EKIM 2020
Tip-toeing around the rules and measures to avoid a second lockdown.
Take a walk through the city in autumn through the eyes of a spectator.
Every month a writer is awarded the qoute of the month status.
Taking a look at United Nations Day.
Thoughout times: the classical period- Mozart.
Media drives communication and provides convenience. A battle to understand what is more important in this equation, 8 culture or technology.
3% Netflix original from Brazil ’proving it is worthy’.
Queen in the making. Online fashion brand.
From thoughtful beings to acting on instincts.
With mascarpone cream frosting. 16
Answering the age old question with a few simple steps! 26
T ű R K ç E YA Z I L A R
Imagine a world where weird and wicked things were real, could you fathom the extent of our desires and 37 MEKANiZMA ARAÇ MI? secret interests could lead to. Yerçekimi kanununa göre, bize ayakları yere basanlar lazım. 28
Featuring Beatrice Badea. 16
Anadolu’da Osmanlı Kalemişi Sanatı’na bir örnek.
Gök bilimcileri tarafından keşfedilen Venüs gezegenindeki dünya dışı yaşam için olası ipuçları adına bazı gerçekleri dile getirmek isteyince kim ne demiş diye bir bakalım.
We lc ome ! ESRA KANBUR Editor-In-Chief & Digital Designer
ip-toeing around the rules and measures to avoid a second lockdown. We are all on our best behaviour and displaying what is expected of us to protect ourselves and others against this stubborn virus. The October front cover art presents our social status with people inside individual jars as they play a game of chess, and unknowingly becoming a part of the game. Page 12 features Ode To The Spectator, where a similar social distancing design was predicted on a magazine cover. The social scene is shape-shifting in the hands of decision-makers, making us turn to social media more than ever for our source of contact. Page 8 and Page 37 explain the effects of the media on audiences and users. We cannot say October without mentioning Halloween, costumes and masks are already decorating the aisles of shops and one cannot help but get into the spirit. At the back of our minds, we are aware the new measures will restrict any
sort of fun. But it may pave the way to virtual innovation involving online Halloween parties. Page 10, The Seeds of Domestic Violence is about the real-life terrors of physical abuse that occurs within relationships. Questioning the system and becoming a rebel with a group of like-minded freedom seekers is the centre of the storyline of the Netflix original “3%” The Brazilian series is unpredictable and binge-worthy. Page 18 gives you The Hall review.
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On-Page 22 the timeless question is explored; How To Be Happy, gives you steps to become happier and more fulfilled with your life. And with your new zest for life, you may like to blissfully skip to the neighbouring article of ‘What If?’ where another imaginative and wonderous idea is played out.
“The social scene is shapeshifting”
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This month we have three interviews, An online bling fashion brand where we talk to the inspirational brand owner. We interview one of our writers for the Meet The Team and lastly, we have a Turkish interview with author Hulya Habbabe. In hopes that this issue lifts your spirits. Until next time...
s the United Nations celebrates its 75th anniversary on October 24th, the world is under a global health turmoil. In the ashes of the Second World War, many nations decided to commit to collaborate for peace by signing the UN Charter, which helped to change the course of history. The 193-member UN works to mitigate society challenges with its programmes, funds and specialised agencies that collaborate to achieve a mission of international peace and security, promote sustainable and inclusive development, and protect human rights. Seventy-five years later, the UN remains true to its founding mission as it is possible to see the development brought into the world in areas like human rights and global health. It is the UN that gave rise to the concept of ‘sustainable development’, which addresses that beneficial and long-term development must account for economic, social and environmental issues. In 2000, the UN-led the Millennium Development Goals followed in 2015 by the Sustainable Development Goals, which is today the world’s leading development framework. However, in the 75-year celebration virtual conference held on September 21st, leaders acknowledged that despite many successes, there were “moments of disappointment” within the UN.
now than ever before. This year can be a year of rethinking about the so-called world cooperation and emphasise that multilateralism is what the world demands right now. Improving health around the world has always been the key priority of the UN. Amongst its many global health accomplishments and formation of many specialised agencies, the UN established the World Health Organisation (WHO) with the mission of delivering health for all. Now, during the Covid-19 crisis, WHO is providing medical equipment and supplies to more than 130 countries, leading the global fight against the pandemic. However, despite many successful missions around the world, there is a lot of work to do. According to the World Bank and WHO, at least half the world’s population lack access to necessary health services, and the Covid-19 pandemic is threatening to reverse the progress that the UN already made. That’s why it is important to defeat Covid-19 everywhere, and it can only be achieved by collaborating. There are petitions in the media to reform the UN System, particularly the UN Security Council. Several world leaders have called for reform, arguing that it is undemocratic that the US, France, United Kingdom, China, and Russia are the only permanent veto-wielding powers. I will leave it to you to think of whether or how the UN Security Council should reform itself.
The Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that the pandemic exposed the world’s fragilities. The world economy is experiencing its worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s, and the Covid-19 pandemic confirms that global challenges can only be tackled with Despite its drawbacks, the UN remains a highly influential organisation, and it symbolises the a coordinated, multilateral action plan. However, during this crisis, the relationships between best of humankind - the idea that everyone in the world deserves basic dignity, and that worsome countries have been under strain, and ld cooperation is the way to deliver it. Seventyit is crucial to have a global dialogue that will -five years later, the world needs to reconfirm lead to a successful recovery plan and strength NEWS MAGAZINE 7 its vows to collaboration and recommit to the to contain the virus. The UN, and the belief in multilateralism that it needs. global unity that it represents, are more crucial
the most prominent media bias can be identified on news channels where the selection of coverage can be compromised. Due to its subjectivity, television channels are a message of switching and choosing a reality that best suits one’s ideology. Representing the voice of reason, while muting other channels or truths. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) operates under the department of cultural secretary and is funded by yearly license fees paid for by the public; therefore, the public has a sense of soft ownership. The BBC claims to be “independent, impartial and honest.” However, there has been many criticisms to date, questioning its objectivity. To combat the racism allegations such as the director-general Greg Dyke’s comment on the BBC being “hideously white”, sub-channels were introduced to minorities that were underrepresented. However, this was criticised of further exclusion of these communities by veteran Sikh journalist Indarjit Singh, “stations like BBC Asian Network do little to encourage integration and social cohesion because they allow communities to ghettoise themselves.” Networks aimed at minor demograAudiences, in this instance, as the receivers of phics convey media’s message of intransigence. In information might be watching a certain television show or reading a book due to the enjoyment or infor- platitudes of holding onto their core beliefs and concurrently showing obligatory generosity. mational value of its content. Technology, however, is held on a high pedestal by Marshall McLuhan as Public Sphere by Jurgen Habermas, defined as he argues that the message is a distraction while the “coextensive with public authority” discusses pumessenger is overlooked. “It is only too typical that blic spaces in the 20th century. Particularly the use the ‘content’ of any medium blinds us to the chaof coffeehouses as a space to debate matters with racter of the medium.” This dawn on the realisation like-minded people in order to propose a solution to that information conveyed has more importance the issue. The ideology of this theory transpires a than the message itself, the motivation behind the grass-root movement of the public influencing laws creation sets the tone for its existence. The most and policies, as the government is to serve the needs obvious example of this is on television. Media bias and carry out actions of public opinions. Democratic is known to be used for governmental influence in NEWS MAGAZINE 8 far-eastern countries such as North Korea, where opi- countries to this day except for the expression and the opinions of the people for elections. This was nions, ideologies and facts are inter-winged. One of most evident in the United Kingdom’s referendum edia drives communication and provides convenience. Technological advancements have contributed to the speed of message transmission and social factors have produced its content. Platforms, where expression meets creativity, builds curiosity as to which factor tips the scale in favour of better comprehending the media. Communication existed long before the media was used as a medium to communicate. From pictograms and ideograms to finally the first written language of the Sumerians, it is evident that society has always looked for more sophisticated ways to interact. The requisite to express surged the evolution of communication with the early methods only being the analogue versions of digital media. Society, culture and technology have significance in their own respect; however, the architect of modern era’s most popular industry is seemingly co-dependent. The ultimate force will be debated using references from Marshall McLuhan’s “The Medium is The Message,” and Jurgen Habermas’s Public Sphere.
on Brexit in 2016, where the majority of the public voted in favour of exiting the European Union. The unexpected outcome ordered from the bottom-up bought with it an extensive global news coverage that shaped discussions about the future of the country. The collective decision at local level shook the power structure, leading the society to revive the worth of their vote. Although social media’s grasp on its users is frequently speculated, the public has utilised it as a tool to execute organisations to bring awareness to many topics. For example the Me Too movement was created for the context of empowering sexual harassment victims through strength and unity. This action procured awareness and in successive of this organisation, the public managed harmonious support key workers during the Corona Virus Pandemic. During self-isolation people clapped from their windows and front doors, encouraging others who were not notified via social media to engage. Coming together in times of crises, the coverage of this news had a positive impact on the rest of the world- other countries including the United Kingdom followed in pursuit of showing appreciation to the National Health Service.
gle physical shop. Most recently Sweden governing biological chips meant that humans are now embodying technology, almost becoming one source. Texts and examples affirming the importance and prioritisation of each factor judiciously deem a collaboration of both a plausible rebuttal. To see technology and society as a unit rather than separate is commonsensical. To view the virtual world and reality as one dimension justifies the use of technologies in daily life, such as aeroplanes, sage ways and mobile phones. They have become an extension of an arm or a voice. With the factor of elimination to conclude, media was derived from society with the need to communicate, there is life without technology, and however, there is not be a point to technology without society’s need for it.
Although social media has a huge role in spreading awareness and bringing everyone together, this was also without the help of social media when civil rights activist Martin Luther King made his famous speech on liberation and freedom in 1963. 250,000 people gathered by word of mouth to listen in Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C, the speech resulted in shaping modern America. The media a tool of communication passively recorded and broadcasted the events of that day. In contrast, technology has created many new jobs online that would not have been possible a few NEWS MAGAZINE decades ago. With the help of modern technology, people are able to work from home, gain fame, fortune and sell millions of products without opening a sin-
interfere in the family until it is in its inteften when we talk about domestic rest, society does not contribute to change violence we think of painful physical acbecause domestic violence is so common tions that are committed by one person that it is considered normal. So, how did over another. Indeed, domestic violence we come as a thoughtful being to act only has its roots in aggressive physical acbased on our instincts? tions that stem from the physical and It all starts with the way we see ourselchemical composition of men, which couves. Men were seen as superior beings ld be different from that of women. because they were the provider, this made While men are physically built to be able the woman become excluded from all to defend the family, to have a high lesocial processes that involved thinking, vel of testosterone that highlights an decision-making. Her merciful character aggressive and impulsive behaviour, on has always been mistaken for a source the other hand, the woman represents of weakness and inferior to a man who an abundance of estrogen, which shapes shows strength, and ignorance. her into a calm being, without a physical The physical differences have served as a composition that would give her physical reason to see her as a weak being which strength. From the very beginning, Men can be abused. So, in the context of such are far more advantageous than the wothinking, you expect domestic violence to man, whose physical and mental consbe gone in the 21st century where we have truction suggests vulnerability, especially a developed society and unlimited access in the context in which she shows her to information that should help us devefeelings and worries, thinking in advanlop our consciousness. However, statistics ce for protection having no instincts and show that nowadays 1 in 3 women are strength to reach for the moment as man physically abused by their partner. Here does. we also identify another type of violenAs human consciousness continued to ce, namely psychological and emotional, develop over time, both man and woman where the numbers show very high rates were often in vicious relationships, in of abuse among both women and men. which his impulsiveness turned into doTrying to lessen the physical violence, we mestic violence, and her calmness turned ended up building another way of abuseher into a victim of a process that should the verbal one. How did we come to have not have existed in thoughtful beings. this kind of behaviour? Nothing intervened in this process, the A study in Pakistan shows that domestic church encourages forgiveness and the comes from the following grieviolence not turn of the other cheek, politics does NEWS MAGAZINE 10
vances: financial problems, infertility, children, or the husband’s vicious habits. Other reasons for violence are desire to control the partner, superiority or the behavioural attitude of the partner after the violence. Some studies sustain that the reason why domestic violence is so common is because of the patriarchal structure of the system. If looking at the modern system we can observe that once the women got to be more involved in the social activities the rate of domestic violence has dropped because of different perspectives over the role of women in society and family. Besides these reasons, others sustain the domestic violence such as psychological disorders that make the victim dependent on abuses, the violent role model, fear of worse to happen on their own, positive reactions of the victims when the abuser apologizes for the violent behaviour. From this, we understand that the problem comes from the way the person who becomes violent sees himself, from the image he creates of himself when practising those violent actions. Most violent people tend to see themselves as strong and dominant, while they look different in the eyes of a person looking from outside. Domestic violence is so common that we have come to believe that it is “normal”. The couples are built to create a peaceful environment for the development and raising of children. Domestic violence does not support any of these things. In families NEWS where MAGAZINE
there is violence, fear is rooted, and as a result, many other problems such as the lack of success of children at school, mental issues of women that can lead to suicide, raising traumatized children which could transform in problematic adults (sociopaths) etc. Simple solutions to exclude domestic violence are mutual respect, patience, communication, compromise, and care for each other instead of superiority, control and dominance. I do not blame any social construction (church, state, society) for the occurrence of violence, but I blame the human being who absorbed only what he needed from religion, politics and social conventions for their good and to the detriment of others. They took from all social constructions only the arguments that would justify such violent behaviours. But neither the church, nor the state, nor society says that there must be violence in the family. For these reasons, I expect from the 21st-century individual to display rational behaviour that will judge both his actions and its impact on those around him. Love the ones around you as you love yourself.
