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Nº4 APRIL 2020
















Editor In Chief Esra Kanbur Editor Dr. Osman Komurcu Website Instagram @the_hall_news Facebook /thehallnews Twitter @the_hall_news YouTube /CorridorTV

EDITOR’S LETTER Hoşgeldiniz! Welcome!

Esra Kanbur Editor-In-Chief Baş Editör

Dear Readers, Sevgili Okurlar, I proudly present to you our April edition. This month Nisan ayımızı gururla sunarız. Bu ay Ramazan ve we wanted to highlight the miracle of faith where Paskalya’nın aynı zaman dilimi içine denk gelme Ramadan and Easter coincidently fall on the same olayını vurgulamak istedik. Corona virüsü salgını month. With the Corona Virus pandemic breathing boyunlarımızda nefes alırken, hem Vatikan hem de on our necks, both the Vatican and the holy Mecca kutsal Mekke, ibadet için bir araya gelen insanların have experienced fewer crowds of people coming yokluğunu yaşadı. İlk defa gerçekçi bir kapak dizaynı together for worship. We have emerged the two images tasarlarken, ön kapağımız için boş kalan kutsal of the empty squares for our front cover, having mekanların görüntüsünü kullandık. Bir inzivaya created our first realistic cover art. The world hits the çekilme ve kendi kendine tecrit aşamasına girerken pause button, as we enter a phase of seclusion and dünya duraklama düğmesine basıyor ve evlerinde self-isolation, however, the communication between kalan insanlar arasındaki iletişim büyüleyici bir people has been overwhelmingly creative, take Italy şekilde yaratıcı fikirler getirdi. Örneğin insanlar for example, how they played the guitar and sang İtalya’da evlerinin balkonlarında gitar çalarken from their balconies to one another, London last week birbirlerine şarkılar söylediklerini, Londra’da geçen joining in on the applause to the NHS from their hafta akşam saatlerinde pencerelerden NHS ‘ e windows. It is an emotional time for everyone, some alkışlarla destek ve şükran sunan sakinleri gördük. losing their loved ones and others finding the courage Herkes için duygusal bir zamandı. to connect in unique ways. Bazıları sevdiklerini kaybederken diğerleri benzersiz It is a time that reminds us of the little pleasures in yollarla bağlantı kurma cesaretini buldu. Bir fincan life such as going out for a cup of coffee. Much small kahve için dışarı çıkmak gibi hayattaki küçük zevkleri business has had to let their employees go, opted into hatırlatan bir zamandır. Çok sayıda küçük işletme, the government scheme to survive this hurricane. çalışanlarının gitmesine izin vermek zorunda kaldı. What will life be like after this quarantine period? Bu ekonomik darboğazdan kurtulmak için hükümetin Will life as we know it, still be waiting for us, or destek planını seçti. Bu karantina döneminden sonra will we see our lives reshape in front of our eyes. hayat nasıl olacak? Bildiğimiz gibi hayat bizi bekliyor Something is cooking outside of our front doors, ya da hayatlarımızın gözlerimiz önünde yeniden brewing and resting for us to delve into. şekillendiğini görebiliriz. As the month of Ramadan teaches us patience and Dışarıda veya ön kapıda bir şeyler pişiyor, dinlenmek gratitude, perhaps being home is the biggest gift we veya demlenmek için belki. İşte ramazan ayı; bize could have received, we have accumulated some things sabır ve minnet öğrettiğinden, belki de evde olmak, you can do while at home, an article on the meaning of alabileceğimiz en büyük hediyedir. Evdeyken Ramadan and our food section presents to you a few yapabileceğiniz bazı şeyler biriktirdik. Ramazan’ın ideas for iftar. We have also introduced new sections anlamı ve yemek bölümümüz size bir iftar için birkaç into our magazine: interior design and fashion. So you seçenek. Dergimize yeni bölümler de ekledik: iç can stay fancy and stay safe! tasarım ve moda. Böylece neşeli kalın, güvende kalın !





Kudüs bir zamanlar Yahudiler, Hristiyanlar ve Müslümanlar tarafından sonsuza dek kendi dinlerinin kutsal şehri olarak iddia edilen ve dünyanın merkezi olarak kabul gören yerdi…




ilindiği üzere Kudüs’de , dünyanın en saygın yerlerinden biri olarak üç büyük inancın kutsal beldesi: Ağlama Duvarı, Kutsal Kabir Kilisesi ve Mescid-i Aksa. Müzeler, ibadet yerleri ve çok kültürlü topluluklar Kudüs’ü eşsiz bir yer haline getirirken tarihi duyguları uyandırarak gelen ziyaretçilerin hayatında en az bir kez bu güzellikleri görmesine değer bir turistik yer. Akdeniz ile Ölü Deniz arasında kayalık bir burnun üzerinde yer alan Kudüs, beş bin yıllık sarsıntılı bir tarihe sahip, şehir iki kez yok edildi, 23 kez kuşatıldı ve onlarca saldırı yapıldı. Kudüs uzun tarihinde Altın Şehir, Kutsal Şehir, İsrail Ülkesi, Davut Şehri veya Barış Şehri olarak adlandırılan ve aynı zamanda bugün Filistin ve Israil halklarının politik duruşundan dolayı her iki idarenin Kudüs’ü başkent olarak ilan etmesi , bu beldeyi uluslararası stratejik öneme sahip kılarken sorunlu bir yer olarak devam etmesine sebep dolmuştur. İsrail Devleti Kudüs’ ü sonsuza dek Yahudi halklarının sahip olduğu eşsiz ve bölünmez başkent olarak görüyor. Yahudiler için söz verilen toprakların, Hz.İbrahim’in Hz.İshak’ı, Hz.Davut’un zaferini ve Hz.Süleyman Tapınağı’nı feda etmek istediği yerdeki ulusal ve dini merkez üssüdür. Hristiyanlar için Hz.İsa’nın yeryüzündeki son günlerinin, Kutsal Akşam Yemeği’nin, çarmıha gerilmenin ve dirilişin şehri. Müslümanlar için, Mekke ve Medine’den sonra Hz. Muhammed’in cennete yükseldiği üçüncü kutsal yer. Kutsal yerler, tarihi anıtlar ve eski pitoresk mahalleleri ile Kudüs aynı zamanda 800 binden fazla nüfusu ile önemli bir yüksek teknoloji ve akademik merkeze sahip modern bir şehirdir. Modern kısım, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman döneminde, on altıncı yüzyılda inşa edilen eski kalenin duvarlarının önünde kuzeye, batıya ve güneye uzanır.

1947’de BM Kudüs’ün uluslararası bir statüye sahip olduğunu ilan edince bu yeni durumla Kutsal Şehrin İsrail veya Filistin egemenliğine tabi olmadığı anlamına geliyordu, ancak 1949’da Başbakan David Ben Gurion, Kudüs’ün İsrail Devleti’nin başkenti olacağına karar versede bu değişiklik uluslararası topluluk tarafından tanınmadı. Bugünkü Kudüs’ün sınırları, “altı günlük savaştan” sonra, şehircilik kıstaslarına göre değil, stratejik kriterler üzerine kurulmuştur. İsrail Kudüs’ün doğu kesimini ilhak etmesinden sonra, 1967’de, güneyde yeni Gilo ve Har Homa mahalleleri, kuzey ve kuzeybatısında ise Ramot, Ramat-Eskol ve Ghivat Karfatit’in, kuzeydoğusunda Neve Yakov ve Pisgat Zeev inşa edildi. Heterojen bir şehir olarak Günümüz Kudüs , çoğu kentin batısında Eski Kent’in Yahudi mahallesinde bulunan yarım milyondan fazla Yahudi ve Eski Şehir tarafında ise çoğunluğu müslüman Araplardan oluşan yaklaşık 220 bin insan yaşamaktadır. Bu belde her ne kadar geleneksel olarak dört alana bölünmüş olsa da: Yahudi, Hıristiyan, Ermeni ve Müslüman olmasına rağmen, hâlâ çoğunlukla Arap Müslüman nüfusu yaşıyor. 1981’de Kudüs’ün Eski Şehri, UNESCO tarafından insanlığın evrensel bir mirası olarak kabul edildi. 2000’ den fazla arkeolojik alana sahip ve olağanüstü değerli eserleri barındıran 60 kadar müze var. Şehir ayrıca nezih otellerle çok iyi bir turizm altyapısına sahiptir ve her yıl büyük dini etkinliklere, festivallere, önemli kültürel ve sanatsal etkinliklere katılmak için gelen milyonlarca turist tarafından ziyaret edilmektedir. Ancak Yahudi dini tarafından kutlanan Şabat’ı unutmamalısınız. Cuma günleri, saat 16.00’dan akşam 19.00’a kadar toplu taşıma yoktur. Mağazalar ve restoranlar kapanırken ziyaretçiler için zaman adeta durmaktadır. NEWS MAGAZINE


