 4th century BC. It shows the
remnants of a ruthless history that has written and rewritten stories over others that were given to the past. What needs to be modernised? I believe that the way people see this planet must be changed and adapted to the century we live in. For thousands of years people have been taught that the planet is theirs, so we ended up killing for pleasure and being evil for pleasure. In the context in which things change, resources are less, pollution is high, the number of people on Earth is high, we should change and not treat the planet with a possessive attitude. After all, we belong to the planet and not vice versa; we are made from its dust. What’s the most boring superhero you can come up with? I think SleepyMan because he would help around 60% of the world’s population who have trouble sleeping, but at the same time he would be the superhero who sleeps all the time, dressed in his pyjamas with a printed pillow with the message: “I can’t resist it!”. What life skills are rarely taught but extremely useful? I would say one of the best things to learn, which
is extremely important in life and helps a lot, is to learn how to learn. Although the main purpose of teachers is to teach children and students to find their way of learning, disciples often see themselves as a Google page rather than as a facilitator of the learning process. If we were helped from an early age to find our way of learning, then the school would no longer be seen with bad eyes by children. This way, each person would absorb the existing knowledge much more easily and could engage in research and innovation. What advice would you give to someone who is looking to pursue a career in politics? You will never love politics if you do not understand it, you must have a lot of determination to understand a purely human creation. But from the moment you start to understand what politics is, you will understand that politics is one of the most direct ways to change the world we live in and you will love that. Find your lenses; do not seek to borrow something that has already been created. None of the people who made great changes in society conformed to the existing opinions and knowledge; if they defied what was known and looked for other ways of seeing things, why shouldn’t you have your way?
he fat removal procedure Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery around the world- especially in the USA, with an estimated quarter of a million procedures taking place every year. Although is the procedure can certainly give a slimming appearance, the effects are not as permanent as one may think. It is the same as losing weight, you can put it back on if you are not dieting or exercising. Liposuction will only provide you with a headstart. Although this is a procedure for a ‘quick-fix’ it is usually the areas that are stubborn and hard to lose by other means, the areas tend to be the buttocks, hips, thighs and tummy. It is advised that this procedure will give the best results to those with an average body-mass-index and a good skin elasticity. As the name suggests, fat is sucked out of the problematic area. The fat cells that are removed from the body are permanently removed, however, the fat returns after several months to the treated area. In other words, we can call this ‘body-contouring’. The cost of liposuction begins at £2,000 to £6,000, the cost varies depending on the area and the amount that
will be removed. It is usually not available for free on the NHS unless you have one of the following conditions: Lymphoedema which is the swelling in arms and legs and Lipoedema, which is the abnormal build-up of fat. Liposuction is carried out under general anaesthetic, the process includes injecting the area with a solution to reduce symptoms such as blood loss. The high-frequency vibration is used to break up the fat cells. A small cut is made and the suction tube is attracted to a vacuum. You have seen that the doctor will then begin the ‘pump’ the tube, this back and forth motion helps to loosen the fat and suck it out. Lastly, excess fluid or blood is drained out and you will be bandaged up. The duration of this will be anywhere from an hour to three hours. You can expect to go back to your regular activities after 4-6 weeks. If you are considering this surgery, please be aware that occasionally there can be lumpy or uneven results due to complications, bleeding under the skin, change in skin pigment and more serious damage to internal organs.
The genocides, injustices, persecutions against innocent people all over the world has been a bleeding wound in me for a long time. I would like to mention East Turkistan in this month’s article, about the cruelty, injustice and deformation of the law that took place in the world over the crimes committed against the people of East Turkistan. East Turkestan is located in the central part of Central Asia. Under the political and economic control of the People’s Republic of China since 1949. The Eastern Turkestan Islamic Republic declared on 12 November 1933, the army of Ma Chnagying destroyed the army of the Eastern Turkestan Islamic Republic and destroyed the newly established Republic on 6 February 1934. The Republic of East Turkestan, which was formed again on 12 November 1944, was destroyed once more just after five years. The people of
East Turkistan have also resisted the Chinese invasion ever since. Since China invaded East Turkistan and named the region “Xinjiang” (Acquired Lands), it has been implementing a policy of ethnic cleansing and assimilation towards the people of East Turkestan, where 35 million had been killed. East Turkistan is an invaluable homeland with its natural beauty and cultural mosaic for the nation that feels they belong there. For someone, the homeland is an honour, for some, it is as valuable as a breath.
So what has been going on in East Turkistan all this time? I was not so aware until only a year ago about the genocide committed, and about the people who were taken to concentration camps by force. There, thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people who were subjected to torture and rape, were forcibly detained. Some girls NEWS MAGAZINE 38 to marry a Chinese man to save herself have and her family from prison or concentration
junction to not speak out to those outside their domain. Millions of people, who are assimilated and subjected to bad treatment every day, are waiting for a helping hand, not only in East Turkestan. But we refrain from even being a voice. Just in case something happens to us. We claim that we are free and liberal on a ground where we cannot express our opinions, can not defend our ideas as free and our conscience is blind by time.
camps. Some Turkish girls are forced to live in the same house with Chinese men as a purpose measure of ‘protection’. They are tortured over and over until they forget their ethnicity and religion. Children are detached from their families, placed in orphanages by the government and forced to be assimilated. The holies tremble by the screams of those children but consciences are blind. USA, Canada and some EU countries are trying to be a voice against these acts. Some brands end their production in China and some famous figures terminate their contracts with brands that support this persecution. So why do many persecutions still continue? These silent masses, the vast majority who consider themselves activists and NEWS MAGAZINE defenders of human rights, play three monkeys, saying it is a strategy or con-
How much is it enough to be free and to breathe in a world where our wills are mortgaged, where we cannot speak out and we cannot reach out to the innocent? There is something to do against all this injustice. I want to end the subject with two words from the Prophet Muhammad. `Those who are silence against injustice is the worst of people` and `who do the favour to people that is the best of people.`
I first came across The Law of Attraction in my darknest hour and was desperately looking for hope. Since then I have been surrounded by life’s miricles, Every month I will be sharing a secret to living your best life. This issue we are exploring:
You Snooze you Lose! You must have heard of the saying “the early bird catches the worm.” This saying implies whoever gets to an opportunity before the rest of the world, surely takes the opportunity by its reins and conquers it. Miracle Mornings or the 5 am club, is a term coined by Hal Elrod, he made a claim that the earlier you make up in the morning the better day you will have, and in the end as days accumulate, a better life you will have! You may wonder what you will be doing what you wake up as early as 5 am? It does not have to be this it can even be up to 6 minutes before the time you wake up to follow these steps. That is if you can spend a minute on each of the suggested steps! This is a 6-step morning routi-
ne called S.A.V.E.R.S: silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and scribing. This time you create for yourself should not be spent on scrolling through social media or on general administration tasks can be fit into a different time frame during the day. Take the early morning as a lifesaver by meditating, sitting in silence and if you are religious it is a good time to pray or reach of to the universe.