utumn is around the corner and the cold season is about to start. We seek to restore the warmth of human gatherings that we missed during the lockdown, yet the pandemic still pushes us apart. We long for somebody’s attention, while some-body is not enough to fill the gap. We need some-bodies to gravitate around us, as we step right into the spotlight. Theaters are closed, and all the actors are home. The performer has fallen into obsolete. We share our Zoom screen with our comrades in an equally divided grid, while repeating the same sitting posture up to infinity. One by one, we are spectators to a show that has no cast. As the stage is empty, what should we be looking at? On the front page of a 1962 Italian magazine, “La Domenica del Corriere”, a depiction of life in 2022 illustrates a city characterized by the Brownian movement of its pedestrians. Instead of walking, however, the pedestrians are using motorized pods, a sort of upside-down jars that enable them to see, yet protect them from being touched. As an echo to their chaotic movement, their eyes are headed all over the motley facades. Among the abundance of advertising signs, one particularly stands NEWS MAGAZINE out, recalling a possible answer to our question above: “With you fore-
ver”. Besides the crystal clear accuracy of Walter Molino’s prediction regarding our present measures for social distancing, what stands out of the script lies in the system of relations that are built. Rather than looking for a human-to-human type of connection, the pedestrians in the illustration long for a kind of relationship that goes beyond the surface, although the hint to this relation can be read as clear as an advertising sign. The sole element that speaks out loud in this imagery is the built environment itself. By putting every pedestrian inside a glass pod, the illustrator suggests the intimate connection between the city and each individual. The façade of the theater has outreached the performer. The spectator has left the showroom, and he is now strolling around the building. Although roughly underestimated nowadays, the spectator constitutes a key character within 20th century urban theory. In Walter Benjamin’s “Arcades Project”, the emergence of Paris as the capital of the 19th century is developed through the lens of the spectator, or more precisely, the
flâneur. The flâneur is the aimless urban stroller, the spectator that walks the city streets for the sake of the singular experience. Unlike his opposite, the modern man who passes by in a mundane rush, the flâneur establishes a different kind of relationship with the world he passes through. Simultaneously detached and involved, he disconnects from the crowd by refusing the alert rhythm of the city street, although he does engage with the surrounding from a different, distanced level. Once the pace has been changed, he is able to consciously register hidden textures of the urban environment. While being an advocate of historical materialist phenomenology, Walter Benjamin invested his flâneur with a superior ability to experience both space and time. By casually taking his time to deeper understand his surrounding, he manages to unravel what escapes the eye: “particular doorways, particular stretches of cobblestone, particular entrances to the catacombs, NEWS MAGAZINE particular cafes and cabarets”, all of which suddenly become trans-
parent in favour of past events. In this state of spiritual awakening, what the flâneur manages to do is to overcome the urban somnolence that characterizes the modern man, hence to see beyond the material surface. In Benjamin’s view, it is in the seemingly banal layers that form the built dimension of the city that the flâneur can unearth the hidden histories and become aware of them, in a way that stretches our reality. It stretches the reality by adding different levels of past realities to its depth, to the point where our present reaches its inmost form of what has been. With his historical materialist phenomenological approach, Walter Benjamin aims to depict the image of a vastly enriched present, a reality that is worth exploring to the human kind. As opposed to the platitude of the image of the city as seen through the lens of the eternally hurried modern man, a limit-like background inside which modern life happens, the image that takes shape in the eyes of the flâneur offers the abundance of an endless exhibition space, where a different history awaits for you at any corner. Once you have reached the latter mindset, you are ready to enjoy the life of a modern spectator.
Q uote o f T h e M o nt h:
“One needs to first learn the rules before being able to successfully break them, colour inside the box before they can overdraw the lines and aim for perfection before allowing imperfection.� Elmas Mehmet - The Singing voice Through Time Part 2
The Singing Voice Throughout Time – Part 2
The Classical Period – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart WORDS BY ELMAS MEHMET We have travelled and explored the style and school of thought during the Baroque era, discovering its affinity and tendency to modulate the substance of classical theatre into musical performance, aiming for the purity of thought, intention and emotion both in instrumental and in vocal music. These ideals will keep blooming and dictating with an inalienable expectation of traits which had already come to define the style of the times, such as the bombastic and elaborate patterns of Vivaldi’s style of composition, the demand for precision and technique, so typical to Händel, or the delicate, profound dedication nearing perfection that the great Bach demanded his vocal conceptions. From a formal point of view, Italian opera had had such growth and influence, that it had imposed itself quite undeniably as the main expression of cultured vocal music in the whole continent, being approachable and appreciated by every social class. The only exception was Paris, which had managed to create its musical theatre, with the “tragédie lyrique”, of which Jean-Baptiste Lully was the indisputable pillar, whereas Vienna was prestigious for the skill of its performers, as well as the quality of stage and musical production. This is where Christoph Willibald Gluck, a composer of modest origins, but great vision, after his extended trips in Europe’s most important musical cities in Italy, France, England, started what is known to us as “Gluck’s operatic reform”, born from the desire of getting rid of all the excess that had been characterizing Italian opera up to that day; to put it simply, he advanced the idea of serving the word with music, and not the other way around, reducing the number and amplitude of embellishments, and staying focused on the core, the action, the story – therefore, releasing the Italian operatic tradition from its staleness and infusing it with newfound pace and honest simplicity. His vision materialized with his opera “Orfeo ed Euridice”, with much simpler vocal phrases, reduced complexity of the storyline, with fewer subplots and a bigger emphasis on the orchestra, the choir and the dancers. Gluck’s work proved to be a historical landmark in music, providing a new direction which Mozart, among others, would identify with and follow. Mozart, a musical prodigy who started playing music around the age of three and writing short compositions at the age of five, owner of phenomenal memory and also perfect pitch, was enthusiastically received at the Viennese court and other nobiNEWS MAGAZINE 16 liary settings, where his unnatural talent was showcased. During his years of formation, he went on extensive trips in Europe to
ver the various tastes and styles, as well as learn from the greatest Maestri of those times, with an important stay also in Italy’s largest cities, which might have influenced his choices in terms of vocal and operatic composition. Among the pillars both of his creation and the universal operatic repertoire, and titles that have been among the most performed in the world up to our days, are not only the so-called Trilogy consisting of “Le nozze di Figaro” – “Don Giovanni” – “Così fan tutte” composed by Mozart on Italian libretti by his collaborator Da Ponte or “Die Entführung aus dem Serail” and “Die Zauberflöte”, valuable landmarks of the German repertoire, but also lesser-known gems
such as “Lucio Silla”, “Idomeneo” or “Der Schauspieldirektor”. For a classical singer, exploring repertoire by Mozart is an absolute must and a step that is considered to be indispensable before moving on to “heavier” repertoire. A common expression that I have personally heard many times is: “One’s gotta know how to sing Mozart before they try to sing anything else”. At the same time, the number of music professionals who say: “Mozart’s music is the most difficult to sing, it will always give you away.” is surprisingly high. So where does this apparent contradiction even come from? Taking one step back to talking about ba-
roque music, we will remember that the consheard, the slightest hesitancy will break the tructions were virtuous, agile, full of temperaeverflowing direction, so characteristic to his ment and sparkle, always in motion, stretching creation and any dramatic exaggeration will the performer’s vocal possibilities to basically allow the vulgar to prevent the sublime. whatever the performer considered himself to So why are so-called “beginners” advised to be capable of; the recitativi was sung almost study his music, you say, if his claims are so rhetorically, perfectly articulated, incisive and strict and his rigour so intimidating? heavy at the same time – one could say we I believe it is because one needs to first learn were in a world of extremes. the rules before being able to successfully With classicism in general and Mozart in partibreak them, colour inside the box before they cular, one could say we would take down a nocan overdraw the lines and aim for perfection tch from the fervour; mind you, the fervour but before allowing imperfection. not the energy. Because while Mozart’s phrases And, to end this article on a simple and posand general spirit are those of elegance, fluidity, sibly amusing note which perhaps even the composure, almost mathematical symmetry, it great Mozart would appreciate, because “he is exactly those which require a perfectly calidoesn’t ruin the voice”. brated instrument, able to control and release at the same time, to mould the sound from the Our next trip will take us to Italy, to a diffesame substance but colour it differently with rent way of understanding emotion transevery movement, to ground it firmly, yet let it lating into music, a different standard of soar. mastery and another era that some would His vocal phrases (and not only) are defined by wholeheartedly proclaim as the bringer of NEWS MAGAZINE 17 musical simplicity but require a reliable te“the best music in the world”. chnical setup. The slightest push or slip will be
SERI E S R EV I EW word s by e sr a k a nbu r
3% is a Netflix original from Brazil. It is about a dystopia set in the near future with a fictional slum referred to the ‘Inland’ and the sophisticated, advantaged setting called the ‘Offshore.” Every 20 year old has the opportunity to enter the process and pass a series of tests until there is only 3% of candidates left, the small percentage is then rewarded by entering the offshore and living a life of luxury. However the 97%
of those who do not pass the process head back to the inland, as they were not able to “prove they are worthy” enough for the offshore. The idea is that only the elite candidates with great skills are worthy of a better life.
The budget of the show is noticeable right away, most things are left to the imagination. For example, the tests seem very simplistic, and this is where the acting skills of the actors come in- they make us believe that tests in the process are hard. We are introduced to the main characters and their backstories as the first season progresses. The diversity of the cast is inspirational, the Brazilian production has worked to be all-inclusive. Michelle is the main character, she is ruthless and on a mission, her main objective is to blend in with the rest of the candidates as part of the ‘Cause’ which is an anti-offshore gang that work to defeat the system of inequality. Joanna is a candidate that makes it into the same process as she is running away from trouble on the streets, she finds a safehaven within the walls of the processing centre. This is where she discovers Rafale- an imposter who she susses out right away - as it takes one to know one. Fernando is the love interest of Michelle, he comes from the church that believes in the Founding Couple’s ideology of the NEWS MAGAZINE 18 offshore. He enters the process wide-eyed, believing in its justice and that there are
no limits, especially when it comes to his disability. His father who is the minister of the church installs in him that the offshore will accept him if he proves he is worthy by passing the tests.