Kudüs’e girmek için geçerli bir pasaport gereklidir ve turistler sadece üç ay boyunca kesintisiz burada kalabilirken daha uzun kalmak isteyenler Israil İçişleri Bakanlığı’ndan onay almalıdır. Turistler ve diplomatlar özel bir form doldurup İsrail’den ayrıldıktan sonra, Mısır veya Ürdün hariç, Müslüman bir ülkeye seyahat etmek isterlerse, pasaportta değil, bu formda vize için başvuru yapmalıdır. Aksi takdirde Arap ülkelerinin yetkilileri tarafından reddedilme riski vardır. Eski Kent’teki kutsal yerler: Bin yıl boyunca, Kudüs’ün kutsal yerleri, kendi duaları ile yönetilen dini topluluklarda yaşamın ritmini sürdürerek dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen ve kalıntıların manevi önemi ne olursa olsun her şeyi görmek isteyen turistlerle doludur. Kudüs’ün Eski Şehrindeki en önemli dini yerlerden biri olan Tapınak Dağı, en az beş din için yükseliyor: Yahudilik, İslam, Hıristiyanlık ve Roma’nın çok tanrılı kültleri için. Har Habait Yahudileri ve Müslümanlar tarafından Şerif Haram tapınağı olarak adlandırılan Tapınak Dağı’nda, Yahudi Tapınağı’nın sarayını çevrelemek için Kral Herod tarafından inşa edilen duvarın bir kalıntısı olan Batı Duvarı veya İki Bin yıllık Ağlama Duvarı vardır. Osmanlı egemenliği sırasında Yahudiler için önemli bir hac yeri haline geldi. Eski Şehir 1967’de İsrail ordusu tarafından işgal edildikten ve İsrail kontrolü altına alındıktan sonra, yetkililer Fas mahallesinin yıkılmasını emretti ve Duvarın önüne büyük bir meydan kuruldu. Burası, Yahudi inananların mozaik ibadet veya Bar Mitzvah törenleri vesilesiyle dua için her gün toplandıkları yerdir. Duvar aynı zamanda İsrail Devleti halkları için bir sığınak ve tüm inançlardan yüzbinlerce turist için bir cazibe merkezi. Duvara erişim ücretsizdir, ancak başlar örtülerken kıyafet ve davranış uygun olmalıdır. Herkes burada dua etmek ve duvardaki olaşan çatlaklara not bırakmak ister. Yılda iki kez, tüm notlar çıkarılıp yakılır ve duvardaki duaların kabul edildiği söylenir. NEWS MAGAZINE


Müslümanlar ise Şerif Al Burak terimi ile atıfta bulunup burayı Hz. Muhammed’in devesi Burak’ı cennete yükselmeden önce bağladığı yer olarak bilinir. Tapınak Dağı’ndaki dini kompleksde, Yahudiler tarafından ibadet edilen duvarın yakınında, Kudüs’teki en büyük cami olan ve bahçesinde 5000’ den fazla insanı barındırabilen Mescid-i Aksa Camii bulunmaktadır. Al-Aksa, Halife Abd al-Malik tarafından 7. yüzyılın sonunda inşa edilen, dünyanın en eski işlevsel İslami yapısıdır. Kubbenin dikildiği taş yönünde, kıblenin Mekke’ye çevrilmeden önce geçmişte Müslümanlar için ilk dua edilen yöndür. Eski Kudüs’ün kalabalık ve bükülmüş sokakları arasında, Ecce Homo Manastırı’ndan Kutsal Kabir Kilisesi’ne giden Via Dolorosa, Acı Yolu veya Haç Yolu bulunmaktadır. Hıristiyan geleneğine göre, Kurtarıcı’nın çarmıha gerilmesine yol açtığı, yargılamadan başlayıp gömülmesiyle sona eren yoldur. Bugün, Hristiyan hacılar ve turistler, tüccarların standları ile hacıların 14 istasyonu arasındaki dar sokaklarda her biri önemli bir anı anan 500 metrelik yürüyüşler yaparlar. Her istasyon bir plaka üzerinde Roma rakamları ile işaretlenmiştir. İlk istasyon Pilatus’un Kurtarıcıyı ölüme mahkum ettiği yerdir, ikincisi Hz. İsa’nın çarmıha gerildiği haçın kendisine verildiği anı işaretler. Ardından yol, Pilatus’un Hz.İsa’yı kalabalığa gösterdiği Ecce Homo adlı bir yay oluşturur. Üçüncü istasyon, Hz.İsa’nın ilk önce haç ağırlığı altında düştüğü yer, dördüncüsü ise Meryem ve oğlu arasındaki toplantının yapıldığı yer, beşinci sırada Hz.İsa’nın eli bir duvara basıldı. Altıncı sırada Hz.İsa imgesi ter ile silindi, yedinci sırada Kurtarıcı’nın ikinci düşüşü oldu, sekizincisinde Hz.İsa yas tutanları teselli etti ve dokuzuncu Hz.İsa üçüncü kez düştü. Son 5 istasyon, Kutsal Diriliş Kilisesi olarak da adlandırılan Kutsal Kabir Kilisesi’nin içindedir. Buraya inşa edilen ilk kilise 614 yılında Persler tarafından yakılmış, daha sonra Modestus tarafından yeniden inşa edilmiş, 1009’da halife

Al-Hakim Bin-Amr tarafından yok edilmiş, 12. yüzyılda Haçlılar tarafından yeniden inşa edilmiş ve tekrar tekrar yenilenmiştir.

Aziz Luke Hz.İsa’nın çarmıha gerildiği, büyüdüğü ve gömüldüğü tepe olan Golgota Hristiyanlar tarafından ibadet edilen bir hac yeridir. Bugün kilise Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi’nin katedralidir ve dini hizmet için burada Doğu Ortodoks kiliseleri, Doğu Ortodoks ve Roma Katolik kiliselerinde yapılmaktadır. Ortodoks Paskalya vesilesiyle, inananlar Hristiyanlar tarafından her yıl tanıklık edilen en eski mucize olarak kabul edilen Büyük Şabat’ta gerçekleşen Kutsal Işık mucizesinin tadını çıkarırlar. Dördüncü yüzyıldan beri çeşitli yazılarda tanımlanmış olmasına rağmen, mucize, Rus keşiş Daniel’in yazılarında bahsedildiği 1106’dan itibaren sistematik Rockefeller Arkeoloji Müzesi, 1930’larolarak belgelenmeye başladı. da İngilizler tarafından kurulan ve Amerikan milyonerinin cömert katkısıyla İsKudüs Müzeleri rail’deki en büyük ve en etkileyici arkeoloji müzelerinden biridir. Bir çam ormanında, sakin bir tepede David’in Kulesi, üç bin yıldan fazla ‘Yad Vashem Soykırım Müzesi’ yer alır. Yahudi tarihini sunan Kudüs Tarih MüzeYahudi tarihinin en karanlık dönemini si, Menchem Begin Center Müzesi İsrail’i ayrıntılı olarak sunan İkinci Dünya Savaşı özgürleştirmenin kahramanı ve modern sırasında Yahudilerin kitlesel imhası olan devletin kuruluşuna adanmıştır ve MezHolokost’a adanmış en önemli müzedir. mur Müzesi dünyanın en orijinal müzelerinden biridir. NEWS MAGAZINE


Sanatçı Moshe Tzvi Berger, Eski Ahit mezmurlarının çoğunun yorumlarını yaptı ve dünyada kaçırmamanız gereken eşsiz bir resim koleksiyonu yarattı. İsraillilerin farklı kültürlerden gelen çeşitli yemekleri var, ancak en eski yaya caddesi Ben Yahuda’ya ulaşırsanız, burada falafel yemeyi, ekmek ve salata ile servis edilen kızarmış tavuk külçelerini kaçırmamalısınız. Lezzetli kebap, tshulnt denilen geleneksel güveç, burekas - peynir ve ıspanakla doldurulmuş turtalar.