Say affirmations that will motivate and inspire you as a repetition. Moving your body and doing some light exercises or reaching will also help to wake your body. Take some time out to read a chapter of a book and lastly write something down, this can be anything you are thinking or feeling. You will begin to see how much more energy you have throughout the day, and attract good vibes!
WORDS BY AREEJ DALI Vanilla Cake with a White Chocolate Buttercream Ingredients: For the sponge 500g soft unsalted butter 500g caster sugar 8 large eggs 500g self-raising flour 6 tbsp milk 1 tsp vanilla extract
For the buttercream 300g unsalted butter, softened to room temperature 300g white chocolate, melted and cooled 700g sifted icing (powdered) sugar 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Pinch of salt
Method: Preheat your oven to 170c. Grease and line 4 8inch cake tins. In a stand mixer or handheld mixer, beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time and beat for 1min after each one. Add the flour and make sure to sift it first, then fold it in gently until combined. Add the milk and vanilla extract and beat for 30secs until it’s all combined. Divide the batter into each cake tin and make sure to spread the batter with a palette knife and bake in your preheated oven for 20-24mins. To check if your cake is ready to stick a skewer or cocktail stick in, if it comes out clean they’re ready. Let the cakes cool in the pan for the first 10mins then turn it out on a wire rack to let it cool completely. For the buttercream, melt the chocolate and set aside to cool. Beat the butter on a high speed for around 5mins until it’s pale and creamy. Add half of the icing sugar and beat first on a low speed (or you’ll be covered in icing sugar!) Then put the speed to high and beat for 2mins. Add the other half of the icing sugar and repeat. Add the melted chocolate, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt and beat until well combined. If you find the buttercream is too stiff, add 1-2tbsp of milk, if it’s too runny, add more icing sugar. Now you can ice the cake and decorate as you like! I usually like to trim the crust off the cake before icing, it just looks nicer.
Dil canlıların tat alabilme duyusu olmakla birlikte, konuşmak için ağızdan çıkartılan sesleri yuvarlayıp şekillendiren organdır. Asıl, kelimeler; dağarcığa ne kadar doğru yüklenilmişse, o kadar da yorumlanabilmesi önemlidir. İnsanlar bebeklik anından itibaren, duyduğu sesleri hafızasında kayıt ediyor. Çocukluk yaşları sırasıncada tekrarlayarak, öğrendiği lisanı konuşmak, iletişim kurabilmek anlamında faydalanarak sesini duyuruyor. Öğretim sınıflarından geçerek eğitimini tamamlıyor. Okuyamamış, yabancı dil bilmeyenler ve şive konumuzun dışındadır. Günümüzde okumuş geçinenler, ana dilini doğru konuşamayanlar, yabancı dili de parçalıyor.
Özenti ile iş icabında terimler anlamından kaydırılarak farklı söyleyip, doğru anlaşılmak isteniyor. Türkçe harfleri örnek; ( p, ç, t, k - b, c, d, g ) yerinde kullanmak şart. Pasta, çörek, tabak, kabak, bulgur, cacık, dalak, gaga gibi. Karganın gagasına, kaka denirse ne anlarız mesela? İlkokul’da tekerleme, çocuk hikâyeleri “doğrudan öğrenmek” hedeflendiği için okutuluyor. Yoksa kaç kitap okumuşsunuz, kime ne? Doğru öğrenmek, akıcı konuşmak, anlatımı kısa ve öz tutmak gereklidir. Zaman içerisinde öğrendiklerinize yenilerini katmak, “dilinize” zenginlik katacak. Yanınız, karşınızdakilerinde etki gücü artıracak, dil zenginliği ile kibar konuşma tarzı işlerin diğer yönüdür.
Bilim adamları, Mars gezegeninde kutup bölgelerinin dışında buzlu su katmanlarının tamamını keşfettiler. National Geographic dergisinin aktardığına göre, bazı yerlerde bu birikintiler iki metreden daha az derinliklerde, bu nedenle astronot ekipleriyle gelecekteki görevler için kolayca erişilebilir diyor uzmanlar. Bilim adamları uzun zamandır büyük buz rezervlerinin Mars’ta gömülü olduğunu iddia ettiler ve artık kanıtlarıda var. NASA tarafından 2005 yılında başlatılan bir uzay sondası, gezegeni taradı ve toplanan verilere dayanarak erozyon fenomeninin dik yamaçları kestiği ve bir dilim kek gibi önemli buz katmanlarını açığa çıkardığı sekiz alan belirledi. Bu keşif, gezegenin henüz netlik kazanmamış iklim tarihini de ortaya çıkarabilir. Amerikan Jeofizik Enstitüsü’nden jeolog C. Dundas, buz yataklarının orta enlemlerde Mars’ın milyonlarca yıl önce periyodik olarak bol miktarda kar yağışı yaşadığı fikrini destekleyeceğini açıkladı. Amerikalı araştırmacılar, şu anda bulunan buzun kompakt ve sağlam olduğunu söylüyorlar, kırılma derecesine ve dik açılara dayanıyor. Araştırmacılar, az
sayıdaki krater ve birikintilerin renk varyasyonlarının, buz tabakalarının oldukça yakın zamanda oluştuğu fikrine yol açtığını ve bunun da muhtemelen gezegenin önceki iklim döngüleri boyunca birçok mevsimdeki kar birikimlerinden kaynaklandığını açıkladı. Conway, Fransa’daki Nantes Üniversitesi’nde jeoloji profesörü. Tek makul açıklamanın, rüzgarın oluşumun hemen ardından buz tabakalarını kum ve tozla kaplaması olacağını iddia ediyor. NASA uydularından son altı yıldaki görüntüler, erozyon nedeniyle büyük kaya bloklarının buz birikintilerinden çıktığını gösteriyor ve araştırmacılar, bu fenomenin buzun her yaz birkaç milimetre kalınlığında kaybettiğini gösterdiğine inanıyor. Bilim adamları, gezegenin kabuğundaki sığ derinliklere gömülü buz katmanlarının, yalnızca yüzey katmanının kaybolduğu yerde görülebildiği kadarıyla tutulan verilerin incelenmesinden daha kapsamlı olduğuna inanıyor. Astronotların Mars’a inebileceği potansiyel yerler üzerine çalışmalar yapan bazı yazarlar, keşfin çok ilginç olduğunu söylüyor. Ancak bu su kolayca erişilebilir hale gelirken, bulunan buz birikintilerinin tümü, uzun Mars kışı boyunca çok soğuk ve güneşe bağımlı insan üsleri için misafirperver olmayan bölgeler olan yaklaşık 55 derece Kuzey ve Güney’dedir.