You may wonder why on earth it takes 4 seasons to tell this story, the producers have made sure to not leave a single stone left unturned, as viewers we can sometimes say what if the characters not done this or try that. Although at first glance it may seem very With each season you can unveil each similar to The Hunger Games, which at of these questions. Why things have to the core is a rebellion group with different end the way they do- because that is motives looking to end a system that is the only option. And as the audience, creating a bigger gap between the poor and we believe and accept this, as we have the wealthy. It has its stance, and reality gone on a journey with the characters check. Looking at the situation in Brazil and tried every option with them. now, it is a great reflection on their current situation, therefore the victory of the show Like the theme song at the end of the 3% is a victory for Brazil’s underdogs. 4th season sings “the past is a piece of clothing that does not fit anymore” As you are watching the show you There is a hope for the future, just cannot help but get stuck in their world. because things were a certain way The completely unexpected twists and back in the day, it does not mean that turns are the bread and butter of the is how it should continue to be. We show. No character is safe, everyone outgrow our pasts and take a big step can be destroyed in a moment. The into the future by working together, unpredictability leaves you breathless, having a democracy and not dividing once you feel you are connecting with a communities, races, genders by ego character- they exit. It is not your typical and lies about superiority. “he is the main character he won’t die until the end’ kind of show. As someone who watchs a lot of films, series, TV shows (you name it) after some time every scene and outcome is easy to guess. But shows like ons 3% is what critics yearn for, as it keeps us -4 seasComparato, neza Bianca second-guessing and stimulates our minds -Cast: Valente, Va o that are so very anti-clique. Rodolf NEWS MAGAZINE 19 liveira O Brazil -Set in : Sci-Fi -Genre
Have you always been interested in fashion? Yes! Ever since I was little, I’ve always wanted to design my clothes. My nan bought me a children’s sewering machine when I was 6, and I loved it. But as I grew older I kept creating so many different things, for myself and eventually when I had children I did the same for them. When I had my first daughter I put little bow and pearls on her buggy and people would ask me where I got it, I’d tell them I made it. I’ve always been interested in creating and making things look unique and pretty. When and how did you learn to make your own designs? It comes from inside really, a place from wanting the best and wanting things to be sparkly and pretty, stand out and make people think wow where did you get that. I knew these things cost a lot of money I didn’t always have all the money to get them, so I thought I can make them that way I can have it. Wanting the best and doing the best you can get the best. When you don’t have the means, so you have to get creative. NEWS MAGAZINE Where do you see your business in 5 years time? The sky is the limit I would
say, only God knows where my business would be in five years. Of course, I have my little thoughts but I’m praying that God is going to exceed that. How do you build a successful customer base? My customer base grew by me and my children wearing our clothes out and people asking where did you get that. And that is actually how I started my business. I thought I’m going to bring it to more people and so others could have unique clothing too. My daughter got me one of my biggest sells at the beginning, she was wearing one of my designs which had angel wings on and a lady stopped her and asked about it. The lady bought 3 or 4 of my jumpers that day. It is the biggest marketing as people get to see it in real life, for example, my Royalty range, the photos don’t do it justice, the sparkles in real life are dazzling! There’s something for everybody we do clothes for men, women, babies, bags, jewellery. How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful? Instagram, Amazon, eBay and going to events- which I find most successful and as I get to do networking by gathering contact details. And I get to show
my products in person, I get questions such as does the design come out in the wash? You can put it in the washing machine as much as you want and it stays on. Can you describe your typical day and the process of making your clothes? My typical day is looking after my girls, they are my number one priority and the reason behind my business. I have to cook, clean and make sure they are well dressed, my girls always have their bows and hair did and their Veaelee on. Then I come into my home office, where I have my desk, sewing machine, lights and heat presses. My business started from home and it’s where I continue to work. How do you generate new ideas? My ideas come to me all the time, one day I’ll one one thing, the next something else. From card to rug. My living room, my office it is all my designs and creation. It not something I force. Sometimes it will come out good and sometimes it doesn’t but that is the lesson in it. One thing I’d like to advise people is; even if you think you made a mistake, you’ve never really made a mistake - you’ve made a learning process. Sometimes I think Its gone wrong and I’ll try and fix it and it turns out better than I actually planned for it to look like. Creation is exploring and learning. How do you define success? When people come back and they say to me they love what I’ve made for them, they’ll send me pictures, texts, emails to say thank you. I am unable to post all of them on my social media if I did everyone would be inundated. I know it sounds a bit cheesy but it does bring a tear to my eye. I had one customer with a daughter who was disabled and took her daughter to a wedding wearing one of my designs and everyone was taking pictures of her. Since then, every year she buys a custom from me on her dau-
ghter’s birthday. She told me ‘the doctors said she wasn’t supposed to live past one-years-old, so, every birthday is such a big celebration, and you make her feel so special every year’ and to me, that is beyond heartwarming. Every year I do a giveaway from my store too, and when people send me pictures and messages I know I’m doing the right thing and it makes people so happy. If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently and why? I would have a business manager because my mind is on ‘create, create, create,’ and not on ‘money, money, money’. I want to make and do the best. If I make something and it doesn’t look right on a customer, I’d spend ages fixing it and making it perfect. And in business, you work on producing and just getting it out, but it’s not how I work. Also, throughout hard times, I’d continue to keep going, because I did go through a lot last year and then the pandemic came and it slowed me down even more. But I still keep pushing and that’s what we all have to do in life, keep trying - always follow your dream and if you work hard you will get there. Sincerely I believe if you work hard you will get where you need to be.
Who has been your greatest inspiration and why? First of all, it is God because if it weren’t for him I wouldn’t be here. And second, my nan, she taught me many things like sometimes NEWS MAGAZINE 21 coffee sometimes tea, and what that means is, things will be good and it will be bad or so-
metimes in-between but you have to keep going no matter what. Last year she moved on to her next phase in life, and that is what slowed me down, I was crushed beyond belief. A month after one of my friends passed, and a month after my mum passed. That was three people in one year. I couldn’t tell my customers why I was slow, I pretended to be okay. When my customers would make an order I’d push myself to get everything done, but I couldn’t let them know I was going through all this, I kept trying my hardest. If I could change anything I’d have tried harder, although
they are not enthusiastic people won’t buy it. Also, you must have a passion for learning, I taught myself how to sew. I watched so many sewing videos. Youtube is the way to learn a lot of techniques, I call it the ‘Youtube University’ While I wasn’t working I studied so hard. Then I enrolled onto a sewing course, but I had to leave because I was too advanced, the students would ask me for help instead of the teacher.
most people would be like ‘you couldn’t have tried any harder, you should be relaxing not running a business.’ But I knew it was something I wanted to do for my nan, I’d tell her one day I would be a rich and famous designer. She taught me to be kind, loving and giving.
If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it and why? I have already written a book about myself! I’m on my fifth book right now. Whenever I want to teach my children things I tend to write a story. I find it easier to teach them by reading a book and teaching them. The book I’ve written about myself is called Strength Beyond Strength. I feel like this question is a sign for me to finally release it! The book is about being strong, no matter what you go through in life, even if you’re on the floor you have to keep yourself up. I’ve been through a lot of things in my life and from that came my designing and my passion to create. I have a range Arise Champion, to arise and be courageous. That’s what my brand is about; strength, happiness, being different, standing out, being you. Be you and don’t follow any crowd. This is why I do bespoke designs, customers can have what they want on them. You tell me what you want and that’s what I create. If you watch my fashion shows, the models that where my clothes wear it with pride, you can see the passion and confidence oozing from their eyes. What can you advise others looking to create their own brand? It has to come from your heart and if it doesn’t you will get bored. You would just think ‘I’m not bothered to do this anything.’ For example, if someone comes up to you and wants to sell you a product and
Instagram: @Vaealee Youtube: .com/channel/Vaealee
The age-old question, it is quite comical if you think about it, how does one not know how to be happy. Look like everyone is after that one thing but somehow unable to draw it in. Happiness is subjective, which means it looks different to everyone. It is about taste, not one size fits all. The main aim is to find out what makes you happy as an individual, it is an Everest of a task to write an article for over 7 billion people. Even when writing a recipe we add “optional ingredients” for your taste, and even then there will be people who do not even like the dish you are giving a receipt for. But the good news is, there are some fundamentals to get us started, here are some ways you can be happy right now.
1. Before asking how to be happy, I think
work out, eat right or even take cosmetic procedure measures whichever suits you. And the outcome should bring you happiness as it is the opposite situation that you are in now. I’d have to mention true happiness comes from within, but it is a great idea to change the things that make you actively unhappy for you to come to this realisation. Yes, having your ideal body will be fun, and give you a sense of achievement and peace. But as any philosopher would argue ‘happiness’ should lay deeper than that.
the more important question is what is making you unhappy? If we can find out some of the factors that are preventing you from attaining happiness then you can battle the issue head-on. Think about all the things in your life that are currently stopping you from being happy. Close your eyes for a moment and go through each one and make a mental note. It can be that you are in a job you dislike, maybe you like your job but have issues with the people you work with. Perhaps you are not happy in the relationship you are in, or unhappy 2. By practising mindfulness, being in because you are not in a relationship. Furthermore, it can be your family life, income, the present moment and enjoying what is happening right now. So many times we lifestyle, friendships. The list is endless but the factor of unhappiness is bespoke to miss opportunities because we are always you and can change throughout time. Once running what is good which is persistent thoughts of the past or anxious thoughts you identify these points there is a simple about the future. Breath in and sit quietly equation: for a few minutes. Observe your surrounProblem - Solution = Outcome dings, 24 if you are drinking coffee then enjoy Now if you are unhappy because you NEWS do MAGAZINE your cup of coffee. If you are looking at a not have your ideal body, the solution is to view they notice everything about the view.
dings, if you are drinking coffee then enjoy your cup of coffee. If you are looking at a view they notice everything about the view. Being absently minded can make you feel like you are not living, merely existing. When you are at an event, enjoy the music, conversations with people and do want you to want- even if it means dancing like crazy. Stop worrying about looking at your phone, doing a live stream, taking pictures, video, seeing who liked your post or how many people viewed your story. Live in the now, look around and have fun- that is when you capture the true essence of happiness. The glimpse of hope beaming through every fibre of your being. Do you ever catch yourself feeling the fear of missing out? Looking at a series of social media posts wondering why everyone else is having fun but you are not? The truth is they may be there in body but not in spirit. They might as well be at home looking at their phone just like you.
3. Spirituality is a factor that is sometimes
left out in the pursuit of happiness. You do not necessarily need to be religious or even have a religion to feel spiritual. A sense of belonging to a community and having people to stand by you, be it a friendship group, family or in this instance spiritual connections. Believing there is a higher power, lightens one’s burden, knowing that there is something bigger than us in control. Makes life problems seem less significant and we walk differently knowing that there is a bigger plan for us all. Staying connected to our higher self and nurturing our soul is kind for our overall well being. A healthy soul brews inside a healthy body and mind. Surely here lays a keynote to the wonderland we are after. Ask yourself, is spirituality missing in your life, do you keep grounded by your faith or beliefs. Are you kind or are you bitter to those around you? Perhaps, if you can lighten your heart, put a smile on your face and fake it until you make it, maybe the tunnel will be shorter- and the light will be brighter!
on our dreams and settle for us because life did not turn out the way we wanted it to be. We have bills to pay, expectations to meet and quickly the walls come crumbling down as you are left out in the cold while your hopes and dreams burn away like coal in the fireplace. We need to reignite the fire, realise life is too short to be stuck in a place that does not bring you happiness. Make a list of all your dreams and ambitions in life, stare at the list until you realise who you are, who you became and who you want to be. That is what stands in your way of being happy. Overall it must be understood that happiness is a mood, a state of mind. It can change and shift, you cannot be happy all of the time, just as you cannot be sad all the time. Happiness is a natural state that comes and go, what we want is for it to come and stay for good- or to feel it more than often. Think about the most happiness memo nets in your life, and then think about when you were most at your happiest- these are the footprints to follow.