The original name for a vegan sprung in 1994 as ‘non-dairyvegetarian,’ which is the literal meaning. Sometimes the philosophy of Veganism is confused with vegetarianism, this diet is more than an eating habit; it is a way of life. At first glance, it may seem as if this reform is a limitation on food choices, however, once the taboo is broken, the possibilities are endless.

In a nutshell, Veganism is staying away from animal products, most commonly in diets, less commonly this philosophy of abstaining from products that exclude animal as an ingredient is extended to all items consumed and used. Similarly, Vegetarianism is the elimination of animal meat consumption, however, it still includes animal products in the diet such as dairy.

Global Veganism

This “meat-free pie-” chart represents the ratio of meat-eaters, vegetarians, pescatarians and vegans in the UK (2020). There is no surprise to find the majority enjoys a fried chicken and pot roast beef. However, there is a nice slice of selected eaters who are pushing the barriers. Despite being a fairly new diet, vegans are making a statement. Right now there are 75,3000,000 vegans, making up 0.1% of the world.




GAN Cruelty-Free Beauty

Fur Fashion Sake

We do not think about this factor of cosmetics when we are applying foundation, mascara, and eyeliner onto our face. However, making a simple switch to vegan make-up can make the biggest impact. You might be thinking, hang on a minute, I’m not eating the make-up so what’s the point? Here is where animal rights come into action; in this instance, animals are taken out of their habitat and get tested on with chemicals, cream and formulas. This is known as animal cruelty as sometimes they show great allergic reactions and side effects as a result of this. Purchasing and choosing beauty products and makeup that have cruelty –free sticker on it can help fight this cause.

The first-ever Vegan Fashion Week took place in February 2019, where millions of people on social media applauded. The clothes are made from recycled plastic, paper and PVC. Peta: People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals, is a UK based charity dedicated to spreading awareness and protecting the rights of animals. They believe animals are not ours to use as food, fashion, beauty or fun. Their website has many tips and tricks for those who are looking to purchase and support the right companies such as clothing brands. Visit for a full list of brands that do not use animal fur, leather. Wool or exotic skins. Look out for the ‘PETA’ approved tags in your favourite shops. However, some argue that vegan fashion does not equal to eco-friendly, as the material used is considered to be toxic and the production in clothes are manufactured goes through the same procedure. Health

List of Hall approved cosmetic brand: Urban Decay: Although not totally vegan, the cosmetic brand has a section of their website dedicated to concealers and foundations that are vegan. E.l.f: Again, not totally there, but at least they are trying! Therefore, it would only make sense to try out their moisturising lipstick which welcomes their vegan consumers. Tarte: You would not have guessed this one, right? Such a huge brand name getting involved with the vegan-friendly movement. Like their competitors, they are not all the way there, but they have many vegan products to offer. Kat Von D: this cosmetic brand is 100% cruelty-free! They have been going strong for many years, their black studded product packaging instantly recognisable and product quality proves there is no excuse to be a responsible consumer.

Vegans are known to have a lower Body Mass Index, in other words, lower body fat and as a result besides the apparent aesthetics, they will most likely have lower cholesterol and blood pressure which means a lower risk of heart diseases. However vegans can be at risk of calcium and vitamin D deficiency due to lack of protein in their diets which are essential for overall health and wellbeing, but a well- balanced diet and the appropriate replacements can help overcome this. The raise of the dietary evolution Veganism has increased ten years ago, popular amongst activists who believe animals are being exploited. There are many alternatives out there for the essential you may believe that cannot be replaced. The most surprising of them all, vinegar acts as a binding catalyst to add moisture to cakes and other sweet bakes, just combine with baking soda and let them handle the rest. Mushrooms are a great replacement for meat! Add it to a burger, grill, oven the marvellous juicy textured ingredient to your liking.





Missing the stuffy tube commutes, endless traffic and slow queues already? Here’s a list we have put together for you to enjoy while stuck at home. Inspired by the current events of people all around the world taking to selfisolation mode, otherwise known as quarantine. WORDS BY ESRA KANBUR

Jigsaw Puzzles; oddly shaped pieces interlocking to create a masterpiece, usually a picture of a beautiful scenery. Take a time-out from scenes and turn to the basics, some good old family fun! Time will fly by as you try to figure out the mischievous pieces. The first jigsaw puzzle is said to be created in the late 18th century, and guess what, it had served as a house-hold entertainment during the Great Depression.



1 Cleaning; now is probably a very good time to clean and tidy around your home. What better way to take your mind off what is going on in the world and also create a healthier environment to live in for yourself. Go through all items and see what you do not need and get rid of them, opening up stage for new things in your life. It can be surprisingly therapeutic.

Reading; have you been avoiding reading that novel you bought at the airport last year because you had thought you can finally be one of those people who enjoys ‘reading by the beach’ but have forgotten about it as soon as you hit your hotel. Why not crack it open, blow out the dust and give it a read. It might take your mind on an adventure you had never anticipated.

Netflix; this one is a no-brainer. If you have been living under a rock for all this time, you might want to consider getting the app now. It can provide hours of solitary and group entertainment, you can discover a new film, a series, or simply watch old films you used to love as a kid and feel nostalgic.


5 Pamper day; spare a day to self care; steam your face and apply a face mask, soak in a warm bath while listening to meditation music, moisturise your body, and even have a go at doing a manicure/ pedicure.




THIS OR THAT Interior Design’s oppositional tastes laid bare all in a compaison. A new season is on the rise. Take your pick, chose your brush, and make your mark with a decor that suits your personaluty most.

The Simple life Minimalism was developed post World War 2 as a reaction to towards the infamous texture of New York City, with it’s cluttered chaotic art. The calming, peaceful and mindful collaboration of soft touches have been implemented since. Most commonly used in design for a postmodern feel. This movement can also be translated in ones life; by owning fewer possessions, having a handful of choices and focusing on what matters the most to you. It is said the mental state benefits from this as an outcome, gives you the clarity and freedom for you to liver a more fulfilling life. After all, your space represents your mind.

Top Tips: • Neutral color palette; go to colors Pros: being beige and white. • A piece of antique or vintage furYou can find whatever you niture that can be a staple piece. are looking for without having • Leaving space between items to stress over it. Saving time placements and possibly money. • Bright and florescent light in room, nothing beats natural lighting and big windows. Cons: • Add some texture with blending colors of flurry throws. It can lack in personality, can • Artwork in black and white, with give the feel of a hotel room. It a splash of an additional color can be anyone’s space. creates character. • Complete the look with a plant; the green will draw the eyes to the correct points in the room. NEWS MAGAZINE


More Is More Maximalism is a reaction towards Minimalism; it is a polar opposite of movement that fills the eyes. Elaboration of details, gives the sense of being in a sweet shop and buying everything you can touch, throwing it all in a room and re-enacting the big bang. The explosion of color and patterns is riddled with immense hypnotism. The bigger the better, engaging and baring all.