İnsanlar varoluşundan itibaren iletişim ihtiyaçlarını farklı şekillerle sağlamaya çalışmış ve kendilerini ifade etmek için yollar aramışlardır. Doğayla mücadele içinde olan insanların en etkili yolu ise kayalara, mağara duvarlarına, deri üzerine çizimler yaparak duygu ve düşüncelerini yansıtmaları olmuştur. Günümüzde hala varlığını koruyan ve çok eski çağlara uzanan bu resimler o günün yaşam tarzı, inançları, insan ilişkileri hakkında bilgi veren önemli tarihi belge niteliği taşımaktadır. Kalıntılar üzerindeki geçmişle gele-
cek arasında köprü kuran bu çizimler ve resimler zamanla el yazmaları eserlerin sayfaları üzerinde minyatür olarak yerini almış, adeta tarihin canlı tanıkları olmuşlardır. Latince’de “miniare (kırmızıyla boyama)”, İngilizce’de “illumination”, Fransızca’da “miniature”, Almanca’da “miniatur” şeklinde kullanılmış olan, Türkçe’de “minyatür” olarak ifade edilen kelime çok ince işlenmiş, küçük boyutlu resimlere verilen ad olup Osmanlıcada bu sanata “nakış”, bu sanatı yapan sanatçılara ise “nakkaş” adı verilmektedir. Minyatür, el yazmalarına metni aydınlatmak, daha iyi açıklamak ve okuyanın zihninde canlanması amacıyla yerleştirilen açıklayıcı resimlerdir. Tarih, hikâye ve şiirin canlı tercümanı olan bu sanat türü sadece kâğıt üzerine değil maden, ahşap, dokuma, çini, deri gibi farklı malzemeler üzerine de uygulanmıştır. Sanatçılar yazmaları resimlemek amacıyla yaptıklarından dolayı boyutlarını küçük tutmuşlar, uyguladıkları figürleri çoğu zaman doğadan soyutlayarak yani gerçek görünümlerinden uzak, daha çok kafalarında tasarladıkları şekilde tasvir etmişlerdir. Tasvir ederken ise doğal toprak boyaları kullanmışlar ve bu boyaları üç aylık kedi NEWS MAGAZINE 48 yavrusunun ense tüyünden alınan, adına “tüy kalem” denilen çok ince kıllı fırçalarla uygulamışlardır.
Minyatür, hem doğu hem de batı dünyasında çok eskiden beri bilinen bir resim tarzıdır. Mısır’da rastlanan ve M.Ö 2. yüzyıla tarihlenen papirüs üzerine yapılan minyatürlerin varlığı bu sanatın ne kadar eski tarihlere kadar gittiğini gözler önüne sermektedir. Uygur Türkleri’nin, Turfan bölgesinde meydana getirdikleri en eski minyatürler, daha sonraki Türk minyatür sanatının kaynakları olmuş, kendinden sonra gelen farklı devletleri ve bu sanatı yapanları etkiledikleri kabul edilmiştir. Temeli çok eski dönemlere kadar inen el yazması ressamlığı Orta Çağ boyunca yaygın bir sanat dalı olmuş, 13. yüzyıldan 19. yüzyıla kadar süregelen bir resim türü haline gelmiştir. Uygurlardan sonra Türk minyatür sanatının görüldüğü erken tarihli örnekler Selçuklu Dönemine aittir. Selçuklu Türkleri İran, Mezopotamya, Suriye ve Anadolu topraklarına yayılmış ve Türk-İslam minyatür üslubu doğmaya başlamıştır. Abbasiler, İlhanlılar, Safeviler, Timurlular, Babürlüler, Anadolu Selçuklu ve Osmanlı zamanında döneminin üslubunu yansıtan oldukça zengin, benzersiz eserler verilmiş ve bu eserler dönemini bu güne kadar taşımayı başarmıştır.
dönem olmuş, kitap sanatı altın çağını yaşamıştır. O günün olaylarını gözler önüne seren ve tarihi belge niteliği taşıyan minyatür sanatında tarih, edebiyat, din, bilim konularının dışında eğlence sahneleri, sünnet düğünleri gibi konularda da örnekler verilmiştir. Dioskorides’in Materia Medica isimli kitabından Yunanca’dan Arapça’ya çevrilen ve şifalı bitkiler üzerine yazılmış olan “Kitâbü’l-Haşâ’iş”, efsanevi aşk hikâyesini anlatan “Varka ve Gülşah”, Hindli Beydaba tarafından yazılan, Arapça’ya tercüme edilen “Kelile ve Dimne”, El Cezeri’nin mekanik araçların yapımından bahsettiği “El Cami-u’l Beyn’el İlmi ve El Ameli’en Nafi fi Sına’ati’l Hiyel”i, Firdevsi’nin “Şehname”si, Ahmed Musa’nın “Miraçneme”si, Sabuncuoğlu Şerefeddin’in “Mücerrebname”si, Matrahçı Nasuh’un “Mecmu’-i Menazil”i, Kalender Paşa’nın “Falname”si, Levni’nin “Surname-i Vehbi”si, Nakkaş Sinan Bey’in, Nakkaş Osman’ın, Nakşî’nin, Nigari’nin, minyatürleri akla gelen ilk eserlerdendir. Döneminin şahidi olan, okuyanı o güne götüren ve geçmişi çok eskilere dayanan bu sanatın örnekleri başta İstanbul olmak üzere dünyada birçok müzede sergilenmektedir.