4. Remember being a kid and having all
these dreams, space was the limit. You wanted to be a painter, an astronaut, a dancer, a teacher. But as times went by the NEWS MAGAZINE ability to dream limitlessly took a fall and the reality set in. Some of us had to give up
Imagine a world where weird an tent of our desires and secret inter possible fun scenarios and bringin what if there was an
Time, how we want more of it. Especially when we feel like it is escaping us. Time goes on and people age, heal and grow. Would having more days in a week make the week feel slower or can we utilise this extra day by taking extremely useful measures. Around the world, countries have different rules for weekdays and weekends, for example, most Muslim countries in the East have Fridays off, therefore the weekend is Friday and Saturday, Sunday through to Thursday are weekdays. Also, the Islamic calendar means there is a different New Year. Sound familiar? The Chinese New Year is also another example, the Chinese have their timestamps in comparison to the rest of the world. Furthermore, Eastern Orthodox Christian countries have their calenders and celebrate Christmas and Easter on different days according to their calculations. The 365 days, leap year and staple days through the year that does not change do make one wonder, if our birthdays are even on the day we think it is?
finally officially turning 25 years old! But what if there was an extra day added to our week. Would that throw us off completely or keep us on track? Let’s pretend it was a 6 days work week with 2 days off. It would make the week feel longer, but surely after a while, we would get used to it. It would mean that we will get paid 4 more days in a month- however, it will take almost a week longer to get paid. A lot of people have a 6-day working week and just one day off, this is an example of how the extra workday would feel to those who have conventional office jobs. On the contrary, if we had a 3 day weekend and with the regular 5-day working week, it would feel a bit like having a bank holiday weekend- every single week! Of course, again it is something we will get used to overtime. The consequences may be that we will become less productive. especially if the extra day was sandwiched between Wednesday and Thursday, we would have to turn on our focus and turn it off within the two days. Would this be enough for us to finish our tasks and feel fulfilled?
Abiding by the rules of time on earth we know that the planet does a full lap around the sun in 365 days which we accept as a year. The As unrealistic as this scenario is, if one day the wonders of the leap year to the imagination is 8th day was discovered, surely each country and a treat. A day that doesn’t exist and that can entity would have their own rules and attitudes NEWS MAGAZINE 26 be erased. You might have heard about Doris towards it, respecting communication timefraCleife, she had celebrated her 100th birthday by mes with the rest of the world.
HAT IF...?
nd wicked things were real, could you fathom the exrests could lead to. WHAT IF...? Is about investigating ng them to life, even if it’s just on paper. Here we ask, n extra day in a week called “FunsDay”
Fun To None Upon discovering a 13th star-sign, Astronomers have now announced there is an additional 1,152 hours in a year we are unaware of. This calculates to an extra day in a week. When asked about why we have not been aware of this earlier, the scientists have responded as “It is easier to detect these things now, with every advancement, we are to find out more about the universe. The possibilities are endless.” NASA has named the extra day “Funsday” as a proposal for an extra day for the weekend. The famous saying Sunday Funday is finally a reality. However, the UN has voted that the extra day should be placed between Wednesday and Thursday to split up the week. This idea has excited individuals, a manager at a hardware house in London says, “This is the greatest discovery, I think being able to work three days, take a break, work two days and take another break means that people can be more concerned with their personal lives rather than working all the time. It will break up the silent capitalist mindset.” The majority of the world is in agreement, they have complained about having to work all the time with a hustler mentality without having time for personal connections and working on themselves. Having an extra
day draws you back to reality and to focus on what is important. However, there is a portion of the world, especially in the Far-East, which argues that the extra day should be called Nonesday and be used as a productive workday. A primary school teacher in China says “I believe it will be more productive if Nonesday was used to focus on work and school. We can do wonders and make a lot of progress with just an extra day. Time is of great value and should not be wasted away on ‘just relaxing’ it should be put into good use otherwise it will not be fulfilling its purpose. It is a gift we should not abuse.” Lastly, some people believe that each country should use the day how they like, for example, Europe can use it as a weekend, while Asia can use it as a productive day if they so, please. Or it should be up to individual business owners in the public and private sectors how they would like to proceed. For example, the NHS can use it as an extra day of work, while the financial industry can use it as a permanent bank holiday one day a week. No matter what is decided on, there needs to be synchronicity so that the world is still able to stay connected and not too far divided.
MEET THE TE AM ICE R T A E B BADE A Born in a family where being a doctor is a sine qua non-condition, Beatrice is the one who decided to heal the world from the outside and become an architect. She describes the episode of her baptism as indicative of her future, having chosen from the stack of objects a book, a pen (that she immediately started doodling with), and a passport. If you wonder why you haven’t seen her talking yet, the truth is Beatrice is the backstage kind of a person. Unless we give her a tutu and a pair of pointe shoes, case in which she rocks the stage. She was born by the Danube, in a Romanian city where all the streets are parallel and perpendicular; quite revealing of her native need for order and clarity. its perfume, as the water underneath is, indeed, How has quarantine been for you, and how cleaner than ever before. have you adapted to the new normal? Since I was a little girl, I had a theory: that You are studying Architecture; how and why every one of us lived inside an invisible bubbdid you decide to get into this field? le, and it is inside this bubble that all the magic I was a very stubborn child, as I am now an even occurred; that is playing, dreaming, learning, more stubborn adult. I was interested in almost trying and creating. The problem is, the moeverything around me, and, to be frank, I was ment a distraction comes up, the bubble insgeeky enough to study everything that interestantly pops. It is only for somebody dear, that ted me. I went through drawing, Mathematics, this force field opens up without vanishing music, martial arts, Japanese, Literature, Reinto thin air. ligion, Biology, dance, ballet, theatre, Physics. What the quarantine managed to do, in my There were plenty of moments in life when I opinion, was to reinforce our bubble, to re-eswas told: “you can’t keep on doing all of these. tablish our personal space, which is the best You need to choose”, until the point I decided place for us to grow, and in the same time, for to answer: “I want it all”. When I went for Arthe most selective closeness to happen. Thechitecture, I was in search of this utopic comrefore, despite the consequences of the panpleteness. I couldn’t have possibly been more demic in itself, I embraced the quarantine as accurate than that. an opportunity to spend some quality time with myself, and to maintain the focus that In your designs do you have a signature style? my bubble requires. Now that I think about NEWS MAGAZINE 28 pre-democratic societies, Architecture Within it, our current world looks pretty much like a was pretty much about representation, about bubble bath, where every bubble encapsulates
Life without Death”. Its final scene shows the boy coming back home from the Fairy Land where nothing gets old, to see his family that he missed. Instead of the images and figures of his childhood, he finds the ruins of a space that had fallen into decay, joined by the memory of a long distanced life. I find that moment of vulnerability to be crucial in his character development, an ingredient that would make our society a better place to live in. Thus, my utopia shows a city that moves its boundaries further as it grows, adding the new to the old. Years later, people would be living far away from the old parts of the city where they grew, as the latter would remain untouched. Sometimes you need to separate black from white within this grey blend that gives our reality, to realize where you are and where you came from. This is what museums do: separate the old from the new, so that we finally get to SEE it. If you could design a building anywhere in the world where would it be and what would it look like? Without any doubt, to design the piazza of a new city, the heart of its community, where people meet and share the space: this would be my dream project. It took me 6 years of university to understand that the best architecture happens the moment you build the minimum required; when you share the space with nature. After all, what is architecture, if not creating an island of humanity?
style. There was this supreme instance, namely the political leader, who was empowered to solely express his persona in front of the people. The message would be progressively absorbed by the population, due to the strong influence that the built environment has on people’s minds. Nowadays, Architecture is no longer about style, but rather about expressing people’s needs. In this equation, I choose cleanliness and sincerity of form as a personal style- a strong influence coming from my workshop professor during the 2nd and 3rd year of university- through an architecture that seeks to put order wherever chaos reigns. On top of that, I always aim to add something special to every design, an all-encompassing story that sets the atmosphere to this forma scope I took over from my diploma tutor. The rest is pure play. You had perviously written about utopia, what would your utopia look like? There is a folk tale inside the Romanian culture NEWS MAGAZINE that particularly haunted me, as a child. Its name would be translated as “Youth without Age and
You are also a ballet dancer, when and why did you start dancing? I started ballet at the age of 15 when I was foolish enough to make promises. I promised to someone dear that I will never give up on it, no matter how hard or painful it was. In time, I learnt how to love it. I strongly believe that people can get to love almost anything (that is not bad per se). They only need time and understanding. The more you know something, the more you love it. As simple as that. Have you watched Black Swan, and how realistic do you find it? I think that the quintessence of this film lies in one of Natalie Portman’s lines – which I strongly relate to- and that is “I just want to be perfect”. The entire plot is built around this message, which is a prerequisite for fragility. There is nothing frailer than a human being in strive for perfection, and the world of a ballerina’s mind is only a pretext for this theme to be approached. Such is the case of an acrobat that steps on a string. Beginning with the first step, there are only two case scenarios: the acrobat can either walk 29 along perfectly, and there you have an exquisite act of balance, or the acrobat might as
well fall, and here we have the disastrous consequences, the fall into mental illness. There is no middle way. How many hours a day do ballerinas train, and how do you manage it around your schedule? For a professional ballerina, the training schedule is similar to a working day, consisting of warming up, technique exercises and rehearsal. Since I am firstly an architect, and only secondly a ballerina, my training routine depends on my own will. I am currently training twice per week in the studio in Bucharest, plus every other day, except Sunday, at home with Tamara Rojo’s online lessons (English National Ballet artistic director and former principal dancer). Ballet works for me as a cigar: whenever I feel stressed, overwhelmed, or simply bored, I start training a bit around the house. Unlike cigars, this kind of habit can only affect your body in the best way. What is your favourite genre of music? My favourite genre of music would lie somewhere next to progressive rock. And here, of course, I am thinking precisely about Pink Floyd. In my mind, their music manages to encompass my two biggest passions. There is architecture, as their music is the product of a bunch of architecture students, and there is ballet, which is my subjective perception, as a result of being part of a ballet show built around Pink Floyd’s music exclusively; I can still hear, from time to time, “The gunner’s dream” playing in my mind, which is the song of my final pas de deux with my former ballet teacher. After spending 5 hours per day in the presence of this music, trust me, one cannot escape falling in love with it. What would be the title of your autobiography? I might need 10 more years, at least, to answer to this question. At the moment, my life is simply “Work in progress”. If you had a magic wand, what is one thing you would change? There is a recurrent feeling of dissatisfaction that strikes me at the end of a day; I feel I would have loved doing more. If I had a magic wand, I would use it to add a couple of hours to every day. There are so many things to do in life, that I cannot hold myself from smiling when I think about such a magic spell.
BEATRICE GABRIELLA BADEA while to watch it, but I am a patient person. Describe a perfect day? Any day that comes after a good night sleep is a perfect day. It gets even better during a cold season. Do you have a life motto? “To always live as if you were a spectator”- this is something that my mother would keep on telling me throughout my entire life. In time, I found this character more and more interesting: the spectator, the one that nobody sees, that everybody underestimates; the one that is so easy to blame for not having the initiative to walk on the stage and play his life. And yet, we tend to miss an aspect: the director, the choreographer, the writer, … the architect, not to forgetthey are all varieties of the spectator.
As a writer for The Hall News, where do you see the magazine heading? In my mind, there is a utopia concerning this If you could go back to one historical event magazine: I see the picture of the brand new to witness it, what would it be and why? NEWS MAGAZINE 30 The Hall News headquarters building being I would certainly choose to see the birth inaugurated; after my personal design, if I may. of the Universe. I am aware it might take a
erhaps we need to witness the harms of the damage to the ozone layer with our bare eyes to understand the amplitude of problems we are facing. If we stopped to think about our losses versus or gains by damaging the ozone layer we may be about to make some conscious changes. Humans are the most dangerous beings in terms of causing the greatest damage to our planet.
oxygen gathered in the stratosphere layer. The Ultraviolet rays made contact with the oxygen molecules in this layer and caused these molecules to split into two oxygen atoms. These oxygen atoms combined with oxygen molecules and ultimately the Ozone layer was formed.
According to NASA and NOAA satellite measurements, the ozone hole reached its peak extent of 16. 4 million square kilometres on Sept 8, and then it shrank to less than 10 million square kilometres for the remainder of September and October. During years with normal weather conditions, the ozone hole typically grows to a maximum area of about 8 million square miles in late September or early October.
The use of fuels that do not harm the environment, should be widely spread. Factory chimneys must have filters installed. Carbon footprint measurements should be made. Public transport should be used by more people. Greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced. Renewable resources via recycling.
What is the ozone layer, what dangers does it protect us from and what measures should we take so that we can overcome these disasters?
For humanity and nature to live longer, the responsibility falls on the shoulders on the most dangerous creatures- human beings. Although this information will most likely be forgotten and we will continue our lives without ever baring a thought to the major side effects of the deterioration of the protective and essential layer, there is great optimism that the Y-Z generation consists of conscious people.