Top Tips: Pros: • Lots of colors, different kinds of color. Your humble abort, a space • Add in excessive artwork; do not that hugs you and shows your let a gap breathe. visitors just who you really • Go crazy with things you love, are. It can help you discover especially if they provide comyour inner self and underline your confidence. fort. whiche• Old, new, coffee table; ver kind of books you can find with make a great addition to the Cons: room. • Make the space yours; show Can feel overwhelming, a bit confusing to an untrained your personality in every ounce eye and trigger claustrophoof area. bia.





HAIRPIN TABLE (WHITE) £139.95 The Hairpin Leg co. A classic worktable without the fuss of trays and drawers. Do the most with the bare minimum around you.

Gameline 17” Desk Lamp $46.99 Working in the dark with the small light for ambiance never gets old. The essence of minimalism is to save on time, money and space, the multi functioning feature of charging your phone does just that.


Jules Sofa $2,100.00 The color beige is the backbone of simplistic hues. The chubby chic style sofa gives a cozy look to your living room.


French Country Crystal Chandelier Feature Drum Shade Hanging Chandelier Pendant Light for Living Room GBP£101.93 Guests will stop and examine, neighbors will bake a cake to come see it, the mailman will brave the barking dog, all in the name of taking a peak at the fluffy, luxurious extravaganza. It’s a party everyday with this around.


Throw Pillow £15.75 Want to add to the craziness in your home? This mysterious person with an umbrella coat will fit right in but stand out in the most unique way.




Art Deco- Print £19.95 One of The Great Gatsby’s legendary quotes, Leonard De Caprio’s masterpiece character will shine with elegance and boldness.




History repeats itself, therefore no wonder we experience a new pandemic surface every ten years or so. Why is this happening is besides the point, as, the law of a cycle is in essence repetition. What we are globally living was expected to happen, why we were not prepared for it is the better question. We take a look at some of the pandemics thoughout history on a timeline to see the bigger picture, and understand this is certainly not the first, sadly, neither the last wipe out. One of the earliest signs of a pandemic can be traced by to 3000 B.C. However, our timeline highlights the key points in history, starting with the most notorious invisible killer. 1793 Yellow Fever The illness: Carried by mosquitos during the hot summer of Philadelphia, United States. A short lived fever typically lasting a week and went away on its own. American officials at the time had thought slaves were immune to the fever therefore ordered them to take care of the sick, resulting in more deaths than accounted for. The damage: The mostique bite killed 5,000 people within the region. The outcome: A vaccination is now required to travel to certain parts of American on the off chance the disease may still be caught. In 2013, the yellow fever struck again, killing 45,000 people, mainly in south America and Africa.

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1889-1890 Flu Pandemic - The Russian Flu

1346-1353 The Black Death- The Plague The illness: Noted to be one of the most devastating pandemic to have existed, it was the first to affect Europe on such as huge scale. It had originated in Asia and made its way towards West. The illness was predicted to be carried by fleas living in rodents such as rats that hid in merchant ships. The damage: Half a million Europeans died, bodies were buried in mass graves in urgency to rid of the infected corpses. The Outcome: Serfdom was diminished in Europe, which meant labour workers were able to make more for their services and become more independent. This also birthed the start of technological innovation, as machinery began to replace the lack of labourers. The Plague later resurfaced in the United Kingdom during 1665, killing 100 thousand people.

The illness: Originating from Russian, the deadly influenza took just 5 weeks to reach its peak. Still to this day there is no universal agreement on how the virus started, however, a subtype of H1N1 was identified. The damage: Transport such as railways and boats assisted the spread of the flu, killing a million people worldwide. Many workers lived in the bigger cities however carried the disease to family back home in the countrysides which is said to have quicken the spread. The outcome: Classified as the first modern influenza epidemic due to its news coverage. Documented from the start of the outbreak. It was understood simple measures such as isolation would have helped prevent the damage. NEWS MAGAZINE


2009 - 2010 Swine Flu

2014 -2016 Ebola

Spanish Flu 1918- 1920

s: Despite the name, there is no scienf of its starting place. However Spain’s f press allowed the disease to be docuuring a time censorship was practiced st of the world due to the war. Therepress exposure and coverage of the flu ople believe Spain to be the root of it.

mage: The Spanish flu had a shocking on victims. Some regions had come to of extinction due to the loss of most of pulation. The World War 1 living consoldiers, overcrowding, poor hygiene nourishment were said to have been st for the mass infection. Oddly, young ade up the majority among those who died.

come: With the quarter of the world’s on gone, it is noted to be the deadliest c in history thus far. It is now known overreaction of the body towards the ory impairment and pneumonia was of deaths. Academics have argued the k had shifted the power scale during , those infected mostly dying in GerAustria. Businesses resulted in loss of the health care resulted in profit and oors to more women becoming educated in the field of nursing.

The illness: First identified in Mexico, the name comes from the similarities the flu virus has to those found in pigs. It was found that pigs were carrying the virus for a period of time before it eventually transmitted to humans. Despite its said origin, the spread was only made through respiratory droplets and not the consumption of pig products. The damage: Having infected a billion people, it killed half a million people across the globe. It mostly affected younger people and those under the age of 65. This is said to be due to older people having built up enough immunity towards H1N1 diseases to survive the wave. The outcome: The swine flu vaccination is included in the yearly recommended flu jab.

The illness: Ebola attacks the lungs and kidneys, the spread is through body fluids of humans and animals, such as blood. The damage: There is a high death rate for whose who are infected, resulting in 11, 325 deaths, mainly in Africa, with small numbers spreading to America and Europe. The outcome: Although there are rumours that the illness could have been originated from bats, the virus was first traced to the late 20th century in Sudan. The cure has not yet been found but research continues.

1981- Present AIDS

2020 - Present Corona Virus

The illness: It is said the origin of AIDS is West Africa, transmitted from chimpanzee virus to humans causing HIV. The damage: Has killed 35 million lives since its identification, as this is still an ongoing epidemic, the figures are very unlikely to be steady. Its primary way of spread is believed to be though unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated needles and from infected mother to child during pregnancy. The outcome: People living with AIDS are now able to live a normal life span with regular treatment. Although a cure is not yet found, two people have been reported to have been cured from it early this year.

The illness: Virus caused in mammals and birds, it is a respiratory infection originating from Wuhan, China. It takes its name from the appearance of the virus, which is that of a protein spiked halo. This virus was first discovered in humans in the mid- 20th century, The damage: Currently there are almost a million Covid-19 cases globally. This figure was reached since it’s resurface in December 2019. The most open cases are in the United States, Italy, China and Spain. The daily death rate is at a thousand per day and rapidly increasing. The outcome: As this is an on-going matter, the outcome has not yet been reached. SMEs have closed down due to the self-isolation of staff, advised by the government. Social distancing is being practiced and lock down measures have been taken in country which citizens have not complied. Transport is limited to help stop the spread and police have been given authority to questions those cummuting without a reason.




Had the international authorities asked the population of the world for a general period of break among all the fields of activity, with the intention to promote a common reflection over the future of human kind, the initiative would have been ignored, if not ridiculed. However, the occurance of the pandemic succeeded to slow down the rapid advancement of the society towards a predictable breakdown, offering a moment to breath and think. But what is it to think about? We are here refering to our globalized life style that implies promoting alternative realities based on fragmentary images, by all means, thus encouraging the replacement of physical communion with the digital communication through the visual display.