Selçukluların dağılması ile birlikte ortaya çıkan Beylikler döneminde minyatür sanatında bir duraklama yaşanmış, Osmanlı döneminde ise saray ve çevresinin desteğiyle büyük bir gelişim sürecine girmiştir. Osmanlı’da saraya bağımlı olarak gelişen minyatür sanatının en önemli merkezi İstanbul olmuştur ve bu sanatın ilerlemesi Fatih Sultan Mehmed döneminde yaşanmıştır. Fatih döneminden sonra gelen padişahlar saray nakkaşhanesine benzersiz eserler yaptırmışlardır. 16. yüzyıl Osmanlı minyatürü için hem erkenNEWS MAGAZINE örneklerin verildiği hem de klasik bir Osmanlı minyatürü anlayışının oluştuğu
üm kısıtlamaların ve otosansürlerin olduğu bu dönemde, çok az duyarlı insan bu gibi hassas konuları alıp halka duyurur. Ancak bu, bizi sadece bilim adamlarını değil, aynı zamanda küresel ölçekte önemli olan bazı siyasi liderler için erken uyarılar üretme görevi olan risk analizi birimlerini de çokça ilgilendiren bir tartışmaya açılım sunmadığımız anlamına gelmez. Tartışma, iklim değişikliğinin ölçeği ve hızından etkilenen önemli permafrost alanlarının çözülmesinin ardından 40.00050.000 yıl gibi çok uzun bir yaşa sahip virüs gruplarının yeniden ortaya çıkmasıyla temsil edilen bilinmeyen bölgelerle ilgilidir. 2015 yılında Tibet’e yapılan bilimsel bir keşif gezisinin ardından, araştırmacılar 15.000 yıl önce buza gömülü 28 bilinmeyen solucan türü keşfettiler. Ekip, Guliya bölgesinden örnekler topladı ve eriyen buza iki çekirdek ekleyerek, 28’i tamamen bilinmeyen 33 virüs grubu belirlendi. Buzulların erimesinden kaynaklanan su ve buzdağları, tehlikeli patojenleri su yollarına taşıyarak, insanların yeni tür mikroplara maruz kalma potansiyeline neden olabilir. Burada, 2 ila 15 metre arasında bir derinlikte tüm yıl boyunca donmuş halde kalan toprak olan permafrostun erimesinin ortaya çıkardığı gerçek ve acil soruna değinelim. Yıllık ortalama sıcaklığın -1 ° C’yi geçmediği ve yıllık ortalama yağış miktarının 1.000 mm’nin altında olduğu NEWS MAGAZINE kutup iklimi; permafrost bölgeleri kutup bölgesinde, yüksek dağ bölgelerinde, bu bölgelerde sadece zayıf tundra
bitki örtüsü var. Permafrost, dünyanın kara alanının % 20-25’ ini kaplar. Kalıcı olarak donmuş toprakların hakim olduğu bölgeler Grönland,% 99, Alaska,% 80, Rusya,% 50, Kanada,% 40-50 ve Çin, 20 Coğrafi olarak konumlandırılmış bu bölgeler, kuzey Kanada, kuzey Alaska, Grönland’ın tamamı, kuzey İskandinavya ve kuzey Sibirya bölgelerinde yer alır ve Moğolistan’a kadar, kuzeye kadar uzanır. Şimdilik, dünyada insan ve hayvan yaşamının unsurlarının yüz milyonlarca yıldır depolandığı dev bir “laboratuvar dondurucu” ile karşılaştırıldığında, permafrost’un az çok hızlı çözülmesinin tüm sonuçları hakkında sadece varsayımlar yapılıyor. Bazıları hayata dönüp normal devrelere göç edebilen bakteri, virüs ve parazit içeren döküntülerden ibaret. Bu bir bilim kurgu olabilir mi? Öncüleri ciddiye alıp almadığımıza ve onları küresel bir alarm haline getirip getirmediğimize bağlı. Örneğin, bu bağlamda 2016’da Sibirya’da meydana gelen garip olaya göz atalım: bölgede şarbon bulaşmış küçük bir kızın ölümü, son 70 yıldır herhangi bir vaka bildirilmediğini öğrenince dikkatleri üzerine çekti. Pek çok doktorun kullandığı hipotez, hastalığın bölgedeki donmuş toprakların erimesinin bazı ren geyiklerinin cesetlerini yüzeye çıkarmış olmasından kaynaklandığıydı. Bir milyon civarında ren geyiği son yüzyılın başında 50 şarbondan ötürü öldürüldüğü bilinmekte. 2011’de GHA’ da yayınlanan bir araştırmaya dikkat edersek yetkililerin uyarı maksatlı açıklamaları var. Bu şarbon, ölü
ren geyiklerinin gömüldüğü çukurların yüzeye çıkarılması durumunda eriyen donmuş toprakların bu tür sonuçları verebileceği uyarısında bulunuldu: “Donmuş toprakların erimesinin bir sonucu olarak, 18. ve 19. yüzyıllardan ölümcül salgınların vektörleri geri dönebilir.” Bu çok daha eski virüslerde de olabilir. 2005 yılında, NASA bilim adamlarından oluşan bir ekip, 30.000 yıl önce Alaska’da bir gölde donmuş olan Carnobacterium plistocenium mikroplarını hayata geçirmeyi başardı. 8 milyon yıl önce Antartika buzulunda bulunduktan sonra hayata döndürüldü. Bu hızlı küresel ısınma döneminde hiçbir şey imkansız değil ve dünyamızın kıtalararası doğası göz önüne alındığında ne kadar hızlı olduğunu görüyoruz. Çok sayıda insanı enfekte edebilen bir virüs içeri girebilir. Hızlı iklim değişikliğinin
tif atıkların atmosfere salınmasının sonuçları ya da dünyanın kuzeyinde sorunsuz inşa edildiği düşünülen tüm şehirlerin yapılarını istikrarsızlaştırmanın mutlak gerçek tehlikesiyle ilgili hikayeler ve raporlar. Fransızların CNRS’den “dev virüsler” keşfedildiğinde verdiği uyarı: Hassas bir reseptör organizmasının varlığında, madenciliği ve petrol kaynakları nedeniyle ve
sorunları, küresel sağlık risklerinin ne olduğuna başka bir korkutucu boyut getirecek. 2012 yılında, Rusya Bilimler Akademisi’ndeki araştırmacılar yalnızca teorik varsayımlarla desteklenen ifadede kuzeydoğu permafrost bölgesinde bulunan 30.000 yıllık meyveden 30’dan fazla Silene stenophilla (beyaz tundra çiçekleri) yetiştirip çiçek açmayı başardılar. Aix-Marseille Üniversitesi’nden mikrobiyolog Jean M. Claverie, bu çalışmanın sonuçları hakkında yorum yaparak, “eğer bir bitkiyi yeniden doğurabilirsek, o zaman bir virüsü hayata döndürmemiz gerekecek” dedi. Ayrıca, ilgili meyvelerin bulunduğu yerde, yeniden canlanma potansiyeli olan iki virüsün tanımlandığı gerçeğine de atıfta bulunulabilinir Evet, belki ilerde küresel ısınmanın diğer etkileri hakkında çok endişe verici raporlar göreceğiz. Askeri projelerin terk edilmesinden sonra buzda terk edilen radyoak-
erişilebilirliği endüstriyel kullanımı bu fenomen tarafından kolaylaştırılan Kuzey Kutbu bölgelerinde, potansiyel olarak patojenik virüsleri yeniden canlandırmak için hala bulaşıcı bir kaç parçacık yeterli olabilir. Bu tür uyarıları ciddiye alıp almamak bize kalmıştır. Olmazsa bu senaryonun gerçeğe dönüşme riskini kabul ediyor muyuz? Belki alternatifi, gittikçe çılgın ve viral olan bu dünyada soğukkanlı kalabilmektir.