The ozone layer also known as the ozonosphere is a protective layer that prevents harmful sun rays from reaching our planet by absorbing some of the radiation. With the protective layer, the UVB rays are one of the most dangerous causes of skin cancer, cataracts, damaging crops and marine life.
What should be done to prevent the fracture of the Ozone layer can be listed as follows:
How did the ozone layer become our planet’s protector? The first creatures on earth were those that could breathe without oxygen as there was no free oxygen in the atmosphere. Later, a creature capable of photosynthesis emerged and NEWS MAGAZINE the respiration also became part of our system. Thus, free oxygen was formed and these free
(Green peas and cottage cheese curry) Matar paneer is one of India’s most popular cottage cheese (Paneer) recipe. Usually it is made during winters when fresh peas are in season. However, it can also be made with frozen peas anytime around the year. It is very creamy, delicious and rich peas and cottage cheese curry. Matar paneer goes well with Roti, Parathas or Naan or steamed rice. Vegans can substitute tofu with paneer and still enjoy the deliciousness. For curry paste : •Oil 2 tbspoon •Cardamoms 2 pcs. •Cloves 4 pcs •Garlic 4-5 pcs. •Ginger 20 gram finally chopped •2 onions finally chopped •2 tomatoes finally chopped •1 teaspoon turmeric powder •15-20 cashewnuts •½ teaspoon salt
-Heat a pan and add oil, add cardamoms and cloves. Mix it for 10 seconds, add ginger, garlic and chopped onions. Saute them until onion turn pink to light golden, add tomatoes, cashewnuts, salt and turmeric powder. Saute them for 2-3 minutes. Cover the pan and cook on a medium flame until the onions and tomatoes turn mushy. Turn off the stove. Cool this mixture and blend it in a fine, smooth puree.
For Matar paneer gra vy : • 400 gram Paneer (co • ttage chee 400 gram se) g reen peas • (fresh or fr 2 tablespo oze n ) o n O il, butter o • 1 cinnamo r ghee n stick • 2 bayleaf • 2 teaspoon coriander • powder 1 teaspoon c umin pow • der 1 teaspoon red chilli • powder 1 teaspoon garammas • ala powde Coriander r le aves finall • y chopped 50 ml. Cre am • Salt as tas te
-If using sto soak it in a re bought Paneer, cut it and shallowhot water for 10 minute in cubes and s. Drain the -Heat the oil fr y it. water o r g h ee in a pan, add and bay leaf ci a n n namon stick d saute it fo -Add the cu r 10 seco spices. Mix rr y puree mixture with nds. together andit well and cook it untilall the powder Keep stirrin oil start coming out o the spices comes -Add green g in time to time to pre n the surface. me for 2-3 mpeas and mix it well. Covent burning. -Add paneer inutes, add 200 ml wateok it on high flacover it and cubes when the water r and cook it. – low flame let them cook for 10 m start boiling, appear over until the gravy thickeninutes on medium the gravy. A s -Cover and co dd salt as ta and traces of oil ste. o k ju st for 2 minute -Switch off s. leaves. Mix the stove. add fresh crea it well and y serve. our matar p m and coriander aneer is reNEWS MAGAZINE -Ser ve it wit ady to h Roti, Naan bread or stea med rice.
Strawberry Cake With Mascarpone Cream Frosting Ingredients: For the cake 1½ teaspoon vani 175g soft unsalte lla extract d butter Pinch of salt 175g self-raising flour ½ cup of freeze dr 120g caster suga ied r st rawberr y powde 3 large eggs r For the cake 1 teaspoon baking powder
For The Icing: 350g soft unsalted bu tter 170g mascarpone ch eese (it has to be full fat) 3-4cups of icing suga r 1 teaspoon vanilla ex tract Pinch of salt ¼ cup of freeze dried strawberry powder
METHOD: Preheat the oven to 180°c. Grea1. se and line a 9 inch round cake tin. Put all the ingredients into a 2. stand mixer using a paddle attachment or a large mixing bowl if using a handheld mixer and beat for 1 minute or just until it’s combined. It’s important not to over beat your batter- just enough to make it smooth. Pour the batter into the prepa 3. red tin. As it’s a thick batter make sure to smooth the top and make it even. Place it in the oven on the middle shelf and bake for 40-50mins. The cake is cooked when you insert a toothpick in the centre and it comes out clean. The top of the cake should spring back when lightly touched. Let the cake cool in the tin for 4. 5mins. Then turn it over onto a cooling rack and let it completely cool before assembling.
5. For the icing, beat the butter until smooth and pale in colour, about 5 minutes. Add the mascarpone and beat until smooth and combined. 6. Add the icing sugar in 2 halves and beat until smooth. (Don’t forget to start the mixer on a low speed or you’ll be covered in icing sugar) 7. Add the vanilla extract, salt and the freeze dried strawberry powder and beat on low speed first then to combine the powder then put the speed up to high for a final mix. 8. Cut the cake into 2 or 3 even slices and place one on a cake stand. Ice the layers and crumb coat. Refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour to set the crumb coat. 9. Finally finish by adding the remaining icing to coat the cake and decorate as you wish. Enjoy!
Mekanizma Araç Mı? M
ekanizma, makine ya da ağaç kalasından yapılır. Madde de işlenmesinden sonra şekillenir. Şöyle ki, o eşya üzerine nazikçe dokunursunuz. Çizmek yada kırmaktan sakınarak itinayla titizlik gösterirsiniz. Kahveni, fil dişi gibi sağlam porselen bir fincanda yudumluyorsan, rahatça hareket edebiliyorsun. Çayını, incecik camdan bardakta içmek istiyorsan dikkatli olmalısın. Canlıların yaratılışında, onlara biçilmiş modeller ile bedenleri gelişmiştir. Canlı insan türü, öğrenip uygulamaya geçmek mecburiyetindedir. Öğrendikleri beynin hafıza bölümüne yerleşir. Gerektiğinde düşünerek pratiğe yönelir.
Öngörülerini kullanabilmek isteyenlere izin verilecek mi? Ayrıcalık taşıyanlar, zengin zümre edebi bilenler, hangi akla ait evrimleşebilecek? Makine, insanların hayatını kolaylaştırmak için yapılmış olmasına rağmen, kendi icadının esiri, hatta ölümsüzleştirmeye yönelmişliği hakkındaki en aciz karardır.
Insan canlı türlerinin en üstünlük gösterebileni olarak örnek olmalıdır. Zekâ düzeyi yüksek, bedeni ile bütünleşmiş. Ona bakıp, ne kadar hoş bir tablo oluşturuyor diyerek; kendinizi hayran kalmaktan alıkoyamazsınız. Bir tane zibidinin teki de, alayvari konuşuyor. Kendisini beğenmişlikten geçemiyor. Elegant ve ilginç seçim gücü ile gururlanabiliyor. Bu sevimsizliğinin yanında duyarsızsa gösteriş peşindedir. Böyle karakterleri tercih etmemeliyiz. Yerçekimi kanununa göre, bize ayakları yere basanlar lazım. Aynı uydu gezegeninin yolcuları, ayrıcalık taşımış olduğunu düşünerek ‘ayın’ cazibesine kapılıp böbürlenebilir. Canlıya makine ayarı verilebilir mi? Mümkündür. Özelliğini bilip işlenirse amaca hizmet edenler, makineleşmiş mekanizmaya dönüşür. İddialar doğrulanırsa, bilgisayar gibi verimli olabilenler uzun yaşatılabilecek. Veriler, kanıtlanarak robot hükümranlığı yerleşecek. Kolumuzdaki altın bilezik, gerçek saç, diş insana ait, duygulara gerek duyulmayacak. Dünya, yabancılar tarafınNEWS MAGAZINE dan işgal edilmeksizin kendi dönemindeki işgalcilerin emrine bağlanacak.
Yeniden Evlerimize Kapansakmı? K
oronavirüs, 2019 Aralık ayında öldürücü bir hastalık olarak ortaya çıkmış. Çin’deki Wuhan bölgesi ile alakalı çeşitli söylentiler var. Bir köpek, bir insanı ısırmış ve bu köpekten insana bulaşan hastalık hızlıca çevresine sıçrayarak kıtalara yayılmış. Nefes nefese soluyarak, hapşırık, öksürük ve kişiden kişiye temasla bulaşmış olabileceği iddia ediliyor. Hastalanma belirtisi; vücuttaki sıcaklık artışı, tad ve koku almama ve öksürme ile kendini belli ediyor. Diğer gribal enfeksiyonlar ile de karıştırılabiliniyor olabilir. Bunun üzerine korku ile acil sağlık servislerinde çokça yığılmalar gerçekleşti. Yaşlı bakım evlerinde yetersiz malzeme ve açlık başlamış. Yüzlerce hasta insanın zayıf bedenleri dayanamayarak ölmüş. Bu hastalıktan gençler de etkilendi. Özellikle sağlık sektöründe çalışan doktorlar, hemşireler, özverili görevliler ve hastalarla yakından ilgilenenler. Toplu taşıtlarla seyahattakiler. Bir ülkeden diğerine geçenler. Asya’dan, Avrupa’ya yayılımlar sürüyor. Soğuktan korunmak için kışları kullandığımız atkı, eldiven yerine yaz boyunca maske, korunaklı giysiler ve temizlik ile hastalığa karşı koyduk. Önlem üzerine önlem almak sürekli değiştirildi. Sosyal mesafe; kişiler arası mesafe, bir buçuk ya da iki metre. Toplu alanlardan uzakta kalmak gibi. Ayrı evlerdekiler aynı ortamda bulunmayarak sinema ve eğlence yerleri kapatılmasının akabinde barlar, kafeler, restoranlar ve marketler üç aylık dönemden geçişle, kapatılmış ortama güncelleme getirildi. Yeni düzenlemelerle aslında ekonominin canlanması, evden çalışamayanların işlerine dönmesi gibi, okulların açılması ile birlikte yeniden hayata umut bağlandı ki; yeni yasaklar geliyor.
ve trafikte sabır lazım. Bu zor günlerde her birimizin diğerine yardımcı olması beklenebilir. Komşumuz açken biz tok karınla yatamayız. Özellikle büyük şehirlerde, apartmanlara sıkışıp kalmış insanların psikolojileri bozulabiliyor. Amaç sağlıklı ve kaliteli yaşayabilmektir. Pozitif enerji, meditasyon ve iyi iletişimlerde bulunulmalıdır. Evlerimizde kapalı kalmak gerekiyorsa bu zamanı iyi değerlendirmeliyiz. Evimizin içinde değişiklik yapmak; yemek masası ile kanepenin yerini değiştirmek gibi.Yeni bir ortamdaymışız gibi ferahlık verebilir bize. Taze yemek pişirip tatlı, börek, çörek ve temizlik yapmak gibi. İşimize gelecek yeni bir alışkanlık edinmek, spor yapmak, kitap okumak olabilir. Koronavirüs aşısı bulunmuş, lakin henüz test aşamasındaymış diye biliyoruz. Mega zenginlerin parasını ödeyerek aldığı, hayatlarını uzatan ilâç yok. Sadece bulunduğumuz ortam, yiyip içtiklerimizle bağışıklık sistemimizi kuvvetli tutmak önemliymiş. Uzmanlar bol su içiniz, meyve ve sebze tüketiniz diyorlarsa doğrusu budur. Fakirler için yardım çantaları hazırlayan yerler vardır. İhtiyaç durumunda, yardım verebileceklerle almak zorunda kalanların haberi olsun.Resmi yetkililerin bilgilendirmelerine kulak vermeli ve uyum göstermeliyiz.