It is this society that the French philosopher Guy Debord called, in 1960, “The Society of the Spectacle” (“La Société du spectacle” ), and that has continously developed its spectacular capacity ever since; a society where the dots gather, however do not connect. The globalized city represents the condition of the city where the political governance is replaced by an economical type of governance, thus its rationale is focused around the global monetary flow. Being drawn by consumerism, this society stresses the presence of commodity on each level of its being. Under the power of capitalism and states, the society perceives their life as a mere representation of fragmented images. According to the French urbanist Paul. NEWS MAGAZINE


Virilio, such an economic system based on the speed of the process gives birth to a shift from “the politics of space” to “the politics of time”, where the function of the city can be translated through “a transit area”, while its inhabitans become “the passengers”. As a result, the contemporary city grows under the law of “spectacular architecture”, where the aim of the architectural design regards the same capitalist purpose: the achievement of profit through the attraction of people towards a “delirious” icon, which becomes the replacement of the immediate reality of the object. Taking the “Bilbao effect” as an exemplary strategy, the architecture of the spectacle is focused on emblematic projects characterized by their peculiar shape, colour, material etc.,

Generally associated to the names of notorious architects nowadays turned into “brands”, in the attempt to achieve what Frank Gehry succeeded with his Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. Although public spaces in theory, these new architectural spaces are oriented towards the “transient man”, therefore “the passenger”: a man that comes, sees, pays and goes, making space for the ones that come after him. It is here that lies the discrepancy between image and reality, between the public function and the actual inability of the architectural program to bring people together for the sake of socializing. In his book, “The Society of the Spectacle”, Guy Debord observes the condition of the public reunited by this kind of spectacular architecture, furthermore calling it “the lonely crowd”. Sooner than bringing the people together, within a space of discussion and confruntation, this new type of space manages to gather neutral masses of people who although oriented towards the act of communication, find themselves unavailable for communion. “Therefore, the spectacle reunites the separated ones, however only manages to reunite them in their separateness” (Guy Debord, 2012). The Romanian language has a specific pair of words that highlights both the diference and the connection between these two instances: there is “comunicare”, which refers to data exchange –the kind of communication NEWS MAGAZINE


that also takes places between machinery –, and then there is “cuminecare”, which refers to the deeper understanding that only happens between living beings. This concept becomes crucial inside the Romanian culture, according to the Romanian philosopher, essayist and poet Constantin Noica, whose work includes a book dedicated to the origins and semantics of Romanian words, “Cuvânt împreună despre rostirea românească” (“Lecture together about the Romanian word”). In his view, “comunicare” implies something, while “cuminecare” develops within something; while the former defines the communication of meaning, the latter goes beyond the meaning, therefore accessing the deeper layer of human existance. Within the ancestral village, the strongly connected community was based on “cuminecare”, that is a general understanding between people in the absence of words. NEWS MAGAZINE


The spread of news is “comunicare”; the share of grief, fear, gratefulness, joy, and so on is “cuminecare”. The role of the two instances is therefore complementary: while “comunicare” brings the dots together, forming a group, it is “cuminecare” that manages to connect the dots inside the group. When the Italians unite their voices to sing together during the quarantine these days, while each isolated in his own balcony, we call that “cuminecare”. In that very moment, though separated, the common language of music spoken in the name of their collective hope becomes the authentic connection that the society of the spectacle is lacking. What a splendid event does the quarantine become under this view! What a paradox that the remedy to the separateness of the crowds relies on the act of separation in itself! By sending us back to the private space of our homes, what nature has offered us is no punishment, but a clue to the restoration of the substance of our lost public space, a first step towards the reunion of the separated. Some may consider pure coincidence that the occurance of this state of general seclusion overlaps the holy month of prayer, when people dedicate their life style to their religion; others might think beyond. No matter the opinion, neither the religion, nor the religious celebration – be it catholic Easter, orthodox Easter, or Ramadan -, what this year has offered to us so far is this month when all the dots eventually get connected.




THE ROLE OF SO Why is coronavirus spreading? transmission of the virus in some The role of social distance countries. In this article, we intend to show the importance Since the appearance of of the social distance in the coronavirus, taly, Spain, transmission of the coronavirus Germany, the USA, China, based on Italy, Spain, Germany, the UK, Iran and South Korea the USA, China, Iran and South have been severely affected Korea cases. compared to other countries. The specialists told us the reasons How are viral diseases for the high death rates: the aged transmitted? population and the different health conditions the people The viruses, unlike bacteria, already had. Still, not many are transmitted through direct have focused on highlighting the contact (with an infected person reason for such a high rate of or contaminated object/surface) NEWS MAGAZINE


or through aerosols created when a person sneezes or coughs. The transmission is one of the essential factors in spreading the disease. Because the symptoms appear long after the infection, or sometimes they don’t appear at all, the virus may be quickly spread, given the social habits like greetings, social distance, the customs and the totality of traditions of a country. Social distance played an important role in spreading the Ebola virus in 2014 and the flu in each season. This is why many specialists

OCIAL DISTANCE recommend social distancing. Still, the high efficiency of social distancing seems to be difficult to apply because of the social habits which are hard to change, especially in the case of "Mediterranean societies that prefer close interactive distances han northern European and northern American societies"(Evans, Howard,1973). Thus, we can see that social distance is one of the key reasons why Italy, Germany, Spain and the USA are between

the most affected countries by coronavirus. We compared the social distances of 42 countries according to a psychology study made in 2017 on 8543 people. As a result, we found out that Italy, Spain, Germany and the USA are in the top 15 countries with the smallest social distance. For example, in Italy, the social distance is around 91cm, while at the opposite pole in Romania is 135cm. This distance is applied to strangers, but when it comes to known and well-known people, the distance is even NEWS MAGAZINE

smaller. In Italy, we have 65 cm distance to a known person and 35 cm with a well-known one. In the USA, Germany and Spain, the situation is similar.


Thus, Italy, Spain, the USA and Germany have societies with a small social distance that encourages the virus spreading, but what about other countries like China, Iran and South Korea?

The same situation is in Iran where cities like Tehran have a population density of 9 799 people/ km 2 , Mashhad = 6 573 people/ km 2 , Isfahan = 2 808 people/ km 2 and Karaj = 8 939 people/ km 2 .

viruses and 240 deaths. Germany registered 236 deaths from flu in 2018 and 24 000 infected people. Spain registered 421 deaths from flu between 2016 and 2017.

These records highlight a similar spread of viruses in the We see that in the European society, the difference now is countries, the virus spreading was encouraged by a small social that the coronavirus is much more problematic because of the distance that is characteristic serious complications it causes to their national culture. In the and because we do not have yet Asian continent, the spread was effective and safe methods to encouraged by the small fight with it. The solution, for social distance given the cities now, seems to be self-isolation, agglomeration. but what about the next flu season when the coronavirus Antecedents in viral spreading is expected to reappear? Do We identify the social distance we isolate again? Repeat the as one of the basic factors that, scenario? Or do we change our together with other factors like habits (how close we stay to a hygiene, cultural habits and person, how often we wash our even the weather, sustained the hands, how we act when we are coronavirus spread. Another sick, etc.)? proof that the social distance is the reason for viral spread is In such times, when the the historical records of viral international borders don’t have Therefore, in such a dense space, infection spreading. The same the preference of social distance countries recorded high number much importance and when the multiculturality, tourism and is prevailed by the urban of deaths after flu infections. easy movement is a part of agglomeration. For example, in the 2019-2020 our lives, it would be better to In South Korea, the virus got in flu season, the USA registered change our habits and increase Daegu first and spread in Seoul 22 000 deaths, 370 000 the social distance for our safety. where the population density hospitalizations and 36 million There is no reason for panic, exceeds 17 000 people/km 2 infected people. Italy, between and other cities like Busan 2013 and 2017, registered 68 000 but there is a good reason for change. with 12 000 people/km 2 and deaths of flu. Only in October Incheon with 2019, there were recorded over 2 7 200 people/km 2 and other million people infected with flu cities. NEWS MAGAZINE 26 In these countries, the social distance is much bigger. So what caused the virus spreading? To understand that we look at the population density and how it reduces the social distancing. China is a country with agglomerated cities like Hong Kong, Wuhan, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen and others, where the population density is very high. For example in Hong Kong it equals to 6791 people on a km 2 , Shanghai = 6000 people/km 2 , Wuhan 5300 people/ km 2 , Beijing = 4500 people/km 2 , Tianjin = 4600 people/km 2 , Shenzhen = 7500 people/km 2 , etc.





Kadınlığın vahşiliğin simgesi olarak leopar günümüze 19. yüzyıldan Tarzan filmiyle gelmiştir leoparı birçok şekilde kombinleyebilirsiniz.