Omuzlarımda hissettiğim ağırlık ondan bana kalan en anlamlı yük olmuştu. Çok sevince, yük bile güzeldi elbet. Gözlerimi kapattım ve son konuşmamızdan sonra geçen iki ayı düşünmeye başladım. Oysaki gözlerimi kapatınca bir şeyler düşünmek çok zordu. Sadece onun gözlerini görüyor, beni bıraktığı için kızamıyordum bile. Bazen, nefret edebilmenin güzelliğini bile anlamalı insan. Sizi çok üzen ve üzmesine sürekli izin vereceğiniz birinden nefret edememek varlığınıza yaptığınız bir hakaret gibidir. Kalkıp bir şeyler yapmam gerekiyordu. Düşünmeye vaktim kalmaması için kendimi sürekli meşgul etmeye çalışıyordum. Kahveye çok sarmıştım mesela. Eskiden bir sütlü kahveyi zorla içerken, şimdi günde dört-beş defa sade kahve içiyorum. İhtiyacım vardı çünkü, evet çarpılmaya. Oradan bakınca zararlarını önemseyen biri gibi mi duruyorum? Birini kendinden çok seven biri, kendini ne kadar sevebilir ki? Her yudumda sancıyan bir hasret vardı ve onu körüklemek hoşuma gidiyordu. Mutfağa doğru yürürken, bugünün planını yapmaya çalışıyordum. Zaten saatlerdir dalgın olan kafamı sert bir şekilde dolabın kapağına çarptım. O haldeyken bile, aşk acısının daha baskın olduğunu fark edebiliyordum. Çünkü iflah olmazlık bunu gerektirirdi. Elimle kafamı tutup kahve makinesinin düğmesine bastım. Işığı yanmaya başladı, suyu bitmişti. Sürekli içtiğim halde suyunun bitmesine çok sinirlenip, makineye sitem ederek su ısıtıcısını çalıştırdım. Sanırım aksilikler beni daha çok sinirlendiriyor, sinirlenince ise daha sakar oluyordum. Hazır toz kahveyi suyla karıştırıp içmeye başladım. Pencereyi açıp sonbaharın serin havasının beni sakinleştirmesine izin verdim. Rüzgar, fincanı tuttuğum sıcak ellerimi okşarken, temiz havanın ve sessizliğin tadını da fincanıma ekleyerek içiyordum kahvemi. Fırtına öncesi son sessizlik olduğunu sonra anlayacaktım. Gözüm ağaçların yapraklarına daldığı sırada telefonum çaldı. Ekranda gördüğüm ismi muhtemelen kafamı çarptığım için yanlış görüyordum. Yoksa, iki aydır kaybolan adam, neden durup dururken arayacaktı? Bir süre ekrana baktıktan sonra açtım telefonu. Kulağıma götürdüm ama konuşamadım. Onun “alo?” sesi, beni çoktan sağır etmişti. Dünya dönmeyi bırakmıştı. Rüzgar dinmiş, kuşlar susmuştu. “Alo? Orada mısın?” Hayır Sefa, burada değilim. Ben burada olmayı çoktan bıraktım. Senin beni bıraktığın, unuttuğun yerde küllerimden yeniden doğmaya çalışıyorum… “Buradayım Sefa, efendim?” “Sana her şeyi anlatacağım Ahsen. Ama önce dinlenilmediğinden emin olmam gerekiyor. Evde misin bugün?” “Evet.” Gözüm, yıkılmak üzere olan eve kaydı. “Bir saate oradayım.” Ne demekti şimdi bu? Dinlenilmek mi? Mafya mı oldu bu adam? Belki acı çektirdiği için acır da vurur beni. Bir ölmediğim kalmıştı zaten. Bu saçma düşünceleri kovup yüzümü yıkamaya gittim. Şayet rüya ise, erkenden uyanayım… Devamı gelecek ay NEWS MAGAZINE
Baban Hayatını Kazanıyordu TA HIR M OLA
Baba; erkeklerde vücut gelişimi sonrasında, kadına ait doğurganlığa sahipliği ile birlikte, dünya’ya gelmiş bebeğe rol model olabilecek taraftaki kişidir. Baba, iyi yetişmiş asil soylu olabilir. Çocuğuna bakmak, her zamanı onunla doldurmak ve asaletli yetişmesine servet harcayan olabilir. Yoksul ve kimsesiz, adalet görmemişlerin de çocukları doğuyor. Öyle ki bebekler, dünya’ya eşit şartlarda gelemiyor. Zenginliği avantaj olarak yetiştirilenler, on sekizinde beş bin kelime hazinesine sahip. Yirmi birinci yaşında, dövüş sanatlarında teknikerdir. Yirmi beşinde, dünya’yı anlayıp yönetebilecek bilgi, beceri ve çeşitli donanıma sahip genç yetişkindir. Yüksek zümredendir. Sarayda eğlence, yemek ve dans gibi her türlü üstünlük içerisindedir. Zengin, fakir ikisi arasında rekabet mümkün mü? Nasıl olsun! Fakir, zenginin hizmetlisidir. Fakir, ekmeğini taştan çıkartmak zorundadır. Kışları yağmur, çamurda çalışıyor. Yazları güneş altında, yanıp kavrularak ama yine de “işleyen demir ışıldar” misali işliyor. Alt katmandadır. Basılmamak için baş eğer. Başını kaldırsa ne değişecek? Yüzyıl öncesinde, ağasına hizmet eden isimler unutulmuş. Sorsanız akıllarda kimseler var mı? Krallar, Henry, George... Padişah, Süleyman...hatıraları sayılabilir. Günümüz’deki krallık, kraliçelikler, yerinde dursun mu? Halklar için önemi var mı? Sembolik görünürlük müzeleştirilirse, kaynak aktarımındaki giderlerin bir havuzda toplanması demektir. Uluslararası düzeye yetişir, olağan zenginliği kullanmışların, gelecekteki yatırımı zimmetlerinden çıkartma zamanı gelmemiş mi? Kolonilik görmüş, ülkesindeki toprak altınNEWS MAGAZINE da saklanmış tarihi eserlerini koruyamamış yerlilere; sahiplik yapmış, güçler tarafından
gemiler ile kaçırılmış zenginlikleri gidip görebilme şansınız, müzeleri ziyaret etmekle olabilir. Mısır piramitlerinde mumyalaştırılmış krallar, saklamak sureti ile ilgili tabu kırılmış. Araştırma, amacına yönelik yeni deneyimleri geldikleri gibi giderken de beraberlerinde götürmüşler. Mısır piramitlerinin içi boşaltılmış, üzerindeki kesme taşlar duruyorsa, kaç paraya satın alınacak bilinmez. Hindistan, Kıbrıs... kolonizm görmüş geçirmiş. Babalarınızla övünüyorsunuz ki; Ingiltere Krallığındaki topraklarda, gezip yaşayabilmek, haklarından faydalanabilir belgesi verilmiş. Bu gurur vesilesi vatandaşlık hakkında, öğrenilecekler var. Boşuna hak davası verilmez. Baban, her şeyini çalışarak kazandı. Babam, ingiliz disiplini ile çalışmış. İdaresine hayranlık duymuş. Türkçe, İngilizce, Rumca konuşabiliyordu. Emekliliğinde, çalışma masasında gündelik gazete okuyor, bilmediği kelimeleri defterine not ediyor, elinin altında bulundurduğu sözlükten anlam çözümlüyor, yazılarını zevkle sayfalara dolduruyordu. Babamın ölümünün üzerinden on bir yıl geçti. Perşembe gecesi, saat dokuz, yirmi bir ocak iki bin on. Royal Free, hastahanesinin beşinci katında, üç kız kardeş babamızın çırpınışına, son nefesini verip odadaki siyah dumanın yükselişine, ruhunun bedeninden ayrılıp camdan uçup gitmesine şahitlik yaptık. Hayat ve ölüm çizgisi arasındaki zamanı iyi değerlendirmeli. Biz, canlılar olarak, kendinize bağışlanmış hayatı fakir, zenginlik ile ölçemeyiz. İmkânlar dahilinde kendi kendimizi doğru yetiştirip geliştirelim. Bu dünya sultan Süleymana dahi kalmamış.