Siyasi liderler, bu günlerde yeni tedbirler öneriyor. Halklara tavsiye konusu merak ediliyor. Açıklamalara uyum göstermek hepimizin vazifeNEWS MAGAZINE sidir. Kendi sağlığımıza dikkat etmeli ve yanımızdakilere örnek olmalıyız. Alışveriş kuyruklarında
Sosyal Ağlardaki Gerçeklik Yanılgısı OSCAR KEEN
osyal ağlar bilişsel ayrımı artırır. Bilişsel ve sosyal izolasyona yol açarlar. Profilimizi oluşturduktan sonra, inançlarımızı doğrulayan ve fikirlerimizi belirten bilgilere büyük ölçüde maruz kalırız. Dünyaca ünlü araştırma şirketlerinin yaptıkları anketlere bakarak aşağıda sizlere bazı örnekler vermeye çalışacağım. Katıldığımız sosyal ağların ortalama 7 günde 1’inin bilişsel ayrışmayı artırdığını görüyoruz. Sosyal izolasyona yol açıyorlar. Profilimizi oluşturduktan sonra, inançlarımızı doğrulayan ve fikirlerimizi belirten bilgilere büyük ölçüde maruz kalırız. Sonuç olarak, bizimkinden farklı görüş ve bakış açılarına sahip olan herkeste güvensizlik artar. Biz ve arkadaşlarımız bilgi gettolarındayız denilebilir.
hizmet olarak sunulurlar. Çünkü onları üretenler, kullanmadan önce verdikleri kabul ile sorumluluk anlatısını biz kullanıcılara taşımak isterler. ‘Oscar ne kadar iyi ve neyi merak ediyor?’ Mesela…, uçağa bindiğimizde, uçağın inşa edilme şekline katılıyormuyuz? Otelde kaldığımızda, mevcut acil durum çıkışlarının sayısını kabul ediyormuyuz? Ona göre sosyal medya, reklamcıların ve sosyal mimarların yararına seçim ufkumuzu genişletmeyi değil, onu daraltmayı amaçlamakta görünüyor.
Sosyal ağ bir topluluksa, bu günümüzde giriş engeli olan kapalı bir ağdır. Bu mecralarda fikirlerimizin önemli ve değerli olduğuna ikna olabiliriz. Karşılaştığımız gönderiler ve fikirler, bizimkiyle uyumlu olacak şekilde algoritmalar tarafından yükseltilir. Peki neden? Bizim gibi düşünenlerin topluluğunda kendimizi iyi (entegre) hissetmek isteriz. Çünkü kendimizi rahat hissetmiyorsak ve kabul edilmiyorsak, uygulamayı kapatırız. Demek istediğim, hesabımızdan daha fazla para kazanılmıyor ve reklam yapılmıyorsa kimsenin işine yaramaz. Ve aynı zamanda farklı toplum kesimleri, inançlarından beslenerek mümkün olduğunca birbirlerinden uzaklaştırılır. Ve maalesef bazıları daha derin çukurlar kazar. Tehlikenin farkına varan ve orta yolu arayanlar her iki tarafça linç edilir. Sosyal medya ve medya platformlarında NEWS zaten MAGAZINE yeterli altyapı ve hizmet olmadığı herkesce bilinen bir gerçek. Başlangıçta bu imkanlar bize
dığı bilinmektedir. Orta Asya’da göçebe bir nsanlar eski çağlardan beri duygularını, hayat yaşayan Türkler, oturdukları çadırın düşüncelerini, inançlarını, günlük yaşantılarıniçini ve kullandıkları eşyaları süsleme gerekdaki bazı ayrıntıları mağaralara ve kaya üzerlesinimi duymuş böylelikle resim ve bezeme rine resmederek dile getirmişlerdir. Böylelikle sanatları ortaya çıkmıştır. Orta Asya’dan Anailk resim ve tasvir sanatının temelleri atılmış, dolu topraklarına uzanan bu zaman zarfında, her millet kendi fikirlerine, dini inanışlarına, geleneklerine, coğrafi şartlarına göre kendi gele- İslam’ın kabulü ile gelişen klasik sanatlar ve kalemişi sanatı; Büyük Selçuklu, Selçuklu, neksel sanatlarını oluşturmuştur. Birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmış, “Kültür Beşiği” olarak Beylikler Dönemi, Erken Osmanlı, Osmanlı adlandırılan Anadolu hem kendi yerel kültürünü İmparatorluğu, Klasik Dönem, Eklektik Dönem oluşturmuş hem de birçok medeniyetin sanatın- ve Cumhuriyet sonrasından bugüne kadar gelen dönem içinde değişim ve gelişimini dan sentezler yaparak farklı bir anlayış geliştirsürekli devam ettirmiştir. Fakat Türkler İslamiştir. Geliştirilen sanatlardan biri de “kalemişi” miyet’i seçtikten sonra tasvirden uzak duratekniğidir. Kalem gibi ince, hassas fırçalar kullanarak cami, saray, köşk, kasır, yalı gibi farklı rak daha çok bitkisel motiflere yönelmişler ve kendi ürettikleri stilize edilmiş desenleri türden yapıların iç ve dış duvarlarını, kubbelerikalemişinde de ustaca uygulamışlardır. Eski ni, tavanlarını, pencere etraflarını, mihraplarını Müslüman Türk devletleriyle başlayan, Selsüslemek amacıyla sıva, ahşap, taş, deri gibi farklı malzemeler üzerine ya renkli boyalar ya da çuklularla süregelen kalemişi tekniği Osmanlı Döneminde en üst seviyeye ulaşmıştır. XV. altın varaklarla yapılan süslemelere “kalemişi/ yüzyılın ortalarından başlayıp XVI. yüzyılın kalemkari”, bu sanatı uygulayan sanatkârlara NEWS MAGAZINE 40 sonuna kadar süren, Osmanlı İmparator“Kalemkâr” ya da “Nakkaş” denir. Bu tekniğin luğunun ekonomik, kültür ve sanat yönünkökenine bakıldığında Orta Asya’ya kadar uzan-
başlayıp XVI. yüzyılın sonuna kadar süren, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun ekonomik, kültür ve sanat yönünden zirveye ulaştığı devire, “Klâsik Dönem” denmektedir. Klâsik dönemde Osmanlıya ait rûmî, hatayî, penç, gonca, yaprak, bulut gibi klâsik motifler yer alırken, bu dönemden sonra XVIII. yüzyılda süsleme sanatımızı etkisi altına alan barok, rokoko, ampir gibi Batılı sanat üslûpları, kalemişi tezyînatımızda da yeni bir anlayışın ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Bu dönemde, klâsik motiflerin yerini “C” ve ” S” kıvrımları, Batılı motifler ve natüralist üslûpta çiçek bezemeleri almıştır. Tezhip, cilt, çini, ebru ve daha pek çok sanat dalında en iyi örneklerin verildiği klasik dönemde kalemişi bezemeleri de saray nakkaşhânesinin (atölye) kontrolünde yapılmış, renk, desen ve işçilik bakımından ileri seviyede eserler verilmiştir. Osmanlı sanatkârlar günümüze döneminin zevk ve estetik değerlerine uygun birçok miras bırakmışlardır. Bu miraslardan biri de Amasya’nın Taşova ilçesine bağlı Aşağı Özbaraklı Köyü’nde yer alan Özbaraklı Cami’dir. Yapı üzerinde inşa kitabesi olmamakla birlikte kalemişi süslemelerinden dolayı XIX. yüzyıla tarihlendirilmektedir. Cami mimari özelliğinden çok içindeki süslemelerle dikkati çekmektedir. Dikdörtgen plana sahip cami kubbe içinde, pencere etraflarında, duvar yüzeylerinde ve özellikle mihrabında olmak üzere dönem özelliklerini yansıtan vazodan çıkan çiçek demetler, çelenkler ve “S” ve “C” kıvrımlı hatlarla oluşturulmuş çok zengin kalemişi süslemelere sahiptir. Renk ve motif çeşitliliği bakımından özellikle de mihrabında kullanılan öğelerle Amasya camileri içinde çok önemli bir yere sahiptir. “Mihrap” cami, mescit gibi dini yapılarda namaz kılarken cemaatin önünde durduğu kısım, kıbleyi yani Mekke’yi gösteren
bölüm manasına gelmektedir. Mihrapta gri, kırmızı, mavi, lacivert, yeşil, turuncu, altın sarısı gibi birçok renk kullanılarak elde edilmiş çiçekler ve kıvrımlı süsleme öğeleri göze çarpmaktadır. Korint başlıklı antik sütunlar, S ve C kıvrımlı motifler, Osmanlı tuğrası, kartuş içindeki dua kitabesi ve niş içinde zincirle aşağı doğru sallanan, İlahi nuru simgeleyen kandil motifi mihrabın en dikkat çeken kısımlarıdır. Kandil motifi İslam sanatında sembolik bir anlam taşıdığından mihraplarda ve mezar taşlarında karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Cami kubbesindeki sütun motifleriyle dilimlenmiş bölümler içinde yer alan vazodan çıkan çiçekleriyle, madalyonlarıyla,, duvar yüzeylerinde ve özellikle de mihrabındaki detaylarından dolayı Amasya’da tek örnek olması bakımından büyük önem taşımaktadır.
Venüs’e Doğru Giderken DR. OSMAN KöMüRCü
ök bilimcileri tarafından keşfedilen Venüs gezegenindeki dünya dışı yaşam için olası ipuçları adına bazı gerçekleri dile getirmek isteyince kim ne demiş diye bir bakalım. Geçen haftalarda Avrupa ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nden bir gökbilimci ekibi, Venüs gezegeninin atmosferinde mikroplar tarafından salınabilen fosfin adı verilen bir gazın izlerini keşfetti. Keşif başlangıç niteliğinde olsa ve ek bir doğrulama süreci gerektirse bile, Venüs gezegeninin atmosferinde bir yaşam formunun varlığı, gözlemleri için en makul açıklama gibi görünüyor.
Sadece bu açıklama bile bir çok meraklı insanın dikkatlerini çekmeye fazlasıyla yetti bile. Şahsım olarak da aşırı ilgi ve alakamı celbeden dünya dışı yaşam formları vb konular olunca meseleyi daha fazla araştırma ihtiyacı duyuyorum. Tarihsel sürece bakacak olursak gördüğümüz kadarıyla Rusya Federasyonu döneminde bir çok deneme yapılarak bu gezegene ulaşılmaya çalışılsada ABD’nin Ay’daki başarısı kadar elle tutulur bir şey var diyemeyiz. Bu gezegenin bulutlarında yaşam olabileceğini ilk söyleyenlerden biri, 1967’de
Nature dergisinde ping-pong toplarına benzer büyüklükte varlıklar olduğunu iddia ettiği bir çalışma yayınlayan araştırmacı Carl Sagan’dı. El Pais, atmosferde yüzen, toksik gazlarda yaşamaya adapte olmuş bir denizanası türü diye yazıyordu o dönemlerde. Nature Astronomy dergisinde yayınlanan bir başka çalışmada Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Avrupa’dan bir gök bilimci ekibi, gezegenin atmosferinde fosforun kokuşmuş ve toksik bir türevi olan fosfin tespit ettiklerini açıkladı. Fosfin ayrıca, bazı göllerin dibi ve hayvanların bağırsakları da dahil olmak üzere oksijensiz ortamlarda yaşayan mikroplar tarafından üretilen varlık olarak Dünyamızda’da mevcuttur. Araştırmacılar, Venüs’te fosfin miktarının biyolojik olmayan yöntemlerle üretilebilecek miktardan 10.000 kat daha fazla olduğunu gösteriyor. Makalenin yazarları, fosfin üretebilen süreçlerin bir simülasyonunu yaptılar.
Keşif şu an için bilim camiası tarafından dikkatle ele alınmaktadır. Bilim adamlarına göre, tespit edilen fosfin seviyesinin gezegendeki mikropların varlığını değil, biyolojik bir belirteç olarak fosfinin kullanımıyla ilgili bir sorunu gösterdiğini söyledi. Biyolojik bir açıklama her zaman başvurulacak son şey olmalıdır ve Venüs üzerindeki bulutların öldüğüne, yaşam içermediğine inanmak için çokça nedenlerimiz var gibi. İçlerindeki sülfürik asit konsantrasyonu, Dünya’da bilinen her hangi bir habitattan çok daha fazladır. Dolayısıyla günümüz teknoloji imkanlarıyla varabileceğimiz bilgi şimdilik bu kadar olsa gerek. Gelecek ne gösterir bilemeyiz. Belki de Mars’a olan ilgim bir gün yönünü Venüs’e çevirebilir.