G ös t e r i şl i

Eğer göşterişliyseniz kırmızı ve leopar uyumu efsane olacaktır. Leoparı ayakkabıda yada çantada kullanıyorsanız tek favori leopar olmalı, dikkat oraya çekilmeli.

Sade Sadelikten yanayım derseniz o zaman krem, ekru, toprak tonlarıyla tamamlayabilirsiniz. Rahatına düşkün kişiler içinse en güzel seçenek kot pantolon ve spor ayakkabılarla bütünleştirmek gayet cool bir hava katacaktır.


Bir gece kiyafetiyle davetlerde boy gösterecekseniz o zaman kesinlikle gecenin gözdesi olursunuz. Hoş bir inci kolye yada küpe ile. Yazın daha dökük, böyle tiril tiril kumaşlar viskon pamuk saten pamuk kumaşlar hem terletmez hemde üstünüzden akar gider. Kışın ise leoparı dış giyim olarak kürklerde kabanlarda daha kışlık yünlü kumaşlarda kullanabilirsiniz.





Ramazan ruhsal yansıma, dua, hayır yapmada yarışma ve aile için özel bir zaman dilimi.



ŞEHR-I RAMAZAN Bu ay hem müslümanların hem de Hristiyanların kutsal kabul ettikleri zaman dilimi olması hasebiyle ‘The Hall News’ olarak bizler de bu ay’ı her iki inancı okuyucularımıza yansıtmaya yöneldik. Ramazan Ruhsal yansıma, dua, hayır yapmada yarışma ve aile için özel bir zaman dilimi. Müslümanlar, İslam inancının temel direklerinden biri olan Ramazan’ı bu şekilde tanımlamaktadır. Bütün bir ay boyunca, dünyanın dört bir yanındaki Müslümanlar; gün doğumundan gün batımına kadar yemek yemekten ve içmekten uzaklaşır. İşte bu manevi gelişimin kollektif çabası hakkında bilmemiz gereken başlıca şeyler

İstisnalar Ramazan’dan bazı gruplar muaf tutulabilir: Hamile kadınlar, zihinsel veya fiziksel olarak hasta olan insanlar ve bazen emziren kadınlar. Çocuklar ergenliğe ulaşana kadar oruç tutmaları gerekmez Merhamet Ramazan’ın en önemli bir parçasıdır

Ramazan nedir? Müslüman takviminde dokuzuncu ay olan Ramazan, Allah’ın Hz. Muhammed’e MÖ 610’da Kuran’ın ilk ayetlerini bildirdiği ay olarak kutlanır. Laylat al-Qadr Kuran’ın Hz.Muhammed’e verildiği gerçek tarih olarak kabul edilir ve genellikle Ramazan’ın son 10 gününde aranır. Ramazan’ın amacı nedir? Ramazan boyunca inananlar yemek yemekten, içmekten ve diğer zevklerden şafaktan alacakaranlığa kadar kaçınmalıdır. Günlük konforun ortadan kaldırılması, zihnin dua, maneviyat, sadakaya odaklanmasını arttırmayı ve aynı zamanda bedeni ve zihni arındırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca müminlere dedikodu ve kötü söz gibi temiz olmayan eylemlerden kaçınmaları tavsiye edilir. NEWS MAGAZINE


Müslüman olmayanların çoğu Ramazan’ı sadece oruçla ilişkilendirirken, müslümanlar ise bu ay için cömertliği de önemserler. Müslümanlar Zekat (İslam’ın beş sütunundan biri) veya Sadaka (gönüllü bağış) şeklinde düzenli olarak merhamet etmeyi taahhüt ederler. Ramazan ayında hayır işleri yapanların ilahi ödülü daha büyük olarak kabul edilir. Sonuç olarak, birçok Müslüman bu ay boyunca daha fazlasını yaşar ve yaşatmaya kendini adar. Ramazan Bayramı Ramazan’ı sona erdiren önemli bir festival olan Eid ul Fitr belirler. Tatil, Yeni Ay gökyüzünde görüldüğü anda başlar. Bu bayramda Müslümanlar en iyi kıyafetleri giyer. Büyük alaylara katılarak, hediyeler vererek, aileyle zaman geçirerek ve gün boyunca büyük bir yemek yiyerek kutlarlar.

HELPING OU A few weeks have passed since we have been living in an imposed isolation – isolation forcibly imposed on us. What used to be a self-imposing experience, has now formally gained a worrying status. We would confine ourselves in our loneliness and collectively immerse in solitude. Suddenly, the facets of reality that we could digitally alter with great ease, have been impetuously overthrown by our surrounding reality. We are now consciously partaking in a collective transformation, collective anguish. We are no longer feeling lonely by ourselves, but perhaps many of us are feeling all the more lonely in the presence of others. But, by force of circumstance, I am convinced that we will all discover the joy of breaking out of enmeshing loneliness, completely allowing ourselves to get back to a state of empathetic presence. Let us rediscover self-presence and enjoy the presence of others, outside the dark shell of the self, either within our family nucleus, if that is possible, or within a dimension as personal as the first, and practice a collective, fruitful state of presence and reciprocal support, rather than gloomy individual confinement. This year, I am approaching the Holy Days of Easter by fully navigating the



experience yearning to se of God, t zed how str spirituality, choice of m no longer m meaningles me of the p ving, warm loped in ins ourselves o among the which seem that would able to whi minous hop for my love could light and beauty, with their m I would like me a light t flickers, sha transformin sanctuary o A cry is per resounding unbelief!� ( perience no more than into people by pain and pair. I do b


U R S E LV E S T O G O D ’ S H E L P

with my heart solely, eagerly o be able to walk inside the Houthe Holy Church. I never realirong my need for sacredness, , prayer and depth was until the missing the Divine Liturgy was mine to make. Dullness, laziness, ss excuses have often deprived privilege of absorbing the life-gim light that we would all be enveside the church, of unburdening of the worries that dissipated clouds of incense and myrrh, med to give us intangible wings fly us to the Sky. I miss being isper in confidence, my most lupes, desires and thoughts meant ed ones and for the world, that I up from a sea of light, goodness y, that others had lit up along most sincere wishes. This is what e us to do for each other: becothat carries the Light, a light that ares and tends to the true Light, ng our homes into an authentic of love and unbreakable faith. rvading through my mind, as a g echo: “Lord, I believe, help my (Mark 9:23) - a paradox that I exow, during these troubled times, ever, when one can read fear e’s faces, their miens hardened d clouded by sobriety and desbelieve - but I need to strengthen

myself with immeasurable hope. I do have faith, but I am struggling with it, I need to help myself to God’s help! And God does not fail to offer it to us all, with every prayer that rises up to Heaven. Hope comes in help, for we know that “(…) just as Christ rose from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too must live a new life.” (Romans 6:4) The Orthodox teaching about the Resurrection of the Lord speaks of the whole work of man’s redemption, caused by the fall and estrangement from God, but especially about God’s Resurrection and The Salvation of Man. We must stick with the belief that all those who dedicate their lives and prayers to God, by honouring His Word and Teachings as much as it is within man’s power, will be able to experience a spiritual rebirth. This belief urges us to push ourselves through these difficult times of dread, in the hope of a new beginning, in the hope that by the mercy of God, we will rise and live a new life. Let us close our eyes and look within ourselves. But let us remember not to live these moments with our eyes closed, but thoroughly examine what lies under the magnifying glass. Let us all incessantly pray for one another and find the strength to lay the ground for these teachings in our



lives from now on, by considerately and wisely measuring the ingredients upon which we will rebuild our existence. It is time for compassion. I felt that my responsibility was to sit down and write. This is the gift that I hope will give something to others. Perhaps some will find that my words have resonance, perhaps someone’s thoughts will be embracing mine, regardless of them being more organized or scattered. These words are the expression of my hope: Lord, I believe, help my unbelief! Let us be steadfast in our faith. What would my fellow readers love to hear? I might be able to take an intuitive guess, to some extent, but I choose to answer this question solely by whispering into my heart what I most enjoy hearing and what I would incessantly utter: “And now, these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. And the greatest of these is Love. “ (Corinthians 13:13) God’s love never fails.