80 lerde moda olan ve uzun zamandır görmediğimiz vatka modasi tekrardan geri döndü. Vatka yumuşak sünger üzeri bezle kaplıdır. Kullanilmasinin amaçı kullanıldığı ürünü daha da gösterişli kilmak. Kıyafetlerde bonelerde ve ayhakkabarda kullanılır. Ayakkabılarda kullanilmasinin amacı topuğu vurması için kullanılan vatka çıkarılıp takılabilir. Kıyafetlerde ise gösterişli olmasından ötürü kullanılırlar. Geniş omuzlu kişilerin vatkalı kıyafetleri tercih ediceklerse az vatkalı yada hiç kullanmamalıdır. Basen leğen kemiği geniş üst tarafı zayıf olanların kullanması daha mantıklıdır orantılı bir görüntü saglar.
Vatkalar kazaklar, gelinlik, gömlek, elbise, ceket, kaban gibi bir çok üründe karsılaşmaktayız. İhtişamlı bir görüntü veren vatkalı kıyafetlerinizi kombinlerken daha minimal canta e aksesuarlar seçmelisiniz ki vatkalı kıyafetinizin ihtişamlılığına gölge düşmesin, tek göze çarpan kıyafetiniz olsun.
Vatkalı elbiselerde bu sezon çok moda şıklığınızdan ödün vermediğiniz davetlerinizde siyah mus çorapla tercih edebilirsiniz. Kış sezonunda en çok kullanılan sweetshirtlerde vatkaya rastlıyoruz. Sweetshirtun altına giydiğiniz yüksel bel pantolonunuz tam tarzınızı yansıtacak. Bu sezonda çok hit olan vatkalı crop bluzlarınızla kalem yırtmaçlı deri eteklerinizi NEWS MAGAZINE 55 kombinleyebilirsiniz. Önümüzdeki sezonda da vatkalı tişörtleri göreceğiz Şıklığından ödün vermeyen kadınların en çok tercih edeceği model.
BİR KIŞ GEC Bir dost meclisinin o muhabbet hâlesi Genişler de genişler Halka halka buğu buğu En karanlık saatlerinde Mavimtırak ayazlı bir kış gecesinin Genişler de genişler Dışarıda sesler susar Ağaçlar üşür Sular donar Yıldızlar tiril tiril Gökyüzü berrak mavi Gökyüzü üşür Saatler ilerler Tütün tütün savrulur Yürek yangını derken Varşova’nın üstüne Gece ilerler de ilerler Kuzey koyulaşır Kuzey derinleşir “Kader yine gelen bora halinde zorludur” Sonra bir ay yükselir Varşova’nın göğüne Dar gelir dünya on an Yıldızlar elinde gül destedir senin Dünya dar gelir Sonsuzluğa susamış bir susuzlukla sen Yıldızlar nokta nokta küçülür Yıldızlar kum tanesi Kâinat dar gelir Ki sen toz kanatlı bir kelebeksin ancak Camları delmeye çalışan
Toz kanatlı bir kelebeksin ancak Camlar ki buzdan Saatler üşür Sessizlik üşür Sessizlik donarken dışarıda Sen alev alev yangınlardasın * Güneyli sesler sonra Yanardağlardan kopan lavlar gibi sımsıcak Güneyli sesler sonra Hatıralar arasından Hatıralar sımsıcak Sımsıcak ısıtır Kuzey şehrinin ayazlı gecesini Acı kemanların çıldıran feryatları gibi Güneyli sesler sonra Yürek yangınından kopan vaveylalar Kuzeyin mavisine karışır Gözyaşı buğu buğu Hüzün tütün tütün dumanlanır Kuzey katmerleşir * Varşova üşür Yıldızlar titreşir Ay üşür Ve Canan ki gündüzleri gelmez Ah Canan ki gündüzleri görünmez hiç Ancak mavisinde görünür ayazlı gecelerin O esrarlı mavisinde gecelerin Donduran bir yalnızlık içinde Gözyaşlarıyla dirilen canan görünür Canan ki ayazlı gecelerin göğünde pırıl pırıl nur\
CESİ RÜYASI “Kader yine gelen bora halinde zorludur” Ah, yine zorludur Niye zorludur Ne çıkar Dağlar nasıl bakarsa siyah ufka öyle bakacaksın işte Arslan gibi kayıtsız kal belaya Arslan gibi vakur * Gece öyle güzeldir şimdi Öyle güzel işte Zaman donsun istersin öyle güzel işte Hiç geçmesin istersin saatler, öyle güzel işte Saatler bir gül açılan yaprak yaprak Saatler sona ermesin Hiç bitmesin istersin, öyle güzel işte Saatler öyle güzel duman duman mavi Her şey öyle güzel Hey şey öyle yerli yerinde Tozlu zaman perdesi gerisinde Dostlar öyle güzel Kalp öyle güzel Gönül öyle aydınlık Kafa öyle güzel Gök öyle güzel Yıldızlar öyle güzel Her şey bir güzellik anının esrarıyla sarhoş işte Dakika öyle güzel Gece öyle güzel Dostlar öyle güzel Kâinat öyle güzel Atomlar öyle güzel
İstanbul öyle güzel Sen öyle güzel Kış öyle güzel Yaz öyle güzel Keder öyle güzel Kuzey öyle güzel Saz öyle güzel Söz öyle güzel Ses öyle güzel Azap öyle tatlı Sen öyle güzel Boğaz öyle güzel Gök öyle güzel Her şey gökten yana Yıldızlar öyle güzel Mavi öyle güzel Her şey kuzeye doğru Kuzey öyle güzel * Bir rüyadan arta kalan Her ne varsa Bir esrarlı anın güzelliğinden kalan Kuzeyden kalan her ne varsa Hey şey öyle kuzey Her şey öyle tatlı Her şey öyle güzel * Her şey bir hüzün denizde Dalga dalga mavi Her şey bir hüzün denizinde Dalga dalga güzel Sarhoşluk öyle güzel Ayıklık öyle güzel Rüyalar öyle güzel Uyumak öyle güzel Uyanmamak öyle güzel “Varsın bu rüyadan dil-i bitâp uyanmasın”
Hoşçakal Sana “Aşk” besliyorum, sanma. Hoşçakal! O yollardan, çoktan geçtim. Deli dolu günlerimde, umutlar aradım. Değmeyecek insanlara aldandım. Acemilik zamanlarımda kaybettim. En, “değerlim”, olmaktan ziyade; Eğlence aracı gibi kullanılmışım. Yaralarım kapanmışken, sen de git. Yalnızlık ile karanlıktan korkmamayı; Kendi başıma, büyümeyi ögrendim. Yanmaz ateşlerden, külsüz ocaklardan uzaklaştım. Sen de lütfen, düşünme. Seni seviyorum, sana aşk besliyorum. Aklına bile getirme. Su tadında, aş kıvamında, lezetti tamamen damağımda. Kendi hislerimden başka bir de, O gizemli mabete ulaşmalıyım. Basit insan, yavan tat istemiyorum. Düşünmeyen, anlamayan körpecik; Sen de, üzülebilirsin ama gitmelisin. Evime, odama bakma. Bendeki benle, kalamazsın. Kum taneli kulelerden geçtim. Pırıltılı, ışıldayan yıldızlarlayım. Dünya’daki, kader yarışıma, meydan okumuşum. Sen de, peşimden gelme. Kuş uçmaz, kervan geçmez. Deniz, dalgalansa da taşmaz. Deprem olsa, aklım sarsılmaz. Ama sen yapamazsın. Sana ne söylesem inanmazsın. Kabaca, basma kalıp, yaban. Anlarsan, anlarsın yoksa, Hoşçakal. NEWS MAGAZINE