Bilim adamlarına göre, iki milyar yıldır Venüs gezegeni ılıman bir iklime sahipti ve yüzeyi bir okyanusla kaplıydı. Ancak bugün, karbondioksit gezegenin atmosferinde çok büyük miktarlarda bulunmaktadır. Ancak düşünebildiğimiz tüm jeolojik ve fotokimyasal yollar, gördüğümüz bu fosfin miktarını açıklamak için çok verimsiz olsa gerek. Fosfin şimdiye kadar bilinmeyen bir kaynaktan gelmiş olsa da, bilim adamlarının hesaplamaları, tespit edilen tüm miktarın volkanlar, şimşekler veya mikrometeoritler tarafından bol miktarda bulunma olasılığını NEWS MAGAZINE dışlıyor.
Ah Karalahana... Yeşilken adın neden kara! İ
kinci karalahana deneyişim. İlkini yıllar önce Istanbul’da denemiştim, sevmemiştim. Deri gibi sert bir bitki gelmişti. Ispanak varken, pazı varken, o kadar başka yeşillik varken bir daha karalahana yapmam demiştim. Bir keresinde de konuşmasıyla, edasıyla, safkan bir laz olan, alt katta oturan komşu karalahana sarması göndermişti. Aman Allah’ım o ne muhteşem lezzetti. Çok nefis yapmıştı o karadenizli abla. Yıllar geçti hala unutamadım. Bir aile saadetini tamamlayacak bir unsur demiştim bu lezzetli yemek. Ama sadece karadenizliler güzel yapar galiba demiştim...
tan sonra bir iki kaşık sirke kattım, bir de limon sıktım. Çok lezzetli bir karışım oldu...
Bizim eve karalahananın girdiğini hatırlamıyorum. Normal lahana da çok nadir girerdi ve sadece kışın sarması yapılırdı...
Arkadaş da hayran kaldı.
Bir tencerede de kara buğday ve karamercimek haşlamıştım. Onun içine de biraz karabiber biraz tuz biraz zeytinyağı ilave edince, pilavımsı bir yemek oldu. Karabuğday ve karalahanayı bir tabağa aldım. O da ne? Bu ikili birbirine çok uyan bir lezzet harmanı oluşturdu. Süper sağlıklı, süper lezzetli! Biber acısı, sarmısak aroması, limon ekşisi ve karalahananın kendisine has tadı ve kokusu... İştah açıcı kıvamda bir lezzet harmanı...
Arkadaşa, bütün lahanaları bana bırak, bir yere götürmüyorsan dedim ve hepsini aldım... Yok, alabilirsin dedi ama sanki akşam davetli olduğu yere hediye götürüyordu. Hiç affetmedim. Hepsini aldım. Sadece Liverpool yazan çantayı geri iade ettim. Bir daha ki sefere de bu tarafa yolun düşerse karalahanasız gelme diye tembihledim...
Cuma günü, bir arkadaşla bir dil projesi için hazırladığım aktivitelerin parasını almam için bir sözleşmeye imza atmam gerekiyormuş. Arabasıyla götürdü. Baktım arabasında bir çanta dolusu karalahana.... İstersen alabilirsin dedi. Kendisi bahçesinde yetiştiriyormuş. Evinde çokmuş. Ben de ne yapılır bilmiyorum ama sana bir yemek uydurabilirim İnternetten araştırınca bu mutfağa sokmadığımız dedim.... karalahana’nın aslında mutfakta baş köşeye geçmesi gereken bir nimet olduğunu okudum. O kadar Sözleşmeyi imzaladıktan sonra eve geldik. çok faydası varmış ki... Inanasım gelmedi. Herşey için şekere, kolesterole... faydası var diye satıyorlar. Karalahanaları iyicie yıkayıp, saplarını ayırıp tenIngilizce sitelerden de kontrol ettim gerçekten bu cerenin altına dizdim. Yaprakları da kesmeden bu kadar faydalı mı diye... Aynı mucizevi faydaları İnsapların üstüne yerleştirdim. Üstünü örtecek kadar gilizce siteler de söylüyordu. Ne mucizevi şifalı bir su koyup hafif haşladım. Ablam hep öyle derdi: çok nimet mişin ey şifa deposu karalahana. Zannederhaşlama, yosun gibi olmasın! Yapraklı sebzeler hep sem arkadaşımın karalahanaları benim elimden azıcık diri kalsın derdi. kurtulamayacak bundan sonra. Zeytinyağında iri bir soğanı biraz kızarttıktan sonra, Kara lahananın faydaları öğrendiğim kadarıyla: kocaman bir kırmızı biberi de ince ince doğrayıp neredeyse kızarmış soğanın içine attım. Bunlar kıTüm süper sağlıklı yeşilliklerin arasında karalahazarmaya yakın içine biraz da biber-domates salçası na kraldır. Var olan en sağlıklı ve en besleyici bitki kattım. Bu karışıma, haşlayıp suyunu süzdüğüm besinlerinden biridir. Turpgiller ailesine ait olan ve karalahanaların önce sap tarafını doğrayıp kattım, çorbası, yemeği, salatası, dolması yapılan bu iri ve NEWS MAGAZINE 44 sonra da yapraklarını. İki üç diş de sarmısağı iyice kalın yapraklı sebzenin sağlık açısından faydaları doğrayıp ilave ettikten sonra bir tavada iyice altını saymakla bitmez. üstüne döndere döndere karıştırdım. İyice karıştık-
‘ 2 0- ’2 1 Sonba ha r K ış Mod a sı Ta k ım e lbis el eri n formu bu se ne d e ğiş ti . Pantolon ve ce ke tle re fa rk lı forml ar veri l erek vitr inle rd e k i yerl eri ni al dı l ar.
S lip b edene yapı şan el b i sel er se zon şı kl ı ğ ı nı za şı kl ı k katarak d ave tl erde çeşi tl i aksesuarl arl a k ullanarak en çok terci h edi l en ki yafet ol acak.
Her sezon ol duğ u g i b i b u se zo nda renkl eri g örmekteyi z. Nude re n kl e r sonb aharı n hab erci si ol sada cı vı l c ı vı l renk tonl arı soğ uk haval a rda i çi mi zi ı sı tacak.
Balon kol l ar, model l i e te k ler, deri ceketl er, püskül detayl ar ve tab i ki yapay kürkl er cok moda.
K a d ın l arı n şı kl ı ğ ı na zerafet k ata n çantal ar b u sezonda yi ne p üsk ül l er, kapi tonel er, b üyük zincir detayl arı , kürkl ü ve çe ş i tl eri ni g öreceğ i z.
Hülya Habbabe iki farkli romanıyla adını duyuran başarılı ve kalemi güçlü bir yazardır. Hayal gücünü kitaplarına aktarırken edebiyat tarihinde en iyi kadın yazar olma yolunda adımını 2017 yılında ilk kitabı olan Pardon Cennet Ne Tarafta ile atmıştır. Hemen ardından 2018 yılında ikinci romanı, büyük ses getiren ve ismiyle gündem olan İkinci El Kadın kitabını çıkartmış. Okurlarına çok yakında üçüncü romanın çıkacağı müjdesini veren yazar, Sokaklar Çocuk Doğurmaz proje kitabında, ayrıca hem bir yazarın çıkarttığı Onbeşlikler kitabında yer almıştır. “Yazmak bir yetenektir” diyen Hülya Habbabe, kitapları ve sözleriyle bunu kanıtlıyor.
Eserinizi yazmaya başlama- Bir yazar olarak, maskotunuz dan önce ne kadar araştırma (avatarınız, ruh hayvanınız) yapıyorsunuz? için neyi seçerdiniz? Benim için ilk etapta yazılacak konu önemli, araştırmalarımı da buna göre yaparım. Zaten kitabın konusu anlatılmak istenilenler neyse içeriği belirler öyle bende ona göre araştırmalar yaparım. Okuyucularında bilmesi gereken en önemli detayları en doğru şeklide kitapta gerekli yerlere yazmak önemli. Okuyucu bilgili bilinçli ne yapması gerektiğini bilen yazarları seviyor. Yani araştırmak için kitapta ele alınan konu esastır.
Bir yazar olarak keskin fikirlerim olduğu için her şeyi sevmiyorum sanırım karakter yapımda ki mükemmeliyetçilik gerek düzen, doğruluk, sadakat, güven, güç ve başarı dersek aslan ve atı seçerdim. Okuyucularınızdan geri dönüş alıyor musunuz, ne tür şeyler söylüyorlar? 2017 de ‘’PARDON CENNET NE TARAFTA’’ ilk kitabım çıktı, oldukça güzel tepkiler NEWS MAGAZINE 46 aldım. Ama 2018 yılında çıkan ikinci romanım ‘’İKİN-
Cİ EL KADIN’’ ismi itibariyle çok fazla dikkat çekti. Ancak okuyucular okudukça ön yargıları da yıkıldı ve ağır tepkiler taktirlere döndü. Yorumlar eleştiriler iyi ve ya kötü de olsa buda bir yazar için çok güzel. Okuyucularımdan genellikle kalemimin güçlü oluşu, anlatım tarzımın güzel oluşu, ele aldığım konuların farklılığı en önemlisi kitap isimlerinin müthiş olduğu yönünde birde en çok neden kitaptaki karakterlerin isimlerinin Türkçe isimlerden olmadığı yönünde yorumlar alıyorum. Maalesef ben hiç Türkçe televizyon izlemediğim için müzik dinlemediğim için
yazamıyorum sanırım bu da alışmamış olmamdan geliyor. Kitaplarınızı oluştururken öğrendiğiniz şaşırtıcı şeyler oldumu? ‘’Hadi canım bu olamaz.’’ ‘’Böyle bir şey var mı?’’ dediğim oluyor. Çünkü her kitapta yeni bilgiler öğrendikçe şaşırdığım konular var. Yazmadığınız zamanlarda ne yapmaktan hoşlanırsınız? Benim dünyamda zaman dilimin ikiye ayrılır. Biri yazmak diğeri düşünmek bunun dışında zaman olursa kendimi ödüllendirmek adına yakın dostlarımla buluşup kahve içmeyi konuşmayı çok severim ayrıca yalnız kalmayı çok severim aslında kalabalıkta bile yalnız biriyimdir. Aklımda hep düşünceler vardır. Küçük odamda hep bir okuma kendini yenile adına öğrenme eksik yanlarımı tamamlamayla uğraşırım. Sizce iyi yazabilmenin en önemli unsurları (gereksinimleri) nelerdir?
Tabi ki amaç bu zaten doğru yazarların çoğalmasıdır. Yazarlar aydın kesiminde yer alır. Keşke herkes yazabilse, okuyabilse! Yeni yazarlar için daima dediğim kimseye aldırmadan yazmaları, duygularını aktarırken kendileri olması en önemlisi hayal gücüne sahip olması. Çünkü insanlar daima engel çıkarır. Yazmak cesaret ister yılmadan yazsınlar. Bilmek için sorulan soruları zevkle anlatıp aydınlatmayı severim. Karakterlerinizin isimlerini nasıl seçiyorsunuz? Karakterlerimi tabiri caizse önce beynimde giydiriyorum sonra ruhlarında ki kişiliklerine göre isimlendiriyorum bu konuda dikkatli biriyim.
şeyi anlatırken bile arada ki perdeyi korumalı bu olayı yazmakta beni zorlamıştı ama üstesinde geldiğimi düşünüyorum. Sizce iyi yazabilmenin en önemli unsurları (gereksinimleri) nelerdir? İyi yazmak değil de aslında olay insanların beyninde ki açlığı merakı doyurmak diyebiliriz. Eğer bunu başarırsanız zaten iyi yazmışsınızdır. Okuyucu bilmek tanımak gerek çünkü karşınızda ne düşündüğünü bilmediğiniz insanların sizin hakkınızda neler düşündüğünü de bilemezsiniz o yüzden yazmak aslında okuyucu kitlesini oluşturduğunuzda sizi iyi bir yazar yapıyor.
Aynı ortamda geçen bir kitaYazması en zor olan sahne- bı yazarken bir yıl boyunca niz neydi ve neden? dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde yaşama fırsatınız olsaydı, İkinci el kadın romanında nereyi seçerdiniz? ki Grace ruh hastası Morgan tarafında tecavüze uğrama Ben eski beyinli biriyim sahnesiydi. Çünkü bunu sanırım kendimi bildim biyaparken bile doğru yazmak leli yabancı filmleri izledim. gerekiyordu. Okuyucu her Bir Zeyna, bir Herkül geçmiş şeye açıktır ancak yazar her kokan yüzyıllardan kalan her şey bana ilham veriyor. Dünyanın her yeri keza Türküye de köklü geçmişe sahip bir hazinedir. Sanırım ben her yerde olup her kültürden insanları tanıyıp, oradaki renkleri güzellikleri kaleme almayı isterdim. Kitaplarınızdaki en favori karakteriniz kim?