ORTHODOX EASTER AND ISL AMIC R AMADAN CRISTINA EKSIOGLU April 2020 seems to be an extremely interesting one in terms of two monotheistic beliefs: Christianity and Islam. This month is celebrated both (the Catholic Easter - April 12, and the Orthodox Easter - April 19) and on April 23, begins the holy month of Ramadan and the month of fasting in Islam. When we talk about these holidays, no matter what point of view - Orthodox, Catholic, Muslim - we are talking about fasting, prayer, crowned by a final feast.

Common point: no exact date If we were to talk about a common point between these two periods - the Easter Period in Christianity and the Ramadan period in Islam - I would remind that both did not give an exact date. The Easter date depends on two natural phenomena: one with the fixed date - the spring equinox, and the other with the changing date - the full moon. The latter causes the date of Easter to change every year, as the full Easter month appears in some years closer to the equinox, in others beyond it. The date of Easter gave birth in ancient times to controversies and divisions in some Churches. In order to achieve a uniformization of the Easter holiday, within the first ecumenical synod in Niceea, in 325, it was established: Easter will always be celebrated on Sunday. This Sunday will be immediately following the full month after the spring equinox. When the date of theJewish Passover (ie 14 Nisan) falls on Sunday, the Christian Easter will be celebrated the following Sunday, not to be celebrated with the Jewish one, but not before them.

The monthly calendar is also important in Islam The monthly calendar is also important in Islam The Islamic lunar calendar consists of twelve months, with Ramadan being the ninth month. Each month lasts twenty-nine or thirty days. Six months will be twenty-nine days and another six will be thirty days, thus making 354 days per lunar year. The way this was calculated during the time of the Prophet Muhammad was that people would look at the sky at the beginning of every lunar month. If the new crescent was sighted, it would mean the next month has begun and the previous one has ended. The crescent is the sunlit portion of the moon as seen from Earth and varies according to the changing positions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth. The chart below shows what the moon looks like at the beginning [thin crescent], middle [full moon], and end [thin crescent] of the lunar month. Easter fasting meanings: The 40-day duration has a symbolic value, but it is also based on an old tradition so many times presented in the Bible: - For 40 days the Flood was held, which washed the land of sin, as the text of Genesis shows us. - For 40 days Moses NEWS MAGAZINE

stayed on Mount Sinai to receive the Law of God as a gift. - For 40 days the Jews stayed in the desert before reaching the land of promise. - 40 days the Ninives fasted to repent. - 40 days and 40 nights Jesus fasted before starting missionary activity on earth among men. Physical and spiritual fasting Regardless of what faith we are talking about - monotheistic or not - everyone recommends the post. in all the beliefs the post is not just a physical abstinence from eating, drinking or sexual intercourse, he is much more than that. Ramadan is a month of forgiveness, divine favors, and grace. In connection with these, those believers who open their hands in sincerity before the throne of All-Merciful God, those who repent their sins, will be forgiven; their hearts will be filled with happiness, their faces will be blessed with smile, and waves of generosity will ceaselessly flow into their hands. In both beliefs – Christianity and Islam – not only stomachs remain hungry. Those who stay hungry, but whose tongues spin lies, swear and slander, who gossip and who 34

by so doing stab this or that person in the back, those who spread their poison – these people will becomes a forge of mischief and pain. But fasting should not be like this; the fasting tongue should say something good or say nothing at all. The fasting tongue should utter God s name and pray; it should utter words that are good and helpful. Fasting – own exam Fasting is the source of our self-examination; it creates an atmosphere of deep thought. Fasting is a chance provided for us to eliminate the disorder and defects found within us. From Islam point of view, the Ramadan sky is always full of clouds that are ready to send down a rain of mercy. “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous” -- Surat Al-Baqarah 2:183 In those days some might question the benefits of fasting apart from blessings. Science and medicine today have all but confirmed that there are numerous health benefits to fasting for a month in a year. It is a great way to cleanse the stomach and also has

many health benefits for the brain. “The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.” -- Surat Al-Baqarah 2:185 Fasting teaches restraint; the ability to control worldly desires and spend time in prayer and meditation. Fasting is a noble act that is much beloved by God. The hearts that have become barren through neglect turn verdant in this rain; the hand, the tongue, and the heart work together under the merciful clouds, finding one another, taking joy in each other’s company. This Is a month of refreshment for our tired physical organs. From Christianity point of view, The fast of Easter is of great importance in the spirituality and religious life of all the believers, it is the moment when most of them share in the period of this fast, as they are learned by the Orthodox Faith. One of the four commandments of the Church say: “Let us confess and share in each of the four great positions over the year or if we cannot, at least once a year, in the Holy Post”. April 2020 comes with a strong spiritual charge April 2020 comes with a strong spiritual charge from both beliefs – Islam and Christianity, even more so as this period is marked by a great test of humanity by a virus. It is time for prevention and attention to be interwoven with spirituality. As long as



man returns to Divine guidance, he will pass trials more easily. All in the world have a meaning, it is important for us, people to understand our purpose and purpose and never forget that there are duties to the Creator. These duties are to always be above the ego, as well as to help and respect one another, regardless of race, nationality, faith or social status.


KUTLU MEVSIM I Ş I LT I L A R I Kutlu mevsimin esintilerinin içimize saldığı, tarifi mümkün olmayan manevi hazzı kelimelerle anlatmak mümkün değildi… Değildi diyorum çünkü zaman geçtikçe o duyguyu eskisi kadar hissedemez oldum. Çocukluğum’da bu rahmet ayı geldiğinde Hz. Allah` ın , Hz. Peygamberin sanki evimize misafir olarak geleceğini hissederdim. Sahur ile başlayıp iftar ile devam eden teravih namazlarıyla içimizde tüllenen bu manevi haz bulutu Kuran nağmeleriyle adeta kalbimize baharı yaşatıyordu. Ramazanda yollarını aşındırdığım Sultan Ahmet Camii, Eyüp Sultan Camii ve buralarda kurulan kitap fuarları ayrı bir tad verirdi. Bazen hiç gitmesin hiç bitmesin isterdim. Akşam iftar vaktinde açılan oruçların yanında ramazana özel yapılan ramazan pideleri ve şerbetleri ayrı bir tad katardı. O zamanlar sahura kalkmak için can attığımız günlerdi. Ebeveynlerimiz küçük olmamız, narin olan bünyemiz bunu kaldıramaz düşüncesiyle öğle vaktine kadar oruç tutmamıza izin verirlerdi. Bayramların tadı bir başka idi. Elimizde poşet kapı kapı dolaşıp şeker toplardık. Verilen harçlıklardan ziyade şekerlerin çokluğu bizi mutlu ederdi. Hey gidi küçüklük sen ne iyiydin. Yıllar geçtikçe içimdeki hazan beni daha bir yıprattı. Geçmişteki hazları alamaz, sevinçleri hissedemez oldum. Peki bunun sebebi ne idi acaba. Yıllar geçtikçe içimizdeki bu manevi duygular neden tarumar oldu. Manevi nurun esintilerini artık hissedemez oldum. Ben mi bu yoldan uzaklaştım yoksa hak ettigi değeri bulamayan bu nur deryası akacak , çağlayacak daha değerli gönüllere mi misafir oluyor. Allah benim gibi