aşadığım şehir Varşova’da o kadar çok sumak ağacı var ki parklarda, bahçelerde, yol kenarlarında her an karşılaşmak mümkün bu güzelim ağaçlarla. Sumak, sonbaharda sararmak yerine alevli bir pembe turuncuya döndü ve bu rengiyle şu an en fark edilir ağaçlarından biri oldu şehrin. Meşhur “ Merdiven” “Durur alev gibi dallarda kanlı bülbüller” mısrası en çok sumak ağacının alev turuncusu dallarında çiçek açıyor şimdi. Ama sanki bu şehirde çoğu kimse sumağın ne tür bir bitki olduğunun çok farkında değil gibi. Ağaçlardan sumak toplayanı görmedim. Salkımlar dallarda olduğu gibi kalıyor ve sonbaharda ağaçların üstünde çürüyorlar.
Her neyse, şaka bir tarafa, sesi neyi çağrıştırırsa çağrıştırsın ama rengi enfes bir renk, tavşankanı çay renginden biraz daha açık. Ekşisi insanın hoşuna gidecek bir tatta. Usandırmıyor. Yüzü ağzı burmuyor. Lıkır lıkır içilecek cinsten bir ekşi. İştah acısı ve ferahlatıcı. Yapması çok kolay: Bir salkım sumağı bir cezvede bir taşım kaynatmak. Kaynarken de bir çatalla salkımı biraz ezmek... İçine istenirse biraz zencefil doğranabilir, birkaç karanfil veya bir çubuk tarçınla güzel bir rayiha da verilebilir. Soğuduktan sonra süzüp, isteyen biraz bal katabilir... Sumak aslında çok şifalı bir bitkiymiş. Google dedeye sorunca neler neler söylemedi ki: Evvela, antivürüs etkisi çok fazla. Şu dünyayı kasıp kavuran Corona virüsüne karşı çok etkili olduğu söyleniyor. Sonra anne sütünü mucizevi artırıyormuş, çok güçlü bir antioksidan olduğu için tüm kanser türlerine karşı ve kalp damar ve kronik hastalıklara faydalı, ateş düşürücü özelliğiyle, grip, soğuk algınlığı ve enfeksiyonlara karşı etkiliymiş. Diyabetliler için de yararlı bir kan şekeri düşürücü. Bakteri ve mantarlara da iyi geliyormuş bundan dolayı da enfeksiyon hastalıklarına karşı faydalıymış. Boğaz ağrısı, öksürük gibi rahatsızlıkları da önlüyormuş. Ayrıca, idrar yolları enfeksiyonları karşı koruyucu ve güçlü bir idrar söktürücü. Dahası, tansiyonu, kolesterolü düşürücü etkisi varmış. …. Daha o kadar çok fayda yazıyor ki her gün içesi geliyor insanın bu faydaları okudukça. Her ne kadar faydalı da olsa, her şeyin fazlası zarar olabilir. Benden söylemesi. Her neyse, şifası şusu busu… Lezzet için olmasa da şifa niyetine de ara sıra içmek lazım. Sumakata benim için yepyeni bir içecek... Üşenmeyip deneyenlere afiyet olsun.
Sumak baharat olarak kullanılan bir bitki veya ağaç aslında. Geçen elimde üniversitenin bahçesinden koparttığım bir salkım sumağı kütüphaneciye gösterdim. Ben söylemeden “sumak” dedi. Türkiye’de bundan güzel baharat yapılıyor deyince şaşırdı. Burada sadece süs ağacı olarak yetiştiriyorlarmış. Sumaktan ekşi yapıldığını söyleyince o daha çok şaşırdı. Çok lezzetli bir ekşi dedim. Benim mutfakta her zaman ablamların kendi bahçelerinden yapıp gönderdikleri bir iki şişe sumak ekşisi ve bir iki kavanoz toz halinde baharatı bulunur dedim. Dolma ve salatalarda çok güzel olur. Bu sene burada mahalledeki ağaçlardan biraz toplayıp kaynattım, bir küçük kavanoz ekşi yaptım. Birkaç salkım kuruttum. Ara sıra “sumakata” yapıyorum. Sumakata benim verdiğim bir isim, bu arada. Limondan limonata oluyorsa, sumaktan da neden sumakata olmasın. Gerçi “u” ve “a”’nın birbirini takip edişi uzak doğu sporları ismi gibi bir sese dönüştürüyor sumakata’yı. Olsun. “Heeey, sumakata sumakata heeyt. Çek bir sumakata... Liomanata değil sumakata sumakata”... Belasını arayan birisinin bağırışlarında sumakata sesi... NEWS MAGAZINE
Mantarlı Risotto Malzemeler •250 Gr Taze Mantar (Buyuk Dogranmis) •1 Buyuk Soğan (İnce Dogranmis) •2 Dis İnce Dogranmis Sarimsak •400 Gr Risotto Pirinci (2 Su Bardagi) •5-6 Yemek Kasigi Zeytinyagi •Yemek Kasigi Tereyagi •½ Su Bardagi Beyaz Sarap •½ Su Bardagi Rendelenmiş Parmesan Peyniri •1 Lt Sicak Tavuk Veya Kemik Suyu (Veya Sebze Suyu) •Tuz •Karabiber •Uzerini süslemek için taze maydanozda tercih edebilirsiniz taze fesleğende veya taze kekikte ince kiyilmis olacak. (Ben taze kekik kullandim)
RUKIYE KARA İtalya yemek kültürünün önemli bir parçası olan risotto pirinci ilk olarak 14. yüzyılda Napoli bölgesinde yetiştirildi. O dönemlerdeki kitaplarda pirincin daha çok süt, seker ve baharatlarla hazırlanan bir lapa çorbası şeklinde yapıldığını yazar. Ancak 18. yüzyıla kadar ortalıklarda risottonun gercek tarifi yoktur, ilk olarak son haline yakın şeklinin Milano’da başladığı söylenir. Milano yaklaşık 200 yıl İspanya egemenliğinde kaldı. Slow cooking (yavaş pişirilme) tekniğinin bu etkilenmeden dolayı geliştiği söylenir.