Her kitabımda kendimden verdiğim karakterler çok hoşuma gidiyor. Galiba bunu bir anneye sorsanız hangi çocuğunuzu daha çok seviyorsunuz olsa eminim ‘’Evlat ayrılır mı, hepsini’’ der. Sanırım bende tüm karakterleri seviyorum ama
bunu okuyuculara sorsak çok değişik cevaplar alacağımıza eminim. Hikayeleriniz için nereden ilham alıyorsunuz? Hayatta her şeyden kendimden en önemlisi hayal gücümden. Kitabınız bir filme dönüştürülecek olsa, başrol oynamasını isteyeceğiniz ünlüler kimlerdir? Sanırım bu çok zor bir soru ben herkesin oynamasını istemezdim o kadar dikkatli seçiyorum ki yani bu sokakta hoşuma giden bir gençte olurdu. Ya da çok ünlü biri de yine ifade edecek olursam. Kitapta ki konuyu esas alarak seçerdim. Ama yine de kolay kolay seçemezdim. Suan okuyucularınızla paylaşmak istediğiniz herhangi bir şey üzerinde çalışıyor musunuz?
bitirince neler düşünmelerini ve histemelerini hedefliyorsunuz?
görev var ama ailelerin ve öğretmenlerinde küçük yaşta okumayı sevdirmeleri belirli projelerle okumayı aşılamak mümkün yanı kitap okumaya küçük yaşta başlanmalı! Benim fikrim bu yönde.
Evet, okuyucularımın heyeÖncelikle kitaptan etkilencanla bekledikleri 3. kitabım melerini isterim. Ardından olan ‘’GÖLGENİN GÖZLERİ’’ kitabın niçin yazıldığı ne var şuan aşamasındayız ve anlattığını burada anlatılançok yakında okuyuculara lardan ne gibi ders almalarını Bir yazar olarak dogu ve bati merhaba diyecek. Ama şunu ayrıca düşünmeye sevk etkulturleri karsilasirsaniz demeliyim gerçekten çok mesini isterim. en cok dikkat ceken edebi güzel bir konusu var. farklar nelerdir sizce? Sizce insanların, özellikle En sevdiğiniz yazar kimdir gençlerin daha çok kitap Ben yazar aşığı olduğum için ve neden? okumaları için neler yapılbana göre gerek doğunun malı? gerek batını gerçekten çok Bence kitap başlı başına güzel edebi farkları var. Ama emektir. Tabi ki beğendiğim Günümüzde eskiye oranla kendi fikrimi demem geyazarlar var ama bura da bir çok fazla yazar var. Haliyle rekirse hayal gücü anlatım ya da birkaç isim vermem insanlarında okuyacakları tarzları olarak büyük ölçüde binlerce yazarı üzebilir. Bunu kitap türleri de fazlalaşıyor. farklar var. Bu nu okudukbir okuyucu olarak değil de Ama güzel konularla kitap ça birbirinden ayırt etmek hem okuyan hem de yazan okumayı sevdirebiliriz. İnmümkün. biri olarak ifade edebilirim. Çünkü her yazar iyi bir yazar sanların duygularından tutup onların ruhlarına dokunmayı Online kitap satış noktalari: Amaolarak konuşulmayı ister. başarırsa yazar, yaş sınırı ne zon, Kitap Yurdu, Idefix, Kidega, NEWS MAGAZINE 48 D&R Okuyucularınız kitaplarınızı olursa olsun okumayı sevdirebilir. Burada yazara düşen Instagram: @hulyahabbabee
Ince Bir Ses İnce bir ses mi gönlümdeki yankı? Yüreğimdeki huzur, kafamdaki kaygı Allah’ın verdiği aklımdaki, Darwin İnsanlığınız, maymunun gördüğü ön yargı
Kaderimdeki, huysuz bir ahtapot Kolları beni saran, boş bir tabut Yeni bir yol çizen bana, Edmund Spekülasyonlarınız, asıl çaput
Anlamı yoktu cevaplarının, Milena Senden çok, hasretini sevdi Kafka Sözlerin sahibi mi söylediğin, Derrida? Mevcut aşkınız, dönmediyse soruna
Doyduğum senin imtihanın, sevgili İdeallik sınırından taşmadın, el gibi! Kanayan aklına mantık dedi, Mill Duyguların esir altında, değil miydi?
şiiR L E R
Al l a h’a Eme nat Zamanım doldu, gitme vaktim. Ben, bu anı beklemekle yaşadım. Inanç, itikatle çalıştım. Dűnya gőzűmden dűşműş. Allah’a emanat. Dűnya’ya ait, neyim varsa bırakıyorum. Kanım çekildi, içim kurudu. Bir nefes gibi sıhhatim gitmiş. Gőzlerimde nefer kalmamış. Allah’a yűrűyorum, Allah kapısındayım. Hiç bekletilmeden içeriye geçiyorum. Bu ne huzur, ilk defa sahibime kavuştum. Sizler! Dűnya telâşindekiler, korkun. Doğruluktan şaşmayın. Kiminize hoşçakal diyebilecek, sűre bile verilmemiş. Allah-hu Ekber, selâ okunmuş. Allah-hu Ekber, ezan sesi duyuldu. Beşinci vakittesiniz. Bir kova su, beş metrelik kumaş. Boyumca, gőğűs hizamda toprak. Beni koyun da gidin artık. Ağlamayın, ne bu yas? Bir asırlık esirlikten, berrat ettim. Ebediyete uğurlanmışım. Besmele ile şaadet getirdim. Bu ne ikram, anlatamam. Hayat istasyonundan gőçtűm. Dűnya denen karton kutudaymışım. Şimdi, sonsuzluğa karışmışım. Sizlere teselli armağanı, ‘para’ Haydi menkullerinden yararlan. Oyna durma.
Eylül’e Veda Eylül savruluyor şimdi her yandan Hey yandan sabah akşam... Ne varsa yazdan kalan Ne varsa haşır neşir Salkım söğütlerin Narin yaprakları gibi serin Eylül savruluyor şimdi her yandan Duman duman sarı Duman duman bir hüzün melodisi Eylül sarı benizli bir güz güneşi Bir güz rüzgârı yapraklara Dallara hüzün salan Bilinmez bir ülkeye göçün hazin telaşı Bir göç mevsimi, veda zamanı eylül Bir hüzün melodisi Çalınır keman keman Ah geçen yazlar Geçen bütün yazlar Nereye kayboldular Ah geçip giden yazlar Ah geçip giden zaman Akıp kaybolan suya Düşen yapraklar gibi Ah geçip giden yazlar
Unutulmuşluğun sessizliğine gömülü Hazlara artık veda mevsim artık sonbahar Bir acı zevk-i-tahattur kalan geçip giden yazlardan Şimdi melal denizlerin ıssız sahillerinde Kederler içinde silinen izler gibi Geçip giden yazlar hep Artık mevsim güz, sararan yaprak yaprak Mevsim hatırlama mevsimi Geçen sonbaharları Bizler birkaç ihtiyar Yazlarına doymamış İhtiyarlamadan savrulan oraya buraya Yarım kalmış aşklarla Savrulan sevdalarla Bir kırık ayna misali Kırılmış dökülmüş paramparça Eylül sonu yaprakları gibi hazin Alevli rüzgârın önünde Bir hatıradır artık geçip giden yaz, Eski hazları arar gönül...
Gönül yazlara sevdalı işte Geçip giden yazlara Günler kısaldı yine, yine mevsim sonbahar Bir lamba hüznüyle ufukta solgun güneş Savruluyor gül gibi gazel makamında hep Savuruluyor serin bir eylül hasta dallar arasından
Her yerden Eylül damla damla yağıyor Sabah akşam akşam sabah Savrulan yaprak yaprak sarı benizli rüzgar Artık mevsim sonbahar, Sonbahar Sonbahar gitmeler mevsimidir Uçup, göçüp, gitmek, ve geri dönmemek.... Ah geri dönmemek… Güz elveda mevsimidir
Sen geçen yazın peşinde şen güneşli günlerin Doymamışsın bes belli ilk yaz hazlarına hiç Geçen yaz artık hazin bir hatıra ah yaz ki.. Ah yazlar ki kuytu derin bir hatıralar ormanı
Hüzün çağlayanı içinde bir sessizlikte Sonu yok bekleyişlerle süzgün Göl saatlerinde akşam vaktinin Melal üflerken Eylül... Melale en aşina ben!
Crispy Chicken (1 kişilik) Malzemeler • Piliç bonfile =180 gr • Mantar = 20gr • Capya =20 gr • Çarliston = 20 gr • Kalifornya biber = 20 gr • Ispanak = 20 gr • Sarımsak =1 diş • Soğan =20 gr • Beyaz biber =0,05 gr • Kekik = 0,05 gr • Sebze çeşni = 0,05 gr • Tuz = 0, 05 gr • Kaşar = 10 gr • Chedar = 10 gr • Yumurta = 2 adet • Beyaz ekmek • Chips • Konfileks
Yapılışı tüm Malzemeler julyen doğranır ve sotelenir. İçine kaşar ve Chedar peynir rendelenir. Sotelenen malzemelerin içine ilave edilir. Piliç bonfile yaprak şeklinde açılır. Tuz biber zeytinyağı ile Marine edilir. Yapılan sebze harcı tavuğun ortasına 2 konur ve sarılır. (yanlar içe katlanır malzeme dışarı çıkmaması için) Bayat ekmek, cihips, confleks rondoda çekilir. 2 yumurta 10 gr süt koyulur ve çırpılır. Tavuk önce una sonra yumurtaya sonra (chips bayat ekmek) karışımın bastırılır ve panelenir. Orta ısıda 10-15 dk yağda kızartılır. Ve verev şeklinde kesilir.
Kuzu Gerdan Tandır İç Anadolu, Doğu Anadolu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu yöresine ait olan ve diğer adıyla Isparta fırın kebabı olarakta anılan bir çeşit et yemeğidir. Evliya Çelebi, seyahatnamesinde tandır kebabının özellikle Güneydoğu kentlerinde çok sevilen bir yemek olduğundan bile bahsedilmiştir. Türk mutfağının en sevilen ve saraylara dayanan, padişahların, sultanların, önemli ve özel günlerde sofraların baş tacı olan kuzu tandır, kuzu kol, kuzu gerdan, kuzu but gibi kuzunun çeşitli bölgelerinden yapılır. 100 gr kuzu tandır 220 kalori içermektedir.
Malzemeler: •1 Bütün Kuzu Gerdan •4 Adet Orta Boy Soğan veya 1012 Adet Arpacık Soğan •8-10 Diş Sarımsak •3 Adet Havuç
•1 Tatlı Kaşığı Kuru Kekik
Kuzu gerdanın üzerine çizikler atın ve tuz ile kuru •8-10 Dal Taze Kekik kekikle 2-3 dakika ovun . Havuçları irice doğrayın, soğanları 4 veya 6’ya bölün. Sarımsakları bıçak •3 Dal Defne Yaprağı yardımıyla hafifçe ezin bütün olarak kalmasına dikkat •½ Çay Bardağı Ayçiçek Yağı edin, soğanları, havuçları ve sarımsakları tencereye ekleyin 2-3 dakika kavurun. Büyük bir tepsiye bor•½ Çay Bardağı Zeytinyağı cam veya döküm kabın tabanına sebzeleri yerleştirin. Kuzu gerdanı sebzelerin üzerine oturtup, defne yaprağı, •Kaya Tuzu tuz ve karabiber serpiştirin, zeytinyağını gezdirin ve •1 Tatlı Kaşığı Karabiber suyunu ekleyin, daha sonra üzerini alüminyum folyo ile kapatın. Daha önceden ısıtılmış 200 dereceki fırına •1 Çay Bardağı Et Suyu veya Norhazırlanan kuzu gerdanı fırının tabanına gelecek şekilmal Su de yerleştirin ve yaklaşık 4-4,5 saat pişirmeye bırakın. NEWS MAGAZINE
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