kalplerin durumuna acır da tekrardan ne zaman misafir olur düsüncesinden alamıyorum kendimi. Tekrardan yeni bir başlangıç yapıp hani sıfırdan başlayıp kutlu mevsimin en güzel meyvesi olan Kuran mealini okumak O Kutlu Sevgilinin (c.c.) mesajlarını, insanlığa olan mektubunu sanki yalnız bana yazılmış niyetiyle okuyup içlenmek istiyorum. O`nun (c.c.) en sevgili kulu Hz. Peygamberin (s.a.v) yaşadıklarını sanki O`nunla (s.a.v) aynı iklimi yaşıyorcasına hissetmek istiyorum. Hani bir şair diyor ya; ` Keşke hep aşkınla oturup aşkınla kalksam ` keşke bu kutlu ay `da bari seni anlayabilsem seni hakkıyla tanıyabilsem… `Gönlüm ufkunun en taze renkleriyle dolsun; Her yanda tamburlar çalınsın; neyler duyulsun.. Ne olur, hiç olmazsa gurûbum tulû olsun.. ! ` Ben o safiyane duygulara sahip olduğum çoçukluk yıllarıma dönmek isterdim. Annemin beni gizliden kaldırdığı sahurları, okul sonrası gelip unutarak içtiğim bir sürahi suyu, akşam ezanını duymak için camda beklediğim zaman dilimlerini, arkadaşlarla gittiğimiz teravih namazlarındaki en arka saftaki kikirdemelerimizi, teravih namazında uyuyakaldığım zamanları, namaz çıkışı babamın bakkaldan aldığı çikolatalı gofretleri vb ne güzel anlar yaşamışım. Hey gidi küçüklük sen ne iyiydin öyle… Dünya genelinde yayılan Coranavirus salgınından dolayı çok üzgünüm, tüm insanlık bir an önce sağlıklarına kavuşurlar inşallah. Bu kutlu Ramazan ayını sağlıklı bir şekilde karşılaşırız umarım… NEWS MAGAZINE







Tarifi Yapılışı

•1 adet tavuk göğüsü •30 gr şehriye •200 ml tavuk suyu Terbiyesi için ; •1 adet yumurta •50 gr un •Yarım limon suyu •50 yoğurt •80 gr Tuz •Beyaz biber

1. tavuklarımızı yıkayıp haşlıyoruz. 2. Haşlanan tavuklar soğutulup tiftikleniyor. * soğukken çorbamızın terbiyesini hazırlıyoruz. 3. Terbiyesi için yumurta, yoğurt, süt, un , limon suyu ve tuzumuzu çırpıyoruz. 4. Tenceremize 200 ml tavuk suyu ve 1500 ml su ilave ediyoruz 5. Tavuk suyumuzu kaynatıyoruz 6. sonra çorbamızın terbiyesi * un, limon, suyu, yumurta, yoğurt * azar azar karıştırarak ilave ediyoruz. ( çorbanın terbiyesini karıştırken çorbanın kaynıyan suyunun içinden biraz karıştırdıktan sonra suyu ve terbiyenin sıcaklığı eşit olması gerekir kesilmemesi için…) 7. kaynadıktan sonra şehriyemizi ilave ediyoruz. 8. Şehriyelerimiz piştikten sonra didiklediğimiz tavuklarımızı ilave ediyoruz. Ve hazır…



Fırın Sütlaç Yapılışı: Mazemeler •1 lt süt •40 gr nişasta •40 gr pirinç •1 yumurta sarısı •200 gr şeker •1 paket vanilya

800 ml Sütü, şekeri ve 1 paket vanilya ile kaynatıyoruz. Kaynayan süte önceden ayırdığımız 200ml süt , nişasta 1 adet yumurtayı karıştırıp ilave ediyoruz. Koyulaşmaya başladıktan sonra iyice kaynamış sütlacı fırın kaselerine döküyoruz. Üstü kabuklanıp sütlaç soğuyana kadar bekletiyoruz. Önceden ısıtılmış yüks ek dereceli fırına sütlaçları atıyoruz.



Vegan Places There has been an increase in vegan cafes and restaurants around the world and luckily London, has one of the trendiest and delicious locations. Here are the top three of the best Vegan restaurants in London hand-picked by The Hall.


The Gate; opened over 30 years ago, they were definitely ahead of their time with their vision of veganfriendly dishes. Have your three meal course of starter, main and dessert indulging with a piece of mind. Location: NW8.


Genesis; ever find yourself browsing street foods and feeling excluded because you are unsure if you can trust the handwritten vegan signs? Genesis offers favourite street foods around the world in one place, tacos, kebabs, chipotle… do not feel like you are missing out on fast food no more. Location: E1.


Yorica; Summer is not too far away, here’s a place where you can enjoy a gluten, nut and dairy-free ice-cream! Yorica also promises to be free of many other allergen ingredients. You don’t have to wait till sunny days to make your visit, there are also loads of sweet treats, from waffles to milkshakes. Location: W1F






Best Comedy awarded by Laurence Olivier in 2015, and still filling be years later! Extremely long awkward pauses and a century-old slaps-sti of genius included.


tarting as one-off BBC specials, later landed in the West End and most recently aired as a mini TV series, the clue is in the name. It is about a play that goes completely wrong - but on purpose. This is where the comedy stems from, making a mockery of dramatic plays and well-known adaptations such as The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Cats, James and the Peach. The comedy extends to giving the adaptions similar but wrong titles such as “ James, Where’s Your Peach?” The current adaption being acted out is The Murder at Haversham Manor, a murder mystery that takes place in the 1920s. Before the play officially begins, the audience witnesses the stage actions preparing and making last-minute adjusts to the stage. The involves a repetition of slapstick acts, the audience laugh as the actors move around objects, break them by accident, try to clear it up and hold many things at the same time. NEWS MAGAZINE



ellies with laugher five ick entourage, moments There are some awkward silences between the actors and the audience which poses as reactionary funny at first but after a while get tiresome and extremely predictable. It has its moments The play officially begins of genius that puts you in with the main character uncontrollable fits, with the speaking out to the audien- characters forgetting their ce with a blinding spotlight lines and looking out heldrawing your attention to plessly to the audience. The the monologue alone. It way the stage is constructed perhaps b the only time is unbelievably savvy, in a what there are not more way it collapses like a popthan a few things going on -up storybook and reshapes at the same time. The moitself. You watch the whole nologue, just as the stage thing come down before preparations, prepares the your very eyes, one cannot everyone of what is to come help but be concerned for and giving snippets of per- the actors’ wellbeing. vious works, cracking a window to the witty mind of the Overall a fun, regret-less writers. two hours, leaving filled with joy and innocence. A familyDuchess Theatre takes the -friendly comedy, you can honour of staging this act. safely take young children the theatre was built in the to and can be enjoyed by all late 1920s, it is a listed buil- ages. The actors refuse to ding, maintained by Historic end the play until the doors England. The audience has stick, props break and walls a seat chose of two levels collapse. If it can’t go right with a capacity of 494. The there’s only one direction for balcony areas are engaged as it to go; it is ‘wrong’. part of the play as an actor poses as a backstage perDuchess Theatre, Nearest son,but later joins in with the tube station Covent Garden cast on stage to replace the and Temple. befallen characters, as we all know the show must go on. The audience feel as if they are intruding, they should not be watching these backstage disasters, however, it is in a way which makes it all the merrier.




G üLS üM B öL üK



Gözlerinizde hiç bilmediğiniz hayatlar ve bu hayatların acıları saklı bir kişinin ağlamadığına gökyüzü şimşek çakıyor bilseniz, tüm yabani sesler aynı ormandan geliyor siz duymuyorsunuz diye sesler yok olmuyor düşünün, yolunuzdan kayboldunuz mu Sonra öğrendim tabii ben çoktan yolumu kaybetmişim uzak geliyorsa her şey bana tüm sırrımı bırakıyorum satırlara insan, insandan fazlaysa gözünde o sırada gökyüzünde bir kuş sürüsünden ayrılıyorsa göçerken çok üzgünsem bakarken soyunmuş ağaçlara yakıyorsa kahvenin dumanı gözlerimi hatta hiç ağlamamışsam ben eşiğinden taşıyorum ben bu dünyanın yalnızlıktan kaçmadığım her dakika dinmeyen bir hüzne kucak açıyorum gördüğüm yerde alnım kırışıyorsa ben uçurumları da sevmeye başlıyorum varlığını unuttuğum kalbim acıyor bugünlerde buhar olmak yerine denize dökülse gözyaşlarım sonra öğrendim tabii kaybettiğimi sandığım bütün yollar çıkmaz sokakmış...




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