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Reasons to Celebrate
The Hanover Theatre turns 10 On March 14, 2018, ten years to the day that The Hanover Theatre held its grand opening, the staff, board members and volunteers gathered at Mechanics Hall to raise a toast and celebrate a decade of cultural transformation in downtown Worcester. Chair of the Board, Dr. Marianne Felice, recognized the vision of the theatre’s founders, Ed Madaus and Paul Demoga, and led the group in singing “Happy Birthday” to the theatre. Attendees had the opportunity to share their stories of The Hanover Theatre which were captured on video to be used as part of the theatre’s yearlong “Share Your Story” initiative.
We thank the staff of Mechanics Hall for opening up their doors to allow our staff to step away from the workplace and celebrate this momentous occasion in another fabulous historic venue.
Happy Birthday Don! Don Phipps, founder and curator of The Hanover Theatre’s Mighty Wurlitzer Organ, threw himself an 85th birthday party to raise funds to support the long-term maintenance of the Wurlitzer and pass the curatorial reins to his longtime friend and organ team member, Bruce Hager. The event included a wonderful concert that combined the talents of organist Dave Wickstrom and members of the White Heat Band. Don also recognized the service and talents of Len Beyersdorfer as the theatre’s resident organist, the love and support of his wife, Polly Phipps, and the devotion of his brother, John Phipps. A plaque officially naming the instrument “The Donald Phipps Mighty Wurlitzer Organ” now resides on the stage wall in recognition of all of Don’s contributions.
Robert Breault The Hanover Theatre’s Honorary Concierge
This one-time award expresses the theatre’s grateful appreciation to Robert Breault, for creating the standard for all future concierges through his outstanding passion, devotion and customer service.
Robert’s loyal dedication, unwavering commitment and outstanding support of The Hanover Theatre’s mission, vision and values are exemplified by over ten years and nearly 4,000 hours of volunteer service. His attention to detail and exemplary skills have helped The Hanover Theatre become one of the finest performing arts centers in New England.
Bernie Kobel The John S. DiBenedetto Award of Excellence
The John S. DiBenedetto Award of Excellence recognizes the hard work and dedication of Bernie Kobel. He displays a great love for the theatre and a passion for its success much like the late general manager of the former Loew’s Poli Palace for 30 years, “Johnny Dee.”
During his ten years and over 5,000 hours of volunteer service, Bernie created a lasting impression on over 1,900,000 people as they’ve walked through our doors. His kindness inspires every employee who knows him, every volunteer he worked with and every patron he greeted along the way.