Yapılışı: İrice doğradığımız mantarları 7-8 dk kadar kızgın tavada veya tencerede az zeytinyağında soteliyoruz, mantarınızın cinsine göre su bırakma durumu olacaktır. Eğer fazla su bıraktıysa sudan arındırıyoruz ve mantarlarımızı bir kenara ayırıyoruz. Soğanları ekliyoruz ve soğanların renkleri saydamlaşana kadar kavurun. Ardından sarımsakları ekleyin, 2-3 çevirerek tahta kaşık ile kavurduktan sonra pirinci ekleyin ve pirinçler tane tane ayrılana dek kavurun. Çok dikkat etmek gerekiyor çünkü çok kavrulur ise sonucuda iyi olmayacaktır. Üzerlerine şarabı dokun ve karıştırın. Ardından 1 çorba kepçesi yardımıyla pirinç iyice suyunu çekene kadar ve pirinç üstüne çıkına kadar et suyundan ekleyin. İlk kepçe et suyu ve akabinde ikinci kepçe suyundan hemen sonra sotelenmiş mantarlarımızı ekleyelim. Tahta bir kaşıkla karıştırmaya başlayın ve karıştırmaya devam edin. Pirinç et suyunu çekmeden diğer kepçeyi eklemeyin ve her et suyunun çekilmesinden sonra tadına bakarak et suyu eklemesine devam edin. Pirinç iyice yumuşadığında ateşin altını kısın ve baharatlayın (tuz, karabiber). Tereyağını ekleyin ve tavanın tutma kulbundan ileri geri hızlı şekilde tereyağını yedirin ve hemen bir avuç parmesan ekleyin. İleri geri hareketi tekrarlayın ve parmesanın da yedirildiğinden emin olun. Hareketi yapmakta zorlanırsanız tahta kaşıkla karıştırarakta yedirebilirsiniz. Tereyağı ve parmesan pirinçlerin birbirlerine bağlama görevindedir. İkinci görevi de lezzeti farklı bir noktaya taşır. Yenilmeye hazır olan risotto olabildiğince sıcak servis edilmelidir ve servis edilirken üzerine 2-3 tutam parmesan peyniri gezdirip ince doğranmış sonra da parmesanı üzerine serpiştirin. Üzerine ince kıyılmış tercih ettiginiz taze yeşillikten de serpiştirerek servis yapabilirsiniz. 1 Porsiyon Mantarli Risotto 270 Kcal’dir.
Kremalı Tavuk çorbası
Yapılışı: Tavuk etini suda haşlayıp didikleyelim. Tavuk suyunu tencereye alıp kaynatalım. İçine tel şehriyeleri ilave edip şehriyeler yumuşayana kadar ara ara karıştırarak pişirelim. Bir kâseye kavrulmuş unu ve kremayı koyup iyice karıştıralım. Üzerine çorbanın suyundan bir kepçe ilave edip karıştıralım. Pürüzsüz bir kıvam aldığında karıştırarak çorbaya ilave edelim ve çorbamızı kıvam alana kadar pişirelim. Kıvamını alan çorbaya sadece yaprakları doğranmış maydanozu, limon suyunu, karabiberi, pul biberi ve tuzu ilave edip karıştıralım.
•1 adet tavuk but (parçalanmış), •8 su bardağı tavuk suyu, •Yarım su bardağı tel şehriye, •1 yemek kaşığı kavrulmuş un, •4 yemek kaşığı süt kreması (tercihen), •1 tutam maydanoz, •1 tatlı kaşığı silme pul biber, •1 çay kaşığı karabiber (tercihen), •Yarım limon suyu (tercihen), •Tuz.
1 kâse Kremalı Tavuk Çorbası 60 kcal’dir.
Beef Wellington Malzemeler Bonfile (siniri ve yağı alınmış) 800 gr Füme et 200 gr Ceviz 100 gr Hardal 40 gr Mantar 200 gr Tane Karabiber 20 gr Deniz tuzu 20 gr Z.Yağı 40 gr Milföy 3 paket 2 yumurta sarısı
Yapılışı Bonfile Zeytinyağı, tuz, karabiber ovulur. 3 dk hızlı ateşte mühürlenir. Çıkan etin suyu mantar ile kavrulur. Rondodan geçirilir. Mühürlenmiş bonfileye hardal sürülüp üzerine ceviz atılır. Çözünmüş milföyler merdane ile açılır. Füme etler milföyün üzerine dizilir. Mühürlenmiş bonfile rondodan geçirdiğimiz mantar ile milföye sarılır. Füme etin üstüne konup sarılır. Milföy etin her yerini kaplayacak şekilde sarılır. Daha sonra Zeytinyağı sürülür. Milföy üstüne daha sonra yumurta sarısı eklenir. 180 derece de 20 dk fırınlanıp üzeri kızardıktan sonra dilimlenir. Not! En önemlisi eti mühürleme aşamasında hızlı ateşte suyunun kaçmamasındır. Görünüşü o kadar güzel yapımı da bir hayli zor olan Beef welligton isminden mi bilinmez biraz göz korkusu verir. Klasikler arasında yerini koruyan tam bir lezzet bombasıdır. Mühürlenmiş suyu içine hapsetmiş bonfile mantar ve füme etle üstünü zarifçe serilen milföy ile birlikte lezzetini Nirvana’ya çıkarmasına yetiyor. Yüksek ateşte etin kenarlarında üstüne, altına ve her yerini mühürleyip suyun içine hapsetmek en önemli noktasıdır. Milföy’ü streç filmin üzerine serin. Biraz donuksa merdane ile açabilirsiniz. Piştikten sonra biraz bekleyip dilimleyerek servis edebiliriz.
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